Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Nov 5, 2008


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 3) On the straight and Narrow - Copyright 1997-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

A love lost, a love gained, two families become closer as a third is added to the extended family tree Aikrii and Mani have created for themselves. Even through the sorrow each love thrives to florish to the best it can be. A tear jerker so be sure to have lots of tissues!

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks Also note if you read the books on line there IS a forum for fans to post comments in :D So please by all means use it to have your say about what you read or mail me :D either way is great.

Please enjoy book 3 ...keep watching here for the next chapters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

PS summer vacation is almost over and to those who read all my stuff on line so far, I WILL be back to writing SOON (2nd week of September) so keep your eyes out on the series main web site you'll see book 4 and 5 getting compleated :D enjoy what I have now and PLEASE post in the forums I LOVE to hear from fans, really I do! :)


Chapter 16 -- Rock-a-bye Baby ***************************

February came to Kearney and Shore Road with a gust and a flurry mess of snow, for three days it snowed and Nye was stuck at home helping out with the shoveling which seemed to be an endless non stop task.

"Holy shit is it ever gonna end?" he asked his brother as he and Mani shoveled out the private walk to his place for like the fifth time that day. They had already done the main walk to the house and the plow had been through twice already today.

"I hope it does soon" Mani said looking up at the dark clouds. "I'm on the verge of a heart attack with all this shoveling." He took off his hat and wiped his brow he was sweating from the exertion but at least he wasn't cold.

"Ahh you're just getting old bro!" Nye said laughing his ass off as his brother stood there slacked jawed and totally shocked at Nye's joking comment.

"Ahh I see I got you." He snickered as his brother threw a snowball at him.

"You turd I'll get you for that." Mani laughed as the snowball fight ensued. It lasted only a short time before Mardi poked her head out the door and called them both in for hot chocolate so they could warm up.

"I just listened to the weather station and it seems there's more snow on the way guys so I guess we best wait till it's stopped before you both go out to freeze your asses off again."

Mani chuckled, "We have to keep it up, you could pop any day now." He said nodding towards the tiny womans massive belly, she had exploded in the last month and was nearly as round as she was tall. Sefron kept telling her she was going to be able to roll to bed at night at the rate she was going. She got mean when he did that but it was a playful mean.

"Well if worse came to worse Aikrii could always call a chopper in." Mardi laughed as Mani looked amused at the concept of Mardi being air lifted from the house to get to the hospital.

"Don't worry Mani, women give birth at home quite often, if it happens we're prepared Sefron made sure of it." She kissed his cheek and rubbed her belly watching little miss Faith wiggle her foot across her mom's belly. Mardi giggled as she felt her moving.

"I have things to do guys, no more pulverizing each other with snowballs now ok. Oh and if Sefron calls from work tell him to bring home some apple pie, I've got a hankerin' of a craving as Sefron calls it and this one wants me to fill it." She rubbed her belly chuckled as she went up stairs to do laundry.

"Should she be doing house work so close to her due date?" Nye asked Mani a bit concerned.

"It's called the 'nesting' instinct, it happens just before a little one is born, kind of an animal instinct, let her be you'll only piss her off if you keep her from doing what she thinks needs to be done, mom warned me about this." Mani finished off his drink and rinsed his cup and put it in the dishwasher. He walked over to the phone and called Aikrii at work.

"Hey sexy" he smiled at the phone when Mani called him that. "Hey hun, everything ok at home?" He asked as he typed out a new string of coding into the program he was working on.

"Yes just fine, I was calling to see if you're coming home early, just heard we have another mess of snow coming and I don't want to have to get the dog team out there to get you." He chuckled at his own joke. Aikrii smiled at the comment.

"Worried about me baby?" He asked.

"I don't want cold feet making me squeal tonight dear." Mani said with a chuckle.

Aikrii looked at the phone with a cocky smile and said "Ok babe just for that I'm gonna have to ice cube you into submission."

Mani eeped over the phone at the concept of being frozen to death. "No thanks hun, I much rather warmth. So when you coming home?"

Aikrii looked at his watch, it was Friday and he had been into the office all week with no issues thou the snow had been a bitch to get through...'fuck it' he though. He flicked off his computer after saving his work. "I'll be home in about thirty minutes ok hun, keep them buns warm for me." He smiled as he hung up and went to go grab his jacket. On his way out Troy stopped him and asked him how his latest product was coming along.

"Well actually, I had an issue with a string earlier but managed to see my typing error in the basic programming, never thought that a simple command could be such a pain in the ass," he chuckled as he scratched his head. "So how's life on your end?" He asked Troy.

"Oh very well thanks, we're launching your last product this month and here's hoping we make as much as we did last year on your translator." Troy beamed he loved it when his company got top of the line products especially ones Aikrii created, he was such an innovative person. "So, your foster daughter, Becky is it? Hows that going along?"

Aikrii beamed he adored that kid and was tickled pink over her as she progressed not only in school but as a family member, she was even starting to 'show' and Aikrii and Mani coddled her and she told them it drove her nuts. He told try that he was pleased to know that the adoption had gone through in less than two months and that was only because her parents gave social services permission to pass her on to them soul custody no questions asked. He wasn't pleased they gave up on her so easily but he was more than happy to give her what her parents apparently were unwilling to do for her.

"I'm glad to hear she's fitting in so well, when is she due?" Troy asked

"Well last we had her checked she was about fifteen or sixteen weeks along, her exact conception date is iffy, but we have been told around the end of July." Aikrii was looking forward to that as well as the planned second honeymoon he had planned for Mani this summer.

"Anyway boss man I have a hubby at home looking for me to get there before he has to send a dog sled team through the snow to rescue me so I shall toddle off here and I'll try to be in on Monday I want to get this last product done so when the prototype comes out I can take my vacation time in July, I have big plans and I don't want to see them muffed up." He smiled and waved to Troy as he left the office eager to get home to the love of his life.

"She is acting all weird" Selina said to Nye in agreement as she watched Mardi flit through the house like she was on a caffeine boost. Just watching her Selina was getting tired.

"I don't know what got into her she hasn't stopped since yesterday. Sefron tried to stop her and he got nailed, I think it's the first time I've ever seen her so off her norm." Nye was getting concerned but Sefron walked in and had her apple pie she had asked for earlier that day so here was a hopeful reprieve to her 'nesting' frenzy.

Sefron stopped by the table and set down the pie and looked at Nye. "Worried huh?"

"Yeah, hows your arm from yesterday?" He asked him recalling how Mardi had actually smacked him.

"I'll live, she's small, hormonal and feisty but her slaps are like those of large mosquitoes, no big deal, I can handle her." He chuckled his hearty chuckle and as soon as Mardi flitted by him he scooped her up, much to her protesting and firmly planted a kiss on her lips while she beat on his shoulders. He chuckled even more.

"Umm, my kitten is getting claws huh?" He waited till she stopped squirming.

Mardi stopped and she sighed. She was feeling off and she knew it but seeing Sefron made her calm some. "I'm so sorry hun, I don't know what's gotten into me, I want to scream and cry and hell I don't know." She sighed again and rested her head against his shoulder.

"I brought you pie." He said, his deep voice lulling her into her comfort state. She looked over and saw it on the counter and smiled and then kissed him for the kindness he still gave to her even when she was being so bitchy to him.

"Thanks baby." She wiggled again wanting down, she was craving this all day and wanted some now.

He divvied the pie up to her and everyone else, Sefron was worried, he never seen her like this but he was quiet about his concerns he would watch her for the next few days and see how things went. When she was done eating she noticed she looked very tired and he insisted on taking her up for a nap.

"I got stuff to do Sef, I don't want to sleep." She said trying her damnedest to keep him from coddling her like a child.

"I understand you have things to do, but you're also ready to go any day now and if you wear yourself thin you'll have to have a C-section if you can't deliver our angel on your own. Is that something you want to do?" He waited for her to answer, instead she caved and let him lead her to their room.

Once there there she got a bit more energized thou and flirted with him.

"Your being so wonderful baby." She smiled and kissed him and waited for him to melt like he always did. "I'm sorry if I am so cranky, I feel so huge." She looked at her belly and grimaced, she couldn't even see her feet anymore. He tucked himself up beside her as she crawled into bed. He rubbed her belly ever so slowly making her moan with pleasure. She kissed him again, with more urgency.

"Are you ok to play around?" He asked her

"I can't see why not, not like I've gone into labor or anything, besides I might sleep better." She grinned her sweet wicked little grin and half ass pounced on him, well as best as she could considering her awkward size, she always choose top now days since it gave her more control over their love making.

She had him moaning in pleasure within minutes and he was stroking her belly which only encouraged her to push on more. She climaxed before he did and the rippling sensations that she caused on him was enough to bring him over the edge. He shouted her name as he held on to her keeping her from moving anymore. Warmth spread throughout her and she sighed in satisfaction. It didn't last long that time around but she didn't care, she was however sated and now happily tired out. He kissed her belly and her breasts and and then her lips last as she slid from his lap. He smiled she was glowing more now than she had been earlier and she looked pleasantly happy. He tucked her in against his chest and wrapped his arm around her belly, even thou it was only around supper time he drifted off to sleep with her. He smiled as he fell asleep he loved moments like this.

Mani looked out the door at the swirling mess that was floating to the ground at a fast paced rate.

"I think we should make sure we have candles and some water bottled up" He said to Aikrii who had only gotten home about ten minutes before the storm hit them. They were standing facing the patio window door Aikrii was wrapped in Mani's arms gathering the warmth from him after battling the elements, it was cold out as well as messy.

"I'll go check the basement for the propane stove to, we might need it if this keeps up." He kissed Aikrii's cheek and let him go and headed to the basement. Aikrii just stood there staring at the mess that was coming down with a vengeance. Nye walked into the living room and noticed his brother in law looking out the window.

"Sure looks rotten doesn't it." He stuffed his hands in his pocket and stared.

"I think I should call the plows again and make sure they keep the roads plowed here as much as possible, call it a hunch." Aikrii said looking over at Nye.

Nye was wondering why he had said that but he was sure Aikrii was smart enough to do what he thought was right. It wasn't even ten minutes that Mani was back from hauling stuff up from the basement and filling the water jugs that the power went out.

"Now how ironic is that?" Mani said as the pump in the house stopped working. "Glad you called that one Aikrii." He said over his shoulder as he put the lid on the bottle.

"Mom use to always say, be prepared as it's when you least expect it that crap happens. I guess she was right." He smiled back at Mani who walked towards him. "I think we'll have to start the fireplace soon to we don't want it to get too cold in here."

"Thank god for propane." Mani said as Nye went over to check the thermostat. "It's still reading twenty three degrees Celsius in here, do you want me to turn it on now?" He asked.

"Might as well, least the house won't get chilled enough to worry about it later." Aikrii said as he turned back to look out the window. Mani returned to standing and snuggling behind him. Nye flitted around the house putting up candles and lighting a few. He found the hurricane lanterns and lit them as well. He managed to get upstairs and knock on Mardi and Sefron's place. Sefron answered the door.

"Damn it's dark." Sefron said.

"Yeah power is out, you two ok?" Nye asked.

"Yep." He looked back into the apartment to see if Mardi had come out of their room but she was asleep when he got up. "I think she's still sleeping she was pretty wiped when I finally got her to crash."

"Well if you need anything call down to Aikrii's cell he has it on him and I have mine to, the house phone is out." Nye passed him two flashlights and went back down stairs. *********************************************

Becky was scared shit less, the power went out on her way home and she had no idea if they were going to make it. Her friend Marie's mom Anita could hardly see out the car window and with the street lights all off she had to be super careful.

"We'll make it little one don't worry" Anita said smiling to the young lady in the back seat.

Anita took nearly two hours to get home from Kevin's place. A trip that usually only takes thirty minutes. They arrived and Anita punched the number to Aikrii's cell into her own. She greeted Aikrii on the other end and told him she was in the driveway with Becky that she would have to stay with them since it was almost impossible to travel now. Aikrii and Mani both met them at the door and ushered them in quickly.

"I think when we redo the place with the guests home Aikrii we should add a damn garage as well." Mani grumbled as he wiped the snow from his head.

"Hun we'd loose the side porch since the only place we could put it would be through the kitchen that is unless we chopped down the tree by Nye's place and built a full porch cover from the garage to the foyer doors." Aikrii waited to see if Mani was serious when he got

"Anything would be better than a mess like this" Aikrii knew he was just grumbling. Aikrii didn't think a full garage was needed anyway, at least not yet.

Becky hugged Aikrii and then Mani in turn. She was happy to be home safe and sound. Anita brushed off her head as well and smiled at Mani and Aikrii

"I must call Master Trask and let him know it's not possible for my return. Is there somewhere in private I can make my call?" She asked

Aikrii showed her the guest room and told her the room would also serve as her sleeping quarters till she could return to the Trask home.

"Much appreciated Mr. Oratii" She said bowing.

"Oh gosh, Anita don't bow dear, You're a guest here not a maid in our home ok." He smiled warmly at the older lady who was sort of baffled since she was so use to always being in 'service' mode. It's all she knew. She smiled back and said she'd try her best to be a guest. Aikrii chuckled realizing she probably didn't feel any different here than at Kevin's place.

Anita returned to the kitchen about ten minutes later and thanked Aikrii for the use of the room.

"No problem!" He said "I wouldn't want to see you try to get back home in this mess."

"Yes, Master Trask said the same. He was worried I didn't make it here and was trying to call, I guess he forgot the house phones out this way die when the power goes."

"Must have." Aikrii said looking back out the window again, the snow was finally easing up. He picked up his cell again an dialed out. He was making sure the plows would be by before retiring tonight he didn't want to take any chances.

It was only seven thirty in the evening, Becky was starved she went to find her dads after she had gone to get change into something less wet and cold. Carefully feeling her way back down the stairs with a small flash light she found them in the kitchen. Aikrii was just hanging up his phone when she walked in.

"I'm hungry." She said.

"Oh I can whip up some stuff for everyone." Anita said "I don't get to cook often since Francis took over the kitchen back home" She smiled at Aikrii and waved him away when he protested at the offer.

"Nonsense, you let me stay I will cook." With that she took the propane stove and a few pans and went nuts cooking for them all. It was the delicious smells of sauteing onions and green peppers along with hamburger that woke Mardi from her sleep. She rolled over and noticed how dark it was. Sefron was sitting up in bed beside her reading a book by flashlight.

"Is the power out?" Mardi asked

"Yeah for about a half hour now. You sound refreshed, how do you feel?" He looked at her holding the light up and over his head so not to blind her but so he could also get a better view of her.

"My tummy's a bit on a roller coaster but I'll live." She smiled "I think I'm hungry thats why, I smell something good to." She slid from their bed "Come on I need light and I want food."

Sefron chuckled and followed his lovely wife. He was getting hungry as well and the delicious smells were making his tummy growl as well. He wondered if it was Mani cooking or Becky. He was surprised to see it wasn't either.

"Wow, something sure smells good" Mardi said as she walked into the kitchen. She took a deep breath of the wondrous smells. She looked over to the candle lit kitchen area to see Anita from Kevin's place cooking up a storm.

"Oh! You got stranded here?" She asked.

"Yes, too much snow, I almost didn't make it here, wasn't going back, sit there will be plenty in a few minutes." Anita gestured to the stools around the island table that was in the middle of the kitchen, she was a bit put off at how close it was to the sink and made the comment off hand, that was when Aikrii smiled and he and Mani went to either end and put their foot into the small hole at the base and pushed down, two sets of wheels lowered as it raised the island, which was now mobile.

"There now you can push it to where you want it to be." Aikrii said smiling.

"Oh my! What a fantastic idea, who came up with that?" She was looking down and still impressed at the concept.

"Aikrii did, he's always inventing ways to make things easier on people. This in just one of them." Mani smiled giving Aikrii a hug he was always proud of Aikrii's accomplishments.

"Such a fantastic idea, it should be marketed." She said looking at the young man

"Oh it is. Jeff Wonder's uses it as part of his designs when people ask for an island very few turn it down once they know how it works."

"How do you get it to go back down? She asked

"There's a release button under the cabinet. It's all done with simple hydraulics." Aikrii explained showing her where the release button was. She was still impressed. She finished making supper which turned out to be a wicked homemade spaghetti sauce and noodles. Mardi wolfed down two plates and Aikrii even went for seconds thou he didn't finish his second plate he was mighty stuffed. Becky to finished two plates off. All sat in the living room around the fireplace as it heat the room.

"Man that was good." Sefron burped and it made Becky giggle and his wife give him a dirty look.

"Hey! What?" He said looking at her. "He's got Italian heritage, if I don't burp it's rude!"

"He didn't cook" Mardi pointed out. Sefron was licked he excused himself but still smirked, that was one of his best burps yet. Aikrii chuckled and Nye was still laughing his ass off. Mani snuggled in against Aikrii's side as he watched Anita and Becky play cards on the floor by the fire place. Sefron was holding Mardi in his lap when she yelped and grabbed her belly.

"Oh shit, you ok?" He asked her rubbing her belly, he then felt how hard her belly was.

Mardi panted relaxed and nodded. "Wow bad boot, I think baby face here is over excited over supper." She grinned again. And laid back against him again. Anita looked over at the tiny lady in concern.

"You sure you're ok?"

"Oh yes, I'm fine." Mardi did relax again and Selina brought over a blanket to her and Sefron. Mardi fell asleep in his lap within minutes.

"She's been over working herself and not sleeping much, I'm glad to see her sleeping now." Sefron said while stroking her hair. "I'm going to get her upstairs ok, Aikrii can you help with the light?"

"I will" Anita offered seeing that Aikrii and Mani were comfortable.

"Thanks Anita" Sefron smiled as he shimmied his arms around his wife and easily lifted her up. Even pregnant she was light. Anita took the lantern with her as she followed the couple up stairs. She left it with Sefron and made her way down on her own, being use to navigating in the dark at Kevin's home on many occasions when he was young and had wandered helped her master the dark.

She made it back to the living room and looked out the window to the snow, not even nine pm and it was pitch black out. She looked over at Mani and Aikrii who were now on the floor with Becky playing as a team a game of go fish with Nye and Selina. Becky was sitting on Mani's lap pulling out the cards that had been called she was giggling happily. Anita was pleased to see that Marie's friend had found herself a place to be that was safe. Anita looked back at the snow and sighed, at least it stopped. The plow went by which perked her up, she was missing her own home. She flipped open her cell and dialed out to her daughter and wandered to the guest room so she could talk to her.

"Stay there mama, it's still much too slippery to be on the road. I want you to promise me" Her daughter said when her mom called and told her she was thinking of coming home. Anita sighed she wouldn't hear the end of it if Master Trask heard she did something foolish and being an example for her daughter she promised to stay put. She hung up her phone and wandered back out to the living room. Becky was hugging Aikrii and saying good night. She looked over at Anita and asked her

"Can you walk me upstairs with the lamp, I don't need it to stay in the room."

"Sure hun, my pleasure." Anita smiled

Becky hugged Mani and kissed his cheek he gave the girl a squeeze back and told her to sleep well. She walked towards Anita and said good night to Selina and Nye on her way out. Selina gave her a quick hug to. Anita took the lamp and brought it upstairs with her getting Becky tucked into bed and then she went back down to the rest of the homes occupants.

"I think I will retire to" Anita said, it's getting late and I don't normally get to go to bed early so I shall take advantage if this opportunity. She smiled as she laid the lantern on the coffee table. "Thanks for your hospitality Aikrii and Mani, it's been a pleasure." She bowed as she was use to doing and left to go to the guest room for the night. Selina being the helpful one she was scooped up the lantern and followed her and helped her get to her room safely.

Selina returned to the living room with a smile. "I like her Aikrii, she's so mild mannered. Ever think of hiring someone like her on a more permanent basis here? It would help when all the kids that you plan on having are here." She giggled as he smiled at her comment about kids.

"I've thought about it a few times actually, but then I think where would we put them."

"Ummm, that might be a bit easier than you think." She blushed and kind of sputtered, she had something to say and Aikrii knew it.

"How's that?" Aikrii asked as Mani looked at his brother a bit confused but he had two clues what was coming.

"Ummm..." Nye looked over at Selina and just shot out what needed to be said "We're going to be moving out in April to our own place bro I hope this isn't an issue."

"Nope no issue" Mani said to his brother "I knew it would possibly come since you two plan on getting married." Aikrii was a bit sad thou and they could see it in his eyes.

"Oh Aikrii..." Selina went to him and hugged him "We'll still be close by" She pulled back and looked at him "Twenty one Shore Road went up for sale last month, I bought it but it won't be finished with the planned renovations till April so we won't be far ok." She kissed his forehead and he smiled he was happier now. "Your such a romantic you know that?" He smiled and blushed again.

She had him pegged right, if he could keep everyone he loved or cared about in one huge home he would but even he knew that it wasn't always possible. He hugged Selina back. "OK but you better come visit lots ok. Now as for a maid I think Mani and I should talk about that." He looked over at Mani "Think we should have a live in?"

Mani didn't mind doing dishes, he loved to cook and laundry wasn't that big of a chore, he'd been doing it all along most of his single life, he use to help his mom a lot as well but it would be nice since they could afford to have someone do the tasks for them. He looked over at Aikrii.

"Double the laundry load with an infant right?"

Aikrii nodded, "Last I heard it can be like that."

"I'll still be able to steal the kitchen?" Aikrii chuckled at the question and walked over to him and hugged him around his waist.

"I'm sure whom ever we hire will be willing to have a day off and let you take over if you so choose to do so." Aikrii kissed his nose.

"Then if you think having a live in housekeeper will help then by all means, but will we do it now or after Nye and Selina move out?" Mani looked around and thought that it would be nice to have one around now since Mardi was due soon.

"We'll hire now and let them use the guest room till Nye and Selina move out, it's not an issue I don't think, I'll talk to Kevin I'm sure he'd have a good one he could refer us for hiring." Aikrii smiled as Mani relaxed and Selina and Nye felt better knowing that their moving wasn't going to be a big issue. In fact after the housekeeper issue was talked through Aikrii and Mani congratulated them both and Selina showed them pictures of her new home that she had gotten from the real estate agent who turned out to be the same lady who had sold them their house. Her home was beautiful and large. Mani was impressed he had seen the house a few times when he had driven past it but never suspected it was so big. He passed back the papers and again congratulated her on her purchase.

The snow had all but stopped it was quiet in the Oratii-Tskii home. The power had returned around midnight and Aikrii's calls had lead to the roads to his place being plowed out often and it was a good thing as at four am in the morning Aikrii and Mani were abruptly awoken. Sefron busted into their room.

"Gotta go! Waters broke! Baby time!" He flew off on a tizzy Mardi was calmly walking down the steps when Mani poked his head out the door while Sefron was whizzing about like a lunatic. Aikrii slipped into his housecoat as he walked down towards Mardi who had stopped on the step while having a contraction. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder steadying her.

Aikrii looked at Mani. "Go get Anita ok I think we'll need her."

Mani hurried down the steps and got Anita who returned abruptly. "I had a feeling this was going to happen just from what was said." She took the lead and managed to get her down stairs and made her sit.

"Call an ambulance Mani." Anita directed.

"Aikrii grab her jacket ok and her boots help get them on." She looked at Sefron and reached out to grab him

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Bags, car seat and health cards." He rambled.

"Good you're done now sit with her till the ambulance gets here, encourage her to breath." Anita got up and placed what Sefron had gathered at the front door. Aikrii had gotten her boots on her feet and they were slipping on her jacket when the ambulance showed.

"Everything will be ok" Anita assured Sefron who still looked a little lost. "Aikrii, Mani you can go follow them if you wish I'll stay for Becky if you need me to."

Aikrii was excited as much as Sefron was and Mani was ecstatic so when she offered they jumped at it. Hugging her quickly they grabbed their own stuff and headed off to follow the ambulance to the hospital. *****************************

Canadian hospitals were always accommodating which always pleased Sefron not to mention Aikrii and Mani who were privileged to be there when Sefron's daughter was born.

Sefron held her hand and Mani was wiping her brow off with a damp cloth Aikrii was holding her other

hand talking to her, Mardi was quite pleasant and didn't say much of anything she just concentrated on having her baby, Aikrii was impressed at how strong she was.

"Push! Count to ten...hold it...Good! Breath. Again!" The OBGYN encouraged her to keep up the pace and at 6:12 am on February seventh of 2009, Faith Susan Richa Nairs was born weighing a whooping eight pounds and three ounces. She was medium complected and had so much hair it could be braided immediately. She was laid on Mardi's belly who immediately kissed her head and smiled she looked at her hubby and said.

"Look at the beautiful life we made together." He smiled he was so happy. He reached over to the beautiful little girl and touched her cheek.

"Hi baby girl I'm your daddy." he sucked in a breath of sheer joy when she opened her eyes and looked at him as she gripped his finger. She had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen on a dark complected child.

"Oh my god Mardi she's beautiful, you created a beautiful baby girl hun!" He kissed her forehead and started to cry with joy. "I love you!" he said. She smiled back "I love you to baby."

Mani and Aikrii stood side by side watching the tender moment it was quite touching and they were both happy for their friends. It was then that Mardi looked at Mani and Aikrii and asked them

"Would you like to hold her?" Mani's eyes went wide

"Oh really can we?" he was bubbling with joy and everyone could see it

"Sure, might as well train you now we still have five months or so before your own gets here."

She giggled as she passed Faith to Mani who got to hold her first. Faith promptly peed on him and he laughed at the warmth spreading across his shirt. He kissed her forehead. "Thanks for the christening I needed that." Aikrii laughed quietly as he leaned in against Mani as they both fawned over the beautiful little girl that Sefron and Mardi had.

Mardi fell asleep a few hours later while Aikrii, Mani and Sefron fawned over the beautiful little girl. The nurses had to shoo Mani and Aikrii out. They drove back home all excited for their own little bundle of joy to join them. When they pulled in Becky was all excited and greeted them outside asking what Mardi had and what the baby's name was. Mani filled her in on details and told her if she wanted to see Mardi she could go to the hospital to see her later tonight when they released Mardi to go home. Most hospitals in Kearney usually released their maternity patients if there were no difficulties within six hours.

"I can't wait till this one is born, I feel butterflies now." Becky said to them as she rubbed her own belly which was just starting to show a tiny bit.

"We're pretty excited for you to." Mani said giving her a hug. *******************************************

Anita had called Kevin and told him about the baby coming and how Mani and Aikrii would be needing her there for a bit since Becky was still too young to be left on her own for any length of time. Kevin understood fully and insisted it was ok with him if she stuck around there. Mani told her she'd be compensated for her time at the house helping since she'd be loosing work at Kevin's. This she was grateful for. She ended up staying the whole week before she got her next job position.

It was a week later when Mani's inquiry to Kevin about a housekeeper, was how she got her new job at Mani and Aikrii's home. Kevin asked them if they'd be happy keeping Anita on there since he was now over staffed anyway, he also told her it would be ok with him if she did take the job either way it was up to her.

She graciously took the job with Aikrii and Mani and helped out Sefron and Mardi as much as she could. This family was quite entertaining. He daughter Marie also loved it since there was someone close to her own age there with her.

Aikrii looked over the pictures on the computer that Mani had taken of Faith. There must have been about fifty photos. There were about twelve different poses and about five different outfits. Mardi and Sefron definitely would have a lot of pictures of their daughter with a photographer in their midst.

Mani beamed with pride at the bang up job he did on her pictures. He had a special affiliation with the little girl being the first to hold her. He already spoiled her for Mardi and Sefron and that was fine by them. Aikrii pointed to the picture of her in her car seat beaming her toothless grin her blue eyes contrasting so sharply against her dark skin.

"I adore this picture. She looks so happy." He smiled at Mani who grinned back. Mardi walked up to him, she was holding Faith.

"It's one of my favorites as well, I think we'll get that one framed." She passed Faith to Mani who took to cooing to the snuggly sleepy head in his arms. She grinned a gassy grin and fell to sleep.

"Ahh such an angel." He kissed her forehead and looked at Mardi.

"Yes Mani, you shall make a really good papa when your little one comes, you already have the magic touch to make her sleep." Mardi looked lovingly at the little angel sleeping in his arms and smiled.

Chapter 17 – Happy, happy Birthday baby ************************************

"So what are we going to do for my birthday, today IS Valentine's day after all." Mani looked over at his hubby as Mardi came back from placing Faith down in her playpen.

"I don't know what would you like to do?" Mani leaned over Aikrii's office chair and kissed him, Aikrii reached up and touched his arm, holding on. Mani smiled when they broke apart. "Mmmm now that's always a nice present."

"What's that?" Aikrii said smiling.

"Well knowing you have to hang on when I kiss you." Mani grinned being silly.

"The only thing I want to get drunk on babe." Aikrii winked.

"So how about we go out for supper?" Mani asked him.

Mardi was the one to interject there. "Ummm, guys sorry to bust your bubbles but, I thought would be home tonight and Sefron and I have to get out and replace the car seat we bought the strap is busted, I was hoping you'd watch Faith for an hour" She looked at Aikrii as she knew he would never turn her down. She couldn't very well take Faith with them in the car seat that was broken so she was in a bind.

"We'll stay." Aikrii looked at Mani who understood and was also happy to keep home this year with him.

"Oh thank you!" Mardi tackled Mani in a hug. She was some strong for a tiny woman. She kissed Aikrii's cheek and squished him to and winked smiling.

"I'll make it up to both of you ok." with that she took off for upstairs to track down Sefron.

Aikrii had been waiting for Mardi's cue and was pleased to see things were going off without a hitch so far. He grinned to himself as he watched Mani toddle off to the living room to check in on the little angel sleeping. He picked up his cell and dialed out. "It's a go, start the count's three now they will leave around five ok." he waited to hear the answer from the other end. "Yeah, one hour gone. I'll expect your call soon. Yes by seven we'll come to you." he paused " just make it look good ok." He smiled. "We'll be there, yes Nye thanks" with that he hung up.

The plan was simple enough keep Mani home, at least till after seven. He had to make sure everyone was gathered in the same page before moving in to the hall he had rented at Fulton Plaza for Mani's birthday. He also had to keep the TV off so Mani come across the possible leaked info on the celebrations, it never seemed to fail an it wouldn't be a surprise if someone leaked it and he heard it before they got there. He smiled as he hung up and turned his chair around and got up. He walked to the living room to see Mani just standing there looking down at the little one. He slid an arm around his waist.

"Penny for your thoughts." Aikrii said to him.

"I was just admiring her face hun, she's gonna be a beauty when she's older. I think I'll have fun having her as a model when she gets old enough if her mom has no objections." He grinned

Aikrii looked at the child and agreed with Mani she would be a beauty. Anita walked in then, she to was in on the whole plan and would be leaving with Sefron and Mardi to "Get groceries" She would return to babysit for Mardi since She and Sefron would be playing at the event. Her daughter Marie and Becky were "At the mall" actually they were at the mall but picking

up a bunch of things with Jeff for the party as Aikrii had requested. He snuggled in against Mani's shoulder and smiled against his shirt, This was going great so far he just hoped things stayed balanced he wasn't looking forward to glitches happening and any good programmer knew glitches tended to crop up but he had this planned pretty good, so he was going to keep his fingers crossed.

She was tickled pink to see Matt at the mall.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him as he slipped up behind her and gave her a hug. He had changed a lot since she had met him back Christmas time. He was calmer, more focused. He greeted his uncle Jeff with a smile to who ruffled his hair and smiled back.

"I'm here to get a new cell phone. Mom's insisting I have one now. I guess it's better than her flipping on me, she'll be able to call me cause I forget lots." He grinned she knew he was forgetful but at least with his extra effort he was putting forth now days hopefully his mom wouldn't "flip" as often.

He had told her about his mom's temper and she told him to tell Dante or Josh, but he said all she did was yell lots so it was no big deal. It was getting her mad enough to tell his step dad the days events. It was then he needed to worry, the ominous way he had said this she assumed that his step dad hit him, but he never really told her he did, she again figured he did thou since there were days when he would be really depressed or very quiet and it worried Becky.

"Well great, you can come with us. Mani's birthday is today and we need to get a few things." Jeff passed his own cell phone. "Call your mom I don't need her freaking on me." Jeff knew his step sisters verbal rants could be vicious so he was making sure Matt was covered. When Matt's mom answered the phone he told her where he was and who he was with. Jeff too the phone when he saw Matt frown.

"Sis listen he's ok with me alright. I'll bring him home shortly." He waited and he frowned seething he uttered low to her as the kids headed father forward out of earshot. "For fuck sakes woman I'm not gonna fucking molest him. Sheesh!" He rolled his eyes at her praddling taunts. He hated it when she got like this. "I'll have him home soon he's with Becky and I." He heard her ramble on about the "Fourteen year old tramp" and he reciprocated with his own shot. "You've got no room to talk! So stop being a bitch and let the boy have some supervised fun, so help me god Janice, don't make me call mom." Matt's mom shut up pretty quick. If there was one person in Jeff's family who could out do is step sister it was his step mom, he adored his step mom. He hung up the phone and caught up to his charges. They headed to the Zellers and went about picking up the items that Aikrii had on the list that he had given Jeff and Becky. Jeff helped them and within an hours time they had all they needed. He took the kids back out to the truck and headed to take Matt home who had also gotten his new cell phone. He paid for it for Matt and when he dropped him off he spoke to his sister.

"It's his phone, I don't want to find out your stupid jack ass for a spouse took it from him." He waited to see what she'd say but he knew she'd keep quiet the thoughts of mother showing was a threat she hated. Janice hated her mother's interfering and had said so on many occasions. The reason being is the woman could take Matt from her in a heart beat and she knew it. She looked at Matt and told him to get his school work done and saw Jeff out. "Remember Janice, he may not tell me everything but if I ever find out that Mike his hurting him so help me god I will get mom involved." She didn't say a word she just shut the door.

Jeff got into the truck and started it. He was in a semi-foul mood but he wouldn't take it out on anyone. Kolten would make him smile again. He drove to Fulton Plaza and he and Becky got out and headed inside. Kolten and a few others were already there. He called Aikrii and told him where he was. He heard him say that Sefron was just getting ready to head out. Jeff looked at his watch, nearly five, they had two hours left.

"Ok, thanks for the heads up. I'll let Nye know when he gets here ok." with that he hung up and helped everyone who was there get things set up. Kolten did make him smile again to; which did brighten his mood. Maybe he'd go get Matt and bring him. *********************************************

Dante was talking to Matt who had called his place. He looked at his watch and noticed the time.

"Yeah I can come get you if you really need me to, is it important?"

"Yes, Becky said I should talk to someone and well, I can't talk to mom."

Dante knew this day would come sooner or later but he had to go so he looked at Josh as he covered the mouth piece and told him he'd meet him at the party. He called Aikrii and told him what was up.

"I know you have all this stuff planned but well I think I'm going to need his expertise, can I shanghai him? I'm hoping it won't take long."

Aikrii thought and then realized that having Mani with someone who could bring him to the reception other than him would make it less suspicious.

"Yes actually it's a good idea, not the best way to start his birthday but I think keeping him busy will be a good thing. Thanks Dante I'll tell him your on your way to get him. Anita is here so Faith is covered. I'll tell him I have things to do at work, this should actually help instead of mess up my plans." Aikrii chuckled it was falling into place a lot better than he though.

Aikrii notified Mani what was up and told him Dante was on his way to get him. Mani was a bit put off but Aikrii reminded him it was a child who needed help and just because it was his birthday didn't mean that people stopped hurting.

"You're right..." He sighed. "I'm being selfish." He ran his hands through his hair. "I just wish today wasn't so messed up."

"Hun it's ok I'll make it up to you, I promise ok. I have some work to do for the office, Dante says it shouldn't take long ok. So you help him and I'll take you out to supper later ok." He put both his hands on either of Mani's cheeks and kissed him soundly. Mani smiled when they broke apart.

"I love you."

"I love you to."

Mani was happier. He grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. Dante picked him up and they were off.

It was six thirty now and Dante was still stunned at the info that Matt had given him, now all he had to do was find proof.

"Matt you're one hundred percent positive on this, this isn't some nasty joke is it?"

"I'm telling you Dante he's selling drugs at my school, he's got other boys who work for him, and since he can't actually hurt me without getting into shit he does what mom does, they say nasty shit. She knows to!" Matt was still upset. He hadn't even told his uncle or Becky all of this, he did trust them but Dante was whom he trusted the most. Dante had brought his friend Mani who Matt also liked.

"So he verbally abuses you?" Dante asked

"Yes but he's also told me if I say anything he'd get his boys to put the fear of god into me. Mom doesn't know that part yet." He frowned. "Uncle Kevin paid for my phone only he doesn't know that Mike is making me be a messenger. If I don't he'd hurt me, I know he will. I'm scared"

"Shit! Shit! Shit.." Mani wasn't happy. He looked at Dante. "We need proof Dante we can't do a damn thing without proof."

Matt looked devastated. "Hey hey..." Dante reached for his arm and laid a reassuring hand on him arm. "It' s ok we'll figure out something for now, act like you told no one ok. I think between Mani and I and our connections we can figure out something." He looked over at the poor child who was apparently scared out of his mind now.

"Where do you want to go if the local authorities haul you out of there?" He asked Matt

"Will that happen?" He asked he was worried now.

"Yes sometimes it does." Mani answered "but it's ok, don't worry no one will be able to hurt you."

Matt thought a minute and then answered "Uncle Jeff's, that's where I'd want to go, he's always been nice to me."

Mani wrote the info down and Dante and Matt agreed that they did all they could do for now.

Mani had to contact a few people and hopefully get what they needed to stop the illegal actions of Matt's step dad. Looking at his watch he was shocked to see it was now nearing seven.

"Damn I got to get going Dante, Aikrii and I are suppose to meet for supper and I should go home and get changed."

"Ok I'll drop you off. Matt where do you want to go? Home? Can I stay with you for a bit?"

Dante said sure and took Mani home.

He entered a quiet home. Looked around and found Anita in the kitchen with little Miss Faith snuggled in her arms contently staring up at her. He walked over to Anita and reached for the little bundle.

"Where is everyone?" he asked as Faith drooled on his shirt. He wiped her lips with his cuff, he didn't care, it was just drool.

"Your darlin hubby is still at the office but said for you to call him he'd meet you for supper, I do believe he's got reservations at some fancy restaurant. Sefron and Mardi took some time out and I gladly agreed to sit for them, and as far as I know Selina and Nye are over at the house she bought checking things over." Anita waited to see what he was going to say.

"Well I have to go get dressed, today has gone to shit and well I want at least sometimes with Aikrii." He passed Faith back to Anita and headed upstairs and jumped into the shower and got dressed. When he was done he called Aikrii who said he would get Dante to come get him Since Josh and he would be joining them. Mani was fine with this and waited outside for him to show.

When he arrived Dante seemed a bit better off compared to how he was when they were dealing with Matt.

"Thanks for coming earlier" Dante said to him in regards to Matt.

"No problem, it's part of my job. Have you thought of an idea to help him out?" Mani was still mulling through a few idea of his own.

"No but thats ok, I think the local authorities will manage to fix his troubles, I plan on seeing someone first thing tomorrow about it."

They pulled in at Fulton Plaza and Mani looked up at the looming hotel and he knew inside was one of the top restaurants in all of Kearney.

"Wow, he said he'd make it up to me, now I feel under dressed." Mani looked over at Dante and realized he wasn't dressed fancy either.

Dante chuckled "It's ok it's a casual sort of thing." with that he got out of the car and Mani followed. They made it to the front of the restaurant and Mani asked for the reservations under Tskii-Oratii and the maître d' informed him he didn't have that name. It confused him. He looked at Dante who shrugged his shoulders. Mani got his cell out and called Aikrii. A few minutes later Aikrii showed. An took Mani's hand and lead him to where he was at when they called. Mani noticed they didn't go into the main entrance of the restaurant. He looked at Aikrii confused but his confusion was soon rectified.

"SURPRISE!!!" Every year it seemed that Aikrii was always the one being surprised by Mani so this time around he did it for him and man was he surprised. He gripped on Aikrii's arm and jumped. He laughed once the initial shock wore off and then glomped poor Aikrii for the special birthday celebration.

Turned out that Mani's party was done in a special manner alright. Since Mani supported a lot of different foundations and charities Aikrii had set it up so that there was a 'silent' auction for a few of the prints of some of the images Mani had done either through photography or through painting. He had only done one print of 'The Sleeping Prince' and it had already fetched well over thirty grand and that was for a print alone. Mani was holding on to Aikrii's hand tightly still excited over the whole thing. His friends passed him cards and each new one would have a note in it saying there was a donation made for so much to a foundation of his current interest in it. He was tickled pink. He was even more impressed when he spotted Sefron and Mardi who had the band going.

"Oh my god! You two!" He hugged them both 'Thanks this is wicked!"

Mardi just giggled. "Gotta give my daughters godfather a rockin band for his birthday, might as well be us." She giggled again as she watched Mani gush with joy. It was cute to see.

Mani's birthday was a loving event that was well recorded and everyone enjoyed themselves.

The lull of the winter seeped into the spring like that of a lovers kiss melting a soul, it trickled on making new life bloom. Mother Nature was generous this year with her displays of affections on the land. March saw to Sam and Xavier being together for one year and Xavier surprised everyone by being the one who proposed to Sam. He was happily delighted when Sam said yes.

Nye and Selina moved out of their respective homes on April first and into the home up the road Selina had bought. Dante and Josh said their house felt so empty without someone there, so they to started to look for another foster child they could help. When Aikrii asked them how many they were willing to help Josh said as many as they could. Aikrii directed them to the 'Young Moms 4 Life' center and told them that there were plenty of young girls who needed help for not only themselves but for their children to. April fifteenth saw to a quiet celebration on Aikrii's request for his birthday as he wasn't interested in going all out for it. A visit from his family and time with Mani was all he requested and he happily got it. Josh and Dante's dream of owning their third shop was fulfilled on the twenty of April and Selina became the full out manager to Jump Street at the Kearney Mall. Celebrations for her and Nye were quite the thrill for both of them, She had three new employees and shamelessly did the same thing her own fathers did when they first opened shop. She christened the office with Nye's help.

"Oh my god I can't believe I just pulled a stunt my dad's would have done." She giggled as Nye kissed her forehead. She was still sitting on his lap straddled over him, she looked still dressed, her long skirt hid what she had been actually doing. Nye twitched still inside of her and made he chuckle.

"I guess their raunchy habits have worn off on you. I'm delighted to say the least." Nye laughed when she playfully smacked his shoulder and then kissed him.

"Baby keep that up and I'll christen this place for a second time." He made his point by arching upward making her gasp and growl, she bit him; which only made him moan with pleasure. Good thing the office was sound proof otherwise the patrons along with the staff would have had the quaint sounds of two souls loving each other floating through the building. Panting they broke apart. Nye being cocky looked at his future wife and said

"Third times a charm." he chuckled at her shocked look.

"Good god Nye you're unbearable sometimes." She kissed him and headed to the offices bathroom. She cleaned up, He did the same. They took to the main floor of the shop and were both happy to see everything was going fine. Josh and Dante rarely even came to this shop anymore since she knew what to do. They reaped the profits, they paid their staff and they kept the jobs going for all involved. It was getting to be a lucrative market for Josh not to mention Dante got the best part, all of Josh's attention; which meant he spent a great deal of time either working with Dante who was still coaching and or he helped while Dante did his volunteer work at the local youth center.

May came quickly and Mardi and Sefron celebrated their anniversary as well. Anita took over for them for the night and Aikrii and Mani gave them a special evening get away which was located at Fulton Plaza in the penthouse suite. Mardi was stunned at the room.

"Oh my god it's amazing!" She gasped it was like an over sized apartment. It had a jacuzzi in it's bathroom and a huge king sized bed in the bedroom and there was a lot of other neat little gifts and surprises. Sefron wasted no time. He wasn't letting her out of their bed if he could help it. It had been a great feeling being a parent but with night feedings and tired evenings Sefron was feeling the pinch, there were days he was lucky he could move but he wanted to shower attention on his beautiful wife and there were other times she was so exhausted from raising their little one she fell asleep on the couch with her curled up in her arms. Love making wasn't on the high list of things to do now days so tonight he was taking full advantage of their time together.

The first thing he did was turn on the music to a light classical tune. He turned down the lights and then hauled out the champagne that was chilling on ice in a bucket on the table where a fruit basket was sitting. A note told him a meal would be prepared for them all he had to do was call and request it. He did so and ordered the risotto with wild mushrooms and scallops, he wasn't disappointed at the meal either. The portobello, crimini, and shiitake mushrooms made for a delightful dance on the palette, tantalizing to them both and the parmigiana-reggiano made the smells enough to drive ones senses into over time. The meal in it's own state a sensual experience. Sefron was quite happy with the results of this gift. Mardi was in heaven and fawned over Sefron much to his delight. He pulled her to the couch and lit the fireplace and they curled up together talking and caressing each other enjoying each others uninterrupted time together.

He ran his fingers along her cheeks making her smile and close her eyes leaning her head back exposing the delicate skin of her neck. He was hungry for his time with her and teased the sensitive skin with his lips making her reach for his head and winding her fingers in his hair. Nibbling he made her gasp as she felt her belly warm and tingle.

"Good god Sefron, that feels so good!" she said huskily, that was all he needed to encourage him to move them to the next room. As dusk fell Sefron's wife Mardi was brought to the brink of orgasmic pleasure. She screamed out his name many times and was left panting and throughly loved yet very sated. She fell asleep in his arms, not so dissimilar to that of a kitten who'd been stroked into a lull. He chuckled as she squirmed on his belly all tucked up. Their anniversary was one neither would forget.

The next morning was a big deal in itself as it was both Josh's and Kevin's birthdays. Aikrii surprised his 'adopted' brother with a nice gift for both him and Dante. A two week vacation to Australia; which made him simply ecstatic.

"Oh my god!" He hugged him and showed Dante the tickets "I always wanted to go here, Think you can get the time off?" He was beaming, it was a trip he had been wanting to do he just never got around to the traveling part he knew he could do now. Dante nodded and smiled and then mouthed a thank you to Aikrii over Josh's shoulder as he hugged him again, Josh was still giddy at the trip. Mani chuckled over the very happy Josh.

The month quickly marched on, Selina celebrated her eighteenth birthday and Nye treated her to a special night on the town and Becky finished her classes for the summer and on June 28th she got her report card and passed with flying colors. Her studies for piano progressed rapidly and so was her pregnancy. Her doctor told both Aikrii and Mani that she should be due by the end of July, in finding out this they asked Becky if it was ok with her if they went on a short vacation since their anniversary was coming soon. She asked who she would stay with and Aikrii and Mani both told her that Selina was more than happy to help out she would be staying with her at her new home for the time being. Becky asked them where they were going.

"We're going to Tuscany, Florence there's a nice little villa there that we're going to stay at called the La Pinevanella in Grosseto." Mani smiled at Aikrii, he loved their time together and was looking forward to this get away. "I hope your not upset Becky but we do need our time together to and we'll be home lots after that."

"Oh I don't mind at all, have fun!" She hugged them both. "I shouldn't complain anyway, you did after all give me so much so heck if a few weeks is what you need take it, I can find plenty to do here." She grinned again, she knew her and Matt would be able to swim in Selina's pool to and she so loved swimming.

Her adoptive parents were thrilled to learn that she wasn't upset and Mani was even happier that it wouldn't be a big deal getting their plans set since Aikrii had most of it already planned and booked.

"Gee babe, I love how organized you are sometimes." He hugged him again.

"Just think in a few weeks well be in Italy enjoying all the culture they have to offer."

"When do we leave and return? Mani asked. He was always concerned and needed to know things like this, still ever so much the worry wart.

"We leave on the thirteenth and return on the twenty first" Mani said checking the itinerary he had.

"Great, I'll plan my time off for then." He kissed him again and headed off to do just that. Sefron would need to work those eight days. He was definitely looking forward to this trip.

The flight lasted fourteen hours. There were a few stop but that didn't bother either of them, the over night flight was peaceful, they just curled up against each other when they flew from Philadelphia to Frankfurt Germany, their flight landed around eight am local time and they had an hour and a half layover. Aikrii grabbed Mani's strap on his carry on bag, half pulling but trying also to stick close to him and they walked through the airport terminal in Germany. He didn't know this area well he'd only been here once and he was quite little then. When their flight was called to leave they hurried to their gate and boarded, the stewardess who spoke English quite well approached Aikrii and asked him if he would want anything all he needed to do was ask. The best for one of their most important passengers. Aikrii chuckled.

"I take it you know who I am then?" He asked

"Indeed I do." She said with a wide grin.

"Then can you please include my partner in the most important passenger list as well for without him I wouldn't exist today." He smiled back and she chuckled "Oh don't you worry we won't forget Mr. Oratii. You may like to know that Celia Fulton is also flying with us today."

"Oh my god! Really?" Aikrii said looking around.

"You know her?" The stewardess asked

"I should she's the step mom of my adopted brother." He laughed at the womans surprise.

"I shall have her seat exchanged so you all may sit together if you so wish."

"Ask her if she wishes to sit here, if she says yes then we have no problem with it." Aikrii said.

Turns out Celia was thrilled to learn that Aikrii and Mani were flying to Florence as well. She was going to see a friend of hers from college along with her friends mother.

"Oh my! Aikrii! Mani! What a pleasure to see you both." She reached over the seats and planted a light kiss on each of their cheeks.

"We're thrilled to see you here to. We were told you were on here as well as the stewardess knew who we were." He chuckled when she filled him in on details the flight here was habitual of keeping tabs on big wigs who used their services.

"I take it your recognized often?" Aikrii asked.

"Yes and some days it's annoying." She sighed but she was still happy. She filled them in on the few visits she had with Josh and her kids and he had spent time together out at her ranch. She said he was a blessing. Aikrii got pleasure out of knowing she had accepted him like one of her own children. She also informed them that she finally got to meet Darren's newest interest and they were both surprised to hear that she wouldn't tell them who it was.

"He'll introduce when he gets the chance. Let's just say I was sort of expecting something just not what he brought." She was tickled a tiny bit at their awws of disappointment but she felt they should wait.

Their flight landed, said their good byes to Celia and then they were off on their grand adventure. Their rented car was waiting for them and Aikrii was pleased at the luxury car the service had provided for them. The Saturn was quite large and luxurious. Mani was thrilled and enjoyed the drive to their rented cottage at the La Pievanella Villa in Grosseto which wasn't too far outside of Florence. They would spend a lot of time between Florence sight seeing and visiting the wonderful beaches. Aikrii was looking forward to it.

Their first day there saw to them relaxing at the Villa and dining out at one of the many fine restaurants in the local area. The evening was sweet and a walk along the beach made a perfect end to a perfect first day. Aikrii was on the beaches boardwalk bench while Mani stood in front of him looking out at the water. He sighed loving this moment. He looked down at Aikrii and smiled and tenderly stole a kiss from him. Aikrii shivered with loving tingles at the feeling of his lips. He always was amazed at the beautiful fireworks Mani could still spark.

"Thanks for taking me here hun, this is amazing." Mani smiled his violet eyes dreamily looking into his jade green ones.

"Anything for the one I love." He said back. Standing and hugging him. They both walked along the beach for about an hour before retiring for the evening.

Their visit to Florence was cut short the day of their anniversary which was the nineteenth of July. At about 8 am they received a call from Nye telling them that Becky was in the hospital, This meant that it was 3 in the morning back home. He called Aikrii's cell often to keep them updated but it still took them nearly a day to get back home and they missed the birth time as Aikrii's phone died. Becky was having her baby early. They managed to get a non stop flight out at ten am local time which was shorter by nearly three hours since there were no stop overs. So eleven hours later the same day by four in the afternoon they landed back in their home town of Kearney and rushed to the hospital to see Becky. Becky was in her room with Zack and was thrilled to learn that Aikrii and Mani were back home. She smiled up to them and passed Zack to Mani.

"Your now proud papa's to one baby boy. I named him Zachary but you can pick his middle names." She said grinning as they looked shocked to hear that she was giving them that chance, since they had told her she could name him what ever she wished.

"I know," Aikrii said quickly still all excited over this event. "Since you're the angel who brought him to us do you mind if we give him the Hindi name of Thave? It means Angel." Aikrii looked at her and she nodded, she liked the middle name it was definitely unique.

"The doctors said we could go home tonight if I wanted to." Becky looked tired but happy.

"What time did you have him?" Aikrii asked her as he went over and tucked her back in. "You look wiped."

"I had him at twelve minutes after seven this morning. You know he weighs nearly nine pounds, the doctor thought I was going to have to have a c-section that sacred me." She cringed at the thought.

"I'm just glad it's done, they made me get this thing in my back so I couldn't feel my butt, man was I ever itchy!"

"That was an epidural hun and it tends to do that." Mani smiled he was loving this. Zach was a fair size and a sleepy lug. He was in love with that angel of a boy, their son, just saying it was nice and man it felt good. He stroked his cheek and walked back over to Aikrii and passed the bundle to him. Mani reached over to Becky and kissed her forehead, looked into her eyes and said "Thank you. Now rest, I'll see when the doctors plan on releasing you." He walked out of the room but

not before kissing Aikrii's cheek and touching Zach's fingers. Aikrii sat on the edge of the bed holding him and looked at Becky.

"You know he's right you look wiped, are you sure you want to be home?" his eyes held concerned.

"I missed you guys and I want to be home. Sefron set up the crib to in your guys room just so you know." She smiled as his eyes widened. He had forgotten about the crib and was glad Sefron was thinking. Mani returned with her doctor who said there were no complications and she was a strong young lady, She was free to go home if Aikrii and Mani wanted to sign her out since she was a minor and they are her official guardians.

"Well guys lets go, I need sleep and food, and you two can now start the first day of parenting." She pointed to the car seat Nye had brought which was in the corner. Since it was warm enough all Zack needed was his jumper she had dressed him in and a light sheet.

They were on their way to start their family and both couldn't be happier.

Chapter 18 - Happy, Sad, Silent *************************

July 25th

Tension was in the air, they huddled in the van watching the screens and monitoring the situation before them. Wilks had been investigating this situation since Dante informed him of the goings on at the school. Matt's grandmother Sandy was also aware of the situation and already had the works going to get Matt accepted into Jeff's home as soon as the sting went down.

"Suspect in sight" the walkie talkie crackled.

"10-4, copy that. Stand by for signal." Wilks listened to the transmissions and made his response. He watched Matt on the screen the child was a trooper but he could tell he was scared; which in it's own rights was good since scared is how Mike wanted Matt anyway so he could get him to do what he wanted.

"Bastard." Wilks muttered as he watched Mike pull up in front of the school. Two weeks ago it was the same thing and the same boys that came with him. Matt backed off as they all piled from the car. The boys with a basket ball to make it "look good" in case they were being watched. Mike patted down Matt to make sure he didn't have a knife or other weapons. The wireless mic was on a guitar shaped pin Matt was wearing on his jacket so it wasn't suspected as anything. Thank god for technology Wilks thought as Mike started to talk about the next deal.

"You have to go tell CJ that we'll be making the drop around six tomorrow night and I want you there, you can help us move the stuff."

"You never said I had to help, I don't want to be involved in this shit." Matt said a bit pissed now.

"Look you little fucking punk," He grabbed Matt's jacket "I got your mom wrapped around my finger, so if you don't want to make a permanent disappearance I suggest you do as you're told, otherwise my boys will make sure you never see your mamma's pretty face again. Got that!"

"You can't make me do it I won't" He cried as Mike shook him jarring his teeth.

"I've got twenty five kilos in the car and another fifty coming tomorrow for tomorrow's drop, you're gonna help whether you want to or not, stop being a pussy you little ass." He shoved Matt hard. Matt staggered. Looked shocked and ran. Mike watched him go laughing and screaming at his retreating back

"You better show if you know what good for you!"

It was just as he was screaming that the swat team converged in on Mike and his bratty cronies.

"FREEZE!" Wilks yelled. "Mike Geno, You're under arrest!" He had his gun aimed at the small time thug who actually pissed his pants as he was cuffed. Wilks grinned he was pleased to see the jackass get his just deserts. Mike saw Matt who was sitting in another squad car.

"You're dead you fucking rat!" he screamed so hard he spit. The officer who was reading him his rights as he was walking him to his own car clocked him one behind the legs with his night stick. He went down and cursed at the officer.

"Keep your mouth shut!" the officer yelled, "You're threatening the life a minor if you don't want more time that what you're already in for I suggest you shut up now!" He roughly hauled him up to his feet again and marched him to the second waiting squad car. Matt on the other hand was feeling much better. Jeff had been waiting for him around the corner and let him huddle in his jacket and cry. He was shaking like a leaf and Jeff knew he was scared.

Matt thought back to his flight from his mother's boyfriend, the threats and his uncle being there when he needed him most, as he sat in the back seat of the cruiser now and watched Mike get hauled off. He could see him screaming but he couldn't hear him since Jeff who was beside him had given back his MP3 Player and he was listening to it. Jeff was waiting to see Matt's reaction to the man who had been verbally abusing him get hauled away, Matt just watched quietly as the man struggled against the officer who held him. Mike managed to break away and ran towards the cruiser that Matt was in.

Matt watched him approach the officer who had him before in hot pursuit. Mike was only focused on Matt not in getting away, Mike only wanted hurt him, and he knew it. He stood frozen as Mike crashed into the side of the car screaming at him, Matt couldn't hear a word and he didn't even flinch or move. He just sat there, staring with a blank expression on his face. No fear, no hate, no joy...nothing.

Matt just watched as Mike was tackled by the arresting officer and another and wrestled to the ground and escorted to the second awaiting vehicle again only with his hands and feet shackled now. Jeff reached for his nephew, who still didn't react. Jeff pulled out a earphone out of Matt's ear as he watched his nephew's head swivel following the action that was unfolding as they officers tried to put Mike into the vehicle who only tried to kick them over and over again.

"You ok?" Jeff asked him.

"Huh?" Matt stared at Jeff like he wasn't even there.

Jeff pushed Matt's hair from his face and placed a hand on either of his cheeks and turned him towards his face and spoke again, hopefully getting his attention.

"Are you ok?" he asked looking at the non emotional child he remembered as being hyper and happy.

Matt nodded. He was still feeling like he was floating. Not there. Watching everything like it was a movie being played on a TV screen only he was one of the stars. He could read Jeff's lips, but he couldn't hear him all that well, most he could hear with the blood rushing through his ears and head. He was terrified and yet calm. He didn't know what to do. So he sat there.

Jeff pulled his nephew close to his side and placed an arm over his shoulder holding his nephew close. He took out his phone and called Janice, his sister was going to be pissed. She answered and he could tell she was upset. Janice's mom Sandy would be there now. She would be passing her the court documentation telling Janice that her parental rights had been revoked and that Matt was in foster care under Jeff's supervision due to neglect. Janice knew it was him calling and screamed into the phone,

"You fucking bastard, I hope your happy you ruined my life!"

"NO sis you ruined your own, I was only saving the one worth saving out of all of this," He looked down at Matt who had returned to listening to his MP3 player. "I want to talk to mom."

"Fuck you and go to hell!" she hung up on him. He called again, this time his Sandy answered.

"Hi Jeff" she was pleasantly pleased to see her daughter get the treatment she deserved for abusing her son. She was pleased to know her grandson would finally be safe.

"Hi mom." He said to the woman who had raised him, she might not be his real mom but she sure did a great job, he adored her, Janice rebelled against her from day one, Jeff could never understand why.

"How did it go there? Does she know what's going to happen?" He waited for her to give him details. He knew his sister would have his head but it would be worth it in the long run.

"She's well aware of what happened and why. She also knows she has to attend court and a few other prerequisites in order to see Matt again and thats only supervised visits."

Sandy sighed "I don't understand it Jeff, how come she has to be this way, your not even biologically mine and treat me with more respect than she does." He could hear the sadness in his step mom's voice "What did I ever do so wrong to have her hate me so much that she'd take it out on poor Matt?"

"Mom, stop. Remember what you always told me it's not your fault when people act up, they make their own decisions, she choose her path, you're just making sure that Matt isn't being dragged down the same destructive one and I am here to help." He adored his nephew and he was going to make sure he knew that he was there. Hell it was Jeff who paid for his swimming classes thou Matt didn't know. Jeff paid for a lot of things along with Matt's grand mom. Sandy did a lot for the boy even if he wasn't aware of it.

"I'll be there soon to pick up some of his stuff ok, I think he's going to want a few things." He looked down again and noticed that Matt had snuggled in against him and had fallen asleep with his MP3 in.

He gently removed one of the ear buds then shifted him and removed the 2nd one.

"We'll be there in about two minutes ok mom."

She smiled to the phone on her end and said "Ok, I'll be here when you show." and hung up. She looked around the small home and shook her head. The dishes in the sink must have been left neglected for days or so it seemed. The only clean space she could find was Matt's room. She picked around for a bit then she walked into his room and opened his closet. His suitcase was in the top part and she hauled it down. Constable Moore popped his head in the door.

"Ma'am, your step son is here." He slid out as Jeff poked his head in the door. He walked over to his step mom and hugged her tightly. "Thank you for helping." he said s he rested his chin on top of her head smiling and giving a extra squeeze for emphasis on his gratitude.

"Hunny, any time" she said as she pulled back from his loving hug. "He needs someone in his life like you, I'd have taken him myself if I wasn't so damn busy. Least I know he's in great care when he's with you. How's Kolten taking this?"

"Kolt is looking forward to him staying with us." Jeff smiled knowing how excited Kolt was since Kolten already knew Matt and though he was an adorable little bug back when he met him the first time.

"Good" Sandy patted Jeff's hand and pointed to Matt's bag, "Well we best get things packed up for him, where is he?" She asked looking around the door way for him.

"He's asleep in the cruiser, I think the stress kinda made him sleepy." as an after thought he threw in his own concerns. "Mike lunged at the cruiser earlier today when he wiggled free from the officer, I expected Matt to at least scream or jump when he slammed into the cruiser, but he didn't move. Almost like he was frozen." Jeff sighed "I think I want you to recommend he see a psychiatrist or a therapist." He looked over at his step mom who pondered the situation. She turned and looked at Jeff.

"Hun if you think it's important enough then I'll make sure someone gets around to setting him up with one of the centers therapists. It may take a bit thou so try to keep a close eye on him."

He nodded and continued to help her fill his suitcase. "Thanks mom." They finished off their task and loaded his case into the trunk of the cruiser and Jeff hugged his step mom and headed off. They were dropped at his place and Jeff shook Matt gently.

"Wake up sleepy head we're here." he said smiling down at the boy who rubbed his eyes looking around. Matt noticed that they were at his grandfather's place. He looked at Jeff confused.

"Why are we at Nanna's and Pappie's? I thought we were going to your place?"

"We are" He chuckled again, "We have to switch cars for one. Since I don't think Constable Moore would want us to keep his cruiser, and I have to go check in on your grand dad and make sure his nurse doesn't need anything"

"Pappie needs a nurse?" Matt was confused. "Yes Matt, he's sick so he needs someone to look after him"

Matt looked at his uncle. "How come Nanna Sandy doesn't?" he asked the obvious

"She has to work, the nurse needs to get paid kiddo." He ruffled the boys head when he said "Oh!" Jeff sighed it has been a stressful few months and everyone knew it wouldn't be long before Jeff's dad would pass on. James had been hanging on for quite a bit now. They got out of the cruiser and fetched Matt's bag from the trunk. Jeff walked over to the Green Ford pick-up truck and placed the bag into the bed and thanked constable Moore and waved as he drove off.

"Come on kiddo you should probably see Pappie, I think you'd brighten his spirit" He draped his arm over his shoulder and walked up the stairs to the front door and opened it and ushered him in.

Matt looked around it had been a very long time since he'd been here last. He saw Kolten walking towards them and smiled a huge smile.

"Broggie!" he said running towards him and glomped him in a hug. Kolten chuckled. "Broggie?" he said looking at Matt. "Yup, remember the Kermit thing you did? I keep thinking a British frog, so Broggie is what you got stuck with." Kolten's eyebrow raised as he laughed over the newly known nickname. "Ok Broggie it is." He let Matt jump up on his back and piggy-backed him "So how was the rescue?" he asked half mouthing it and half speaking so not to make Matt upset.

"It's ok Kolten, he knows whats going on he requested to stay with us. Things went ok and I think it's a good thing to talk to him openly about whats going on so he knows he can come to either of us."

Kolten half looked back at the small boy on his back. "How you feeling about all of this anyway?"

"I'm glad to be out of there, I didn't like Mike and I'm glad he's gone." Matt shivered at the thought of Mike. "He came after me today..." He paused. "It was weird, I felt nothing. I wasn't scared. I wasn't numb, I wasn't anything. It was...." he tried to find a word for how he felt when he seen Mike lunge at him screaming words he couldn't hear. "hollow?" He said not too sure that was the right word. Kolten stopped and let him slid off his back.

"So, empty is how it felt...Now would you say empty as in, you don't care what happens next or as in you think nothing is going to happen? " Kolten was curious and he knew he had to ask just the right questions in order to get a thoughtful response from Matt without scaring him.

"I really don't know" Matt said looking at Kolten then at Jeff hoping for some reassurance. "It's ok not to be sure Matt." Jeff said to his nephew as Kolten nodded assuring him his uncle

was right. "At least you gave the feeling a word and thats a good step." Matt smiled at least no one here yelled when he didn't have answers.

Changing the subject Jeff said, "Come on lets go see Pappie" as he lead the boy along to see his grand dad. Kolten followed he had been there talking to James for most of the morning. Kolten liked Jeff's dad. When Matt seen his grand dad he smiled but he also noticed that he was hooked up to a monitor and a few other things so he was a bit sadden to see him ill.

"Pappie." He said as he crawled up onto his grand dad's bed and sat beside him James looked at his grandson and smiled "Well, well if it isn't muchkin, You've gotten as big as a tree!"

"I'm fourteen now." he hung his head "but I didn't really grown none, I'm still smaller than everyone else and I still get picked on." He looked at his grand dad.

"Pappie, how come you're sick? Do you hurt?" Matt was worried and had to ask. "I'm sick because I'm getting old kiddo, it happens sometimes and no I don't hurt anymore, the lady over there takes good care of me and your nanna Sandy looks after me very well to." He reached his hand over to Matt and patted it. "Don't you worry about me none, ok you just be happy and be a good boy ok." James smiled at his grand son knowing that he wouldn't be around to see him grow but knowing Jeff would take good care of him now. He knew what had happened Sandy had told him last night what was going on, but only after he had pestered her since he noticed how quiet she had been for the last few weeks and it usually had to do with something Janice done and he knew it all too well. James looked at his son with questioning eyes, Jeff knew he was wondering if Matt was ok. Jeff could only shrug and mouth 'We'll talk later' Jeff didn't want to worry his father while he was so weak but knowing his dad he's pester him till he caved. It was his dad's constant need to know and fix things that got him and Kolten back together after he had returned from England so he knew it was something he would have to come back to chat with his dad about. He smiled at his father and looked over at Matt.

"We really got to get moving kiddo, the house is only up the road ok. We'll come back for supper and we can chat more then ok." Matt nodded and hugged his grand dad who was beaming after seeing him again, it had been too long.

"You best bring him back it's been nearly two years since I seen him last." Jeff's father gruffed, the remark was a not so nasty dig at Matt's mom but Matt only chuckled about it.

"We will dad, you rest and we'll see you at supper time ok" He leaned down over the bed and kissed his dad's cheek. Kolten went to Jeff's dad and hugged him. They said their good byes and headed off. Kolten didn't say much on the way back to Jeff, but he jabbered a mile a minute to Matt hoping to get him to relax and it seemed to work, the drive took all of three minutes to Jeff's place which was really only around the corner and up a long driveway. When Matt got out he was stunned to see Jeff's home was completed. Last time he had been there it wasn't done and Jeff had been living in a small cabin which was still to the side of the house.

"Wow uncle Jeff this place sure grew!" He was awe struck then he frowned. Jeff stopped and looked at him. "Whats wrong?" he asked his nephew.

"Everything keeps growing and I don't." He looked mad now and it was pretty much the only emotion other than hyper that Jeff had ever seen in his nephew. Jeff walked over to him and put his arm over his shoulder. "Give it time it will happen, you're just a late bloomer."

Matt cussed then under his breath. "Bullshit, I hear that all the time and it ain't happened yet." He crossed his arms and then the tears started. Jeff didn't know what to do maybe the move was setting in, or shock or what ever the phase was but he didn't want Matt to feel so bad, so he did the only thing he knew Matt would really understand. He got to his level and hugged him, tightly. Mat hugged him back and still cried. Jeff picked him up looking at Kolten who grabbed Matt's bag, he to was concerned for the boy. Matt just sobbed on his shoulder as they walked to the house. When they got in Jeff sat on the couch and waited. The small boy in his arms was having a hell of a time coping and he just needed this time to let it out and Jeff wasn't going to stop him from doing what needed to be done and that was releasing all his frustration. When Matt stopped as suddenly as he had started Jeff got concerned again. Matt was quiet and again like he was in the cruiser he was blankly staring.

"You ok?" Jeff asked him.

"Yes, I'm sorry I'll be good." He stared at Jeff who felt like he was being stared through. Jeff looked at him hard. "Matt...Matt!" He raised an octave hoping to get Matt to snap out of his daze. Matt blinked and looked at his uncle.

"I'm sorry uncle Jeff, I promise to be good. I didn't mean to do that." His tears started to come again but he was holding back sobs.

"Matt did you feel empty again?" Kolten had a funny feeling about something since this looked so familiar and if he was right it was the same way his dad use to get years ago and they had put him on medicine for it.

Matt shrugged he didn't know. Jeff just let him curl up in his lap and looked at Kolt. "I think I need to call Sandy. How about you bring his stuff up to his room, I'll be there in a second ok." Kolten nodded and Jeff reached out his hand and gave Kolten's palm with his thumb a heart stroke, and then a smile his way of telling him he loved him without having to say it out loud around others who might not be comfortable with that kind of affection. It worked for them and Jeff knew that Matt knew he was gay but right now he had to concentrate his affections on Matt who needed him just as much as Kolten did.

Kolten picked up Matt's bag and brought it upstairs. When he returned Matt was asleep in Jeff's arms again he had passed out. Jeff with a bit of help managed to get to his feet off of the couch and brought Matt to his room laying him down on his bed and then he went back down stairs. Kolten met him in the kitchen. He went to Jeff he could see the concern. He hugged him around the waist.

"Call her, tell her what's up. I'm concerned to Jeff. He looks like my dad did when he was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. He'll have to be put on medicine for it if thats the case but well it's best he gets treated now before it gets too bad." Kolten knew what he was talking about he watched how his dad's life turn upside down because of his troubles. He didn't wish to see that happen to Matt.

Jeff nodded his head and went to the phone and made the necessary calls. Sandy did her part and he did his now only time would tell how things went. July was turning out to be a bless filled yet stress filled month all around.

It was about three weeks later that Matt finally came around, he seemed back to his normal self. He was diagnosed with D.I.D. and treated accordingly. Jeff and Kolten were warned to watch him closely as the medicine he was on could also cause some adverse side effects but he seemed to be handling things quite well. In fact He and Becky were hanging out more. School would be starting for both of them and they were both going into grade ten. Jeff calmed and Kolten was able to concentrate on his studies as well and spend what time he could with Jeff who helped him a great deal. Mani was a frequent visitor along with another friend of his who did sessions with Matt. When Mani went back home from those sessions he'd leave Becky there for their visits and then come back later to pick her up, and Becky in turn would help Mani by filling him in on what Matt said after the sessions, or Matt would come back with Mani and go to their home and it was still the same thing, so in all they were all helping each other. Becky also was getting to be a better person in many ways because of Mani, Aikrii, Matt, Jeff and Kolten supporting her decisions. Zack was a blessing to, even thou she was sort of detached from her son she still loved him a great deal. He was a month old now and when she would come back from her visits with Matt and she would sit with Zack and talk to him and write stuff for him in the special baby book that Mani and Aikrii got her. They had asked her to write her thoughts for him so he would know his mom when he got older, even Matt encouraged her to do this when he was there, today was one of them days.

August 19th, 2009

You're a month old today, baby boy! Wow time flies! Matt is here with me. Remember mommy told you he's a friend of mine. He says you've gotten big since he seen you last to. I am impressed, Aikrii and Mani spoil you to. It's so funny to see Mani when he carries you around the house, your eyes get so big when he hums to you or does his papa bear growl. I giggle. When Aikrii sings to you you seem to go off into this lulled trance and stare so hard at him. Aikrii loves you so much to you can see it when he sings for you. Your daddies are so good for you and I am so very glad I choose them to care for you. I love it because I get to see you grow up to. I can see how much they care. I know they will give you what I wouldn't be able to because I'm so young. BUT Remember I still love you, even if I'm too young to care for you on my own least I did what has been the best decision on your behalf. She drew a big smiling heart with a happy face in it and wrote below it. Mommy loves you.


Matt hugged her and smiled as he read over her words while he sat beside her. He had Zack tucked sideways in the crook of his arm in his lap, Zack was contently drooling down Matt's arm and staring at his moms face smiling. Matt looked at him and said to Becky. "I think he's got gas, I can feel his belly rumbling." Becky laughed Zack always had gas. She reached for him just as Mani walked in the living room.

"I'm done writing in his book." She nodded towards the book she had placed on the floor as she took Zack in her arms and stood up laying his against her chest and patting his back. She smiled as Mani picked up his book and walked it over to the book shelf and placed it back in it's spot. Zack let out a tremendous belch that made even Mani jump and everyone laughed.

"Wow baby boy, you're gonna make the truckers jealous with a burp like that." Becky said as she turned him and cuddled him in the crook of her arm. She smiled down at him as he grabbed for her finger still drooling.

She looked at Main who was still smiling over the who scene. "Can he be teething yet?" She asked him

"I can't see it." Mani said "Why do you ask?"

"Oh it's cause he's drooling so much and thats something Mardi said Faith did lots before she got her first teeth."

"Yeah but Faith is also six months old now and she was five months old when she started drooling so badly." Mani reached for Zack and Becky passed him over. Mani pushed back Zack's lips to look at his gums which looked fine. He was just a drooler apparently. "I think he'll be ok, but it's nice to see you asking questions its a good first step in being responsible." He reached over and hugged her to. She giggled.

"I was just curious thats all." She smiled.

"It's always good to ask." Mani said. Matt then stood up and threw his question in on the whole conversation.

"Speaking of asking, can I take Becky to a movie?" He turned red after he asked which was done in a rush. She giggled at his bashfulness. Mani was smiling warmly at him.

"Yes Matt you two may go to a movie if you wish. When would you like to go?"

"Friday" He smiled eagerly. Mani propped Zack on his shoulder and rubbed his back as he looked at Matt.

"Ok, no problem, which movie time are you planning on?" Mani wanted to know when he was dropping them off and picking them up since neither drove the the bus didn't quite make it out that far yet thou the walk wasn't that far it still wasn't that good late in the evening.

"I was hoping we could see the nine o'clock show and uncle Jeff could drop us off and you could come get us." Matt beamed he was getting excited and Mani was happy to see this and he would relay the news to Jeff and make sure he allowed him to go, seeing Matt coming around was a thing they were all striving for.

"Sure I have no troubles with that." Mani said smiling at the now very happy young man.

"So what made you ask me?" Mani asked. "Uncle Jeff says it's proper when you want to date someone to ask their parents. Since you take care of Becky it's proper isn't it?"

Beck was red now and still giggled and then hiccuped Mani chuckled.

"I guess your uncle is being very wise to teach you this, yes it's proper. Thank you for being considerate. Next step, ask Becky if she wants to go." Becky was already shaking her head yes but Matt just laughed he had forgotten that part and he was red, but seeing her agreeing to go made up for his folly. Mani only let of a slight chuckle. He turned to go to the kitchen to let them both be to talk over their date plans when Becky pointed to Zack. He had fallen asleep on Mani's shoulder. So he happily took him up to his and Aikrii's room and laid him in his crib and turned on the baby monitor. Picking up the second base he walked out of the room just as the phone rang.

Becky handed the phone handset to Mani as he come down stairs. She gave him the puzzled look as if to say she had no idea who it was. Aikrii walked in the door at that moment and seeing her quizzical look he was wondering what was going on.

Becky walked over to him and gave him a hug. "I don't know who it is on the phone thats all. They sounded very official like." She said smiling. Aikrii relaxed then as he walked over to Mani and kissed his cheek, Mani gripped his arm and held onto him tightly, his eyes were getting larger and larger and Aikrii could feel his anticipation just flowing through him like electricity. Mani started to talk rapidly and smile like made.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! Yes, Yes I'll let him know he's right here. Thank you again." He hung up the phone then turned to Aikrii and with the biggest smile he picked up his partner and swung him completely around all giddy.

"WHAT!?" Aikrii said when Mani let him down.

"Our adoption of Zachary. It went through this morning, the papers on being couriered over as we speak. We're officially his parents!" Mani was jumping up and down now. "We have TWO kids now!" He was giddy. He looked over at Becky scurried to her and picked her up squished her and swung her around as well and kissed her cheek. "THANK YOU BABY GIRL!" Mani was so thrilled. She was giggling like mad.

"Your welcome dad." She said smiling again. "I'm happy to hear that it went through, makes me feel better knowing you won't have anymore hassles. Here's hoping it will help when you try for your next one." She smiled again.

Mani was beyond thrilled he was ecstatic. "You two should celebrate" Becky suggested. Aikrii liked that idea and nodded. "I'll be here and if I need help I'll ask Anita." Becky said. Besides it wasn't a big deal looking after Zack when she had help. She rather enjoyed it. She smiled as her adoptive parents giggled and hugged each other. She walked out of the room tugging Matt along with her winking "Let's give them some private time." Matt chuckled knowingly. They went to the living room and knocked on Nye's old apartment door, Anita lived there now. She poked her head out the door.

"Can we barge in on you?" She asked the older lady who was like a second mom to her.

"Sure sweetie, Marie is just eating something." They walked in and filled Anita in on the scuttle butt that was going on and Anita delighted in the news.

Friday came with a wonderful summer shower and a beautiful rainbow at the end. Matt happily spent most of the day with Becky at his uncles place and when the evening rolled around they got more excited over the date coming up. Jeff gave Matt some money and told him to remember his cell phone. They headed off and Matt was in heaven. Jeff dropped them off at the pizza joint next to the theater and told them to meet him at the theater after the movie was over. He'd stay in town to pick them up.

"Aw, you don't have to do that Uncle Jeff, I can call you when the movie is over."

"No thats ok I have to pick up a few things anyway, have fun and be good ok." He hugged his nephew and let them off on their merry way.

Matt took Becky's hand and walked into the pizza joint. They ordered their meal and sat down. It was when they were half way done their meal that Matt noticed two fellas staring at him and Becky. He recognized one and spoke to her quietly.

"Umm, I think we have to go now Becky." He took her hand and smiled at her hoping she would just leave.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I see someone I don't want to deal with, lets go out the side door we can cut across the alley and go to the theater that way ok." She nodded and got up they deposited their trash in the bin and they headed to the side door. When Matt looked back the two who he seen were gone. He wondered where they had gone to. Pushing open the door he lead Becky out the side door, happily chatting to her and smiling.

"Hey look if it ain't the rat and his little whore." Matt turned around to see the two from the pizza shop. He recognized the one fella who use to go to his school and work for Mike.

"Hey I don't want any trouble guys." Matt said scared Becky was behind him.

"Too late asshole, you ratted out Mike and well he tends to keep his promises. Your gonna be permanently erased from history." The first boy stepped forward and thats when Matt noticed the board. He was terrified now. "Becky run and get help. RUN! NOW!" He lunged at the boy with the board. He wanted to see her get away and the blow he got to the head wasn't as hard as he expected since he went towards the boy. He heard a bang and a thud. His body felt like it was in jell-o as his head swam from the blow. The second boy kicked him in the guts thats when he noticed something cold against his head. He head sirens and the first boy yelled. "Fuck! cops, I told you not to use that!" The first boy with the board whacked Matt in the head again. Matt groaned holding his skull it really hurt. He rolled over and through the haze he saw Becky on the ground. He tried to scream out to her, his voice was strangled. He crawled to her as he did so he hauled out his phone. He could hear the ones who assaulted him running away. He hit speed dial. The only words he could mutter were "help, ally." He passed out, six feet away from where he could see Becky. He was trying to reach for her. It's where the police and Jeff found them both. ***************************

He woke up. He was groggy. His head was killing him. He groaned. He looked around and saw Jeff, Mani and Aikrii. He could hear others whispering. Mani and Aikrii were all puffy eyed. Aikrii looked like he had been crying and Kolten looked a mess as well. Matt tried to speak but manged a squeak. It was enough to get everyones attention thou. The room went dead quiet. Jeff went to his nephew.

He looked at him and pushed the hair back from his face. He had a sad look in his eyes but he was happy to see Matt was awake.

"Did they catch them? Is Becky ok?" Matt asked weakly. Jeff's eyes teared, "They caught the boys who hurt you yes, but I have some bads news Matt." More tears fell from Jeff's eyes as he told his nephew the two words no one who loves someone wants to hear.

"I'm sorry son, Becky's dead."

The scream from Matt could be heard down at the other end of the hall of the ward he was being held in. It was the last sound he made and no one could get him to talk after that.

******************************** This series is published on line books 1-3 (4 in the works) if intrested mail Lila for the direct link to my series main web site so you can read it all

Next: Chapter 20: Steppin Out III 19 20

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