Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Jun 26, 2011


Here's the next chapter. Hearing from readers on what you think of this keeps me going, so email me and say 'hi'. Love to hear what you think of the story, any questions, etc.

  • Brant

Chapter Three

Unlike many of my high school friends who wanted to hang together and even room together, I decided break away a little and start up fresh. This left my roommate up to complete chance. They paired me up with a guy who was a sophomore, in the same major, but from a different state. I figured that would be pretty cool. I'd have someone who knew stuff about the professors, etc. We exchanged a few emails over the summer. JT seemed like a pretty cool dude, was cool that his roommate was a freshman and was happy to room with someone who was basically a jock and wanted to get to know people, instead of someone who would just stay in the room all the time. He hinted he had a girlfriend and there would be times he'd want to spend some time in our room alone with her too, which I understood too. I moved in before he did and had a few days to meet some of the floormates. Those who were returning from the year before said I was lucky I was rooming with him because we was pretty easy going and our room was just a bit nicer that most of the others. JT had lucked into the room by having a sophomore roommate the year before and decided to hold onto it. A couple days before classes started he showed up.

JT was just a little bigger than me, about 6 feet tall and where I was abnormally strong in my lower body, he had a strong upper body and didn't have my lower body strength. He wanted to go the hit more this year so we'd hit the gym together and help each other out so we'd each get more balanced. I had been planning on doing more work on my upper body when I got there anyway and he was someone I could work out with - awesome!

Another dude on our floor, Tim, was a competitive swimmer in high school. He wasn't as tall as the great swimmers but apparently was very accomplished and won some awards. I had also wanted to learn to be a better swimmer and when I mentioned that he jumped at the opportunity to teach me. I was pretty pumped for that, in part because I really wanted to learn to swim better, but because I wanted to watch Tim swim. I was somewhat enamoured with his looks. His had a boyish face with a great smile, but also blushed easy and was just "cute" - I can't think of a better description. So, JT, Tim and I got into a pretty steady routine throughout the semester of lifting and swimming, alternating the training. Our dorm what quite a ways from the rec center so it was cool to have a couple guys to walk over with. Plus, if someone couldn't make it, then the other two would still have a workout buddy. Tim also lived the the Bryan, the RA on the floor and had a pretty cool room to hang out in. JT and I were hoping for some slack from Bryan since we were buds with Tim, but didn't get any. I don't think Tim got any either, come to think of it. Bryan was pretty hard core. JT's girlfriend was over one night and I was hanging at Tim's and Bryans. As the evening pushed on, I was hoping to crash on Tim and Bryan's couch cause I couldn't to back to mine and JT's room. I knew Bryan would bust JT for keeping me out of the room that night so I told Tim I was going to pretend to fall asleep. That worked out well until morning when I had to go back to my room to get my ID card for breakfast. I knocked and went in, figuring they were sleeping. JT was butt ass naked fucking his girlfriend when I opened the door and walked in. My eyes went to JT's cock, which at that point was about to thrust back into her. JT turned his head towards me and yelled "get out"! Our eyes met, I turned my head and left. I waited a few minutes, then went back to Tim and Bryan's room. I told Bryan I couldn't find my ID and he got me into the cafeteria. As we finished eating JT showed up and joined us as Tim and Bryan left. I felt bad for walking in on them but he felt worse for keeping me out of the room. He was a good roommate.

The beginning of upper body lifting for me was pretty challeging. Except for part of a PE class in high school I hadn't spent much time around a weight room, so JT was helpful for showing me technique, routines, methods for rotating workouts and some nutrition information. I lacked confidence in my body back then and this was good for me and how I felt about myself. I was shorter than most guys and wanted some strength to make up for what I felt was a shortcoming I had. I had also done some swimming in the past, but never really got past floundering int the water. I was anything but smooth and effortless. Tim was of great help with that, showing us technique and stuff. I got to a point where I could swim many laps without stopping. JT wasn't as much into the swimming thing and after a couple weeks, he would do some different cardio when we swam or just not go. That was fine with me - Tim was hot as hell and wore a sweet red Speedo, with his high school swim team name in letters across his ass. When we first went I knew JT just had board shorts and I wasn't comfortable with my weak upper body wearing one so went with board shorts too. JT and I gave Tim a bit of a hard time about the Speedo, which really looked about a size too small, but Tim just explained how our suits created drag, slowing us down, which we knew what right. Still, it was fun to pick on him and I sure enjoyed that cute face of his, all the way down his smooth chest and to the trail which disappeared into the top of the suit. Honestly I wondered if he shaved his pubes, cause the suit wasn't much above his cock. More than once he had to have caught me looking his him. I always waiting until he looked away, but there were a few times I quickly jerked my eyes up to meet his when he would turn back. He had to have noticed. There were times I jerked off thinking about Tim in the Speedo. Damn he was hot in that thing.

By the end of the first semester I had put on five to ten pounds of pretty lean muscle and what was a slim, flat stomach was beginning to get some definition. JT's legs were getting a lot stronger from both lifting and stuff we did in soccer practices that I gave him to do. Tim too was starting to look even hotter, adding on some solid upper body muscle. He said it wasn't good for lap times, but since he wasn't swimming competitively anymore and he liked how it looked. So did I. I still think of him as "cute". His face was so nice to look at with a big grin with perfect teeth, blond hair and green eyes. Of course he had the classic swimmer's build, but a bit more bulk from the lifting we were doing.

Christmas break brought a nice break from school, but I hated the time away from my new friends. It seemed so long and I was anxious to get back to school after several weeks. JT, Tim and I immediately started back into our workout routines, though still usually just Tim and I in the pool a couple days a week and the rest lifting. I bought a Speedo over the break and caught shit from Tim the day I put it on in the lockerroom our first swim back from break when I changed into it. Did he have to say something about it so loud and others looked too? Actually I kinda liked the attention. I had taken it off and was hanging it up in my locker when JT walked in a saw it in my hand and had to make a crack about it too. Jerks. Tim did say it certainly suited me and he felt I was swimming more confidently. I had tons of confidence in my physique now and was proud to be sporting the Speedo on the pool deck walking to and from the lockerroom. I also started noticing people checking me out a bit too walking between the lockerroom and pool, and liked it.

One Saturday afternoon JT went and swam with us. The place was packed. There was a diving competition going on at the other pool and the stands were packed. The lap pool was open and there were a large number of students either lap swimming or just standing around. As we walked out across the pool deck I was watching to see if people were looking at me. Of course there were guys everywhere in Speedos and I know mine was feeling tighter by the moment. I walked over to the side of the pool, put on my goggles, got into a racing croutch and launched into the pool, hoping everyone in the place was watching.

Apparently at least someone was watching me that previous Saturady. One night later on that week we went for a workout. As I looked in my locker from the outside (the lockers were like "cages" so you could see through them and stuff in them could dry) I saw what looked like a note. I opened the locker and unfolded it. It's been a few years and I don't remember the exact words, but it said something like "You are fucking HOT in the Speedo dude. Want to know who this is? Show up here Sunday morning around 9:00, swim a few laps and meet me in the sauna. I think you'll like what you see".

I quickly folded up the paper and shoved it in my pocket. Tim saw the whole thing from his locker.

Tim: "Brant, What was that?" (shit) Me: "I guess I have an admirer" (couldn't think of anything better to say) Time: "Let me see it", holding out his hand. Me: "No". Tim: "Dude, what did it say?" Me: "Um...just someone thinks I'm a good swimmer. Probably got me mixed up with someone else. Let's go swim." Tim: "Ok"

I was pretty rattled and excited by this, with lots of questions flooding my mind. I was pumped someone noticed me and liked what they saw. At the same time I was a little scared that it must have been a guy and although guys bodies have always turned me on, I had yet to actually admit to someone that was the case. I'm pretty picky about what kind of bodies turn me on and what if this guy didn't? What if someone is just putting me on? Maybe I wouldn't go on Sunday.

But, if you have learned anything about me in the past chapters, you know that I had to go through with it. My desire to show off determined that. For the past few years I had acted out fantasies surrounding people wanting to look at me and set up opportunities for people to accidentally look at me. But now I KNEW for the first time someone really did! I could always just show up and swim and then go back to my room if I felt like chickening out, but I had to go and find out. What if this guy was really hot? Where would that lead? I was a little scared of that cause I wasn't really sure about my sexual orientation and didn't wanted to be outed as gay, but I could always back out and claim it never happened too. Nobody knew about the note, other than Tim and he didn't know what it really said anyway.

So, I was determined I'd go through with it. JT and his girlfriend went out somewhere Saturday night. Bryan (Tim's roommate) was gone for the weekend and I just hung out with Tim and a couple other guys from the floor and watched a movie. I didn't sleep very well that night as you might imagine. Sunday morning I got up, threw my towel in my backpack and quietly headed for the cafeteria to eat, then directly to the pool. I wasn't going to take the risk of going back to my room after breakfast and run into someone who wanted to know where I was going - especially Tim, who might invite himself along to swim. I heard some noise in a few other rooms but pretty much everyone was asleep. I ate and heading off to the rec. center...

As I approached the rec. center, I remember feeling really nervous. The same thoughts which went through my head all night last night were replaying over and over. I was sure I'd go through with this. All I am really doing is swimming a little and then hitting the sauna. Maybe he won't even show up. Maybe they'll be more than two guys in there and I won't know who it is. Shit - what if it's more than one guy who wanted to meet me? That would be too weird, I'll just go in the sauna, sit down for a minute or two and leave if there's more than one guy in there. Maybe he'll be really hot. That actually almost scared me the most. I really don't know what to do. Well, I know what to do, but having never done it, I guess I know. Shit - this could really lead to something with a guy and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that, but when do you know you are? Well, I knew if I didn't take the chance, I'd never know. Life and college are about opportunities, but neither one is any good if you don't play along.

I entered the rec center and scanned my card. The place was completely dead. It was Sunday morning and had just opened. First thing I did was walk over to giant glass wall which overlooked the pool. The pool was empty. I went down to the lockerroom, passing only one guy and a girl heading to play racketball. I got to the lockerroom door, said "here goes" to myself, swallowed hard and went in. I walked down a couple aisles of lockers to mine, turned the corner and saw...nobody. The note had said to meet in the sauna after swimming. Then it hit me - was it a lifeguard? Oooh - that's it! The lifeguard would already be there, could monitor where I was, know what I headed to the sauna. Makes sense.

I changed, locked my locker, did the rinse off shower and headed for the pool deck. On the way past I let my gaze pass through the small window into the sauna but didn't see anyone there. You can't see the entire room without going in, but at that point I was in going to let this play out as the note said and didn't really want to know yet for certain who is was, plus I had decided I needed the swim to relax.

I walked out to the pool, dipped my goggles, put them on and dove in. I figured if lifeguard boy was hot for me, I'd swim and let him watch. I tried to take some notice as I swam if someone was out there watching me. The lifeguards were often in a side office, or over by the diving and water polo pool, or doing chemical samples or something like that. After swimming for maybe 5-10 minutes I took a break and stayed in the water by the edge of the pool and looked around. Just after I stopped, he came out of the lifeguard office and walked over to a hose by the edge of the other pool, turned it on and started spraying off the deck. He was closer to me, but never really looked my way. After a couple minutes of watching him, I hit another set of laps for a few minutes and stopped again. He was gone. In the office I saw a girl, looking out towards the pool, but talking on the rec. center phone.

Did he head to the sauna? I've been here for about 15 minutes now. The note said to arrive at 9, swim a few laps and go to the sauna. Well...time to do this. I pulled myself up onto the pool deck. I shook my head to shake the water off myself and looked down. Drops of water covered my chest and stomach. The Speedo was tight and wet and getting tighter. I exited the pool deck, into the lockerroom to up to the sauna door. I didn't look through the window. I didn't want to see anyone before I was in the room and honestly I wanted him to see me all at once, dripping wet, and a little hard. This was such a rush!

I pushed open the door and went in. There was one person in the room, laying face down with his head on a towel, facing away from me. He had a beautiful butt, which perfectly filled a red Speedo. I could only see the first few letters of the word across the back of the Speedo, but I knew what the rest of the letters were - I had seen them before.

Tim lifted and turned his head. His eyes started at my neck, worked their way down my body and hestitated at my crotch. He shook his head back and forth a couple times, bit his bottom lip and looked up to my eyes.

Next: Chapter 4

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