Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Aug 8, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 2) Josh and Dante's Dream Copyright 1995-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

Two wonderful people are brought together through the ties of another who's struggled with acceptance of his own. These two fine hearts learn not only to share their feelings and love with each other but they extend themselves to include another lost and abused soul into their lives, this is book 2 & the continuing story to Steppin' Out. Please enjoy and feel free to e-mail me your comments I love getting feed back from fans :) thanks

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks Also note if you read the books on line there IS a forum for fans to post comments in :D So please by all means use it to have your say about what you read or mail me :D either way is great.

Please enjoy book 2 ...Books 1, 2 and 3 are published in full on line. Mail me to ask for thesite link or keep watching here for the next chaprters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

PS: YES I am a lady! LOL This is one question I get frequently. How I can write for the guys is beyond me. Why is because I love to write (and I have an uncle who loves my stuff, LOL) ********************************

Chapter 7 ********

The day before Josh and Dante were to go home they finished the two studios. The do jang had mirrors from floor to ceiling. There were also two separate areas for practicing and an open floor area, which had cork under it for better cushioning.

The reception areas for both studios were nearly identical. Pic it prints' was scrawled across one reception area and the do jang hand an orange circle that represented the sun with the Japanese sign for tiger on the middle of it with the words Taskii's Ti Kwon do curved over the orange circle. The wall behind Pic it Prints' shop had tons of photography paraphernalia all over the wall and in the middle of it all was the painting of Aikrii with the plaque of `The Sleeping Prince' written under it.

Dante stood with his arm over Josh's shoulder look at all their hard work. Mani and Aikrii were all over the place with Sefron, Cleo and Nye who was playing with the sound system.

"Oh my gosh!" Cleo gasped; "It looks amazing!"

"We have to get a new computer system for the do jang" Mani pointed out to Aikrii "Cleo which one?" since it will be you working there I think you should be the one picking it out. Cleo laughed. "We'll do that later. I think we should celebrate."

And celebrate they did. The opening would be phenomenal come Monday morning. Josh and Dante got ready to leave through throngs of good-byes and well wishes and many thank you's and a reminder that if Josh wanted to move shop all he had to do was call and ask for the promised offer of help.

He had watched the house for a few days now and had seen no one and his inquiries had gone unanswered, so he kept watching. One way or another he had to find out what was going on. Four days later he broke into his place and nosed around. He found a pile of CD's and noticed that the answering machine was blinking. He hit play and heard a woman's voice he had never heard before.

"Sweetie when you get in give me a call we have a package from the insurance company for you to pick up." "Love you and Sam says Hi as well."

Chet scratched his head, who was the woman and who was Sam?

He looked around more and noticed a picture of Josh and some dark haired guy together. He picked up the framed picture and scowled. Josh looked so happy in the picture and it pissed Chet off. Josh was suppose to be his not this person. He threw the picture across the room, but it hit the couch and bounced. He stopped and too a breath and took a moment to think. He went back over to the picture and picked it up and replaced it. He had to keep an eye on things. He wasn't going to get Josh back if he wasn't careful. He grabbed a piece of paper and started to write.

The limo pulled up and deposited both Josh and Dante a Josh's home. Dante grabbed their bags and walked to the door. Josh was the one who spotted the letter first with the rest of his mail. His fingers trembled... He started to withdrawal as he recognized the writing. Dante didn't know what was up but he did notice how quite Josh had gotten so he tried to get him to talk.

"What's wrong?" Dante asked.

"Nothing." Josh said stuffing the letters into his jacket pocket. "More crap mail." He said forcing a smile and fishing out his key. He let Dante in and looked back out the door scanning around. He knew he was out there somewhere and it really scared him.

***************************************** He watched from a tree house two streets back from Josh's home. The binoculars came in handy. He spotted the person who was in the photo with Josh that he had seen a few days ago. He wondered if Josh read the letter he wrote yet. He sat and watched. The lights went on one by one. Chet took a swig of the whiskey he had with him. He'd get back at him for cheating on him.

"I'll be right back." Josh said as Dante brought in the bags. Josh rushed off to his room flicking on lights as he made his way. He took the letter from his pocket and ripped it open. The first thing that shocked Josh was that the paper the letter was written on. It was letterhead from Josh's very own shop, which means Chet, was in the house recently since it was the spring themed one he kept at his desk downstairs. He scanned over the note and he started to shake. He had to think and fast. Dante was his main concern, He took the note and folded it stuffed it into his pocket and went downstairs.

Dante was still looking around and cheerfully commented. "Man your place is awesome, where did you ever get it?"

Josh looked at Dante and answered.

"My gran left it to me three years ago when she passed." He looked around sadly. "I loved being here when I was a child. My gran was the first one I told. She was the one who accepted me as I was." He walked over to the fireplace and picked up a picture of a very happy looking elderly lady who was sitting on a motorbike. "She was amazing and helped a lot after my mom died." He put her picture back "She took me in after my dad rejected me and kicked me out."

Josh sat down on the sofa. He looked wiped Dante went to him. "I loved this place and when she passed I was devastated, I was more shocked when her will left me the house."

Dante looked around. "Want to give me the five cent tour?" he grinned at Josh giving him a peck on his cheek. Josh got up and took Dante's hand and led him through his home. Josh's home was quite nice it was just over sixty years old and had been renovated about ten years before Josh got it. When one entered the front door they were immediately in the living room, which was, semi divided with the left side sunk in and was used as an obvious office from what Dante could see, since it did contain Josh's lap top computer and a large bookcase with many books in it. There were two large windows just behind the desk in the office area. There was a very large stone fireplace on the right wall, and further on the back wall were two doors. One of the doors led to a very nice kitchen that was done totally in wood. The second door lead to the upper floor, but under the steps in the wall was another door that led to the basement.

Dante looked around on the second floor Josh had hauled him to. "How many rooms are in here? Dante asked

"Four not including the bathroom." He said.

"And you're here all by yourself?"

"Yes, I kinda learned my lesson on roommates." Josh hung his head.

"Doesn't it bother you to be here all alone?" Dante said tilting Josh's head up so he could see his eyes.

"Sometime" Josh said "but it's actually better this way."

"Why is that?" Dante asked a bit confused.

"I don't know it just is." He shrugged off the question.

At the top of the landing Dante could see there were five doors two on each side and one at the end of the hall. Josh pointed out that the second room to the right was his. When he opened the door Dante saw a large room which had it's own fireplace in it. There was a large four-poster bed against one wall. On the wall behind the bed were two windows to either side. Under each window were end tables. There was a large dresser with a full mirror across it against the opposite wall from the bed and a walk in closet. The second door on the same side of the room was the entrance that connected the bathroom to the master room.

Dante loved what he saw. The first room on the landing to the right had been converted to a den and had a television in it and tons of books lining the wall for reading.

The other two rooms to the left were guest rooms and One Josh avoided all together thou he did let Dante open the door. Neither of them entered the room thou. The second room was pretty much the same design just a different color. He showed the bathroom to Dante, which had a very large claw foot styled tub in it and an old fashion looking sink, which had been modernized. There was a modest shower stall that had been added back eight years prior when Josh was fourteen and living with his gran. The two shelves flanked either side of the toilet and these held towels and toiletries. Dante was impressed.

"Very nice place Josh, I think I can understand why you love the place so much, it seems to speak to your heart. I can feel the love that's here."

Josh smiled but it didn't stay. His next words were not expected.

"There wasn't always love in this house and back then it scared me. I hope to never have that happen here again. The memories are hard to take."

Dante went to him and hugged him when he pulled back he smiled and said "Well maybe we can put new memories in here together."

"I think I would like that, but it's still going to take time." Josh said.

Dante grinned and took his hand they headed downstairs. Josh played his answering machine and Dante got the message about the package from the insurance agency that was waiting for him.

"I have to head home to see them anyway." Dante sighed.

"You'll come back?" Josh asked "tonight?"

"If you want I can."

"I'll call ok." Josh kissed him as he headed for the door.

"Ok, you get some rest. If I don't hear from you tonight I'll call tomorrow ok."

Josh smiled "I'd like that."

He saw Dante to the door. They kissed and Dante was gone. Josh's home felt so empty. He pulled out the letter and proceeded to re read it.

`You're cheating Josh. I know it. I see you with him. I told you if you wouldn't let me into your world I'd take you to mine. Make him go away or I will. I'm watching. I'm waiting. Your one and only yours, Forever and eternity. Chet'

Josh crushed the paper in his hand and cried. It had been a year since Chet had been removed from Josh's home. Josh shivered at the memories. Things had been fine at first. Chet had applied to the ad Josh had put into the paper for a roommate so that Josh could save some money for the expansions to his shop. Chet was quiet in the beginning then things that belonged to Josh, like pictures went missing then Chet started to get too friendly. Now Josh knew Chet was gay to when he applied for the place. But they didn't click in the manner that Chet had been hoping for. Josh prevented a relationship from starting and Chet disliked it. He kept pressuring for something Josh wasn't interested in. Soon after rejecting Chet's advances Chet snapped. Josh had woken one morning to find Chet in his bed. Josh was pissed at the audacity of Chet's actions. He got angry and told Chet to leave his room. Chet looked at him and said.

"Well if you won't let me into your world I'll take you to mine."

Chet left Josh's room and an hour later Josh was a prisoner in his own home. Chet had locked him into his room, cut the phone lines and threatened to burn the house down. If it hadn't been for Jen and Aikrii Josh would have died there at the hands of Chet who had at the time apparently gone off his meds and snapped mentally. Josh knew what Chet was capable of and knowing was a small advantage but it also scared him immensely. He took the note folded the wrinkled mess up again and put it in an envelope. He placed a stamp on it and addressed it to his shop. He walked outside and looked around before proceeding. He locked up the house and then headed up the road to the mailbox. He dropped the letter into the box and closed the lid. When he turned around he nearly fainted. Chet was there and he had the meanest scowl on his face Josh had ever seen.

"I told you I'll take you to my world." Chet sneered. He held the knife to his gut Josh was scared. Strength was fine but even Josh knew he wasn't invincible. He did as Chet told him to do, just like last time. It was the only way to appease him to prevent damages. He hoped this time thou it wasn't a week long ordeal.

Chapter 8 ********

Dante walked into the door and was immediately hugged by his mom. "I missed you baby." She said kissing his cheek.

"Hey! Bro!" Sam walked into the kitchen and gave his brother a crushing hug.

"How was your trip?" he asked smiling like there was a million dollars in his pocket.

"Really good actually" Dante said; "What's with you that your smiling so much?"

"Oh no! You first. How did the shop repairs go for Mani?"

"Good we managed it in four days which means when you decided to do your shop I can help."

Sam chuckled he was happy to hear this. He had news for his brother but after he learned how his trip went. Sam grabbed Dante's bag and walked with him up to his room and dumped his bag onto his double bed.

"Soo...How was your trip really?" Sam asked winking.

"Sam it was amazing, He's tough but sensitive. He's still hurting thou but working through things, I don't know the details and I won't pry but I do know this much I seriously love him."

Sam slapped his brother on the back.

"Welcome to the club bro, you're in hook line and sinker."

Dante laughed. "There's a club now huh?"

"Yep, ask Mani and Aikrii, I joined to."

Dante stopped and looked at his brother with a half assed grin.

"Huh? Who Xavier?"

Sam blushed but nodded his head yes.

"Oh my god! When?" Dante asked excited for his brother.

"Well remember when you asked if I approached him and I said no, that was true, he approached me, just after that stupid SEXY note shit you pulled on me. He asked me out just before September's semesters. We had gone out a few times, some crap had cropped up with other students but we managed to mull through it and we're still going strong so far."

Dante's jaw dropped in happy shock, he was smiling thou.

"Oh my god it worked?"

Sam scratched his head and looked a bit sheepish and grinned back.

"He he he, umm yeah, it worked. Not quite like I expected but it worked."

Dante whooped, slapped his brother's back and gave him a noogie.

"You lucky dog you, congrats!"

"Whoa!" He laughed pulling himself from his brother's grip.

"There's more good news." Sam's eyes were like two black sparkling pieces of onyx as they dazzled with excitement. Dante stopped and looking at his brother he asked.

"What's that?"

Sam smirked. "Remember my worries over Xavier and what the university would say."


"Well since I'm no longer a student we can now date freely which left us wondering where to go from there."

"So..." Dante asked; "What are your plans?"

"I asked mom if Xavier could move in here with us."

"Oh shit! What did she say?" Dante's eyes were bugged out of his head he looked so shocked at Sam's brazen request to their mom.

"Mom said yes." Sam smiled "He will be moving in at the end of his contractual term at the university."

Dante damn nearly fell off his bed at the news.

"Why in the world did mom agree so easily?"

"He's going to be helping me get my shop started Dante." We'll be working together once it's up and running." Dante was floored again with the second bit of news.

"Holy Fuck! When are you opening your shop?"

"October first at the latest once all the renovations, excreta are done."

Dante was happy for his brother who looked to be one happy camper.

"I love him so much Dante. There are days I think I'd rather die than spend my life without him." Sam's emotions poured out on his face, Dante to felt what he was emitting, he had the same reactions when he was with Josh so he knew where Sam stood.

"I hear ya loud and clear bro, loud and clear."

He looked at the clock it was well after nine and he hadn't heard from Josh yet so he went to the phone and dialed his number. The answering machine caught his call.

"Hey you reached Josh but unfourtunally I'm tied up right now. Leave a message. I'll page ya back when I can. Chow!"


Dante hated answering machines but for Josh's own security emotionally he left him a message.

"Hey hun, guess your either showering or passed out. I'm unpacked now and relaxing. I know you have work and stuff so call me when you have a chance ok. Love you."

He hung up the phone and smiled. He headed off to bed he was wiped. He'd speak to Josh soon enough.

Josh heard his voice and cried to himself. Chet sneered at the answering machine. He had taken Josh back to the familiar surroundings. It was like he never left. He also knew he had an advantage over Josh, not only was he bigger he knew who Dante and Sam were now. He told Josh if he wanted Dante left safe he'd call it off. Chet was also thinking clearer as well even thou he'd been off his meds for over a month. He was being more rational in his muttled state. He didn't cut the phone line this time but he did make sure Josh couldn't access it. Josh had a pillow in his arms; he hugged it tightly and continued to cry into it. His heart ached he knew he had to protect Dante and he also prayed that Jen would notice the signs again. He had to figure a way out of here.

"Stop your blubbering your giving me a fucking headache." Chet barked his order while rubbing his temples. He was still holding the knife he had used to convince Josh to return to his place. Josh had learned that Chet also had a gun; which was tucked into the waistband of his pants. Josh could now see the butt of it and it made him cringe.

"I'm tired Chet." Josh said through sniffs. "I'm tired of your games, the violence, the manipulation. Why are you doing this again?" Josh asked.

Chet stared at Josh like he was a stranger but he also had a look of hurt on his face.

"What the fuck do you mean why?" Chet screamed making Josh cringe. Chet hauled out his gun and walked over to Josh and ran the muzzle down Josh's cheek suggestively.

"Your mine and be damned if I'm going to allow you to whore around with some slick dick like Dante Ericson."

"Fuck I should just waste him and you'll never see him again, less worry that way."

Josh's heart raced he was about to faint, he could taste blood on his tongue from biting down so hard while clenching his teeth. He whimpered as he felt the muzzle run down his cheek. A tear followed as he threatened Dante's life. Josh spoke after that.

"There's no need to hurt Dante you have me now Chet, right where you want me."

Chet laughed. "Your right." He poked Josh and told him to "Get up." Josh got off the couch and went towards to where Chet was directing him. Upstairs. Josh trembled as he was directed to his own room. The room went dark. Josh didn't know what happened after that.

The next morning Jen opened the shop. She yet had to hear from Josh and was hoping to soon. The new girl was starting and she had a lot of training to do but she assumed Anya would catch on pretty quickly since she was an older employee. Jen always found that non-students caught on faster.

Anya walked in and said her hi's and they both got to work. It was lunch time before the mail showed and Jen started through it but she never did manage to finish it as Anya caught a thief her first day on. They dealt with the cops and then they caught up with other shop duties. Four p.m. came and went with no word from Josh. Jen figured he was taking a personal day after working so hard fro Mani and Aikrii. She sent Anya on her way and then started to balance her books. The phone rang around quarter to five.

"Hello." She answered.

"Hey Jen" Dante said; "Josh there?"

Jen was puzzled. "Dante?"

"Yeah." He responded. Jen then asked. "He's not with you? Cause he never came in today." Now Dante was confused. Josh rarely missed work.

"No he's not here and I called the house. There's no answer that's why I called here."

Jen wasn't too concerned thou. Josh had taken personal days before, granted he usually called but she assumed this was the same thing, and reassured Dante this and told him to just go over to his place to see him. Dante agreed it was probably for the best and thanked Jen and hung up.

Dante hung up and smiled. He guessed poor Josh was exhausted from the last week of work. Dante took the paper pick up note his mom had given him for the parcel that had been at the house for him. He headed to the post office to pick up the package that was waiting for him. He figured he'd stop by Josh's after he got his pack. The trip to the post office was slow. Traffic was awful and he had to get a move on since Sam needed the car. He got his package and opened it he knew it was from the insurance company he just didn't know what for, so when he saw the papers clarifying that in lew to the accident that not only caused damage to their car but also to their house they would be adding a second car to the pay out as requested by Dante's mom, out of the generosity of the driver who had been in the accident he was adding six months of free gas coupons. Dante was stunned at the info and went right on reading. He learned he was to pick out his new car on Wednesday or Friday and its price range was to be the same as the costs their mom had submitted to fix the house. He was happy to learn he would no longer have to share a set of wheels with Sam. Sam would be happy to since he did pick out the car Dante was currently driving; which wasn't a favorite of Dante's. Dante got into the car and headed to Josh's. He wanted to share the news with him. Maybe Josh would like to help him pock out a new car with him. He smiled all the way to Josh's door. The smile however thou disappeared pretty quickly when Chet greeted Dante.

"Umm, is Josh home?" Dante asked him a tad confused; he thought Chet and Josh no longer associated with each other.

"No, Sorry he's not at the moment." Chet said; "May I ask who's calling." Chet played dumb but he was well aware who Dante was.

"Can you tell him Dante stopped by." Dante frowned he was so confused why Josh had Chet in his house. "Tell him I called to, I'm worried."

Chet glared "Don't you worry Mr. Dante, He's ok. I always take good care of him. Rest assured when he's available I'll get him to call you." The look of jealousy was quite apparent in Chet's eyes and Dante could read him loud and clear.

Dante backed off of Josh's porch and said good-bye. He got into his car and drove off hurting so badly it felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. `How could Josh lead him on like that!' he thought. He punched the accelerator and headed home. By the time he got to the driveway of his mothers home he broke down into a million pieces. He cried his heart out. It's where Sam found him five minutes later.

"What happened?" Sam asked as Dante sobbed.

"I don't know!" He said through his tears as they walked into the house to his room.

"I thought he was a bit off after he got home, I couldn't figure out why." He hiccupped "Now I know, he must have felt guilty. That's probably why he never asked me to stay."

Dante curled up into a small ball on his bed and hugged his pillow. Sam rubbed his back.

"Dante there's got to be more to this than your seeing."

"Did he ever tell you about Chet?" Sam stopped rubbing his brother's back as Dante rolled over and looked at him.

"No, he said he'd tell me later."

Dante grabbed a tissue from his end table by his bed. He blew his nose. He had a headache now.

"I don't understand why he never told me about Chet, I tried to be patient. Maybe this is why. They might have never really broken up."

Sam mulled over what was going on, he felt so bad for him, it was his mom who helped him through his issues with Xavier so he did what his mom had told him to do.

"Dante, Sleep on it ok. Tomorrow is another day. Try to work through this mess with a clear head ok."

Dante looked at his brother and even thou he knew it would be easier said than done, he nodded his head in agreement. "Maybe he needs time to think, but it still hurts to think that he might have lied to me."

"If you truly love him Dante you'll give him the time he needs to work through this on his own, sometimes that's needed."

"I got news from the insurance company." Dante threw in his own bit of info that was off topic but it helped him calm down some and took the subject off of Josh since it hurt so damn much.

"Really? What's up? What are they going to do?"

"The repairs are done, Mom didn't suffer too bad financially right?"

"No she had some money saved and the cash you had horded helped."

"The driver who had the accident offered to pay either damages or to add another car to our pay out for the damages to the house. Seems mom choose the 2nd car but it's ultimately up to me what I want to choose, I'm leaning towards the car"

"Really? Are you going to do that?" Sam asked

"Yeah, and I think I'll just give mom back what she forked out on the home repairs so she's not loosing totally either. I still have money saved from the past endorsements and commercials I did last year"

"Sounds good to me when are you going to pick it out?"

"I'm not sure I was going to ask Josh to come with me." The memory of Josh ate at him and he swallowed to hold back tears that threatened to hit him again.

"I think I'll wait till Friday before I pick out the car, I have things I have to do this week anyway."

Sam nodded, "Well I have to call Xavier. If you still need to talk you know where I am, but take my advice. Sleep on it ok."

Dante did manage to fall asleep around ten that evening. It was a fit full night and dream ridden and when he awoke the next morning he was still exhausted and then startled by what came next.

*************************************** When he came to he didn't know where he was. It was musty smelling and very dark. He was on something soft. He felt around. He figured it was a sofa. He listened intently to his surroundings. He heard shuffling above his head, back and forth, back and forth. Someone was walking he heard mumbling. It took a bit for it to register but he finally realized he was in his own basement. He felt around and slowly made his way to the steps that lead to the upper landing of his home. He checked the door only find it was locked. He heard a knock that made him jump. He realized it had to be late since there was very little light coming through from under the door. The knocking he had heard came from the front door. He listened and realized the voice he heard was Dante's. `Oh my god!' he though he prayed Chet didn't do anything to him. He listened and noticed that Chet let Dante leave. He couldn't figure out why. He heard the front door close and the next noise to shatter the silence of the home was a scream from Chet. Josh cringed. He heard Chet babbling to himself.

"I can burry him in the people would see me."

"I could bag him and take him that means a car." "SHIT!"

Josh sucked in a breath. HOLY SHIT!' Chet thought he was dead! Josh slowly snuck back down to the bottom landings. He knew his way around his basement. Even amongst the preservatives, Junk and other forgotten items he remembered where there was stored water for storms, and a small flashlight. He found the water and took a hearty swig. Now he had to think of a way out of this mess without getting himself killed. God! Jen find that note!' he thought.

He went back to the sofa curled into a ball and slept. His dreams filled with Dante being hurt. He woke twice with tears in his eyes. Josh never felt so alone at that moment.

When Dante showed at the door Chet panicked at first but getting his rambling thoughts together he managed to muster up enough smarts to freak out Dante so he wouldn't return anytime soon. He made sure Dante thought he and Josh were together. It seemed to work and that would be enough keep himself out of shit long enough to get some time to figure out what to do next. He did so enjoy the obvious pain that registered on Dante's face. Wouldn't matter anyway Josh was dead. He couldn't find a pulse when Josh collapsed upstairs and it freaked him out. He put his body in the basement till he could figure out what to do next. Chet was still freaking out over that as he shut the front door. He screamed and muttered out loud what he could do with the body. He had to dispose of him some how. He figured the cops would blame him for Josh's heart attack. He seemed to have scared him to death. Chet paced off and on most of the evening and finally passed out after ten that evening on the couch in the living room.

The phone rang in the morning the answering machine picked up. It was a woman's voice. Chet didn't know who she was but he listened to the message as it came through. "Josh call me when you get the chance, Anya needs to meet you and we have stuff to go over. If you don't call by tomorrow I'll pop by ok." The caller hung up. Chet was worried now he had to figure out a way out of this mess and he only had a few hours to finish up what he had started. Problem was stress was making him mess up now.

She had to open the store again. This was the ninth day. She was suppose to be relieved two days ago. It wasn't like Josh at all to not let her know what was up. She hung up the phone after placing her second call to Josh's. She looked at the mail she had started yesterday. She had to get to it today otherwise she's get behind. Fishing through the pile she hauled at a shipping bill and went over it. Anya popped her head into the office. "I have mail to finish, restock and try to ring in orders till I'm done here ok. Call me if you need help or get stuck. Ok." Jen figured she'd be able to manage for a few on her own.

"Sure will do" Anya said.

Jen continued on the mail and noticed the odd envelope in the mess. She picked it up. It had Josh's handwriting on it OK this confused her. She slit opened the envelope and took out a wrinkled piece of paper. She unfolded it and gasped. `Oh no not again!" She was scared now. She then realized to she had left a message last night about popping over. If Chet was around or with Josh god only knows what he was capable of doing. She figured he had to be with Josh since it was the only logical reason behind Josh's absents. She picked up the phone and called Dante.

************************************************** An excited Sam awakened Dante.

"Dante! Dante! Get up something's wrong Jen's on the phone!"

He took the phone and listened to a frantic Jen tell him she received a note she knew was written by Chet and filled him in on details thou sparse on what had happened before. Dante was now scared; he even confirmed to Jen that Chet was in the house. She asked if he had seen Josh. He told her no he hadn't. He heard her intake of breath and at that instant he felt like his whole world was crashing in around him.

"Fuck this shit." Jen said; "I'm closing up the shop and calling the police, I suggest you do the same Dante."

"Get over to Josh's place make sure he's ok, I don't want to loose him again, it took over a year to get him to come out of his shell and Aikrii isn't around to help this time."

Dante said ok and hung up. He called the police to put in his concerns. He told the officers at dispatch that he believed Chet was armed, in the house and the possibility that Josh was injured. The answering officer said that Josh's work was also calling in with concerns. They were checking in on it because of past records showing a similar incident last year. They were sending an officer to check out his home. Dante hung up. He wanted to be there. He and Sam hastily got dressed and headed out the door. Sam drove to Josh's place there were already four squad cars surrounding Josh's home and Chet was screaming on top of his lungs that it wasn't suppose to end like it was.

Dante panicked as he jumped from the car.

"JOSH!" he yelled as he tried to go to the house, Sam and an officer stopped him. "JOSH!" he screamed trying to break free. Tears streamed down his face.

"Best not to go there boy, he's armed." The officer was sullen but serious.

Dante collapsed crying; "He's got to be ok!" he looked at Sam. "He's ok isn't he?"

Sam put his arm around his brother. "I don't know Dante, I really don't know."

The officer who had spoken to Dante and Sam used a bullhorn and told Chet to surrender and send out Josh.

"Your too late!" He screamed. "It wasn't suppose to be this way! He cheated on me!"

He slammed the window with the butt of the gun. Dante cried "NO!" Chet laughed at the anguished cry of pain. "Yeah Dante, if I can't have him no one will!" Chet then took aim at Dante. He never got to pull the trigger the officers took him down in two shots. It was all over. Chet was dead.

Dante was still in the grass crying while Sam held him. The police, ambulances and news crews were now all over the place. The area was a massive mess. Officers swarmed Josh's home. Josh heard the shots and had hidden. When he had heard the officers enter the house he guessed he was safe when they started to call his name. He floundered his way in the dark to the top of the stairs and banged on the door, he yelled. "I'm in here!" The officer who had been speaking to Dante opened the door and looked down at the platinum blond.

"You Josh?" he asked.

"Yes, Please can I just get out of here?"

The officer lent him a hand and steadied him as they left the home that for a second time had been tainted by the hate of Chet.

"I think there's someone outside who would really like to see you." The officer said as he led him outside.

Dante sensed him. He looked up and saw him being led from the home Josh so loved.

"Oh my god he's alive!" Dante was relieved. He got up and ran to him grabbing him and hugging him so tightly Josh thought he was going to be crushed. Dante kissed his head checked him over and fussed. "Oh my god Josh I was so scared!" "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" "He said you were dead!" Josh just stood there staring at the man he loved more than anything in the world. But he couldn't find his voice. He started to cry. He fell to his knees. Dante went down with him.

"Get an ENT over here!" The officer who had helped yelled. Dante held Josh rocking him. Josh had fainted again. Dante cried and rocked him till they took him in the ambulance to the Dixion Hospital, Sam took Dante in his car to go see him. The day wasn't even half over. Jen was at the hospital when they arrived.

"Thanks for helping Jen" Sam said to the lady he had the pleasure of meeting once before. He spoke with her while Dante hovered over Josh who was now on a heart monitor and being watched closely. Dante held his hand and just prayed. He just found him he didn't want to loose him now.

Chapter 9 *********

He was hospitalized three days total. He didn't utter a word the first two days he was there, not even to Dante, who didn't leave his side till day three. He held his hand and just waited, watched and stroked his hair from his weary face. Josh felt the gestures. He knew who was there, but he was still in a state of shock. He didn't eat he just stared. Day three wasn't the same thou and Josh felt a loss as soon as he woke up. The connection was gone he panicked. He yelled, the first words he said in days. "DANTE!" The cry out was like he was in agony and the nurses rushed to his room they asked if he was ok. "I want Dante!" he said. "You have to talk to the police Mr. Trask." "That's where your friend is now;" another offered. "I want Dante!" He said firmly. The second nurse left the room to go fetch Dante from the meeting room where he was speaking to the two officers who were trynig to piece together the events of the last five days. When the officers and Dante were told that Josh was speaking again Dante wanted to see him. It was the nurses who told him that till the police spoke to him it was best he stayed away. They had to get the events accounted for. The officers however had no luck when they questioned him. He point blank refused to say anything without Dante with him. They allowed it but Dante asked the questions, the officers figured it was a safe bet he would comply if Dante did the questioning. Dante returned to Josh's side who in turn cried in his arms. Josh pulled on him so Dante crawled right up onto the bed with him and held him as he broke down.

"I was so scared he would kill you" Josh sobbed. "I knew he couldn't be far away, I had to make sure you were safe." He buried his face into Dante's shoulder. His sobs shook them both. "I couldn't' bare that he wanted to hurt you. I mailed the letter to the shop so someone would find it incase I didn't show up. It worked, and Jen knew from the last time and the police had it on record from last year."

"I'm sorry Dante I didn't tell you sooner."

Dante looked at Josh. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, he thought I had a heart attack. I only fainted. You know, he was going to bury me."

"Why did you faint?"

"I fainted because I thought he was going to rape me, he made me get up started me to my room after I told him to leave you alone he had me right where he wanted me. I freaked when I realized where he was making me go." Josh rambled on the fear very real on his face.

"He didn't?" Dante had to ask.

"No, I think he was too scared to do anything. When I came to I was in the basement."

Dante hugged him and rocked. He kissed Josh's forehead.

"I'm so happy to see you safe, I thought my world had ended when he said we were too late."

"I was planning an escape." Josh said. "It's just a good thing Jen came through really quickly and you showed. I got to admit I was really scared. I heard him yell at you. I heard the shots and a thud." He paused then looked at Dante directly in the eyes. "My heart left me thinking he killed you."

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." Dante kissed his head again and told him. "The officers here need to know everything from start to finish so they have a record ok." Josh nodded "If you're here I'll tell them what I can." Dante sat there as the police questioned him about the unfolding events of the past few days that led to Chet being shot and him sequentially being hospitalized. A lot of past stuff cropped up and Dante learned some of the story behind Chet and Josh's past non-existent relationship. There were still blanks thou.

A few hours later the head nurse told Dante he could take him home but he wasn't to be left alone. Dante called his mom and asked if it was ok to bring Josh there. Michelle spoke. "If you take him back to his place where someone just died, I think I'd freak on you myself. I insist you bring him here."

"Thanks mom. We'll be there soon ok. Can you put Sam on?"

"Yes, hold on." She yelled for Sam who spoke to Dante about a pick up.

"I have to stop at Josh's to get clothes for him thou, I don't want to take him in there yet."

"How about I pick you up. You take us home then you go to Josh's place on your own and get his stuff, since you probably know his place better that I would."

Dante agreed and told Josh what the plans were. Josh didn't want him to go but he did need clothing.

Michelle greeted Josh with open arms and Sam kept him busy as Dante ran off to Josh's place to get his stuff.

He entered the home which was cold and eerily quiet. He walked through the living room which had been taped off but he was still permitted to be there. He made his way to the stairs and walked up slowly. The house felt dead. Dante entered Josh's room and checked his closet. He found a suitcase and started to fill it with a few of Josh's belongings. He checked the bathroom and grabbed Josh's shave kit bag. Going downstairs with the suitcase he stopped at the door. He looked over at Josh's computer, realizing he probably used it a lot for work and would need it he decided to pack it up and take it as well. Scrounging for a box he packed up Josh's computer hastily and added many other odds and ends he was sure Josh would need. Locking up and heading for the car, he looked back as he packed the car. He didn't think he'd be returning here anytime soon. Hopefully he and Josh could make new memories somewhere else.

He arrived at the house and was happily greeted by all three members currently in the home where Dante lived. Each grabbed a box or a bag and hauled them upstairs to Dante's room. Michelle was thrilled to have an extra houseguest and every time Josh said thanks she just patted his cheek and said "There, there hun. I wouldn't have it any other way." She smiled as she added two more pillows to Dante's double bed.

Josh was setting up his computer and asked Dante if he had internet access.

"Yes, I just need to get another cat five cable and run it to the router." Josh was happy to hear that. "We can do that tomorrow if ya wish." Dante waited to see what he was going to say. "I think I'm going to call Jen and ask her a few things first."

Dante passed him the phone and let him be to do his thing. He went downstairs and hugged him mom.

"Thanks mom for letting him stay."

"Hunny as I said to Josh. I wouldn't have it any other way. He needs support as much as you do and I much rather you both have that here than trying your damndest to muttle through on your own. It's always best with family around anyway."

Dante smiled again. "No one is luckier than us for having you as our mom."

Michelle chuckled. "He's already here hun, you don't have to butter me up." She pinched his cheek winking "I'm blessed to thou to have such good boys, and your boyfriends are both more than welcomed here."

She shooed him off to spend time with Josh. "He needs your attention. Oh and show him where things are like the towels and stuff so he can relax and get settled."

He walked back into his room to find Josh curled up on his bed chatting on the phone. He smiled and crawled onto his bed and lay against his headboard and threw an arm over Josh and pulled him against his chest while he still chatted. Josh chuckled and relaxed against Dante. Yes, he's been very attentive. Thanks sweetie you did well."

Dante figured he was still chatting to Jen. Yes. Just put up a notice and close the shop if you want to. You really don't have to keep opening and I'd understand if you need a break."

"If you happen to choose to keep it up I'll pay you time and a half ok. The choice thou are ultimately up to you thou."

"Yes I will, ok Jen. Bye."

He hung up the phone laid it down and wrapped his arms around Dante.

"How's Jen?" Dante asked.

"She's a bit stressed but the new lady is working out quite well, apparently she's already caught onto things. I also gave Jen a choice to either close shop till Saturday or open and I'll give her time and a half for helping out so much."

"Don't you loose out if the shop is closed?" Dante asked.

"Yes, I do, it costs a lot to run the place. Three hundred alone for rent, sixty a month on electricity, two hundred for advertising. There's five hundred for taxes and then stock fees. Insurance is on top of that. I can stand to loose up to one thousand a day that I'm closed."

"HOLY SHIT!" Dante said; "So you have to make a minimum of one thousand a day just to break even?"

"Yes, pretty much." Josh said. "Jen said the last few days have been pretty good so two days off won't kill me or bring my margins into the red."

Dante looked onto the top of Josh's head hugged him tight. He kissed his head and then asked.

"If you can go to work and I offered to come with you and help out. Do you think you can handle it for the day with me there?"

"I don't' want to see you loose out, but I also want to be around to help so I'll come with you if you want."

Josh rolled over situating himself belly down between Dante's legs. With both his arms folded over Dante's upper thigh he laid his chin on his hands and looked up at Dante.

"I'd go if you were there, it would defiantly make the day more tolerable." He said this with a grateful smile as Dante ran his fingers through his hair.

"Good." Dante said; "We'll go to work together tomorrow. You'll teach me and I'll be there if you need me to relax. I know the new lady will be there so it won't be so bad."

Josh pushed himself up on his hands and knees and kissed Dante till he felt like he was going to drown. Dante's hands had moved to Josh's cheeks and pulled him back.

"So I take it your pleased with the suggestion?" he chuckled

"More than you'll ever know." Josh said grinning. They snuggled for a bit together till they heard "Tap. Tap. Tap!" on the door. "Come in Dante said without moving. Dante's mom poked her head into the room.

"You two hungry?"

Josh rolled over his back how to Dante's chest. Dante still had his arms around him.

"I am a bit Mrs. Ericson." He said

"Oh good gosh Josh, call me Michelle or mom. Not Mrs. Ericson, I'm far from elderly yet." She chuckled when she noticed Josh blush. Dante giggled to.

"Yeah I'm famished mom, what are we having?"

Michelle pondered, "Well we can do pizza or I can whip up something."

Josh perked up at the thought of homemade cooked food. It was always better to cook for more than one. "I'll help if you decide to cook." He said to Michelle. Dante was a bit surprised.

"You cook?"

"Yep, my grand mom taught me." Josh beamed; "I love to cook!"

Michelle was happy to hear that. "Well you can come cook with me if you want. We can do stir fry."

Josh grinned even more he sat up turned around kissed Dante and said, "Later sexy. I got a stove that's begging for me to turn it on."

Dante laughed again as Josh rushed off with his mom to go cook. Things were looking up now.

MANY thanks to EVERYONE and all the e-mails Thanks for reading. The series; books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link to the series offical web page.

Book 4 is in progress along with the others Please bear with me if the pages are listed in my site it's just how I have things set up even thou sometimes they don't work. (if there's nothing showing it's not up yet) The full series will be set up in here (Nifty) in due time. Summer of 2008 is seeing me prepare for a return to college and a few life changes to boot :) All good I assure you. Please by all means keep the mails comming I love chatting to my readers.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Thanks again - Lila Mosher

Next: Chapter 10: Steppin Out II 10 12

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