Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on May 30, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 1) Aikrii and Mani's Story Copyright 1993-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

One brilliant young man's struggle for acceptance within his own family and community brings him closer to another who makes him stronger through love and understanding.

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already!! The responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! The books web site has hit an all time high of 50000 page hits this month and it's mainly due to the listing in Nifty, thanks and if you want to mail me DO SO I DO love getting mails from readers!

Ps: Enjoy the next 3 chapters ... 10-12

********************* Chapter 10 ~ Tragedy *********************

Nearly ten months had passed since the beating Aikrii got his last two credits from high school and restarted his courses for his third year studies at St. Stephens. Mani's studio took off and he was teaching more now that the Curre semi finals were coming and a lot of his beginners; Aikrii included were competing in their first matches.

Nye and Cleo were getting closer as well. Cleo's mom had a bout with cancer and was still hospitalized so she was at Mani's place more with Nye then at home. She tried to avoid the sadness at home and give her dad more space, he had enough going on but then again it wasn't like she was totally missed anyway.

Mani closed his cell and looked pissed. "For fuck sakes!" he jammed his cell into his pocket. Nye peeked around the corner of the studio.

"What's wrong?"

"Damn courts rescheduled...AGAIN!" he slapped his fist on the desk.

"Why the hell can't the damn justice system work better?"

"It would be too easy if they did" Nye said.

Mani ran his hand through his red hair mussing it.

"Is Cleo done yet?" Mani asked

"Almost" he said smiling and looking over his shoulder looking at the beautiful girl he loved kick ass.

She has been to the practice sessions everyday now for the last six weeks and after nearly two years of training her. She was getting closer to her green belt.Mani got up and looked out of the photo studio's door to the dojang floor. He tossed his arm over his baby brother's shoulder his brother was gleaming as he watched Cleo Spar with an opponent.

"I really think she's going to clean up at the competition," Mani said.

"Her and Chev I think" Nye said in agreement still watching with admiration.

"You got a hell of a girl there bro, just watch out for that first blow to your heart it maybe a doozie" Mani put in.

"I was already hit bro, and I got plans on enjoying what ever she dishes out in a few years time" he said grinning. Nye looked at his bro, "I plan on marring that girl one of these days, mark my words."

Mani smiled at his brothers comment, he knew how determined his baby brother could be so believed he'd do it to. He looked over again, spotted his camera and got an idea.

"Hey watch the phones ok, I have a five o'clock appointment and I need to make sure they don't think I forgot them, so if they call or show up tell them I will be with them ok"

"I, I...captain!" Nye said saluting to his brother.

"I want to get a few pictures of the students who are here. I have to change to thou. Be back soon ok."

He grabbed his camera and his instructor's uniform and headed to the changing room. Ten minutes later he was taking shots of some of the parents with their kids, some of a few students sparring and he also got a few pictures of Cleo and Chev together. Asking one of his student's parents if they could take a picture he got one of Chev and Cleo along with himself together, he figured Cleo and Chev would be his star pupils at the competition, so might as well get a picture now. All of his students were having fun with the pictures being taken. Not long after Mani finished up and his students started to head out his baby brother bellered from Mani's office,

"Yo! Bro! Phone!"

Mani said he goodbyes to his remaining students and parents, pardoned himself and went to answer the call waiting for him.


"Ahhh." The deep voice on the other end said. "I so needed to hear your voice."

"Hi hun," Mani beamed "How's it going there?"

"Presentations went down without a hitch." his voice expressed his joy over the potential investors for the product he created.

"When do you find out who's investing?" Mani asks him.

"I could be receiving bids in as little as twenty four hours." Aikrii said "But I'm not sure I'll except anything as of yet, I want to make sure the software is running at it's best"

Mani shook his head in agreement thou Aikrii couldn't see. He knew Ki was doing what was best.

"I miss you." Mani said softly. He propped his head on his hand and looked over that his picture of them on his desk. "I miss you to, I can't wait to get home." Aikrii's voice held a twinge of sadness in it but it was because he was so far away. His flight home wasn't for another two days but he'd be home in time for the tournament.

"How are things down there?" he asked trying to keep a positive tone.

"Great actually, I did some random shots of some of the students who were practicing here today. I'll email a few to you if you want to see them."

He turned to his computer grabbed his camera and started to upload the images from his camera to his computer as he did this Aikrii spoke of who was attending the programming

Convention and how he got excited over the opportunity to meet one of the head CEO's to the newest computer operating systems, Nessix's Troy MacKinnon.Mani was impressed that was a big deal considering he was the current top computer +operations software supplier in the world. Aikrii received the email on his portable system and he opened the first picture, which was of Mani, Chev and Cleo.

"Oh..." he said softly. "Oh, hun nice picture, you look so good to these weary eyes." Aikrii reached for the picture on his screen and outlined Mani's jaw in the picture. Damn he missed him. He sighed. "I wish I was there with you."

Mani could hear the longing in his voice. He was definitely looking forward to his return. Their convo wrapped up, at least in two days he'd see him again but that also didn't leave much alone time for them since the competition was the next day.

"WHAT!" he was absolutely devastated when he got the news. "Oh just blooming' wonderful." He raked his fingers through his brown hair; his head was ready to explode from frustration and the nagging headache that was coming on, he left the airports customer service desk. The storm outside was really putting a damper on his plans and most of all he may end up missing his first tournament.

"Man this sucks" he thought, "Now what do I do?" He called Mani's cell but all he got was a busy signal. "Dammit" he leaned forward and placed his hands on his head looking at the floor. He tried to brainstorm but the weather outside made his brain freeze up. He started to go through his address book on his phone.

"Attention all passengers, attention. Fight 221, to Curre is now delayed till 11 pm. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for flying with Kearney Air" the speaker announced the disappointing news. Aikrii groaned, looking at his watch he realized he had seven hours to now kill.

"Well might as well do some shopping for Mani's birthday while I'm here." He got up and left the terminal and headed into the snow.

"I called three times Mani, I can't get through it keeps saying that the service is out of order." Mani's mom frowned and put down the phone.

Nye popped into the room. "He'll call just give him time!"

Mani gave his baby brother a dirty look. "If he was able to call he'd have done it by now but I'm sure if the services are out then he can't"

He was so depressed, he had called the airport asking when the flight was suppose to be in only to learn that there was a delay due to a storm in Kearney.

Nye looked at his brother, he was just as frustrated to, since he knew the team would have difficulties in getting high scores if they were missing a team member, but his brother didn't have to snap at him, it wasn't his fault the damn airport was holding back flights. Tossing the phone to his brother he stomped off across the studio to his girlfriend. He needed some loving to fix up his hurt. He got to her and she was kicking pads one of the other students was holding.

"Babe, break?" he asked making puppy eyes at her.

Cleo stopped. "Uh oh...someone has had a pout on that face, did big bro get on your case again?"

"No not really, he's all snappy and pissy because of the storm in Kearney the airports are delaying flights,"

he ran warped his arms around her waist and nibbled on her neck and sucked up a deep breath of her sweet smell.

"He snapped at me and it's not my fault they are delayed...right? It's not like I can go POOF here he is." he pouted.

Cleo looked up at him "Awww baby, he's missing him...wouldn't you feel the same way if it was me?"

"Well of course, but it still doesn't give him the right to take his frustrations out on me"

He really looked hurt over the whole thing and well being Cleo she just couldn't let anyone hurt her baby. She grabbed a fist full of his hair pulled his head back ever so gently and then kissed him, hard. He loved it when she got forceful like that and he got excited every time she did.

"I'll fix this in two minutes" she licked his ear then sauntered away.

She walked up to Mani and hugged him. He smiled and said "Thank you"

She sat beside him and looked at him, "Now sweet cheeks, your turn to do me a favor" she said, "I'm learning to control my temper, the least you can do is say your sorry to Nye"

Mani looked at her and gave a quizzical look. She sighed; apparently he had no idea why she was telling him this.

"You snapped at your brother when you were speaking and all for something he has no control over, it's not like he can make things any different" she tried to look in his eyes as he lowered his head.

"Ah dammit..." he was so miserable. "I just want him home Cleo, I hate not having him around, it's killing me." Mani looked like he was going to break down and cry right there.

Cleo reached over and hugged him again, "It's ok, but you should still say you're sorry"

"Your right." he got up and looked back. "Good job on not ripping off my head by the way"

As he headed off to say his apologies he heard Cleo say, "Anytime."

When he found it he was wishing he were home, snuggled with Mani in front of the TV watching a good movie, the weather was crappy but at least the mall was warm. His eye was caught by the display cases contents, a flash of white gold. He stopped and looked closer, perfect, silver in color, each linking band of precious metal was just what he wanted to see on Mani. He entered the jewelry store to find out some more info about the piece he saw. When he left he was contented that Mani would love his birthday present when he presented it to him. He headed back to the airport with a more of a positive outlook.

"Ok I don't know what to do I've called the airport they said all flights were either delayed, redirected or passengers were put up in a hotel"

Mani paced the floor frantic, worried and in serious need of more coffee to keep him awake. "No, I don't know where he is that's why I'm calling you to check the GPS in his phone, I want to know if he's in the air or still on the ground!"

The one sided convo kept it's frantic pace up while Mani's dad passed him another cup of coffee and patted his worried son on his back.

"Oh great! ...Thanks..." he frowned looked at the phone he was holding then turned it off and set it down, sighing loudly in utter defeat.

His dad looked at him with eyebrows raised, "So..."

"They don't know where he's at his cell is off" Mani flopped on the leather sofa about ready to burst into tears. His coffee sloshing out of it's cup landing on the floor. Marie who was also at their home rushed over and swiped up the mess and then patted Mani's cheek.

"Sweetie he'll be home soon, just you wait and see, I know he's ok... He's possibly as frazzled as you but my boy will be here to make you smile again might soon. A mama knows these things" She smiled stood up and headed off to the kitchen. Mani's mom was nodding in agreement to Marie's comment and added,

"She's right you know"

"We have a competition starting in six hours, and he's still not here, if he's still in Kearney he won't make it if he's in the air he's going to be too exhausted to participate, and I don't want him to hurt himself, you all know how he's always trying to please everyone."

Marie looked at Mani and spoke up "Mani, you worry too much, make yourself mighty sick doing that, I'm sure my Aikrii will know what's best for him and him alone, if he didn't he wouldn't still be with you right?"

He was shocked to hear her speak like that but she was right.

"Ok now off to bed we all need sleep" She shooed everyone off to their respective rooms, Mani's parents in the spare room next to his own, Nye in his room on the cot and Aikrii's mom said she'd stay up and doze in the lazy boy chair if she heard any news she'd wake Mani.

He walked to his room his brother already curled up on his cot gabbing on his cell to Cleo. "I love you to baby, yes, you'll kick ass tomorrow. Sweet dreams, good night"

He closed his phone and looked at his brother who was holding the picture of him and Aikrii at his sixteenth birthday party.

"Sleep Mani, the dojang needs you tomorrow to you know."

Mani shook his head yes and put the pic beside his bed on the nightstand table, he crawled onto his bed and stretched out still fully clothed and lied back staring at the celing. He fell asleep. It was just after 6 am when the phone rang, Marie was still awake when she picked up the phone at the first ring, and She had a looming fear of dread when she lifted the receiver to her ear.

"Hello" She said into the receiver

"Is Mr. Mani Tskii there please" the official voice said. "He's sleeping at the moment, is there a message?"

"Can you please inform Mr. Tskii that there's been an accident and the family of Chev Nairs would like for him to call them immediately, they are at the Dixion Hospital in Curre"

Marie was relieved to hear it wasn't her son that was in trouble but still distraught over this bit of news.

"Thanks Ma'ma I'll pass it on to him as soon as possible" Marie said then returned the received to the base just as Mani walked out of his room.

"I have some bad news," Marie said. Mani's eyes went wide; he was terrified on what he would hear next, when he heard keys in the door.

Aikrii worn, tired looking like something the dog dragged in walked though the door, He was the best looking thing Mani's sore tired eyes could see. He grabbed Aikrii and hugged him so hard Aikrii though he would break a rib.

"WOAH! Big fella!" he said laughing, "I missed you to but let me get in the door"

Mani kissed his forehead his cheeks and squeezed him again saying over and over again, "Damn I missed you, and I'm so glad your home"

Most of the apartments dwellers were already ready when Marie cleared her voice to get Mani's attention.

'Mani, there's still some bad news." he stopped and looked at her confused, "How can there be he's home!"

"It's not Aikrii, hun, its Chev Nairs family, they want you to call them at the Dixion Hospital, I was told there's been an accident."

If Mani could have gotten any whiter it was at that very moment. "Oh good god no!" He rushed to the phone and punched in the number to the front desk of the hospital and made his inquires on the family. James, Chev and Sefron's dad came on the phone.

"Oh my god James I just got the message what's wrong?" he could hear the grown man crying on the other end. "It's Chev." He sobbed loudly. "Sh-she's gone" he hears the phone exchange hands as the man wailed louder. Sefron's voice was the next that Mani heard.

"Mani, Sis was killed, drunk driver hit her as she was heading home from her boyfriends, she was two blocks from home." the anguish in Sefron's voice was more than Mani could bear, he was so devastated.

"Oh my god Sefron I'm so sorry! If there's anything you need let me know." "Yes, uh-huh" he paused "Will do, hang in there" he said then hung up the phone.

The room had enough tension you could cut it with a knife, Mani told everyone of Chev's passing. Nye who had been walking out of Mani's room stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh god no!" total and complete shock covering his face, his chest tightened "Cleo! I have to call Cleo..."

"Ummm," Aikrii poked in to the distraught fray of bodies, "Mani, a suggestion...maybe we should cancel the competition in light of the news we've just received"

Mani was sitting on the coach when Aikrii sat next to him. Mani fiercely hugged his boyfriend looked at him and said "I still thank god it wasn't you, but no we can't cancel now" Aikrii was shocked to hear that. "But why"

"Because it's not something Chev would have done." he said.

Nye was on the phone with Cleo as he walked around his phone resonated the wails of a young girl who lost one of her best friends in the whole world. She asked if she could come over. Mani told his brother to tell her yes. Today was going to be a hell of a day and all of them needed to support each other.

The competition center was packed when Mani's team entered, those who had already heard of the tragedy gave their condolences to the team. Mani contacted an official and told them of the lost member and he was informed that if they had a student to stand in for her that could do two rounds then they could continue. He informed his team of the changes and Cleo stood up. She spoke. "She was my best friend in the whole world, I think if anyone should fight in her place it should be me" Mani looked down at the saddened but sincere girl with the purple hair and oddest colored orange eyes.

He put his hand on her shoulder and said. "You can fight in her place but remember this, you're not perfect and no one here expects you to be. She knew that to and was still your friend anyway so if you think you have to call it quits no one here will think any less of you." He looked at his team as the all murmured their agreements.

Cleo had a tear in her eye and looked at Mani and said, "Thanks I'll do my best, but it won't be for the team sir, but for the memory of Chev."

"Do what you think you need to do ok" Mani hugged the girl and then got his members up to warm up.

The speaker in the area crackled. "First up, Curre's east side dojang, teams tigers and cranes. Master Tskii and Chan."

Mani looked around it was now or never. Neil was his first student on the floor. They did their customary bows and the competition started. By the time Cleo got to the floor thou she was a different person, she was focused and determined.

"Char - yot" she stood at attention as the ref got them ready "kyong-re" she bowed. Then assumed her stance. "Say Jak!" the ref yelled initiating the start of the sparring. Her opponent struck first but being as she was, she blocked his blow with ease and then lightening fast she had him down on the mat in 3 hits. The ref yelled, "Go mon!" she backed off stopping as told. The ref pointed to her side as the side rewarded the earned point. H opponent got up and commented

"Wow, you're good."

Panting from the exertion she eyed him and said, "I have to be, but thanks" two more rounds later with her rate at two to one she won her first series of matches and was placed to continue in the next level.

Aikrii made his way to the mat for his division rounds for the yellow belts, he was very nervous as it was his very first time fighting even if it was only the city divisions competition, he wanted to do well. Mani was there on the sidelines watching.

His opponent was a flyweight like him but he was still scared, he breathed deep and chanted to himself. "He'll still care weather I win or loose"

His opponent bowed, he did like wise, and his belly flopped from tiredness and nerves. Aikrii's nerves thou played a roll in his first pin he was on the mat under his opponent in about five moves. He was disappointed but he still got up and brushed himself off and continued for his next two rounds. When he was done he was ranked third in line over all and he was in the final picks for the last rounds he was very pleased with himself. Never in a million years did he think he'd ever be able to get this far nor the confidence to defend himself.

The last and final rounds for the city divisions competitions left Cleo near exhausted but she was determined, Her wrist hurt from the last rounds and it was swelling she was icing it when Mani checked her.

"I'll be ok" she said when he gave her a disappointing glare at the purple mark he saw.

"Cleo, you do not need to be the hero" he said, "I'm going to pull you, it's too much"

"Mani if you're my friend you'll let me do this."

"I am your friend, looking out for you." he said "But I'm also an instructor here first of all." he got up from the bench and looked down. "If it's any worse in an hour you're not fighting."

Cleo panicked she had to finish it was for Chev, she didn't want it to be all for nothing. She searched the crowd for the one face she knew could help.

About an hour had passed since the beginners rounds had been completed Aikrii was beaming his last rounds got him ranked as a silver standing for the fly weights he was jumping around all excited, he ran to Mani who managed to catch his flying hug he was cheered by the rest of his team.

"See I told you, you could do it." Mani lowered him to the floor. Others patted his back and congratulated him. "I have to go check Cleo ok, I'll be back soon." he ruffed his hair "When this is all said and done we'll celebrate ok." and then headed off. He headed over to the second circle where the blue belts were getting ready for their finals. He checked in on Cleo when she showed him her wrist it looked ok, in fact it looked like it was getting normal again thou it was still swollen. He went to reach for it when she pulled back, she said it was fine and wanted to get going.

"Ok, I have no issues, what did the officials say?"

"Just to ice it" which was in fact the truth but she still didn't look him in the eyes when she told him this.

"Ok" Mani stood behind her rubbed her shoulders as she jostled herself back and forth hyping herself up for her last match. He gave her an encouraging jostle before she headed to the floor, he told her. "Do your best it's all anyone expects."

She nodded her head and went to the floor to compete in her friends place.

"Say Jak!" the ref backed away after signaling to start. She usually waited for her opponent to attack first but this time as if she was Chev she did the opposite and was off like an arrow and got a quick flying hit to her opponent's chest. She was down in one shot, her teammates cheered loudly when the ref stepped in and yelled, "Go mon!" and pointed to her side rewarding her the point.

Cleo waited to see if her opponent would get up, she did. Again the ref signaled the start of the fight and they were both off. The ref watching, she was kicked twice; her swollen wrist taking the brunt of the two hits as she blocked them. Doing a low leg sweep she tried to throw her opponent off and succeeded as her opponent jumped to avoid the sweep she inadvertently left her stomach opened to an attack. With no thought to her injured wrist she reacted automatically and nailed her opponent a full forced blow to the gut. There was a sickening crunch that vibrated through her whole body as her wrist broke. She screamed out as her opponent landed on the floor in a doubled over ball.

She grabbed her wrist with her uninjured hand only to have the makeup she had Nye help her apply rub off on her hand. Her opponent was as stubborn as she was, injured she still Was moving and wished to continue. Cleo was gritting her teeth through the pain her head swimming, two times her opponent went down two times she was awarded the points, she had to win, driving herself she continued, her opponent knowing she was injured tried to take advantage of the situation and immediately aimed for her injury, but being prepared Cleo raised her right leg up midlevel using it to block herself, it was a wise move on her part as the other girl landed a blow to her knee cap, there was a very loud sickening crack which even the audience heard and they all cringed at the sound. Cleo thou, she didn't' feel a thing, she reacted down went the right leg, no longer needed as a block but now as a swivel point, round she went up went her left leg as she spun backwards, TWACK! Connection, her heel hit a shoulder and her opponent went down screaming. "Go Mon!" the ref screamed. It was over. The point was awarded to Cleo, the ref went to her to raise her arm in victory it was the last thing she remembered as pain shot through her and she passed out.

"But you deceived me!" she could hear the words being yelled, then she noticed paramedics were taking care of her and wrapping her now badly busted wrist.

"Look it was her choice" She hear Nye stress "All I did was what she asked, helped her!"

Nye was standing over her she reacted by reaching up with her good hand and tried to touch his face, he took her reaching hand and looked down at her, smiling at relief to see her awake.

"You were amazing!" he said softly over the hubbub around them "You won, gold to, but Mani's pissed we tricked him."

She frowned, again she did her best but someone was still pissed over her actions. She started to cry then her ever familiar temper flew off she yelled at Mani, who was still ranting over Nye's deception.

"Shut the hell up will you!" she screamed at him sitting up and pushing off the paramedic who was trying to finish the sling for her arm.

"Where the hell do you get off blaming him for something I choose to do?" she asked him.

"He..." he pointed to his baby brother "knew what you were doing and covered things up, he should have told me instead" Mani seethed, he hated being deceived or lied to.

"He did what he did because he respects my choices and my abilities to judge how far I can push myself"

"You put yourself at risk." Mani threw back at her.

"Don't you think after all the medical training I've had over the last three years I don't know what I am capable of doing even with an injury?"

She waited to see what he would say, when he didn't respond she continued "You were over reacting I did what had to be done to finish the tournament" she looked at him again waiting for a response, and once again she got none.

"Hey!" she interjected "I won us gold for our team doesn't that count for something?"

Mani was too pissed to continue with the conversation "You were foolish and reckless" he replied as he walked away.

Nye looked down at her, "He'll cool off, he's just worried."

"Yeah I know" she still cried thou knowing again she let down someone else she cared about, it didn't seem to matter what she did. If it wasn't home it was now with her friends.

The papers the next morning had two articles, one on Chev's death and the other on the do jong's wins. "Winning two out of the five possible metal standings for their division, it was a bitter sweet win considering the teams loss." Mani quoted from the paper. Aikrii looked over his own pages of the paper at him, he was still sad about Chev's death.

"Did Nye call back yet?" he asked.

"No and right now I don't care to speak to him, what he did was wrong." Mani said frustrated

"Hun, what did he do that was so terribly wrong?" he looked at his boyfriend but continued before he got an answer "he did what the love of his life requested she wanted help...would you turn down helping the one you loved?"

Mani looked back at the one he did love and thought.

"No" he answered. "But it also doesn't mean I'd be reckless either" he paused "He put her in danger by going with her plan, you just don't go covering an injury like that with make-up just so you can go on, it only prolongs the injury."

"He proved he'd do anything to help because he loves her and because he trusts her man, she didn't cheat to get her win she just suffered instead, she made a sacrifice out of love and need to prove herself, what part of that is so hard to understand?"

Mani raked his hands through his hair. "None I suppose, but it was still foolish and she's suspended till I decide otherwise."

"Suit yourself; I agree it was foolish, I never said I didn't agree on that part, BUT" he stressed, "If you think punishing her for trying is the right thing to do, then by all means do so, but I think her injury is punishment enough for making the decision she did, but it also won't stop her from making the same decisions again if she needs to."

"Touché!" Mani said. Aikrii grinned, Ahhh, point made, score one for him he won that round he though, "Gee I best call Nye and let him know everything will be ok" he chuckled to himself as he got up and went over to Mani and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You know you're proud of her and how much she sacrificed to be her best, so let it be."

Mani groaned, "Yeah; your right...again"

Aikrii laughed, kissed his cheek and then smiled. Now that was the Mani he knew.

Chapter 11 ~ Confrontation ******************************

Phillip slinked out of the much-hated building. He looked around glad to be free once again to continue his search, he was getting closer and now he knew exactly where he was going to be. Off in the distance he spotted the bridge and a church steeple and a few dozen auto shops, He headed towards the bridge with only one thing on his mind.

The minister was still talking to the friends and family of Chev Nairs. Her dad James who was still in a state of shock was holding her mom Susan. Sefron was sitting with his friends and a few of his band mates. He was watching the funeral officiating with a numb heart, his baby sister was gone and now he had lost the one thing that mattered the most to him. She had been his rock when he was having a tough time his sister thou younger was always the wise one and helped him along when he needed guidance. She was also the one who had informed him about his bands lead singers issues with drugs, she helped him write three of his songs and she was the one who introduced him to Cleo who had introduced him to more new faces then he'd ever had the pleasure to meet.

He never was one to make many friends now he had many. He sighed, he was feeling so cold inside, and he had to get more info to on the accident. He had been told the driver who had hit her wasn't considered legally drunk. When they arrested him and due to the laws he was allowed to refuse the breathalyzer testing for up to four hours before he had to take it or be charged with refusal, and impaired driving. Apparently he managed to nail the near four hour mark and passed the test making it hard for them to charge him with her death till they had more proof from witnesses at the accident scene and eyewitnesses was one thing the authorities were lacking.He reached over and squeezed Cleo's hand that had laid it on his knee trying to get his attention, everyone was heading out the funeral was moving out to her gravesite. He sighed, placing his head in his hands, he took a deep breath before getting up to follow the crowd. God so help him to be strong he though not only for him and his family sakes but for the man who killed his baby sis as all he wanted to do now was make him pay for what he did.

Mani and Aikrii were leaving the church steps when Aikrii spotted him, he gasped and gripped Mani's arm so hard Mani though he was going to break it. "What's wrong?" he looked in the direction Aikrii was staring to, frozen solid in place. Then they noticed something else, a very pissed Sefron marching towards the same direction Aikrii was staring, Sefron grabbed a tall brutish dark haired man who had been walking up the churches parking lot.

"What's fucking going on Aikrii?" Mani said panicking.

"That's my dad!" he said still frozen.

"How does Sefron know him?" he was confused and looked over at Aikrii

"He doesn't," he said confused then it clicked and he gasped "Oh my god, Mani let's go!"

He grabbed Mani's hand and dragged him towards the ensuing scuffle in the parking lot.

"You bastard you killed her! You fucking killed my baby sister and you have the nerve to show here!! I'll kill you!" Sefron hauled back to nail the man but Aikrii stepped in between them and stopped Sefron

"No! He's my dad!" He yelled; praying Sefron wouldn't hit him. Sefron released the man he so hated.

Phillip snarled, "I don't need no faggot fighting my battles!"

Aikrii stared at his dad and was discussed at what the man had become. "First of all I am YOUR son! Whether you like it or not, blood is thicker than water dad, so get over it!"

He made a swing for his son's head. His training clicked in like an automatic switch and Aikrii ducked low and leg swept his dad knocking him off balance. Before Phillip could hit the asphalt of the parking lot his was grabbed, his son had him by his jacket he was dangling mere inches from the ground.

"I'm not scared of you anymore dad and you can't hurt me anymore either" he said giving the dangling man a shake "I have people who do love me no matter what!"

Aikrii easily lifted the scruffy ill-tempered man he called his father to his unsteady feet.

Phillip Spit on the boys' shirt and muttered, "Your not my son, my son would be normal not some fucking flaming queer" he jeered his face all ugly with hate. "People like you should all be shot, the whole lot of ya."

"Just like your brother?" Mani and Aikrii heard Marie who had shown speak up. Phillip was shocked to see his wife let alone have her speak of his twin brother Francis.

"You leave him out of this!" Phillip hissed now outraged at the mentioning of the brother who had not only hurt him when he was a child but his own disowned son as well. "That thing wasn't my brother!" he screamed trying once again to hit Aikrii he lost it his rage taking over.

Aikrii wasn't trained to fight in this manner so he just used what he had been taught. Low duck, from a swing, Left leg extended, right leg under him knee bent, attackers exposed belly, one, two, closed fist to gut, pull back lean to side as his attacker landed face first on the pavement clutching his stomach. Aikrii stood up unscathed. Mani staring in astonishment at what had just played out before his very eyes. He rushed to Aikrii's side taking his hand so he knew he had someone at his side to help if he so chooses to ask for it.

"You already ruined your own life dad, you will not ruin mine to" he straightened his jacket "I'm still your son whether you like it or not and I will still love you as my dad but I've lost all my respect for you, hate is a nasty thing and so is intolerance." He looked down at the man who had rolled over on his back, he had so much hate in his face, so much distain for all that was around him, he wasn't the man Aikrii had grown up respecting as his dad, the dad he knew got lost years ago with the first bottle of alcohol he had picked up after loosing his job.

The police had shown by then and arrested Phillip for causing a disturbance and then asked Aikrii if he wanted to press charges. Aikrii said no it was just a waste of time as far as he was concerned. He held his mom's hand as she cried and watched her husband get placed in the back seat of a cruiser.

Sefron walked up to them and spoke. "I'm sorry Marie, when I seen him all I wanted to do was kill him, I just wanted to hurt him so bad, but my beating him won't get back my sister."

"He still got beaten thou," she said, placing a hand on Sefron's face giving a sad smile, "by his own hate, for an intolerance he holds." She sighed, dropping her hand "He just doesn't know that being gay isn't a choice but the way one is born, like being born black or white, it's not something you can convert." She felt so defeated.

Mani and Aikrii went on either side of Marie and wrapped each an arm around her shoulder and then Sefron joined to, all four walking back to the remaining of the funeral procession. James was happy to see his son join them, they sat up front, Sefron noticing all the peach white and pink flowers all around him, all Chev's favorite colors of roses and carnations. The minister continued and the funeral went on without any more troubles. The family each in turn tosses a rose in on her coffin saying their good byes. James and Susan also laid a teddy she use to have as a baby on her coffin and sadly walked off. The somber moment leaving everyone feeling like the world just wouldn't go on.

Phillip was booked and put into a cell with three others, he was angrier now than he ever had been. The boy had beaten him, where did he learn to do that? He let the comments his son had said float through his head. He hated everything that was happening, He bellered a curse on top of his lungs. His fellow cellmates looked over at him and jeered; they could have fun with the well-dressed bum. Phillip never knew what hit him, and it was over in an instant.

The next morning Aikrii was sleeping when he heard the phone ring, not wanting to move or get up he just groaned. He didn't have to move thou Mani had been right there watching him sleep, he had been sketching him and was disappointed that the phone had waken his sleeping beauty. Mani picked up the phone. There was more bad news. It was Marie and she was frantic she wanted to pass on news to Aikrii it was about his dad.

Aikrii opened a sleepy eye looking at Mani who was frowning.

"Uh huh" he paused noticing Aikrii was awake. He passed the picture he had been working on to Aikrii and continued talking to Marie motioning to Aikrii to shhh. Ki looked at the picture and was stunned to see what was there, it was awesome, and he never realized just how much of a good artist Mani was. Mani was talking low tones on the phone when Aikrii realized something was up. He called over to him, "Hey, what's going on?"

Mani hesitated then passed him the phone. Aikrii could hear his mom on the other end of the phone in a state of distraught. "Mom! What's wrong?"

She started to tell Aikrii about what had happened to his dad while he was being detained at the precinct the fight that had happened and the injuries he had sustained from the beating he had received from the other inmates being contained with him. Aikrii didn't know what to think at first, till his mother told him

"He might die Aikrii, because of all his drinking; his liver was damaged and with this beating it only made the damage worse." Aikrii was shocked to hear this. "Oh my god" he got pale and considering how darkly complected he was Mani knew it was very serious to see such a dramatic change to his complexion.

He got up frantically leaving the sheets in a disheveled mess on the bed. Mani followed the nude body heading to the closet, listening intently to the one sided convo knowing most of what was already being repeated. Aikrii grabbed a pair of boxers and his blue jeans, stuffing both on in haste. "Yeah, I can be there" he paused listening "Uh huh...ummm no... Yes ok, I love you to mom." he hung up not looking at Mani tossed the phone and then rummaged for a shirt from his own kit bag of clothing that still remained stuffed in the bottom of their closet. He hauled out a wrinkled white shirt and hastily stuffed himself into it. He ran his hands through his hair; turned around to be greeted by a confused Mani who was holding the pad that contained the picture he had been working on.

"I have to go." he said to Mani

Mani knew Aikrii's dad was injured but he didn't understand where he was going so he asked. "Where?"

"To the hospital, mom wants me to see him and I can't turn my back on him Mani, even after all he put me through." His eyes held so much sadness knowing his dad could die.

"You mean even after he put everyone thorough, don't you?" Mani said. Aikrii knew where this was going and really didn't want any part of it.

"Mani, understand this regardless of his stupidity, his dangerous actions, his hate for me because of who I've become" he paused and then moved on "regardless of all he's hurt, he's my dad first, always was always will be and that won't change no matter what." he looked up with tears in his eyes.

"If you can't understand that then I guess your not the person I though you were either, since your still judging him the same way he judges, with a closed mind"

Mani was angry, shocked, and most of all hurt at the words that spilled from his mouth, all feeling like burning water searing his heart in a painful grip. He sighed and watched the love of his life walk out the door of their apartment not knowing where the turn of events would take them next. When the door clicked shut he looked down at the picture in his hand and then cried to.

He entered the room, looking at the man he called dad. He was hooked up to a respirator and IV tubes. His heart beat registering on a monitor slowly beating. It was the first time Aikrii had really looked at his dad without him seeing him like the drunk he was so use to seeing the last few years.He sat beside his bed, he knew his dad was sedated but it didn't matter. He would still be there for his dad even if his dad hates him. A nurse walked in and he started asking questions on his dad's condition and what could be done to help.

She explained some of the info she knew but told him it was best to speak to the doctor who was taking care of his dad's needs. He got up and followed her to the nurse's station and waited for the doctor after she had paged him. When the doctor showed, Aikrii was surprised to see Chev's mom.

"Oh my god, Susan, why are you here?"

"I have to do my job Aikrii, it's the only way to keep me sane." She replied flipping through a chart. "Why are you here?"

"I need information on what I can do for my dad," he said. She knew the man he spoke of was the very man who killed her daughter, but she also had standards as a doctor and understood why Aikrii was there. She took him to her office to explain what was needed and how things would be done, that Aikrii had to be one hundred percent sure he wanted to help since the surgery that his dad had to endure could be potentially life threatening due to a transplant rejection. Aikrii knew he wanted to help in anyway he could. She handed him a form to fill out.

He looked at it stood up and shook her hand "Thank you" he said

"No Aikrii, thank you for showing me even a man, like him; regardless of all the injustice he's done to those around him he's still is loved and tolerated." She sighed and looked at him "Your an amazing son, and he's lucky to have you, it's just too bad he's too damn blind to see that, and I hope this step your taking to help him isn't thrown into your face later."

Aikrii nodded his thanks and left the office to fill out the forms. Hours later when he finished talking to the hospitals shrink he realized all he had been trying was in vain. He left frustrated, saddened and with no direction to turn.

Cleo and Nye were only at Mani's place no more than an hour when Mani got the call from Susan who was asking what was going on as Aikrii showed really upset and then she explained what had been going on and what Aikrii was trying to do, only to have him leave her office again saying something about loosing again. Mani had no idea what was going on and asked Susan if he was still at the hospital. She said she wasn't sure and said she could have him paged. While he was on hold he got Nye to use his cell to try and call Aikrii on his own. "Ring, ring..." five times he allowed it to do its double ring, Nye got nothing. He shook his head at Mani who was once again talking to Susan who said he wasn't in the hospital any longer.

Mani looked at his baby bro and his girlfriend and said, "Stay here, if he calls call me and tell me where he's at, I have something to do." He rushed out of the apartment grabbing his keys and jacket on his way out.

She took the forms from him, another potential living donor, only this one is over eighteen and healthy, She looked over at Mani and asked "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Susan it's his dad, Aikrii's crying out for help in the only way he knows how. If this is what I have to do to help him help his dad then so be it. I love him too much to see him hurting like this"

"But this is dangerous, Aikrii could end up loosing you both!" she said with all the seriousness she could muster, frankly she could care less about Phillip but as a doctor she had her duties to stick to first and for most, but she did care for Aikrii and Mani and they were the last people she wanted to hurt.

"I trust you to not let that happen Susan," he said kissing her cheek as he walked out of her office, leaving here standing there stunned.

She decided if this was how things were going to be then she had some quick changes she had to make and fast, she got on the phone and started making some serious inquiries on how to get the required info and surgeons and teams set up so she could get things moving fast, this was going to be one challenge she wouldn't pass up.

Marie was at Mani's apartment when he came back for the fifth time that day he had been out looking for Aikrii, it had been three days he had no idea where he was and he was so desperate to find him, he flopped onto the coach exhausted and scared and sad. He started to cry into his hands. Marie rushed to his side and hugged the young man who sobbed like a boy who lost his best friend.

"Shhh, shhh baby he'll come home soon." she said not believing even her own words.

"You make a horrible liar Marie" he hiccupped. Wiping his tears pulling back looking at the wonderful Italian lady before him. She was so much like his mom.

"But I still love you for trying." She smiled sadly and touched his face, and said;

"He'll come to his senses sweetie, he just needs time to think"

"Marie the boy is a freaking genius, how hard is it for him to think about how much we all love him, he would know we'd be looking for him and I want him here to know what I plan on doing for him for you, for us!" He shuddered in while breathing trying to control the tears from reaching his eyes again.

She hugged him again. "It'll work out baby I know it in my heart."

Josh was astonished at how much weight Aikrii had put on in nearly a year,

"Good god darlin' your a site for sore eyes." He said to his pal when he had shown up on his doorstep four days ago. Aikrii didn't tell him much just said he needed a place to be to think and asked if he could stay,

"Your more than welcomed to hang out if you want," he said with unanswered questions flying across his face faster then the local subway.

"I don't want to get into it." Aikrii said the look of sadness staining his face it literally made Josh's own heart feel like it was breaking.

"Ok baby boy, I won't pry but if you need ears to listen I have two, pull on one I'll lean your way" He said patting his friends shoulder.

Aikrii woke up on the fourth day of being at Josh's and decided it was time to call his mom, but when he rang the house there was no answer. Still depressed he closed his phone and sighed; raking his fingers through his hair he crawled off the coach, which was painfully uncomfortable to sleep on, and headed to the small bathroom. He finished using the facilities when he heard Josh fly frantically through the door of his place panting and all excited.

Aikrii poked his head out of the bathroom, and saw that Nye was with him. "SHIT!" he though, just what he didn't need a baby brother to poke where he had no business to be.

"Aikrii get your god dam ass out here right now!" Nye yelled. Aikrii was shocked; Nye never spoke to him like that before. He sauntered around the corner like he was a cool cat without a care in the world; he looked down at Nye as if he was a mere annoying child in his way. Nye, looked at him and did what any baby brother does, took a tantrum. He soundly stomped on Aikrii's foot and yelled; "Don't be a fucking ass!"

Aikrii was thrown off guard at his reaction and hoped around holding his foot he certainly wasn't expecting that. "This facade doesn't work on me, so stop with the act, your comming with me NOW!" He grabbed Aikrii's arm and tugged.

"WOAH squirt!" he said in a raised tone and with a touch of annoyance,

"Who died and made you boss?"

Josh just watched what was playing out before him and interjected to the scene with his own comments

"Mani could if your not there for him."

Those words were enough to make Aikrii drop to the floor like all the life had been drained from him.

"Oh my god, what's wrong!" he asked terrified of the answer to come.

"He's trying to save your selfish fathers life you foolish little ass now get up and lets go! I'll explain on the way."

Nye grabbed him and more forcefully yanked him to his feet and started to head out the door.

"Nye I'll call you later!" Josh yelled.

Aikrii still confused followed Nye down to the waiting car. Sefron was behind the wheel.

"For a famous little fella you're some friggin hard to track down" was his comment as he buckled into the seat.

Aikrii hesitated in mid buckle while looking at Sefron and asked "Famous?"

Nye who was now in the back seat passed him a newspaper from that very day. On the font page is a picture of him and Mani under it the caption says,

"Boy genius missing as father lies dying in hospital."

He started to read the story to the headlines and was surprised to hear people call him famous even in the paper.

There was a public plea for information on Aikrii's where abouts. 'Anyone having information on this young man is urged to contact Curre police or inform the sought for teen to return home as soon as possible as his partner is being hospitalized in preparation to help save his very fathers live.' The paper continued by quoting Mani.

'In the words of Mani Tskii,' "Just tell him I still love him, he's my Ki I'm his heart together we beat as one."

Aikrii slowly laid the paper into his lap and swayed with the car as it veered in and out of traffic, he was nearly as white as a sheet, after reading the news.

"Oh shit, what have I done?"

Chapter 12 ~ Second Chance *********************************

Mani was scared. He was alone. He was being wheeled down the corridor to his room. In another ten minutes and he would be in saving the life of a man who despised everything he stood for. He was missing Aikri i. The nurse propped his head up with a few pillows and then called for his doctor. Susan walked in about five minutes later. We're just about ready for you Mani. I was wondering if there's anything you want me to have passed on to anyone information wise.

"Just tell Ki" he paused choking back his tears "Tell him I still love him, he may feel like only one person in this world but he means the world to this one person." Susan understood and took his hand "This will go just fine and everything will be ok, wait and see" She smiled believing that once the surgery was over things would get some what back to normal.

Almost two hours past by the time they made it to the sister hospital to the Dixion, this one being larger adamant for more complicated procedures, such as the transplant Mani was going about doing. Aikrii was still so sunned, he moved like a robot on auto. If it weren't for Nye he'd be totally lost. They made it to the hospital and he was directed to where Mani's room was located. When he got there Mani wasn't in his room the nurse came in and Aikrii stopped her and asked where he was.

"Oh, Mr. Tskii is in surgery now he'll be out in about 6-8 hours it's about standard unless there's complications." she said.

"Oh if your looking where he will come out he's on floor four, your allowed to wait there for when he comes out of surgery for recovery, his doctor will come out to once she knows your there to fill you in on details as things progress."

Aikrii was so heart broken, he wasn't there when Mani went in, he was all-alone! Aikrii felt like a total ass. Because of him the one person he loved more than his mom was risking his life for someone who hated them both. He sobbed,

"I can't believe he's gone and done this, he didn't have to be a hero."

Nye looked at Aikrii, "Damn now; don't those words hit home."

Aikrii was confused on why Nye said that. Nye looked at Aikrii, and said, "What you just said, It was what he said to Cleo during her match, and I told him regardless of what he though of her choices" he paused for a minute to reflect. "I did what I had to; to help her, looking at this situation I think this is his way of helping you."

"By risking his life?" Aikrii was still in shock over it all.

They made it up to the recover rooms waiting area and informed the receptionist that they were there. It wasn't long before Susan had sent out an intern to inform them that things were progressing smoothly and at the rate things were going they'd be ready to start removing the donor part of his liver very soon.Aikrii was scared and blurted out

"Ask Susan if I can come in, please I'll sit at his head and not bother anyone I just want to be there!"

The nurse looked at him, "I'm so terribly sorry," she said with regret "We don't do that Mr. Orati."

He sighed raked his hair and paced the waiting area. "Oh good god why did this have to happen?"

he was so frustrated.The nurse walked over to him and reassured him everything would be ok and if he needed to walk or to pray or anything that there was a chapel downstairs and that he could take a pager with him so he wouldn't' have to worry and there were areas in the hospital where he could go eat and or have a coffee.

He looked at Nye and Sefron, they shook their heads yes, they didn't need to wait here for hours on end when a nurse could page them and they could be back within twenty minutes. Sefron asked the nurse to notify Susan that if things are progressing and she wanted to send a report if she could page them twenty minutes prior so they could be out in the waiting room when she came out. The nurse said it could be feezable but it was best to stick close since complications are always possible. They agreed to try and stick close and would return frequently. Aikrii headed with his friends to the lobby, he was shivering and felt so weak. The thoughts of loosing him was the scariest thing he could conceive, just being away for the last four days had been hard enough.

Sefron walked ahead of them both when he piped up to Nye, "Where's Cleo?"

"She's over at Mani's, helping Marie to get ready for his return, it's going to be about a week before Mani gets out, but once he's home he's going to need help" Aikrii stopped.

"How long did he have this planned?"

"He didn't," Nye, said, "He got a call from Susan who told him what you tried to do for your dad." "But it takes WEEKS to get this done!" Aikrii said stomping his foot.

"Ummm, Aikrii, if a family member is in urgent need and your on a donor list already and have all your priors lined up and pass a few tests like Mani did then they can get special emergency surgeries done." He lo oked over at Aikrii who had no idea that Mani was already a donor, he always though they refused anyone who was gay unless it was immediate family.

"With Susan's help they got things set up within three days." Mani was determined to do this and Marie was beside herself when she found out what he was willing to do to keep you and to help her. She tried to stop him to."

Aikrii was overwhelmed with what was going on. "I think we need to go get my mom and Mani needs his family all here to, Sefron, go pick up Cleo and my mom here's the keys. Nye call your parents tell them to get her, I want him to know we're all here for him when he gets out, I need to make things right."

Surgery took six hours it went very well. Mani went to recovery and was still on a respirator and sill sleeping from the anesthetic. Aikrii stroked his head and spoke to him putting his head by his arm breathing him in, touching, anything to make sure he was still truly there. He asked the nurse how long before he would come out of the sedation.

She said, "He was awake already once, and he can hear you, he just might not be able to move or talk yet that's all. The meds can make a patient quite groggy."

He was pleased to hear this, and then Susan came in to let Aikrii know his dad was now in surgery getting the donated liver piece transplanted and things were going smoothly so far. "We can take Mani off of the respirator really soon ok once we do this we can transfer him to his room." She smiled and headed back into the OR with the rest of the team who were still working on his dad.

When Mani was transferred to his room it was getting dark, the nursed had paged Nye who had the pager at the time, they all showed within minutes of each other, Sefron with Aikrii's mom and Cleo and Nye with Mani's parents who drove him. Mani was awake but still very groggy. The nurses told them two at a time. Mani's parents went in first. They spent about fifteen minutes and then came out they were saying he was talking just not quickly and sometimes he drifted since the meds were starting to wear off. Nye and Cleo went next and when Cleo came out she was chuckling.

Aikrii asked, "Why are you laughing"

"He doesn't know that your here." she said smiling "He said he thought he could hear you talking to him telling him you were sorry." she grinned "He's going to be surprised to see you."

Aikrii was surprised to hear that Mani had heard him when he was in recovery.

Marie went in next and without letting the cat out of the bag encouraged Mani to take a few sips of water and chat more; he was beginning to be more coherent. She was pleased.

Sefron went in next to say his hi's and told him everything was ok at home when he asked. Susan's intern came in to check on him while Sefron was there and said, "Your partner was a wreck when you were in surgery poor boy wanted to come right in."

Mani was shocked to hear this. He looked at Sefron, "He's here?" he whispered.

Sefron smiled and just got up and left... Mani was confused, and a bit heart broken to, just what the hell was going on.

Aikrii stepped into the room and walked up to the curtain, not knowing what would happen when he pulled it back and showed his face, or what he'd see, but he did know that the love of his life was on the other side. He pulled back the curtain, Main had his eyes closed but opened them when he heard the curtain thinking it was just another nurse in to check on him. His heart registered a quick jump on the monitor, whether out of excitement or surprise Mani was so happy to see him. He smiled and reached out to Aikrii. Aikrii sat on the side of his bed and without a word just held his hand and let him relax. Mani started to stroke his thumb on the inside of Aikrii's hand. Aikrii looked up at him to see two wonderful violet eyes staring intently at him.

"I never said for you to let him die, or to stop loving your dad, so you never had to go" he said finishing off the argument that had caused Aikrii to walk out in the first place.

"Touché!" he said to Mani giving his hand a firm squeeze. He then kissed his fingertips, and smiled like an idiot he was so happy to see him still in good spirits.

"I still love you Ki, no matter what win or lose, your my Ki, I'm your heart together we beat as one. Never forget that." Aikrii had a tear sliding down his cheek as he said this, he so loved this man more than any could possibly imagine. Mani reached up and wiped the tear. He smiled weakly and grasped Aikrii's hand again. He fell asleep holding his hand.

Aikrii left his room to ask the nurse for the cots they provided for those who stayed the night with their loved ones. Everyone asked him what happened. He looked around as was surprised to see how interested everyone was in knowing what was going on. He smiled. "Ma'ma, he still loves me as much as you do if not more." he said chuckling the rest of his pals sighed a big sigh of relief Marie thou, She giggled,

"I don't think that's possible but ok I'll let him have that much this time."

The cot showed and was set up in Mani's room, the all too familiar smells, the memories of his own time in the hospital had faded but not so much for him to forget. His mom walked back into the room.

"Papa is out of surgery baby." she looked to see what he was going to say.

"Ok I'll be right out I want to see him."

They both went to the recovery room, him mom first. When she came out she was still smiling. He was kind of surprised at that.

He entered and saw that his father still had his breathing tube in but he had his eyes opened. He walked up to the man who not only tried to kill him once but twice and said,

"Hi" His father showed no emotion.

"I just wanted to tell you that Mani my boyfriend was the one who donated the piece of liver that saved your life" He continued when there was still no emotion or repose from his dad.

"Now whether you like it or not, a gay man has been part of your life, other than uncle Francis or me." His father still didn't budge.

"So long dad, have a good life, or what ever you mange to make of it." with that he walked out of the room that held the man he once use to respect.

Aikrii grew that night; his love risked his life to give him his dad back, a man who hated them both because of their lifestyle. He grew emotionally to, learning to accept things in two lights and ask before reacting. He became a man. He felt stronger and walked taller as he returned to his boyfriend ward.

MANY thanks to Seth and his hubby Steven for their support and my bestest pal Joe in PEI :D The encourgement to continue means a lot.

MANY MANY thanks to Amy for helping me edit my mistakes :D your a gem!

Thanks for reading. Full series books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link, also you can ask to be included on my mailing list as well I will notify fans via E-Mail of each released chapter :D thanks.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Next: Chapter 5: Steppin Out 13 15

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