Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Jul 23, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 2) Josh and Dante's Dream Copyright 1995-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

Two wonderful people are brought together through the ties of another who's struggled with acceptance of his own. These two fine hearts learn not only to share their feelings and love with each other but they extend themselves to include another lost and abused soul into their lives, this is book 2 & the continuing story to Steppin' Out. Please enjoy and feel free to e-mail me your comments I love getting feed back from fans :) thanks

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks and if you want to mail me DO SO I DO love getting mails from readers so PLEASE keep them comming!!!

Please enjoy the 2nd installment, book 2 ... books 1, 2 and 3 are published in full on line mail me to ask for the site link or keep watching here for the next chaprters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

Chapter 1 ********

The bell had signaled the end of the classes for the day. Dante Headed to his locker, he leaned against it waiting for his locker mate to show sharing a locker sucked but it was cheaper in the long run. While he waited he watched across the throng of students scurrying around getting ready to head home. He noticed the platinum blond right away. The sun from the upper hall window arched across the hall setting on his head like a spotlight making his hair glow, dust partials floating in the air danced in the sunlight looking like hundred's of pixies dancing around the boy's head. Dante groaned and shifted his books to cover the front of himself. His obsession with Josh's sexy body was getting worse; if he had the balls he'd ask him out.

It wasn't like Dante was a bad looking guy stood nearly six feet tall at one hundred and seventy five pounds, he had a swimmer's body. He had short black hair, was clean shaved thou stubble was always an issue for him. He was built well. His body was sleek and slim like an otter. He wore simple glasses that framed eyes as dark as a night sky. He was medium complected. Others might think he was homely or plain, but he'd been told before he was good looking, what he didn't understand was why it was so damn hard finding other guys who thought he was as appealing. Sam slowed and looked at him.

"Yo! Dude move your mooning ass!"

"Hey! I'm not mooning!" he protested.

"He doth protest too much." Sam quoted and mimed a Shakespearian actor. God he could be so damn annoying but there wasn't really anything he could do about it since Sam was after all his twin brother.

"Your such a brat sometimes, I swear to god you're lucky I never sold you to the freak show when you were little."

Sam was nearly identical to Dante except Sam had a fetish for jewelry and piercings. He had quite a few. Sam's left eyebrow had one. He also had a stud in his nose. He had two hoops in his left ear and three studs in his right ear and a nipple ring. Along with the piercings Sam tended to not shave, so often so his goatee resembled a half ass shaggy beard, which in turn caused many to think him much older than his twenty-two years.

He tossed his books in with his brothers and grabbed his jacket, sliding in an arm into the sleeve as he watched Josh again, who was now chatting to Aikrii. His pal Aikrii had returned to university after a sever beating had left him hospitalized for two weeks. Aikrii was now in his last year at St. Stephen's programming courses. Dante was happy to see him back at the university looking well. When Aikrii stopped in front of Dante he was slow to respond since he was still staring at Josh who was apparently getting ready for a practice session with his lacrosse team.

"Yo! Dude!" Aikrii said poking his friend trying to get his attention.

"Huh?" Dante looked at Aikrii "Oh, Hey! How are ya?" He asked smiling.

"Good actually," Aikrii said, he turned trying to see what Dante was staring at. He caught Josh in his view. Aikrii grinned.

"Nice pick there Dante." Aikrii said with a smirk.

Once again Dante was off in his own world so when he heard his name again he half ass snapped back to reality.

"Huh? What?" he said looking at Aikrii like he has no idea what so ever on what he was talking about.

"Oh nothing. I see you're distracted." Aikrii said chuckling. "Wondering what your doing this weekend. I think Mani and I are going to N-R-G to listen to Flatline play. Wanna come?"

Dante looked at him. "Who else is coming?"

"Mani, myself, Cleo, Nye and a few others they invited. I asked a few people but most have turned me down due to exams coming up. So what'cha say? Gonna come?"

Aikrii noticed Sam was staring at him, "Hi Sam." He said smiling.

Sam grinned "Hey where's Mani?" he asked looking around, "you know Chet is still after all this time, mooning over loosing his chance with him."

Aikrii chuckled recalling the spiky haired blond who use to be Josh's roommate.

"Chet is obsessive, he was that way with Josh. He would have as much chance as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs with Mani, He's just not his type."

They all giggled at the comment.

Josh walked past Dante and Aikrii with his lacrosse stick over his shoulder, his bare legs showing and giving Dante a good view of the lithe and limberness contained within them. He swallowed hard and smiled as Josh started to speak to Aikrii. "Remember to bring him to see me to. We'll get your cute asses covered with the finest!"

Aikrii laughed again. His best pal was such a queen sometimes; he really liked to play the part up. He was still a riot to hang with thou. Dante was beat red when Aikrii looked back

"You ok?" He asked him.

"Umm, Yeah...I gotta go." With that he slammed the locker shut and took off.

"What's with him? Aikrii asked Sam who had been talking to another student.

"Oh he's all moony over Josh, stupid idiot won't ask him out thou." Sam said snorting and picking up his shop bag.

"I swear to god he's worse than some moon struck girl, its disgusting." He made a face as Aikrii watched him.

"So no worse than you and Xavier then, eh?" Sam stopped dead in his tracks and turned beat red and stammered.

"Ho..How! How the fuck did you find about that!" He hissed looking around hoping not to draw attention to himself.

"Hey your little crush is safe with me." Aikrii chuckled raising his hands in defense. "Oh and you give it away in many senses so when you responded that way you just confirmed what your brother suspected already."

Sam slapped his forehead and groaned. "Is it that friggin obvious?" he looked through his fingers at Aikrii who laughed.

"Sam in the last bit since I've been back even I've noticed the changes, that's why I asked your brother what was up with you. He told me about your apparent attraction to the new teacher's assistant in your cosmetology class, what I don't understand is why you don't just go for it."

Oh yeah! That would be a smart move, NOT!" Sam huffed grabbing his shop kit. "Just what I'd need, watch him loose his job two months before the end of his contract. Sorry cute stuff but I'm not that stupid, and I can't see him even wanting to even risk it either. Can you imagine the scandal here if word got out a student and a teacher were dating, especially a gay one! Good god!"

Aikrii let off a low chuckled, "Your so sensitive Sam come on I was just kidding and hell it's not like you've done anything...have you?" He looked at his friend with a smug grin.

"That pal of mine is none of your business, besides I haven't even approached him yet. Fuck I can't even look at him without turning six shades of red and it's a bitch during class time since he calls on each of us, I always screw up when I'm near him!"

He continued to grumble as he walked out the universities door. The crisp spring air made him stop and breath deeply. He walked over to the wall and plopped his shop kit onto it as he adjusted his heavy knapsack.

"Well I have to go. Mani and I have plans to meet up with a few others" He waved his good-byes to his friend and headed off to the south end parking lot to find his boyfriend, he yelled back to Sam; "Get Dante to call me if he's gonna join us ok!"

Sam nodded and waved back seeing him off. He looked around and spotted Dante across the north end parking lot under one of the many trees the students tended to use for a rest stop or study spot. He walked over to his twin brother and plopped down beside him.

The two young men were both in their third year of St Stephen's University They had both taken last year off when their dad had passed from cancer. Their return had been a bit of a shock for them due to so many changes that occurred at the university, not only image wise but faculty wise as well. Xavier York their cosmetology teacher was one of those changes that had thrown them for a loop.

"Hey." Dante said to his brother as Sam sat down beside him,

"Sorry for being an ass earlier." Sam said; "Seems you're not the only one who's been noticed mooning over someone." Sam looked over his knee and noticed that this spot had a good vantage point of the lacrosse field.

"Yeah, So have you figured out how to approach Xavier yet?" Dante asked.

"Nope, no more than you have on Josh, We're such speds." Sam said as he leaned back against the tree and watched the lacrosse team members stretch out for practice. Sam sighed Dante leaned forward wrapping his arms around his knees watching as Josh's team took the field, Dante really thought it was neat that Josh was the team captain of the lacrosse team, it wasn't an easy sport to be involved with, it was impressive to Dante since he knew Josh had "girly tendencies" as Sam called it. Dante found it endearing actually which was odd since he never though he'd hit it off that well with a somewhat effeminized guy. Granted he didn't act that way all the time but he still had the tendency to fall under the stereotypical label' when he was excited or being funny. He grinned as he heard Josh yell out to his teammates stretch time. This was one of Dante's favorite parts of Josh's practice routine. Dante knew Josh was well built but he also knew Josh wasn't the strongest' person either even if he did play lacrosse.

Josh was slinging a ball around to a few teammates He had noticed pretty quickly the tall sleek dark haired guy he had his heart on. Dante was hard to miss as well. He walked like a panther, all fluid and graceful. He watched him settle by the tree that was about five hundred feet away from the field but it didn't matter to him he was just glad to know he was there. He thought to himself as his teammates went thought their routine. It was too bad his guts got all mushy on him whenever Dante came near. Seemed to him thirty seconds was all he could muster so far after that he had to scoot in order to avoid embarrassment.

He tossed the ball and said, "Stretch time!" His teammates lined up and a few shucked their t-shirts other just stood there stretching and limbering up some just stood and waited for the routine Josh put them through to start up. Josh slid out of his t-shirt, he knew Dante was watching and wanted to give him a good show. He started the routine to the music 'Go west that was sung by the petshop boys' he had on the ghetto blaster he had beside him, the dance music he had going was somewhat slow paced at first and made his crews work out seem smooth and limbering. Ten minutes later the music picked up to a low impact pace and the new song 'Low' was playing. Josh looked over at Dante and noticed that his brother had joined him and was laughing at Dante, who was at that moment sitting with his jaw nearly touching the ground.

"Squats!" he had his backend facing Dante and his brother, he squatted down arms stretched out and his teammates followed suit. Up, down, up, down..."And three more and two more and done! run it out!"

Josh's team started to do the required laps heading east on the field first then south and then west past Dante and Sam within one hundred feet of them. Josh was leading them, and Dante grinned as they past by their spot.

"God damn he's hot!" He growled out, and then he turned red as his brother laughed again at another one of his comments he had busted forth with in the last ten minutes.

"My baby bro has the hots for our lacrosse teams captain." He laughed more when Dante threw an acorn at him.

"You're only five minutes older than me jerk off! And not so loud either I don't need the whole damn university knowing!"

Sam tried his best to stifle the laughter and hauled out his business courses reading material and started to go over stuff for his exams and the material that was needed for Monday's classes. He didn't get too far thou since he was still distracted with his own thoughts; which involved one particular teacher.

"Dammit!" he grumbled. "Let's go, I have to get out of here."

"Awww, what's wrong?" Dante asked.

"Too damn distracted" he muttered. He got up and started for the parking lot. His reluctant brother was in tow. They didn't get too far when Sam stopped in his tracks. He noticed the flaming red hair immediately but the thing was too many boxes were topping his arms and Sam noticed the precarious balancing act that Xavier was trying to attempt while maneuvering his way to his car. He shoved his bag at his brother and rushed over to Xavier to lend a hand. He stopped in front of his TA and let him bump him. Xavier grunted as Sam said; "Hey let me help." As he took two boxes off the top of the pile Xavier had in his arms. "Thanks I needed that." Xavier said smiling at Sam. They made it over to Xavier's car and Sam put down the boxes. Little did Sam know but Xavier was checking his ass out and Dante watched this with amusement.

"No problem, sir!" Sam said scratching his head and grinning like a goof.

"Oh god, Sam do not call me Sir. Sir is my dad. Shit I'm what only three years older than you, don't make me feel older than I need to be ok." Xavier chuckled at Sam's facial expression, the element of surprise registered and it made Xavier think he was too damn cute.

"Sure ...ummm" Sam hesitated then blushed.

"Call me Xavier silly, it is my name after all" He smiled and then unlocked his trunk.

"Ok Xavier it is then" Sam said, "so ya need anymore help?"

"Nope I think I can mange from here, but thanks." Xavier grinned again and mentally laughed at the embarrassed state of the young man in front of him. He waited till Sam was walking away before he started to load the boxes into his trunk.

Sam grinned as he walked away, idiot or not he managed to last more than thirty seconds talking to his teacher. He looked back and saw the backside of Xavier and gripped Dante's arm and groaned. Dante let out a hearty chuckle and Sam spun around real quick, he was sure Xavier heard Dante's laughter and didn't want to be caught ogling his teacher's ass.

"Jesus Dante, give me away now! Thanks!"

"Good god Sam you seriously need to get some, this can't be good for you." He laughed again as his brother glared at him. "Blue ball express look out Sam's on that trolley and his head is about to explode!" Sam hauled off and slapped his bro what for up the backside of his head.

"Hey! No fair! I'm not the horn dog here!" Dante scowled.

"No you're the big mouth!" Sam sneered then started to jog away from his brother.

"All the better to deep throat with brother dear, you should try it sometime!"

Sam was mortified at his brother's comment and turned another six shades of red. He ran faster. Being a twin brother sucked sometimes, even more so considering both of them were gay. Sam made it home first and headed to his room. He had studying to do.

It was about ten minutes later that Dante walked into the door. He was in a good mood he dropped his bag on to the bench by the door and tossed off his sneakers. He wandered to the kitchen to get some food, his stomach was protesting as its emptiness. He rummaged through the fridge and grabbed an apple. His mom walked in the back door with a basket full of veggies from their garden.

"Hi mamma" he kissed her cheek "need help with supper tonight?" he asked her. "No sweetie, you have studying to do and I suggest you get to it exams are only a few weeks away, I'll manage while you do that, it's bad enough last year you missed out, not this time sonny." She patted his cheek, and smiled. He gave her a hug and then headed up to his room. Once he got there he flopped on to his bed and looked at the ceiling. A dolphin hung from a string along with boats and other marine items, Dante loved the water and his whole room reflected that. The blue comforter under him even looked like waves. He sat up, he really didn't want to study just yet so he went to bug his brother, and he should let him know about Xavier's butt check.

"What do ya want twerp?" Sam said as his brother sauntered into his room and flopped onto his bed.

"Well if you really don't want me here that's fine by me but I was going to tell you what I noticed Xavier doing when you put those boxes down."

Sam stopped and looked at his brother. "Oh my god!" Sam did the girly squeal Josh did mocking the guy Dante liked and then he continued; "Was he checking out my ass! God forbid I didn't notice! Do these jeans make me look fat?"

Dante threw a pillow at his brother, "Fuck off! Thought you'd want to know." He was frowning at his brother who was just being a jerk now.

"Oh shit, your serious?" Sam asked, now in a state of shock.

"Yeah dickwad!" He was seriously checking out your ass but you had to be a jerk off, next time remind me never let you know shit like that. You'll never get laid at this rate."

With that Dante stomped out of the room and back to his own, as he entered his room the phone rang, he reached over and grabed it.

"Hello?" he said into the receiver.

It was Aikrii who wanted to know if he or anyone else was going to go out tonight. Dante had to turn him down he had studying to do and told Aikrii he hoped him and Mani had fun. He sighed looked at his books and hauled them out, Business classes was a course he was having troubles with but that's only because Josh was in his class and sat behind him and it seriously distracted him. Good thing Sam was also in his class he helped Dante a great deal, which was only fair since Dante helped Sam when it came to his cosmetology classes. Sam understood distractions as much as Dante did.

The classroom was vacant, it was dark and it was very warm, Dante had no idea why it was this way. His eyes adjusted to the gloom, he noticed a glow from by one of the side doors and headed towards it. When he reached the source he noticed it was Josh. He groaned, Josh reached for him and asked him if he was ok. Dante nodded since his tongue was like rubber and he could barely talk. Why did he get this way around him?

He felt Josh's hand on his arm and looked over at the blond who seemed to glow more, like an angel. He felt him pull him towards him. Josh looked at Dante and smiled. Dante started to melt as Josh pulled him in to his arms. Josh looked at him his baby blue eyes sparkling mischievously he leaned in towards Dante and kissed him, throwing Dante for a loop, he moaned under his lips. He breathed deep and he could smell grass and musk. Dante's head was swimming only he couldn't control where he was going, Dante reached for his hair running his finger through the platinum blond locks that felt like silk. He felt Josh's tongue probing and he relaxed allowing him to access his mouth, two eager tongues collided, dancing and caressing each other, hot breaths mingled and made Dante's jeans get tighter. He gripped Josh's head and lower back grinding against him and trying to absorb him into his very being. Josh moaned loudly and Dante could feel his arousal against him. Dante reached for him and rubbed him Josh wiggled against his hand. Dante was pleased with himself. He undid the buckle of Josh's pants, taking his time to torment Josh.

"Oh god Josh!" He cried as he watched Josh's manhood spring forth from his boxers like a sturdy pine. He was huge! He grinned at him and then proceeded to lick Josh making him grab his head and encourage more. He heard Josh whimpering and begging him to make him cum.

"Faster!" he panted thrusting his hips of his own free will. Dante was only happy to oblige. He sucked him harder flicking on the end after every second stroke. Josh was peaking and Dante knew this but he didn't want him to cum just yet. He stopped and looked at Josh who was wiggling against the wall he had him pinned against like mad. Dante picked Josh up. Josh wrapped his legs around Dante's waist. Dante moved him over to an armless chair at least it had padding. He set Josh down his own pole hard as a rock in his pants. He dropped his drawers and fished out lube and a condom from his pants pocket. He used the protection and lubed up he positioned Josh over the desk, and slowly taunted his bud, circling it and making him suck air through his teeth, he continued till Josh begged him.

"Oh God! Dante Please! Please now...Ohh." Dante was only happy to give into his pleads and thrusted forward, his pace was quick and rough, he gripped onto Josh's hips and pulled back not sparing him from the roughness he was dishing out. He listened as Josh whimpered in ecstasy and begged for him to go faster. He shifted hitting Josh's magic spot, he screamed as he climaxed clenching tightly; which only made Dante move faster as he peaked, he yelled out to.

Everything went dark. He though he was dead for a minute till he realized Josh wasn't there with him anymore, and he was now sitting. Where did he go? He reached out and felt his own desk. It was then he realized what happened. He reached over to where his lamp was and flicked it on. Fuck a wet dream. He got up and grumbled. He stripped his pants off; wandering to his closet to get more clothes he found clean boxers and threw them on. He headed to the bathroom; on the way he noticed his brother's light was still on.

He peeked into his room. "Yo! You still studying?" Sam looked at his bro who was standing in his doorway a rumpled mess.

"I just finished, going to go eat and then bed shortly, I thought you were asleep." Sam watched him and waited for his response.

"I was till Josh invaded my dreams." He said with a sour look, "you think at my age wet dreams would be a thing of the past."

Sam laughed even he knew wet dreams were never really a thing of the past, they just got less common. "Get use to it for now bro, till you scratch that itch of yours, it won't be going away anytime soon."

"Oh fucking wonderful! It could be a cold day in hell before that happens" He said in a huff as he turned to go get food since he realized he hadn't eaten yet.

He brought a plate of grub up to Sam and they at in his room together quietly for most of it. Dante stopped eating and looked at his brother. "You know what?"

"What?" Sam said really not much for his little brother's silly shenanigans at that moment, as it always seemed to be the case with Dante.

"I'm gonna go see Josh at his work."

Sam nearly choked on his spaghetti noodles. "What the hell for?"

"I think I should send out a few vibes, if he gets interested maybe he'll ask me out on his own, since I'm too much of a chicken shit to do it myself."

Sam looked at his brother and fell over laughing. "Good god Dante if he was interested don't you think he'd have asked by now?"

Dante was heartbroken at that comment. He frowned. "Never mind, your right, stupid idea"

Sam stopped. "Hey wait I didn't say stupid I just ment it seems an awful lot to put yourself through just for a guy."

"Well;" Dante said "If I don't make a bit of an effort I'm never gonna know now will I?"

"I guess not;" Sam said smiling. Dante headed off to his room a few minutes later, his belly full and his heart a bit merrier at the notion of making first contact with Josh.

Chapter 2 *********

Dante awoke to banging and cussing. Great his brother was awake which ment he was already doing house repairs. He was thankful there was a swim meet today. He got up and stretched and started to rummage through his closet for something to wear. He grabbed his track pants and his matching St. Stephen's University sweat shirt. The white suit with the blue letters and yellow outline looked good on him. He figured he'd jog to his meet again since it went past Josh's house. He grinned he figured one of these days he'd be bound to notice him.

Outside he stretched his mom was standing beside him holding his water bottle. "Call if you want me or your brother to pick you up after your meet. Do you have everything?"

"Yes mom, most of my stuff is at the pool in my locker. I'll call if I need a lift." He kissed her on her cheek, put the earphone buds into his ears and took the bottle from his mom and placed it into the holster he was wearing for it. He flicked on his MP3 player waved and headed off to his meet. He kept a steady pace. Pounding the pavement, thunk, thunk, thunk, splash. Damn he didn't notice the puddle but he kept on going. His MP3 player was playing a Kevin Lyttle song called tempted to touch. He smiled to himself as he started to come up the hill to Josh's place. The song suited the mood he was in. He was quite happy to see Josh was outside when he jogged by, but he made it like he was concentrating so when Josh waved he ignored it intentionally. He didn't want to look too damn eager. He made it to the pool in twenty minutes; which was good timing for him.

He stripped put on his Speedos and headed to the shower to cool himself off after his run. He wandered out to the pool deck and noticed that his coach was already setting up drill laps.

"DANTE!" he yelled out

"Yes sir?" he said as he approached the aging man.

"Conference meeting coming up next week. Can you make it?" He asked

"What's that all about?" Dante asked dreading the though of having to do more shit for the community center on top of everything else he was currently doing. It wasn't that he was self-centered he did a lot of volunteer stuff, it was just that he had exams, his meets, work, the Sundays he volunteered at the community center now and helping his mom anymore and he'd never have a life.

"Believe it or not, it's for national qualifications." His coach said with a grin.

"Oh shit! You're saying I'm a qualifying teammate?" He grinned hoping he was getting what he had been working towards for the last few years, he wasn't the best swimmer but he did try very hard.

"Actually your one of our top five swimmers, so since your ranking third right now we're including you for the qualifying rounds which will bring you to the national finals if you manage to keep your head in there." His coach was quite serious about this to.

"You up for the challenge?"

"Damn straight I am!" Dante grinned, that's when he heard an off-handed remark from one of his teammates about him not being straight at all.

The coach heard the remark and bellered. "Jeremy! Hit the showers wise ass, we don't tolerate shit like that from no one. Come back when you can grow the fuck up!"

The rest of the teammates who all knew better laughed at the newest idiot of the no bash rule. In James Nairs position as coach no one was permitted to bash, his daughter Chev's Ti-kwon-do coach Mani was gay and he couldn't have a better teacher for his daughter. He wasn't about to allow intolerance in his team's fray. He had better things to worry about like winning the finals.

He eyed the rest of his team. "Anyone else wishing to be booted permanently will watch their stupidity. No bashing is tolerated here, do I make myself clear!" James waited for his team's response.

"YES SIR!" they all yelled in chorused together. "OK into the pool I want twenty-five laps from everyone. Five butterfly, five free strokes, five breast strokes, five back strokes and five side strokes. Get to it now!" His crew jumped into the pool and Dante's day began, he loved the water it was, as much to him as breathing, he felt alive in the pool.

From the observation deck he could see him, Josh looked down at the dark head gliding through the water like an otter, sleek and swift. He shivered with glee, it's been nearing four months now and he was getting braver he knew sooner or later he would get the chance to catch this fine fellow in his grasp how was another challenge, he didn't want to appear too eager. Soon as Dante started his back strokes Josh crouched as not to give away his position. He watched his muscled sleek body cut the water like a knife through butter. Josh got tight just thinking about him. The dreams he kept having were nearly killing him nightly. He sighed and snuck out of the building. He headed back home hoping Dante walked past his house again like he had last week. He would be waiting.

Dante's meet was over and he was drying his hair when Jeremy came up behind him.

"Thanks to your presents I'm off the team, can't even crack a fucking joke anymore. Mark my words queenie, you'll get yours." with that Jeremy brushed past him shoving him with his shoulder knocking him off balance.

He was startled when he was approached but he wasn't scared. He had far bigger people threaten him and Jeremy was no exception. Some people were just jackasses. He gained his composure and grabbed his MP3 player and his water bottle. He walked out of the building into the crisp afternoon spring air. He started to walk home, and had his mind wander to household chores. He didn't even realize he was at the top of the hill that went past Josh's place till he was almost knocked over by a rollerblader. He looked around and hummed to the music on his MP3. Surrender was playing now. He noticed Josh stretched out in the hammock that was in his yard. He was reading something and Dante assumed he was probably studying for exams. He kept going not noticing Josh's eyes following his progress down the hill.

The next day Cleo had called him at work. She filled him in on a few details of hers regarding Aikrii and Mani. "Hey we're trying to set up a party for Aikrii, Mani is taking him over to your shop to get clothes can you keep him busy for a bit and once you can sneak away head here ok."

Josh was happy to have been invited. "Sure. Should I bring anything?"

"Nope, no need to unless you have a date in mind." She giggled.

"No, but if I can borrow Nye for a bit when I get there that would be great!" He made a chuckle as she gasped. "Ok darlin' get your mind out of the gutter yer steppin' on my head! I need his musical expertise nothing more."

He could hear Cleo growl at him for the joke. "I swear to god Josh one of these days I'm get you back for being such a smart ass." She then proceeded to giggle. "Just get your ass over here I'm sure Aikrii would be very happy to see you here."

"I will what time should I get there?" he asked grinning at the though of Cleo kicking his ass. She could to considering Mani was her Ti-Kwon-do teacher. "When ever you can break away from the shop, Mani will keep him busy for about an hour after they leave the shop so you should have time to close down if you need to."

"Thanks Cleo see you soon." He got off the phone wondering how soon they would be at the shop. He had to set up more stock so decided to make an effort to keep busy while he waited. Jump Street was his clothing shop, a pet project of his. He opened it a year ago and kept it going mostly on his own and he wasn't in the red when it came to sales. He walked over to the shirt display section and took the ten shirts he had been setting up for display over to the wall. He got his stick and hook placed a shirt that was on a hanger on his stick and reached up placing the product on the wall for display. He played around moving the arms so they weren't all scrunched and then proceeded to do the same with the other shirts. He thought as he worked that he had to work on the jean restocking as well and he was sure the women's tank tops also needed to be redone to. He was thinking I seriously should consider hiring someone else other than Jenny who would be showing in a few hours.

He felt his presents more than noticed him physically. He got an electric charge that ran up his spine. He stopped in mid reach. Ever inch of his body was tingling. He sucked in a deep breath and ever so slowly turned his head to bring Dante into view. He dropped his arm with the pole so that the pole rested on the floor. He turned all the way around and faced Dante.

"Umm, Hi Dante." He was flushed and nervous. "Sorry I didn't notice you right away I have been running around here like mad trying to get things restocked before Jen gets in.

"What can I do you for? Umm...I mean what can I get you." He blushed harder and realized Dante had to have noticed the deepening of the blush. He turned around so he was no longer facing Dante and stated walking up the shops aisles pointing out things that may interest Dante. Once Josh felt he could breath again he turned around and faced Dante again.

"So what will it be?" Josh Smiled and Dante felt his heart race.

"I was told your one of the best people to dress others up, so I'm here for a fitting and some advice, I have a potential interview coming and I want to be dressy but casual." Dante looked at him and waited for his response.

Josh looked at him and grinned a huge grin. He was so going to have fun with this project. He just had to set it at his own time scheduling

"Well unfourtunally I am getting ready for a fitting for Aikrii who's on his way in but if you show on Monday evening just after we close I can fit you in there. This way I can get the fitting done without interruptions. Does that sound good to you?"

Dante grinned, "Sure, I'll be here." He left the store in a good mood knowing his approach was getting braver, now to keep it up without blowing it.

"Oh my god! If it isn't the two stallions!" Josh crooned walking over to Aikrii and winking at him and fussing over his clothing, Josh knew Aikrii well he was after all, one of the first people Aikrii trusted and had told he was gay to.

Josh had encouraged him to be more open but it wasn't the best time back then with Aikrii's dad drinking so much. Josh always felt it was his showing up at Aikrii's house that had gotten Aikrii beaten so badly by his dad. But Aikrii never blamed Josh for what happened, He told him it wasn't his fault at all his dad just knew who Josh was, and he had this nasty out look on gay guys. Josh adored Aikrii and was very protective of him so when he heard last year he had a boyfriend he was thrilled to learn it was Mani. He knew Mani was one of the few good guys who never slept around at the school and all around good guy. Josh knew his best friend he was in safe hands when it came to Mani. Aikrii gleamed and gave the girly state of Josh a slug in the arm "Come on now, stop the fussing! You do this every time!" he laughed.

Josh jumped "Oh my, still such a brute" he said playfully girly slapping Aikrii and asked him how he was doing.

Aikrii grinned as Mani walked up to him with a nice shirt in his hands and commented on the outfit he had picked for Aikrii. Josh being the girly guy he liked to teasingly be, went all giddy at Mani's deep voice and he proceeded to squeal like a teen girl with a crush on a rock star. Giggling at his reaction Aikrii joked, "Gee Josh don't wet your panties!"

"But he's such a cutie and his voice is like butter!" He said in a loud whisper, he looked over and noticed Mani blushing.

"Yummy!" Josh said winking to Mani while poking Aikrii in the side with his elbow knowing it would make Mani blush, the one thing Josh loved to make Mani do and it never failed.

"Well Aikrii your friend here is sure a pretty shade of red" he said. Aikrii grinned.

"So do I finally get a new mannequin to play with?" Josh asked holding his hands under his chin grinning like a child eager to find out if he got what he wanted for Christmas. As much as Aikrii was enjoying the enthusiasm of his friend he had to disappoint him,Yet again.

"Sorry not today, but soon, right now I'm trying to get a few new pieces of clothing, I've got interviews and I need new duds, but I'm looking for something comfortable and sturdy. I'll be needing something dressy for my presentation to Nessix as well."

Josh fill Aikrii in on the scuttlebutt and gossip on who was seeing who. While he hauled down a very nice, casual suit from one of the wall displays He placed it in front of Aikrii and turned to show Mani who was admiring him with obvious hunger in his eyes.

"Delicious!" Josh blurted out, taking the words right out of Mani's head. "Simply delicious!" he went on grinning at his pal. Aikrii's hearty laughter vibrated through the store, some of the other customers looked at the three making such a ruckus.

Josh watched as Aikrii tried on three other outfits and then rang his purchases in Mani and he waved good-bye and headed out. That was tiring but Mani and Aikrii popped in often so the shopping sprees for them two wasn't abnormal.

He then finished doing his restocking and called Jenny hoping she was on her way. "I'm around the corner I'll be there in ten minutes or so. Ok?"

"Sure darlin' See ya soon." He hung up his cell and started to do balancing of the books which he hated but it had to be done. He found out he had done well over seventy thousand in sales already and it was only the middle of the month, he was pleased at the records. He placed the books back in the office and hauled out the order books for his inventory he wanted to be sent to his shop. He figured since summer was coming soon he should get a head start on the summer wear people would be scrambling for soon.

Jen walked in to the shop and smiled at her boss "Hey darlin' I'm here" she said grinning

"Fantastic!" Josh said. "I have to go so you'll be closing today. Since it's Saturday you can close at two if you want ok four if it's busy and don't worry about balancing the books I'll take care of it when I get in tonight. I'll just come later this evening to fix things ok."

"Hey cool, sure. Thanks Josh. So where are you going to? She asked.

He filled her in on the details of the party and she perked up "Oh ok have fun boss man I'll leave a note if anything pops up ok." She grinned and shooed him out of the store.

Josh chuckled Jen didn't know the half of it. "I'll probably will be back after twelve so set the alarm ok, I'll manage. She smiled and waved him off as he headed out of the shop to Mani's place.

Josh cheered with everyone else as Mani and Aikrii entered the apartment, the utter look of surprise on Aikrii's face was priceless. Josh chuckled as Aikrii was talking to Mani all excited. This was the second party that Josh had managed to be invited to by these two and he hoped there would be more to come these were fun. He laughed as he watched them chat.

Josh watched ad Mani plated a kiss on Aikrii's cheek, he snapped a picture as it happened. He sighed thinking his friend was so lucky. He walked up to Aikrii. "This is one hopping party darlin'" Josh said as he sipped his rum and coke.

Aikrii smiled. "It's pretty freaking amazing isn't it, he always manages to surprise me to." He sighed a great sigh of satisfaction and then chuckled

Josh looked at him and smiled patting his arm and spoke "Your very lucky Aikrii, I hope to find what you have one of these days"

"I think it's closer than you think Josh" Aikrii said smiling and clinked his Pepsi against Josh's drink and then headed off. Josh stayed till ten then headed out he had work to do and one drink was enough. He showed back at the shop. There was a note there for him from Jen letting him know she did balance the books already since she did so well with sales she though it would be a good idea to get it done quickly. Josh was happy he hired her from day one but still considered hiring another since Jen did almost as much work as he did except for ordering. He closed the shop and headed home, today had been draining.

Chapter 3 ********

Sam woke up and stretched he had heard his brother leave only twenty minutes before. He knew he was heading to the community center where he volunteered. He crawled out of bed, scratched his butt and grabbed an outfit to wear he headed to the shower. He flicked on the small radio that was on the bathroom counter and stripped. He heard the phone ring as he stepped in and prayed it wasn't for him, he had a lot to do today. The warm water sluiced down his back past his ass and down his legs, he relaxed leaning his head back getting his hair wet. He let his mind wander away from all the work he had been doing to the house the last two weeks, winter had not been gentle to the old homestead and with their dad gone money was getting tighter and he worried about how his mom would cope once both him and Dante moved out on their own, something they should have done two years ago as far as he was concerned but he so did love his mom and being around was what he could do and support her, she did after all raise him. The song "Fire" by Bruce Springsteen started and caused his mind to wander.

His wandering thoughts lead to his cosmetology class and the ever gorgeous Xavier the teachers assistant that was taking over for the former T.A. that had been there, who subsequently left to have her baby as she went into premature labor while teaching the class back two months prior. Sam envisioned the six foot tall fire god in his mind. He pictured him as a fire god due to his flaming red hair. He groaned to himself as his body responded to the mental picture he had created. "Good god Sam get a grip." He muttered to himself as he shampooed his head and then rinsed. He stepped out of the shower ten minutes later and still as fusterated as he had been prior. He dressed and headed downstairs to help his mom. His day was about to start he hoped Dante's was better.

He took his shot and grinned as the ball went swoosh through the net. Dante clapped as one of his charges made the shot successfully. He had been at the center for about thirty minutes and was enjoying a good game of basketball with the kids he was responsible for that day. There were eight kids in his group today. Some were runaways that stayed at the center. Others were guests who came because no one was at home. A few other kids were there just for support since they really had no one to talk to since their parents usually abused some substance of one form or another. Dante passed the ball to one of the kids on his team and moved across the court. He enjoyed swimming more but this was one of his next favorite sports to be involved in. While watching certain sports was a different matter all together he liked to watch lacrosse and soccer then. The ball being tossed to him broke his minor distraction. He scooped it up quickly and headed to the basket with. He took his leap and "Swoosh!" in it went. The kids were shouting and laughing. One lanky fella slapped him on the back and shouted something to another teammate. It was a good thirty minutes more before the game actually got over. His team didn't win but he did have fun. He watched everyone disperse to do his or her own things at the center. Some had counseling coming up other went to draw or join in another game that was in progress. He headed to the lunchroom to help Susan, Sefron's mom who also volunteered once a week get lunches ready for their soon to be famished crew.

"Good afternoon Sue." He said to the older lady who was smiling. "How are things for the mighty medicine woman?" he asked making a joke about her profession and a cute TV show he use to watch.

"All goes well Dante, how about yourself? Find away to approach that love interest yet?"

"Good god no!" he said with a frown. "It friggin sucks being the odd ball ya know."

Susan chuckled. She enjoyed talking to the young man before her. His brother was a great fella to and when they were together it was quite easy to see that Dante was a tad shyer than his more outgoing and tougher clone Sam.

"I don't think you're an oddball, you're just more sensitive and shy. Thou I don't see issues here, you get along with everyone just fine here so what seems to be the problem?"

"I don't know" Dante said in a quiet tone, he got a bit sullen then and Susan saw it quickly. She waited for him to continue but he didn't.

"I think your scared he'll reject you aren't you?" She said look at Dante.

"Well yeah, I mean he did just have a huge blow out from Chet who use to be his roommate but I'm not sure if Chet was a boyfriend or not but I heard that Chet did hurt Josh's feelings and Josh hasn't made any qualms about voicing his opinion on how Chet treated him." Susan watched Dante run his hand through his short dark spiky hair. He sucked in a stuttering breath and sighed. He was such a chicken shit and he knew it but if things went well on Monday he wouldn't have to worry much more.

"I will be meeting with him on Monday for a fitting at his shop." He told Susan.

She looked up a bit surprised. "Oh? How did that come about?"

Dante chuckled "I got the guts up to schedule one. I do have to get a new suit for some of my interviews I'm never going to get work without one." He looked at her and then asked; "Was that a stupid move, cause my brother thinks it was and well if you agree I'll just cancel."

"Whoa! Whoa!" She said laughing and waving her hands. "I never said stupid and good for you, see courage can come in small bits. Keep that meeting ok go slow and relax ok Dante, and remember be yourself." She smiled at him knowing how fusterated he was feeling.

He left the center that evening feeling so much better than he had in days. He got on his bike and started for home. His kitbag kept shifting while he peddled so he had to stop a few times to readjust things but for the most part the trip was fairly easy going. He glided into his driveway and parked his bike. He noticed the house was dark. "Oh shit!" he though he hoped someone was home otherwise he was locked out since he forgot his damn key again. No luck thou. Sam was nowhere to be seen and his mom was probably still at work. He sat on his door step and hauled out his studying material. He might as well kill some time while he waited.

Sam pulled into the parking spot and turned off the engine, Dante hadn't called him for a lift and he remembered seeing his key still on the hook at home. He figured if he were going to call it would be after he got in. He got out and shut the door to the car he and his brother shared. It wasn't much but it got them around thou Dante was more into his bike and jogging to get everywhere. He turned around and noticed his brother leaning against the inner porch area of the front door. "Ahh shit!" Sam felt bad now he knew he should have called the center to see if he was still there. He walked over to his brother. He noticed he was studying something Sam knew his bro wasn't into doing very often not that he was lazy it was just that Dante retained info better than Sam did so his need to study wasn't really a need more of a distraction from other things.

"You are studying, why?" Sam said to his brother.

"Board." Was the response he got.

"How was the center today?" he asked as he got up and unlocked the front door to the house.

"Good, played basketball and chatted with Sue today." Dante said closing his book and getting up to go inside.

"Were you waiting here long?" Sam asked hoping he hadn't.

Dante looked at his watch he had gotten off of volunteer duty around four thirty p.m. it was now five so he looked at his brother and replied. "Only about thirty minutes so no big deal, it wasn't raining so don't sweat it ok." Dante knew his brother was more concerned about either of them being left stranded more than anything. It could be a scary spot to be put in.

They entered the house and Dante flopped his kitbag on to the bench by the door like he usually did. He walked to the fridge and grabbed a can of pop, popped the top opened and took a swig. "What time is mom home tonight?" he asked Sam. "I'm not sure but we do have a ton of studying to do since we have two of our classes together I suggest we crack down and get some of that done we only have two weeks before exams start you know."

"I'm well aware of that bro." He sighed

"Yeah well you'll be more aware when I tell you that next week Josh will be here."

Dante perked up. "Ok, what for?"

"Studying along with a few others like Aikrii, remember we're all in the same programming course. Aikrii is our brains for this one, I still can't wrap my head around the dynamics programming for web sites." Sam hauled out his studying material and then placed some snackables and a pitcher of juice on the kitchen table. "Looks like It's a nibble night." He smiled at his brother and sat down to study.

Dante however was in no mood to really study but did so anyway, he retained info like a sponge so what he didn't get the first time he would from doing the extra work his brother was so adamant on doing. Sighing he resigned himself to concentrate and hauled out his cosmetology guide. He had paper and was doodling while he worked.

Monday started late for Dante and Sam and with a bang, literally. Right outside Sam's and Dante's home. Sam looked out the window to see his and Dante's car smashed. Someone had gone off the road and flipped their car hitting their car and the house. Sam groaned and screamed for Dante. Their mom was frantic. It was cold this morning and the spring thaw was up and down like a Yo-yo so the roads were slippery. Sam checked the driver's side to the car that had gone off the road. The driver was ok, just in a state of shock.

He asked them "You ok?"

The driver of the vehicle just nodded, so he called out to his mom "Call an ambulance."

The police arrived and things got sorted. It was well after ten before either Sam or Dante made it to class. Dante took the police report to the main office so that him and his brother weren't nailed for the late classes. Some of the teachers would ding marks for tardiness. The principal was satisfied with the reasoning behind their late arrival and gave them slips to join their class unpenalized.

"Which class are you off to Mr. Ericson?" The principal directed this question to Dante who replied "One of our favorites actually, Cosmetology." And with a grin they both headed out the door. Sam looked at his brother.

"Good god get the goofy grin off your face!"

"What ever for brother dear?" Dante said with a chuckle. "Is cosmetology not your favorite class? His eyebrow lifted.

Sam turned red, he knew where this convo was going and bumped his brother and took off running to the class he did enjoy the most. His brother managed to beat him to the door thou since Dante did work out a lot more than Sam did. Both had shit eating grins on their faces when they walked in handed Mr. York the tardy slip and took their seats. Dante took out his books and papers and was still working on the doodle he had started last night one he could use to tease his brother with. He looked at his brother's initials on the paper in big bold block letters. S.E he had put squiggles over the front of the blocks and little hearts he was chuckling to himself and then he realized something and then snorted.

"Something funny Mr. Ericson?" Xavier asked him as he stared up from his desk.

"Umm no sir." He said trying his best to hold back his mirth. His eyes were watering from the effort. He wiped them and stuck his head down and started to doodle more while he listened to Xavier drone on about chemical damage to the human scalp.

Dante passed the doodle to his brother about twenty minutes into the class. On it had four large letters. S.E. + X.Y. He snickered again at Sam's apparent shock and effort to stop laughing to. It once again got Mr. York's attention. Sam shoved the paper into his binder and glared at his brother, he was so gonna get it later.

"Mr. Ericson, I suggest you pay attention this information will be on your exam next week. I'm sure you and your brother have more pressing things to worry about than giggling at the topic." Xavier didn't look angry just perturbed at Dante's antics.

Sam was the one who spoke up on Dante's behalf since Dante was so obviously amused at his silly little note. "Sorry sir, this mornings events seem to have my brother wound tighter than a spring, I'll see to it he's better tomorrow."

"See that you do Sam." Xavier said looking right at the older of the two twins.

Sam wrote on the note that Dante gave him he would pass it on as they left. An hour later just as class was leaving Sam was rummaging for the note as he walked out the door and couldn't find it. He turned back to see Xavier bend over and pick up the note he had lost.

Sam turned white as a ghost and felt his guts turn. "Oh shit!" he said Dante was at his side and saw what was unfolding, "He got that damn note you wrote and MY response to it!" He whacked Dante who started to roar with laughter as ran from the class. Now Xavier would know no thanks to his smart ass twin. Dante rubbed his head from the smack his bro had given him, it was funny to see the reaction on Sam's face and now that Xavier would have two clues on what was going on maybe things would get better for Sam. Well Dante hoped for his sakes it did, his brother hit hard.

**************************************** Dante made it to his locker but his brother wasn't in sight anywhere, he unlocked it and stuffed his belongings into it and then got his jacket. When he turned around Josh was beside him and he jumped startled. "Oh shit sorry" Josh chuckled. "Didn't mean to startle you, just reminding you to pop over around seven we close at six or so. Once I get my books balanced I can help you get that fitting done for any new clothing you need." Dante swallowed before he tried to speak. "Ummm, sure ok." He blushed and hid behind the door of his locker pretending to dig around for something. "Ok see you later." Josh said leaving. He had to head for work.

"Yeah! Laters!" Dante said slamming his locker door shut as he waved a good-bye.

He tried to rush home. He made it to the bus stop and without the car now him and his brother were stuck using transit to get around. Well at least till the insurance covered the damages. He noticed his brother at the bus stop and stood beside him.

"Oh it's the dweeb!" Sam said sarcastically.

"Oh come on, it was a joke!" Dante said.

"Yeah, one he was never suppose to find! It's the stupid response I put dickwad that's pissing me off." Sam was fuming badly and it was mainly from embarrassment.

"Oh? So what the fuck did you write that was so damn bad the teacher found, and do you really think he's gonna know it was yours?"

Sam glared at his brother. "Man you can be such a jackass you know that?" "I wrote that `SE + XY or not it wasn't gonna get me a date with the flaming hunk teaching us' that's what it said, satisfied?"

"Look I'm not the one being an ass here, Ok. It's not my fault you wrote back, you were suppose to keep it not respond. I can't help you lost the damn thing either. So don't go taking it out on me, fuck for all you know he's going to be happy to see that! Chill ok!" Dante was now getting a bit miffed over Sam's melodramatics.

"Yeah and pigs fly." Sam grumbled.

Dante looked at his brother and snorted. "Wheee!" he yelled and stuck out his arms like wings. Sam looked at his retarded brother and flipped him the bird as the bus pulled up to their stop. "Come on porky, time to go home."

Dante stuck out his tongue at his brother as he boarded the bus. "You so anal Sam." He said as he sat down.

"Sure tell the whole damn bus now why don't ya." Sam hissed smacking his brother once again on the side of the head.

"Hey! Fuck off with the head attacks I need that damn thing ok." Dante rubbed his head.

"Sure could have fooled me." Sam looked at his brother. Then grinned, he couldn't stay mad at him for long even if he was being a dickwad. "What's got you so worked up today anyway?" Sam asked him.

Dante grinned "I'm going out later for my fitting for my suit for that interview I have next month. Don't want to look like a punk while being interviewed."

Sam looked at him and pondered for a minute. "Oh so you must be going to Jump Street then eh?" Dante blushed a deep red as he nodded his head. "I can't believe I got the nerves up to go, I just hope I don't get sick I'm so damn nervous."

Sam laughed he tossed back a few of the words Dante only used moments before "For all you know he's going to be happy to see you! Chill ok!"

Dante groaned "Yeah ok... NOT! Easier said than done. I have to get home change again then get back into town only to get to a shop where I'm going to change again anyway." Sam laughed, ok so he though he was a ball of nerves, Dante apparently was going to throw up at the rate he was going. "What ever you do, don't eat before you go." He said as he pulled the ringer for their stop.

The insurance company had left a message for the guys about their car and it turned out that there was a rental available as a replacement free of charge for them to use till their own car was inspected and determined if it was road worthy or fixable. Dante was happy to hear this and told Sam he'd pick it up on his way into town. He headed upstairs to change.

Five outfits later he was changed and looking at himself in the mirror. The black kakis he had chosen were a slim cut and fit nicely, they made his ass look awesome. He had on a baby blue dress shirt that matched Josh's eye color and a black tie. Dante grabbed his axe body spray and sprayed himself. He was so nervous and he didn't want to smell like a pole cat when he walked into Josh's shop. He took a deep breath grabbed his wallet and headed off to the bus stop, the first stop was so he could get the car. He made it to the dealership within thirty minutes and spoke to the manger who was providing the vehicle to him and his brother in order to replace the one they had lost. "Apparently the fella who hit you is willing to pay for a new car for you and your brother if needed." The manager informed him. "Well if it's not necessary we won't press it I'm sure the fella who hit our car has enough to worry about." Dante took the keys and waved to the manager and drove off. Curre was busy this time of the evening, traffic was bumper to bumper as people were rushing off to home. It usually got this way for about two hours. He still managed to make it to the mall where Josh's shop was situated at a reasonable time. He decided to stop in at the coffee shop and pick up a java to go. He looked at his watch it was six thirty he walked up the long hall of the mall noticing most shops were already closed up. When he made it to Jump Street he noticed it was dark except for one area near the back. The store front's sliding door wasn't closed all the way thou so he was startled when an arm reached out and pulled him into the shop.

"Holy shit!" he said as he was pulled sideway, he nearly lost his coffee.

"Ha ha ha ha." He heard Josh laugh. "Take it easy there cute stuff, no one is trying to kidnap you." Josh let his arm go and turned around. "I'm almost done, if you can see the stuff here ok then take a peek at what I hauled down for you to try on. I'll be back to take measurements shortly ok." He watched Josh grin and then walk away. Dante was frozen in spot till he was out of eyesight. Dante took a deep breath he was so damn nervous. He looked around the shop staring at the casual line of clothing Josh carried. A lot of it was quite nice but way out of his price range. He picked around to see what else there was. He must have been distracted as he was once again startled by Josh who had come up behind him asking into his ear, if he found anything he liked.

Dante stammered. "Umm, not really price was an issue with some." Josh was still grinning. OK well we'll worry about prices later right now we need measurements. Josh took the flexible cloth measuring tape from around his neck and showed Dante as he walked over to the dressing rooms. "I need your waist size, hip size and inseam along with your height." Dante swallowed and turned red. Josh walked forward and Dante stepped back making him walk back into the dressing room door.

Josh took the measuring tape and reached around Dante. He could smell his Axe body spray and sucked it in deeply.

He could see Dante tense up as he reached around his waist. Josh grinned and commented. "Loosen up darlin' I don't bite unless asked or paid to." He grinned as Dante turned even redder at the joke.

The next part to come was Dante's inseam and Josh was loving this too much. He got on his knees and was right in front of Dante who was having issues containing his nervousness. He touched Dante's leg and chuckled when he jumped. Holding the measuring tape to the floor by the inside of his leg he passed it up to Dante and then guided his hand to where it had to be.

Dante blushed more. He had to put the end right by his family jewels. He sucked in his breath and bit his tongue trying not to have any visuals of Josh he wasn't having much luck since he was already semi hard. He was broken from his muttled state by Josh's comment.

"I could do it instead if you want me to?" Josh offered.

Dante's jaw dropped and he turned even redder than Josh though was feasibly possible. He chuckled at him.

"Ok I think we're done here" Josh stood up coming very close to Dante. He was only a breaths away from being able to kiss him. Josh groaned and turned away he had to behave himself this wasn't the time nor the place. He showed Dante to the dressing rooms and passed him a few pieces of clothing and told him, "Try these on, come out and take a look in the mirror here. I'll make adjustments as needed for the pieces you want to keep." Dante didn't speak he just took the clothing and went into the stall and started to change.

Josh sat back and fanned himself with his accounting book as he waited, "Fuck it's getting hot in here" He though to himself. He heard Dante scuffling in the stall and called out. "Everything ok?" "Uh, yeah I think so." Dante answered back he didn't sound too sure of himself. Josh wondered what he was having issues with but his wondering would go unanswered as he assumed he figured it out when he came out of the stall dressed and looking good enough to eat.

Josh let out a giddy giggle "Shit baby you look amazing!" He said in his "girly" fashion he went right into fix up mode not even a bit nervous anymore around Dante. He straightened his collar and shimmied his pants waist to make sure the creases fell right, he scooted to the front and turned down the collar and flattened the shirt against Dante's well muscled chest. He could feel the ripples under his hands and sighed as he ran his hands down again for the second time rambling about how good Dante looked in this particular outfit. Dante was blushing and red. Josh and him continued to get him to try on other outfits and it was the same thing each time. Like a dance they went through. Josh got to innocently touch the young man before him and admire his body up close.

Dante loosened up a bit chatted about school and his up and coming competitions Josh asked questions about what he would need for that to qualify, Dante filed him in on details and Josh was happy to hear that he was trying out at that level.

"You'll need to make a good appearance for the school if the media interview you. I could sponsor you if you want, we'd provide you with free clothing and it's a tax write off for me, but if you do it we'd need posters of you for the window of the shop so we get sales.

Dante loved the idea and decided to make an appointment for another fitting in a few months time since he knew he'd need another good suit for when he was present for the national swimming competitions He was now more determined to make it to the finals knowing he could make it a bigger deal for the shop of the one guy he had his eyes on.

"Who would do the shoot?" He asked Josh as he put the three suits he wanted on layaway. "Aikrii's boyfriend Mani would do the shoot for you, he's a friend of mine and is excellent at bringing out the best qualities of anyone's physical attributes, I'm sure he could do some amazing pictures of you." Josh was trying his best to flatter him. Dante blushed again. "I'll let you know in a few months time what's going on. Ok? Once I know for sure I'll get back to you and hopefully things can be set into motion." Dante smiled he was feeling a lot better now and didn't feel like he was going to totally melt but the though of kissing Josh had crossed his mind a few times. Josh must have the same notions. They left the shop and Josh locked up. He walked with Dante up the long hall of the mall and out to the parking lot to the new car Dante was driving.

"Wow!" He said in admiration of the vehicle that was before him. "Nice wheels where did ya get it?" He asked Dante as he laid his hand on his arm.

"Our car got smashed from a freak accident, we were parked while another car fell on ours in our driveway. Insurance pays for this beauty." Dante smiled laying his hand on the intrepid, "It's only temporary till our car is deemed junk or salvageable. We'll get a new car if needed."

He could see Josh looking at him like it was the most horrific thing he could have ever said. "Oh my god! No one was hurt were they?" He asked his grip getting a bit tighter on his arm.

"Nope, just mom freaked since the car getting hit made it move, it hit the house causing some damage but it's nothing the insurance won't cover and nothing that Sam & I can't fix." Dante was surprised at Josh's obvious concern for the welfare of those involved.

"Oh good!" Josh sighed in relief. "I don't think I could bear knowing that you got hurt." Josh turned red again at his statement. "You know how my friends are important to me." He rapidly added trying to cover his centered concern on Dante.

"My friends are important to me to." Dante answered softly smiling back at Josh.

"Good night Josh." Dante said to him "Thanks for all your help, I'll call as soon as I can ok." With that Dante drove off. Josh just stood there smiling It was a connection and he was happy to see it was working out so well. Sighing a happy sigh he headed to his own car and drove home.

MANY thanks to EVERYONE and all the e-mails I got each and everyone has been appreciated!! The encourgement to continue means a lot.

MANY MANY thanks to Amy for helping me edit my mistakes :D your a gem!

Thanks for reading. The series books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link to the series offical web page.

Book 4 is in progress along with the others Please bear with me if the pages are listed in my site it's just how I have things set up even thou sometimes they don't work. (if there's nothing showing it's not up yet) The full series will be set up in here (Nifty) in due time. Summer of 2008 is seeing me prepare for a return to college and a few life changes to boot :) All good I assure you. Please by all means keep the mails comming I love chatting to my readers.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Thanks again - Lila Mosher

Next: Chapter 8: Steppin Out II 4 6

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