Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Jul 8, 2011


Somehow I think there are several readers out there who haven't said "hi". Come on guys - let me know you're reading this and what you think of it.

  • Brant

Chapter Six

When I got back to school my new roommate had already moved him. We exchanged a couple emails over the summer, but he was off doing stuff with his family all summer long and we never really traded much information. Rob was all fired up to begin college, eager to do really well in his classes and pretty intense. Other than him being so high energy and me being pretty laid back, I felt pretty good about him as a roommate. I needed to focus harder on school this year and having someone to push me a little with good habits would be a positive thing. He had already met most of the guys on the floor that I knew and I introduced him to the ones who he hadn't met yet. For the days leading up to the start of classes we ate meals together and talked about classes and high school.

Tim was living in a different building, but in the same complex. I wouldn't run into coming and going as much as last year, but we'd be eating in the same cafeteria. He was high on my list to go visit after I showed back up. His door was open when I got there. I knocked and held up my middle finger. I'm sure he smirked and said something like, "Sure, whenever you want." He was hungry and we went out for a bite. We caught up on the rest of the summer after I left his place, his new floor in the dorm, my roommate, etc. and made plans for getting back into the workout routine. We also agreed we should hook up again soon for some fun. Neither one of us were comfortable with people knowing or suspecting the sexual part of our friendship and we'd not have the luxury of Bryan's old room so whatever we did in Tim's room, we'd have to be quiet. I forget if it was the first weekend or the second one after classes started, but one Friday night after a swim we went back to his place. The floor was pretty much deserted and it was safe to play around again. We were still the only guy each other had been with and Tim was dying to feel a cock in his ass again and who was I to disappoint him? I fucked him twice in a row, just like that first time. I do have to say his strong desire to feel that again peaked my interest in wanting to try it.

The semester got underway and I buckled down and worked harder at classwork than I did the year before. Rob was a good influence on me in that way. He drive was contagious. As a whole the first semester went by pretty fast. It didn't have all the excitement and new things that my freshman year brought. Tim and I worked out all semester long both in the pool and the weightroom. We hooked up from time to time but mostly I studied my tail off and did really well with grades.

[A bit of a side note - I mentioned back in Chapter One that this story is really about feelings and desires and how I acted on them. I've shared thoughout the story thus far all the times I felt the rush of "showing off" - standing naked on my father's deck, the "back-and-forth" around my mom's house, wearing a Speedo around the university pool and wanted to be seen, jerking off in front of Tim and letting Tim take pictures of me at the family cabin hot tub (might have missed a few in the list). I want to say the I am not what some people may think of as an exhibitionist. I probably fit the definition to a 'T', but I think of exhibitionists as people who will expose themselves in front of the unsuspecting, forcing themselves on them. I am not interested in doing that, though I have at times already in this story sort of done that, though not intentionally. I want to show off, but for people who want to see what I have to show. It's a turn on, for me to be "the turn on", if that makes sense.]

Although my sophomore year to this point may have been boring by comparison, there was a single event which occurred in the fall, which was the first springboard towards multiple opportunities I have had to show myself off. Tim still enjoyed looking at me and knew maybe even better than I did how much I wanted to show myself off. If it was semi-erotic and invovled my body on display, Tim knew I'd like it and would be happy to watch me. He'd suggest workout gear to wear to the gym - cutting the sides of of shirts, or the "just right tightness" of shorts to wear. Tim one day he found something in the student paper want ads: a professor in the fine arts department was looking for students to be nude models for drawing classes. "Dude, check this out. You should so do this." and showed me the paper. Now although it was an idea which totally turned me on, I really hadn't been naked before "on display" for the purpose of being naked. Well, I had for Tim, but that was different. This would not be a sexual thing, but that really didn't matter. It was an opportunity to share my body, without forcing myself on people.

I called the professor and went in to talk with him. It was all very simple. They needed a male to model nude for five or six different classes for a little over an hour each time. The job was to strike different poses for varying lengths of time. I don't remember the exact time frames, but the students would draw a few different poses in 60 seconds, then a few for 2 or 5 minutes and a couple in 10 or 15 minutes (something like that). I should try to vary the poses as differently as possible so no two poses should be the same. The professor would tell all of us before a pose how long I should hold it before they started. I could sit on a stool, stand, bend over, reach for the ceiling, whatever I wanted, just so long as I stayed as still as possible while they were drawing. They actually paid pretty well for this too and I would have done it for free. I had a couple conflicts with other classes so couldn't do all the classes they wanted me to, but did all I could.

It was fun! I showed up at the beginning of the class while the students were getting their stuff ready to go. The professor let me use his office to change into a bathrobe and then I went into the classroom. There were anywhere from 15-20 students in a circle and a platform which was one or two steps above the floor in the middle of the room. I walked in and the professor introduced me. It was pretty much no BS. He told them I was the model and asked me to go ahead and get started with a short pose. I walked up onto the platform, dropped the robe on the floor and struck some pose. I made a point of trying not to make too much eye contact with the students, but still did from time to time. Overall it was easy work, although holding a pose for 5 minutes or more is not easy at all. I learned after the first one where I decided to do something like put a hand on my hip and reach for the ceiling with the other, that for the longer poses I'd be smart to sit. I'm sure on everyone's mind reading this is if I had a hardon which I was posing. There were times where I definitely had a semi and of course that would come and go as I posed. If someone in the class was kinda hot to me, I tried to not focus on them too much, that it did get the best of me a few times. When the classes were over the professor consistently remarked to the class how I put a ton on energy into my poses and they should appreciate that I was so into it for them.

Tim joked about taking one of those classes in the spring if I was going to to it again. I certainly would have been sporting wood the whole time if he was in the class. Speaking of pictures and drawings of me, the pics Tim took of me that summer before still remained undeveloped. We're talking late 1990's here and digital cameras weren't cheap, so the shots he took of me were 35mm. Whenever he and I talked about the art classes I kept wanting to see how the pictures turned out. I had found a place out of state which would develop "risque" 35mm via mail order but it wasn't cheap. I made good enough money posing for the art classes rhr I could pay for the developing of the pictures and still have a little left over. I nervously sent several rolls of 35mm film off to be developed and anxiously awaited their arrival. A few weeks later there was a note in my mailbox I had a package. My cock lept at the news, but at the same time in the back of my mind I wondered if the package might have ripped and the prints were falling out of the box for the mailroom people at the dorm to see. The package was intact and I could wait to open it up, but I waited until Tim and I could go to his room and see them together the first time.

Let me tell you some of them were totally fucking hot. Tim did a great job on them. Some were duds, but in no time were both hard as a rock whipping through the stacks of pictures, separating the good from the bad and figuring out which we thought were the best. Damn...there I was, either hard and barely clothed or naked. I looked good. I wanted more people to see them.

Next: Chapter 7

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