Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Jul 30, 2011


I'm going to introduce three people at this point. These are not their real names. Chris is the stud from Northwestern I'd would be starring in the porn with. Paul is the guy in Florida who was "commissioning" the video and Brian was works for Paul. Brian was the organizer and "director" of the porn. (Note that Brian wasn't the same guy I had met at the strip gig. I didn't actually see him when I was in Florida but heard him mentioned a couple times.)

Where I pickup with the story though is pre-Florida. I had been put in touch with Chris. We're at the stage where we needed to make a decision if we were interested in doing the porn together. If either one of us wasn't interested, the deal would be off. I got a FedEx package mid-week with the legal stuff so I could look that over too.

I shot an email off to Chris asking him if wanted to IM or talk by phone. I got a Yahoo address back right away, took a deep breath, added him and started a chat conversation. We first covered the basics - that we both had been approached by someone to do this, though under somewhat different circumstances. He was actually from Florida and was approached there at a club. Of course we quickly went to wondering what each other looked like. He said he was just under six feet and very athletic and straight acting. Rob was just a little shorter than me, but guys who are a little bigger really turned my crank (and still do). He had brown hair (I totally dig black but felt I could manage given he had to be smokin hot). Like me, he was 21.

We exchanged some pics and there was little doubt in my mind I would love to experience that body in person. I was pretty excited thinking about getting fucked by someone other than Rob and since Rob really never bottomed, I was excited about maybe getting to screw Chris. For those of you wondering about cock size, Chris was just a tad over 8" and I'd say pretty average thickness. Compared to what I was used to, Chris was longer and not as thick. Rob really had an abnormally thick cock. I'll describe Chris a bit more when I get to when I first got to see it.

We decided we wanted to talk on the phone to get an idea what the other guy's voice was like so he called me. He had a masculine voice, much like mine, so that was good. We discuss prior sexual experiences and safe sex practices. Although he had a few partners other than me, he had always been safe and he pointed out to me that the legal documents required we both pass a screening a week before the shoot and condoms had to be worn during the anal sex scenes. I hadn't read them yet at that point and thought it was pretty cool that stuff was in there.

I have to say I was pretty jacked at that point (yea, I left that one open) and was hoping he felt the same way. I almost didn't want to bring it up on the phone because if he said he wasn't interested anymore, it was because of me. Plus, I felt this like was something I should sleep on, so to speak. This WAS porn. And much as the idea turned me on that I could actually in front of the camera, what if it did get out? Sure that was not the plan and there was a bunch of money attached if it did, but I wasn't comfortable with everyone I know (mainly family) knowing that I did gay porn (or messed around with guys, for that matter).

I told Chris how I was feeling and said it definitely wasn't because of him if I decided not to do it. Chris expressed he was totally in and hoped I would decide to go for it.

I talked it over with Rob again and also Tim. College was full of opportunities for the taking. I shot Chris an email a couple days later and sent the contract back to Paul. I was committed.

It was too close to the end of the semester for both Chris and I to find a block of days which worked while school was in so we all agreed the week after my finals (which was last) would be best. Chris was going to head back home for a couple weeks before going back to Chicago for a summer job so would be there when I arrived. It was good mentally to have the couple weeks away. I'm really not self-concious about my body, but wanted to hit a gym a little extra hard and burn off a little fat so I could look a little more ripped for Chris and the camera. It probably didn't make any difference, but in my mind it did.

Rob graduated and before he left we had one last totally intense night of sex before he left. I was gunna miss hanging out with him. I got a job with the same company I worked for the summer before and they agreed to let me start after I got back from Florida.

Now let me tell you what a class dude Paul was about this whole thing. He personally called me after I agreed to do it to thank me, let me know he wanted me to be comfortable and that I should let him know if at any point I become uncomfortable. He wanted to know if I had any special needs or desires that should be addressed. He gave me an idea of the schedule. The day I arrived we would all meet to get to know each other. He's show us where we'd be shooting the video and then let Chris and I hang out most of the following day to get comfortable with each other. Chris and I would stay at a hotel, but in separate rooms. We'd start shooting the video near the end of that second day.

I had a hardon the entire way down to Florida. I didn't jerk off the night before cause just in case we ended up shooting a scene that night (even though Paul said we wouldn't) I wanted to be able to deliver a huge cumshot.

I arrived on a Thursday and was met outside security by Brian. I was hoping Chris would be there too. There were a couple of really hot guys, wearing tank tops and shorts - I was going to like the eye candy here. I didn't bring much clothes, being in Florida and all and not planning on wearing them much of the time. Some board shorts, cargos, a white button up shirt and Dockers (Paul told me to bring something nice which wasn't shorts) and a few different styles of underwear. All of it fit in a carry on bag so I had no checked luggage. It was late afternoon and Brian said he'd take me by the hotel to change before dinner and grab a shower if I wanted. Paul would meet us as the restaurant and Chris was already in the area just hanging out waiting for me to arrive.

The hotel was as nice as I'd ever been to. Brian went up to the counter, signed something and handed me a key. I invited him up to the room so he didn't have to wait in the lobby - an invitation he declined. "It's your room, your place to be alone while you're here. Take your time."

I grabbed a shower, decided to iron the shirt and pants. I figured I was pale enough from lack of much sun so had brought down a white button up polo and light Dockers. I went back down the the lobby. Brian called Paul to tell him we were on our way and then dialed Chris' number and handed the phone to me.

Chris: "Hello."

Me: "Hey man, it's Brant."

Chris: "Hey stud, you here?"

Me: "Yea man, we're heading to meet you now."

Chris: "Awesome. Can't wait to see you in person. You ready for all of this?"

Me: "Fuck yea. Was boned on the plane all the way down."

Chris: "Yea, I've been walking around down here with a hardon for the last hour or so. If you're half as good looking in person as you are in pictures I might bust in my pants when I see you."

Me: "Should be fun to see."

Chris: "Haha...alright, see you in a few"

Turned out we were about a 10 minute walk away from the restaurant. Sweet, only 10 minutes and I'd get to meet Chris in person. I was semi-hard with anticipation and apparently it showed.

Brian: "Looks like you're more than a little excited to meet Chris."

Me: "Haha - yea I guess so Brian. Chris' pics were really hot."

Brian: "Chris is a great looking guy. We've been wanted to pair him up with someone for about six months. You're perfect for him."

Me: "I'm honored. Can't wait to meet him and Paul."

We walked along a river from the hotel to the restaurant. On the side we were on was a shopping/restaurant/bar area and on the other side of the river was a couple restaurants and some amazing looking homes. We had some casual conversation as we walked. Brian was easy to talk to and I was comfortable around him. I was also checking out guys everywhere. Brian and I started commenting on them as we walked. I had figured he was probably gay. He spoke very freely about them and how one had a sweet ass, a great looking face or whatever.

As we got close to the restaurant I spotted Chris. In contrast to me, he was wearing all black. I think he spotted us about the same time and a big smile came over his face. I walked up and offered a handshake. Chris took the hand shake and pulled my arm towards his left to make me turn around a little so he could check out my butt. "Mmmmm, now that looks nice. I'm going to enjoy working my way into there," he said. I was tempted to grab his cock and tell him I was was looking forward to that, but just smiled and winked..

Chris and Brian shook hands, we went into the restaurant, were seated and ordered a few beers. After a couple minutes Brian's phone rang. It was Paul. Brian excused himself to go meet Paul.

Chris: "Dude, this is going to be so fucking hot. I can't wait to see what you look like naked.

Me: "Yea man, I'm boned to see more of you too. Had you met Paul and Brian already?"

Chris: "Yea, I met both of them last year. I was pretty specific about what kind of guy I'd be willing to do this with."

Me: "Do you live here?"

Chris: "No, few hours north of here. Drove down earlier. Have you seen the hotel?"

Me: "Yea, that place rocks. I guess we're shooting at Paul's house."

Chris: "Yea, there and maybe some at the beach if that's cool with you."

Me: "Sure, no issues with the beach here. Maybe it will get some color in my skin."

Chris: "Haha. I've had some sun the last week or so".

Me: "You look great man."

Chris: "Fuck me. So do you."

We chatted for just a few minutes more and Brian and Paul showed up. Having only had a phone conversation with Paul I only had guessed at his age, based on his voice. He was probably in his mid-40's, a little over 6 feet and looked in good shape. Brian was very similar in looks and probably a few years younger. Brian worked for Paul and I don't think there was anymore to their relationship, anyway nothing that we were let on to believe. Paul was a tycoon. I can't say more than that here publically, but is a self made man who built a great deal from absolutely nothing.

I stood up and shook hands with Paul, as did Chris. They sat down and Paul spoke.

"Gentlemen, I'm really happy you're here. As you know I have a taste for gay porn and like the idea I have something unique, not only that I have the only copy, but that it's real sex between a couple hard fit young men like yourselves. I want you to feel relaxed and comfortable. We're not going to be on a schedule, but I do want to get all the scenes shot over the next two or three days. We'll start shooting sometime tomorrow afternoon or early evening and I want the two of you to just go off and have fun together during the daytime. There's a car you can use at the hotel or you can take Chris' car. I do have a couple requests. First, until all the scenes for the video have been shot no sex between the two of you or any jerking yourself off. I want all your sexual energy on video from now until we're done. The second request is that you are discreet about what you are here for."

We both indicated we were cool with all of that. I, of course, had to start making jokes. "Well Chris said if I looked half as good in person as I did in pictures he was gunna bust in his pants. Does that count? How about wet dreams?"

We all laughed and Paul told Brian to arrange for cameras under the sheets of the bed in case we came during the night.

We all raised our glasses for a toast. Paul and Brian both started asking us questions about what we were studying in school, what we wanted to do when we graduated and our future. It didn't take all that long for the conversation to get to sex, starting with me and how I ended up getting into stripping. Chris hadn't done anything like it and said he wouldn't be that comfortable in front of a group. Speaking of groups, I wanted to know how many would be present at the shooting of the porn. Brian was basically in charge of the shoot, but Paul would be there too, mainly because he wanted to watch us. There would be two cameras, bascially one on each of us, so two cameramen and a third guy who would handle recording audio. If five guys watching made it so Chris or I was uncomfortable, then would pair back a bit and Brian could run one of the cameras.

Brian: "We've done a couple of these already and find that after a scene or two guys seem to forget about the cameras and other people."

Me: "I think I'll be okay with it. I'm usually pretty aware of people when I'm stripping, but I get pretty turned on getting watched, so I don't think it will be an issue."

Chris: "I'll be focusing too much on Brant to care."

Damn I couldn't wait to start shooting! (And I'm not talking about just the video.)

After we finished eating Brian paid the bill and Paul said he wanted to take us back to his place so we could see where we'd be shooting the video. We left the restaurant and walked over to the edge of the river and onto a small boat. It took about 10 minutes and we were at the back of Paul's house.

We walked past a killrt outdoor pool and into a large living room. Paul gave us a tour of part of the house and we ended the tour in what was made to look like a large bedroom. About a third of the room was occupied by a king sized bed and some assorted furniture. There were three cameras on mobile tripods and a bank of other video production and editing equipment on one side of the room. On the other were chairs and several video displays. There were many lights on the ceiling in various places and monitors too. Brian hit a few buttons on a panel an the lighting changed to highlight the bedroom area. We walked over to it and with the lights how they were it felt like you were actually in a bedroom, rather than a big room with a bed. Very cool. Off the bedroom was a bathroom with a large walk in shower and a jacuzzi tub, also with ceiling mounted lights. These guys were serious about this, which was awesome.

The boat took Chris and I back to the hotel. We had a couple beers in the hotel bar and decided we should call it a night. I was a little tired from the travel and we both wanted to be fresh for the next day.

We met for breakfast in the morning. Chris was a golfer (I'm not) but we agreed to hit a nine hold par three course which we did after breakfast. We had lunch and cruised to the beach. I think we wanted to see the other guy without a shirt on. Well, we wanted to see the other guy without anything on, but had to wait. Chris without a shirt should be on a billboard somewhere. He was beautifully proportioned and I was honored he wanted to make the video with me.. That he was just a little bigger than me so turned me on and I really wanted to see what was in those shorts of his and only had a few more hours to wait. We both had major wood walking along the beach. Around mid-afternoon we went back to our rooms and showered. I put on some bikini briefs Rob had bought me along with some cargo shorts and a casual button up shirt, then met Chris in the lobby. Chris also had on cargos, but a sleevless shirt which he looked so hot in. I almost asked him what kind of underwear he had on, but decided to save it until I could just pull them off him myself.

We called Brian and he sent a boat over. We got on and it headed to Paul's. The fun was about to begin. I think Chris and I smiled and checked each other out all the way there.

Next: Chapter 15

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