Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Mar 16, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few ywars... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 11 - Welcome Home. **************************

She walked through the home and checked the room she was directed to. It was well laid out. There was a large single bed in it and from the looks of things nice new sheets. There were a few stuffed toys and other items that were suitable for a youth. She wrote a note in her file and headed back down to the main floor where she was greeted by the lady whose home she was in.

"I think everything is in order here Michelle. You've got to update some of your info but we can be lenient on that aspect since you've already been a foster parent in the past. Where is your son at?"

Diane wanted to finish talking to him since he was also likely to be a prominent figure in Devon's life if he made it to Canada.

"He's outside on his cell talking to Xavier. The courts granted him a hearing so this is a step in the right direction. I can let you know when the proceedings go on." Michelle was worried for Xavier more so than their outcome because it meant he had to take the child out of his homeland. She didn't want to see him in a legal mess if he did it improperly.

"Well it's only been three days so he's doing exceptionally well. I'll contact the magistrates there and ensure they get confirmation that your home is suitable. We can get things transferred here and hopefully the Family Courts there will grant him custody." She passed Michelle some paper work. "If he's granted this you will have to contact Child protection services here to finalize the paper work in Canada and get him registered for school and to a family Dr. I understand he's dealing with PTSD and some possible learning difficulties?"

"From what Sam has told me that's a possibility." Michelle was concerned but more than willing to work with the child to see where he was emotionally. When she had fostered eight years ago things were different with the system. Things had changed since then and from the looks of things for the better.

"I already have our family Dr on standby I spoke with her this morning." She walked with Diane to the front door where Sam was. He'd just signed off with Xavier and was smiling. To Michelle this only meant things were looking up.

"Xavier had his lawyer look at his mother's Will there and apparently because he's the only other family member along with Kolten the Will's request for guardianship will stand as is. He's on his way to the court house this afternoon to see what they will do for him. He's got the backing of the local community's Children's Social Services and law enforcement that provided a written report and back reports of the other occasions he's had to show to assist his brother." Sam was beaming and he was proud of how strong Xavier was being despite everything that was going on. Things were processing faster than he'd anticipated.

"Good. Then I will send in the reports to the courts there and hopefully after the legal paperwork is done through immigration he will be here in a few weeks if not sooner." Diane stuck out her hand to Sam and shook it. "Good luck, and congrats. Your partner is a stand up person for taking on this roll. Many wouldn't. If you need me at all don't hesitate to give me a call." She passed him a card and headed off to her office to get the paper work rolling.

"How long do you think he's going to be mom?" Sam was worried. He prayed that he'd get a chance to see him before the opening of the shop but if it didn't happen that way it was fine, he just had this greedy urge to hold him and he couldn't help himself. He missed him an awful lot.

"Well depending on what the courts do, if I recall anything from what my niece went through in the past; if they grant him custody he has to go fill out forms for immigration. He can get a visa and bring him home within a week or two. He will have to process things when he gets here to keep Devon in the country." His mom took his hand and pulled him back into the house.

"Try and relax. If it comes down to him having to remain in England for a spell he will be fine and so will you. Remember it's for Devon." Sam sighed and knew his mom was right. He didn't have to like it but he did have to accept the inevitable.

"I'm just worried he won't get what he's aiming for. I think he will be heartbroken if that happens." Michelle nodded and prayed nothing got in the way of Xavier getting Devon home to Canada with him.

"Access granted." The gavel hit the block with a resounding Whack!

"Thank you My Lord!" Xavier was ecstatic. All the paper work came through and he was granted what he wanted and Devon gave him a tight squeeze.

"You get to stay?" He asked his brother.

"Oh bug, you get to come with me!" he said.

"Where?" His brother was a bit confused on that aspect.

"We're going to go to Canada where I live with Sam. Do you remember me telling you about Sam?" Xavier sure hoped he did but sadly Devon shook his head no.

"That's OK you'll meet him when we get there." Xavier ruffled his hair and took his hand as he left the courts. He stopped by the room where he saw his lawyer.

"How long will the paper work take? I need it so I can get his paper work through immigration done." He was certain he'd be waiting at least a few days but his lawyer asked him a question that confused him at first.

"Wasn't your mother Canadian?" He shuffled through the paper work and pulled out Cheryl's death certificate. "According to this she was."

"Uh, OK. So what does that mean?" Xavier had too much going on to really process what he was trying to get at.

"Devon is already a Canadian Citizen. The only things you will need are proof of language; a report card will do. You also will need a written report from his school confirming his education. Your court documentation proving you have custody and a copy of your mother's death certificate proving citizenship as you won't have a Permanent Resident Card for him, they will ask why and the death certificate will help in that aspect. You will also need his entire ID set, including his passport." His lawyer was very clear with instructions. "If you have issues let me know. I'm going to warn you though. Have someone prepared to take him in; in case of delays. You're a citizen and earned your right through the proper channels when your father took you there. You may want to consider him as a secondary home just on the off chance that the paper work takes longer than you anticipate. Trust me I've been privy to that before." Xavier heeded his warning. He knew all too well how slow the offices at immigration could take.

"I'll get right on to it. I need to go to my dad's and see if there's any means to get Devon situated until this is all sorted out. Thank you so much for all the help. You've been a great help." He shook his lawyers hand and smiled.

"Your custody papers should be arriving by courier service in the next few days. Good luck and congratulations." He looked down at Devon and shook his hand too. "Good luck wee one. You're going to be on a grand adventure with your brother I dare say." He winked at Devon who giggled and then he went on his way.

"Come on Bug. We need food and you can go see Papa again. It's been a long time since you seen him." Xavier remembered when his father had gone back to his mum trying to see if he could fix things before the divorce was finalized a few years ago. Things were good for about a year and Devon saw Xavier's father as a father figure while he was there. When things went to hell due to his mum's mental health Devon was the one who got hurt out of it all because he didn't get to see Heathcliff anymore. The boy was beaming when he heard he'd get to see papa again.

The drive to his dad's house was quick. He put the ear piece in and called Sam as he drove along.

"Good news!" he said as he heard Sam's voice. He smiled as he heard the loud WHOOP from the other end of his call. Even Devon could hear it and looked over at Xavier and smiled. Both were beaming at Sam's enthusiasm.

"It was granted. I just need to get some paper work done. I also had forgotten that mom was a Canadian citizen, so Devon doesn't have to go through as much as someone else might." He turned down the road to his father's place and Devon got excited as he spotted sheep along the road.

"Oh hunny I'm so pleased to hear this! You don't know how much I've been holding my breath today worried about you and your little brother." Sam's joy radiated through those words and Xavier missed him immensely at that moment.

"Oh love, I miss you terribly." Xavier longed to be with him and sighed as he pulled into his dads place.

"I miss you too babe. I'll see you soon enough. Call me back later if you want, maybe we can get on to Skype and see each other I miss seeing your face." Xavier smiled at the thought and agreed he'd do just that.

"I'm at dads now so I'll ring you later. Love you." He let Sam go and got out of the car and watched Devon scramble from the vehicle himself.

"What? When!" His dad was stunned to learn Cheryl had passed and thrilled to see Devon as well. He had him up in his lap where he'd scrambled when he walked in the house.

"A few nights ago. I'm sorry I didn't call. I've just had so much on my plate and I didn't want to toss it onto you. Where's sis at?" He wanted to see her too and let her know.

"She's working. Won't be home till six." He looked at the clock to check the time. "You're a sight boy. You look gobsmacked and dragged through hell in back."

"It's been a hell of a few days." His dad stood and heaved Devon up along with him. "The trauma alone for poor Bug has been my biggest concern. He had a night terror last night. He ended up sleeping right beside me most of the night."

"Ay, sounds about right for a wee one. You a tossin yer bed Bug?" Heathcliff asked the boy.

Devon nodded at him. "The dreams be buggin me papa, I see her swinging and I don't know why. Mamma left without saying goodbye." Xavier watched him as he put his head on his dad's chest.

His dad looked at him with a tut-tut facial expression. The poor lad was still taking it hard.

"So what do you have to do now?" His father asked him.

"I got all the paper work yesterday to take him with me but I don't know how long the immigration office will be with everything. I'm hoping not long. I may need a place for him temporarily because I do have to go back home to help Sam with the shop for at least a few days before the first. I also have to dispose of mom's belonging and the flat." Xavier ran his hand through his hair. "I really don't give two shits about the house. Catherine can have it if she wants. I just need help emptying it of her bobbins and crap."

Xavier watched his dad nod. He knew all too well why his son didn't have any attachment to his mother's belongings or even her memory for that matter. It was a shame really because she would be forgotten in her death once her funeral was over except for the wee one he was holding.

"I'll help you however you need it, even if it's to give Bug a place to stay if things don't go fast enough." Heathcliff loved the boy like he was his own even if he was the product of Cheryl's infidelity. He held no animosity towards the child. He set the boy to his feet and got back to his level.

"Would you like to stay here for a bit if your brother has to go back home for a few days?" He wanted to ensure the child wouldn't be scared and Devon was more than happy to nod yes.

"But Savior said he wouldn't leave." He frowned at his brother. "You promised."

"Oh Bug I'm not going to go away and not come back. I do however have to go home for a few days if I can't take you with me you can stay with Papa this way you will be safe and not alone. OK?" He was hoping he understood and he watched him nod but he wasn't sure if his brother quite got the idea that he'd be coming back. He prayed there weren't any delays.

They ate supper and enjoyed a game of cards before Xavier resigned himself to his father's computer so he could talk to Sam on Skype. He rang him up and it wasn't long before he saw the handsome face he so loved.

"Oh babe! You're a sight for sore eyes. God you don't know how happy I am to see you." He watched as Sam reached forward as if to hold his hand.

"I'm missing you too hun. It's been quite the last few days." Sam sighed. "I have good news though. Mom got approval as a foster placement for Devon if it's necessary. She wanted to make sure if they approved that the protective services knew where he was going and that it was safe. Mom set up Dante's room for him."

"Oh God love her blessed soul!" Xavier was beside himself with gratitude for his partner's mother.

She made up for his lack of one. "I wish I was there right now. I want to kiss your face and hold you so tight." He sighed longingly his hand running though his hair as he stared at the screen willing Sam to be there beside him. "Here's hoping the immigration office here has no issues with the paper work. I was told it should show in a few days and I can go get it processed. If everything works out I can come straight home with him."

"God willing." Sam replied as he took a cup of warm milk from his mom.

"Hi." Michelle said to Xavier. "How's everything going?"

"He got custody mom." Sam said to her.

"Oh this is wonderful news!" She was happy over the confirmation he'd been granted custody.

"I set up Dante's room in case we needed it and I'm glad I did." She whisked away and waved as she did so. Xavier had a cocky crooked grin as she left the screen.

"Your mom is amazing hun. I'm so damn happy to have you both." He watched Sam yawn and realized it was closing in on midnight there.

"Babe get some sleep and I'll call you when I can OK. I have to talk to sis about the flat. I think I'm just going to sell it if she doesn't want it and get it over with. I love you have a good sleep." Xavier blew a kiss to Sam who pretended to catch it on the other end. They both chuckled.

"Love you hun. Nite." They signed off and Xavier got up and went downstairs. Devon was reading a book Papa had given him and seemed to be delighted in it. Xavier put on the tea and sat down at the table. His father joined him.

"Catherine will be home shortly she called while you were talking to Sam." He sat back in his seat and looked off into the distance reminiscing about the past that he couldn't change on a woman he had loved who couldn't love herself.

"Thanks. Did you tell her what happened?" Xavier didn't want her upset coming home and his dad swore he hasn't said a word.

"Can ye imagin' being gobsmacked with that? `Oh that's just jolly pa thanks for the news ma bought it!' ... yeah not likely something I want to dump in yer sis. We'll tell her when she gets in." His father sighed in frustration. Xavier got up from the table and walked to the screeching kettle and poured the hot water into the cups over the tea. He let it steep as he gathered the sugar and cream. He set the whole mess onto the table and took his seat again.

He heard her car pull into the park. "Well here she comes." He said before he even got to take a sip of his tea. His dad grabbed another chair because he knew she'd need it.

When Catherine walked in she was shocked over seeing Xavier and gave him a big hug. "My God what are you doing here?" That's when she noticed Devon and frowned.

"Oh God, she's at it again eh?" Catherine automatically assumed their mom was just acting out but Xavier took her hands and sat her down.

"Sorry sis. I'm not here on good terms. I'm here to take Devon back home with me. Mom passed away 3 nights ago." He waited to hear her cry but there was no response. None.

"Her funeral is tomorrow." Xavier wanted to give her a chance to respond to something but she just shrugged and stood. She wandered over to Devon and sat down beside him and asked him how he was.

Devon told her he was OK but he still mentioned that their mum didn't say goodbye. It was a big deal to him.

"The flat is yours Catherine. I don't want it." He wanted her to do something, anything.

She hugged Devon and stood again and went to Xavier.

"I love you so much Xavier. I'm proud of you and all you've become and that you've also stepped up to help Devon but I don't know what you expect me to do Xavier. I have absolutely no sorrow in regards to her death. She didn't care about us and I stopped caring years ago and accepted back then she was already dead to us. I don't want the flat. Sell it. Don't expect me at the funeral. I won't go."

Xavier understood his sisters reasoning. She'd taken the worse of all of the abuses their mother had dished out on them. He actually didn't blame her one bit but he'd hoped she'd at least go to the funeral because to him he figured she'd regret it later. He needed her there.

"Please don't leave me there alone with Devon. He needs all of us right now. Please sis." He pleaded.

"You can't leave your brother and I trying to console this poor child by ourselves after this is all done Catherine. I know you hated her. We both get that, but please; even if it's not for your mother in general please do it for us and for Devon. He's only little he doesn't get it." Her father made sure she understood walking away would be selfish even if it was justified.

"Fine!" She walked away and Xavier assumed she went to her room. This wasn't how he'd planned on it playing out.

They left the funeral home. Devon was quiet and sullen. Xavier got into the car and his sister opened the back door and helped Devon into his seatbelt. She got into the passenger side. Their dad got into his own car and would follow.

"You want to see the flat before it goes up for sale? There might be something in it you may want." She shook her head no to the offer and Xavier just sighed and pulled out into traffic to take her back home.

"When it sells, I don't want anything from it. Give it to Devon." She was adamant on not taking anything from their mom.

"Ay." He responded. There really wasn't much more he could say. They drove home in silence. They arrived and vacated the car. Heathcliff opened the door and shucked off his dressing coat. He hated the damn thing but respects and all called for a man to be presentable at three things in his life. A wedding, a funeral and court. He walked to his phone and answering machined and noticed there was a message.

He pressed the button and played it.

"Mr. York. I'm calling in regards to your claim for your sibling Devon to relocate him in Canada from England. Seeing as he is already a citizen due to his mothers status prior to her death he can go whenever you so please seeing as all his court documentation for custody are in order. I hope this answers your questions. We're sorry to hear about your loss, but we wish you all the very best."

Xavier's eyebrows rose in surprise and Heathcliff smiled. "Ye got em my boy! By jove you got em!"

His dad gave him a hearty hug.

"The only thing left is the flat, but the sooner that's gone the better." Xavier looked at his pa.

"Could you sell it for me? I don't care what you get for it Pa. Just off load it and bank the quid for Devon. He will need that for his college when he's older." Xavier watched his father agree to help. He was a business man after all and his business was selling things.

"I'll get it on the market for you in a few days. What you want to do with what's in it?"

"Devon took what he wanted, I got a few albums. Do what you want with the rest. I really don't care." Xavier was certain on that. Devon wandered in at that moment.

"What's the chatter `bout savior?"

"I am going home, and you get to come with me." He smiled when his little brother tackled him in a bear hug. He couldn't wait to be back with Sam and to get life back on the track he had it on.

"I'll call and we will see you Christmas time. Yes I'm sure. You take care too. Thanks Thelma. I love you too!" Xavier rang off and then picked up the suit case. Sam had no idea he was on his way home. This would be a lovely surprise for him. He looked to his Pa and gave him a hug.

"Thanks for everything Pa." His dad held his shoulders and gave him some advice. "He may be your little brother but remember now you're the best he's got as a father. Use patients and always hug him. He's gonna need it." Xavier smiled at his father.

""You make me proud boy." His sister reached out to him and pulled him in for a hug too. "Be good to the squirt." He chuckled. I'm sure I can do that. She let him go and got to Devon's level.

"You be good Bug. I'll see you at Christmas time." She kissed his forehead and gave him a hug too.

"I'll miss you sissy." Blood or not he didn't see the difference. This family to him was all he had left.

They gathered their things and wandered to their gate. The boarding call came and they waived their good-byes.

"Call me when you land!"

"I love you too dad!" Xavier stepped into the tunnel to the plane and boarded with Devon at his side.

They sat back relaxing when the stewardess came by with drinks and food. Xavier got his brother some pop and he asked for a glass of wine. He raised his glass to his little brother and did a toast.

"To adventures little bro." and Devon said something profound of his own.

"To never having to say good-bye." And they touched can to glass "Cheers!" and giggled at it all.

The six hour flight was uneventful. Devon ate supper on the plane and when they landed in Canada it was one in the morning. This concept threw poor Devon off but he sure did like the airport. He was still pretty bright eyed considering it was so early in the morning here and only nine back home.

"We're in Canada now Bug." He picked up Devon and swung him up to his shoulders and they walked through the airport to the main doors. Xavier flagged down a taxi and gave the address to the house. Devon was in awe as he watched what he could in the waning light wiz by on his adventure. Xavier answered as many questions as he could. By the time they made it to Sam and Michelle's place Devon was out like a light.

Xavier paid the driver and walked towards the door. Michelle was right there to take Devon out of Xavier's arms and into the house and Sam was right there to take him into his own.

"Welcome home." Sam said as he kissed Xavier till he thought he was going to pass out from the lack of oxygen.

"Oh God baby. It's great to be back."

Chapter 12 - Changes

Michelle pushed the hair out of the young boys face and tucked him into Dante's old bed. She prayed he settled in alright. She could see both her son's partner and this child were worn out. She quietly shut the door and went downstairs to see Xavier.

"Ah my lovely lady I missed you." He said as she gave him a big hug. She kissed the side of his head.

"You my boy are a brave soul and an angel too." She beamed with pride and it confused Xavier.

"How so?" He asked.

"Do you know how many half siblings your age would come forward to help that child?" She watched him shake his head no. "Not many my dear. This is what makes you so damn amazing." She petted his arm and put on some milk to warm.

"Aside from the ordeal with your mother, how was the visit?" She wanted to know.

"The whole ordeal was centered on my mother's death. It was very draining." He watched as she heated the milk up. She passed him a cup which he graciously took.

"I still haven't even read the note she left behind. The inspectors there have it. Frankly I don't think I could handle it right now anyway." He was drained and they all knew it.

"It's brutally late here and considerably early back home. My poor brain can't handle things. I need sleep." Michelle nodded her agreement.

`Goodness knows when that poor little one will be awake." She was expecting it would be early.

Xavier smiled and realized she was right, he would likely be up fairly early since he would still be on the time frame back home.

It was evident that the last week and a half took its toll on Xavier. He finished his milk and set down the mug, weary his eyes pleaded with Sam for sleep. Sam stood and offered his hand.

"Come on let's get some sleep." Xavier willingly went. Michelle kissed their cheeks and said good night.

Crawling back into bed with a warm body beside him was a welcomed reprieve. A dozen days was too many in his eyes to be away. Sam spooned around him after he crawled in under the sheets and that comfort brought the tears he'd been holding back.

Xavier didn't realize he had been withholding anything till that moment but it all came flooding out and Sam just laid there holding him and giving him as much comfort and time he could.

"Devon's right. She never said good-bye. She didn't say sorry. She left us all wondering why. It's not fair that she did that to him, to Catherine and me." He was angry with how she'd ended things. Leaving more questions than he had answers for.

Sam knew he couldn't fix anything but he also knew he could be there. He held him and listened. Xavier fell asleep on his arms and all Sam heard was soft sniffles and hiccups. He brushed Xavier's hair away from his face and kissed the side of his head. It was going to be a long week but he'd be there as best as he could.

Three a.m. came early when Devon awoke and was confused on where he was. He cried out from his nightmare and looked around afterwards. He got up and with tears still in his eyes he wandered out of the room he was in. He managed to find Sam and Xavier's room and was getting ready to go in with Xavier but Michelle had heard him and met him in the hall. She motioned for him to keep quiet and took his hand and walked downstairs with him.

"Who r ye?" Devon asked her.

"I'm Michelle." She replied. She looked at the child and she wasn't sure if he understood Xavier's relationship with Sam but she spoke around it anyway.

"Do you know who Sam is?" She asked him and was relieved when she seen Devon nod in confirmation that he did know who he was.

"My big brub told me he loves him." Devon just said it like it was a common occurrence which made Michelle relaxed.

"Well I am Sam's mom, and if you want; you can call me Michelle or Nan." She wanted to make sure he was comfortable and giving him that choice was the first step in ensuring that. He nodded and watched her pull out a chair for him to get into. He mumbled his thanks as she pushed him into his spot at the table.

"Well I think you're still on time from back home, so you're likely hungry now. It's going to take you a bit to get use to the time change here I think. For now we will work with what we can. Alright?"

Devon nodded. He liked her; she was nice and this made him evidently relax in her presence. "Are yeh going to make me some breakfast?" Michelle chuckled. His accent would take some time getting use to but she found it quite endearing. She heard it in Xavier from time to time as well but not as strong as it was in this little fella.

"I can make something for you. What would you like?"

"I'd fancy some cereal if that's OK." He replied

"Sure thing." Michelle pulled out a few different kinds and put the milk at the table. She let him try a few dry bits before he settled on crisped rice cereal. She gave him a bowl and poured some for him and added milk. Sam came down stairs sleepy eyed just as she passed him his spoon.

"I was wondering why you were up mom." He said as he leaned towards her and kissed her cheek.

"Little man here woke up. He was going to crawl in with you and Xavier but I thought it was best to keep him entertained till you got up. The time change is going to take a bit to get use to." She looked at him as he shoved food into his mouth and nodded. He smiled and swallowed his food and looked at Sam.

"Ye must be Sam. My brub told me about yeh. Dae yeh fancy my brub?" Sam smiled he was an amusing little fella and he found the accent very strong with him and couldn't help but chuckle.

"I am Sam, and if you're asking if I like your brother I'd have to say I do like him very much." He looked at him mom and winked. Even though he was still tired he found this moment stimulating enough to keep him entertained.

"Is it OK if I go see him?" Devon wanted to see him but didn't understand it was very early in the morning here.

"When he gets up you can, right now it's only three in the morning." Sam said hoping to encourage him to head back to bed for a bit.

"OH!" Devon was surprised it was so early. "It be feelin' much later than that." He looked around and then said "I need takeaway to the loo. Where is it?"

Michelle wasn't certain what he meant but Xavier wandered into the kitchen at that moment in nothing but his boxers and rubbing sleep from his eyes and came to the rescue. "Come on kiddo, I'll take you to the bathroom." He reached out his hands and took Devon to the washroom. Sam and his mom chuckled.

"I honestly had no clue what he had asked so I'm glad Xavier showed when he did." She picked up Devon's dish which was emptied now and placed it in the sink. "I'm going to head back to bed. I hope you guys can get him back down to sleep." She kissed his cheek and headed back to her room.

Sam wandered back upstairs and down the hall to the bathroom. He could hear Devon talking to his brother but he didn't see Xavier right away in the dark hall. It was when he got closer that he spotted him sitting on the floor by the hall closet talking to his little brother through the door. Sam reached down to him and helped him to his feet.

"Do you think he's going to go back to bed?" He asked.

"We can only hope." Xavier sighed. Sam knew he was still very tired.

Devon came out and Xavier asked him if he washed his hands and he nodded.

"It's time to head back to bed for a bit. Even if you don't sleep I'd like it if you rested. You need to get use to the time change. It's very early here." Devon nodded and it was obvious he was reluctant to return to his room but he did so anyway. Xavier tucked him back into bed and told him he would come get him when it was time to get up. Devon nodded and turned over. Sam prayed he'd stay down.

They returned to their room and Xavier crawled back into bed along with Sam and it wasn't even ten minutes in when Devon wandered in.

"I can't sleep Savior." He whined.

"Oh little man it's too early." He watched his little brother pout. Sighing he relented, "Oh, come on then." He lifted the sheets and let Devon crawl in beside him. Sam shifted back to give them more room and Devon snuggled in beside his big brother. Xavier shifted and looked back at Sam and mouthed Sorry.

"It's OK hun. This is all new to him. Let's get some sleep." He kissed the side of his head, pushed the hair from Devon's face and snuggled in behind Xavier. Much to their delight Devon did go back to sleep.

It took Devon over a week to get use to the time change and for three of those days he was a terror.

"I DON'T WANT TO!" Devon screamed throwing his kit bag as they got out of the car.

"You have to go to school Devon." His brother was at his wits end. "You had to when you lived with mom, and you have to go now that you're with me."

"I want mummy!" He cried and Xavier got down to his eye level. "Devon, you know mum isn't coming back. We've talked to you about this. I know you're having a tough time and I wish I had a magic wand to make it all better but I don't. I miss her too. He opened his arms to give him a hug. Devon still pouted but gave him a hug and they walked into the school together.

Curre's Elementary schools weren't like British schools but for what they lacked in structure they more than made up for with compassionate teachers who went above and beyond the call of duty.

"Nan will pick you up after school while I am at work." Xavier stuck with the name Devon had chosen to call Michelle. "I'll be home at supper time for a bit then I will have to go back to work but only for a short time. Sam and I will be back before bed time. You have a good day." Xavier gave him a hug and prayed his first day was good. Xavier waved as he went in with his class. He started late in the year because of all the trauma and he was hoping things pulled through for him in the coming months.

Xavier got into the car and headed to the shop. Today was opening day.

Day one started with a slow trot; plodding along till about lunch time. April and Brice took their lunch breaks and left the store. Sam was happy to have the store finally opened. Having Xavier with him was actually a blessing in disguise. He helped a great deal with a lot of the sales. His mom's products took off the shelf with flying colours which pleased him to no end. When 1 o'clock rolled around it was time for the other crew to take their lunch break Jeanie Jones left the store going across the street to eat over at Subway. Darien, Sam, Xavier and Allie were the only ones left when who should walk into their shop but Ellen Page.

Sam knew who she was in a nano second and almost died on the spot. He took a deep breath, nudged Xavier and said. "You see who I see?" and Xavier nodded. She walked to the counter and looked around smiling.

"Hey" she said. "I have an engagement tonight and I need my hair done. Do you accept walk ins?"

"Sure. What are you looking to get done?" Sam was curious on what she'd ask for.

"Wash, trim and style if possible." She looked around and noticed the natural products Michele made.

"Oh how quaint. Are these locally made?" She asked sniffing some of the soaps.

"Yes they are actually my mother makes them." Said Sam.

"Well my dear isn't that very sweet of you." She gushed, "I just love the logo on the front it's very fresh."

"Yeah my mom was trying to find something that was unique that also spoke of being true to one's self, keeping it natural." Sam replied "I think she really hit it on the nose with this one. It took her a long time to come up with a logo." He loved talking about his mother's accomplishments.

"Well your appointments all set up." He said Xavier, "I just need you to sign here. And how would you like to pay today?"

Ellen signed the appointment book smiled and passed him back the pen. "You guess accept credit cards?"

Xavier grinned, "Sure do buttercup." He took back the pen and slid it back into the appointment book. He ushered her to a seat Xavier had decided to give the job to Darien was in at the time he had an opportunity to prove himself and Xavier was going to give it to him.

"Now you do Miss Page a lovely job." Darien smiled it was like he won the lotto. He brushed out Miss Page's hair; took a look at it and figured if the best route to go. "Please follow me." He took Ellen over to the sinks; sat her down and proceeded to wash her hair.

Now you would think that doing local stars hair at a salon and aesthetics shop wouldn't be such a big deal but to Sam and Xavier this was the best thing in the world. Miss Page was well known in the community and within the LGBT community as well. They knew word-of-mouth was the utmost superlative means to getting more clients.

When Miss Page was done she was very pleased with the process and proceeded to gush about the salon and asked what else they offered.

"I can't get over how friendly the staff is. I really enjoyed myself here! Thank you very much. What else do you guys offer here? I might take my girlfriends here for a spa day." She asked as she picked up two bars of soap from Michelle's TrueU natural products and a bottle of shampoo. She placed them on the counter and waited for Xavier or Sam to answer her question. Sam reached over and grabbed a pamphlet and passed it to her.

"We have some very lovely spa day packages. They can include any of the following items that you might like. Sauna, mud bath, full body massage with or without hot rocks. Tanning sessions, facials, manicures and pedicures. We also have aromatherapy sessions but they are individualized based on the client's need."

She looked at the pamphlet and smiled. "Oh this is fantastic I'm going to have to tell my friends."

She paid for her purchases and Xavier placed them in a bag. She waved her goodbyes and left the shop. Darien let out a sigh of relief because she was so positive about her visit. Sam clapped his hands like a giddy little child for a moment while squealing in delight. Allie who'd been quiet the whole time was still stunned at what had happened and realized she'd have a hell of a story to tell her friends later that night. Xavier reached over to Sam to give him a hug.

"Congrats babe, looks like we did a good one cause you KNOW she's going to tell everyone she knows."

Sam beamed and nodded. This was going to be a hell of a ride and they were on it at a full gallop now.

Sam walked in the house around four thirty and spotted a very cranky Devon having a meltdown on his mom. He'd about enough of Devon's behavior as of late and he'd been very patient but he wasn't going to let this child try and dictate his way through living here. He raised his voice

"HEY!" Sam gave a mean hairy eyeball his mamma had taught him and it worked because Devon stopped in his tracks. Sam pointed to the floor in front of his feet. Devon walked over and looked up.

Sam's towering height didn't make it easy for the child to look so far and Sam wasn't going to use that to intimidate him. He got down to Devon's level.

"I am going to ask you some questions. I want answers and no crying. If I can, I will help." He waited for Devon to acknowledge that he understood and he did by nodding.

"Ok first things first... What is the problem?" Sam waited again.

"I wanted takeaway to the park but Nan said no." He growled and crossed his arms and pouted.

"Were you given a reason as to why you couldn't go?" Sam asked him.

"She said not till I did my work from class." He still pouted.

"Then I suggest you complete your work and once it's done you will accomplish in getting what you want." Sam made sure he had clear instructions.

"I don't want to do it." He complained. "I want to go to the park first."

"I'm sorry, but this isn't how we do things here Devon. Work first play later. I have to work first. I get to play later on and if you do your work Xavier and I can spend some time with you after we are done working. Would you like that?" He gave the boy a chance to think about his offer and smiled when he nodded.

"Fantastic. Shall we shake on it?" and Devon did. Once he was done he went to the table and started his work.

"He's been cranky since he's gotten home. I tried to reason with him but I think he was missing his brother more than anything." Michelle was relieved to have her son come in when he did. She was about to resort to a time out and she didn't really like using that option if it could be avoided.

"It's OK mom. I think you're likely right. We'll take him out later. Maybe he will sleep better tonight too. I think the nightmares he's been having haven't helped with his sleep much."

"I don't think it's been helping with anyone's sleep much." She said as she washed her hands and dried them on a tea towel.

"Where's Xavier?" She asked looking around just noticing he wasn't with him.

"He's at the shop with a client and said he'd come home in a bit. We're going to get a bite to eat and I was wondering if you'd like to come with us."

"Oh hun, I appreciate the offer but I have soapwort to press tonight and it's not going to get done on its own. I can't make more soaps and shampoos if I don't work on perfecting what I am learning." She patted his arm, "But I am pleased you asked. You go enjoy yourselves."

"OK. We'll take Devon with us then so you don't have to cook for him." Sam looked over at Devon who let out a small cheer and chuckled at the enjoyment the child was obviously getting from the knowledge for a evening meal out.

It wasn't long before Xavier showed home and he got cleaned up for supper. "Did you tell your mom who came into the shop today?"

"Oh shit no! Hey mom... Ellen Page came into our shop today for her hair and bought a few of your items." Sam smiled and waited to see his mom's reaction.

"That's lovely Sam. Who is she?"

Sam and Xavier looked at each other and were mortified. They need needed to school her in who local stars were. This was going to be quite the evening indeed.

"Mamma I love you but some days you are so out of touch with our local celebrities. I will tell you all about it when we get back from work this evening, for now I need food. I love you and we will drop Devon off after."

They got into the car and waited for Devon to buckle up. "So where to?" Xavier asked Sam since he was driving this time. "Pizza!" Devon said as he smiled sweetly from the back seat.

"Well let's see... Did you finish your work?" Sam asked as Xavier looked on. Devon nodded his head yes. "Well then I suppose it's alright, and you can go to the park up the road too when we're done. How does that sound?"

"YEAH!" he yelled and Sam cringed and laughed.

"Pizza Hut it is then."

They headed to the famed pizza shop and ordered their meal and enjoyed it like any other family would. Slowly but surely they were getting use to all the changes they were facing as a family. Slowly but surely those changes would bring them closer together; Sam and Xavier knew that, and Devon was really starting to blossom since getting settled.

Sam reached over to Xavier's hand and gave it a squeeze. Their first day at the shop had been great and it was hopefully only going to get better. They paid for their meal and got ready to head off.

"Come on lets got for a walk at the park. I don't think it's too cold for a short walk." Sam hadn't been out for a jog or a walk in ages so he knew he needed it.

"Awesome idea dear." Xavier said taking his hand as they walked out of the restaurant. Devon took his brothers hand and they left on a happy note with Devon skipping along beside them.

Chapter 13 – Poof You're a fairy

The walk through the park was a quiet one for the most part until they got ready to leave. Xavier wasn't too pleased with the comments that spewed from a young man's mouth.

"Fag!" The teen with a dark leather jacket on had yelled. Now Devon was pretty close to this fella and stopped by him and much to Xavier's dismay yanked on his jackets and asked him.

"Why ye done call my brub a fag? I know his head is a might red but are ye gonna take a haul off him like the one in your hand?" He'd been referring to the cigarette the youth was smoking and it was very amusing.

Sam busted a gut laughing when he heard this and Xavier shook his head. The teen however was taken aback. "You mean to tell me that person is your brub? What the hell is a brub?"

"He means brother." Xavier said as he walked over to Devon and tried to direct him away from the teen who decided calling someone out was a good past time. "And he asked you if you were going to suck on me like the fag you have in your hand because a fag is a cigarette where he's from." The young man stopped and screwed up his face.

"God no!" he said disgusted.

"Den what's a for ye be calling my brub a fag? He's not one to light and huff on." Xavier got to Devon's level and looked him in the eye.

"He was trying to insult us with mean words Devon because he doesn't understand what love it." He gave the young fella the dirty eyeball for it before he continued to speak to his brother. "Fag here is a derogatory term for a gay person."

"But there's not a bloody ting wrong with being gay." Devon glared at the man. "I right mind to kick ya in da shins, ya shithead." Xavier pulled him back harder because he didn't need any issues with Devon's behavior but he did find it rather amusing to know his little brother was willing to stick up for him.

The teen just sat there baffled at the kid's reaction to him saying fag and laughed. "Oh look the little wee cocker wants to stick up for his faggy brub." The teen was pushing buttons he didn't want to and Sam was about to blow, but Xavier decided if this kid wanted to be an ass, he'd learn the hard way. He let Devon go, and go Devon did. Flying feet and fists and clocked the little asshole a good one too.

"Hey, fuck off!" The kid yelled as Devon hauled off and booted him in the knee. He backed off and Devon yelled. "Say ye apologies! Or I's gonna hurt ya more. No one makin fun of my brub!"

Apparently the young man didn't learn a thing and insisted on being an arse. "HA! Look pipsqueak your bro is a fag, get use to it. Ain't gonna change cause you think you can stick up for your bro. He's too fucking queer to fight his own battles gotta rely on a baby to do it for him."

"Actually I can fight my own battles, but see, you're over eighteen. I can be charged for sticking up for myself when you cry like a bitch you think I am. However, my little bro..." Xavier looked at his baby brother knowing full well what he could do and holding back Sam at the same time. "Well he can do quite well on his own and he doesn't need my help. You, I suggest better run."

The teen looked at him like Xavier was stupid. "Or what you fucking queer. You gonna sick the puppy on me?" He looked at Devon and laughed. The young man crouched and mocked Devon who walked closer to him. Sam wanted to intervene but Xavier held him back.

"Are you a little princess too like your brub? HAHAHA!" The boy reached out and pinched Devon's cheek and that was all Dev needed. He reached out and petted the boys hand then grabbed a finger and pulled it back the boy screamed and Devon kept going with the finger and did a flipping roll still hanging on for dear life. The teen couldn't get him off and Xavier was certain the kid would have a busted finger after that. The boy went down all the way and onto his side.

"SAY SORRY!" Devon yelled.

"I'M SORRY!" The kid was immediately let go and he grabbed his hand, tears in his eyes as he lay on the ground.

"NEVER ever call someone names like that again!" Devon got up and kicked him again for good measure. He walked to his brother. Sam didn't approve the way this was handled but he still had to make sure the teen was OK. He held back his amusement and asked,

"Hey want me to look at that?" He was concerned but it was short lived.

"NO fuck off; don't want to fucking fairy touching me!" The kid obviously still didn't learn his lesson.

Sam thought for a minute and then walked to the boy. Picked him up and placed him on his feet. Looked him square in the eyes and kissed his own hand.

"You call us fairies but I'm their queen." He touched the boys head. "Poof, now you've been kissed by a fairy, now you're one too. Have a wonderful life!" He walked away as Xavier lost it laughing. The teen stood there dumbstruck and stuttering for some insult he could hurl only to end up looking like the ass he was. Now it wasn't the best way to handle the situation and they both knew it but Devon was young and if sticking up for someone meant getting physical then so be it. Devon had to take self defense courses in England because he'd been picked on so much in the past. Now days he hardly ever used it. Xavier was pleased he didn't forget how. He couldn't stand bullies and he didn't like being one himself but sometimes it was a matter of principal. He reached over and took Sam's hand and they walked back to the car with Devon glaring back at the youth every once in a while as he followed them.

"I don't want you to do that to people in school unless someone hurts you first, OK Devon?" He said to his brother making sure he had a clear idea on what was expected of him. Devon nodded.

"I don't like it when people be ugly. Ya know, it be bloody dumb. Wat right he got being a dunderhead?" Sam chuckled at the British accent cutting through his conversation, when it came from Xavier's brother it was downright cute. When Xavier got going thought it was hot as hell! He smirked as Xavier reached out and took Devon's hand and spoke to his little brother.

"He didn't have the right, but people think they are better than those who aren't like them. It's called discrimination. They got to the car and Xavier buckled in his little brother and then got into the passenger's side. Sam slid into the driver's side and started the car.

"Even though that wasn't likely the best way to solve that problem, I gotta give it to you kiddo. You kicked some ass. Way to go." He couldn't leave the child without some encouragement for doing a good job sticking up for what was right. He reached back and raised his hand to give a high five. It didn't quite work like that. Devon cringed thinking Sam was going to smack him. Sam put his hand down pretty quick.

"Hey! Little man, I'm not going to slap you. Alright?" Devon's eyes were wide but he didn't move. Xavier had turned in his seat to look back at his brother. He never thought to ask him if their mom had ever smacked him around but from the looks of things that might have happened. Devon nodded but didn't say a word.

Sam looked at Xavier and twisted his face into an `I don't know' kinda look and decided it was best to just drive. They had been out longer than anticipated so they had to stop by the shop to do the books for the night and lock up. Devon hadn't been to the shop so he was awestruck with all the colors and the sounds when he walked in. Allie and Jean were the only two left as the others had gone.

"Hey boss man." Allie said as he walked in "Jean is in back cleaning off the tanning beds. I'm almost done here. She was finishing off a gentleman's cut. Devon wandered over to her and watched her fascinated with what she was doing.

"Don't touch anything Devon." Xavier told him. "Look with your eyes, not your hands." Devon nodded and went back to watching the thin redheaded lady cutting hair.

Sam went back and sure enough Jean's mocha tanned six foot frame was leaned over a tanning bed wiping it down.

"Hey." Sam said praying he wouldn't scare the young man working but he did jump a tad startled.

"Goodness. Sorry man. What's up?" Jean wiped a hand across his forehead. It was always warm in the tanning rooms.

"Just letting you know we're back and getting ready to close. How was everything tonight?" Sam was curious if it was slow or not.

"It was good. We had quite a few people stop by after you and red left." Jean looked around, "but we still have more work to do once you close. Hopefully it can be done quick."

"Yeah I'm hoping too. We have Xavier's little brother with us. He's got to get to bed soon." Sam walked with him back to the front of the store since he was finished with the tanning bed.

When Jean got out front where Devon was sitting Devon was asking a ton of questions to Allie who was cleaning the floors from her customer.

"My; he's a chatter box." Jean said chuckling. "Reminds me of my own son." Devon stopped when he heard Jean talking.

"Ya have a babe like me?" Jean nodded to the boy. "I do." He replied grinning because the accent threw him off but made the kid simply adorable.

"How old he be?" Devon asked inquisitively.

"He's nine." Jean said. Sam then realized when he said this that Jean was pretty young when he had him since Jean was only twenty six.

"He be with his mum?" Devon asked. Sam assumed it was because the child wasn't at the store with him.

"No, he's with his Nana." Jean said smiling. "Can I give him a job to do? He seems able to help I think it'd be good for him." He asked Xavier.

"Sure I can't see a problem with it." Xavier thought it was a fantastic idea. Allie liked the idea too.

"If you want there's a whole box of mom's stuff that has to go on the shelf. Devon would you like to put Nan's stuff on the shelf for her?"

"Ay! That be smashing!" He jumped from the other salon chair and scurried to the front counter. Jean smiled and passed the box to him.

"Here little man. Have at it, and when you're done I can show you the mud bath." Jean loved the look on the boys face.

"Ay? Ya wallow like hogs in mud here? Whatever fer?" Everyone chuckled at that.

"It's not mud like what pigs go into. It's special and it's got things in it to make your skin better." Allie said smiling as she swept the hair she'd just finished trimming into the dust pan.

"Oh. Fancy that." Devon said as he sat on the floor and hauled out some soaps and lined them up and laid them on their proper piles.

Sam took to the till and rang it off as Xavier locked the door and flipped the sign to close. The ribbon of paper from the till spewed forth and Sam waited till it was done. He took out the hand help calculator and punched in numbers from the day's sales and double checked it against what the drawer contained.

"Was any cash deposited in the safe?" He asked.

"I think Darien did when he balanced it after you guys left. " Jean said as he wiped shelves down and washed the counters off.

Sam nodded and went back with everything to check. The safe had the afternoon's deposits and Darien had written on the wrapper how much along with several payment stubs from the debit machine. Sam counted it and balanced the till. They were doing well considering it was the first day. Sam bundled the main float for the till, put aside a second float in case they needed change and bagged the rest for the bank. He brought the tray to the front slid it into the drawer and locked it.

"Who's in first in the mornings this week?" Sam asked Xavier.

"I think April and Brice are." Xavier wandered to the back part of the counter and pushed back the calendar where the schedule was hiding. "Yep, they are on."

"Ok, I think we should give whoever is working opening shift a key to get in, just in case we ever run late." Sam didn't want to lose out on income if that happened.

"Good idea. I'll get copies made tomorrow."

Devon showed off his skills with his piles of soap and Xavier gave his little bro a high five. He was being a big help. The rest of the work was done and Xavier let Jean and Allie out to head home. Sam set the alarm and they locked up. The drive home was quiet and quick. Devon stated to fall asleep in the backseat but Xavier kept him awake enough to get him inside once they got home.

"Come on kiddo you can stay awake that long." Devon nodded but Xavier thought they'd lose the battle till they got into the driveway.

"I stayed awake..." Devon said groggily.

"You did. Come on squirt. Time for bed." Devon wandered into the house and Sam hung the keys and locked the door. Xavier helped Devon get ready for bed. Sam wandered to the living room to see if his mom was about but she wasn't there. He went upstairs but she wasn't in her room either. He peeked around the corner to Devon's new room and asked Xavier.

"Have you seen mom, I can't find her and she should be here." He shook his head no and Sam wandered back downstairs. It wasn't until he went to the fridge to get a drink that he saw the note his mom left.

`Out with a friend. Don't wait up. Likely back tomorrow. Love mom.' Sam was surprised to see this note since his mom usually never ventured far from the house and with the holidays coming he'd expected her to be hauling out things for Halloween and Christmas since she tended to go all out for both holidays. He shrugged and opened the fridge and fetched himself a drink and headed back upstairs to see how Xavier was handling things, but Devon was sound to sleep and Sam noticed the shower was going so he assumed he was in there and decided he was going to let him have his relaxing time. Sam went to his computer and flicked it on and waited for it to boot up. He hadn't been on line in weeks and was surprised there were messages out the nose for him to tend to. Several were from both Aikrii and his brother Dante.

`Hey man, long time not chat. I know you're busy with the business and all but if you get a moment try to drop me a line. Would like to connect when I am in the city visiting my mom.


Sam tossed back a quick answer to his pal knowing Aikrii was more likely to see it faster than he would.

`Hey Aikrii!

Yeah we've been busy. The store opened today and we had Ellen Page stop by! It was amazing! Xavier and I have been going full tilt since August and he's now got his half sibling living with us. Long story there (Did you know Kolten and he are siblings by marriage?) Anyway if you want to meet up when you're in the area your best bet is to call me.


He hit send and continued on with the rest of his emails. The main one from his brother Dante was to invite him and Xavier and the rest of the family if he wanted to a large semi formal Christmas party that was being thrown by Josh's family; which baffled Sam since he wasn't aware that Josh even had family but he replied and asked where they'd be staying and if mom could come too. He signed off and browsed his favorite sites for a few minutes then shut down his computer. He turned in his chair and relaxed until Xavier walked in stark naked.

"Well hot damn." Sam said as he watched his boyfriend parade around their room in the buff. Xavier chuckled at his response.

"What baby? Haven't ya ever been to a farm?" He said as he rummaged in their dresser for a pair of briefs. Sam got up and pulled the boxers he'd picked out of his hands and tossed them.

"Hey! I needed those." Sam thought the farm comment was amusing but the only cock-a-doodle-do he wanted was Xavier's.

"Sorry rooster, I want to choke a chicken and you're the only cock in the house fitting that bill."

Sam kissed him successfully shutting up his protests and ushering him backwards to the bed.

Being as he was fully dressed still; the pain being caused by his erection straining against his jeans only made him hungrier to consume his partner. Sam shifted and undid his fly which released some pressure. Xavier's hands flew to his drawers and fondled him making Sam grit his teeth and then kiss him harder which elicited a soft moan from Xavier making his wandering hands only reach to the hips of his pants and make him push them off of Sam's hips.

It had been a bit since they had any contact so the frustrations and hormones were high. Sam growled once his member was free and in Xavier's eager hands, but he wouldn't stay there for long. Sam had other ideas and wandered his way down peppering his thigh with kisses with full intent to consume Xavier's joy with gusto.

Watching his redheaded Demigod writhe in ecstasy was always a thrill. Sam ran his hand up his trail patch of thin bright red hair and raked his belly lightly, the friction made him arch only making his manhood dance, enchanting him. Sam was fully enthralled with his conquest and consumed Xavier; much to his euphoric delight; with greed, gusto, and only one goal in mind. His service to Xavier's swollen member enticed more engaging movements, and luscious moans from his lover.

Xavier was lost in the moment as tongue flicks and suction caused him to spasm and lose himself. He grabbed Sam's head and thrust forward allowing his nectarous love flow forth down Sam's throat who consumed what he offered with ardor. He knew Sam wasn't quite done when he wandered his way back to his lips and kissed him soundly.

He could taste the saltiness upon his lips and smiled. Sam generously prepped himself before he advanced on the welcomed intrusion. He felt the tightness of his lover as he slowly advanced forward, Xavier's delicious moans only made him want him more as he slid all the way home he kissed his again and started to dance the slow rhythmic dance they tended to follow. It wasn't long before Xavier's sweet lustful moans and encouragement to go faster made Sam spill forth and elicit his own joyful response. He collapsed spent onto Xavier who wrapped his arms around his partner and sigh in wonderful satisfaction.

"I think we're both going to need a shower after that work out." He said to Sam chuckling.

"Mmm..." was Sam's only response.

"Come on you sexy goon, move your ass." Xavier laughed again when Sam actually stuck his ass in the air and shook it.

"Funny." He said slapping it.

"Oh baby, again." Sam said being a smart ass. So Xavier did... only much harder then scurried from the bed as Sam yelped.

"Hey!" He rubbed his ass and looked back at the red print Xavier left. "That smarted." Sam pouted.

"Aww..." Xavier looked at him and cringed, he didn't realize he'd swatted him hard enough to leave a mark. "Sorry babe. What can I do to make it up to you?" he said leaning down to kiss him.

"Kiss it and make it better." He said laughing and grabbing Xavier and pulling him back down with him in the bed.

"Umph!" Xavier fell down on the bed with a giggling Sam and he chuckled too. He was definitely a sucker for his boyfriends pout.

They got back up after picking on each other and jumped into the shower and delighting themselves in each other's company yet again. It was a perfect end to a busy evening.

Next: Chapter 26: Steppin Out IV 14 16

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