Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Jul 10, 2011


I was asked to come back and pose for drawing classes again in the spring and was happy to do it. And no, Tim didn't take the class. After one of the classes, I went back into the professor's office, changed back into my clothes and started to leave. A girl from the class came up to me and offered to pay me to strip down to a Speedo or some sexy underwear for a birthday party she was responsible for planning at her soroity. I must have stood there stunned for a few seconds, then realized she was actually serious. Like strip in front of a group to entertain them? Really? This was a fantasy I had lived out over and over again in my mind and the opportunity had actually come up. She gave me her number and asked me to get back to her. I was pretty excited to tell Tim about it later. Kinda funny actually, there wasn't anyone else I really could tell. I had kept the art class thing secret, but figured sooner or later it would get out. The cafeteria we ate at served a pretty large number of students, so there was a reasonable chance that someone who ate there was in one of those classes. Still, I wanted to wait until I was "outed" on that and just play it down.

Nothing was going to stop me from doing the the strip gig at the soroity house, but I was nervous as hell. I called her and told her I'd do it. I figured I'd been needing to dance around a little to some music or something and I wanted to know how long I should plan on and about how many girls would be there. She said there would probably be around 20-25 there and suggested I show up in some business casual attire and gradually strip down to a Speedo or some skimpy underwear then get in front of the girl the party was for and hug her, rub up against her, put her hand on my chest, etc. for a little bit that would be great. I wasn't much of a dancer but Tim helped me try to figure out some "moves" which looked hot. When Rob was gone I would try to figure out some timing that would work with the music to the moves I would do and try to make it look like I knew what I was doing, even though I was pretty clueless.

The big night rolled around I about a week and a half later. I had gone to a local department store to buy a pair of really hot, low rise bikini underwear to strip down to. The Speedo just didn't seem quiet right. Tim agreed with me, the underwear would be hotter. I put some shorts on over the bikini briefs and some dockers and belt over them. I wore a really tight undershirt and a button up shirt over that. I wore loafers and socks, figuring as the pants started to come off I didn't want anything on my feet. Tim walked across campus with me to the soroity house and then went to a pizza place where I'd meet him afterwards. I wish he could have come inside to watch.

I got to the front door of the house and paused. Wow, this was really happening. Somewhere around five years or so ago I would practice this very thing in my mom's living room. Back then I knew what a stripper was and did, but no clue why - it was just something which happened and for some reason they did it. Now I was going to do it. It wasn't the same as with the art class. That was an "art" thing. This was going to be a "sex" thing. I was actually going to go in there and entertain these girls with my body. I had no idea what to expect. Would they even like me? Would they just stand around and watch, or sort of get into it? I didn't know and I was for certain nervous about it. No doubt at least a few of these girls I would see in a class or on campus somewhere. I don't know that I would recognize them, but would always suspect they might recognize me. Somehow the thought that one of them would lean over to a friend and say "that guy stripped at a party I was at" totally turned me on.

The girl who set up the gig met me at the door. I gave her a CD mix I had made and she led me to where the party was going on. This was a "girls only" deal. I would be the only guy there and they had been drinking for a couple hours and doing whatever it was they do there without their boyfriends or other guys around. Although this was a surprise for the girl whose birthday it was, she told me everyone else knew I was coming and excited for it. I waited outside the room they were all in. She went in and turned off the music. "Jessica (not sure that was really the birthday girl's name), we have a surprise for you". Then she started my music. I took a deep breath and started into the room.

It was a pretty big room. The girls quickly spread out into a circle with an opening to let me in the middle. As I started gyrating around they started clapping with the beat. I struggled with focusing on what I was doing and being aware of what I was doing. The rush of it all was filling me in a big way and I tried to get the thought out of my head that I was going to be almost naked soon in front of this group. "Just enjoy this", I kept telling myself. After I think a couple on minutes I was able to let go and get into the "zone". I didn't hit my cues exactly on taking off my clothes, but tried to get the girls to help with that little by little and of course nobody knew I had planned it out a little differently. The moves which Tim helped me come up with I felt worked well and in not too long I ripped off the tight undershirt, leaving just the shorts on.

I went over to Jessica and got right in front of her. I put my arms around here and did a little grind up against here. I took her hand and put in on my chest. Then I put my arms above my head and danced around in front of her while she moved her hand around my chest and down to my abs. The other girls were all cheering and calling her name like "oooh...Jessica, right on" and stuff like that. I sat her down in a chair and turned my butt to here and shook it a bit, then slowly pulled off the shorts. I crouched down and I was hard. So hard I knew as I reached down to pull of the shorts my cock has risen from it's more "tucked in" position to a little higher up in the bikni briefs. I stood up fully and knew I was sporting some serious wood. I turned back around to face Jessica, my semi hard cock pretty much at breast level and danced around a little more. Part of me was hoping she would pull the bikini off so I could just be naked, but she didn't. She did stare at my buldge for a bit as it was not far from her face. The music ended and the girls applauded. I took a couple steps back, helped Jessica up, gave her a big hug and kiss and wished her happy birthday. She grabbed my ass and thanked me.

I gathered up my clothes, hugged a few of the others and got grabbed a little bit as I left the room. I got dressed, was paid and I left. It had been absolutely awesome! My adreneline was pumping and I was still on the high which started after I got into the zone just after I started dancing. I was also so charged with sexual energy. I probably could have gone back to the soroity house and gotten some relief with one or two of the girls there, but Tim was waiting for me and I knew he wouldn't have any issues "helping me with that" later on. We went back to his place and I repeated a lot of the moves there, though without the music, clapping and crowd of girls. He was just as eager to watch as any of them were and where Jessica just sat in the chair looking at me in my underwear, Tim pulled them off and took my cock into his mouth. He sat there in his desk chair and not long after he took my cock into his mouth I started blowing my load. Tim took the first shot in his mouth. It caught him a little by surprise that I came so fast. He wasn't quite prepared and pushed my hips back. Bad move on his part, the next couple waves nailed him square in the face and splattered off. I bet those girls never imagined I would be getting sucked off by another hot guy within an hour of stripping for them. I took care of Tim a few minutes after that.

Next: Chapter 8

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