Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Mar 16, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few ywars... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 14 – Overload ****************************

The rest of the week was going fantastic and much to Sam's surprise calls came into the shop like crazy for about a day straight and he couldn't quite understand why. Some were coming in as far as Kearney.

Xavier joshed with him saying it was all the star attention they would be getting from Ellen's visit and he wasn't that far from the truth. That evening once the shop was closed and everyone was settled, Sam and Xavier sat with Sam's mom watching Television. Devon was sleeping soundly and it was a nice quiet night for a change when Sam spotted Ellen on the talk show they were currently watching.

"Mom! THAT'S Ellen Page!" He said pointing to the TV and she nodded.

"What a pretty gal. She's the one who visited your shop?" Michelle was pleased to see the lady on the TV and nodded. She was happy to see the work done to the lady's hair and said as much, "Whoever cut it did an amazing job."

Sam and Xavier nodded; Darien did do a fantastic job. Sam hauled out his cell phone and started recording the TV. He wanted to show Darien and that's when she mentioned the shop!

"Oh yeah. I had it done in Curre at this new salon called Roomoorz when I was visiting out there for another interview. It is rather lovely isn't it?" She responded to her interviewer who had mentioned how lovely her hair looked. The two young shop owners gasped and then squealed in delight grabbing onto each other's hands. Sam stopped the video before they made fools of themselves.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! She mentioned the shop! NO wonder why we've been getting swamped with calls!" Sam had to slow down and breathe some. He was over the moon. Sam's mom was beaming because then Ellen mentioned her products as well.

"Well I'll be damned!" She was gushing at the notion as well and more thrilled when Ellen passed a bar of the Mint Mocha Slam natural bar soap to the man interviewing her as a gift. Sam's eyes got wide.

"Mom, oh my fuck mom! You need to get your web site updated! I have to find the link to this interview you can add it!" Sam was dead serious, both their sites could have this added and it would undoubtedly bring in more revenue. This was the first thing he'd work on in the weeks to come and he'd start this weekend. Michelle nodded and smiled. Her future ventures would pay off after all. It was then she got a call and she wandered to the kitchen to answer the phone.

Sam and Xavier were beside themselves. Xavier's cell rang.

"Hello." He answered and Sam relaxed against the couch only catching part of his partner's conversation.

"Yeah I know. Really now? Uhh, can you call me in the morning? I can let you know then. Yeah, Sure. Thanks." and he hung up.

"What was that all about?" Sam asked

"Someone wanting to know when Darien would be working so they could get their hair cut by him." Xavier wasn't surprised that there'd be requests but he didn't think people he had known back in University would be calling him about their shop employees now. Especially jocky or preppy assholes he used to know, like the one who'd just called him. He sighed and resigned himself to be professional. He just prayed they didn't cause issues by being assholes.

"Ah, well I assume we will be busy the next few days love. We should go get some sleep it's getting late." Sam got up and reached down and pulled Xavier to his feet and kissed him once he got to his level.

"I still find this absolutely mind blowing." He said as they headed upstairs. He passed his mom who was still on the phone with a look of contentment on her face and smiling. He kissed her cheek and said good night.

Xavier checked in on Devon to make sure he was alright and they both crawled into bed. "I'll have some major overhauling to the sites to do this week."

"I'm wondering about how swamped we're going to be come Monday with appointments." The two young shop owners curled up and fell asleep contented in knowing that things looked like they were going to take off.

For the next two week prior to Halloween Sam and Xavier were inundated with calls and ended up with bookings right into the beginning of April. Several of Ellen's past co-stars even dropped by making the shop even more popular. Allie was topping the Spa package sales at twelve so far in two weeks and she was thrilled because that meant the commission would be huge for her. Never in their lives did Sam and Xavier imagine their shop would take off so well. Roomoorz ended up being the talk of the town and they loved it. Brice balanced the books off every other night while Jean did it the opposite of him. Darien and Jonie Opened most mornings and April was queen of clean in their shop.

All of this made life easier and Xavier was glad for this seeing as the custody he'd been granted in England was now legal in Canada. The paperwork came through, and when he'd received the paperwork from England along with her suicide note; which he still couldn't read the stress of his mothers passing hit him again. Sam assured him it was OK and they'd deal with things when the time came.

Devon was flourishing in the new school and the counsellors he'd seen when he first got to Canada confirmed what Michelle had assessed and that was Devon did have a learning disability and his comprehension skills weren't that strong for something's but he was getting better with assistance in school. Xavier was pleased with those progress reports and asked him if he'd like to come with him to pick out a Halloween costume for himself. Devon was over the moon on that concept and Sam was glad to see that things were getting better between the two siblings. Being a parent to a child who wasn't his wasn't easy but Devon made it easy to adore him.

Sam worked on the web sites for both his mothers and his own site when his phone rang.

"Hey." He answered, knowing his brother was on the other line.

"Hi." Dante said "How's everything there? I saw you guys were mentioned on TV." Sam could hear him fiddling with something in the background.

"Yep. Ellen Page stopped by and apparently loved our shop so much she plugged us on TV. Xav and I almost lost it we were so excited." Sam tapped out on the keys adjusting the video window to the second video he had made of the shop. It wasn't fancy but it worked. "All we need now is for Aikrii to stop by and I'll have it made." Sam chuckled at the notion knowing full well if he asked Aikrii would pop in and plug their shop too. He heard Dante Chuckle.

"So what's up on your end?" He asked Dante.

"Well Jump Street is also taking off as you know and Jen is doing a great job running the first one and we're opening a third here in the Trenton area. Selina will be running the second one here in Kearney."

Sam was pleased that his adopted niece was fitting in so well. "Xavier just got custody of Devon. Paper work came in yesterday. He still hasn't read the letter his mom left. I'm not too sure how he's going to handle it but I still worry about how I can help." He heard Dante murmur and told his brother the only thing he could.

"Remember what mom says. Learn to listen to assist not to respond. You know you can't fix what's already broken; so just be there for the support he needs and ask him what he wants you to do. Remember mom did that for us when dad died." Sam nodded his head even though he knew his brother couldn't see him. He was right.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to remember that. So are you coming down for Christmas? Mom's been acting weird and I'm a bit worried. I think she misses you." Sam wasn't sure just what was up with his mom but he figured his brother should know. "No idea what's going on with her but if I find out I'll let you know. As for Christmas you and Sam and his family along with mom are invited here for a huge Christmas party Aikrii and Kevin are having."

"Oh that will be awesome. I don't think mom has even been out of Curre in years so this will be great for her. I'll let Xavier know. Maybe he can call Kolten and let him know along with his sis and dad." Sam wrote the info down and told him he'd call Aikrii to confirm the times and dates. Their conversation didn't last much longer other than touching up on community stuff and Sam signed off.

Twenty minutes after his call with his brother and some minor adjustments on his web site for the shop Xavier and Devon come rolling into the house. Sam could hear them downstairs. He closed out the site after saving his work and shut down the computer and wandered downstairs to see what Devon got for Halloween.

He walked into the kitchen as Xavier put bags on the counter. Sam reached over and pulled Xavier to his side and kissed him.

"How was your shopping excursion?" He asked him as he let him go.

"Mind boggling. I never in my life realized how many different costumes a kid could want for Halloween." He said as he watched Devon pull the outfit he had finally settled on out of the bag and dance around to show Sam.

"Look! Look!" He said as he lifted as high as he could while jumping up and down. Sam laughed and got to Devon's level and reached for his hand effectively making him stop jumping.

"Hold still there little man I can't look if you're bouncing around like a little roo." Devon giggled and turned the outfit around and Sam had to approve. He had chosen the kids version of Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Well this is very fitting; you have the accent to go with it too!" He ruffled Devon's hair and chuckled. This was going to be fun to see done and he know Allie at the shop was a wiz with makeup so he'd ask her to do his face, he figured he best ask Xavier first though.

"How about Allie does his makeup for the costume?" he asked.

"You know I was thinking the same thing!" he looked at his brother and was pleased he was so happy.

"I think this is going to be an awesome Halloween. We don't get to go party but it's still going to be great because we're together this year." Xavier was reminiscing but that was always a good thing. Sam stands as he watches Devon mimic the character he planned on being for Halloween.

"This is indeed a new feeling but I'm glad I'm with you hunny." Sam kisses him again and smiles as he slips his arm around his waist as they both relax watching Devon act silly.

Halloween came and went with a flurry of activity and fun. Devon made a killing and because he was so hyped about it in a new city he spent more time out and about that Sam or Xavier had even fathomed and ended up walking back three blocks to the car with a mighty tired little boy who was over the moon and still talking a mile a minute. They walked side by side and smiled. This was the only place either of them wanted to be.

Entering the house after they got back Michelle was beaming with all the excited children who had visited their home. She watched as Devon dumped the whole bag of goodies on the floor in the kitchen and show his `Nan' what he got. She sat with him and looked through everything and warned him about how some people in the city weren't all nice and did mean things to little kids candies. He was surprised to learn this but was diligent to toss out any package he saw that was opened, even though he was disappointed. Michelle told him any candy left over from their home she'd give to him for being a good sport. This pleased him.

"I ain't never had dis much fun back home." He said giggling and leaning against Michelle. This made Xavier appreciate everything he now had and remind him of what he left behind. Those reminders still hurt but he was still pleased with all the good he found with his boyfriend, his partner's mother and his little brother. Smiling he went to the bathroom and then to their room. He was beat and needed to relax. He slid into the plaid pair of pajama pants Sam had gotten him a few months ago and looked for a t-shirt. Sam wandered in and shut the door.

"I saw you smiling and looking so happy. You made me feel nostalgic just watching you." He walked to Xavier and wrapped his arms around his bare midriff and looked him in the eyes. "So what has you in such a visibly good mood?" He asked him as he kissed his forehead.

"Thankfulness." Xavier said as he rested his head against Sam's shoulder.

"So you're thankful for...?" Sam trailed off. He wasn't too sure what Xavier was referring to but it was nice to know he was in a great mood.

"Everything. You, my brother, your mom." He leaned back and looked up at Sam "Our shop. Everything. It's better than I ever expected it to be. If you'd have asked me five years ago where I thought I'd be I would have said fighting with my mom to take Devon." He sighed and smiled again as Sam just hugged him tighter.

"Well I got to admit I'm damn happy to be part of your happiness and thankfulness." He kissed him soundly after that and made Xavier moan in contentment. He pulled away.

"Where is Dev?" he asked because he was inclined to play and he needed to know.

"Mom has him and he's helping her with candy distribution." Sam winked because he knew where Xavier's mind was wandering. He grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the shower. They were going to end their Halloween off with their own fireworks.

The note from his teacher two weeks after Halloween was over is what made Xavier pull out the letter his mom had left behind. He hadn't wanted to read it. He didn't think it was fair to have his mother destroy their happiness over and over again but Devon's teacher had written her concerns and had stated Devon felt there wasn't any closure because she never said goodbye. Xavier wasn't sure what the letter had contained but he was hoping it would give Devon some answers. He just needed to check it over. Problem is he didn't want Sam to bear the brunt of what would follow so he felt torn.

He knew Sam would be at the shop for at least two more hours and Devon was at a friend's house playing right now so he had to bite the bullet so to speak. He called his father.

"Hey pops." He said sighing. "Sorry for calling so late."

"It's all right me boy. What's the gossip in yer neck of the woods?" His father was always a great man and did so much for his kids.

"The police sent back the letter from mom when she passed back in September. I've had it for a bit. I didn't want to read it but Devon's having some issues in school and his teachers are concerned. I don't know what to do and I don't want to dump this all on Sam even though I know he'd be supportive. I thought I'd call you and pick your brain first." He sighed and waited to see what his dad said.

"What's the deal with the wee one?" His father was a bit concerned.

"Devon hasn't closure." Xavier said. "He's still mighty pissed mom didn't at least say goodbye. I'm not sure if the letter has anything like that in it, but knowing mom it won't." He heard his dad shift in his favorite arm chair and sigh deeply.

"Xavier I have to tell you, your mum wasn't always sixes and sevens. She did hae a wonderful side before that damn cack with her brain started with all the gobshite." Xavier did remember the wonderful times. Times before his parents split and how happy she'd been. He never understood what happened to her to make her change.

"Read the letter boy. Ya never know what she had rattlin in her brain if ya don't. If it's bein' closure ya need dat is da only way ye be gettin' it." His father seemed to know and remember his mom better than he did. "I'll stay on the phone if ya want me to."

"Ok." Xavier was glad he was at least on the other end of the line. He opened the envelope and saw the lilac colored paper his mom used frequently. He could smell her perfume she loved. He took a deep breath, assaulted not by just the scent but by memories of so much hurt. "I don't know if I can do this pop." He said into the phone as he hesitated.

"Boy, you got another youngin' to be tendin to. It's not all just about you ya know." Again his dad was correct and he ploughed forward. He opened the letter and saw it was several pages. He never assumed she even thought about enough things to even bother writing so much. The first page of the letter was written to him directly. He thumbed through the pages and noticed there was one page for each of them. "Oh." He said out loud.

"What boy?" His dad asked.

"She wrote to all of us. Do you want me to read them all or just the ones she sent us and send Catherine's to her?" He didn't want to invade on Catherine's stuff. It didn't feel proper to him.

"Son. Read them all." His father seemed determined to get this over with and encouraged him to move forward.


this is the first day of clarity I've had in about nine or ten years. The first words I wanted to say to you when I realized who I had turned into was sorry. I know you won't believe it but I truly am.

I think it's necessary to explain how it has been on my end, not that it excuses anything but my brain rattles like a million bees trying to push their way out. Stinging and I get no satisfaction in learning to think for myself. I only react to the stuff around me. Lashing out was the only way to slow the progress and the pain. If you've ever taken a misstep trying to come down the stair and you know you're going to fall... That feeling you get when you realize you will stumble, the gasping breath and the sinking feeling. The shiver you get up your spine... That's my day every damn day but I never manage to fall. Well not till today.

Clarity is a ruinous thing once you envisage all that you've done in your past. There's no way to expunge what I've inflicted on you and your siblings or even your father. None of you deserved the anguish I have put you all through. Devon is best off in your care since I know you have someone in your life to help you. This is in my will and clarified to the best of my abilities. The house is to be divided among all of you as well as my belongings. Tell Kolten I'm sorry as well, I destroyed him and his father too and I feel so damn responsible for it all and there's no way to fix what I destroyed. I feel that the only way to balance the scales is if I'm not here to burden you all with my infliction. Even though I haven't said it in a long time, I really am proud of you and I love you. I pray life and love give you enough.


Xavier sobbed on the phone. This is actually how Sam found him. He'd left work early worried about Xavier's concerns about Devon's behavior at school and he went right to him and held him. He let Xavier cry and realized he had someone on the phone.

"Who's on the phone with you?" He asked him wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Pa is." He said. "Hold on. Pa, I'll call you back ok? Sorry for this." He sighed and listened. "I love you too. Thanks." He hung up and looked at Sam.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was going to do. I just didn't want to burden you with all of this." Sam just pulled him forward and hugged him. The letter was forgotten in his hand.

"Oh hunny. You're not a burden. Never. I'm here to do what I can." He pulled Xavier back. "Look just because you're older than I am doesn't mean you don't need the same kind of support anyone else might need. I'm here to listen. Trust me I know what you're going through. My brother and I faced it when our dad died. Just tell me what you need and if I can, I'll help.

Xavier nodded and looked back at the letter. "I need to read this. I have to get Devon some closure. He needs to know, and from the looks of things mum actually had her scruples about her before she left us behind. She said it was justified to make us not have to bear the brunt of her affliction. I hated what her condition turned her in to. I didn't like the monster she'd share with us. I still loved my mum, but I feel guilty for not trying to make her better." He sobbed again as he put his head down. "Her mental health deteriorated faster than any of them could keep up with. It made for a tough life for everyone." Sam's hands ran up his shoulders to his chin.

"Sav...Love. There's nothing you could have done to make it any better. I know you feel bad about not accepting the behavior because of the condition but you didn't have to. You did your part as best as you could because you didn't have the tools to do more. You're not a doctor. You were her son. That's all you needed to be." His hands were cradling his face now and his dark eyes searched the green ones swimming with tears. "I'm here to help. Let me."

Xavier nodded and they sat together and read through all the letters. Xavier cried, and forgave his mom for all that she'd done. He'd gotten the closure that Devon had been seeking long before he had even realized it was there in writing. He knew he owed it to Devon to apologise to him as well.

"Life could have been easier for him if I hadn't been such a coward." Xavier said slowly.

"Oh wait now!" Sam wasn't going to let him disparage his own person. "You are one of the strongest people I know! You are FAR from a coward."

"Some days I sure the hell don't feel very strong." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. The letters now folded and back in their envelope.

"You don't have to be strong ALL the time. No one expects that." Sam wanted to make sure he understood that no one was invincible.

"I expected it of my mum." That guilt was still there and it would take a long time before it went away. He needed to explain to Devon about the letters and he only had an inkling on how to do that.

"I need to call Devon's counsellor. I think She can help me with this better than I can do it on my own." He looked at Sam hoping to get acceptance on his choice.

"Do what you think is best for both of you." Sam said "I'll be here to help in any way I can." Sam needed to make him understand he would be there and accept what choices he made.

Xavier was thankful yet again for having him in his life.

Chapter 15 – Smiling spirits

Counsellors, meetings, work, the crazy things we all call life marched along like time does. Each day leaving a telltale mark somewhere along the way. Devon strived and grew. Closure was huge deal for them all and it worked in the long run. His abilities improved with his schooling, he wasn't the same child he was when he first came home with Xavier. Michelle could see it as plain as day as she wrapped Christmas gifts she had for her friends and family.

They had plans to go to Kearney in a few days and they were all looking forward to it. Sam and Xavier were settling times for the shop to be closed over the holidays. Michelle was watching Devon play video games on the TV in the living room since he was off on Christmas break from school and smiled. She was looking forward to having Selina and Devon meet. Even though He wasn't really her grandson, he was the closest to one she'd get for now. Josh and Dante had adopted Selina and in her heart things were pretty good except for the mess she had to deal with regarding Francis whom she missed dearly.

He'd gone to Kearney to help his bother at his restaurant and hadn't called Michelle since he left six weeks ago. She'd resigned to not opening her own restaurant due to the costs and the red tape she just couldn't hurdle over at her age. Dreams were grand but sometimes those things changed and she found something new to occupy her time.

Francis just didn't seem to understand that sometimes things changed and all he did was battle with her about sticking to the dream she had start off with. Unfortunate events that had followed through over the past couple of months just wouldn't allow that to happen. When she stuck to her guns he walked away that really broke her heart. Sam and Xavier shop had taken off and her natural products that she created over the last months were extremely popular. She was making thousands of dollars every month. She didn't even have to buy a shop. They only cost she had was overhead for her products to make them. Sometimes a sacrifice came when you least expect it and end up being a blessing.

"Woo-hoo!" Devon shouted at his game. He was having a blast and Michelle just chuckled. She finished wrapping up the last gift that she had for Selina she hoped it was something that she did enjoy. She stopped for a moment and felt that wonderful presence she always felt in her house this time the year. She was certain her boy's father was there in spirit. Boy did she miss him.

"Ring, ring!" The house phone shattered her thoughts. She walked over to her to answer


"Hello. Is this Michelle?" The very heavy accented male voice asked.

"I am Michelle. May I ask whose calling?" She was a tad bit confused.

"Ay. I'm Heathcliff, Xavier's pa. I was wondering if I can beg a moment of yer time." He was hesitant to ask but he had info on Devon's extended family on John's side and he needed to let Xavier know.

"Sure. What can I do for you?" She was smiling as she watched Devon dance around while playing his game.

"Well Xavier was granted custody of his brub, but he still has kin folk here who want to see him. I got news today they won't take him away. I wanted to be sure, but his nanna in Cambridge wants to see him. Xavier knows them and I needed to let him know he should allow the visit for the holidays so as not to stir up a fuss with the kin here. Can you let him know? Ask him to give me a ring." Michelle was a tad concerned but figured it was best to agree.

"I can let him know that's not a problem, but shouldn't we ask Devon if he'd want to go?" She felt he should have a say in these matters. "Would you like to speak with him?"

"Ay. I would." Heathcliff was happy to have that offered. He loved that kid like he was his own.

"Devon. Xavier's papa is on the phone and would like to have a word with you." She reached out the phone to him as he approached.

"Hey." He said into the phone She listened to the one side of the convo she could hear.

"Really? When?" He was smiling so it looked like the boy was all for the visit. "Yes. I miss them. Will uncle Peter be there? Oh. Ok. I'll ask Xavier to ask. Yes I will. Thank you." He was red in the face and dancing in spot when he got off the phone and passed it back to Michelle. She put it back to her ear.

"He seems over joyed at the offer. I shall let Xavier know and get him to get back to you." She was certain Xavier would be glad to know his father was still keeping tabs back home.

"My sterling thanks to ye." Heathcliff said. "Cheerio" and he rung off. Michelle hung up the phone.

"I get to go see nanna! I haven't seen her in a few years. It's been ages!" He was dancing around when Sam walked into the house and smiled. He ruffled his hair and smiled.

"What's got you so wound up?" He asked him as he took off his snow covered boots.

"Pappa called Sav. He is askin fer me to visit nanna in Cambridge." He was excited to share the news with his brother but Xavier's face fell. He looked at Michelle.

"He called?" Xavier was worried. He didn't want to send him back home without confirmation he'd get him back.

"Your pa called and asked if he could go visit family. He said they only want a visit they aren't vying for custody. He thinks it's a wise idea to allow it. You might want to call to get details." She said. She looked at Devon who stopped dancing and looked at his brother confusion on his face.

"Can't I go?" He asked. Michelle raised her hand before anyone could answer.

"I think your brother needs to talk to his pa first, but ultimately I think it should be your choice." She looked at Xavier giving him that `mom knows best' look all moms knew how to do.

"Ay, ya wee might. Let me call pa. I'll let you know in a bit." Xavier pulled off his wet socks and then padded across the kitchen to the steps to head upstairs. "I'll be back down in a moment."

It was about 45 minutes before Xavier returns downstairs to the rest of his family. He seemed to be in good spirits when he saw Devon, he smiled given the thumbs up and Devon started to dance all over again. Xavier and spoken to his father Heathcliff and had gotten confirmation that Devon's grandmother on his father's side did not want custody at all she just wanted to visit with her grandson as she hadn't seen for two years.

She was willing to cover the costs for his flight and she was willing to even sign an agreement to ensure that Xavier felt comfortable enough sending him as a minor. Xavier agreed. Devon would leave in two days. He told him as much and told him to go pack his bag. He had to find someone who would go with him or monitor him at least as he switched flights in Toronto and this was a huge concern for Xavier.

Sam offered to go with him to Toronto and just fly back home; it would only be a four hour trip.

"I'll consider it Sam but the problem is I don't want you travelling so much the day before we leave our own trip." Xavier didn't want to leave the burden of responsibility on his partner.

"Babe, I offered because I don't mind going if it helps you this is what I can do."

"We'll see." Xavier left that option open.

"Come on. Let's go see if he needs any help packing a bet you he's pretty excited." Sam said as he grabbed Xavier's hand and pulled him to the stairs.

This was going to be a hell of an adventure for Devon and Xavier for one did not want to ruin it for him with worry. "Okay."

Xavier had been hesitant sending Devon off to his family in England but Sam had taken him as far as Toronto before heading back after the youngster got on the plane to his destination. Heathcliff said he'd be sure to meet him once he landed and get him to his nanna's in Cambridge before heading to meet them in Kearney. Devon was stoked to go and gave Xavier a huge hug and told him to have fun. He promised his kid brother they'd have a special Christmas together when he got back.

Gate eight was where Michelle, Sam and Xavier would be showing. Xavier spotted the tall fella with Kevin, but Xavier noticed that he recognized Sam first, seeing that his brother Dante lived out here it wasn't a surprise, they were identical after all. Kevin called out to him and they waved back. Michelle smiled as she moseyed towards them. Kevin greeted Sam like he was family.

"Hey, Sam! We're taking everyone over to my place since there's room I hope you don't mind but Aikrii doesn't have his guest house done yet and he couldn't rent a mini home in time for the over flow there's going to be nearly sixty people coming between them and Josh and if you include my friends and family it's well over one hundred and twenty people. Michelle was the first to show her shock and amazement. "Wow, such a big deal for the holidays!"

"We have a lot of friends and with my mom's ties to the hotel industry we tend to be the toast of the town, the great thing is we have a huge home." Kevin smiled as Michelle thanked him for his hospitality.

"Well I suppose I should help you grab your bags. We brought the small limo seeing as there wasn't a ton of people to pick up so I hope you're all comfortable"

"Oh, Kevin we can get our luggage." Xavier said "No need to strain yourself."

"Oh it's no problem, I don't mind." Kevin smiled. He scooped up Michelle's bag and then grabbed Xavier's rolling bag. Sam took his own carry on and Marco offered to take the other two bags. They were on their way to the limo.

"Who's your friend Kev?" Xavier asked.

"Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me." Kevin smiled as he looked over at Marco. "This tall brute with the beautiful accent." he said winking, "is my boyfriend Marco. Marco, this is Sam Ericson, Xavier York and Michelle; she's Dante and Sam's mom." He smiled as everyone nodded and grinned.

"A pleasure", he said to Michelle as he took her hand next and laid a kiss upon her fingers." She giggled like a school girl at his accent. "Oh how dashing Kevin! He's a keeper!" She chuckled more when he winked at her.

"Don't I know it!" He answered as they finished putting the rest of the bags in the trunk.

"Ok off to our place. Then I'll take you after you get refreshed to see Josh and Dante, they should be at Aikrii's by then."

The drive was swift and Michelle, Xavier and Sam chatted in the back while Kevin sat up front.

"Oh my! This house is absolutely beautiful!" Michelle exclaimed as she walked through the doors of Kevin Trask's home.

"Thanks, I think Marco and I take pride in how well we manage to keep things going so smoothly." Marco chuckled as Anita showed to assist everyone. Her eyes wide.

"Ma'am, take you jacket?" Anita asked Michelle as she held out her hands to receive the garment which she promptly hung up.

"Where are Sarah and Sophia?" Kevin asked Anita

"I do believe they are readying the last of the rooms sir shall I ring them?" She bowed and then stood again hands behind her back.

"Oh no that's quite alright. You do what you must, but please make sure Francis has what he needs for the upcoming meals and he's to come to me direct if he needs more help I'll gladly pitch in myself if I am needed." Michelle perked up at the name. She didn't realize he was here and had to keep her wits about herself.

"I'm sure Francis would be thrilled if you did that sir." Anita said as she went off to tend to her duties.

"So you cook like your cousin then I take it." Michelle asked Kevin as she remembered how well Josh could cook when he was living with them

"I can hold my own though I'm sure Francis would kick me out for putting pepper on macaroni." Kevin was being a wise ass and Marco chuckled at the comment.

"Gee Kevin. You make the poor bloke sound like he's got a stick up his ass." Marco made the offhand comment and everyone else giggled.

"Not quite but he's very edgy about who's in his kitchen. I'm sure I wouldn't last five minutes in there with him, he's a damn good chef though."

Michelle knew this and was looking forward to seeing him again. She'd love to see what she could learn from him this time around now that he couldn't run from her. Kevin showed them their rooms as he knew the rest of his staff was getting ready to attend to other matters for the three day festivities.

"We'll be back by in about an hour or so to let you know we're heading over to Aikrii's." He looked at his watch it was nearing two in the afternoon, Supper was in three hours, he was already ravenous but food could wait he had other things to attend to. Kevin got confirmation from Xavier that he and Sam would be ready and Michelle also said she'd be ready as well. Kevin headed off.

An hour after all the initial excitement Michelle and her son along with Xavier were whisked off to Aikrii and Mani's place for the party. She got to speak with Selina for a bit as well and learned a great deal about her.

Heathcliff and Catherine were overwhelmed with all the people in the home they had entered. When they had arrived from the airport they had gone to a home which was called the Trask residence and then they were ushered to Aikrii's and Mani's after being shown their room at the Trask residence which was apparently next to Xavier's and Sam's so they were told. The transition between the two places was fast paced but entertaining.

He was very happy to see his son in good spirits and confirmed that Devon got off well and Catherine commented on the handsome man her brother was dating as this was the first time meeting the man he spoke so much about.

As much as many would look at Heathcliff and assume that his British background would make him out to be an arrogant ass he was actually one of the open ones and enjoyed the shocked looks he'd get when he'd mention that his son was gay, he rather found it amusing really.

"I do say my boy; your extended family is quite large." He said to Xavier who only laughed and hugged his dad.

"Father they aren't fully fledged family till I marry Sam, but yes I agree on the massive amounts there seems to be and I hear more and more are being found daily." He chuckled on that note remembering on the details Josh had given him on how Selina and he were actually related and the family ties there was coming about. Sam loved it and Xavier still relished at the warmth his newly acquired family lavished out to those around them. He was listening to his sister absently when the words filtered through.

"Well I suggest you hurry up and marry the bloke before someone steals him" Catherine said to her brother as she hugged him and pecked his cheeks. "You look dashing as well I might add."

Xavier blushed "Thanks I blame Sam and his brother in law. Jump Street clothing is the only place I'm permitted to shop at now day. They apparently have two here in Kearney now or well at least one is in operation and a new one to open in April in Trenton."

He was still amazed at the vastness of Josh's business and he learned firsthand how wonderful it was to operate his own business and with him and Sam running Roomoorz together it was a great experience.

"So how goes business?" His father asked him Xavier knew it would come up and he answered "Smashing, we can't keep people from booking appointments I think we're booked till April right now." He grinned as his dad's eyes widened. "Ellen Page, a local celebrity popped by on our first day opened and it's been crazy ever since."

"Wow, maybe I should think of investing in you then?" He chuckled as his son laughed at the concept, but he also knew if his dad made a comment like this it was bound to happen since his father was after all a businessman. Sam joined Xavier and hugged his dad and squished his sister and they all got a good chuckle out of how tall Sam was compared to Xavier.

"Xavier may be tiny but his fiery hair matches his personality when you poke the right buttons." Sam said and then proceeded to poke Xavier in the side teasing him lovingly, which got a mocked dirty look. Heathcliff chuckled at his son's antics with his partner. He was pleased to see the look of admiration on his son's face towards Sam and knew these two were going to be OK. The trip out here would prove to be a wise one for Catherine as well since her eye was caught by something that intrigued her.

She walked over to the wall and looked at the painting. It was a water color, two young men hand in hand at a lake facing a sunset. It was very well done too. She'd have to ask the home owner where he got such a beautiful piece and if he knew the artist. She turned to a young girl who was close by, smiling.

"Like it?" She said gesturing with her head towards the painting.

"Very much so" She replied to the young girl, who had a young man Catherine recalled as being named Nye slip up behind her and put his arms around her waist.

"It's a nice piece; I'd love to meet the artist. They did a bang up job, and the colors are so vivid." She smiled and Nye chuckled.

"You're talking to the artist now Miss York. Selina here did that painting last year for Aikrii and Mani for Christmas." Nye was proud to say that and he beamed as he did.

"You?" She asked the girl amazed that one so young had such an amazing talent.

"Yes, I did that and a few others. My dad's have one I did for their wedding called 'Spiritual blessing' and I just did one recently for Nye for his birthday called 'Wish upon a star and smile' I do them off and on but I don't paint regularly.

"You should paint a lot. You're obviously very talented." Catherine was still in awe.

"Mani says the same thing but I have to have a feeling before I can paint and if there's no feeling it shows in my work so I only paint when the mood strikes me. I've shown him how to use water colors as he's more use to acrylics and oils and drawing."

"Are any of his pieces here?" She asked.

"Actually I think Aikrii brought home 'The Sleeping Prince' since he didn't want it in the studio all Christmas season. He's quite fond of his partners work" Selina took her to the top of the stairs landing and pointed up to the wall and sure enough there was 'The Sleeping Prince' painting on its special nail for when it came home.

Catherine gasped, "Oh my god! That's exquisite!" she walked up the stairs further seeing if she couldn't get a better look "How much is he looking for this one?" She asked

"Oh he won't sell it, last I heard someone who had visited his shop when it was there, offered him well over two hundred and fifty thousand for it and he turned it down." Selina was happy to know he'd never sell something as beautiful as that particular painting, it had love in its strokes and well it would be a shame to let it leave the family. Catherine looked at the picture and studied it.

"That's Aikrii isn't it?" She asked, she wasn't sure if it was or not but it did look like him just younger and with longer hair.

"Yes before he got his hair cut. I think Mani started sketching the image for that picture about a month after they met. I'm not sure how long it took for him to paint it though. I never asked."

"Well as you can tell I'm one to fall for a beautiful piece of art work. I think I will be looking into more of yours and Mani's stuff if you're willing to show me some." She smiled she knew she could make Selina a very famous young lady in England here's hoping Selina would be willing to display her work.

Michelle watched as everyone gathered around the table in Aikrii's home with his partner Mani at his side. There was a toast and announcements and surprises all around. She felt very blessed. She did notice the shocked look on Xavier's face when his step brother announced his pairing with an older gentleman who she was told runs a construction company. They seemed very happy together. She wished them well. All in all the festivities were amazing. The next evening was a hubbub over her granddaughter purposing to her boyfriend who said yes. It felt oddly satisfying to see so much love in these homes. She had it in her own but still felt sort of lonely.

That evening though after the meal at Kevin and Marco's Francis walked by and passed her a letter. She realized he was making amends for all that had happened. She read it and realized he understood that sometimes dreams start but change and no one should push another to stick to one path. She went to see him before they headed home and spent a lovely evening together. That night she felt that she'd been blessed even more so and that the spirits were smiling upon her and her whole family.

Chapter 16. – Plans

The return to Curre was as exciting as the visit to Kearney although it was short lived. Sam and Xavier had some disappointing news with walk door after the trip. The answering service their mom had on the phone had a message from the local police department. The night before someone had vandalized their store and smash the front window. Sam was devastated.

"I guess we should call and find out what to the damages are." Sam said sighing as he listened to the message for the second time. Xavier felt deflated. All that work and someone had to go and destroy it.

Sam made the phone call to the local police department and agreed to meet him at the shop. Jeanie and Brice were already there and had been for the last few hours.

"Thanks guys, we really appreciate this." Said Sam as he looked around and surveyed the damage. One of the officers walked over to Sam and passed and some paper work.

"We already found the young fella who did the damage he's been charged. You need to fill it all this paperwork and tell us what has been taken or what is missing. What the damages are. My advice is to take pictures." The officer just shook his head at the mess of the store front he couldn't understand why people had to be this way.

Xavier stood there with his hearing sigh was really weird considering how often he cried in the last five months. They are scrawled across the front of the store upon the glass that had not been shattered was `Faggy brub.' Xavier knew immediately who had done all this. It broke his heart. He was standing in quite souls looking at all the damage when Sam reached over and wrapped his arms around her shoulder kissed the side of his head and told him.

"None of this matters. We are loved by others. We will not allow someone to destroy us with vile words. This person does not understand how it is to be loved. If he did he would never done this."

Xavier looked at Sam and gave him a half ass smile. "I know baby. It's just a shame he had to try and drag us down to make himself feel better. I just pray one of these days he looks back and realize his mistake he made."

The vandalism of the shop was announced on the evening news that night. It was considered a hate crime in the community and the young man done it would be going to court the next day. Sam and Xavier felt that the only way to teach this child compassion, tolerance and possibly that a person can be loved regardless of who they are and that they will go to court and actually speak on behalf of this young man. When they were questioned about this on national television they told the news anchor,

"Intolerance is inherently learned. Something a child is taught at a very young age. Homophobia isn't the fear of gay people at all; I don't believe that for one minute." Sam said to the camera. "People fear spiders and snakes and lightning. This was a taught thoughtless conditioning brought on by the teachings of this child's peers. A person should be loved regardless of who they are, even somebody who can maliciously destroy another person's livelihood just because they feel vindicated to teach someone a lesson for not being liked them." Xavier commented.

Those in the community who had seen the news that evening and were supportive of the LGBTQ community rallied around Sam and Xavier's business. They started a fundraiser to cover the costs that weren't covered by the insurance to replace the windows. Sam and Xavier had learned that since the shop was fairly new they would have to pay a $1000 deductible and the insurance would cover the rest of the costs. They found someone to come in and replace the windows pretty quickly but it left them scrambling for funds. Two days of missed work cause them to go into the red something they did not expect to do two months into the business opening up. This low point only made Sam and Xavier stronger though because they clung to each other for the support that they really needed and the encouragement to keep going. A week after the vandalism Sam faced the young man who destroyed their store.

"Have no idea what's going on in your life I really don't want to fathom how much hate you face that would make you go about doing what you did to my store." Sam looked at the young man. He found out that his name was Cameron. "From the looks of things here you're almost 19 years old. You have a bright future ahead you and you decided to throw it away because you were taught something, you were taught to hate. And I still sit here before you not hating you my here to help you to keep you out of jail. That choice now is left up to you."

Cameron looked at the man before him, confused and why anybody would give two shits about him anyway. Sure he had a bright future until he got kicked out. His dad wanted nothing to do with him. All because he got a girl pregnant and he had no way to support her. The man in front of him didn't need to know that though. If he could just get out of the city he'd start over somewhere else.

"I ain't got no idea what you want me to do for you." He looked at Sam mystified.

"Well first thing is you can come and help us clean up the store. Maybe make amends. Maybe even get to know Xavier and me." Sam knew he was reaching but hey he had to give it a shot.

"And going to matter what I do. Not like anyone gives a shit anyway. Do it you want I'm bouncing." Cameron stood up and Xavier reached for him grabbed him by the wrist. Through clenched teeth he spoke

"Sit down!"

Cameron yanked his hand away from Sam he wanted nothing to do with any of them.

"Why so you can preach to me more? So you can pretend to be my friend? I ain't got time for you. Sell your fairytales to somebody else, cause I ain't buying." Cameron was pretty adamant and pushing away anybody that could help him. Sam refused to see this happen he knew there were something up with this kid and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm not pretend. If you think is preaching it's because you needed. I'm not going to go anywhere anytime soon, take it or leave it. I'm going to be on your ass. I'm going to be the one that will see your life improve even if you don't want to. I don't sell fairytales! This FAIRY supports dreams ." Sam slapped the table making the boy jump. He glared at Cameron he wasn't going to let him get away with this. Teaching him to be accountable for his actions was one thing. Teaching him that people cared about his actions was another.

"I'll be back to see you tomorrow hopefully you have a better attitude adjustment." Sam got up and walked away the security guard let him out of the compound.

"I just don't get it Xavier. I really don't get it." Sam said his frustration was showing in the mess of his hair he kept running his hand through it over and over again making it stand up.

"He doesn't want our help. You can't force him to take it." Xavier said as he filled in the ledger for the store.

"So what we do?" Sam did not want to see this kid screw his life up.

"We wait. If he wants our help he'll ask for. If not he won't. There's nothing else we can do." Xavier looked at Sam "remember we can't all play the super hero." Xavier had a valid point.

It was in those moments that Cameron was sitting in a prison cell seven blocks away from the shop he had destroyed that he realized he didn't care anymore. Another soul gave up and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it.

Francis sat back in the bed of his truck; pillows and sheets surrounded him. He looked up at the stars above him. It was cold but he was comfortable because beside him was the love of his life. He had been too stupid in the past to realize it before though. Michelle lay staring at the stars with him. They had reconciled over the holidays after his foolish attempts to push her into something that didn't fit her needs anymore. He realized he had no right to pressure her. Sometimes dreams just didn't come to fruition; things tend to change for a reason. He learned that the hard way when Michelle stood fast while he walked away. It really hurt him when he stupidly refused to understand and hadn't seen her for weeks on end. Working himself to the bone didn't help the agony or the loneliness either. He had another chance and he wasn't going to let it go. He looked over at her and smiled.

"I'm freezing my ass off. Can we head back now?"

"Sure. You want to go get coffee?" Michelle asked. She was chilled as well and warmth would be nice.

"Sounds like a grand idea." He got up and reached his hand out to her and pulled Michelle forward along the bed of the truck. They both slid off the tailgate. They both reached in and pulled all the blankets out of the back; balling them up. They tossed them into the back seat of the truck and headed into town. Michelle was content. It had been a long time since she'd seen him and she got the stubborn old fart to realize life isn't always what you make it, sometimes it threw curveballs and all you could do was swing and hope you connected.

That evening they returned to her place and watched television and talked. It was the most she'd gotten out of him in weeks. It made her happy knowing they could get past the bumps and move forward. She showed him all of the new things she'd created and even the clip from the TV show where Ellen page had some of her product. He was impressed.

"I guess you can cook up new things this way." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Sometimes this stubborn old goat can't see the forest for the trees. Thanks for being tenacious my love. Sometimes I need someone who's willing to not give up on then even when they can't keep going." She chuckled and nodded. They had some quality time to spend together and she was going to make the best of it.

She checked the clock and noted the time. Sam and Xavier would be returning around midnight with Devon who was coming back from England. They had both flown to Toronto to meet his plane and would come back with him. They had several hours yet before their return. She smiled reached for his hand and pulled him to his feet.

"Come on, Dance with me." She turned on the radio and he graciously accepted.

The months flowed on ebbing like a river into years. Some days gouged out more from a person than one would like but it was how it was. You either fought it or went with the flow. Roomoorz was thriving even after the rocky start. Aikrii had come from Kearney to visit and when he was on TV he too plugged the shop and even more people crammed in to get what they wanted from the small salon. Several local celebrities stopped by, many becoming regular customers.

That spring, two years after Michelle started making natural products. she opened her own shop. Two years after Francis and Michelle's reconciliation, he proposed to her and Michelle said yes. Two years after the shop was vandalized, Cameron the young man who had done it got out of jail. And the best part of it all two years after his brother had moved away to Kearney, Sam learned he was going to be an uncle again.

The announcement came in the mail. A little pink card with the sonogram attached saying congratulations. When Sam first opened it with Xavier by his side he was a little confused.

"What the hell is this?" Sam asked as he opened up the card.

"I don't know. Looks like an ultrasound pic." Xavier was just as confused who would be sending them a birth announcement?

Sam turned over the card; there on the back was the answer in his baby twin brother's large scrawled writing.

"Oh my God!" Sam jumped up. "I'm going to be an uncle! We are going to be uncles!" He grabbed a hold of Xavier's shoulders and started dancing around giddy as hell. He took off down stairs to show his mother

"Mom!" He flew around the corner and slammed into poor Francis, "My boy what's going on?" Xavier was smiling so hard his cheeks hurt Sam shoved the card into Francis's hands.

"Dante's going to be a dad! Again!" Sam was thrilled.

"What?!" Michelle said as she came out of the lower bathroom totally baffled. She looked at the card that Sam had in his hands.

"Well I'll be damned." She was grinning in a tear was falling down her cheek. "I get to be a grandma."

"Oh for God sakes let's call him and find out about this." Sam scrambled for the phone in the kitchen.

He rang his brother's place and waited for someone to pick up. Josh managed to get to the phone before Dante did. They had been racing for it every time someone called. They had been waiting for Sam and his mom to call.

"Hello" Josh said sticking his tongue out at Dante because he had made it to the phone first.

"We got your announcement. Care to elaborate?" Michelle asked Josh as she listened to him laugh on the other end of the phone.

"Well for the last year Dante and I have been talking about expanding our family. Selina is old enough to be on her own now and we always wanted a kid of our own. So we started searching for surrogate." Josh wanted to make sure he didn't forget to tell Dante's mom anything. He continued.

"Lucky for us the owners of the building we live in are also a gay couple who happen to be lovely ladies we got really close to. They have two boys themselves. We had told them about our plans and Joane; Claire's wife; offered to help." Michelle was excited to hear that bit of news. She listened to Dante tell part of the fantastic news.

"There was just one restriction she put on us. She didn't want twins. So we did artificial insemination so that there would be only one single child. We're not sure who's the daddy since we both donated to the cause. But we also don't care." He took a breath obviously excited to finally tell people. Josh ploughed through the rest of the news.

"Our little girl is due in sixteen more weeks. Yes we've already picked a name. I'm sorry didn't tell you sooner mom but we had to make sure everything was going well." Josh's voice held the excitement and everyone on the other end of the phone at Michelle's house could hear it in his voice as if he'd screamed hallelujah on top of his lungs.

"Oh my god!" Michelle was now over joyed for sure. "So it's true. I get to be a nanna again?"

"Yes mom!" She could hear Dante; Josh chuckled as well.

Sam whooped and yelled "Way to go man! Congratulations!"

"Will we get to meet the selfless lady who is helping you two become parents?" Xavier wanted to meet these people since they obviously were the pot of gold at the end of any rainbow. In this case; Rainbow Rd.

"Yes you will all get to meet them during the baby shower after she's born." Dante said. He was over joyed as well. He remembered when he got to tell Selina who screamed and jumped a mile a minute and wanted to call her grand mom and tell her right away. It took a lot of will power not to do just that; for all of them.

"I cannot wait to tell the crew at work!" Sam was busting a gut over the news.

"I don't think I've seen you gush so much." Xavier said to him as they sat back down on the sofa in the living room. Sam watched his mom in the kitchen talking to Dante. He was happy to see his mom just as over joyed. Things have started looking up for her, and Francis was a huge help with all of it.

"One of the biggest things that Dante and I always talked about was having families. I mean you got to know that feeling of...Hey I'm not likely to have any kids of my own...We sure did and this was years ago." He sighed at the frustrations of remembering it all. "I know my mom was cool with us coming out and all, even dad took it damn well considering it was both of us and we're their only boys. But I mean to really grasp that; I'm the end of my blood line... it kinda sucked. So we both said we'd make sure we'd have kids." He looked at Xavier with hesitation wasn't sure he wanted to tell him the rest of this.

"We made a pact together said we would go and try and find somebody to help us. Before I met you had a friend from high school who said she would help me if I ever wanted children. Now the laws here in Canada state a surrogate can't accept compensation to carry a child for somebody. She knew this and I knew this but I told her that if she did go through with it I would make sure she was well taken care of and didn't want to forgo the chance of having kids so a simple promise was made. I haven't seen her in four years though so I don't even know where she's at."

Xavier nodded. He understood very well that feeling of not knowing if he would carry on his genetics; even his father had asked him if he had planned on having kids in future. He told him he wasn't sure but adoption was always an option.

"Do you ever want to track her down?" He asked curious if Sam ever still had the notion to be a parent to his own munchkin one day.

"I didn't even think about it till now. I mean; we have Devon now. I know he's not our kid and all but he takes up a lot of our time. It's the closest we have to our own. I know we never talked marriage or anything and it's not necessary but I think I'd like that before I have a family if it's possible. " Sam didn't think it was the end all to be all but he felt it was something he wanted.

"I hear ya and I think you're right. I'm glad we spoke about this." He smiled and asked "If you could find someone though to have one of your own, what names would you pick? Xavier was honestly curious.

"I never thought about it." Sam said. "If it was a boy; probably after my dad. If it was a girl; then likely after mom." He watched Sam just stare off into the not so distant future and a smile spread across his face. God he loved him.

Michelle poked her head into the living room. "Come on guy's lunch is ready." They sat and ate their lunch with Michelle and Francis and spoke about Sam's mom's wedding plans. She decided to go with a small ceremony. Nothing extravagant or fancy. It didn't need to be. She just loved the idea of being able to spend the rest of her days with someone who would love her as much as she loved him. Not too often old folk like her get a second chance at finding love.

Xavier had been sitting on this proposal now for over a week. He had no idea how to get it off the ground and it was driving him nuts. Sam and he had been at their shop for just over two years, life was grand and it was time to expand. He wanted to present it to Sam but how was the huge question. Simple and clean was...well too simple. He needed something with more pizzazz.

Out of all the employees they had when the shop started only one ever left but came back and that was because they wanted to expand their schooling. He wracked his brain and realized he needed some assistance and decided he needed to make a call. He just needed a clear head before he did so. He walked over to Sam and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be back in a bit. Going for a coffee, I'll bring you back one if you'd like." Sam nodded and continued writing in the accounts ledgers and copying things to the server where they kept hard copies of their sales. "Later babe" Sam said absently as he continued being absorbed in his work. Xavier just shook his head and smiled. He was definitely a hard worker.

Xavier walked to the car and made his call as he pulled out. The cell was on hands free when the line was picked up.

"JumpStreet clothing. How may I help you?" The man in question answered the phone.

"Hey Dante. It's Xavier. I need some advice." Xavier smiled. With his business sense and smarts he was sure he could get what he was trying to accomplish done.

Next: Chapter 27: Steppin Out IV 17 18

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