Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Feb 26, 2017


Steppin' Out (Book 4) Perfect Man Copyright 1993-2017 By Lila Mosher


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now. DO NOT GO PAST HERE! 18+ ONLY!

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2017 and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at: *I've had my work stolen before and I WILL contact my lawyer who will contact ANYONE who takes my material!~

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. They are used to enhance the writing this is ALL. All mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental

To see currently see my stories in full please go to:

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******************************** OK so it's been a few ywars... I think a little background recap for this story is REALLY NEEDED. If you want to refresh yourself you can check the stories ALL out at the link above.

Sam is the Twin brother of Dante Ericson Sam out of the two is the more "agressive" of these two twins yet he's a hair/estetics master LOL go figure yes he loves beauty but he can be a hardass as well, this story shows more of his soft side. ;)

I hope my fans enjoy this 4th selection to my series, It's taken a LONG time to get here. Life decided to kick me while I was down and that battle was more important than writting at the time. BUT I WON! So I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed Sylvia Alice White/Lila Mosher (Pen name)

Chapter 2 - The game

He was quite jovial for the next few weeks enjoying stolen quiet moments with Xavier when they weren't in class or attending something that pertained to work or practice. Sam's brother has asked him straight out due to his behavior.

"Oh my god, He didn't ask you did he?"

Sam could honestly answer.

"Nope, he didn't. I've got less than five weeks of classes my final game is coming up as well, what more can I ask for?"

With that he messed up Dante's dark hair and headed to his room and closed the door and aimed to study for the rest of his classes. He really wanted to be ahead of the game when exams started.

His study time was only interrupted once and Sam was happy for the ringing intrusion, the designated ring tone of 'When I see you smile' rang through the air and he knew it was Xavier, with a smile he flipped opened his cell and answered.


Their conversation lasted a mere ten minutes but it was enough for Sam. He knew they had to be careful so he did what he could. Xavier only has this terms contract and the university to complete and hopefully things would turn out for the better once he himself completed his courses. Three weeks to go...twenty one days. Five hundred and four hours. He sighed as he hung up and then closed his books he was studying from. He looked around his sparsely decorated room and smiled for no real reason other than that he was content. His tummy protested like and insolent child rumbling to be fed. Sam chuckled and headed down stairs for a bite after that it would be time for shut eye, practice was early tomorrow.

The three weeks passed with the speed that seemed to surpass each setting sun. Each new day saw warmth spread across Sam's hometown like butter on toast.

He stretched as he got ready for his next session on the field. His team was tied and he knew Don Valeur his coach would call him in. Sam grinned when he was sent out his ten minute break only made him antsy and being out on the field made him feel strong.

He watched him move with grace across the field as he listened to the announcer call out the plays on the field. The St. Stephen's Tycats were tired and watching Sam play made him feel confident his twin would kick ass. He tossed his arm over his mother's shoulder as they both cheered Sam on. Dante was also too aware of Xavier who was a few spots over from their own seats also watching in awe at Sam playing. It made him wonder what exactly was going on between the two, but knowing his brother he would keep his nose out of his business as he tended to enjoy that particular body part and wanted it to stay on his face. He was sure they'd find out soon enough just what was up. He turned his attention back to the field and was shocked at the position Sam had gotten himself into.

Sam saw the lumbering brute that the Thompson's University team called 'Tiny' heading his way and he certainly didn't want to be smushed by him and he certainly wasn't giving up the ball he had either. His aim was for the goal at the end of the field which was less than one hundred feet away. Tiny was flanked by two of his cronies and there was pretty much no escape so thinking quickly he acted the only way he could and kicked the ball directly at Tiny.

"He looks out numbered ladies and gents as Doug Phillips, Jason Mackie and Trevor Wilson swarm Captain Sam Ericson."

Xavier held his breath as he watched Sam kick the ball right at Tiny's open legs. Xavier smiled when he realized what Sam was doing. His fast thinking was one reason why Sam and he got along so well. The other reason was his aggressiveness and determination to be the best.

"Oh my God! Ladies and gents! What a PLAY!"

"Sam Ericson has pulled off an amazing move by shooting the ball between Doug Phillips legs and following it!"

The crowd screamed with anticipation and joy as they watched Sam slip right under Doug's legs and scramble back to a game position ready to finish his play. Dogging the ball with his feet he let off a super burst of speed and headed for the goal flanked by two of his teammates and with the opposing team in hot pursuit.

Less than fifty feet away from the goal a Thompson team mate lunged for Sam only to have the pleasure of eating the playing fields grass. Sam hardly heard what was going on around him as he took aim for the goal and kicked the ball with all his might. The ball flew as fast as a car towards its destination; the upper corner of the goal post as Sam had intended, above the goalie's head. It made its destination; slamming into the net and falling to the ground.

The goalie grabbed his head in sheer frustration at missing the catch. Sam stopped as he heard the crowd scream even louder and this brought him back to reality along with his team members grabbing him and yelling joyously. His team won by one goal and everyone was very excited. Sadly this win made Sam feel remorse even in his moment of glory. His season was over. His victory was exciting, but the concept of not playing again for his university was a bummer. He sighed as his teammates and his coach patted his back through the huddling mass of team mate bodies that was enjoying the win more than he was. He only smiled when he saw his mom. She walked up to his side along with his brother and she placed a hand along his cheek and smiled then she hugged him.

"Congratulations my dear boy!" She said as she released him still smiling the whole while. His brother high fived him and laughed as he grabbed his twin and swiftly yanked him in for a bear hug.

"You were amazing dude! What a play!"

They both chuckled as the crowd started to dissipate and the local college news crews started to swarm, pushing their way towards Sam and his group of well wishers. They also had local stations journalist following, all wanting the scoop on the best game St Stephen's had in years.

"Uh-oh, bro. The hawks are swooping in, best bee line for the locker room. We'll meet you later OK?"

"Sure." Sam said as he noticed Xavier off to the side of the crowd. Sam ambled towards the locker rooms while journalists called out questions trying to get Sam's attention. Some of Sam's teammates lagged behind hoping to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Sam however being more reserved when it came to doing news or interviews moved out of the pending spotlight quickly.

He entered the locker room and he noticed his coach and a few others all chatting, Don was soaked and Sam knew he had be 'Gator-aided' at the end of the game, it sort of was tradition to soak the coach. Sam half heartedly chuckled to himself and then looked back towards the fields doors when he heard footsteps behind him. There was Xavier and Sam beamed. Xavier greeted him with a smile and tossed an arm over his shoulder in kind gesture.

"Way to go man! That was one hell of a riveting play."

Sam actually blushed over the praise. "Well I couldn't very well go through him; I had to use my head there." He laughed when Xavier looks a bit confused.

"I had to think fast, I never thought I'd actually make that play. I just did what I could without getting creamed." Xavier nodded understanding now what Sam had meant.

"How about dinner tonight, my treat for our school's winning team captain?" he asked, he watched as Sam hesitated then smile.

"I'd like that, let me get changed first, I also have to go see my mom and brother later as well."

"Don't rush on my behalf Sam, the hounds out there will want their scoop first; even I know that." he said as he pointed back and Sam followed the direction his finger was taking. Sure enough security was holding back a few of the media moguls who wanted in.

"Ah, fuck it. I'll do this first. Come with me OK, I hate this part but if I don't do it now they will follow me all night and that's not something I want if we are to have a quiet evening.

"Sure" Xavier said as they turned around and headed back to the fray of frenzied media hounds all looking for the scoop on today's amazing game.

"Sam! Sam! Over here!" They all yelled looking to be first, all wanting their piece.

Sam looked over at Xavier and whispered, "You choose who I speak to; I seriously hate this crap!"

Xavier pointed to a young lady who looked all of eighteen if a day.

"You" Xavier said and he watched her beam. Her patients apparently had paid off at least. Susan stepped forward and asked,

"Mr. Ericson, what possessed you to pull such a risky move with the championship on the line?"

"Well I couldn't very well go through him, and frankly getting run over by a tank isn't much fun either. Doug is a formidable player and not one to tangle with, but a quick slip like that was perfect because he never expected it and that's what I was aiming for."

He smiled as she nodded and grinned back, in the midst of this another media member raised his pen and tried to butt in but Xavier gave him a dirty look and spoke. "I'm working with Sam and have chosen whom he's speaking with, get your information from that, patience is a virtue sir."

The young lady Xavier had chosen beamed.

"You can go on" Xavier confirmed to her and she did so enthusiastically.

"What are your future plans Mr. Ericson now that the season is over?"

"Well this is my last year attending St. Stephen's, It's a bit of a bummer that I won't be playing a sport I love but I do have plans on starting my own business as soon as I manage to obtain adequate funding for my venture" He smiled as she nodded and scribbled down notes.

"Just what is your planned venture?" She asked quickly not breaking the flow and preventing another media mogul from jumping in on her groove.

"I'm aiming on opening my own aesthetics salon" He replied and much as he had expected save for a few who did know him personally, her shocked look on her face was as plain as day.

"An aesthetics salon?" She inquired a tad confused "Don't you think such an unorthodox choice of career for one like yourself is a risky venue to partake in? Aren't you worried what your peers may think?" She was asking an honest; if ignorant question and Sam's response was honest as well but also a tad on the cutting edge.

"My dear young lady, as anxious as you were to get your questions in, it's apparent you're not fully aware of who I am. This shows me you didn't prepare for what you're currently pursuing yourself. A suggestion would be to learn a bit about your intended subject before asking questions that will leave you looking ignorant; furthermore to answer your question, no I do not believe my venture to create myself my own line of work is an unorthodox risk. I have studied long and hard over the last four years to get where I am now. I think the course I've planned for myself suite me just perfectly, now if you don't mind; I'm tired and would like to go unwind and enjoy some quality time with my family and friends."

With that Sam turned around and walked away from the yelling journalists, Xavier wasn't far from his heels. He called out.

"Hey Sam, don't you think that was a tad rough? She is after all just a school journalist and still learning."

Sam looked at Xavier and put forth a question of his own.

"Would you go to class unprepared? Would you not research the topic before jumping in?"

"No I suppose not" He replied.

"Then regardless if she's a school journalist or not, if she wants to pursue something so demanding she too has to learn to research the topic at hand. It is after all the only way to be the best one can be." Sam's comment about the young ladies faux pas was correct, but Xavier just found Sam's method a tad harsh. He pondered this for a moment and realized that this was after all Sam who had pointed out an error she'd made. His mannerisms were always a bit rough around the edges and this even though many didn't like it; Xavier found appealing about Sam, it made him a born leader.

Sam entered the locker room once again and opened his locker rummaging around; he scrounged up his shampoo and body wash and grabbed a towel. He started for the shower only to have Xavier stop him, with a quiet whisper and a bit of quaint innuendo implied in the statement that followed he said,

"Ever realize how nice it is to have someone else scrub your back?" Xavier grinned when Sam groaned and then chuckled.

"You're unbelievably provocative and bad you know that right?" Sam smiled and gave Xavier's cheek a pat "I'll be out in a moment"

"I'll be here waiting" Xavier said as he watched Sam amble off to get cleaned up. Xavier looked around the vacant locker room and wondered where everyone went to, most likely to party and celebrate. He was looking forward to his quiet time with Sam. He sat; with the room being so quiet the only thing he could hear was the sound of water hitting the body he knew was under the spray from the shower head, just mere steps away behind the breaker wall that he knew lead to the showers. His imagination was getting the better of him as he envisioned the sleek muscular body that would be drenched with warm water and lather. Xavier shook his head to get himself out of his day dream. The sound of the water was now gone. Xavier looked over as he heard wet feet pad across ceramic floor.

Sam appeared past the wall with only a towel covering his lower extremities. He was drying his still wet hair off with another towel as he approached Xavier who was beaming. He stood up to let Sam pass by so he could reach his locker.

"You know you have a way with tempting my resolve Sam." He whispered behind him, the heat radiating off of Xavier's body hitting Sam's damp skin. Sam got goose bumps but smiled smugly knowing he was enticing Xavier to no end. He opened his locker, bending over slightly as he reached for his briefs and jeans. Xavier growled behind him and Sam once again chuckled to himself. He slipped into his briefs and let the towel fall. With Xavier behind him he knew he was pushing his luck, god only knew who would or could walk in while they were there but this was fun for him, seeing Xavier trying so hard to control himself while in his presence. He hesitated to reach for the towel on the floor knowing him standing there was giving Xavier more than the show he had ever dreamed of getting. Xavier bit his lip and stepped back putting his hands behind his back, he was trying his damnedest not to ravish Sam right then and there. The pain contained within his groin was enough for him to breath out the frustration. Sam peeked back as he slipped into his jeans and then grabbed the damp towel off the floor. Xavier could see the devious smile and sighed in frustration, running his hand through his flaming red hair. Sam stood tall, bare-chested in front of him and grinned again flashing him his knockout smile.

"What's wrong Xavier?" Sam cocked his head still smiling knowing full well just what Xavier's problem was. Sam advanced towards Xavier still with the devious smile on his face. Xavier groaned again the man before him was driving him mad with want and Sam knew it and Xavier was so tempted to give into the teasing advances of Sam.

Sam got closer; Xavier could smell the musk of his body wash and shampoo he has used. Xavier grumbled determined to keep his cool while Sam closed in making his presence seem larger than life.

"Anyone could walk in you know" Xavier whispered as Sam got close enough he could see the slight stubble on Sam's face.

"I know, that's what makes this so enticing." Sam said his breath on Xavier's cheek. "I'm still a tad wound over the win and I need to blow off some energy."

Xavier shivered at the concept of how he could "blow off some energy" He also chuckled again and looked into the dark eyes before him.

"You're deviously enticing; you know that right?" Xavier leaned forward and met his lips and Sam smiled under his. He got what he was aiming for. Sam pulled back and sighed in satisfaction.

"That just made this day all the better." Sam took his hand and pulled him over towards his locker. He reached in on the shelf and grabbed his shirt and slipped into it as Xavier watched.

"Let's get going I think I need to get out of here before I do something we'll both get caught for." He chuckled as Xavier's eyes glowed with laughter.

Grabbing his cell and kit bag he shut his locker and manoeuvred himself and Xavier to the doors and exited to the parking lot.

They walked over to Sam's car and Xavier looked over at his.

"How about I meet you somewhere?" Xavier asked he didn't really want to leave his car at the school.

"OK. How about meeting at Jay's; on 5th?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll give you an hour this way you get to meet up with your mom and brother for a bit and I can scoot home and get cleaned up."

Sam nodded his head and waited for Xavier to head to his car, but Xavier just stood there smiling.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked wondering why he was lagging.

"Nothing I'm just happy to be able to have some quiet time with you." He reached over and gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm looking forward to more." He smiled as he slid his hand from Sam's and backed away still looking at him.

"I'll see you soon OK." Sam smiled at Xavier as he opened his door.

"Soon" Xavier said and walked towards his own vehicle.

Sam was rushing around the house after he got in his mom was fretting over him telling him he should rest after a game like the one he had, but he insisted he felt great and that he was going out to celebrate.

"With Xavier I assume" Dante said grinning as he walked past his brother.

"Now did I say I was hanging out with him?" Sam tried his damnedest to play off the dig but his eyes gave away the excitement and his twin picked up on him quite well.

"Nope, but you didn't have to. It's obvious the guys crazy over you." Dante chuckled as his brother grinned like a fool. Michelle watched as her boys bantered over what seemed to her to be a possibility of Sam finally dating after all this time. Dante had just started dating Josh and she loved the fact that he was with someone and to see Sam pair up would be a great thing she thought. She secretly kept her fingers crossed.

Sam finally got out of the house with about ten minutes to spare. Heading up Main St; He turned onto 5th and spotted the Jays coffee shop long before he made it to the parking lot. Pulling in beside Xavier's car he parked and took a deep breath. He opened the door and got out and went for the door. Stepping in he was hit by the fresh aroma of brewing coffees. He looked around and spotted the flaming red head just as Xavier turned around and smiled at him. He walked over and sat in front of him.

"Hey handsome, fancy meeting you here" Xavier said teasing him.

Sam chuckled and asked "So where are we going to eat, I'm starved"

Xavier laughed at the comment. "I think we can go over to the Westin and eat there I hear they have a surf and turf meal to die for."

"Ummm, surf and turf." Sam looked like he was about to drool. Xavier still chuckled as he sipped his coffee.

"So have you told your mom or brother yet about us?"

"Nope" He replied swiping Xavier's coffee and taking a sip. He passed it back.

"I think it's best to keep things down low, you're done classes but I still have two weeks left and well on my way here I got a cell call stating the dean wishes to see me about some serious matters. I have a feeling someone has already said something."

"Who in the world would stir up shit this late in the year, I mean it kind of defeats the purpose. I'm done there; all you have left is filing reports for graduates." Sam said a tad perturbed now.

"I have no idea sweets but some students can get over protective thinking someone in my position is taking advantage of the situation." Xavier was quite serious on this and sighed.

"Things will sort out soon and it won't matter much after I'm done, I don't even know if they are going to give me a new contract. Not that it matters to me much."

"What will you do if they don't?" Sam asked worried now that his interest in Xavier may be his downfall to not having a job anymore.

"Well I guess it depends on how your mom takes things" He said

"Then we'll tell her and let her know this way of someone does stink up a fuss least my mom will be on your side, no one pisses off my mom and gets away with it, especially if it seems her sons lifestyles are being picked on."

Xavier chuckled every time he heard about Sam's mom he couldn't help but wonder who this woman was.

"Then I guess we'll tell her." He said smiling, "but right now let's get some food. I think I'm starved as well"

The meal was divine, the company was breath taking and Xavier was enjoying himself to no end; even with the ominous thoughts of his job being on the line for getting involved with a student. He pushed it aside and let the evening take them where it may. Life was too short to worry about what everyone else thought about him.

They left the restaurant and took a spin up to the local park and walked along the boardwalk just listening to the evening birds and the waves hitting the shore. Sam was the first to break the silence.

"Xavier, I was serious when I asked you what you would do if your job ends up being at risk because of me. I don't want to be the end to all you've worked for"

"Sam my dear, don't worry about things like that OK, I'm capable of taking care of things and if I need help I will ask for it. Right now let's enjoy the evening and hopefully once I meet your family things will work out. I don't care if I lose this job it's not that important to me."

Sam was surprised to hear this and wondered still what he'd do. They continued their walk and then headed towards their cars.

"I want you to follow me OK." Sam said as they reached their cars.

"OK" Xavier said as he got into his car. He rolled down his window as he came up beside Sam's car. "Call my cell and put it on hands free. We can talk as we go, it'll make things easier if I lose you in the traffic."

"Sure thing" Sam said

He called Xavier's cell put it on hands free and then pulled forward into the oncoming traffic and headed towards his home. He hoped his mom was home.

"Where are we going?" He heard Xavier ask as they went up Main St.

"Over to my place." Sam said. He heard Xavier chuckle as they neared the first light.

"You're determined to get this meeting done aren't you?"

"Yes, I think mom can help if it's necessary. Besides it won't hurt; I promise."

Xavier chuckled on his end, he watched Sam's car turn the corner onto Oak Terrace. He followed for a bit more before he pulled in beside Sam in his driveway. He got out and shut the door to his car and waited.

"It looks like bro isn't here." Sam said, he seemed kind of disappointed at the knowledge that his twin wasn't around.

"It's OK Sam. I'm sure he's probably clued in on how things are going." Xavier took his hand and walked with him up the front stairs. Sam put the key into the door and turned. Opening it Xavier was stunned to see the interior, he remembered being here before but he never really looked around now he got his share of what this place really looked like without the haze of want killing his senses.

"Damn your place is amazing!"

"Thanks." Sam said chuckling at Xavier's reaction. It was almost like he never really saw the place. He had been here before, but he quickly realized that the possibility of other things being on his mind at the time may have contributed to the delayed admiration.

"It's mainly my mom's doing, she's trendy but smart when it comes to sprucing things up and most she did herself since dad died."

The view Xavier got of the lay of the lower floor was quite appealing to the eyes. The front door lead directly into the kitchen which was done up like a country styled home. An island settled in the middle of the kitchen where pots and pan hovered above it on a rack. There was a basket of fresh vegetables on the counter and red checkered cloths hanging from the handle of a very large propane range. The fridge resembled that of an old fashioned ice box, past it was the back door. To the left he could see an arched area which was obviously the living room and another door next to it he remembered was the way to the upper floor; to Sam's room.

"Sam? Hun is that you?" they both heard calling from the upper floor.

"Yes ma! I'm down here. I have someone here with me." he responded knowing full well she'd be down fairly quickly.

He wasn't left waiting long, his mom, a round robust woman in her late forties with long dark hair and bright blue eyes ambled down the steps and walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

"My, my, you're in early. I sort of expected you to be out all night like your brother." She said chuckling.

"I brought someone home for you to meet mom, mainly because I think you should know and also because there may be a situation that may need you to help us with." Sam was honest and upfront right away.

Michelle looked over at the red headed man who seemed pleased to be there.

"Hi, I'm Sam and Dante's mom, Michelle" She stuck out her hand and Xavier took it, her skin was very soft.

"I'm very pleased to meet you ma'am." He said smiling at her. He already liked her.

"You must be the young man Dante mentioned." She waited for his response.

"Dante mentioned me?" Xavier was confused.

"Yes" Sam said looking over at him. "He was teasing the snot outta me a few days ago about you, but I had never confirmed anything with him."

Xavier nodded and was happier to know that Sam had kept things down low as he had asked but now was the time to let Sam's mother know what exactly was going on.

"Ma'am, I won't beat around the bush. I'm Xavier and I teach over at St. Stephen's university. I have made my interest in your son known to him. I think it's time you knew for the simple fact that there may be some issues coming and even though I'm not one hundred percent sure, there's a possibility I may lose my job over my dating him. Not that the job is all that important." He paused a moment thinking about what to say next, "But I don't want this to stress your son out. He doesn't need to get the flack I'm sure will be heading our way. If I can help protect him I am willing to do so, this is why we're telling you this."

Michelle just smiled, she didn't freak like he expected most parents to do, then again; he figured like her son; she wasn't like most people.

"Well I'm glad you told me and frankly I'm absolutely pleased to know Sam is dating again. If anyone is causing you any grief it's always good to let mamma know; because I may be meek and mild but get me going and I can be quite the fighter."

Xavier chuckled. "Thanks" He said

"No problem and call me either mom or Michelle" She walked over to her son. "Congratulations baby it's about time."

Sam hugged his mom "Thanks for understanding mom, I just didn't know what else to do and I figured you were our best bet." He let her go and looked down at his mom smiling.

"You're my baby Hun and I will do anything I need to; to see you happy."

"Well if you don't mind mom I think Xavier and I will be going into the living room to watch some television. I need to relax."

"No problem Hun, have fun and make sure the door is locked up when you go to bed OK."

She kissed his cheek walked over to Xavier and said "Welcome to our home, and treat my boy well."

She walked from the room. Xavier was impressed, this family was unique and he had to admit he rather enjoyed the atmosphere.

Sam reached out for his hand and pulled him along to the living room and to the couch and flicked on the TV. They both settled to watch some television. Sam curled up against the arm of the sofa and Xavier was leaning against his side. Tonight couldn't get any better for either of them at that moment. Contentment was all around them.

Chapter 3 - Complications

Their evening excursions were relaxed and playful as Sam and Xavier watched some television. Their attentions as expected ended up focused on each other. Xavier initiated the sweet assault on Sam's fingers first. He was running the tips of his fingers across his teeth and then kissing his hands. Sam was eating it up for the most part, when Xavier got cocky and ran his hand up Sam's leg and stopped short. Sam took over pushing Xavier to the couch cushions and then tackling him with a giggle and then started kissing his neck. Xavier moaned and ran his hand through Sam's hair kissing him back.

"Aren't you worried your mom will come down and find us?" Xavier asked smiling back at him with a tad bit of mischievousness in his grin.

"Nope, sides not a big deal if she did." Sam smiled back raising his hand and pushing back a lock of his hair from his eyes. It was then that Sam jumped when his leg felt all funny.

"Ahh! What the hell?!" He looked down at Xavier's side and put his hand down and touched his hip, He could feel vibrating.

Xavier chuckled and reached into his pocket and hauled out his cell. Flipping it open as he sat up he winked at Sam and answered.


Sam had been startled by that contraption and waited till Xavier finished his call.

"Shit, sorry Hun I have to go." Xavier said.

"What's up?" Sam said a bit disappointed that Xavier had to leave.

"My roommate is locked out, I have to go let her in. She's forever forgetting her keys." Xavier sighed. Looking perturbed over the matter.

"Gee, she sounds like my brother." Sam said as they both got up off the couch and started to wander towards the kitchen door.

"Speaking of your brother where in the world is he at?"

"Probably spending time at the pool swimming, or mooning over Josh." Sam said with a chuckle.

"I still have to thank him for that cute note." Xavier said making Sam blush a deep red.

"Hey, no fair you know!" Sam laughed and Xavier smiled, he liked to see Sam smile.

Xavier gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him goodnight as he left and then responded as he stood on the steps, "I think it's perfectly fair hun; it was him after all who helped"

Sam smiled as he watched Xavier walk down the steps and get into his car; he honked as he drove away.

Sam went back inside; looked around and then proceeded to lock up. It was time for shut eye.

"Sir I can assure you that my relationship with the student in question isn't forced because of my spot of authority. His mother is well aware of where we stand and if you need to talk to her she'd be more than happy to set the record straight."

Xavier felt like he was being punished for caring about Sam but this meeting was something he figured was going to come up and now he was on the edge of his seat hoping he wouldn't lose his contract, but if he did; he really didn't care. He had resigned himself from the position long before this came about. He had other things in mind anyway.

Bradley Porter, the Dean of St. Stephen's University looked at Xavier and felt bad but the two reports he got back from students who just happened to notice the two in settings; outside of the school; in what would be considered compromising, detrimental to the school's image and laws he had no choice but to call upon the concerns and make inquiries. He looked at Xavier.

"Xavier you know I have no choice but to look into the reports. I have to keep the students here comfortable. I've gotten two complaints from students who think your actions are unethical. I have to assure these concerned parties that things have been looked into. If I don't; I'm not doing my job."

"I understand sir, and I can assure you I never picked favorites and this situation is being blown out of proportion. I haven't overstepped my boundaries as a teacher or a figure of authority. This situation is similar to Don and his partner, what I don't understand is why these "concerned parties" are making a big deal over it all. It's not like we were trying to keep this big secret. We were however trying to keep it on the down low so people wouldn't complain."

"I plan on speaking to Sam and his mother in a matter of minutes Xavier. I'm sorry but I have no choice, its protocol. If things are on the down low and legit you'll have nothing to worry about OK." Bradley looked at his friend and staff member and prayed this is was just another overly concerned student being a "tattle tale" over nothing.

"Fine Brad, I know. I understand and I just hope this gets rectified soon, this tension is killing me."

"Don't sweat it, take care of your marking and I'll get back to you soon enough OK." Brad smiled and saw Xavier off; just as he walked out he spotted Michelle and Sam. Michelle smiled and hugged Xavier and winked at him whispering.

"Don't you worry none hun this mamma has it all under control."

She grinned as he chuckled, he had a funny feeling his friend Brad was going to have his hands full with this lady. Sam walked over to him and gave him a hug to.

"I'll see you shortly OK." Sam looked at him with concern and grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Xavier smiled and nodded. He walked away as Brad ushered both Sam and Michelle into his office.

"I'm pretty sure my son has proven himself to be smart enough that to get duped into a relationship with a teacher under false pretenses there Mr Porter. I have no issues with Xavier at all and if this school is going to make an example of him then there will be hell to pay, because frankly I think this is just a damn farce."

Michelle was mad; she had spoken to her son this morning and asked the questions any concerned mom would ask after she had her conversation with Mr. Porter over Xavier and Sam seeing each other.

"We have no choice Ms. Ericson; to check into matters like this. If Sam agrees to a physiological assessment to make sure he's not being manipulated or he's feeling forced into this then the whole thing blows over and we not only cover our asses but Sam and Xavier will be free to do what they want since it is after all Sam's last year and he's already done. Xavier will also keep his contract if he so wishes."

Michelle looked at Sam and Sam nodded in agreement, he had no issues with what was being asked of him, hell he'd climb Mount Everest if it meant helping Xavier. Michelle didn't like it though, not due to the assessment but because as Sam's mom even she had no real say in the matter at hand.

"He's agreeing but I think it's a damn shame that when two people care about each other they have to be questioned only because it's two guys and one happens to be a teacher, if it was anyone else they'd let it blow over in a matter of minutes."

"We'll make sure this is done and over with as quickly as possible Ms. Ericson, I'm sure Sam would want it that way; if not to help Xavier then to help himself as well."

Sam piped up, "When?"

"We can do it in an hour if you want, just stick around and I'll have Angela up here to talk to you." Brad was adamant on getting this Mickey Mouse show dealt with so Sam and Xavier could have some peace. He had no choice and didn't think it was any fairer than Sam's mom but his hands were tied.

"If it's any consolation Ms. Ericson, I think this is a farce as well, I know Sam is a bright young man, but due to regulations I have no choice but to do my job. We'll get this done and let them have their peace. If anyone else complains I'll direct them to you I'm pretty sure you can knock some sense into their heads faster than I could anyway."

Michelle chuckled; she liked this fella he seemed sincere and wanted to just see the issue at hand dealt with in accordance to the rules. She did feel better. Sam and his mom both got up, thanked Dean Porter and then exited his office.

"Don't fret baby, I'm sure this is just a ton of bullshit someone caused all because they are all bent out of shape cause it's two guys" Sam's mom knew of the prejudices all too well as her boys grew up, they learned to fight mainly because of how often they got picked on for being themselves.

"Thanks mom, I will go see Xavier now while I wait for Angela." He kissed her cheek and she hugged him then headed off. Sam wandered up the hall towards Xavier's class. He was still worried. He knocked on Xavier's door and walked in when he heard his voice. He smiled at his handsome boyfriend as he walked in and Xavier got up and hugged him.

"I'm scared" He said.

"Don't be I think mom fixed most of it and soon I will clarify it with the assessment they want me to take."

Xavier was shocked to hear they were going to make Sam do the assessment. It usually was only done in extremely concerning situations. He thought about that as Sam sat down and he took his own seat.

"You worried about the outcome?" Sam asked.

"Not really, I just don't understand why they are going to these lengths."

"Better they do this now than later or you lose your job. I'll do what it takes to keep what we go Xavier so don't worry OK." Sam got up and went over to him and hugged him while he still sat.

"Damn you're a hell of a lot braver than I feel" Xavier said muffled against his belly.

"I'm not brave at all Xavier. I'm scared too." He said as he leaned back and looked into his partner's eyes. "I'm just too damn stubborn to give up on something good." Xavier chuckled when he heard this, he was glad Sam had this streak about him. His phone rang and he answered it.

"Yeah he's here. Uh-huh, I'll tell him you're ready now. Yes. OK. Thanks" He hung up.

"Angela is ready for you now; I guess she wants to get this done to since her vacation is coming up as well."

"I'll return shortly hun." Sam kissed his forehead and headed up to see the University's psychiatrist.

"I don't know what the damn fuss was all about but I can't see any form of abuse, coercion or the likes." Angela placed the file on Bradley's desk and frowned.

"I frankly think this was a waste of time. Sam Ericson is a bright young man with a great future ahead of him. If Xavier ends up being a part of that then I think this university has no right to butt in on their lives."

"I know" Brad said sighing, "but I had no choice, one of the students was willing to let the media in on this and god only knows how fucking warped this could have gotten. Now they have no issues to worry about, even if they are found to be necking in the janitor's closet." He chuckled at the thought of how poor Phelps would feel if he found two guys making out in his closet.

Angela agreed that in her professional opinion there was nothing out of the ordinary in the situation at hand and she was closing the case. Sam was called back into the office and given the news with Angela and Brad both on his partners' side; this made the transition a hell of a lot easier.

"Thanks sir, just one question." He asked

"Will Xavier be allowed to keep his contract or is he obligated to leave due to the allegations after this one is over?"

"He's more than welcomed to stay if he so chooses. I was planning on extending his contract if he wanted for another year due to the last teacher's untimely departure. She wants a year with her child and is entitled to it. He's got first dibs on the job and you can let him know if you want."

Sam shook Bradley's hand and thanked them both again and left the office smiling the biggest smiled he had in months. He went right to Xavier's office to give him the good news.

Xavier was relieved but decided to let Sam in on his idea because the job just wasn't worth the stress.

"I won't be continuing on here Bradly, sorry I spoke with Sam and we have other plans. I'll finish my contract out for the last week but once it's over I'm done here."

He passed his resignation to the Dean. Bradly was disappointed but there was nothing he could do about the situation.

"You will be missed Xavier. I think you were one of the few T.A.'s here who had respect from many of the students." Brad sighed as he took the paper officially ending Xavier's contract in a week's time.

"Thanks for the opportunity to teach here, I will miss it but new ideas and plans are in the works and soon I'll be working with my partner."

Xavier beamed at the memory of the conversation he had a few evenings ago with Sam and his mom. He couldn't get over how easy it was to talk to Michelle and how well she accepted him. He was looking forward to moving on with his life and with Sam in it things couldn't get any better.

He shook Bradley Porter's hand and walked out of the office feeling lighter than he had in weeks. Thinking to himself he mentally made plans for his next move.

Dante had just walked into the door and was immediately hugged by his mom. "I missed you baby." She said kissing his cheek. She let him go and he sauntered in.

"Hey! Bro!" Sam walked into the kitchen and gave his brother a crushing hug he had missed him while he was away in Kearney. It was weird not having his brother around all the time but he and his mother both assumed that he and Josh would be sticking together, more than likely since Dante was one for change and excitement. Michelle always assumed Dante would be the first of the two to move out which was kind of ironic since he had only been thinking about that a few weeks ago and Xavier, his mother and he were all talking about that just two nights ago.

"How was your trip?" he asked smiling like there was a million dollars in his pocket.

"Really good actually" Dante said; "What's with you that you're smiling so much?"

"Oh no! You first. How did the shop repairs go for Mani?"

"Good; we managed it in four days which means when you decided to do your shop I can help."

Sam chuckled he was happy to hear this. He had news for his brother but after he learned how his trip went. Sam grabbed Dante's bag and walked with him up to his room and dumped his bag onto his double bed.

"Soo...How was your trip really?" Sam asked winking.

"Sam it was amazing, He's tough but sensitive. He's still hurting though but working through things. I don't know the details and I won't pry but I do know this much. I seriously love him."

Sam slapped his brother on the back.

"Welcome to the club bro, you're in hook line and sinker."

Dante laughed. "There's a club now huh?"

"Yep, ask Mani and Aikrii, I joined too."

Dante stopped and looked at his brother with a half assed grin.

"Huh? Who Xavier?"

Sam blushed but nodded his head yes.

"Oh my god! When?" Dante asked excited for his brother.

"Well remember when you asked if I approached him and I said no, that was true, he approached me, just after that stupid SEXY note shit you pulled on me. He asked me to ask him out just before the end of April's semesters. We had gone out a few times, some crap had cropped up with other students at the university, but we managed to mull through it and we're still going strong so far."

Dante's jaw dropped in happy shock, he was smiling though.

"Oh my god it worked?"

Sam scratched his head and looked a bit sheepish and grinned back.

"He he he, ummm yeah. It worked. Not quite like I expected, but it worked."

Dante whooped, slapped his brother's back and gave him a noogie.

"You lucky dog you, congrats!"

"Whoa!" He laughed pulling himself from his brother's grip.

"There's more good news." Sam's eyes were like two black sparkling pieces of onyx as they dazzled with excitement. Dante stopped and looking at his brother he asked.

"What's that?"

Sam smirked. "Remember my worries over Xavier and what the university would say."


"Well since I'm no longer a student we can now date freely which left us wondering where to go from there."

"So..." Dante asked; "What are your plans?"

"I asked mom if Xavier could move in here with us."

"Oh shit! What did she say?" Dante's eyes were bugged out of his head he looked so shocked at Sam's brazen request to their mom.

"Mom said yes." Sam smiled "He will be moving in at the end of his contractual term at the university."

Sam thought over that one and realize that was only a week away, he really had to make some adjustments here soon so Xavier would be comfortable.

Dante damn nearly fell off his bed at the news.

"Why in the world did mom agree so easily?"

"He's going to be helping me get my shop started Dante." We'll be working together once it's up and running. We'll get our own place then."

Dante was floored again with the second bit of news.

"Holy Fuck! When are you opening your shop?"

"October first of next year at the latest once all the renovations, excreta are done."

Dante was excited for his brother who looked to be one happy camper.

"I love being with him so much Dante. There are days I think I'd rather die than spend my life without him. I never thought it possible to care so much for someone so fast." Sam's emotions poured out on his face. Dante to felt what he was emitting, he had the same reactions when he was with Josh so he knew where Sam stood.

"I hear ya loud and clear bro, loud and clear."

His brother had excused himself to call his boyfriend and Sam figured he should get a few things done around the house, there were lots of things to do and little time to get things done before Xavier moved in.

The house had been pretty quiet for a few days and everyone seemed pretty happy till Sam came home to find his brother sitting in his car in the driveway crying his eyes out.

"What happened?" Sam asked as Dante sobbed.

"I don't know!" He said through his tears as they walked into the house to his room.

"I thought he was a bit off after he got home, I couldn't figure out why." He hiccupped "Now I know, he must have felt guilty. That's probably why he never asked me to stay."

Dante curled up into a small ball on his bed and hugged his pillow. Sam rubbed his back.

"Dante there's got to be more to this than you're seeing."

"Did he ever tell you about Chet?" Sam stopped rubbing his brother's back as Dante rolled over and looked at him. Sam was concerned now for his brother but had to stick with what he knew best, mom's advice she always gave him and the support as well.

"No, he said he'd tell me later."

Dante grabbed a tissue from his end table by his bed. He blew his nose. He had a headache now.

"I don't understand why he never told me about Chet, I tried to be patient. Maybe this is why. They might have never really broken up."

Sam mulled over what was going on, he felt so bad for him, it was his mom who helped him through his issues with Xavier so he did what his mom had told him to do.

"Dante, Sleep on it OK. Tomorrow is another day. Try to work through this mess with a clear head OK."

Dante looked at his brother and even though he knew it would be easier said than done, he nodded his head in agreement.

"Maybe he needs time to think, but it still hurts to think that he might have lied to me."

"If you truly love him Dante you'll give him the time he needs to work through this on his own, sometimes that's needed. Try and focus on something else."

"I got news from the insurance company." Dante threw in his own bit of info that was off topic but it helped him calm down some and took the subject off of Josh since it hurt so damn much.

"Really? What's up? What are they going to do?"

"The repairs are done; mom didn't suffer too badly financially."

"She had some money saved and the cash you had hoarded helped."

"The driver who had the accident offered to pay either damages or to add another car to our pay out for the damages to the house. Seems mom choose the 2nd car but it's ultimately up to me what I want to choose, I'm leaning towards the car"

"Really? Are you going to do that?" Sam asked

"Yeah, and I think I'll just give mom back what she forked out on the home repairs so she's not losing totally either. I still have money saved from the past endorsements and commercials I did last year"

"That sounds good to me. When are you going to pick it out?" Sam asked his brother who seemed to be calming some.

"I'm not sure I was going to ask Josh to come with me." The memory of Josh ate at him and he swallowed to hold back tears that threatened to hit him again and Sam could see it in his eyes.

"I think I'll wait till Friday before I pick out the car, I have things I have to do this week anyway."

Sam nodded, "Well I have to call Xavier. If you still need to talk you know where I am, but take my advice. Sleep on it OK."

Sam left his brother's room hoping to chat to Xavier about their future plans, he hoped everything would be OK with his brother and his boyfriend, Sam knew there had to be something else to Dante's situation. In Sam's eyes it just didn't seem to be like Josh to lie to someone he cared about. He pondered this as he made his call hoping the rest of the week was better; little did he know it would get turned upside down three days down the road.

The phone rang around four, Sam was hoping it was Xavier but it turned out to be Jen from Dante's boyfriends shop and she sounded frantic. She asked Sam where Dante was, Dante was sleeping due to an overly assertive training session he had that morning and he told Jen this.

"Get him up Sam there's something wrong and I think Josh is in trouble."

Sam was in shock and ran upstairs to get his brother.

"Dante! Dante! Get up something's wrong Jen's on the phone!"

Sam watched his brother's face go from sleepy to sheer terror in a matter of seconds after he got on the phone. He then immediately called the police and informed them what was going on. When he got off the phone for the second time he grabbed Sam and begged him to drive him to Josh's place. Sam got the gist from the phone conversations that Josh was being held against his will by a former roommate who had lost his marbles. Sam dressed quickly and they headed out the door.

Sam drove Dante to Josh's place and there were already four squad cars surrounding Josh's home and Chet was screaming on top of his lungs that it wasn't suppose to end like it was.

Dante panicked and jumped from the car Sam wasn't too far behind him concerned for his brother's well being, this nut case in the window could hurt someone.

"JOSH!" he heard his brother yelled as he tried to go to the house, Sam along with an officer stopped him; he didn't want to see his brother hurt.

"JOSH!" he screamed trying to break free. Tears streamed down his face.

"Best not to go there boy, he's armed." The officer was sullen but serious Sam was worried now.

Dante collapsed crying; "He's got to be OK!" he looked at Sam. "He's OK isn't he?"

Sam put his arm around his brother. "I don't know Dante, I really don't know." Sam felt so very bad for Dante, things had seemed to be going well for them and yet like a house of cards that looked perfect; they only ended up fall over; scattering all over the place. Sam held his brother as he listened to the officer who was with them.

The officer who had spoken to Dante and Sam used a bullhorn and told Chet to surrender and send out Josh.

"You're too late!" He screamed. "It wasn't supposed to be this way! He cheated on me!"

He slammed the window with the butt of the gun. Dante cried "NO!" Chet laughed at the anguished cry of pain.

"Yeah Dante, if I can't have him no one will!" Chet then took aim at Dante. Sam cringed and turned shielding him. No one would hurt his brother! But Chet never got to pull the trigger the officers took him down in two shots. It was all over. Chet was dead. Sam was relieved but Dante was still in shock.

Dante was still in the grass crying while Sam held him. The police, ambulances and news crews were now all over the place. The area was a massive mess.

Officers swarmed Josh's home; they found him physically unharmed as for his mental condition that was another matter. Sam watched as Dante fussed over him, and then watched as the ambulance crew took him away after he fainted. He drove Dante to the hospital and then told Dante to go be with Josh, he'd tell their mom what had happened and hopefully things could be fixed up for them. Sam sighed as he drove home from the hospital, his nerves were shattered. His cell rang, answering he smiled when he heard Xavier's voice. He filled him in on the day's events and now it looked like their own would have to be put on hold but it wasn't a big deal since Xavier did have his own place, even if he shared it.

"You're OK?" Xavier asked

"I could be better but nothing a bit of quiet time won't fix. Care to join me?"

He could actually hear Xavier's smile over the line.

"Sure meet me at my place. I'll cook supper." He chuckled as Sam sighed.

Xavier knew that Sam needed this time away. Stress seemed to keep him on edge but he was strong and usually handled things well, knowing he'd be able to give him all the attention he could want Xavier said his goodbyes and then got ready to go home.

Chapter 4 - Things to come

Sam showed up at Xavier's place a tad shook up from most of the day's events. Xavier was worried about how the traumatic experience would affect both Sam and Dante. He didn't know Josh all too well but he assumed he'd be a mess to since he was the center of the whole fiasco, and that's not a position anyone would want to be in.

Sam informed him that Josh had fainted and was hospitalized. He was waiting to hear from his brother to see how he was doing. "Here's hoping this experience doesn't leave any permanent damage." Xavier said.

"I am hoping that as well. I'd sure hate to see anything bad happen to either of them, Dante has seemed so happy as of late. I'm sure though that his support will help Josh. They are both good for each other and I can't see my brother giving up on Josh even if he's falling apart." Sam's comment tapered off just as Xavier's roommate walked through the door.

"Oh! Hi there!" The young lady said to Sam. Sam smiled at the very tiny blond who stood before him. Xavier looked over at her and said,

"Hey Christina, how was your evening?"

She slipped out of her work shoes and smiled back at Xavier as she laid her kit back on the floor. "Brutal as usual, several lacerations, a kid stuck in a stairwell. There was even a huge accident on the 104 tonight and I think there was like five casualties."

"Damn Chris you must have been on your feet all day."

"Yep, pretty much, but such is the life of an EMT in this city. So who's the cutie?" She said nodding and pointing in Sam's direction. Sam; in turn blushed a pretty crimson to her very direct question and comment much to Xavier's delight.

"You remember that ordeal at the University over who I was dating? He watched her face register with awe.

"Oh my god! You're Sam?" she exclaimed.

Sam blushed again and quietly nodded. He felt odd that this person knew him and the only thing he knew about her was that she tended to lock herself out of their place regularly.

"Man I thought what the university did to you two was a farce." She looked over at Xavier and continued, "Personally I would have gone after the head office for making such a big deal over the matter. Invading your privacy like that, it's appalling."

Sam piped up. "Actually it wasn't all that bad. The faculty was after all doing their job and only looking out for their best interests in the long run. No one likes a scandal especially at a prominent university like St. Stephen's. Just a few minor jitters and it was all over; besides I didn't mind helping Xavier." He was smiling at him as he spoke, and when he finished what he had been saying Xavier smiled back.

"I take it you're the roommate who locked herself out a few weeks ago." he walked over to her hand out. "Sam Ericson." He said to her

"Christina Hart." She replied taking his hand and shaking it.

"You look familiar." Sam said.

"I should." She said as she let go of his hand and sat back down gesturing for Sam to follow suit. "I was the attending for your brother's boyfriend's case. Such a shame how badly things turned out." She let out a sigh, she hated domestic cases. No one ever won. "Oh!" Same was a tad surprised; he knew he recognised her face. He just never realised she had been the one caring for Josh at the time. He sat and thought before he spoke again.

"Well I guess we made a lasting impression." Sam stated as he watched as Xavier ambled in the small kitchen and put on the kettle; his attention turning back to Chris as she spoke again.

"I've seen worse; believe me. Your brother and his boyfriend's case was mild in comparison to some of the horrors I've seen over the years." She stretched out her feet and relaxed in her chair. The kettle whistled and in a few moments Xavier was joining them and passing them both hot cups of tea, which they both gladly accepted.

"Supper will be done soon Chris. I hope you're hungry, I made lasagna."

"Man starved!" she replied. "Thanks Xavier."

"So," She said turning her attention back to Sam. "Now you're done with college and all, and from what I hear there's possibly a long term plan in the works?"

Sam nodded as he sipped the piping hot teaming tea; the aroma calming his senses to a lull. Placing his mug on the table he smiled over at Xavier who had gone to check on their meal and was returning to his seat.

"Well with some help I've decided to open my own aesthetics place, I have a full business plan set up, I've been saving for this since I was fourteen years old, and Xavier has agreed to help with what I haven't quite made yet."

"Wow!" was all she said at first. Both men watched Chris's face as she pondered something.

"No offence Sam to you or anything, I trust you've thought about everything, but Xavier isn't this venture kind of risky?" Chris didn't hold back any punches and spoke her mind.

"It could be if we weren't prepared for many possibilities." He replied; reaching over to touch Sam's hand. He knew what she was thinking and continued "Even if a split was to come about which; I might add, I pray; doesn't happen, Sam would gave two years to pay back funding including interest. Other than that scary notion things are pretty much set. "

Christina awed, "That's so sweet, good thing you two planned ahead, I've heard of some nasty things that can happen if one isn't prepared for the possibilities that could crop up, and none of them are ever fun."

Sam looked at her and nodded. She was right; anything was possible and he and Xavier agreed that both would look out for the other and if anything did cause a break up the mutual agreement they created would go a long way in seeing no one got hurt financially.

Supper was served. The meal was well prepared and Sam was impressed. Afterwards they retired to the couch to watch some television which Sam had to admit was a pleasant excursion and quiet say for the brief phone call Sam got from his brother saying Josh wasn't saying much but that his vitals were good. Sam told him to hang in there and said his good-nights to him and let his twin go. He felt weary. This day started off hellish but got better at least. He sighed in satisfaction as Xavier rubbed the side of his head with his thumb. Xavier was hugged against the sofa's arm. Sam shifted and leaned against Xavier who was still stroking his head. The day's events must have done a number on him as it was only a matter of minutes that Sam passed out resting against him. Xavier just smiled shifted and snuggled in sliding him up against his chest. He and Christina still chattered. She thought it was very sweet of Xavier to be so attentive to him.

"I think today really took its toll on him."

Xavier looked down at Sam, "Yeah, I guess you're right, for one who seems so tough it's apparent he does have a softer; a bit gentler side."

Sam woke about three am to his cell vibrating against his hip. He shifted and reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell. He punched the call accept button and mumbled "Hello."

"Sam? Where are you?" He heard his brothers' voice over the phone and tried to shake the cob webs from his head.

"Uhh, I think I passed out on Xavier and his roommate. I think I'm on his couch. Why? What's going on?"

"Nothing, mom was just worried because we didn't hear from you." His brother sounded a tad perturbed but at least he wasn't out right panicking. "Sorry man, I guess today took its toll on me." He flinched as the lights came on. He sat up and the blanket Xavier had put on him slid down to the floor. He looked over to see Xavier standing in the hall in nothing but a pair of boxers. "Tell mom where I am and that I'll see her sometime tomorrow. I'll call and check in so you don't worry."

"OK Bro, be good." He could hear the chuckle in his brothers' voice as he disconnected the call.

Sam placed his phone back into his pants pocket and looked up at his boyfriend. "Sorry if I was loud." He said.

"It's ok, I heard voices and I didn't know if you needed anything or not so I figured I'd come and check. Is everything all right?" He walked forward and Sam just smirked.

"Oh everything is dandy." He replied as Xavier drew closer. "Mom was just concerned on why I hadn't returned home so Dante called me to make sure I was OK. It took me a bit to realise where I was. Thanks for the blanket by the way."

"No problem," Xavier said as he sat down beside him. "I figured you'd just want to sleep and I didn't have the heart to wake you, but you're awake now. Do you need anything or are you good to just flake back out here." Sam chuckled. Xavier's tone was as subtle as a raging fire and Sam knew it. "I think I'm good. Thanks for checking. "He stooped over and fetched up the blanket Xavier had placed on him earlier and tossed it over his legs. He looked back up and realised Xavier was nearly over him. "Is there anything you need Xav?" Sam asked in a husky tone knowing damn well it would get him wound up.

Xavier bent over him and whispered into his ear. "I'm a little cold." and he walked away leaving Sam baffled.

The light in the hall was left on so Sam knew that Xavier expected him to follow; so he figured he would. What the hell he thought, crashing beside Xavier was far better than sleeping on the sofa. He made it to Xavier's room and flicked off the hall light as he entered the dimly lit room. He could hear soft music playing and chuckled quietly. From his faint view point the room was a fair size and the bed massive. He walked up to a waiting Xavier who in the glow of the radio's light had a cocky grin on his face.

"You left the light on, and how in the world can you be cold with a duvet on your bed?" Sam said as he climbed into the bed and sat on Xavier's covered lap. Xavier grunted and then looked up at Sam. "What in the world are you doing?" He asked acting coy, Sam felt he was just being a smart ass and figured he'd just play along with his game even if he wasn't all that much into games.

"I came in to check on you and see why you were cold. You look pretty hot to me." Sam's response was followed up by him looking Xavier over from top to bottom. "You're clearly not too cold since you're cool to the touch." and he again acted out his comment by laying his hands on his forehead then chest. Xavier pulled his hands away and pulled him closer to him.

"I think you're warming me up with all that frisking, it's hard to keep cool when you've got someone doing things like that."

"You don't say?" Sam responded chuckling. "I can go back to the living room if you want." gesturing to the door.

Xavier growled and pulled Sam down into his bed and quickly flipped him onto his back and straddled him. He whispered into Sam's ear, his breath tickling Sam and sending a shiver up his back.

"Don't you even dare." a low rumble came from Xavier and he started his own form of torture that Sam was all too keen in enjoying. The assault Xavier laid on his neck was delicious and it took a bit for Sam to register that Xavier was only in his boxers, but when he did he decided he was going to have to debrief him on his tactics and take away his control.

Sam had been enjoying all the attention but caught Xavier's lips and nibbled making him moan. Sam knew once that sound escaped him he had him right where he wanted him. A swift sweep with his legs he caught Xavier's in his own and allieoops, he had him flipped over on his back and he was straddling him once again. Sam leaned in and tickled his ear with his breathing as he spoke. "Looks like I'm going to have to show you how it's really done there fire boy."

Xavier chuckled. Letting Sam take control was always intended, but letting him get the upper hand wasn't but Xavier wasn't too worried about it. He was swimming on hormonal wings and he didn't care what Sam did so long as he kept doing it to him. He moaned again as Sam bit into the side of his neck lightly and then continued running kisses down his throat. He gripped his shoulders when he went lower and gasped as Sam focused his tongue on his now taut nipples.

He sucked air through his teeth and arched as the sweet warmth of his lips played across his chest, god Sam was killing him and he felt he was going to explode. Sam's exploration was daring and deadly, bringing Xavier's senses to the brink and back several times. Never in his life had he had someone drive him so insane with just their lips.

Sam was rather enthralled at finding all the wonderful places that made Xavier squirm. His vocals encouraged him to maintain his course.

Next: Chapter 23: Steppin Out IV 5 7

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