Stepping into the Spotlight

By Brant Higgins

Published on Jul 22, 2011


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  • Brant

Chapter Eleven

It was getting near the end of the semester. A couple of the guys who worked for the place I was stripping for were either leaving for the summer or leaving and graduating. To be honest, I was getting some of the gigs they would get anyway because I was bringing in great reviews from customers. The owner called me to ask if I was interested in taking it "to the next level". Since I had some transportation of my own finally I was happy to go meet him in person. At least one and maybe two of the other guys had been taking some gigs which the company didn't advertise - nude stuff. The pay was way better and the tips too. The owner actually took a smaller percentage on those too because he said since he didn't pay for the advertsing of it and those who did it (both guys and girls) were putting themselves out there more he was happy to take a little less percentage (he came out just fine on those gigs anyway).

Obviously he was giving me the opportunity to take those on if I wanted. I had applied for a summer job at a local business which I hadn't heard about yet and told him I was interested, but would need to see if I could get local employment which was consistent. From what it sounded like I didn't need to do a lot of these gigs a month to make it through the summer anyway, but nothing was certain and I wanted to have something on my resume which was, shall we say, "respectible experience" towards a job after college.

He had a gig that coming weekend he could give to one of the other guys before they left, but wanted to let me take a shot at it if I wanted to see how I felt about doing nude stuff and make sure I came through like I always did.

Interesting turn of events huh? Getting to strip nude. Being paid to HAVE to strip nude. I liked that idea. This was getting better all the time.

I haven't talked much about Tim in the past couple chapters. Tim and I still worked out together - lifted and swam. We still hooked up for some fun from time to time too and ate together regularly. He knew about the relationship I was forming with Rob and I knew about some other guys he had met and had interest in. It was a natural he was the first person I told about the stripping stuff. Tim was like "Fuck dude - right on. That's awesome!" I was pretty excited about it too. He did point out a few drawbacks, mainly that word had gotten around I was stripping. Not a huge deal cause the question always came up if I was stripping nude or what and everyone seemed cool with the idea I still was wearing some underwear. He brought out that it was a different deal when it got around I was actually taking off everything. On the positive side that would probably happen less frequently and people might be a little less likely to talk about it. Nobody we knew ever talked about being somewhere there was a nude stripper.

That also made me wonder just what kind of groups hired nude strippers. The non-nude stuff was all pretty normal groups of people, like you'd find anywhere partying. The nude stripping seemed like it was more "underground" or something and it did leave me wondering what the parties were like and I wasn't going to put myself in a dangerous situation. A lot of the other gigs were in public places or semi-public places (like apartment complex community rooms).

I was able to get hold of one of the guys who was "giving it up" who gave me some pretty good confidence that I should expect to be safe. He gave me an suggestion too that if I was concerned to just take someone with me and make sure the people knew I was bringing someone along. Obviously these gigs would almost always be at a private residence or apartment complex community room and usually pretty nice places. He had done a few at office buildings after hours too, but said there were always discreet. Only issues he ever had was people get grabby when they get drunk so you have to make sure you set the expectations as best you can when something happens. He said if you have to completely stop what you're doing and explain something isn't acceptable or leave, then you do that.

So, I was pretty excited about at least doing it once. I get pretty turned on stripping but still, going nude is a different level for sure and even though I like showing off, this sure would be different. Tim was a big encouragement to at least give a shot and find out what it was like. I let the company know I'd do it. I was also curious about what kind of audience it would be - mostly women, some guys, all guys? I didn't care but wanted to know. It was a birthday party for a repeat customer and he really had no idea. He just wanted me to be aware that it was a repeat customer and I can't chicken out or anything. If I didn't like to after I did it, all was cool with him, but I HAD to do it this one time. I told him I wouldn't let him down. I sort of had a date with Rob that Friday night, but figured he'd be cool with me showing up after the gig.

Rob was less than excited. He loved watching me when he could if I was stripping somewhere and I didn't know if it was that I was going to take everything off, that he wouldn't be able to watch, or that he was just in a little "mood" that he got in somtimes. He said it would be okay to meet at that local sport bar/dive place for a beer after I was done, "if I still wanted to". If I wanted to??? Give me a break. I'd be all horny and ready for some fun after the gig. He was always all excited to take me back to his place, take off my clothes and play with my cock. Maybe something else was bothering him? I decided not to press him just because I "sensed" something, plus I'm not the touchy-feely relationship type of guy. We were obviously hitting it off famously as friends and getting either other off or watching each other jerk off, but we hadn't had any "relationship" crap type talk.

I ran into him at the rec. center the night before the gig. Just normal workout stuff. He seems a bit short, but mostly himself. We worked out as we always did. As we left and parted ways I asked if we were still on for tomorrow night. "Yea, I'll be there. Have fun." was all I got.

I had dinner with Tim before the gig. "I got a surprise for you before you go. Come by my room on your way out", he said. The gig was at 9 or 10 o'clock (I forget which - most of them were around then). Everyone else on my floor was heading out for the night and was asking if I had a strip thing going on. I didn't tell anyone this one was "special". I showered, trimmed a bit, preened, etc. (fortunately Rob was gone) and I went over to Tim's. Tim had bought me a pair of really hot underwear to strip from. I changed into them in front of him. Tim said, "You look awesome. Totally hot. You're gunna do great." I was definitely nervous, but I believe Tim - he was always honest.

The gig was at an apartment complex community building. The room was pretty big with lots of windows. Almost all of them had curtains pulled, but a couple windows off on the sides didn't have them. "No big deal", I thought to myself. You'd gone nearly nude in public before. I'm guessing there were about 30 people there - mostly women but a few guys. A giant "Happy 30th" sign was stretched out across part of one of the walls. Ages were mixed, but mostly late 20's and 30's looking, a few older. I did wonder if everyone knew I was going nude, or how much surprise it was to be. I learned pretty quick that I was expected and that people knew I was to get naked, which was actually a relief. I'm not comfortable forcing stuff on people and honestly didn't want to make someone feel uneasy.

I got started with my normal thing, having the partygoers taking off my clothes as much as possible. There was a lot of touching, more than normal, which was for sure making me hard. I know I had a huge buldge going in the sexy new underwear Tim bought me. Before long I was grinding a bit with the woman the party was for. It was pretty obvious she had been around male strippers before. She would move with me and rub against me, which was turning me on even more.

The music got to the point where I had decided I should take the underwear off. Being consistent with the partygoers taking off my clothes, I asked her if she wanted to pull them down. She got down on one knee, grabbed the sides of the underware and slid them off. My cock immediately bounced up and nearly nailed her in the chin. She stood back up and I gave her a big hug and kiss and wished her "Happy Birthday". Then I danced around a bit more in front of everyone, showing my junk off and making my cock bounce up and down with my hips.

I have to say if felt a little awkward, just like the soroity party which was my first non-nude gig but again I got in the zone and just rode the rush. After that tune ended I stopped, amidst some clapping and whistling. Pretty cool. I did it and they were happy. I went back to the birthday girl and gave another hug and kiss. I got dressed, left and headed to meet Rob.

Rob was sitting sideways in a booth, stretched out, watching TV and drinking beer. I went and sat down.

Me: "Hey man."

Rob: "How'd it go?"

Me: "Good".

Rob: "Cool."

I felt the same cold feeling as the other day. Rob wasn't really making eye contact. Although I was hoping it had something to do with something else, it was pretty obvious he had some problem with my stripping nude.

Me: "You usually just come out and say stuff. The gig tonight was a problem for you. My stripping never bothered you before."

Rob: "You weren't showing off your cock to everyone before."

Me: "Somehow I thought you might feel that way. I'm not doing anything with it, just taking it out."

Rob: "Were you hard?"

Me: "Yea."


Me: "Look Rob, I really dig hanging out with you. I love showing off and it's not really anything sexual. Ok...well it's all sexual, but I'm not feeling anything towards any of the people I'm stripping for."

Rob: "So do you feel something towards me when you take off your clothes for me?"

Me: "Hell yea. You turn me on and I feel like we have a connection. I'm just entertaining them, nothing else."

Rob: "Was this thing tonight for guys or girls?"

Me: "Mostly girls, some guys."

Rob: "Any of the guys hot?"

Me: "Kinda maybe. I really wasn't paying attention to any of them. Just the girl the party was for."

Rob: "What if the party had been for a guy?"

Me: "Then I'd be paying attention to him, but that doesn't mean I'm gunna do more with him."

Rob: "Were they touching you?"

Me: "Yea, a little."

Me: "Rob, I don't want this to get in the way of wherever this is going with us. If I would have known you'd feel this way maybe I wouldn't have done it, but I really don't see an issue with it."

Rob: "Look, I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. It's more than just physical between us. There's a chemistry and I...I'm kinda falling for you. I love the way you like to show off, but I'm afraid you'll end up responding to someone who comes onto you."

Me: "Rob, I'm falling for you too. What I'm doing when I'm stripping is sexual, but it's because I get a rush by stripping and getting in front of people. I don't want to mess around with any of them. I want to mess around with you when I'm done."

Rob: "I don't know if it's fair to ask this, but will you promise me you'll not do anything with one of them?"

Me: "That sounds kinda like a boyfriend type of committment."

Rob: "Yea, I know."

Me: "Okay with me, I don't have a problem being your dude."

Rob: "Same here stud."

Rob smiled for the first time since I told him about the nude gig. That great smile he has. It seemed like the tension had left. I wanted to lean across the table and kiss him but held back.

Me: "I had fun tonight and made really good money. I have the opportunity to do more, but I don't want that to affect our friendship."

Rob: "I understand. I think I'll be okay now."

Me: "Cool. You're welcome to come along if it's okay with them. I'd love to have you watch and get all horned up for me."

Rob: "I'd like to, but I'd have trouble keeping my hands off you."

Me: "You could like jerk me off or something. That would be hot"

Rob: "I think we'll save that for us in private."

Me: "There's something I've been thinking about a lot lately."

Rob: "What's that?"

Me: "I want to know what it feels like to have my ass played with."

Rob: "Oh yea?"

Me: "Yea. I want you to be the first."

Rob: "Let's go!"

Next: Chapter 12

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