Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on May 24, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 1) Aikrii and Mani's Story Copyright 1993-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

One brilliant young man's struggle for acceptance within his own family and community brings him closer to another who makes him stronger through love and understanding.

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already!! The responses were over whelming! LOL I was very surprised on how many I got in 2 days! Thanks!

Ps: And YES I am aware there are not many "women" writers for the male community :D I'm glad to have made SO many of my new fans whom seem to be so thrilled with how I look at things at this persepctive :) in the words of my friend Seth. "You're threapudic, keep it up" LOL :D

PS enjoy the next 3 chapters ... 4 - 6

********************************** Chapter 4 ~ Starting over again **********************************

At nearly 16 his old life was ended and a new Aikrii emerged. He dreamed but this time they weren't so bad, he knew Mani was beside him, protecting him. His fathers face loomed with the harsh words he recalled hearing time and time again, but this time they didn't sting, this time he couldn't hear them and he smiled, he reached for Mani's hand in his dream and walked forward, hand in hand towards his father's image. It made his fathers image scream so hard it blew into a million pieces, He saw what was beyond the intolerance, a rainbow. He smiled in his sleep and snuggled in deeper. He finally understood why the rainbow was used now, as a symbol of peace.

He heard the alarm clock scream, poof the dream ended, but he didn't want to move. He snuggled against the warm body under his side, wriggling caused Mani's arm to wrap tighter around his waist, as he shifted to turn off the alarm clock Aikrii groaned at the disturbance and then blushed, he could feel Mani was ummm...stiff from sleep. Aikrii; being funny looked under the duvet and commented.

"My, my. Aren't we eager to be up and at 'em this morning" he pulled the sheets over his head and kissed Mani's belly. Mani squealed and jumped.

"Dammit Aikrii your lips are FREEZING!" He grabbed Aikrii's shoulders under the blanket and scooted him up to bring him to eye level he was laying on his belly.

"Are you going to class today?" Mani asked.

Bummer thing to ask considering Aikrii was having fun. "Yes" he replied then went back to burrowing like a rabbit under the blanket.

"Ook..." Mani jumped at the nip on his side from Aikrii's sharp teeth, and sucked in sharply when Aikrii nibbled lightly on one of his nipples. Groaning he had to move he knew if he stayed there he'd jump poor Aikrii and now just wasn't the time.

"Ki!" Mani said firmly.

Aikrii poked his head up from under the sheet... "Huh? you talking to me?"

"Yes" Mani said with a grin, and then continued, "As much as I'd love to lay here playing with you and enjoying some good old fun, we both have to get ready for class, we both have a long day ahead of us."

Aikrii nodded his head sat up and straddled over Mani's belly, running his hands down Mani's belly making him shiver grinning evilly down at Mani he said "So you'd love to play with me huh?"

Mani gulped, he knew full well Aikrii was shy but he wasn't being so shy now. He shook his head yes, he couldn't lie to him and his body was giving him away anyway. Aikrii kissed his neck, then down his chest and then slid off of him, grabbed his hand and pulled.

"Come on then, I think I tortured you enough to keep you wanting to set aside some play time now"

He winked and grinned then skipped off to the bathroom leaving Mani standing there dumb founded he looked down to the floor only to be greeted by a full saluting solider instead. He groaned, man it was getting hard to hold back. He wanted him so bad! He heard the water run in the sink in the en suite bathroom and Aikrii poked his head out of the bathroom with nothing but a toothbrush hanging from his mouth and his boxers hanging from his finger.

"Where's the hamper, I have to change into something clean, Oh and where's my clothes?" He was grinning from ear to ear; Mani's jaw was on the floor. Oh my god he was beautiful; it was more than he could bear. Dark and sleek like a native warrior. Stammering he responded,

"Ha..Ham...Hamper is behind the door, here," He reached for Aikrii's shorts and put them in the hamper, "You can borrow something of mine till we get your stuff ok" Aikrii grinned knowing damn well the effect he was having on Mani and was happy to know it to. He felt good about the courage he had been mustering up.

Walking over to Mani with a minty fresh breath and naked as the day he was born, he ran fingers down his chest and said with a grin "Wanna pick something out for me?"

Mani couldn't speak he just gulped and nodded his head. He had to give his head a shake; his brain was all fuzzy. He went to the dresser at the opposite side of the room, and grabed a new pack of boxers briefs he has still wrapped up tossing them to Aikrii.

"First things first Ki, we can't let you go commando all day so there you can have these." Aikrii heard the nickname again and smiled. "Ki?" he asked.

"Yeah, umm if you don't' like it I'll stop calling you that" Mani said while rummaging through his closet for a few shirts and some pants. He poked his head out and showed two brown toned shirts, one dark chocolate and one light like rust. "Which one?" he asked Aikrii pointed to the dark chocolate one, knowing the rust one would look nicer with Mani's red hair.

"I like it actually" he said

Main half paying attention as his mind was elsewhere replied with "What the shirt or the nickname?"

"The nickname silly" Aikrii said laughing, "Why Ki thou?" he asked curious.

Mani stood up with two pairs of jeans under his arm, and walked over to his bed and flopped down on the end and looked at Aikrii. To hell with it if it sounded sappy he was just going to say it.

"Because your my missing Ki, the key to my heart" he said blushing as he passed him a pair of jeans.

Aikrii stood there, staring at Mani who was blushing like a fire was under his butt. He knew it was a hard thing for Mani to say he could just tell, but he also knew it was out of sheer fear that he stammered, blushed and hesitated when telling him, fear of rejection.

"Oh my god! That's the sweetest think anyone has ever said to me!" Aikrii walked over to Mani who was now dressed. Standing in front of him looking down at him sitting on the end of the bed and just blurted out what needed to be said.

"I know that was hard for you to say, your scared I'm going to laugh or reject the feelings you display, but don't be scared around me or for me, It's because of you I'm a new person I'm more brave now and stronger and if I'm your key, your my heart and together we'll be one ok" He searched the violet eyes that were staring at him. Mani was so happy to hear the wise words come from Aikrii's lips. He leaned forward and hugged his midriff and stood sliding up Aikrii's torso at the same time now looking down into his beautiful green eyes he responded with a startling revelation to Aikrii.

"Now I know why I've loved you from afar for so long, your wise beyond your years and never really gave up looking for your place in this big old world. Yes I'm your heart, and we will work as one, you and I together proving nothing can stop us" Mani then kissed Aikrii so gently, like a butterfly on the end of a flower it was delicate and sweet. Aikrii sighed, he was told he was loved it was amazing! He lingered enjoying the warmth of Mani's lips. Mani pulled back.

"If I say something that ever scares you or leaves you questioning what I mean, please come and ask even if you think it's stupid, hearing you speak as wisely as you do for your young age makes me realize I don't need to take baby steps with you anymore. I know you can handle what comes our way, and together; as a team we can manage, right?"

Aikrii nodded his head and smiled "Always" he whispered, he was still excited over hearing the words "...Now I know why I've loved you from afar for so long" and since he promised to ask if something was confusing, he asked right then and there.

"You loved me from afar?" he smiled

Mani blushed again. "Yes, since the day I realized who you were. I'm surprised your not up to a grade 12 level yet considering your smarts, I learned about you when the facility announced the program you created for the schools handicapped and disabled students."

Aikrii smiled and then started to talk about his reasons why he did what he did "My pops and gram needed help, pops is handicapped now can't see too good but still loves to ride. He's got friends who go with him but everyday things at home like paying bills were getting harder and harder, that's why I created the reader program and the voice activated programs as well."

Mani was impressed; the necessity out of helping his family is what brought about the specialized programs he had made. "You realize you can get that stuff specially patented, right"

"Oh most indeed, I'm actually waiting on that now, as for the comment you made about me not being in grade twelve" He hesitated and scratched his head and grinned awkwardly. "I'm actually not in school per say, at all, I am only taking upgrading right now, as I fell off in history and I needed the extra credits to complete my courses."

Mani looked confused. Aikrii picked up his kit bag and then walked out to the living room with Mani behind him.

"What do you mean upgrading?" Mani asked.

"Well like I said, I fell behind in classes, during the making of my program, I lost interest in history and it went to the way side, French also got a shit kicking to, I lost those credits. My professor told me in order to complete the credits I have through the courses I was taking before I had to come back here and finish my missing credits off, grade eleven history and French"

Mani stopped and looked and then asked the one question that was nagging him, "What courses?"

Aikrii looked at Mani and said, "Umm your always pointing out how young I am so this may come to a shock to you to know I'm in my 2nd year of programming studies over at St Stephen's University"

Mani wasn't shocked he was floored and the look on his face proved it. "Hot damn!" he hooted, "Not only was I blessed with a cute guy he's got friggin brains to! SWEET!"

Aikrii laughed, "So I got the brains, you got the brawn" and he winked.

"I think we each have both, it's just going to take a bit to get the brawn out of you." He took Aikrii's hand and they headed to the door.

"Ok babe, time to face the world" he said with a hint of laughter as they went down to the carport.

They pulled into the school parking lot and Aikrii was shocked to see a huge banner saying welcome back over the front door. There were 100's of students rallying around many had pickets that had slogans on them, like "Pride rules" and "Acceptance, not intolerance" There was a girl with bright purple hair passing out friendship bracelets that were rainbow colored. When she seen Mani's car she rushed right over.

"Mani! Mani!" she squealed. She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek and turned him around and swept her hand across the schools lawn. "So whacha ya think? Hummm?"

"FREAKING amazing!" he said gleaming

"Ki, come here hun!" Mani said with a huge grin and then placed his arm over Aikrii's shoulder. "Because of what happened; what you see before you is now a movement we're causing this school to notice"

Aikrii was still speechless, five boys he knew one who was the brother of the boy who beat him had signs that said, "gay and damn proud of it..." He was pointing and squeaking in utter shock. He finally managed to squawk out "They outted themselves? Here!"

Cleo laughed, and stuffed out her hand in greeting "Hey Aikrii, welcome back, I'm Cleo, I helped your boyfriend here after you were hurt" she shook his hand and then kissed his cheek. "Your one mighty lucky fella, I know a few guys who are quite jealous you landed him," she giggled.

Aikrii turned and looked at the girl dumbfounded. "HUH!" he looked at Mani. Mani was laughing at the confused state he could see that Aikrii was obviously in. "The schools population here Aikrii is about twenty percent gay, with Cleo's help we started a movement that allows them to be free of hiding, in the process a few of the guys I already knew who were out, kind of got wind about my interest in you. Some are sad to see my status go from single to taken."

Aikrii blushed and stepped closer to Mani, "So I could kiss you here, right now and not have to worry someone will try to kick my head in...Again?"

"By all means, do so." Mani said spurring him on with the dare he insinuated, so being the new Aikrii he was; he did. The funniest thing happened while they got lost in each other's arms and lips... students started clapping. Smiling, giggling and kissing they both hear the whistles and claps all around them. Finally! Acceptance! They both knew not everyone would but this was a start.

Smiling Aikrii backed away from Mani and took his hand, "Come on lets go" They walked into the school hand in hand, Cleo behind them and Nye creeped in the fray to on his way to class, asking if Cleo could introduce him to her other friend she didn't stop talking about, he wanted to know who his big brother was dating.

"I always seem to be the last to know these things! He whined..."Mom and dad just said he wouldn't be at his apartment much in the last two weeks so I couldn't go over as often."

Cleo whispered "Oh hun stop being a big baby! I'm sure your brother will introduce you to his new love as soon as he's got time, right now give the poor bugger some space!"

Nye was a bit set back, His brother usually never kept to himself so much but lately with all that had happened at the school he noticed Mani was more reserved. "Maybe it's just me" he though. He also realized there was a fella he knew from his chem. class who had been interested in Mani he was going to have to let down...that is if he didn't already know.

Mani saw his baby bro out of the corner of his eye and turned, grappled onto the small green haired kids head and noogied him. "AGKK!" he squawked, "MANI, bug off!" His big bro laughed like mad. Aikrii had seen the green haired boy before. Mostly with Mani at a lot of the competitions he was in the past. Mani stopped let the poor kid loose from the headlock he had him in and introduced his baby brother.

"Ki, this green haired little twerp is my baby bro, Nye...Nye this is my boyfriend, Aikrii"

The words boyfriend flowed like silk from his lips, it seemed so natural and he didn't blush anymore but he did look at Aikrii with hunger in his eyes and it made Aikrii shiver with glee.

"Nice to meet you," Nye said stuffing out a hand while pushing his bro back into Cleo. "HEY! Nye; be good!" Cleo said shooting him a dirty look, he grinned at her and continued to chat to Aikrii.

"So your the fella everyone's been taking about" smiling he threw his arm over Aikrii's shoulder, who found it quite strange to have happen but he let things be.

"Yes I suppose so," he said not knowing where the convo was going.

"Well I guess this means your now part of my family now. You best get ready to meet mom and dad you'll love them!" with a pat on the back he looked at his bro and said "Cleo and I better get a wedding invitation!"

Aikrii's jaw dropped he was totally floored, he didn't expect to have this happen, little alone have Mani's brother accept him so easily. WOW! He laughed and looked at Mani, and with an air of pride said in jest "I suppose we could swing one more, what do ya think there dear?"

"I think we'll manage, besides I'm sure mom would kick my ass if I didn't invite the whole family" all 4 of them giggled and hooted at the concept of Mani's mom kicking their butts.

"If she can get her foot that high," Nye squawked out between gasping laughs.

"We should really go to see my parents tonight if you want, Aikrii" Mani said to him still chuckling, you would really adore my mom, your mom reminds me of mine, actually.

"Sure" he was thrilled to be included.

"Well ok that's settled we best get to class, I can just see Mr. Dagon's temple vein popping now if I'm late again" Aikrii said, he kissed Mani's cheek, "Till later" he murmured, turning he headed to his home room.

"Meet me at the car when classes are done" Mani shouted back.

"Ok!" He smiled thinking about what the rest of the day may hold.

Chapter 5 ~ Surprises ***********************

He walked into class and Mr. Dagon was standing by the board waiting for the kids to settle but as soon as Aikrii walked in everyone started hooting, whistling and chanting his name. He jumped and backed against the board. He looked at Mr. Dagon who was chanting with the rest of the students. He was still flabbergasted when the class calmed some and Mr. Dagon spoke.

"Aikrii in light to everything that's happened, and the special efforts that all the students are putting into starting an anti-bulling anti-bashing policy with a no tolerance clause included we have as a whole class decided to let today be a free day, there's more to."

Aikrii was stunned, a whole day of nothing? He was still stunned when he realized it wasn't so much as of nothing as it was something more. There was an assembly planned. There was a cake in the back of the class with welcome back Aikrii on it. It was his favorite kind to so he KNEW his mom had something to do with it since she was only a few who knew he loved maple walnut. When the kids in his class had their fill his teacher instructed them to head to the gymnasium they all filed out and stopped in front of the doors, he stopped and told them to wait slipping in he disappeared.

"What's going on?" Aikrii asked. Cleo popped into the mess of everything and giggled, "You'll see" she said smiling mysteriously.

Mr. Dagon popped his head out and instructed them to join them, but Cleo covered Aikrii's eyes.

"Huh! hey!" he wanted to see what was going on.

"Hold your horses silly," She muttered "Your as bad as your boyfriend, no patients!"

Aikrii was lead to where ever it was they were going but had no clue where since he couldn't see nothing but he could feel the presents of many eyes staring at him, there was an aura of warmth all around him he could feel it to his very bones and the anticipation was killing him.

His eyes were uncovered and standing before him was a whole bleacher full of students, all dressed in different brightly colored shirts each representing one color out of the rainbow that represented the gay pride community. They were all lined row by row color by color on the bleacher making a huge rainbow across the floor, Aikrii gasped. In the middle of the fray was a podium, there were police officers, his mom, the principal, Mani and a few other people he didn't recognize, some he did, one was Sefron from the band Flatline whom he heard sing at a school function last year. He was seated in the front of this fantastic mess and everything started.

Sefron got up. He walked over to the side of the stage and his band started up, Freedom 90 started and he recognized one of the most frequently played Gay pride songs done by George Michaels, it was one of his top favorite songs and he smiled, He listed as the rainbow of students sang, he joined in while sitting there, grinning the whole time, he also noticed Mani was watching him from the crowd on the stage. When the song ended the principal got up and addressed the assembly of students around him.

"It's my great pleasure to announce that today is a history making moment for our school, even thou this day was brought about because of one of the worse events any school can have happen, we're happy to see the young man who was the start of it all sitting in front of us, Happy, healthy and smiling, without him and his fellow classmates, friends and others you see before you; today wouldn't be possible"

The principal pointed to Aikrii, and continued

"Because of the abuses you've been a part of and the fact that our eyes here were closed to the possibilities of the damaging effect intolerance and prejudices that some can hold towards the gay community that is obviously present in our school, we learned a lesson, and unfortunately at your expense, so in order to say sorry and thanks to you for being back amongst us and for being so brave, and so very strong, we are dedicating this day every year to you in your honor."

A banner fell from the ceiling, the students looked up as the principal continued.

"Today at Joseph Walker High from this day one will be known as Aikrii's Pride Day. A free day where kids of all races, religions, genders, ages, and preferences can be free to be themselves regardless of who they are. This day will have a freedom clause added so that if a member of our school doesn't have a preference for this they can refrain from joining in on the festivities. There will also be more counseling and security added in order to protect more students."

Aikrii looked at the banner it had his name on it and a line of silhouetted kids hand in hand over a rainbow each one was a different color each one had something different about them he was so awed at the sheer vastness of it all. He was so happy he started to cry. Mani was there in a heartbeat at his side, smiling down at him.

Aikrii was smiling with tears falling and spoke, "They did this all...because of me?"

"Yes, and you deserve it all to." Mani said holding his hand, he took Aikrii to the stage and showed him a seat, and he then took the podium, and started to speak.

"Fellow classmates, all of you here I am sure know who I am." A round of yes rang through the gyms surroundings. "I knew of Aikrii when he was featured through the faculty for creating special software for the handicapped students here at Joseph Walker. I was thrilled to see someone other than a football player getting recognized for their hard work"

Jokingly he mentions, "Not that football playing isn't hard to do, I know I couldn't do it" Laughing he continued.

"Either way I knew who he was, but little did I know just how impressive this fine fellow is. Many probably don't know that during his programming stages he let some of his studies go in order to help others. If he had of had the time to keep both going he would have graduated at fourteen.

There were murmurs of impressiveness throughout the room Mani continued his speech.

"He unfortunately didn't get full credits, but not without due cause, because of his granddads needs he put his family first, and created a special program that will free many more to come, who can't see, and more of the handicapped community who need help. Now if one small fourteen year old boy at that time can do this, I'm sure our community can learn tolerance for a wonderful, soon to be sixteen years old, young man who has a gift of knowledge in his noggin he should be allowed to give freely to his fellow students without fear of retribution because of a preference he has, and here's hoping his last year here will be a better one, he will be continuing on his 3rd year of University come this September."

There was a murmur of "University? Oh my!"

That's when Aikrii's Professor Leo MacDonald from the St Stephen's University walked on to the stage taking Mani's spot. Mani sat down beside him and took his hand and listened to Aikrii's professor.

"He was a mere boy of 14 when I met him, so small I though that the school who had referred him to me had been mistaken, but I still took an interest in what he had done so l listened to what had to be said."

He pushed his glasses up on his face and read on.

"Aikrii was an impressive boy with high hopes and dreams only some of us ever manage to obtain, he nearly lost those chances due to a few who had no idea their actions would be the worse in the history of our local schools, it saddened me to hear of his attack, our faculty put aside funds in his name in hopes of a speedy recovery."

Leo looked over at Aikrii and smiled "Aikrii, my dear child I know your lacking two credits but you'll get those soon enough. With all that's happened and in light of all the hard work you've done and the overwhelming support you've received we've decided that the funds we raised will go towards your last two years at St. Stephens University so you can finish your scholarship free of charge."

Aikrii was bowled right over, his eyes widened, and he was once again a blubbering mess, he walked up to Leo and shook his hand then hugged him. "Thank you! you don't know what all this means to me, I'm so over whelmed" he hiccupped.

Mani stood by him while Leo spoke.

"You've gone through a lot, it's the least we could do." Aikrii smiled; and said thanks once again.

The band played again, "I will survive" was being belted out by a girl on stage that Aikrii didn't know, but her vocals were pretty good. Cleo was signing to the words and Nye was clapping, Mani and Aikrii were both happy and enjoying the assembly.

The assembly dispersed and everyone left, heading to lockers and other places. Nye and Cleo along with Sefron met up with Mani and Aikrii. Walking to their lockers Nye asked his big brother.

"So are you for sure comming to mom's and dad's tonight?"

Mani looked at Aikrii who shook his head yes, so Mani simply said "Yes, tell mom to set an extra plate ok"

Nye said fine, punched his bros arm and took off up the hall laughing with Cleo in tow who waved to them both. Sefron was beside them and shook Aikrii's hand, welcoming him back to the school, then he had to load his equipment for his next gig, he thanked Mani and left.

Aikrii asked Mani "Do you know him? I've heard his music before he's good."

"Actually I know his sister Chev, she's one of my students in my Ti-kwon-do classes," he said

"Oh ok, cool!" Aikrii was in such a good mood, "So where to first?" he asked

"Home, I have to go pick up a few things before we go out to my parents." They walked to the car and the drive home was a peaceful event.

Chapter 6 ~ Growing ***********************

The two-day visit with Mani's parents had been an eye opener, He learned that Mani's parents were the most understanding people he ever had the fine chance of meeting, and being so laid back with them was as natural as talking to his own mom and the dad he wished he had. Nye was a hoot; since Mani had moved out he sort of took over Mani's old room with his computer stuff and music equipment. His dog Flip at his feet, Nye had tunes pumping like mad and his parents just boogied along with it all. Aikrii was impressed when he heard Mani's dad belting out the words to a Nickelback song like it was something you'd hear from 1978. He smiled, there was lots of love here and he was a part of it. The bed in Mani's old room was small but it was good enough for the night they stayed. The night they were to head home they were all enjoying plans for a party at Mani's home and were curled up together in the den watching a movie, Mani's dad, Danny brought in a blanket for them.

"It's chilly tonight I'm sure this will help some, I'm going to go down and light the fire, when are you two heading home?" he asked Mani, "You know you can always stay another night"

"Thanks dad" Mani said "We'll be heading out around nine I have Ti-Kwon-do classes tomorrow and I have a photo shoot at 5 so I want to get other things done for the rest of the week besides I have a birthday present I have to get someone tonight." while he mentioned the present he looked over to a slouched Aikrii who was laying snuggled between his legs engrossed in the movie.

"Huh?" he said looking at Mani, he had no idea what had been said.

Mani laughed. "It's ok dear, watch the movie"

He looked back up at his dad, "Why don't you pop over to the house tomorrow, that's Aikrii's birthday and I would love it if you came."

"Sure, want me to get your mother to whip up a cake?" He smiled knowing how much of a sweet tooth Mani had

"Cake?" Aikrii perked up at that and looked around. "Where?" he was smiling at Mani and his dad.

"Man, you have a one track mind there" Mani laughed hauling the sheet over Aikrii's head.

Aikrii popped his head out and blatantly blurted out much to his own embarrassment "Keep doing that and my one track mind will find another track to play on!" He then remember where he was and turned so red he ducked back under the blanket butting poor Mani in the stomach with his head causing him to curl in reaction, and once again if they could see him Aikrii went redder than before since the reaction Mani had and where he was laying at caused him to get a face full of Mani's lower clothing covered extremities. He groaned in defeat. "Ohh dammit."

Half sitting with a blanket over his head Aikrii sat there mumbling to himself "Why is it I always frig up? Stupid, stupid Aikrii, be an ass now..." Mani and his dad both roared in laughter, his dad vacated the den while Mani took the blanket off of Aikrii's head.

"Your far from stupid" he said as he tugged on Aikrii's arm to get him to slide closer to him.

"I can't believe I blurted that out, and with your dad here! My god, talk about a total sped moment! I must have sounded like a total deprived pervert! " He said in exasperation and throwing his hands up to.

Mani laughed, he looked at Aikrii, "Dad thought you were adorable, you know he says you remind him of his baby brother"

"I remind you of your uncle..Ummm...ewww?" He made a face.

Mani looked at Aikrii again and snorted trying to stifle the loud laugh he almost let out, then in a serious but playful tone to he continued.

"I never knew my uncle, he died when my dad and he were teens, dad says you remind him of his little bro because of your fun nature, you're honest innocents and energy, dad thinks if his brother had lived I'd more than likely would have been a lot like him to with his influences, Dale was a good guy, dad said, it's just too bad he died so young."

"How did he pass?" Aikrii asked out of sheer curiosity.

Mani lowered his head.

"Back in the early 50's homosexuality was even less tolerated than it is now. He, like you; was beaten only he wasn't so lucky, he was killed and no one ever paid for the damage they did to my dad's family."

Aikrii was shocked, history had repeated itself in a semi similar way with Mani as did with his dad's own family, it was odd how fate had a way of bringing people together.

"Man, I'm soo sorry to hear that Mani. I guess it would have been tough to."

"It's how things happened back then, now days there's more understanding, more tolerances, acceptances. It's a shame some had to go in the name of free choices, but every war has it's victims, us included."

Aikrii looked at Mani and was so thankful to know he was there to make Mani smile instead of sitting there reminiscing of what could have been.

The movie ended and Aikrii got up and stretched his legs, Mani still sitting on the coach hugged him from behind, being the smart ass that Aikrii had hiding in his funny nature he bum butted Mani in the nose, he got a good nip in the butt cheek for it to. He yelped and then turned around and tackled Mani laughing like crazy, spilling popcorn all over the floor.

Both of them sprawled out on the coach a tangled mess of legs and arms, wrestling and laughing, Mani's mom Alice walked in. She tisked, tisked and scolded them for the mess of popcorn. It was all over the floor while they lay there all in a jumbled mess frozen in time. Aikrii grinned and snickered and then with brazen tenacity, and moving like lightening flipped over and had Mani pinned and started to tickle him Mani Squirmed and tried to catch his breath.

"Right at his hips on his sides is where he's most ticklish" Mani's mom put in while she continued picking up like this was a normal play fight she seen her boys do before.

"MOM! Don't' encourage him!" Mani gasped between squeals and wiggles as he tried to get Aikrii's hands. All the wiggling he was doing was causing some friction and he assumed Aikrii could feel the results of his playful banter.

His mom just chuckled and left the two to their play as she walked out, Aikrii's eyebrows did their evil little "I know" dance and he continued to tickle Mani making him squirm more. Through the laughter and play Aikrii got a bit over zealous and forgot where he was, leaning down with Mani's arms pinned at the wrists he kissed him with the fierceness of a starving man, he wanted him so badly! Groaning and trying his utmost to not give in Mani got swept up in the moment also forgetting where they were. Aikrii wasn't holding his wrists anymore they had snaked around his neck bringing him closer. Heat they created together dizzied their senses made them slick and left them panting for more. The words "Get a room!" was enough to make them crash.

Mani grabbed a pillow and threw it with all of his might at his baby brother. "GET OUT!" he yelled.

Aikrii shrank against Mani's chest. He felt so foolish. Panting and still warm from their playing he mumbled "Sorry..."

Mani only hugged him harder and stroked the top of his head. "No I'm sorry I should have known he'd come in and ruin it and I shouldn't have lost my head there either, keeping us both in check is harder than I thought."

"In check?" Aikrii asked.

Mani put his eyes down, "Yes, in check, your still only fifteen Aikrii," looking at his watch he continued "Legally and I technically have twelve more hours to wait and I intend to TRY and keep it that way, for both our sakes" he looked back at Aikrii and ran his hand along his cheeks and through his hair, "Understand it's nothing to do with you personally. It's the morals I was brought up with, and respect is one of them. Following the law is the other."

"But we can" Aikrii asked with childlike eagerness.

Mani chuckled then the laughter grew as he hauled Aikrii down to him he growled, "Bring it on, babe!" He kissed him, throwing him of balance flipped over and had Aikrii pinned. He nibbled his ear and licked down his neck.

Aikrii squealed and panted "Oh my god, YES!'

Arching he pressed against Mani's straddled hips. Mani was totally aware of his arousal. Grinning he got off and said "Ok time to go home"

"Awww dammit Mani! You left me hanging!" Aikrii pouted crossing his arms.

Mani went over grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet, kissed his cheek quickly and whispered, "We can play undisturbed, at home" Aikrii's eyes widened, the promises of some release there he scurried to get his jacket.

They both left happy and with a round of hugs and promises of visits tomorrow afternoon for Aikrii's sixteenth birthday celebration they left Mani's parents home.

MANY thanks to Seth and his hubby Steven for their support and my bestest pal Joe in PEI :D The encourgement to continue means a lot.

MANY MANY thanks to Amy for helping me edit my mistakes :D your a gem!

Thanks for reading. Full series books 1 -3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link, also you can ask to be included on my mailing list as well I will notify fans via E-Mail of each released chapter :D thanks.

Comments, feed back and general mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Next: Chapter 3: Steppin Out 7 9

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