Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Mar 6, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few ywars... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 8 Oh That Wonderful feeling

Xavier quietly watched as Sam ran the wires through the beams to the outlet boxes while he was screwing the outlet boxes firmly to each designated spot. He could hear Josh gabbing away on his cell to a dealer for paint and other interior needs. Xavier also noticed Sam's brother Dante smiling as he laid the last few tiles to the floor. Music was blasting from Nye's iPod station and everyone was enjoying themselves boogying to some music. One upbeat song ended and a new one Xavier liked called `Poker face' started. He bopped to the beat

"Once you get those boxes up I have to add the wallboards and then we can do the dry walling and tomorrow we can sand and possibly paint." Sam said as he dusted his hands off and looked at his boyfriend wiggling his ass to the music. He chuckled and continued to look around at the shop coming together.

Josh got off his cell and swept over to Dante. He spun around like a dancer and kissed his cheek. He looked at a dancing and smiling Xavier and said as he tossed his arm over Dante's shoulder.

"Darlin' your paint is on order. The blinds are on their way and your stock will be coming on Monday morning."

Xavier nodded his approval as he cruised along to the music and finished the last box installation.

"This shop is going to be hoppin' once we're done;" He commented. Sam stopped pulling the wire through the wall and looked around he grinned and looked at Xavier.

"It's because of your cute wiggling butt that we're here so soon." He said smiling.

Xavier turned redder than his hair in an instant.

"I offered to help because you're prepared and a helping hand is all you needed."

Sam smiled and then chuckled and looking at Xavier's ass he said winking. "I still say it's your cute buns."

Xavier chuckled and piped up.

"It's only because you keep staring that you can't get my buns off your mind."

Sam laughed again. The music changed over to `I kissed a girl' and Sam looked at Nye with a questioning look; Nye in turn shrugged and laughed as he continued his work. Sam turned his attention back to Xavier.

"I think our shop will definitely be the talk of the town especially with the name Roomoorz."

Dante laughed at the pun Sam has so smoothly pulled off. Xavier had named the salon and esthetics shop Roomoorz the O's were done up as a double male and double female signs and had a rainbow background, it was done in 3D lettering of gold and black. Mani was doing the sign as they worked on the rest of the shop. Dante stood and wiped his hands off on the shammy he had and jammed it into his back pocket of his jeans. He walked over to Josh who had moved on to helping Xavier put up the lighting fixtures. He gave a poke in the side and made him squeal like a girl.

"Hehe." Dante chuckled giving him a peck on the cheek "You guys want some food?"

Xavier and Sam both stopped, "Yeah sounds good." They both said.

"Where we gonna go?" Josh asked.

"I don't know any suggestions?" Dante asked the rest. Nye turned off the iPod and waited to see what everyone would suggest.

Xavier was now standing in back of Sam. He had both arms over Sam's shoulders. He whispered something to Sam who chuckled and said.

"What about the Green Dragon Lounge?"

Mani piped up. "I have been working my cute ass off. The lounge sounds nice, and I could use a cold beer." Aikrii nodded in agreement.

They all called it a day and headed off to the restaurant. The evening went really well and they enjoyed themselves. Sam had learned that evening that Josh had planned on moving to Kearney and opening a new shop out there. He wasn't too sure how he felt about it but he knew his mom would be a bit heartbroken. The best news though came with Dante asked Josh one vital question.

"Where are we going to live?" Sam was relieved to see the tension that had been brewing dissipated. This also meant that the plans he and Xavier had to stay with his mom would still work out. It would just be cramped for a bit.

"We go apartment hunting as soon as the house sells, we don't need a house so an apartment will do or maybe a condo." Josh said his idea and plans were falling into place one by one and he was happy to see Dante smile back then his look changed suddenly.

"SHIT! I have to tell mom. She's going to be heartbroken when she finds out I'm leaving."

Xavier chuckled as Sam relaxed against him also laughing; he remembered his mother's interest in making natural products for the shop. She'd been learning a lot and he knew she'd be too busy to worry and voiced his thoughts.

"Baby bro, she's going to be too busy working at Roomoorz to be worried about anything."

Dante looked at him, he knew calling his brother baby bro usually annoyed him, but this time it didn't. Sam knew he was right; he always did know how to keep their mom busy. Dante would be content to know his mom would still be cared for and not alone. Dante's concern was written all over his face Sam and Xavier could see it so Sam threw in the reminder about Xavier.

"You know mom told me it was OK for Xavier to move in with us, because she figured you'd be moving out anyway. I still really think that's one reason why she agreed so easily as well to the second car instead of the cash straight out for the repairs she had done."

Dante looked surprised.

"Why did she think I'd move first?" he asked.

"Josh has a house that's why." Sam said but then remembered the shit that had gone down not long ago... "It's just too bad that it has such bad vibes to it now. But it's good you'll be getting a new place, somewhere to start new memories." Sam was happy for his brother and his possible adventure.

"So mom assumed I'd move?"

"Yeah she knows how hyper you are and how change is a thrill for you."

Dante laughed "It is a bit sad that the house is now going but I guess mom must have clued in by now that it's bound to happen considering everything that has happened there. I wonder how she's going to take me moving out of town."

Josh nodded at Dante's assumptions. "I think she's probably guessed by now, if not we'll tell her together."

Aikrii and Mani both stood and said they'd be back momentarily. They left the table and headed to the bar.

Josh's phone rang; the `Pride' ringtone throwing its beat into the air as Josh flipped it opened and answered it. "Jump Street Clothing, Josh speaking. How may I help?" he said as he answered using his shops name.

Xavier and Sam heard part of the one sided convo as they ate their meal.

"Hey Anya, how are you?" Josh said smiling to the phone. His convo seemed to be centered around his new employee.

"Yes darlin' you are. We're expanding Jump Street and you and Jen will run the shop in Curre while Dante and I run one in Kearney." Josh was animated as he spoke to the person on the other end of the phone. Dante was amused. Josh continued with his convo for a few minutes when he caught everyone's attention when he yelled out

"Fuck me! No Way!" it startled Dante most, but he calmed when he saw Josh's reaction to the caller. Josh was now visibly giddy with glee.

"You're really gonna buy my house?" Dante's eyes widened and Sam choked on his drink when Sam heard it. `Well damn!' he thought. They had only just spoken about that. There was some confusion with Josh's next question to Anya.

"You have kids?" He had a stunned look across his face then realization. Dante and Sam were both amused at how easy it was to read him. They all listened to him comment to her,

"Well this is great news. Thanks Anya. When they call I'll confirm what needs to be confirmed."

With that they said their good-byes and hung up.

Sam's brother was sitting there looking at his boyfriend with absolute amazement. Mani and Aikrii had already returned to the table with a pitcher of beer for the guys as Josh excitedly gushed about the impending sale of the house.

"My god we have to tell mom!" He said. Sam nodded at his brother as Josh laughed "Yes dear, we do."

They celebrated for another hour enjoying the chat about Roomoorz and the house. They all separated in a great mood. ********************************************************

"We will miss you." Michelle gushed as her youngest of her twin got ready to leave. It had been cramped in the house for a few months but Dante was spreading his wings and leaving with his boyfriend to a new town and Sam didn't really know how to feel about it, but having Xavier at his side helped some. This would be the first time in over twenty plus years that he and his brother would be apart. The feeling was surreal. Sam hugged his `little' brother and waved to them as they drove off in the moving truck with the car on a flat bed behind it.

Sam hugged his mom as she turned her face into his shirt. She tried not to cry because she was happy for him but she couldn't help it. "Aww mamma he will be fine, and we're here for you." Sam hugged her and waited till she was able to pull herself together.

"Oh I know baby, it's just I never thought that I would see this day so quickly. It seems like only yesterday I was chasing him through the house trying to get him to put his pants back on." Sam smiled at the memory of his brother's bad habit of streaking. Xavier chuckled.

"I don't suppose Sam was the same?"

Michelle smiled and shook her head no. She walked inside with them both and headed to the kettle. She started some tea and asked them if they wanted some.

"Sure." Xavier said as he sat at the kitchen table. It felt weird to him as well considering for the last few months they'd pretty much lived around packed boxes from Josh's former home and Sam's brother's belongings. He was relieved though that they got off on a good start with the move and all and Xavier had wished them luck and promised to get Sam out there to visit as soon as they could; which would likely be around Christmas time.

"So if Sam wasn't a streaker as a child, what was he like?" Xavier was interested in what his boyfriend was like as a child.

Sam looked at him confused. "Now why in the world would you want to know that?"

"Curiosity dear." Xavier said with a smug grin.

"Oh God mom don't tell him!" He looked at his mother mortified knowing the stories she could tell him.

Michelle chuckled as she poured and then served the tea she had made. "Ahh my dear boy there's not enough time in the day to tell you all he did." She leaned back against the counter sipping her tea and thinking.

"MOM!" Sam protested. "Come on leave me some dignity!"

"My dear child you use to embarrass me when you were little, now it's my turn." She patted his cheek and watched him redden.

"Oh he used to embarrass you?" Xavier was kind of curious on how. "Did he throw temper tantrums?"

"Oh my no! He was well behaved, just a smart ass mostly." Michelle sipped her tea again and remembered the first time he'd embarrassed her in public no less. She figured if she was going to give away his younger days she might as well justify her reasoning behind telling him by telling that embarrassing story first.

"See Sam was a visual child. He had this habit of saying things out of the blue when you least expect it." She smiled then continued. "We were on the metro here heading to the Dr's one day and I was playing with him telling him he had peach fuzz on his face and he was growing a mustache and he wasn't having any of it." She paused a moment reminiscing and laughed to herself. She looked back at Xavier and spoke again. "Well he decided he'd get back at me and all of a sudden he yells out loud enough the whole bus could hear... Well mamma you have a bigger mustache than me!" I was so embarrassed but those who chuckled; it was more of the `Out of the mouth of babes' kind of deal. He was amusing though.

Xavier slapped the table and cracked up in a good hearty roll of laughter. Sam watched his boyfriend lose it at his mother's story and he too got a good chuckle. He'd forgotten about that day.

"Well damn I was a little shit wasn't I?" Sam said as his mother's eyes twinkled with delight as they all laughed at her expense.

"Sometimes. I think the worse was when you went into the bathroom... I think you were five or six and you took all my Kotex and pulled off all the tabs and stuck them to the walls all over the house." She paused as the story hit home and Sam's eyes bugged out of his head as Xavier lost it again about pissing himself laughing.

"You thought they were airplane stickers." She laughed as he put his face into his hand and groaned. He ACTUALLY remembered that.

"Oh gawd mom!" He was red now and she chuckled again. "Let's just call that even now eh?" She winked at him as she sat beside them and relaxed. "I really miss those days when you were so young and needed me. Now you're all grown and leaving. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when you move out."

"Aww! Ma, we're not going to go anywhere quite yet. Hell we have at least four months before the store even opens. From here on out we can all work together to get your ideas running and Xavier and I will work on getting our overhead and stock ready."

Michelle smiled at her son. He was always closest to her and she's glad that didn't change about him as he grew. They both looked so much like their father, but Sam more so due to his nature. She felt so blessed.

************************************** September came in with a cool breeze and a burst of color to the trees and Roomoorz was nearly completed. Sam and Xavier were boogying around the shop painting the last few walls and unpacking boxes of supplies. Eric and Kolten had popped down for a visit to hang out with Xavier for a bit and Sam got a chance to know them.

Viva La Vida started on Sam's disk playing in the stereo on the counter. Eric was painting the large wall to the left of the entrance that was behind the reception desk with Xavier and they were chatting up a storm while Sam got help from Kolten who was talking about his trip to England that past summer and how he was getting ready to start university in Kearney in a few days.

"You must be excited about that." Sam commented.

"I am but I'm also concerned. I spent more time trying to convince my step mom to allow me to take Devon so she could get a break since she's not in top mental capacity to be caring for him. She however thought differently and took a spaz attack on me. I had to leave Devon there. Xavier is pretty worried about it all too." He looked over at his friend and the 2nd half brother to his little brother. They weren't related but they both had Devon's well being in common. "I left him with a Jitterbug cell phone so he could call us if he needed to talk." Kolten was in a good mood but Sam could see he was visibly worried about his little brother.

"At least you planned ahead. All you can do now is pray he will be OK." Sam added more of the conditioners he was unloading from the box onto the display shelf. "So tell me a bit about your adventures in England aside from the chaos at home. Did you get out anywhere?"

Kolten nodded and smiled. "I had a good time actually. I helped someone while I was out there but sadly I haven't seen them since. I got to check out some of the awesome pubs there too. Did you know you can be eighteen to drink there!?" Kolten was relaxing talking about his adventures and Sam was pleased.

"No, I wasn't aware of that but that's a good thing to know." Sam looked up to see that Xavier and Eric finished the last wall and they were coming over to them.

"Looking good hun." Sam said as Xavier reached to him and kissed the side of his head.

"Who me or the wall?" Xavier said winking and chuckling.

Sam laughed at his comment and they stood back and looked at the shocking lime green they had put on the wall. Eric piped up.

"Man if this doesn't wake people up when they come in here nothing will."

"Well we're hoping to get more of a `OH WOW!' vibe..." He admired the deep lilac, and green paints and how they complemented one another. He never thought in his life that such two contrasting colors would work so well together. The orange lighting along the walls with the shelving units made things pop too. The whole place was alive with colors. The salon chairs were blue while the studio styled mirrors and stands where each cosmeticians gear would go was a bright red. The tiled floor was white and yellow and it screamed assiduities from anyone who entered the premises. Sam smiled as his boyfriend gave him a squeeze. They were ready, he was sure of it.

They cleaned up the paint cans and drop cloths. Wiped down the rest of the shop and mopped the floors. All that remained was finishing off loading the stock they had ordered. All the young men went to work on a section of the massive eight foot walls to fill things in when Michelle walked into the door with several boxes of her own.

"Hi mamma!" Sam said cheerfully as he reached for the two boxes she had in her arms and Xavier opened the door so the cart she was bumping along with the rest could be brought into the store.

"What in the world is all of this?" He asked her as he set them down, and looked over to the cart.

She smiled and passed him a piece of paper and waited for him to see that she'd received her approval from the Health and safety regulations board for all of her products which had all been tested and labeled properly. Francis had helped her with more than she had ever imagined but she wasn't letting her son in on that part just yet.

"OH mamma! This is AMAZING NEWS!" he grabbed her, lifted her off her feet and spun her around overjoyed at her accomplishment. She laughed and smacked him at the same time.

"Put me down boy before you break your back!" She was flushed with excitement as well as pride.

He smiled down at her and gave her a big kiss on the side of her cheek. He passed the paperwork to Xavier who looked at Sam confused. "Oh Ma! You are amazing too. Come on show me what you did." Xavier's eyes opened wide and he started laughing as well.

"You did it! Holy shit... she did it!" Even he was impressed. It wasn't easy to get approval for natural products and it took a long time the others were confused at what they were babbling about until Michelle started hauling out soaps, shampoos and more from her boxes.

"It's all natural, 100% organic and it's ready to be sold." She pulled one box over to her son and showed him. It was coffee scented bars of handmade soap with actual coffee beans in the soap for exfoliation and he was thrilled because the product was aimed at the male population. He knew this one would be a great seller.

"Oh My God, Ma! You're so gonna make a killing with this stuff!" He had pride in his smile and she could see it. She always held it for her boys but today felt good knowing he had it for her. His next words made it all the better. "I'm more than happy to sell it here for you. Do you have a flyer for customers so they can look at things?" She smiled and passed him the last envelope she had.

"I got them all done at the printers this morning." Sure enough there was everything listed with content and sizes and what each item did for consumers to check over. Sam promptly placed them all in the stand at the front counter. "Come on mom. Let's get these set up in the display case. I want to make sure these get noticed before we open."

Everyone pitched in and got her displays set up and admired the work once it was all done.

"I think it's time to call it a day guys. Come on home and I'll feed ya all." Michelle felt very accomplished and the need to celebrate was strong. Everyone agreed. Sam watched as everyone left the shop and he looked back as he flicked on the back display lights and turned off the main ones. His dream was finally coming true. He locked the door and headed home with his friends and family.

Chapter 9 – All in a day

"I never knew you could speak Dutch!" Michelle said after she learned more from Eric about Xavier.

"Ja, vrij goed." Xavier responded and winked. Sam leaned in towards him as they ate smiling. He whispered to him "Now you can talk dirty to me?" He watched Xavier try and catch himself before he choked on his food as Eric continued talking to his mom.

"I taught him and his sister both so they could travel across Europe." Eric said. "They were pretty fast learners I tell ya. I have been speaking it for years and they picked it up in about six months." He stuffed more of Michelle's delicious spaghetti into his mouth. He'd not had any that tasted quite like this.

"I must say your food is to die for Mrs. Ericson." Eric said to Michelle after he finished off the last mouthful he had.

"Oh my dear boy, call me Michelle. I'm not so old yet as to be called by my last name quite yet." She chuckled as he got red in the face.

"You know, I want to travel again. It's been a long time." Michelle said to Eric "The only language I speak is English and Bad English." Xavier chuckled at that comment and Sam perked up.

"Don't let her fool you Eric. She can speak pretty mean French if you piss her off enough!" He laughed hard at his mother's reaction.

"Samuel Tyson Ericson!" She used his full name and Sam cringed. "Oh shit... I pissed her off." He whispered to Xavier who was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. Eric and Kolten were dying with the giggles as well.

"Ahh mamma you know I love ya!" he got up and cleared Eric's dish and then reached for his moms and stooped over and kissed her cheek. "Supper was divine as usual mamma." She play slapped him away as he took her dish and walked them to the sink.

"So why don't you take a trip Michelle." Kolten asked her.

"Well mainly because I want to get my business off the ground first. I've been working for a few years towards opening my own restaurant." She sighed before she continued. "It's been taking more work than I had imagined it would, but I'm getting closer." Sam sat with everyone again only this time he had a deck of cards and started to shuffle them as everyone listened to her speak of her dreams.

"When do you think it'll open?" Eric asked her.

"Oh God. At the rate everything has been going probably not for another three years that is unless I can find a spot to open. It's been my biggest challenge; finding an affordable place. I don't quite have enough saved to get anything too big."

"Haven't you spoken to Francis yet about that?" Sam asked his mom who he noticed put her head down and he felt there was something a bit off with that response. He waited and she only sighed and stated he wasn't available to assist her with that search. She didn't elaborate.

"Well I'm sure with all the natural products you make for our shop you'll be busy enough baking those goodies up for now. The new place will come when you least expect it and likely because the funds will help." He smiled at his mom who seemed to relax.

"Come on let's play cards."

All of them got into a good game of `Asshole' and drank a few spirits and relaxed. The shop was ready. Advertizing started in the morning and they were both looking forward to starting on their own journey.

The evening ended with Kolten crashing in Dante's old room and Eric went home. Sam kissed his mom good night and he and Xavier retired to their room.

"I had fun tonight hun." Xavier said as he crawled into bed beside Sam.

"It was nice getting to know your friends and your half brother's other sibling. When does Kolten head to Kearney?"

"In two days." Sam said laying back "I still can't believe he's starting university. It's going to be harder on Devon because he won't see him as often."

"I'm sure things will work out with that. From what Kolten told me Devon is a smart kid. He will manage." Sam snuggled in against Xavier and ran his hand through the light dusting of hair Xavier had on his belly.

"Ummm, you're probably right." Xavier kissed his head and snuggled down too. He sighed and felt Sam shift.

"Oh hun, you look beat." Sam said as he planted a kiss on Xavier's lips. "Come on let's get some sleep. Love you. Good night." Sam then tucked himself against Xavier's side and they both drifted off.

Xavier saw Kolten off two days later. The flight had been delayed due to an expected snowfall in Kearney which was odd for September, but he didn't worry too much since the snow hadn't yet made it to Curre. He watched Kolten's plane taxi down the runway and take off. He turned from the window and pulled out his cell and punched in Sam's number.

"He's safely off to Kearney. What's on for the rest of the day?"

"We have seven interviews for potential chairs at the salon. The tanning beds are being delivered and installed and I do believe we have the delivery for the mud today; although I could be mistaken. I have to check the records. Oh and we need to talk to David at the bank about loan payments. I can't for the life of me find what we have to send in each month." Sam's list was long but Xavier was more than happy to help. The shop would be ready on time and they'd be ahead of the game. He smiled and spoke.

"I'll be there soon hun. You want me to grab you a coffee before I get there?"

"Oh God could you? I feel a dreadful drag and could use the pick me up." Xavier could hear the tired in his voice. He hoped that once the shop was opened he could get him to relax some.

"I'll be there in thirty minutes dear." Xavier said Good-bye and got into his car.

"Good Lord! I didn't think they'd be so big!" Sam was stunned at the tanning beds while crated and they were having an issue getting them inside.

"That's what he said!" Xavier piped up being a smart ass as Sam glared at him. "Hush your mouth!" Sam was six shades of red and Xavier was having fun with it.

"Looks like you're gonna have to have to dismantle those crates first and bring them in as separate pieces. There's no way they will fit like that." The delivery guys were more than happy to oblige.

Both beds were uncrated and set up but it took much longer than anticipated and Sam had to start interviews through the racket of the installation. Just one more thing to stress him out. Xavier could see it mounting.

"Breath hun." Xavier reached over to his boyfriend's shoulders and started to rub them. "Try to relax. Things will work themselves out."

Sam nodded and watched from their office window as the next person walked into the shop. The young fella who had entered; stopped looked around and Sam smiled as he watched his jaw drop. He could hear Xavier chuckle as the young man made his way to the reception desk. "I think he likes your vision hun. Go bring him back." Sam got up to go meet his next interview.

Darien was mystified with the shop he'd entered and amazed with the colors and the smells. He sort of found it hard to believe that it was run by someone close to his own age. He looked at the newspaper he held in his hand with the envelope holding his credentials calling for those who had cosmetology or esthetic backgrounds. He realized he had the right place when a tall dark haired fella walked from the back office and held out his hand and introduced himself.

"Good day. I'm Sam Ericson. My partner will be along in a moment. I assume you're here for a job interview?" He smiled at Darien and shook his hand.

"Yeah. I am. What an amazing shop. When do you open?"

"October first if we can. We're a bit ahead of schedule so it's all good." Sam directed him to the back office and Darien sat down. He wasn't there long when a red headed fella popped his head into the office and spoke to Sam.

"Mud's here."

"Oh good! Tell whoever is delivering it to just add it direct to the bath. Be a darling and sign for it please." Sam picked up his papers and smiled up at the fella Dairen assumed was Sam's partner.

"OK where were we?" He looked at Darien and proceeded. "Did you send in a resume or are you answering the ad we placed?"

"The ad actually." Darien pulled his resume from his envelope and his certification from his school. He passed it across the desk. Sam looked at it and read over a few lines and reached for his drink as he mulled it over. He took a sip and the other fella Darien seen walked back into the office and sat down next to him. Sam passed his resume to him.

"My partner here is Xavier. I have a few questions to ask and we'll show you around if you want."

"Sure." Darien was a bit confused as he'd never had an interview before with two people.

Xavier put his resume down and nodded at Sam with a smile and Sam gave him a nod back as he relaxed in his chair. Darien figured he could relax as well since these two seemed to be content with his papers.

"Tell me who you think your weak points are when it comes to day to day things you do." Xavier tossed out the question and Darien was a bit confused. Why would they want to know his weak points. Wouldn't an employer go for strengths? Not that he could really give his since he wasn't sure, but he'd have tried if they had of asked... Then he got an idea.

"I would say my weak points would be not knowing how to describe those weak points to the satisfaction of the person who's asking. I think not knowing how to sell myself per-say would be my weakness for most of what I do because I think my performance should speak for itself."

He heard Xavier hum in agreement as Sam nodded along with him and wrote something on his resume.

"In this sort of environment what job would you say you'd be best suited for?" Sam had asked this time and Darien was happy to give him that info.

"I can pretty much do anything. I am a wiz regarding hair. I'm proficient with mani and pedi's. I have certification with therapeutic massage. I understand you have a mud bath and am able to work with this as well. I'm not too sure if you do aromatherapy but I have training in this as well and I know how to clean and repair most salon equipment." He knew he was beaming when he bragged about his abilities but he didn't care he was actually excited about the possibilities of working in a new place he had a feeling would take off. He just needed to get his chair.

Sam grinned, wrote another note and circled something and Xavier wrote something himself. They didn't say much which honestly kept Darien on his toes but they seemed happy so far.

"Ok, let's take a walk around. I want to show you some things and I expect you may have a few questions, in turn I may have a few myself." Sam stood and directed him out the office door. He brought him back to the front of the shop.

"As you can see we have our chairs here. If you're hired I base your chair spot based on performance. I for now; share chair one with my partner Xavier. In the beginning no one has a set chair until I see how well those we do hire; work out." His explanation seemed reasonable and Darien expected he'd at least earn his way to chair three since he was certain he could perform to those standards. He continued to direct him around the front of the store.

"As you can see we have a lot of stock here to sell. From makeup to nail polish, creams, shampoos and soaps. I try and keep our products locally made. You won't see a made in Japan or China sticker on any of these items. We're also happy to support locally made all natural products which I already have in stock." He pointed out a whole product shelf that had homemade soaps that almost looked like something one could eat. There were shampoos that sparkled and bath fizzers and more. Darien was impressed with the stuff. He noted the company name; TrueU but the U's touched each other and were mirrored... the 2nd being a rainbow in color while the rest of the font was dark green. He was pleased to see natural products in the shop. Too many forgot about that beauty aspect.

"I have a question." I was curious on where this stuff came from.

"So is this locally made or just from within our borders?" Darien smelled one of the bars of soap which he noted was obviously targeted at the male population. It smelled of coffee and something else he couldn't quite put his finger on. It had a dark rich color with light swirls and what looked like whipped cream on top, but it was solid.

"My mom makes it actually." Sam was quite proud of her accomplishments and wanted to ensure those who asked knew who made them.

"Really? This is quite impressive. You don't find many who focus on the male population when it comes to all natural products. I love this smell." Darien took another breath of the soap. "What is the scent? I get coffee but I'm not too sure the second I detect."

"Ahh," Sam picked up the Coffee spice bar. "It's actually three scents you have there. Coffee, cinnamon and hazelnut. Delicious isn't it?"

"Oh it is! I think I'll grab a bar if that's possible." He waited to see if Sam was going to sell it to him or make him wait.

"Sure no problem. When we're done I'll ring you through." He directed him to the back of the shop to show him the rest of the place. Darien was blown away at how large the place actually was. From the front it looked small but then he realized it was also an esthetics shop. Sam showed him the tanning beds. He showed him the back mud room where the guy who came with the mud delivery was finishing up and handed him a clipboard and some forms to sign. Sam then took him to where the heated rocks for massage were and the back sauna room. Darien was equally impressed with the little extras they had for manicures and pedicures, the special sinks with chairs that raised and lowered for clients when they were getting their hair done.

When the tour was done Darien was satisfied that this was indeed a place he'd like to work. As they walked back to the office where Xavier was sitting he asked. "What times will you be opened?"

"We actually haven't decided on that quite yet. We're debating nine or ten a.m. until we know how many regular clients we have." Xavier said answering.

"Fair enough." Darien was happy to know it wouldn't be crazy early. "What's the pay an hour?"

"We base pay on chair level, however prior to that we're giving standard minimum wage per hour until that's established. We will also add commission on many of the products we sell. If you sell a package spa day you automatically make ten percent of that sale, so the bigger the package the better the return." Darien nodded. He liked those incentives. Sam looked at him and waited a minute before asking. "So anymore questions?"

Darien couldn't think of any other than "No, not right now, but if you have any for me I will answer the best as I can."

Xavier piped up. "When can you start working here?" He smiled and Darien felt a bubble of giddiness tingle through him.

"Opening day." Darien waited. He was thrilled this job prospect was so easy to obtain.

"Welcome aboard." Sam reached over his desk and shook hands with him. Darien beamed and felt a sense of relief. He didn't realize he was tensed up until then.

"Be here October first at nine in the morning. I want to ensure we're all here on ribbon cutting day." Sam was glad they had decided to hire this fella. He was a good fit, his credentials were impeccable and he knew a few of the people he had on his references.

"I'll be calling your references later tonight but I don't think you'll have anything to worry about." Sam walked with Darien to the door and saw him off with a wave and a thanks from the young man.

Xavier stood beside him. "I think we made a good choice." He slid his hand into Sam's ass pocket of his jeans and pulled him closer.

"I believe you're right." Sam said as he turned and kissed his partner firmly. The front door's chime alerted them the next interview had walked in. They both smiled when they heard the lady who'd walked in chuckling.

Breaking apart Sam started with his introduction. "Good day, Welcome to Roomoorz! I assume you're here for the interview?"

Xavier smiled as they young lady who was now gracing them with her presence agreed. He thought `Awesome. Only seven more to go.' as he got ready to finish out his day with Sam.

******************************* The day ended on a great note. They had hired six people. Darien whom Sam was certain would make for a great stylist considering his credentials along with everything else as he topped almost everyone who'd come for an interview. April whom he'd learned was a shoe in on the mani and pedi sections. Jean, Sam learned was the top of his class for massage therapy. Brice was a veteran stylist as well as a shrewd salesman. Jonie was a fashionista when it came to perms and specialized in unique hair dying styles that she'd learned all over the world. The last of the crew was Ali; she was young and learning but fast and very neat which Xavier was pleased with. He smiled as he closed the shops main doors and pulled the shades. He and Sam still had some minor details to deal with before they could head home but he needed to pull Sam out of the sauna he was testing. He knocked on the door and Sam waved to him to come in. Xavier looked around and figured the hell with it. Relaxing was OK. He walked to the bathroom shucked his clothing, grabbed a housecoat and wandered to the sauna.

The heat hit him and sucked the breath from him. It took a moment to get use to the temperature change. "Good lord this is warm. How long have you been in here?" He sat beside him.

"Only about two minutes but it's all good. We can do this for ten minutes since this is your first time. I can last a full twenty some days although that's considered pushing it. Once we're done we can go grab a quick cool shower." Sam was in a fantastic mood and Xavier could tell which pleased him since he knew how stressed he'd been earlier.

Their session ended and Sam grabbed Xavier's hand and pulled him to the showers. He turned on the water to lukewarm and pulled Xavier in with him who screeched at the coolness.

"OH good LORD it's cold!" Xavier danced under the spray beside him.

Sam chuckled and rinsed himself off and shook his head making water spray everywhere. His piercings glinted in the lights. Xavier raised his hands and laughed as he tried to stop from being splattered. He turned the water to a warmer setting and tried to splash Sam. It was fruitless since Sam didn't seem to care if the water was steaming hot or freezing cold. Sam laughed right along with him and picked him up and spun him around in the stall.

"Oh goodness me you're spirited tonight!" His comment was cut short when Sam's lips captured his. He didn't have any complaints what so ever in Sam's frisky response to his banter. He simply allowed him to enjoy himself. It didn't take long for either of them to get wound up. It'd been awhile since they had been intimate so this was a pleasure for both of them. Not to mention Xavier thought to himself they'd christen their store. He chuckled under Sam's lips as he continued to play with him.

Sam growled playfully. "Now why are you laughing while I'm trying to get your aroused?" he asked.

"Oh my love I'm already fired up. Every time you you touch me, I get that spark burning through me and I have to behave because we're almost always in public." Xavier grabbed his ass and pulled him close and Sam could very well feel he was quite stimulated. "I was chuckling over the notion of christening the store."

Sam smirked. "I'm sure I can nail you in every spot between now and the first." Xavier shivered at the anticipated thought; the water warmed some more and it wasn't because he was playing with the taps. Xavier ran his hands around his hips to his erect member. Sam's head went back as he felt himself engulfed by his hands and moaned in delight as Xavier decided to pay special attention by ever so slowly stroking his erect member.

Xavier laid kissed and delightfully wonderful little nibbles to his skin as he made his way down to Sam's prodigious manhood. The throaty growl Sam released as he slid member into his mouth was enough to make him half ass smile while he applied his ministrated care. He looked up as Sam watched him consume his length and the look of want sent tingles through them both.

Xavier danced his tongue along his shaft; his lover's hands went to his hair as he rocked with his timed movement. Sam's breath was brisk and laboured as he tried to hold back for as long as possible. He didn't want to explode before he got to pay attention to Xavier. When Sam couldn't handle anymore he slowed and got Xavier back to his feet and kissed him with sheer hunger.

Xavier whined that he'd stopped him but Sam had another idea. He grabbed the conditioner that was in the stall with them and used it on himself. Xavier smirked and turned his back to him; Sam pulled him back against his chest and then bit his neck making Xavier shiver in anticipation. The intrusion was slow but sweet and Xavier welcomed it. Sam filled him and then gripped him from the front.

They both knew the dance wouldn't last long since Sam was already near the verge of toppling over the edge so they danced slowly at first. The water's temperature no longer mattered as they were creating their own heat. Sam picked up the rhythm as Xavier's vocalizations became more urgent which; in turn made Sam inflamed. He gripped Xavier's hips and ploughed on forward, his thrusts getting swifter and harder; each stroke landing straight across his prostate sending Xavier into a licentious howl. "Ahhh, FUCK SAM!!!...uhhhggg..." the guttural sound was enough to send him over.

Sam's climb ended with the expected topple over that edge. He spilled his seed forth into Xavier; who also lost his own on the shower floor. Xavier quivered and both got weak in the knees but managed to remain standing. Panting and trying to not to slip they separated and turned to face each other; only to end up back in each other's arms.

"God lord Sam." He said with a sheepish and tired smile. "I swear to go you just fucked my legs right out from under me." Sam adjusted the showers temperature so Xavier could warm up some. He chuckled at his comment and kissed him soundly.

"I needed that release." He said to Xavier. "Sorry if I was rough."

"Trust me I'm not complaining!" He laughed hard and placed his hands on either side of Sam's face and kissed him hard. "You can ride me like a wild horse anytime." He winked, then watched as Sam's eyes twinkled with delight at his dictum.

"Come on my sexy stallion. Let's go get dressed and head home. It's late and you look like you're going to fall over." Sam shut off the taps and reached for one of the many towels and covered Xavier after he agreed.

They both dried off and got dressed slowly. Neither one really in a rush but both tired from the day's events. Once they were ready. Sam set the alarm and locked up the store. He happily drove them home. When they arrived just after midnight Sam noticed the delightful scent in the house. It smelled like his mom had made more soaps and other products. He smiled and nudged his boyfriend to the stairs to bed.

Xavier plugged in his cell, crawled into bed and happily passed out beside Sam after he shucked off his clothing. Today had been an amazing day and he was certain things could only get better from there.

Chapter 10 – Sorrow

RING! RING! The insistent ringing of Xavier's cell at 7 a.m. made him groan in protest. RING! RING! He rolled over and reached for it and realized Sam wasn't beside him at the same time he saw who the caller was.

The England number popped up on his screen and he wondered why his mom would be calling at 11 a.m. her time. She should be at work. He punched the accept call and answered.


The small sobbing voice on the other end made Xavier bolt straight up in his bed just as Sam walked into the room with a coffee for them both. The questioning look on his face as he listened to one side of the call.

"Savior..." the sobbing was followed by a hiccup. "I can't get her to talk to me. Mum won't talk."

"Devon. Oh bud. Is she taking her meds?" He knew what his mom got like when she didn't take her medication. Sam set down the coffee and wandered to the closet to get changed still half listening.

"She didn't for a long time Savior. She's not talking anymore. She doesn't leave the bathroom." Devon at seven was smart but still a child. The comment about not leaving the bathroom bothered him.

He had a bad feeling so asked, "Devon is mom sleeping?" He waited to see what his little brother's answer would be.

"No. She just swings." He heard the crying start again and Xavier's guts went right out of him. He had a sick feeling and he didn't like it one bit.

"Devon. Go down stairs. I want you to unlock the door. Go next door to Miss Williams and knock hard. I'll stay on the phone with you." He heard his little brother say OK and listened to him unlatch the door and bang on the door. Sam looked back at Xavier who wasn't quite focused on him and with a raised eyebrow wondered just what the hell was going on.

It took a moment but the elderly lady next door finally answered. Xavier heard "Goodness me Devon why are you banging on my door, shouldn't you be in class?"

Xavier spoke to Devon and told him to pass the phone to his neighbour. He heard him say here.

"Hello?" Mrs Williams was a might baffled at the intrusion so bloomin' early in the morning.

"Hi Mrs. Williams. It's me Xavier."

"My boy why are you calling me?" She wrapped her housecoat tighter and waited for Xavier to speak to her. She knew he was in Canada.

"I didn't call. Devon called me. He said something mighty disturbing and I need you to call emergency. Do NOT allow him back into the house." Xavier watched as Sam's eyes got bigger with his confusion and mouth `What's going on?' to him. Xavier raised one finger to get him to wait, he was trying his best to hold himself in control he didn't want to freak anyone out, but he knew the next bit of news would answer things for both parties.

"Oh dear me!" She replied. "Is it serious?" She looked in the door way of the unit next to her. She didn't notice anything odd.

"I think mom is dead," Sam's hands flew to his mouth in shock as Xavier continued with the lady on the other end of the phone. "But please don't say anything to Devon. I'll be there as soon as I can. Please keep him with you." Xavier was upset but he had to keep his cool and muttled through.

"Oh Lord have mercy!" She reached over to Devon and tucked him into her side. "I'll call as soon as possible. I'll call you back and let you know."

"Please do." He rung off with her and slowly set the phone down. He looked at Sam who was still in shock but Xavier was going to toss another blow. He uttered the words he never thought he'd ever have to say.

"I think my mom killed herself."

Sam sat on the bed in front of him stunned but trying his best to do what he can. He watched the tears well in Xavier's eyes. He reached for him and pulled him into a strong hug. Xavier was just as stunned. He didn't know for sure but his gut feeling was she had killed herself. He took a deep breath pulled back and wiped his eyes.

"I have to go get him. I can't leave him there. There's no one to take care of him. His father passed when he was five so Kolten and I are the only family he has left."

Sam nodded his understanding. "When?" was all he asked. He didn't think talking to respond was a good idea. He just listened as much as he could.

"I'm not sure. I'm going to wait for Mrs Williams to let me know. She lives in the flat next door. She'll keep him till I get there." He let off a strangled sob and put his hands to his face to hide his anguish.

"Oh Xavier! I'm so sorry." Sam felt hopeless. He didn't know what to do and he'd had many losses in his life time.

"Don't be." He said. "I cry because I never got closure Sam. It's selfish but it's true. She never apologised to any of us on how she treated us and she hurt Devon in so many ways. I guess this was her ultimate way to tell us all to go fuck ourselves."

He was angry and hurt and Sam could see it. Having someone who had mental health issues who turned against those who loved them was damaging to everyone involved. "I'm sorry for you love. For the pain you've endured. For your loss, even if it's because you didn't get her to say sorry." He ran his hands through his red locks and kissed his forehead. "It's OK to vent. I'll listen."

Xavier sighed. "God I love you." He said to Sam. He smiled at those lovely words.

"Come on let's get dressed. You're gonna need to pack." Sam reached down to him after he stood and offered a hand; helped him to his feet and kissed him again. Xavier wandered to the bathroom in a dazed state to have a shower. He wasn't in there long when the phone rang again. Sam answered.


"Hi is Xavier there?" a lady asked.

"Is this Mrs. Williams?"

"Yes it is. May I ask whom I'm speaking with?"

"This is Sam Mrs Williams; Xavier's boyfriend."

"Oh right! I recall him speaking of you."

"Is there any news?" Sam just needed to know as soon as possible.

"Oh right! The inspectors are here. Devon knows sadly what happened and is a mess to say the least. I think it might be down proper if Xavier comes and fetches the lad as soon as he can. A detective has left his card with me for Xavier; so he call him when he got into the city. He said he'd fill him in on what was going to happen; right now they are dealing with everything" Sam listened to the woman ramble "I assume they will want to know what to do with her body and all. Those poor children having to deal with this."

"I'll let Xavier know. He will be there on the first flight he can get. I'll get him to call you as soon as he can to let you know when. Thanks Mrs. Williams. Tell Devon to hang in there." Sam rung off with the lady and waited for Xavier to finish his shower.

While he waited he hauled out his suitcase for him to use. He wasn't sure if Xavier had one at his roommates place since not everything got transferred as of yet. He gathered up what he could of his stuff and laid it out for Xavier to pick through. He didn't even know if he had his passport or even if Devon had a passport for that matter.

He made a few calls and spoke to his mom who knew a lawyer who could help if he needed it. He called Child Services as well to get info on what was required to do Kinship care for Xavier as he knew he'd need it; he was told someone would call him back with info.

Xavier wandered from the bathroom and stopped as he saw all that Sam had done for him while he cried in the shower. He sighed and got dressed. "Thanks hun." He said as he slid into his underwear.

"Do you have a passport?" Sam asked him.

"Yeah, I guess I should have grabbed that when I took some of my stuff from my roommates place. I'll have to swing by and grab it.

"What about Devon; does he have one?" Sam wanted to ensure he had his bases covered.

"Yeah, he's got one. Mom traveled lots so I know he's covered there." He got up and looked at the clothing Sam had hauled out for him. Grabbed several shirts and pants and tossed them into the bag without much care. He took another deep breath and leaned forward; his hands were on the edge of the suit case looking in.

"I don't know how long I'm going to be gone Sam. I'm worried. I'm pissed. I'm scared, and I'm sure I'll be frazzled by the time I get to head home. I'm going to apologise right now if I'm less than stellar with you. Just always remember I do love you, even if I can't seem to appreciate what's going on right now." Sam walked to him without a word and pulled him to his chest. He wrapped his arms around him, enveloping him in a cocoon of warmth and strength. Xavier sighed again.

"I called mom to let her know what was going on. Don't worry about things. Take your time. If I have to delay opening the shop I will." Sam was more than happy to be by his partner's side no matter what.

Xavier pulled back and anguish was written on his face. "Oh God Sam no! Don't delay the opening for me. You have a crew, please work with them. I promise I will try my best to get home quickly." He didn't want his family drama to be a burden.

Sam smiled. "All right if you insist. I'll still open, but you... you take your time and do what you have to. I wish I could come with you to make it easier. I think you should call Kolten he might be able to help."

"OH FUCK! I forgot!!!" Xavier slapped his forehead and tumbled from Sam's arms and grabbed his cell phone. Sam knew he was calling Kolten to let him know what happened to his step-mom and that he was going to go get their little brother. He watched him punch in the number but instead of it being one sided he left the cell on speaker and continued to pack.

"Hello." Sam and Xavier heard Kolten's voice. He sounded pretty tired. Xavier realized it would be about six am where he was now.

"Hi Kolt."

"Hey man. It's like five after six. I don't have classes till nine. What gives?" Sam could tell he wasn't too thrilled to be waken this early.

"Sorry man, this isn't a social call but I kinda had to call. I'm on my way to go get Devon. Thought you should know he's going to be with me. Mom killed herself." Xavier knew the news would be some relief knowing that Devon would be safe, but also a shock.

"Oh shit! When did this happen?" Kolten was obviously as awake as Xavier was when he got the initial call.

"I'm not too sure. I have to go and check things out. I need to call dad too and let him know. I'm going to need help dealing with her stuff. It's going to be hell. I'm not too sure if you want to come with me or not but I'm sure the school will give you time off if you need it." Xavier didn't want him to lose out on his education but the offer had to be given since Devon is half his brother as well.

"If you need me there I'm willing to be there. I mean I know I'm not your brother by blood, or even marriage but you're the closest I've got." Sam and Xavier could hear him shift in his bed.

"Dude; focus on school I'll call you and let you know if I need anything. If you need anything call me. I'll get Devon to call you once we're situated."

"Sure thing. Take care man and I'm sorry for your loss. I know it's not going to be easy but I'm here and I'm sure Sam will be too." Kolten knew he had supports and was still willing to be there if he needed it.

"Thanks man. Take care. Chat later." Xavier ended the call and looked at Sam. "Come on... I got to get going."

The six hour flight to London was uneventful but getting to his mothers flat wasn't as smooth. The traffic was horrid and Xavier cussed the whole time. His rental car he'd ordered wasn't available when he landed so he was stuck with a compact car which would mean he wouldn't be able to take much with him. He pulled into the car park at his mother's flat around ten that evening and shut the car off. He leaned in on the steering wheel and sighed. He didn't want to be here but he had to be here. Getting out he looked up at her place as he shut the car door. This wasn't going to be easy. He walked up the walk way but didn't get far before Devon flew out of Mrs Williams unit and into his arms. He was bawling and happy at the same time.

`Savior... mamma is gone! She bought it! I was so scared! She didn't talk to me! I didn't know why!" He sobbed into his jacket and Xavier hugged his tiny little frame tight. He felt so bad for his bother.

"It's OK. I got you now." Xavier soothed the poor boy as he walked back to Mrs Williams home.

"Hey." She said as she ushered him into her unit. "I'm so sorry you have to be here facing such a pig's ear. I know no one would want to be in your spot today." She wandered into her quaint little kitchen which was laid out identical to his mum's place only in mirrored fashion. He took the seat he was offered and she put on the pot. Devon shifted in his arms and looked out at his brother. Xavier smiled at him and wiped away his tears. He was just happy he was OK.

"I must say you've been a stonking aid to us in this bloody mess. I have a mighty lot of respect for what you did." He nodded his thanks to her. She smiled and came to the table and sat.

"You know I don't blather idle gossip, but I must warn ya others have waggin' tongues. Mind not what they say. Yer wee one was safe here. I'm happy to have been of some assistance." He watched Devon nod his head in agreement and she patted his hand. The kettle shrilled and she got up and put a spot on for him. He was grateful for the warming beverage. She sat the tea cup in front of him and he added some sugar. Devon got off his lap and sat beside him in another chair as Mrs Williams passed him a cup as well. He noticed his brother didn't say much and he assumed the trauma of what happened was still raw on his nerves.

"I must say, there's a lot to do, but if you be needin' a hand you let me know and I will get some hardy bodies here to aid you. Oh... and before I forget." She laid the inspectors business card before him. "You should ring him up and see if he has anything you might be needin' before you go back home."

"Thanks Thelma." Xavier said. He took a sip of his tea and thumbed the card. "I really should call Sam and let him know I landed and I'm here."

She nodded and pointed to him where the house phone was. "You use that to ring him; don't be killing your mobile." He got up and walked to the phone and sat beside it. Pulling it close he lifted the receiver and dialed out. He watched Devon at the table as he waited for Sam to pick up. Unfortunately the answering machine caught his call and as much as he hated it he left him info that he was well and he'd call tomorrow. He hung up; his mood a bit down because he didn't get to talk to him. He returned to the table and Thelma passed him his mother's keys to her flat.

"I locked up after the inspectors and the cleaning crew left. I didn't let Devon cock about the flat but he has asked for some items. I think it'd be best you take him back so he can get some closure." He palmed the key and nodded. Sighing and finishing off his tea he looked at his little brother and asked.

"You want to go get some of your stuff? I need to check the place and decide what to do, we also need some sleep its mighty late and I think we're both knackered." Devon nodded but the sadness painted his face and dragged him down.

"Can I take some pictures? I don't want to forget her even if she wasn't so nice sometimes." Devon had the brunt of his mother's wrath once too often himself in his tender age and regardless of that he still loved his mother. Xavier nodded yes and they got up to go; hugging Thelma before they wandered over to their mom place. She reached up and held Xavier's cheek.

"My lad; don't think you can't ask for a hand. I know you're gutted about all this gobshite but nip in if you need me." Thelma just wanted him to know she was there and he was thankful she was. He was knackered and she knew it and let him be.

Devon walked slowly into the flat and looked around. He didn't really understand much of what had happened there that day but he was still scared knowing his mom wasn't there anymore. He let go of Xavier's hand and went to the bottom of the stairs and looked up.

"She never even said good-bye you know. They just came and took her away." He looked at Xavier and took a deep breath. "I don't think mum was very nice to leave without saying good bye. It wasn't fair." He walked up the steps to his room. Xavier sighed and looked around. He knew it would take nearly a fortnight for him to deal with this place. He resigned to deal with the bloody mess and all his mother's bobbins. He wandered to the phone and called the number on the card the inspector left and left a message.

They had stayed all night, although neither slept well. The next morning Xavier and Devon had gone through his items and chose what he'd take with him. He even picked out a few photos for his memories. They found his passport and Xavier came across his mothers will and the damn note she left behind for him to find. He didn't feel like reading it just yet and let it be. He'd mulled through the house and felt the family photo album would be a good idea to take with him as it would contain images he'd not seen in years. His dogging about the flat that morning was cut short when the inspector showed. He had things to ask about and the inspector was a welcomed break.

"I'm certain you have to approach the courts to get legal recourse to take him with you. Kinship is the best option since he's orphaned now." Inspector Lowe said as he sat at Cheryl's table with her son Xavier, he looked at his watch to check the time."You'd be taking him to Canada correct?"

Xavier nodded in answer to the question. "I'm in Curre with my partner. He and I share a home with his mother."

"I'll ensure there's a written report to go with your case as I'm aware his father isn't among us either, but I suggest you contact family court as soon as possible. I think they break at noon so if you call now you might get in to see someone." The inspector stood after the meeting and shook his hand and he saw him to the door.

Xavier stood in the kitchen and raged in his head. He so hated the spot his mother had put him in and all the damn bobbins he'd been left with. He growled out loud and turned to see Devon holding a stuffy with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Savior... I don't want to make you mad." He looked so lost and Xavier walked to him and picked him up and hugged the poor child whose arms clung tightly to his neck.

"Oh Bug, You're not making me mad. Mum is. She had no right leaving you like this. She had no right dumping all her crap on me." Xavier felt so bad for the poor child.

"You won't leave me too... right?" Xavier realized his little brother was terrified of being left again and he vowed he wouldn't leave him even if he had to battle tooth and nail. "Oh wee one I'm not goin' anywhere."

Sam rang Xavier at seven that evening knowing it would be about eleven there. He missed him but he knew things would take time to fix. He did have info for him so that he could deal with the courts once he got here to take on Kinship of his baby brother.


"Hi baby. How are you holding up?"

"Oh Sam." Xavier's accent although light when he wasn't home pulled through strong that evening and Sam smiled hearing the British accent through the phone. "I'm stuck cocking about in here. I'm goin' to have ta `ave a car boot sale to rid me of all the bobbins she's left behind. I feel so damn duff with it all. Poor Devon is stuck in the middle of this gobshite. I wish I could just throw everything in the bin and walk away with a cheerio and be done with it. I'm just so miffed."

"Xavier. Take a deep breath and relax. I know its bullshit and you're about to scream but remember. I love you and I believe you can deal with this. Take care of Devon and worry about the rest of the shit later. I have some info for you regarding Kinship so if you want I'll fill you in on that." Sam wanted to ensure he didn't have any issues taking him home.

"Thanks, I rang the courts here and got my own info as well. What a great deal of rubbish I had to deal with. Not like they make it easy. What is your mom saying about all of this?" Xavier realized when he came back he'd have an extra mouth for Michelle to feed and he didn't even ask her if it was OK before he left.

"Mom is looking forward to playing grandma. Let her have it." Sam said. "She's doing everything she can to make sure you don't have issues getting him home."

"I'm glad she knows what to do I'm at a loss here." Xavier sighed and as much as he wanted to cry he held it back and told Sam what he was hoping wouldn't be the case.

"It looks like I might be here a fortnight, so I'll miss the opening. I'm sorry love."

"Xavier, it's not a big deal. You do what you need to for your brother. I'm sure everything will work itself out."

Xavier listened to Sam continue on with their convo in regards to the lawyer that would help them with his mothers stuff. What he needed to ask the courts or the lawyers where he was in regards to his brothers kinship and he needed his school records.

"I'm gonna sign off. I need to get more done here. I love you and I'll see you soon." Xavier sighed and hung up.

Next: Chapter 25: Steppin Out IV 11 13

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