Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Aug 3, 2011


I've done my best to get the nature of the conversation accurate here. I'm sure the words are a bit off, but the , but it's been a few years. The activities and actions are completely accurate.

As before, PLEASE send me your comments via email. I love hearing from everyone who is reading this. Let me know if you're enjoying it, hating it, whatever. Also, if there are any questions, shoot them my way!

  • Brant

Chapter Fifteen

We were met at the dock by Brian. We entered the property and walked towards the pool. Paul was talking to a couple other guys. He saw us, waved and walked over towards us. Then he turned back and motioned for the other guys to come too. These other two guys were decent looking, a couple years older than Chris and I. In the back of my mind I wondered if they were shooting a video too. Paul introduced them to us, we shook hands and then they left.

He motioned for us to grab a seat around a table and we sat down.

Paul: "You guys have a good day so far?"

Chris: "Yea, we shot a little golf and went to the beach. Brant's hot without a shirt on."

Paul: "Haha, and you're not?"

Me: "He is, and he knows it."

Chris: "Yea, you couldn't take your eyes off me all day."

Me: "Fuck me."

Chris: "Deal."

Paul: "Haha, we'll get to that. You guys nervous? Want a beer or something stronger?"

Chris: "I could go for something. I'm a little nervous, horny as fuck, but nervous."

Me: "Think I'll be more than you can handle?"

Chris: "Yea, that's it. Probably piss my pants instead of creaming them."

Paul: "You're seeming pretty relaxed right now Brant."

Me: "I'm okay, but yea, a little nervous. I'm trying to get on cruise control a little, just going along for the ride."

Chris: "Ride this."

Me: "Okay".

Though we were exchanging quips and jokes, we were both nervous. Part of it was being with someone the first time, part the idea of doing sex with others watching and part just the scene in general - camera, lights, and different setting.

Brian came back from the bar near the pool with a tray of beer, three shot glasses, a cut up lime, some salt and a bottle of Cuervo 1800. Brian put the three beers on the table and poured Paul, Chris and I each a shot. "Nothing for you?" I asked. "No, I'm working tonight," he replied with a wink. Again, I liked how these guys took this seriously. Somehow that comment made me really feel a rush. I was here. I was going to be in a porn and these guys really knew what they were doing. I guess I had struggled a little bit early on with the idea this was going to be some sleazy deal. Sure the other guy was going to be hot and all, but I was happy it was going to stay in a private collection, just so nobody would know I did some sleezy video.

Paul licked his hand, salted it, grabbed a lime slice, raised his glass and said "To Brant and Chris." We all licked salt, shot down the tequila and bit into our limes. As Chris and I shot down the tequila we looked at each other and smiled.

Paul: "Boys, the guys you met earlier are our cameramen. We want professionals and hired some guys close to your age, but they are both straight. I hope that will be okay? If not, Brian can shoot the stuff tonight and we'll bring in a different team for tomorrow."

Me: "Sweet. Those guys are decent looking and it's even better that they're straight! That cool with you Chris?"

Chris: "Gotta go with my boy here Paul."

We chatted for a little bit about how sometimes the first scene doesn't turn out very well and that's okay. It was up to us when we did what scenes and it was really best just to be spontaneous. We had a lot of time and the ability to shoot a scene would be limited only to our ability to "perform".

Chris emptied his beer pretty quickly. At this pace we'd be half drunk in about 30 minutes. Chris looked at me and let out a big smile. "After a shot and a beer you don't look any better at all!" We all started laughing and Chris walked over to me, leaned over and put his hands on my shoulders. "This is gunna be fun. You are so hot. I can't wait to get it on with you."

At that Paul said if we felt like shooting a scene poolside, we could. He motioned to one side of the pool where there was a large lounge chair which could certainly serve as a bed and said we could use that if we wanted all we needed to do was ask for condoms if we needed them. "I was hoping we'd shoot an outdoor scene," I said. "Want to start out here Chris?" "Sure man, I'm loving the setting here."

Brian got up, grabbed us each another beer and said he'd go get the cameramen and gear and be back in about ten minutes and we could get started. A few minutes later the two hot camera dudes showed up wearing battery belts, pushing cameras rolling on tripods and some other gear. Each camera had a shotgun mic on it and the cameramen had headphones around their necks. Apparently they weren't going to miss anything, even outside.

Brian came over and suggested we move from the table over to a couple chairs which didn't have quite as straight of a back. There was a table in between us to put our beers on as the cameramen finished getting set up.

Paul had some words of advice. "I want you boys to enjoy yourselves. Do what you'd do if you guys were boyfriends and nobody else was around. The cameras will get in pretty close at times and you may hear Brian in the background telling them to change their shot. I want to catch your enjoyment from sex with each other and I want to see it on cam when the cum flies."

The cameramen had their headphones on. Each of us had a camera pointed at us. Brian asked us each to say something to check that the mics were working. Brian looked at each of them, they looked and each other, then back at Brian and nodded their heads. You could see a little red light on the front of each camera. Chris and I looked at each other, smiled, picked up our beers, tapped the bottles together, and took a swig. Apparently, it was time to get started.

I made the first move. I stood up and went over the Chris' chair, put my hands on his legs (first time I had felt them), leaned in and kissed the side of his neck. Chris tilted his head back as I squeezed his thighs to feel them. "These are nice man," I said quietly. Then I moved to his adam's apple and kissed there, then under his chin and briefly his mouth. I then moved my hands up his legs, over his hips and to his sides. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it up. As he lifted his arms to let me pull the shirt over his head I grabbed the shirt and pushed it back, holding his arms above his head. I then moved my mouth to his right arm pit. "I've been wanting to touch you all day Chris," I said as I kissed across his chest, licking both nipples as I worked towards the armpit on the other side. Chris just moaned. I got up, walked around the back of his chair and pulled the shirt off his arms.

Chris grabbed my shoulder and neck and pulled my face down over his head to kiss me. As he did I looked down as his shorts. His boner was obvious, pushing against the board shorts. I also noticed the cameras had moved in quite a bit, like within 6 feet maybe? And thus came the rush again. This was so awesome. All of this, so up close. Everything I did to him and everything he did to me was being recorded, from a body length away! If I was able to get harder at that point, I'm sure I did. As Chris' lips and tonque spared with mine, I put my hands on his shoulders, then down his arms to feel his biceps and triceps then over to his chest. I was playing with his nipples when he stopped kissing me. "This isn't fair," Chris said as he stood up. He pushed the chair out of the way and turned towards me. First thing he did was look down at my crotch and smile. "Can't wait to see what's in there," he said but then started taking off my shirt. He checked me out then lifted his hands and went to playing with my nipples. As he did that I had decided I had gone long enough waiting to find out what kinda of underwear he had on. I reached down and unbuttoned his cargoes and pulled down the zipper. I put my hands on the sides of the shorts and pushed them off his hips and they dropped to the floor.

Chris was wearing some CK briefs which looked very hot on him. His cock was held tight in place in front. Once he was free of those, he wouldn't be able to put it in until he had cum, there was no way. Chris then pulled me tight. I felt his cock pushing hard into my cargoes and up against mine. Finally, I could feel his cock against mine. We started kissing again and I grabbed his butt to feel that part of him. He ground a little into me and moaned. Then I moved my hands around to the front of his underwear and felt his cock for the first time. It wasn't like Tim's or Rob's. Rob's was like a bulldozer, trying to push straight through his underwear. Chris' was more pushing forward but also up. To this day I remember the feeling. I could reach from underneath and feel the bottom of his shaft and stroke it and squeeze it a bit. He moaned. After a little bit of my feeling his cock he again acused me of being unfair. With a smile he pushed my hands off his cock and moved to mine. He squeezed my cock through the shorts. My cock was fully extended, pointing to the left and a little up in my bikini briefs. Chris started rubbing me through the shorts. "Mmmmmm," he said, "you're so fucking hard man". He unzipped my shorts, pushed them off me and dropped to his knees in front of me. As I looked down at him I saw a camera move in from my left and slowly sink down to my waist level.

Chris had his right hand on my leff butt cheek and put his left hand on my underwear against my hard cock. As he rubbed and squeezed my cock he held my butt in his hand. He face was a mere few inches away. I watched his eyes totally check out my cock through my underwear. I took the opportunity to look around. One camera was on my cock and Chris' face from my left. The other camera was almost head on at my chest level but slightly to my righ and futher back, taking in more of a full body shot. Brian was back maybe 50 feet watching monitors and wearing a headset with a mic and Paul was sitting by the table just watching. He caught my eye, smiled and winked at me. I smiled back.

I guess I was going to be the first guy to be naked cause after checking out my cock through my underwear Chris reached put his fingers over the top of the thin band and pulled them off me. "Mmmmmm," he said as he put his left hand on it and grabbed my butt again with his right hand. "So nice," he said as his moved his hand and cupped my balls. I was over ready to see his cock but didn't want to stand anymore on the hard pool deck. I pulled him up and put my fingers into the top of the waistband of his underwear and then out the bottom, making a handle out of them to lead him over to the large lounge chair and I sat down. Then I put my other hand on the other side of his underwear and pulled them down. Chris' cock sprang out fully hard. Overall Chris was just a tad about 8" and average thickness, but about half way up his cock curved upward, where side to side it was straight. The vein on the bottom of his cock was large. And for those wondering, both of us are cut.

I started teasing him a little by licking the fullness of his cock, starting at his nutsack, up to the tip. Precum started to ooze from the tip. I fondled his balls and stroked him a little as I licked him and tasted his pre. After I felt I had sufficiently had my tongue around every part of his cock I stopped, grabbed his cock in my hand and pulled him down sitting next to me. I wanted to kiss him now. I wasn't into kissing Tim and loved kissing Rob. I think the difference was the passion. And I definitely felt that passion with Chris. We both laid down onto the lounge and continued to make out, laying on our sides and fisting each others cock. Chris was leaking precum like crazy now, which to this day makes me jealous because I hardly ever produce any. Chris was grabbing his pre and use it for lube while stroking me. I would occasionally take some of it to my lips and then to his as we made out.

After Chris' precum was worked around my cock I could tell I was getting close to blowing my load. "Chris, I'm close." "Me too stud," he replied. Let's shoot our loads on one of us for the camera," I suggested. Well, Chris made the decision without discussing that the guy who was going to get dumped on would be me. I didn't mind.

He rolled me onto my back and pulled me down so my butt was still on the lounge but my legs were not. He stood with us alternating legs between each other. When I knew I was about to cum I closed my eyes - I wanted to enjoy the orgasm. I love watching a dude cum, but it felt so good and it had been pent up for so long I just wanted to ride it. I shot first. I knew my first shot would clear my head. Based on the time between feeling it shoot and when it hit, my second volley landed on my left shoulder. I heard Chris groan and then felt a load land on my neck. One other load landed on my left cheek and a number of them on my chest and stomach. I was guessing the shot to my cheek was his and would find out soon enough after we both finished cumming. I finally opened my eyes. Chris was looking at my face with a big smile. He leaned down and kissed me then stood back up and took a couple steps back. One of the cameras moved in, pointing at the cum on my chest and abs, then moved back away.

Chris: "That was great, wasn't it stud?"

Me: "Yea, felt awesome. Did you cum on my face fucker or was that me?"

Chis: "You're wearing my badge dude."

Me: "Gunna fuck you tomorrow to make up for that."

Chris: "Looking forward to it."

I sat up on my elbows as Paul walked over (with an obvious boner). For the past couple minutes I had forgotten we weren't alone. "Awesome scene guys, you made it look very natural. You both did great!" Paul said.

Brian walked over with a couple towels and tossed one to me and one to Chris. Chris had taken on a little cum but I was covered. Chris wiped himself off and then came over to me, leaned in a licked a little off my stomach and kissed me again. Chris then helped wipe me off and helped me up. Brian pointed to where we could shower in the building near the pool. We grabbed our clothes and went to shower. The cameramen were rolling their gear back into the house in front of us. We showered with each other talking about how fun it was and awesome doing with each other was, dressed and went back out to the pool.

Brian and the cameramen had brought out a cart with some light food on it and we all chilled and yapped while eating. Most of the conversation was about the scene we had just shot. The cameramen were discussing it with Brian, making sure they knew what angles and how tight of shots he wanted. I thought it was kinda funny hearing the one who was on me talking about how well he got Chris' cum hitting me on the neck and cheek. Chris and I were both up for shooting another scene today and talked a bit about what we'd do for the next scene. Someone was gunna get fucked and we just needed to figure out who it was gunna be.

Next: Chapter 16

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