Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on May 27, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 1) Aikrii and Mani's Story Copyright 1993-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

One brilliant young man's struggle for acceptance within his own family and community brings him closer to another who makes him stronger through love and understanding.

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already!! The responses were over whelming! LOL I was very surprised on how many I got in 2 days! Thanks!

Ps: And YES I am aware there are not many "women" writers for the male community :D I'm glad to have made SO many of my new fans whom seem to be so thrilled with how I look at things at this persepctive :) in the words of my friend Seth. "You're threapudic, keep it up" LOL :D

PS enjoy the next 3 chapters ... 6-9 (Get a fan it's gonna get warm here LOL)

************************************ Chapter 7 ~ A Love like none before ************************************

The hour drive home from Mani's parents was a fairly quiet one to some degree, Mani listened to the disk his brother Nye had made him while Aikrii sang to the tunes, and making funny dirty notions to some of the lyrics in the songs, Making Mani laugh repeatedly.

"Hey want a coffee?" he asked as they pulled into downtown Curre.

Aikrii looked around debating, "Sure" he said "How about from Jays?"

"Ok" Mani maneuvered the Mustang into Jays parking lot and stepped out of the car. He went to Aikrii's door and opened it for him taking his hand as he stepped out.

"I'm going to start feeling like some papered little prince at this rate," he said laughing as they strolled arm and arm into Jays.

They found a corner booth and waited for the waitress to show. When she did they ordered their drinks and asked for some apple pie as well.

"What do you want for your birthday? Turning sixteen is suppose to be a big deal, was for me;" he looked at Aikrii and smiled waiting to see what he was going to say.

"Family and friends around me" he said. "That's a starter, and maybe some new clothes."

"Fair enough" Mani said, "I think we can swing that."

Aikrii looked at Mani and said, "Ok you know my birthday is on April Fifteenth, when's yours?"

Mani smiled, "A ways away yet, mine passed already, on the fourteenth of February"

Aikrii was grinning like crazy now, it made Mani wonder just what that wonderful little head had flying through it.

"Penny for your thoughts."

Aikrii looked up and said, "A Valentine's boy, you really are my heart, you even have the red hair to boot." He reached up and touched his hair. Mani caught his hand. He smiled, love flowing from every pore of his body, he found it so hard to contain himself even in public. He grabed his wallet and left 20 bucks on the table and walked out with Aikrii in tow who was totally baffled at the urgency in Mani's need to leave.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Not a thing" Mani said looking back at him grinning.

The drive to the apartment was a slow and impatient one for Mani he was so frustrated he could scream...instead he turned up the tunes on the CD player and stomped on the car floor making everything vibrate, Aikrii was chuckling inside at the frazzled mess he could feel vibrating from Mani, he knew he was frustrated he could see it in his hands, his knuckles all white with tension as he gripped the steering wheel of the car. Aikrii decided to go with the flow; he wasn't stupid he realized Mani wasn't mad, just sexually frustrated, grinning he started to sing on top of his lungs.

It had been nearly 2 and a half hours since they had left Mani's parents home and they were still stuck in traffic, but they managed to get to the apartment and Mani hadn't wrapped the car around anything nor did he jump poor Aikrii in the car either, much to Aikrii's disappointment, giving the town a porn show would have been a highlight to any young gay guys dreams. Chuckling he sauntered into the apartment and looked back at Mani who looked a mess with his hair all sweaty and mussed up.

"Take your coat?" he asked slowly sliding it from Mani's shoulders, lightly breathing on his neck as he did so. He watched the red hair stand on end near the nape of his neck as he did so, the receptive skin prickling with goose bumps. He watched Mani shiver. Grinning he put Mani's jacket on a hook and walked to the fridge, bringing back two Pepsi for them to drink. He took Mani's and rubbed it across his tight belly moaning about how warm the apartment was, and how cooling the can was, he batted his eyes in a mock of innocents and asked if he could open a window. Mani bit his lip as he opened the soft drink looking at the clock on the wall. Eleven forty seven.

"Sure open a window if you want" Mani put down his drink and escaped to the bathroom. He splashed cold water on his face, trying to keep his wits about himself. Mumbling to himself.

"Keep yer pants on man, still need to go slow, he's still just a kid...rational thinking Mani old boy" he shook his head. "He slapped the sink, who the hell was he fooling?"

"Ah fuck it!" he opened the door only to be greeted by Aikrii who was now shirtless.

Mani grinned an evil grin; Aikrii shocked to see Mani have the look of the preverbal cat that swallowed the canary let out an "eeped" and jumped. Mani growled low looking at him with the hunger of a starving tiger on the prowl. Aikrii's eyes opened wide with awe, he knew what was comming next, him if he had his way, he laughed in his head and decided to play with the stalker in front of him.

Aikrii took off through the apartment like a flash laughing. Mani was in for a challenge and if this was how Aikrii wanted things then that was fine with Mani, he enjoyed a good game of tag anyway.

Aikrii looked at the clock it was already past twelve, he knew that's what Mani was waiting for. He slipped into the kitchen and grabbed the bow he had found on Friday and quickly slipped past Mani who was in the spare room looking for him. He shucked his drawers and crawled into their bed and stretched out, he put the bow on his belly and waited.

Mani walked back into their room confused on where Aikrii could have gotten to, it was the sight of him laying there grinning like a Cheshire cat from ear to eat with nothing but a bow on his belly that made him groan. He climbed on to the bed crawled over Aikrii straddling his naked body.

"Your wearing too many clothing for this ride, please get off and try again," Aikrii said like a robot trying hard to stifle a giggle with no luck.

Mani looked down at Aikrii he licked his lips and smiled "Your more entertaining than a playstation 3" He latched onto him and slyly smiled, "See joystick and all!"

Aikrii sucked in a deep breath, having his hands around him was pure delight. He moaned and arched encouraging Mani to play some more.Mani leaned forward, and let Aikrii's manhood slid against his shirt-covered body. Aikrii moaned, pulling at his shirt trying to get it off. Mani helped him he wanted to feel his skin next to his own. Aikrii nipped and kissed any skin he could get his lips on while Mani lost his shirt. Exposing his nipples to the cool air in the room made them pucker which only encouraged Aikrii to play with them, Mani sucked in sharply and moaned. He latched onto Aikrii's manhood again stroking him in a gentle rhythm causing poor Aikrii to pant more and more wiggling in anticipation.Mani slid sideways off of the bed but not loosing contact and lost his drawers on the floor with the rest of the clothing that had kept him confined. He hastily returned to the bed and struggled to get the duvet around them both while keeping Aikrii entertained.

Mani was excited and trying so hard to maintain some self control, he slid down and kissed his neck working his way down towards his belly stopping to nip lick or kiss some part of the dark tanned skin on Aikrii's beautiful sexy body. He took Aikrii into his mouth and savored him like a lollypop. Aikrii gasped in sheer pleasure and arched gripping the sheets around him Mani chuckled with his mouth full and smiled to, he continued to please Aikrii in a way Aikrii would never forget. Getting a steady rhythm on and urging Aikrii on he brought Aikrii to an earth-shattering climax, he yelled out Mani's name as he climaxed over the top and shuddered as he came. He convulsed and collapsed, spent as Mani gently licked and kissed his way back to Aikrii's lips. Mani's kisses only encouraged him to get aroused again.

"Wow, frisky aren't we?" Mani said as he watched Aikrii grow with enthusiasm again within minutes. Aikrii got brave and rolled on his side looking at Mani and kissed him, shoved against his shoulder and flipped him on his back, he straddled him. Now it was his turn to bring Mani to his peak and he knew just how he planned on doing that.

Mani watched his eyes as he straddled over his belly; he ran his hands down his sides and then to the front of his midriff to the tuft of hair that nestled above his arousal. He continued to stroke his skin and Aikrii reached down to stroke him. Mani gritted his teeth, trying to hold his resolve he could feel his hot little finger wrapped around him and shifted trying to give him easier access. Aikrii lubed up and then moved and lowered himself over him slowly taking him into his own body, gasping as he filled him. He was so big! Whimpering at the satisfaction of getting him totally in place he leaned forward gasping, and rocking, giving the rhythmic sensations Mani was feeling ten times the rippling effects, having Aikrii on top was pretty amazing he could watch his expressions and he loved what he saw. Mani panted and held his hips trying to slow Aikrii down he didn't want to go off like a cap gun. Aikrii looked down into his violet eyes and knew the effect he was having on Mani, he was enjoying it to. He leaned forward, and whispered

"I love you" and kissed his temple and then rocked to a faster rhythm catching Mani off guard and overwhelmed him with the rippling sensations he was causing, Mani couldn't hold back gripping his hips he pulled down as he arched up both let out a joyous climatic yell. Mani brinked and rocked with Aikrii still on top, he lost it and let loose, spilling his seed into Aikrii. Aikrii felt the warmth and shivered it felt so good. Both spent they collapsed into each other's arms. Panting yet sated, they relaxed.

"I love you to Ki" Mani said stroking the sweaty head of Aikrii. "Happy Birthday darlin'" he kissed him again.

Aikrii was so happy, he had what he ever wanted, he finally got to experience the wanted unforced pleasures of loving someone. It seemed to push all the bad that had ever happened away. He felt so free. Tonight was a night he would treasure and cherish for a long time to come. Mani encouraged Aikrii to get up and go to the shower with him. The warm water trickled over them both Mani scrubbed Aikrii's back and let him relax against him as they swayed in the shower, listening to the radio he had in the room playing one of the many Cd's that Nye had created, a savage garden song was playing, "I knew I loved you" Mani kissed his neck and got a now obviously mellowed Aikrii out of the shower. He toweled dried him off as well as himself, he picked Aikrii up and brought him back to their bed. Laying Aikrii down and tucking him in he sliding in beside him, reached over and flicked the light out, Aikrii snuggled into Mani's side, and in turn Mani wrapped a protective arm around him thinking to himself he will never allow anyone to hurt him again if he could help it.

They both drifted off to sleep oblivious to the world playing out below them on a street where one drunk man scorers the streets for the child he now called a poor excuse for a son vowing to get back at the fruity little bastard that had put him in jail for 8 months. Phillip seethed in a drunken' rage, he knew he'd have his day.

************************************** Chapter 8 ~ Calm before the storm **************************************

Ki awoke still warm, but alone. In a half groggy state he fumbled with pillows and sheets to see if Mani hadn't just gotten up to use the bathroom. Mani wasn't anywhere to be seen, but he could smell coffee and toast. His stomach growled in protest, it wanted food now. Like the sleek lithe god that Mani viewed him as he stretched and groaned. He didn't want to get up but he also wanted to see Mani as well. It seemed no sooner did he think about him he was there, materializing into the room with a tray of food and a grin a mile wide.

Mani saw the young man lying on his sheets with only his lower half covered, his slightly muscled mid torso rippling as he watched his stretch. For one of slight stature Mani could see potential in the dark complected body before him. He mused over teaching him some self defense classes, one way to bring out the "brawn" he had mentioned before to Aikrii. Mani smiled waiting for Ki to notice his presents.

"Morning sleepy head" he said when they made eye contact. "I had to get up, I have classes to teach soon, and you looked so peaceful I couldn't wake you."

Reaching for the tray Mani had brought to him he asked, "What time is it?"

"Nineish, why?"

"Oh just curious, I recall your mom saying lunch time they'd be here, figured this place could use a good going over and maybe I could watch your class before I do that." He said with a sheepish grin while scratching his mussed brown mop.

"Sure! Come watch" Mani was pleased to hear that Aikrii was showing an interest in what he was doing.

"As for the apartment getting cleaned, don't worry about it Cleo comes over, she does tons of odd jobs and cleaning here is one of them, not like it really needs it but..." He trailed off smiling.

Aikrii chuckled, he knew, now that two were here things would tend to get left undone due to pleasurable distractions. Remembering them wonderful distractions made him smile again and ultimately disclosing his wantonness thoughts. Mani chuckled once he realized why Aikrii's face turned a wonderful shade of red.

"You need food if your going to keep your strength up my dear." he said giving his thigh a playful squeeze. "All the exercise you seem to be so eager to do will go unrewarded if you just pass out on me"

Aikrii damn nearly choked on those words trying to stifle back his laughter. Mani slapped his back helping him regains his breath and composure. Eager to start his day he stuffed a slice of toast in his mouth and crawled over the sheets towards Mani who chuckled.

"I'm seriously going to have to put a leash on you to get you to behave aren't I?" Mani stated backing off as Aikrii growled while chewing on the piece of toast he had in his mouth and grinning at the same time.

Mani threw back his head laughing to beat the band. He tossed a housecoat at Aikrii, which landed, on his cute growling head, leaving only his sleek buttocks showing. Mani laughed even harder, and headed out of the room calling back, "Come on Don Juan, we have a long fun day planned"

Aikrii shoved off the robe, sending it sliding to his knees to puddle into the rest of the beds duvet covers, yelling to the now closed door.

"Hey I'm an Italian lover not a Spanish fool!"

He slid off the bed and walked his nude behind to the closet, delving through the somewhat miss matched mass of designer and labeled clothing Mani was well known for he found a nice outfit that suited his tastes. He got dressed. He picked up his breakfast tray and walking to the kitchen he whistled a tune.

Mani was surprised when he returned from the buildings laundry facilities to see Aikrii doing dishes. Mani was also impressed at the clothing he had picked from his array of mismatched clothing for himself as well. Dressed in a pair of nice chocolate brown cargo pants and a lightweight deep forest green sweater with the white shirt collar peeking out from under it he looked older than his sixteen years. His hair was nicely brushed back from his face showing his green eyes, the sweaters coloring making his eyes seem darker than normal. Mani smiled leaning against the doorframe just looking at him. Aikrii looked up to see him studying him. He blushed and smiled drying his hands he walked over to Mani who reached for him taking him by the waist and wrapping his arms around him. Swaying Mani looked down at him and beamed.

"I really have to either draw you one of these days or get a camera on you, you're just so damn cute!" His crooked grin said it all. Aikrii still not quite use to the attention blushed again, this time so hard it reached his ears. Mani noticed; instantaneously the reaction he was causing to Aikrii at the very same moment there was a buzz from the lobby intercom.

Mani sighed, "Well work calls, comming over?" he asked looking at the still red Aikrii.

"Yes." He said.

Taking his hand Mani scooped up his keys and hit the buzzer talking into the intercom. "Yeah! Who is it?"

"It's me!" A familiar voice called back over the cracking system. Mani reached up and flicked on a screen that showed the lower lobby. Standing in between the security doors was Cleo. He hit the release button that buzzed Cleo into the building. Cleo disappeared from the screens view.

"Wow," Aikrii said, "You said this place was secured, nice to see the cameras"

"It helps" Mani said. "Now Cleo is comming to clean up a bit but we have to go get the Kwon ready ok. Then I have something for you."

Aikrii was fine with what Mani had planned he just wanted to stick close to him. Following him to the door he watched as he let Cleo in. He was pleased to see the young girl he got to meet a few times in the last few weeks. He had learned in the last few days Cleo was not only a student of Mani's but also his baby brother Nye's girlfriend. Cleo smiled at Aikrii and then whistled an approving whistle. "Man you look hot!" she said making him spin around to see the whole effect the outfit he was wearing did for him. Aikrii wasn't use to this kind of attention; he was blushing and feeling like an idiot.

"Ummm...thanks, they aren't mine, I borrowed them from Mani" he said hesitating.

"Well you picked out some nice threads, I know Mani's wardrobe is in a serious need of over hauling." It was Mani's turn to blush, scratching his head and looking at Aikrii he explained what she had ment by her comment, even thou it wasn't really needed.

"I was a fashion don't, I hired Cleo to clean here and she noticed the mess I use to have for clothes. When she realized I was gay, she got more excited than a school girl with a crush," his crooked grin of confusion held his attention, and brought about a question.

"Why in the world does a school girl get excited over a gay guy who has no fashion sense?" Cleo blurted out the very thing Ki was thinking.

Ki giggled, "Damn your good!"

Cleo bowed "It's my job" she said then slung her arm across Aikrii's boyfriends shoulder looking up at him with a smug grin.

"He was hopeless, plaids like my grandpa, and bland colors that did nothing for his complexion not to mention that gorgeous mop on his head. I did a total over haul then took him shopping, he still needs to keep adding to his ensemble and hasn't yet, now that your here we'll have to go out again, soon," She said elbowing him in the ribs making Mani double over from the ever so slight blow to his abs. She giggled at his melodramatic reaction, "Sooo, birthday boy," she flung her arm over his shoulder this time and walked with him away from the door and towards the living room, he looked back at Mani who was grinning. "What's the plan for today?"

Aikrii mumbled "Nothing much"

Cleo was taken aback, "Nothing much! MANI!" she scowled at the redheaded man trying to make a break for the kitchen to hide.

"Hey it was his idea!" Mani said holding up his hands in surrender.

Cleo looked at Aikrii "Your turning sixteen and your going to do nothing? Oh well we can't have this..." she crossed her arms and tapped her toe brainstorming. The buzzer from down stairs rang again. Mani went to it and let who ever the other girl was who announced her presents in the building.

"Look, Cleo I don't know about you but classes are starting in fifteen minutes, so you can either do a quick clean sweep now and mull over non existent plans for a party or you can do classes and think about this later, right now I have a job to do so come on."

He scooted a reluctant Cleo out the door and passed Aikrii who followed a box that had some weight to it. He closed his door, and then inserted a key into the door across the hall from his place. This was Aikrii's first time in Mani's Studio. The place was HUGE! it was divided into two sections, one end had a white walled area with a large Mirror on the wall from floor to ceiling Cleo hurried off to a room to the right of the Mirrored wall. Mani pointed out that those were the dressing rooms; he directed him to the one on the left room and told him to put on what was in the box. Aikrii did as he was told; comming out he looked at his slender frame in the looming mirror and was shocked to see how dark his skin was compared to the white outfit he was now wearing. When he looked for Mani he was even more shocked, standing before him in a red V-neck Ta kwon do instructors' uniform was the love of his life. The outfit made him look so menacing, yet hot! He smiled; he was looking forward to this.

The class started out with Mani introducing him to everyone. Aikrii then learned that the studio where Mani taught his students was called a dojang even thou half of it was his class and the other half was his photo studio. Then he was shown the basics Chon-Ji Tul for the beginners, Mani walking him through all the steps. He was also informed of Hosinsul the self-defense part of the class. He was told he would have to practice a lot in order to be fluid in his movements. He thought this place was pretty amazing. The warm ups were easy enough and he got to watch a few of Mani's students in action. Cleo and Chev were both amazing fighters. He was impressed at how they were able to defend themselves without really hurting anyone, Mani called it the circular technique and it looked so smooth. He informed Aikrii it would take him a lot of practice and a lot of work to get to that stage, Cleo was part of his class now for the last year and she was still learning. He enjoyed himself during the class, even if he got a few smacks learning would help him defend himself later if he needed to and this was a good way to learn, in an environment where he trusted the instructor.

Mani was pleased to see Aikrii enjoying himself throughout the classes and even Cleo had noticed his cheerful nature. When the class dispersed only Mani, Cleo, Aikrii and Chev were left. Chev and Aikrii spoke briefly before Cleo popped in and asked if Chev could call her brother.

"What for?" she asked.

"I want to borrow something from him" she giggled, "There's a birthday boy here who needs some good tunes"

Chev looked over at Aikrii and shook her head yes to Cleo's request; they both ran off to the phone. Mani looked over to Aikrii.

"So I see your enjoying yourself"

"Oh most definitely!" he exclaimed grinning, "So what's next?" he asked with the air of joy still in his voice.

"How about some shopping?" he asked Aikrii.

An eyebrow shot up in a questioning look, "Shopping? What for?"

"Clothes silly, for one, and some grub for everyone, I only got a few things the last time I was out and we're running low"

"Everyone? Who's all comming anyway?" Aikrii wanted to know.

"Well my parents for one, I assume Nye and Cleo will pop over since Nye doesn't go anywhere without her, did you invite your mom?"

Aikrii slapped his forehead, How utterly dumb of him, again he was off track. The response Mani seen was enough to tell him he was glad he called Marie and told her what was going on. The planed surprise party was going off without a hitch. He smiled at the though of Aikrii's reaction. He looked at him and shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry about it we have plenty of time, you can call her when we get home ok" Mani put his arm over his shoulder, "Besides it's been a distracting last few days."

Everyone got changed back into his or her street clothes, and Cleo got the spare apartment keys from Aikrii since he was going to be with Mani shopping and she told Mani she'd get the apartment spick and span before they got back. He chuckled knowingly.

"I'm sure you will" He gently lead Aikrii to the carport and they headed off.

"I thought you were a fashion disaster?" Aikrii quoted Cleo's earlier remarks about Mani's ability to accessorize male attire properly.

"I maybe but it's apparent your not." he said as he ran his finger down the white color of the shirt that peeked from under the hunter green sweater Aikrii was wearing. "I'm sure you'll manage to get something outstanding to wear, hell if I get my way, I'll get you to start buying my outfits, I'm an artist, I have an eye for things but clothes aren't my strong suit"

Aikrii chortled at the honest comment. Mani was right, when it came to fashion sense, Mani had a nice wardrobe and all but his coordinating skills lacked severely. They pulled into the mall parking lot, Mani taking the ticket from the parking meter and placing it in his upper breast pocket. Then took Aikrii's hand and they walked into the mall. Aikrii had been here a few times but the place had changed since last time when he was here. Looking around he saw Jump Street and pulled Mani in the direction of the clothing shop. The Sales guy on counter was Josh from Aikrii's programming courses over at St. Stephens.

"Oh my god! If it isn't the Italian stallion himself!" he crooned walking over to Aikrii and winking at him and fussing over his clothing, Aikrii knew Josh well, he was after all, one of the first people Aikrii trusted and had told he was gay to. Josh had encouraged him to be more open but it wasn't the best time back then with his dad drinking so much. It was Josh's showing up at his house that had gotten Aikrii beaten so badly by his dad. He never blamed Josh for what happened, wasn't his fault at all his dad just knew who Josh was, and he had this nasty out look on gay guys. Aikrii gleamed and gave the ever feminine Josh a slug in the arm "Come on now, stop the fussing!" he laughed.

Josh jumped "Oh my, such a man, you brute" he playfully girly slapped Aikrii and asked him how he was doing.

Aikrii grinned like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland proudly introduced Mani to Josh. Josh being the girly guy he was squealed like a teen girl with a crush on a rock star.

Giggling at his reaction Aikrii joked, "Gee Josh don't wet your panties!"

"But he's famous around here, and such a cutie" He said in a loud whisper, over hearing Aikrii's friends statement, it was now Mani's turn to blush. "En chanter!" Josh said curtseying in front of Mani while holding his offered hand for a handshake.

"Well Aikrii your friend here is sure enthuastic" he said.

Ki grinned, "You wanted to know why I dress properly here's my reason, Mani this is Josh, one of the first people I ever outted myself to he's a good friend and damn good at dressing up people regardless of who they are.

"Oh do I get a new mannequin to play with?" Josh asked holding his hands under his chin grinning like a child eager to find out if he got what he wanted for Christmas.

As much as Aikrii was enjoying the enthusiasm of his friend he had to disappoint him, "Sorry not today, but soon, right now I'm trying to get a few new pieces of clothing, I'm staying at Mani's and I need new duds, but I'm looking for something comfortable and sturdy. I'll be needing something dressy for my presentation to the International Institute for the Blind for the programming software I am almost done, you wouldn't believe how far I got behind since all the excitement around me in the last 3 weeks."

"Oh! Don't I know about the excitement, Chet is all mopie since he heard your wonderful man there was no longer single," Josh went on about "You should see him he's like a dog that's been drowned, serves the bitch right to considering he just uses people" Aikrii was stunned to hear Josh talk about his former roommate that way but also remembered the falling out that they had awhile back. Josh continued to fill him in on the scuttlebutt and gossip on who was seeing who. He hauled down a very nice, casual suit from one of the wall displays and with a flourish that only a true queen could muster he presented it to Aikrii. The chocolate brown suit with the deep yellow orange dress shirt looked wonderful. He placed it in front of him and turned to show Mani who was admiring him with hunger in his eyes.

"Yum!" Josh said taking the words right out of Mani's head. "Simply delicious!" Aikrii's heart laughter vibrated through the store, some of the other customers looked back,

One woman whispered to her friend, "Damn he's HOT!" The second lady she was with giggled. Mani Smiled, he was one lucky guy and he knew it. He looked at his watch. Two hours to kill. He watched as Aikrii tried on three other outfits, Mani gave his approval on all of them as he looked smashing in all. Aikrii hauled out his wallet and asked Mani.

"Ok which one is the promised present, I'll pay for the rest," he said

"Oh no you don't," Mani said pushing his wallet back at him as he passed his credit card to Josh who was now at the cash register. "This is my gift to you, enjoy it"

"B-bu-but it's way too much!" he protested.

"Your total is two hundred twenty seven dollars and thirteen cents" Josh said ringing up the clothes then looked at Aikrii, "Hunnie if you got a man who wants to spoil ya don't fight it, you won't win!"

Mani stuck out his tongue at Aikrii, "So there, even your friend say to enjoy it"

Aikrii glared at Josh, "Your not suppose to encourage him ya know."

"Just doin' my part for them cute buns! Besides you deserve it, you got one of the best guys in the school, better you than some asshole, I say you go girl!"

With that he bagged Aikrii's new clothing passed him his stuff and shooed him and Mani out of the shop, blowing kisses and telling Aikrii to bring his boyfriends hot body back so he could dress him up like the doll he was.

***************************** Chapter 9 ~ Celebration *****************************

Aikrii laughed at the silliness of it all. Mani leaned to Ki, "Damn Ki, I wanted you so bad back there, that suit made you look as editable as chocolate" ...he murmured, his warm breath tingling along Aikrii's neck.

Aikrii turned very red and stumbled at the weakness that reached his legs Mani reached out steadying him. Mani's deep throaty laugh sent shivers through Aikrii's whole body he blushed.

"Ok where to now?" he asked barely above a whisper.

"Food" Mani said with an obvious hungry growl in his voice, Aikrii knew he wasn't hungry for food. He shivered in anticipation knowing tonight would be a great opportunity to learn a bit more about what pleased Mani. They pulled into the Sol-lo's grocery mart, but Mani didn't move right away.

"Something' wrong?" Ki asked him laying a hand on his arm.

"Just a bit...ummm..." he trailed off, Ki looked confused and worried Mani seen the worried look in his eyes, "Don't worry I'm just a bit sexcited" he said a bit exasperated; he looked down at his feet. Aikrii burst out laughing so loudly the pigeons outside of the car took flight. Mani was having issues 'containing his desires' where it concerned Aikrii; he just needed a moment to gain his composure.

"It's kinda not funny." Mani said moping "I want time alone with you but today is just so busy, can't even go back to the apartment with Cleo and Nye there."

He shifted in the leather seat causing it to protest. Aikrii grinned, he knew where they could go and no one would be there. He looked at Mani and said a simple address. Mani gave him quizzical glance

"Just drive" Aikrii said with a wink. Fifteen minutes later he pulled up in front of the small light blue house. Aikrii jumped from the car faster than Mani could move. He rushed over to Mani's door. Aikrii took his hand as he shoved the door shut seeing the glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Where are we?" he asked.

Aikrii pulled out a key. "My place" he said beaming.

"Oh my gosh!" he just realized "I've never been here before"

He looked around at the modest small house, it was nice enough, it did need some work but it was a house, with the picket fence and all. Aikrii pulled on his hand and took him through the dwelling; Mani barely had time to look around when he was standing in from of a bedroom door that had posters of George Michael on it and one of Enrique Iglesias. Mani chuckled, a typical teens door, one more ment for a teen girl but still typical. Aikrii pushed open the door and flicked on the light the room flooded with a subtle golden glow, Mani was stunned to see how many books lined one whole wall of his room, a lot were programming books, His computer was silent in the corner and his closet was still opened from when he had been home 3 weeks prior. Aikrii shoved the closet door shut and was pleased to see his room was still the same inviting comfy place to be. Now time to christen it. He reached for Mani's arm pulling him forward snaked his arms around his waist and kissed him hungrily. Mani had no time to react before he realized they were in Aikrii's double bed, Aikrii's actions made Mani's head swim. He was lost in a sea of wonderful sensations and he wanted to stay swimming there. Even thou Mani was the older of the two he tend to let Aikrii take control of things knowing that giving him that much made Aikrii feel more self-assured, and in doing so Mani was teaching Aikrii that he could be a confident and successful lover with a bit of guidance. Aikrii licked his neck and nibbled panting, his hot breath licking down the damp skin making Mani squirm in anticipation; he so wanted to be in Aikrii, filling him, feeling his tightness around him. He bucked and arched, Aikrii let out a deep throat chuckle he pinned Mani's wrists and ground his arousal against Mani's own excited state.

"Ahhh.... Oh, god! Oh!!!... Aikrii PLEASE!" He was panting so badly he could barely contain himself. Aikrii grinned evilly and looked down at Mani kissed his nose and slid off. He reached for Mani's trousers and ever so painfully slowly unzipped the zipper, Mani felt like it was taking forever gasping once Aikrii flipped the button and grasped his hips sliding off his boxers and pants in one swift movement. He then proceeded to flick off each button on Mani's shirt. Exposing his dampened skin to the chilled air his nipples tightened into tiny pink beads. Aikrii took in a sharp deep breath at the wondrous site of the fine male specimen under his hands, he was such a handsome man to Aikrii's eyes, his lightly tanned smooth as milk skin, his red sprinkle of hair and his tight muscles and washboard tummy made Aikrii swoon.

"Yum!" He murmured. Mani blushed from head to toe. He was so pleased with Aikrii's remarks, but he was also having trouble keeping his own wits and resolve about him. It was then Aikrii surprised him by nipping his nipple as he straddled over his belly once again gripping his wrists pinning him down. He could feel that Aikrii had also stripped, his damp skin slick against his own. Aikrii slid slowly down to Mani's pleasure and playfully ran his tongue across the tip making his manhood jump like it had a life of it's own. Mani squealed


Aikrii now had Mani's arms pinned at his sides still not letting him to touch not that Mani really couldn't stop him but it was nice to see he was trying his hardest to let Aikrii have his own moment. Aikrii licked again, round and round getting the tip slick and wet. Mani groaned whimpered and convulsed each revolution made. Aikrii took him into his mouth, ever so slightly running his teeth along it for added effect. He let go of Mani's wrists and Mani gripped his shoulders tightly arching and panting. Aikrii slid forward and settled himself over Mani's now slick wet desire. Bring Mani to the utopia plateau that he had him at was an accomplishment Aikrii was thrilled to have done on his own. He continued still trying to keep himself at a steady unrushed pace, Now filled with the joy of the man he loved he rocked gently kissing Mani's neck and looking him in the eyes, Mani kept looking up into the beautiful green eyes above him enjoying the loving rippling effects he was giving him. His eyes rolled back in sheer pleasure as he felt the first wave of release, he gripped Aikrii's hips as he bucked and arched.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh god Aikrii Yessssssssss!"

He cried out in his frenzied state of pleasure. He was panting so hard now and he was so wet all over, perspiring like mad. Aikrii sat up straight over the spent Mani with the cockiest grin ever. He reached back and stroked his inner thigh; Mani jumped in shock and squealed as well. Grabbing Aikrii's wrists to stop the torture he was creating.

"God dammit, come here!" he said roughly.

He pulled him forward breaking one contact with Aikrii, only to cause another by crushing his lips under his own, Aikrii was laughing through the kiss at his response. Mani got more demanding and flipped Aikrii over. Aikrii looked up smiled and said

"Tease me, please me"

Then giggled. Mani growled and nipped his neck Aikrii squealed, and giggled harder as Mani took over and let his own body take in Aikrii's sweetness. Mani wasn't as gentle or slow, he was lost and Aikrii knew it but he didn't care he was enjoying the frenzied lovemaking and the total loss of self-control he was able to put Mani in. He gripped his hips squeezing, Mani leaned forward and put his face in towards Aikrii's neck taking in the aroma of his body, slick with sweat, cologne and the bed sheets. He gripped his bottom as he rocked to the rhythm of Aikrii's rapid heart rate. Aikrii pushed up gripping Mani's hips tightly moaning his elation upon his release.

"Ooooooooh shit Maniii! Yes! Yes!" he whimpered, panting harder as the pace quickened; "Oh god... YES! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

He bucked and squirmed gripping the sheets around him as he arched, the explosion was so intense his legs were left a quivering mass.

"HOLY shit!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around a now exhausted Mani "Damn you are utterly amazing!" he said thrilled and still panting.

Mani grinned, "See your not the only one who can rock worlds" he rolled off of Aikrii and snuggled in beside him.

"So you satisfied yet?" Ki asked his now seemingly contented boyfriend. Mani flipped over onto his side and propped his head on his hand tracing his finger down Aikrii's pecks.

"Never, never... your too hot to ignore."

Aikrii rolled over sideways and propped himself up as well looking at Mani reaching over and brushing a red lock over his ear. "I can say the same thing" his crooked grin spread up once side of his face right to his eyes, sliding his hand into Mani's hair he pulled him forward and kissed him again.

After a quick shower, a hasty remake of his bed, Aikrii stuffed a duffle bag with some clothing grabbed a picture off the mantel of his mom and himself and started writing a note. Mani looked around, noticed a picture of a rather good looking tall dark man in a suit, he looked a lot like Aikrii, just a bit heavier and with less hair.

"This your dad?" he asked pointing to the picture

"Yep" he looks different now thou "That's when he was more successful and not such a drunk, last I seen of him he was bigger and scruffier looking"

Mani put the picture down. "Your mom obliviously still loves him"

"As she should," Aikrii said, as matter of factly. "He is after all her first love and my dad, he's just lost."

Mani was staring in awe at the young man before him and his wise thoughts about his dad. "Your wisdom is still so utterly amazing, you know that right?"

Aikrii smiled "Maybe my dad will learn that one of these days to" he said with a sheepish grin.

They left Aikrii's home and headed once again to Sol-lo's grocery mart "Ok let's try this again" Mani said smiling.

They picked up enough groceries to feed an army. Then headed back to their apartment. When they got there Mani asked Aikrii to stick with the groceries while he got some help from Cleo and Nye. When he came back down the elevator there was no Nye or Cleo to speak of.

"Where are they?" Aikrii questioned

"Don't have a clue," Mani said loading the small buggy cart he had brought back down with him. "This will get them all up stairs don't worry"

They both headed up the elevator Mani towing the cart he handed Aikrii the keys to the apartment.

He nearly jumped straight out of his trousers at the energetic shouts of "SUPRIZE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Oh my gosh!" he gasped he looked back at a gleaming Mani, "You did this?"

"Yes along with your mom, Cleo, Nye and a few others."

Without hesitation he kissed and hugged him tightly right in front of everyone, he grinned, beaming so happy how things were, his fairy tale was finally comming true. A wolf whistle brought them back to the fray watching them; everyone started clapping and patting Aikrii and Mani on their backs.

The music started and everyone started to chat at once. Mani's landlady was even there and a few of Aikrii's friends including Josh.

"This is one hopping party darlin', I'm glad I was able to get off to be here" Josh said as he sipped his rum and coke.

Aikrii smiled. "It's one of the best days of my life Josh, I found the guy of my dreams, I have a fairytale only dreams are made of and I feel like I'm in heaven" He sighed a great sigh of satisfaction

Josh looked at him and smiled patting his arm and spoke "Sometimes life has a nicer way of paying you back for all the crap it puts you though first. I'm happy for you, you deserve it"

"Thanks" Aikrii clinked his Pepsi against Josh's drink and then headed over to Mani, slid his arm around his waist and leaned against him while others around them talked sang, and enjoyed themselves.

MANY thanks to Seth and his hubby Steven for their support and my bestest pal Joe in PEI :D The encourgement to continue means a lot.

MANY MANY thanks to Amy for helping me edit my mistakes :D your a gem!

Thanks for reading. Full series books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link, also you can ask to be included on my mailing list as well I will notify fans via E-Mail of each released chapter :D thanks.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Next: Chapter 4: Steppin Out 10 12

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