Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Nov 3, 2008


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 3) On the straight and Narrow - Copyright 1997-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

A love lost, a love gained, two families become closer as a third is added to the extended family tree Aikrii and Mani have created for themselves. Even through the sorrow each love thrives to florish to the best it can be. A tear jerker so be sure to have lots of tissues!

I would LOVE feed back... anyone care to throw in a word or two? Did this book leave you wondeing? confused? happy? Let me know :D


Chapter 13 -- Perfect Holiday *************************

Becky was shocked at all the stuff Mani and Charlene ended up getting her. She ended up with a lot of new clothing stuff she would 'grow' into as Charlene told her since she would get bigger. Charlene told her she could talk to Mardi to another lady she knew who was going to have a baby in February. Marie asked Charlene if Becky would be staying at Kevin's house with them and she said yes but because of the planned party and such she would be with them at Aikrii's and Mani's as well.

Marie was happy to hear this news as it would give her a chance to find out a few things. Being as intuitive as she was she learned more than most of the staff at Kevin's place, her momma always said she'd make a good investigator or cop one day. She chuckled to herself when she thought about the term 'cleaning house' for a police officer and here she was a maid, "Oi!" she muttered to herself shaking her head as she helped Mani and Charlene pack up the car.

"We'll go back to Kevin's first ok Becky and drop off your stuff, if you want to change you can. Then we'll take you to Aikrii and I's place so you can meet some of the crew there ok."

She nodded her head she was getting excited but could tell Marie wanted to speak to her as well about something so the need to go back to Kevin's place was fine with her. About thirty minutes later they did show back at Kevin's and Becky was introduced to Kevin as Charlene's guest not Marie's. Charlene also made the point to tell Kevin that Becky was expecting and was a tad under the whether due to morning sickness that didn't seem to let up, and wondered if he could spare Marie so Charlene could have help while Becky was in her care. Kevin had no issues with it and neither did Sadonie. Charlene thanked Kevin and looked over at Duncan who noticed as well that Kevin was off and then questioned Sadonie on what was up with her brother.

"I think it has to do with Marco." She said sighing. "Every year it's the same thing. Every year, since he was seventeen he gets like this around this time of the year. Marco gets 'quiet' as well."

She looked at Duncan and Charlene and then noted that Becky and Marie were still in their presents.

"Oh!" She covered her mouth, "Umm I forgot we had company."

"Miss Sadonie, beg my humble forgiveness if I speak out of turn but I'm very observant and am well aware of your brothers concerns when it comes to Mr Daily, I think Marco is a fine person, and I'm also aware that Marco is fond of your brother as well. If your wondering whats going on I am sure I can find out soon enough if you really wish to know. It won't take me long. Sadonie was surprised at the young lady's openness at the whole situation and the willingness to help out. She giggled and then thought what could it hurt.

"Marie if you're willing to 'pry' I'm not going to stop you from snooping, I've been wondering what's been going on and be damed if this year we can't make it all better. So by all means. Poke around if he gets pissy he can take it out on me. Just try not to get caught ok."

Sadonie giggled when Marie nodded and then looked at Becky and said "Give me a bit ok I have to go ask a few questions to a few free flowing lips." She hugged her friend and disappeared through the staff door.

"How long do you think it will take her to find out what you want to know?" He asked Sadonie while Charlene sat and brushed Becky's hair and put it into two French braids. Charlene smiled when Sadonie answered "I have no idea but I have a funny feeling that little one there is going to be a challenge for Kevin to keep in line while she's working here."

"Why is that?" Duncan said as he sipped his coffee.

"From what I can see, she's inquisitive, smart as a whip and I think she's not only pig headed she's probably a leader in maid's clothing." Sadonie smiled she liked the girl. "She will definitely give Kevin and Marco a run for their money."

Charlene encouraged Becky to find something to wear and get changed and then offered her something to eat. By the time Becky finished Marie was back and full of info and let what she learned to Sadonie out in detailed form, who she got the info from and in what she would consider chronological order. Sadonie was none the less surprised as was Duncan and he even said

"Damn girl you'd make a good investigator"

She giggled "Yeah momma says that to, I guess I would bring a whole new meaning to 'cleaning house' now wouldn't I?"

Now it was Duncan's to laugh about that he looked at Charlene and Sadonie and said, "Damn I like this kid, smart and funny!" This made Marie blush "Thanks Duncan" She said to him.

Sadonie pondered the info, "So it seems that my brother's feelings for Marco have grown over the years and from the looks of it this time around it's gotten worse with Marco's proud stubborn ways to keep Kevin's reputation in check, So you're sure he turned down Kevin when he was asked to move in?"

"Yes, Momma said he's been all weird most of the day, when she asked he told her, he always confides in momma, they are best friends after all."

"How did you get your mom to spill to you, I think she's the most tight lipped here." Sadonie was surprised to hear that it was Anita who said anything.

"I told momma you were worried, if you want she will talk to you." Marie smiled. "I think all she wants is to see Marco and your brother happy. I think Marco is too damn proud and he thinks he's too old to." Marie was quite perceptive for one who was so young. "Now if we're done here can I take a moment of Becky's time? I would like to speak to her about a few girlie matters and well, I find it embarrassing to do it with everyone watching. She turned red as she waited for an answer.

"Sure you two can use the sun room for a bit if you wish." Sadonie pointed to Becky who had no idea where the room she spoke of was located. Marie took her hand and walked with her to the room in question. While they went that way Sadonie went to see Anita, Today would see Marco either with Kevin or without a job and be damed if Sadonie was going to sit back and watch her brother hurt over all of this for another holiday.

She sat down and looked in awe at the beautiful glass windows in the sun room all a melded swirled beautiful mess of yellows greens and blues.

"Pretty isn't it?" Marie asked her friend.

"It's amazing. Don't you find it weird to live and work in such a big home thats not yours?" She asked Marie

"No, I do it because I respect my mama and because it will pay for my college courses in two years time." Marie already had a action plan for school and being a maid wasn't one of them. She looked over at her friend.

"I took you in here because I have to let you know a few things." Marie sounded very serious and looked at her friend determined to make sure she listened.

"I'm not going to piss around either, so I want you to listen Becky, remember I'm older and I can help you a lot so can my friends ok and to let you know now I'm not trying to be a bully I'm just looking out for a friend ok so I want you to listen before getting mad at me ok." She waited for her friend to say yes or no.

"Umm ok, but you sound pissed off...are you mad at me?" Becky was worried.

"No I'm concerned. For you and for your future, momma always says a girl ain't nothing if she don't use her brains, unfortunately people will look at you as brainless for being pregnant so young." She knew what she was talking about she watched another friend get treated like shit by her boyfriend so Marie was going to be sure Becky didn't end up the same way.

Becky's face screwed up like she was going to cry and Marie went to her and pulled her onto her lap.

"I don't want to hurt your feelings Becky, I'm just trying to tell you the truth ok, I don't think your stupid, I would only think that you're being selfish if you had an abortion or if you thought you could raise this baby by yourself. You can't you're too young. Do you understand me?"

Marie could feel her friend nod her head against her chest. Becky sat up and looked at Marie

"I can't take care of a baby Marie so I won't be selfish, someone else can do better for him or her then they can if they look for me when I'm older I will tell them I was too young. Everyone makes mistakes I just hope when I'm older I get a second chance." She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Marie.

"Think if I did a letter for my baby the new parents would give it to my baby when they were old enough?" The idea had been running through her head for hours since she made up her mind to make sure her child got a good home, she knew in her hearts heart it was for the best.

"I can't see why not and I know the perfect people to approach about it" Marie learned a LOT since moving in and helping her mom out so her sources were tight since it was within the Trask and Oratii families.

"Who?" Becky asked.

"Well I think you need to see first ok, but lest just say the new place you're going to visit today, The man you met at the hospital. He wants a baby, him and his boyfriend. I over hear crap all the time and I can put two and two together. Remember what the lady said at the center about Mani not being able to take you so Charlene had to." She watched her friends eyes show the acknowledgment of 'OH!'

"So he's looking for a baby, is that why he bought me all that stuff?" Becky thought wouldn't that be a bribe...

"No Mani isn't like that, he helps people because they need it. Here let me fill you in on some things I know from my momma, what I hear from when Josh and Kevin chat and when Selina and Nye are over here as well. There's TONS you don't understand, but let me tell you once I fill you in on details you'll be sure that if you let Mani and Aikrii take your baby they would have the best home in the world and you would have a chance at a good life and still get to know your baby. Sound good?" Marie squeezed her friends hand and watched her friend smile. When she she got her full attention Marie rambled off ALL she learned, her skills would come in handy when she went to police academy. Duncan only strengthened her wanting to go and this new challenge of 'negation' with her friend to do the right thing helped her as well. When she was done Becky was impressed and asked if Duncan would confirm things later on once she got a chance to get a feel of Mani and Aikrii's place. Marie nodded her confirmation and they hugged, Marie felt better she was sure things were on the right track with her friend now. They walked out of the sun room to quite the commotion, Sadonie was ragging out on Marco and he was actually yelling back. Marie stepped in between them and whistled a high pitched whistle that would shatter glass.

"FOR SHAME!! You two are grown adults, there are children present!" She glared at Marco, "Sir, you may be over me but even YOU know better, so even I will suggest you move your ass to staff quarters before Master Trask halves and quarters you." Marco was stunned but huffed away. Sadonie was stunned to and looked at the girl appalled. "You may wish to fire me Madam Trask, but it won't make you feel better and it won't solve the problem at hand." She waited with her hands behind her back waiting for the ax to fall, it never did.

"You were right Marie, thanks." Sadonie walked away as well. Becky was stunned to say the least and Charlene and Duncan were flabbergasted.

"I'm sorry you two had to see Mr. Daily in such a unprofessional state, usually he's more reserved and well mannered. I shall see to his side and deal with the task at hand. I will show at the Oratii residents as soon as I able, matters here seem to be more pressing. Excuse me." She hugged Marie and whispered "Remember what I said ok." and then she was gone.

Charlene looked at Duncan, I think Sadonie was right about her being a leader, we definitely haven't seen the last of her yet. With that they got ready to go and headed off to Aikrii and Mani's place for the first night of fun the house would be hopping soon and Charlene wanted to go spend some time with Selina before her and Nye got too caught up in friends and family showing. *****************************************

"You had NO right yelling at Miss Sadonie and you know I'm right!" She had her arms down at her side in fists as Marco tried to brush her off like an insolent child.

"She was interfering where it concerns her not." He said in his pompous manner. Now Marie knew why she heard Kevin tell him to stop with the pompous manner.

"Marco, fuck off with the shit you pull with Kevin, I'm not him ok... Unlike Kevin you can't make me go away so easily I live here remember." She huffed when he glared at her.

"You my child should learn your place and get there while the going is good." He stood with his eyebrows raised looking down his nose at her.

"Oh like you have?" She shot back. "You're a huge hypocrite Marco, a bloody British hypocrite in a damn suit."

Marco was dumbfounded, a child telling him who he was, one who had no clue about him at all. Boy was he wrong. She flew into him in an instant.

"You tell me to find my place! You don't even know your place is at Master Trask's side, you think as his butler is going to satisfy him forever? You're fucking foolish if you do, he loves you! Can't you get that through your thick skull or is your damned pride so important to you that you'll kill someone who loves you with rejection?" She shot daggers at him and he felt if he so much as opened his mouth she'd tear him a new ass as well. "Wizen up Marco, I'm younger than you and have only been here two fucking weeks and I apparently know more than you do. Sheesh!" She stomped from the room more pissed now that ever, why the hell do people have to be so stupid when it came to doing the right thing. She shook her head as she took the stairs to the main floor. She got her jacket walked to the kitchen and spoke to her mother letting her know she was heading over to Aikrii's place to help Charlene and Duncan with Marie. Her mother looked at her and winked and smiled and hugged her to whispering "Looks like you got your mamma's temper and her heart baby girl." She nudged her and pointed discreetly. Marco was exiting the staff door. He wasn't in his uniform and he was going upstairs.

"I think your the first of us to actually get something to sink in" She gave her a hug and told her to go ask Master Trask if the limo could run her over since she didn't want her to ride her bike in the snow.

Marie took the stairs two at a time and lightly knocked on Kevin's study door.

"Enter" His voice called out.

She pushed open the door to see Master Trask standing with his back to her, he was looking out the window and Marco was standing with a paper in his hand to the left of the room. He wasn't dressed in his normal uniform as her mom had pointed out.

"Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you and Mr. Daily but Mama wanted to know if you could allow me to get a lift with the limo to the Oratii home so I do not have to bike in the snow." She waited for his answer her hands behind her back.

"I can't see an issue, Marco can take you when we go to the Airport. You're excused, please have a good day at Aikrii's and Mani's I'll see you tonight. " She walked out of the room and waited at the front door. Marco was down not long after and Kevin was beside him as well. He still had a frown, but he wasn't sullen. Marco was different to but Marie couldn't quite figure out what had happened upstairs in the study.

She was dropped off at Aikrii's and was greeted with open arms by Becky who was beside herself and loved the home she didn't stop talking, "Oh my god Marie this place is amazing! Aikrii and Mani are the sweetest people I ever met! They have most of their family or friends living here!"

"That's their nature Becky, they care so they do what they can to help." Marie placed an arm over her friends shoulder and they helped around the house decorating with Selina, Nye, Sefron and Mardi along with a little fella Marie learned was named Matt and it looked like he was a tad smitten with Becky and more so when he learned she was going to have a baby. Aikrii was watching the whole ordeal with open eyes.

"If you have a boy whatcha gonna call him?" Matt asked her. He looked up with eager eyes as he unraveled garland.

"If I was old enough to keep him, I'd name him Zachery, but I'm too young so I guess his new parents would name him don't ya think?"

Matt frowned, "Why don't you want your baby?" Becky frowned and Aikrii stepped in "Matt it's not that she doesn't want her baby it's just sometimes when your too little to do something you need to ask for help." Aikrii sat on the floor beside him and helped with the garland. "Look at you, you're almost fourteen and still small and people pick on you right?"

Matt nodded he hated being picked on. Aikrii continued. "So in order not to be picked on you ask for help right?"

Matt nodded his head yes. "So what do you think would happen if you never asked for help and people still picked on you?"

"I'd probably be getting hurt a mighty lot." He said with a frown.

"Now don't you think if you had to look after a baby all by yourself you'd be sacred. Do you think you could keep a small baby from getting hurt all the time?" Aikrii waited for him to think about the question and watched his expression go from wonder to acknowledgment.

"I think you be right there Aikrii, I think I'd be too scared to be lookin' after a little on, my mama has her plates filled up with me, I can see where Becky would be needin' some help." He grinned

"You can always ask Aikrii and Mani to take your little one, they's be mighty good papa's they's nice people ya know." He grinned and looked over at Aikrii who blushed yet ruffled Matt's head.

"Out of the mouth of babes" He said chuckling he looked at Becky and could see her thinking as she absently pulled garland off of a cardboard spool.

"So who wants hot chocolate?" Aikrii asked as he stood up, dispersing the humdrum that seem to fall over them.

"I DO!" Matt yelled jumping up and racing towards the kitchen Selina laughing as she watched him shoot off like a rocket. Becky watched him go. "Is he always like that?" she asked Selina

"Yup pretty much, I think the only time I saw him slow down was when he hurt himself and my friend Kolten had to carry him." Becky watched the young fella dance around in the kitchen by Aikrii as he got the wanted drink ready for the boy. She wasn't so much as watching Matt as she was watching how Aikrii interacted with him. She wished her family had been like Aikrii was being with Matt. Attentive, caring, someone who apparently wanted to please. She smiled and ran her hand across her belly. This little one would have that and then some she was sure of it.

They pulled up to the airport and got out of the limo. He looked and felt out of place here in jeans and a shirt, but Kevin insisted on him being dressed appropriately while in public with him. They had their conversation when in the study, some before Marie showed up and more after and the rest while they drove to the airport. The first words he was told when Marco called up to the study to see if he wanted to go to the airport with him to pick up Sam and Xavier and Michelle was told.

"If you don't want to be judged as a butler or hired help then I suggest you dress appropriately." He did so before going up to see Kevin. His means of exiting was sitting in his back pocket, should he need it. They had a few words and Kevin gave him a choice, he could resign or Kevin would fire him, either way he was no longer being held to his contractual duties that Kevin's father had hired him for fifteen years ago.

"If you resign I shall give you a permanent place of residence here as I would not like to see a friend on the streets, but should you choose the latter and I have to fire you, you'll be asked to clear your belongings and I shall give you full severance even for the five years your still considered contractually bound to do and agreed to complete and you will get your full pension as if you did so, but you will have to find your own place to reside." Kevin had turned his back on Marco then for the first time in years but it was because he was crying. Marie had knocked then and she has asked for a drive. She was excused and Marco was already holding out his resignation by then he had already thought of leaving he even had his bags packed down stairs. He never thought Kevin would offer him what he had. Kevin had turned around then tears were still running down his face as he took the paper Marco had. He looked at it.

"So your willing to resign." He said the air of finality like that of a squashed bug.

"I have no choice Kevin, I can't be hired help if I'm here in any other capacity, I just cant' do it." Marco stood waiting to see what Kevin would say.

"So your giving up the gig? Will you stay?" Kevin waited the dance making him tired from all the spinning.

"If your still want me I will gladly stay." Marco said his words light, endearing and full of hope.

Kevin nearly knocked the older man over in a bear hug, his tears were flowing hard and he sobbed on to Marco's shirt.

"I think I would have died if I had to fire you! You scared the shit out of me, I didn't know what to do, I thought for sure this year you would move out."

Marco hugged him back and smiled down at the brown head nestled against his chest.

"I would have left if you had asked me to but even I know it would have been very hard for me to do, I do care Kevin, and I'm sorry my pride got in the way, but lets just say it took one small little lady with more balls than I had to set me straight, or in this case..." He cut himself off as the pun fell as it may making Kevin giggle like crazy in his arms. Marco stroked Kevin's head he so loved hearing him laugh.

"I think we need to talk more lets go drop her off ok, and grab my cell would you I have to go talk to sis quick, I'll meet you at the front door ok."

Kevin stood on his tip toes kissed Marco and smiled when they broke apart. "You know what you look fucking hot in jeans." with that he headed out of the study and to his sister's room where he was certain he had heard her go to earlier.

Taking Marco's hand he pulled him along to gate eight where Dante said his mom Michelle, Sam and Xavier would be showing. It was the flaming red hair that Kevin saw first, but he recognized Sam immediately except for the piercings Dante and he were identical. Kevin called out to him and he waved back. Michelle smiled as she moseyed towards them. Kevin greeted Sam like he was family.

"Hey, Sam! We're taking everyone over to my place ok since there's room I hope you don't mind but Aikrii doesn't have his guest house done yet and he couldn't rent a mini home in time for the over flow there's going to be nearly sixty people coming between them and Josh and if you include my friends and family it's well over one hundred and twenty people. Michelle was the first to show her shock and amazement. "Wow, such a big deal for the holidays!"

"We have a lot of friends and with my mom's ties to the hotel industry we tend to be the toast of the town, the great thing is we have a huge home." Kevin smiled as Michelle thanked him for his hospitality.

"Well I suppose I should help you grab your bags, We brought the small limo seeing as there wasn't a ton of people to pick up so I hope your all comfortable"

"Oh, Kevin we can get our luggage." Xavier said "No need to put yourself out."

"Oh it's no problem, I don't mind." Kevin smiled he also noticed not once did any of them ask Marco to help, guess jeans did look good on him after all. He mentally chuckled to himself.

He scooped up Michelle's bag and then grabbed Xavier's rolling bag. Sam took his own carry on and Marco offered to take the other two bags. They were on their way to the limo, that was when Xavier asked Kevin who Marco was.

"Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me." Kevin smiled as he looked over at Marco. "This tall brute with the beautiful accent" he said winking, "is my boyfriend Marco. Marco, this is Sam Ericson, Xavier York and Michelle is Dante and Sam's mom." He smiled as everyone nodded and grinned. Marco took Kevin's hand when his became free of the bags and he gave him a squeeze. "A pleasure, he said to Michelle as he took her hand next and laid a kiss upon her fingers" She giggled like a school girl at his accent. "Oh how dashing Kevin! He's a keeper!" She chuckled more when he winked at her. Kevin got a kick out of it as well Marco was a real charmer when he let himself relax. "Don't I know it." He answered as they finished putting the rest of the bags in the trunk.

"Ok off to our place. Then I'll take you after you get refreshed to see Josh and Dante, they should be at Aikrii's by then."

The drive was swift and Michelle, Xavier and Sam chatted in the back while Kevin sat up front and just held onto Marco's hand. Things had been sorted when they drove here and hopefully once the holidays were over things would relax more and they would get to spend some quality time together.

"Oh my this house is absolutely beautiful!" Michelle exclaimed as she walked through the doors of Kevin Trask's home.

"Thanks, I think Marco and I take pride in how well we mange to keep things going so smoothly." Marco chuckled as Anita showed and her eyes bugged out when she seen him holding Kevin's hand where everyone could see.

"Ma'am, take you jacket?" Anita asked Michelle as she held out her hands to receive the garment.

"Where's Sarah and Sophia?" Kevin asked Anita

"I do believe they are readying the last of the rooms sir shall I ring them?" She bowed and then stood again hands behind her back.

"Oh no thats quite ok, you do what you must, but please make sure Francis has what he needs for the up coming meals and he's to come to me direct if he needs more help I'll gladly pitch in myself if I am needed ok." Kevin smiled as Marco chuckled about helping in the kitchen he knew Kevin could cook. It was when Anita giggled at the concept that everyone else chuckled to.

"I'm sure Francis would be thrilled if you did that sir." Anita said laughing as she went off for her own duties.

"So you cook like your cousin then I take it." Michelle said remembering how well Josh could cook when he was living with them.

"I can hold my own thou I'm sure Francis would kick me out for putting pepper on macaroni." Marco busted a gut at that one and then rolled his eyes.

"Gee Kevin, you make the poor bloke sound like he's got a stick up his ass." Marco made the off hand comment and everyone else giggled.

"Not quite but he's very edgy about who's in his kitchen. I'm sure I wouldn't last five minutes in there with him, he's a damn good chef thou."

Michelle was looking forward to meeting this Francis fella, she'd love to see what she could learn from him. Kevin showed them their rooms as he knew the rest of his staff was getting ready to attend to other matters for the three day festivities.

"We'll be back by in about an hour or so to let you know we're heading over to Aikrii's ok." He looked at his watch it was nearing two in the afternoon, Supper was in three hours, he was already ravenous but food could wait he had other things to attend to. Kevin got confirmation from Xavier that he and Sam would be ready and Michelle also said she'd be ready as well. Kevin headed off. Marco was waiting down stairs. Kevin took his hand whispered something to him and then went off to talk to his sister. He was gone all of ten minutes and then left them to their own accord as he vacated the house. He had a last minute gift to go get. **********************************************

They were curled up on the couch watching Becky and Matt chat, Selina and Nye could keep up with youngsters normally but today had been a long day of decorating, chatting and non stop going, and supper was just around the corner, the kitchen had been set up so the living room was pushed back and there was a horseshoe shaped dinner table set up for all the guests. There were people in Aikrii's kitchen with Mani cooking a storm. Mani Flopped beside Nye and gave him a noogie.

"AGG! Bro! You smell like summer savory!" He laughed pushing his brother off of his head.

"Whats so bad about that, least I'm fresh!" He said a bit too cocky.

"I'd agree with that, can't keep your hands to yourself" Aikrii piped up as he sipped his tea.

"Hey! Not fair!" Mani said pouting then giggling.

"Why not it's true." Nye said off handed. Everyone laughed they always got a kick out of Aikrii and Mani's playful banter.

Aikrii hugged Mani when he stood again and kissed his cheek, "It's ok baby I don't mind you being fresh or smelling like savory either, makes my world more entertaining when you're doing something different keeps me on my toes" He chuckled as Mani kissed the top of his nose loudly and then swatted his butt as he headed back to the kitchen to help cook more.

"How long have you two been married?" Becky asked out of the blue.

"Well, we got married on the nineteenth, so five months and three days" He said being precise and he grinned.

Becky was happy with the answer and went back to wrapping gifts now. She was helping Selina or at the moment she was wrapping while Selina watched. Mardi and Sefron joined them and then not long after that the bell rang with Josh and Dante showing to join the fray.

"Did mom say when they'd be here?" Josh asked Aikrii as he gave his 'adopted' brother a crushing hug as he asked about his mom in law.

"Not an exact time but they'll be here Kevin said he'd drop them off when he wasn't so swamped trying to get his crew coordinated he's providing a few extras for supper here tonight and we have a crew here cooking to for everyone for Christmas eve dinner."

"Oh, well there's one thing that might explain the delay." Josh said chuckling

"Whats that?" Aikrii was curious

"Oh come on now...Dante's mom! Christmas and not cooking, it's unheard of." Josh grinned "She's as bad as me, I'm finding it hard to not tackle something." He chuckled then took a deep breath smelling the wondrous scents from the kitchen.

"You're welcomed to go join Mani if you want I'm sure they could use and extra hand."

Josh looked at Dante "Do you mind sweetie?" he took his hand and gave it a squeeze and his famous puppy eyes. "Oh go ahead silly." Dante said as Josh grinned and kissed his cheek. He then scurried off yelling his hi's to everyone. Mani was very happy to have the added chef in the kitchen and had him working within minutes. Everyone was enjoying themselves and guests started trickling in slowly. *************************************************

"We're going to be late you know." Kolten looked at his watch, yes they were, it was nearing supper time and they had planned to be home earlier. "How do you think everyone is going to take the news?" his companion asked him.

"I have no idea and frankly I don't care, I don't want to hid anymore." Kolten had made up his mind and tonight people would know that yes he was dating now and yes he was the younger of the party.

He reached over taking the hand of the one he was hooked on, the one he rescued when they met back in England. The one he came all the way back to Kearney for. Blue eyes met green and they sparkled, He would go to the moon and back for a smile. Jeff was happy to be the one sitting next to him and he was sure that Kolten was in his glory just from the smile he had.

"I'll be here thou when you tell them ok, so no worries ok hun." Jeff was adamant in being around to help if Kolten felt he needed it.

"No worries no regrets, I don't regret meeting you so I refuse to hold regrets in telling people about us." Jeff was happy to hear this from Kolten and it made him split a shit eating grin.

"Come on babe, petal to the metal I want to get my happy ass there." Kolten shimmied closer to Jeff as they took the highway towards shore road. ********************************************************

MAMA! Dante nearly knocked his mom and his brother Sam over when he seen them walk into the door. Josh was as excited to see them to and tackled everyone as well with just as much enthusiasm. Nearly everyone was there now. Aikrii's home was hopping and people were mingling. Sam and Dante were stuck to each others side with their partners on either end and Michelle had gone to the kitchen with Mani to lend a hand since Josh was now hog tied to Dante again. Becky and Matt seemed to hook up and stick to each others side. Two more guest showed via a limo drop off and Xavier was thrilled when he got to see his dad Heathcliff and his sister Catherine. Charlene and Duncan were chatting when the door rang again and Selina walked up to answer it. She spotted Kolten at the door and Smiled and reached for him hugging him before he even got in the door, Nye perturbed he was even invited.

"Oh hold on Selina my date is just getting parked" He called to whom ever it was and Nye just grumbled, He didn't like this guy when it came to Selina and him hanging out. He watched Selina's eyes bug out of her head as he spotted Kevin walking into the foyer his hand tugging another's as they walked through the door Nye's jaw dropped. His date was Jeff Wonder's the fella who had built his room. Selina Nye noticed was as shocked as he was. Mani on the other hand wasn't and went to greet them.

Selina went to Nye, "Oh my god! I never had a clue!"

"Me either and here I was jealous of him." Nye admitted out loud.

"HAHAHA!" Selina roared she was tickled at the notion and then kissed Nye, "You goose, no need to go getting jealous, I'm not going anywhere."

The party got off to a great start and the evening petered off slowly. Everyone enjoyed the meal and the company. Tomorrow was the same but over at Kevin's with a dance at the end of the evening. This year the holidays were the best for everyone. The perfect holiday

Chapter 14 – A gift from an angel *******************************

She looked around at everyone having fun. She noticed Selina and Nye were still a buzzed over something that happened only moments before when the new man walked in the door with his friend. Mani seemed very happy to see them both and Aikrii was also enjoying the new guests arrivals. Duncan and Charlene were beside Selina and Nye and were also talking about everything as well. She watched the room intently Becky and Matt were beside the Christmas tree and they were shaking gifts and trying to guess what was in each one. She chuckled as she also noticed Marco and Kevin off in one corner paying close attention to each other, she was hoping they had resolved things, she wish she knew just what had happened in the study before they had dropped her off here. She spotted Sadonie who approached her with a smile.

"Enjoying the party?" Sadonie asked Marie whom she had noticed wasn't mingling but observing.

"Very much actually. I see Marco and Kevin have sorted things" She smiled as she noticed Marco slid and arm around Kevin's waist. He was smiling at something Kevin had said to one of his friends he was speaking to, Bain she thought his name was.

"I think you had something to do with that." Sadonie said she was still impressed at the young girls willingness to stick her neck out to make things right even if it meant risking her head.

"I only told him how it was, stupid man for one so smart some days I wonder where he put his ego." She sipped on her cider and waited to see who else would pass her wandering eyes.

Sadonie just chuckled at the girls comment. "You know he no longer works at the house now right?"

Marie nearly choked on her drink when she heard this. "Oh shit! I didn't mean for him to quit!"

"Wouldn't have mattered either way Marie, he would either be fired or have to resign, Kevin made sure he'd have provisions thou either way. So now he's part of the family instead of a staff member and here's hoping his damn pride, ego or what ever the hell he calls it keeps to itself, I do not want to have to kick my future brother in laws ass."

Marie's jaw was still stuck on wide when Sadonie finished speaking. "So he's officially Kevin's boyfriend? He caved?"

Sadonie nodded her head, "And I have you to thank for that, so I will tell you now no matter what, you will always have a place in our home, you did some amazing things with Marco, what it was I have no clue but at least it sunk in."

Marie was shocked still but she thanked Sadonie and told her that even thou it was nice of Sadonie to offer she wouldn't be in their home in two years time. "I plan on going to the police academy as soon as I'm able, I want to be one of the best investigative officers there is, like Duncan."

"Then I'll make sure you have what you need to go to what ever college you choose to go to." Sadonie smiled again as the girls gratitude shone through. ***********************************************

He snuggled her in against him in the lounging chair. Her dark hair smelling like jasmine and lilacs, her tiny body fit just right. He rubbed her belly, she was in heaven and was chuckling as she watched everyone around them chat about when she was due.

"I'm looking forward to when this little angel is born we're getting the crib sometime in January." She looked up at her mom who had been thrilled way back when they got the news that they didn't have to wait a few years before Sefron and her were to be married. Animikia had to break the news to the family Mardi had been promised to that there would be no wedding which ended up being a blessing in disguise since the fella had fallen for someone else anyway.

"Have you picked names yet?" Her mother wanted to know since picking a name was a big deal.

"Yes mom we picked a name already." She smiled "and NO I'm not telling you it cause it gives away the gender, so stop pestering!" She chuckled as her mom gave her a look of innocents at the claim for a fished gender.

"We have to arrange for family photos to be done as soon as we can to cause we know everyone will want to see what this angel looks like." Sefron looked down at her belly and rubbed getting kicked the whole time. "Looks like someone is awake." he said as he watched her belly do aerobics she chuckled as a little foot slid by her belly button. Lee her dad was in awe as he watched his daughters tummy wobble like a possessed bowl of jell-o.

Sefron chuckled as Lee traced his fingers along her belly following his grand child's movements through his daughters belly, making her chuckle, "Oh daddy! That tickles!" She giggled squirming only to make poor Sefron respond under her. She turned and looked at him her eyes wide and gave a knowing look then giggled more. He was red but he couldn't help it she was so damn beautiful, even pregnant she glowed and that turned him on more. He kissed her cheek and growled in her ear softly.

"Later baby." She said knowing he was worked up now. She loved that he still lavished attention on her even when she felt as big as a whale. He kept telling her she wasn't a whale, that she was beautiful and he loved how soft her skin was. Her favorite thing now days was having him soak in the tub with her. It made it much easier to get out when he was there with her.

She looked around so happy to have all her family and friends with her. Looking back she realized that this is the best accident she ever had happen in her life and if she could ever find the guy who tired to mug her she'd thank him for bringing these people into her life. She hugged Sefron and got to her feet with a bit of help and headed to the kitchen she could smell food and those smells were making her tummy growl a growling tummy made for one squirmy baby and she needed to fill her belly with food and now. She made her way to the kitchen and asked Mani if there was anything she could try since her little one was saying 'FOOD NOW!'

He chuckled and toped off a small plate with a few samples of everything the cooking team, Josh and Josh's mom Michelle and Kevin to had been working, she was in heaven while sampling the delights.

"When is supper?" She asked

"When I'm sure everyone is here and last I checked we were still missing a few guests, but soon." he said with a smile.

Heathcliff and Catherine were overwhelmed with all the people in the home they had entered. When they had arrived from the airport they had gone to a home which was called the Trask residence and then they were ushered here after being shown their room which was apparently next to Xavier's and Sam's so they were told. He was very happy to see his son in good spirits and Catherine commented on the handsome man her brother was dating. As much as many would look at Heathcliff and assume that his British background would make him out to be an arrogant ass he was actually one of the open ones and enjoyed the shocked looks he'd get when he'd mention that his son was gay, he rather found it amusing really.

"I do say my boy, your family is quite large." He said to Xavier who only laughed and hugged his dad.

"Father they aren't full fledged family till I marry Sam, but yes I agree on the massive amounts there seems to be and I hear more and more are being found daily." He chuckled on that note remembering on the details Josh had given him on how Selina and he were actually related and the family ties there was coming about. Sam loved it and Xavier thought that the loving nature of everyone around him was amazing.

"Well I suggest you hurry up and marry the bloke before someone steals him" Catherine said to her brother as she hugged him and pecked his cheeks. "You look dashing as well I might add."

Xavier blushed "Thanks I blame Sam and his brother in law, Jump Street clothing is the only place I'm permitted to shop at now and they apparently have two here in Kearney now or well at least one is in operation and a new one to open in April in Trenton."

He was still amazed at the vastness of Josh's business and he learned first hand how wonderful it was to operate his own business and with him and Sam running Roomoorz it was a great experience.

"So how goes business?" His father asked him Xavier knew it would come up and he answered "Smashing, we can't keep people from booking appointments I think we're booked till April right now." He grinned as his dad's eyes widened.

"Wow, maybe I should think of investing in you then?" He chuckled as his son laughed at the concept, but he also knew if his dad made a comment like this it was bound to happen since his father was after all a businessman.

Sam joined Xavier and hugged his dad and squished his sister and they all got a good chuckle out of how tall Sam was compared to Xavier.

"Xavier may be tiny but his fiery hair matches his personality when you poke the right buttons." Sam said and then proceeded to poke Xavier in the side teasing him lovingly, which got a mocked dirty look. Heathcliff chuckled at his son's antics with his partner. He was pleased to see the look of admiration on his son's face towards Sam and knew these two were going to be ok. The trip out here would prove to be a wise one for Catherine as well since her eye was caught by something that intrigued her.

She walked over to the wall and looked at the painting. It was a water color, two young men hand in hand at a lake facing a sunset. Very well done to. She'd have to ask the home owner where he got such a beautiful piece and if he knew the artist. She turned to a young girl who smiled.

"Like it?" She said gesturing with her head towards the painting.

"Very much so" She replied to the young girl, who had a young man Catherine recalled as being named Nye slip up behind her and put his arms around her waist.

"It's a nice piece, I'd love to meet the artist. They did a bang up job, and the colors are so vivid." She smiled and Nye chuckled.

"You're talking to the artist now Miss York, Selina here did that painting last year for Aikrii and Mani for Christmas." Nye was proud to say that and he beamed as he did.

"You?" She asked the girl amazed that one so young had such an amazing talent.

"Yes, I did that and a few others. My dad's have one I did for their wedding called 'Spiritual blessing' and I just did one recently for Nye for his birthday called 'Wish upon a star and smile' I do them off an on but I don't paint regularly.

"You should paint a lot you're very talented." Catherine was still in awe.

"Mani says the same thing but I have to have a feeling before I can paint and if there's no feeling it shows in my work so I only paint when the mood strikes me. I've shown him how to use water colors as he's more use to acrylics and oils and drawing."

"Are any of his pieces here?" She asked.

"Actually I think Aikrii brought home 'The Sleeping Prince' since he didn't want it in the studio all Christmas season. He's quite fond of his partners work" Selina took her to the top of the stairs landing and pointed up to the wall and sure enough there was 'The Sleeping Prince' painting on it's special nail for when it came home.

Catherine gasped, "Oh my god thats beautiful!" she walked up the stairs further seeing if she couldn't get a better look "How much is he looking for this one?" She asked

"Oh he won't sell it, last I heard someone who had visited his shop when it was there, offered him well over two hundred and fifty thousand for it and he turned it down." Selina was happy to know he'd never sell something as beautiful as that particular painting, it had love in it's strokes and well it would be a shame to let it leave the family. Catherine looked at the picture and studied it.

"Thats Aikrii isn't it?" She asked, she wasn't sure if it was or not but it did look like him just younger and with longer hair.

"Yes before he got his hair cut, I think Mani started sketching the image for that picture about a month after they met. I'm not sure how long it took for him to paint it thou. I never asked."

"Well as you can tell I'm one to fall for a beautiful piece of art work. I think I will be looking into more of yours and Mani's stuff if your willing to show me some." She smiled she knew she could make Selina a very famous young lady in England here's hoping Selina would be willing to display her work. ***********************************************

Matt couldn't believe it, she walked in with Marie that day and he could barely breath when he set eyes on her. He was finding it nice to spend time with the pretty girl by his side and he also realized he wasn't all over the place, he wanted to be here. A few people had noticed how taken Matt had become in the new young lady in Charlene's care. Even Nye pointed out how 'calm' Matt was and Dante was stunned to not see Matt all over the place like a bi-plane on over drive.

"Here." He passed her another piece of popcorn as she poked it with the needle and strung it on the thread, they were on their fifth strand already and the tree was nearly done to their satisfaction.

"You're quiet now Matt, you ok or just tired?" Becky was looking at him with a bit of concern, when she first met him he was a ball of energy and seeing him so calm now was kind of weird for her since Selina had pretty much confirmed he was always 'ON'. She waited to see if he was going to answer as she took another piece of popcorn from his fingers.

"I'm ok I'm just enjoying the quiet time here." he smiled at her.

"It's far from quiet Matt" She said laughing.

"Ok time here with you..." he blushed then "you know doing this, it's fun I don't do stuff like this home." he tried to recover his fumble he didn't want to look like an idiot.

"I'm enjoying this to thanks for helping." She smiled again and took another piece of popcorn from his fingers he let them linger longer than normal and he blushed when she looked up at him. She could feel his tension and she also could tell he liked her but she also had to be careful, someone who use to like her before had used her and thats why she ended up with a baby she'd be giving to another family to raise. Her head screamed for her to be careful, her heart told her he would be ok. She needed to talk to Selina when she had time right now she would be his friend he seemed to need one and if she was able to get him to sit still then that was a good thing. She looked up when the door bell rang again she saw Selina open it and hug the fella who had shown and then she watched him bring in another guy he was holding his hand and that was when Matt got up yelling "Uncle Jeff!" and he took off flying to the man who had entered the door tackling him in a bear hug, Jeff seemed to be pleased to see Matt and picked him up and spun him around. She watched as Matt spoke to his uncle and then his uncle's friend. She'd only been here a few hours but noticed there was more love in this house in one night then she'd ever been privileged to see in her own home in the last ten years. This thought was depressing, she knew if she went back home she'd be going back to a loveless home, a shell. Looking around her she felt happy and safe. She got up and walked over to Mani and tugged on his arm.

"Can I talk to you in private?" She asked him

"Sure, what's up?" He asked smiling down at the beautiful child that stood before him he reached out his hand and took her up stairs to the landing so she could still see everything going on around them yet no one could hear them.

"I was thinking and I see so much in this house that makes me smile. I like it here." She looked at him and sighed "If I went back home I'd go back to nothing, there's no love there like there is here." She felt the tears prick the back of her eyes and breathed deep trying to hold them back.

"I don't want to go back to what I had. I want what you have here, people who love me for who I am flaws and all." She looked at Mani who showed compassion on his face, she could see it loud and clear and it sang to her. She felt his concern for who she was. He didn't judge her either, He made her feel good about herself.

Mani knew kids like her, hungry for love, hungry for attention, hungry for a connection. He reached to her and let her come to him, she did so hugging him so tight he thought she'd break his ribs. He could feel her sobbing quietly, he let her do so till she was done not saying a word there wasn't any need to. When she was done she pulled back and asked him what he knew she was going to ask sooner or later and he was prepared to offer her the support she would most likely ask for.

"Marie says your looking for a baby." She looked at him as he showed in his face that he was surprised that someone knew other than his family. It dawned on him that Marie had been in the office, it had totally slipped his mind when they were over at the 'Young Moms 4 Life' center.

Mani wouldn't lie to her.

"Yes, Aikrii and I are looking for a baby to adopt." He waited to see what she was going to say. He wouldn't pressure her to do anything, she had to offer or ask on her own.

"If I say I want to let you take my baby would you? I know you'd take good care of it and Marie says you'd let me keep in contact." She looked with hope in her eyes, eager to get an answer.

"I would be honored to say yes but you have to make sure this is something you really want to do." Mani choose his words carefully he didn't want to sound too eager and yet he didn't want to get his own hopes up either.

"Mani I'm not going to ask for my baby back, if that's what you're worried about, I'm too young to take care of a baby, I see love here, I wish I had it in my own home, so even if I can't at least my baby would so please say yes that you'll take them and treat them like I see you treat everyone else here, with respect. I want that for my baby and I know you and Aikrii can give it." She was practically begging him now the need in her eyes to know that her child would be in good hands.

"If your sure you have two choices. Go through the 'Young Moms 4 Life' Center which will do what they can or you can go through a private adoption agency which will mean Aikrii and I would adopt you as well as your child. We'd provide for you till you were old enough to look after yourself. The choice is yours and yours alone I won't pressure you to make a choice in either favor. Do you understand?" He waited again but he didn't need to wait long the child nearly knocked him clean off his feet, for one so tiny she sure was strong.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She jumped up and down while hugging him "I'll be really good to, I'll get good grades and I can cook and I know how to do all kinds of stuff and this will be so nice and I know my baby will be safe!" She was so excited now and others were peeking up the stairs to see the commotion. Aikrii soon joined them and looked over at the little one who was beaming like a Christmas bulb.

"Why are you so happy did Mani give you an early present?" Aikrii chuckled.

"Kind of" She said giggling "I am giving you two one as well but it will be late." She chuckled as she rubbed her belly. Looking at Aikrii who was a tad confused but could see the joy and excitement in Mani's eyes she announced to him "You're going to be a daddy!"

Mani nodded his head at Aikrii who started to cry, they had been looking for so long and now this beautiful little angel offered her unborn baby to them so unselfishly. Aikrii got on his knees and hugged the child to his chest and thanked her.

"No thank you" She said squishing him back "I know my baby will be safe and I know I have a home where I won't be ignored." She smiled against the side of his head. Aikrii picked her up and gave her a spin and let out a huge "WOOHOO!" Mani was beaming and she was giggling. He put her on the floor and took her hand. Walked her to the spare room and pointed to it and then asked, "All girls need their own room, what color do you want?" She was shocked he offered so quickly and she giggled.

"You pick the colors if you want but I don't mind it as it is now." She looked at the quaint room and went to the big bed in the middle of the room and climbed up on it.

"Man this thing is huge" she flopped over and giggled. "How long does it take to adopt someone anyway?" She asked out of the blue.

"About six months if it's a new record but since Mani and I are on the registry I don't think it will take long why?" Aikrii was curious on why she was asking.

"So if I told you to call who ever it is needed for that private adoption thingy that Mani said about you could do it faster than the center?" She watched as she sat back against the beds pile of pillows rubbing her belly she was hungry.

"We could have you adopted withing ninety days if you really want this, but I want you to do the psychological assessment to ok. I don't want anyone saying we pressured you to do this ok." Aikrii waited to see what she was going to say and Mani was standing by him anxious to see where this was going.

"Oh I want this, and I'll do what ever it takes to make sure my baby has the best daddies in the world." She smiled at them then out of the blue slid off the bed and walked past them grabbing their hands as she went along. "Come on I'm starved." She hauled them down the stairs as the meal was announced.

People started to file into the temporarily remade living room that was serving as the dining room for the evening, it was done up very nicely. She beamed as she watched everyone take their places, Aikrii and Mani adding her spot next to them since she was now on her way to becoming a permanent part to their family. He was very excited and Aikrii knew she would be spoiled by Mani, he was just the giving type of person. He chuckled as he watched their guests all settle.

"I am pleased to see everyone here, all our family and loved ones from near and far. I am grateful for the holidays which has blessed us all in being able to all be here together in our time of joy" Aikrii had stood to make his holiday cheer toast. Mani by his side.

"This year is especially special as we have Mardi and Sefron who will be welcoming in our home soon a new bundle of joy, We have Selina who has joined our family as well since she's now dating Nye. We are also blessed to be here with Josh and Dante who will be married a year in a few more days Congratulations to them both." Aikrii was on a roll and Mani was loving the chatter and the head nodding from their guests.

"This year however sees us with a special blessing. I would like to introduce you all to our future foster daughter Rebeca who is also expecting a bundle of joy herself, we will be adopting both as our own children as soon as we can." He smiled as a few gasped and then the rest clapped he heard a few congratulations and a few whistled. Becky giggled at his side she was so happy. Mani then took his turn to say his holiday announcements.

"I was stunned when this little angel came to me asking me to help her make sure her baby had lots of love. I'm still stunned but very grateful for her and I can't wait to become a dad. This is turning out to be a pretty amazing holiday." Alice and Danny who were sitting beside them were beaming, Mani encouraged Becky to meet them and let others who wanted to do their announcements to go ahead, it went around the table slowly.

Kevin and Marco announced their partnership and everyone cheered very loudly for them and Marie shouted "It's about damn time you two!" those who knew them roared with laughter. Marco countered with "It only took a spunky brat to make this old fool pull his head from his ass." that caused an even bigger round of laughter. "Hey what can I say, I gotta be me." She grinned as they all joked around.

When it came to Kolten and Jeff the room got very quiet. He looked around scared out of his mind, it was easy to explain things to Selina and Nye but now to everyone it felt weird. Jeff reached over and gave his hand a squeeze and didn't let go.

"Well I guess you're all wondering why I'm sitting here with Mr. Fix it from the Working Wonders construction company." He was a bit giddy as well as nervous.

"Well to fill in on a few details I had gone back home over the summer to visit my mom and banged into Jeff at one of the local pubs."

He watched Jeff shake his head yet chuckle at the memory of getting his ass kicked.

"Needless to say Jeff was left in a bad state when we met for the second time within a few hours and I had to lend a hand and did so. Much to my surprise I found myself drawn to him. We hit a bump and he came back home." He looked down at Jeff and grinned then continued

"I found I was lost without him so I returned to Kearney to find him and we've been together ever since. I know he's a lot older than I am but that's not an issue for us so I hope everyone is happy for us both since this has been a hell of a tough thing for me to do." Jeff beamed at him and gave his hand another squeeze. He waited as he looked over the crowd of people he knew and was shocked to hear the wolf whistles and the screams of congrats. Selina walked over to him and hugged him again for like the thirty time she told him she was happy for him. Nye was even more cordial towards him as well.

The food was brought out after all the holiday greetings and announcements were done and everyone got down to stuffing their faces, with game hens, rabbit, roasted pig and so many other tantalizing food choices. Dante was in heaven, meat any meat was a favorite of his. Becky stuffed herself to max, it was the best she had eaten in two weeks. All the guests enjoyed themselves and tomorrow evening at Kevin's would be a treat as well since his house was so large. There was a planned dance as well. There were a few guests there that weren't invited, Kevin made sure everyone got an invitation. He smiled as he relaxed against Marco's chest as they sat on the sofa in Nye's place who had opened his apartment for those who just wanted some quiet time away from the fray. Marco nuzzled against Kevin's neck and breathed in his scent.

"This I think has been one of my best holiday events I've been to" he said smiling against Kevin's neck.

"Probably because you're not the one working it." Kevin said leaning back against his lips that were playing out on his sensitive neck area. Marco chuckled.

"You know what you're right, I think I worked every holiday event you ever held." He pondered this and sighed.

"I guess it was time I retired, can't be a stuffed shirt forever now can I." He grinned as Kevin turned in his lap and smiled at him.

"No, no you can't and I know a few ways to loosen you up." Kevin went in for the temptation he'd been trying his damnedest to avoid most of the evening but just couldn't now, Marco looked too good to not devour. He kissed him firmly, he could feel Marco's light stubble against his lips and he was turned on more by the rough texture. He took his face in his hands and took in all he could, both of them panting and groaning in need for the other.

"Oh god Kevin!" Marco rasped out, his hands up the back of Kevin's shirt as Kevin nibbled on his neck and ears. He was hurting and wanting and excited all at the same time and for once he was himself, calling out Kevin's name in need.

"I think it's time we headed home." Kevin said half gulping and panting. "Come on." He got up and pulled Marco with him. He thanked Aikrii and excused himself and told him to send Marie home with Charlene and Duncan.

"We'll see you tomorrow. Be sure to bring some music ok or ask Sefron to bring his guitar ok." With that Kevin and Marco were gone. Slowly but surly the house vacated it's guests bit by bit till only Aikrii,

Mani, Becky, Matt, Sefron, Mardi, Selina and Nye were left.

"Come on Becky we'll get you situated in the spare room" Aikrii lead her there while Selina and Nye took Matt home. Sefron and Mardi retired for the evening. Mani took care of the remaining staff who had been cooking and helped them clean up and seen them all off. The last one left just as Selina and Nye returned to the house. Mani locked up, hugged his brother good night set the alarm and retired as well.

She hugged him good night and thanked Aikrii again for the stuff and then she hugged Mani as well she crawled into bed and waited till her future dad's turned off the light and closed the door to her room. In the dark of the night looking towards the window and speaking to the heavens she thanked god for the two who would be caring for her baby. She drifted off pretty quickly after that. It had been a long glorious day.

They both crawled under the sheets and curled up against each other Mani was holding Aikrii spooned up against him. He kissed his husbands neck and smiled before he spoke. "I think god gave us his blessings with her Aikrii, I think this is the one." Aikrii could feel it to, a good calm warm feeling, it spread through the whole house, similar to the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking, it reached ever nook of the home and everyone basked in the feeling. Aikrii turned over and spoke.

"If it's a boy, we have it name him Zachery ok, it's what I heard her say she wanted to name it if it was a boy."

"Did you happen to find out what she wanted for a girl?" Mani asked.

"No but we will ask in the morning and to let her know she can name him or her, it's only fair." Mani agreed. They snuggled down for the evening knowing tomorrow would also be a very busy bustling day and got some shut eye. ********************************

"I can't believe it, he's going to be a father!" Nye was still psyched over the whole announcement that was made earlier today.

"They are both going to be dad's silly" Selina said pulling Nye to the bed. She pulled back the sheet and crawled in and waited for him to join her.

"Yeah well you know what I meant." He chuckled. "Oh cool I just realized something."

"Whats that?" she asked

"I'm going to be an uncle!" He beamed

Selina chuckled. "Come on silly get into bed."

They two curled up and enjoyed each others company. This holiday was turning out to be a fantastic one. Once again Fate sits outside of the home thats nestled back off the main road smiling on it's occupants, it was nearing it's completion for a dream here, when it was time it would move on but there were still a few good years left yet. Fate smiled and rested for another day. Tomorrow would be a good one to make people smile. Eyes closed upon the night in twilight slumber, the dreams of those around it reaching through the dark making fate smile in its own sleep.

Chapter 15 – Christmas Wishes ***************************

Fate awoke on the eve of Christmas morning looking upon the Oratii-Taskii family, it smiled and danced across the newly fallen snow and peeked in on the residents dwelling in slumber, floating along with a wish and a dream he touched the souls of each one. Selina blessed with her gift he moved on Nye would get his wish he was sure of this. Continuing on he drifted upon Mardi and Sefron who were both spooned together Sefron's arm wrapped protectively around Mardi's belly, He smiled at the tiny woman who was naming her baby after him. He reached for her tummy and touched the soul of the child she carried and left her with the mark of beauty and the free soul to do anything she wished. He smiled as he continued on to the next angel. He peeked at her and frowned out of all here only her future was the most strained but he would make sure her child would be safe. Again Fate reached for an unborn soul and blessed it, courage for this little one, strength and above all talent like those his future parents had. He moved on to Aikrii and Mani's room and smiled upon them, Aikrii had brought Fate to this wonderful place when he was still young and new to him, bringing much to those around him. Fate thanked Aikrii by blessing him with Mani and a large loving home and by returning his father to him. Fate only had one thing left for Aikrii and he did so by placing strength in his heart. He finished up his basic rounds and blessed Mani as well and flitted through the roof like a wish upon a dream to go bless the rest of Aikrii and Mani's friends and family, he had a big job to do in the next few weeks and in the next few years a lot of follow ups to do to make sure things went smoothly. Fate smiled brightly as the sun peeked over the horizon to bring renewed birth to another day, the golden color pushing across the sky making hues of red purple and indigo push across the vast space like spilled colored water. Fate moved on destine for many more great feats of happiness. ********************************************

She awoke eager to greet the day, she got up and padded bare foot to the bathroom and used the facilities. She washed her hand and then looked out the window. It was so beautiful here. She walked along the hall and knocked on the door to Aikrii and Mani's room.

"Come in." They both called out. She pushed open the door and attentively looked in. Mani was sitting back against the head board. He had a t-shirt on and boxers and Aikrii was leaning against his lap. Both were dressed so she didn't feel so bad for disturbing them. Little did she know that only moments before they had both decided that since there would be children in the house that they should keep at least bottoms on even in their room. Aikrii had made a comment about scaring the children for life as not one of the top things on his agenda to do. When he saw Becky at the door he patted the king sized bed and encouraged her to climb up. She did so, clamoring towards them both giggling like crazy and happy as a clam.

"Morning " She said as she wiggled between them. Mani chuckled as he gave her a hug

"How did you sleep?" he asked her.

"Good, I woke up feeling really good, best in weeks actually and I didn't throw up." Aikrii smiled at her to.

"Great to know what a good meal and lots of loving family around does for ones mind and body." Aikrii said as he rolled forward touching his feet while he looked over at the young girl.

"I had a lot of fun last night, and I enjoyed Matt's company. He's very nice, I think he likes me." She giggled as Mani raised his left eyebrow and went "Really eh? Why do you say that?"

"He sat still for more than thirty seconds." She said with a giggle as Mani gave her a fun poke in the arm.

"Well there will be more fun for all of us tonight, do you know how to dance?" He asked her.

"A little, before mom and dad got so tied up with life. My nanna taught me a few things and I haven't forgotten them." She looked at him

"That's fantastic then, now I won't worry about my foster daughter stomping on my toes" He laughed as she gave him the famous hairy eyeball his own mom was famous for, he swore to god all women knew how to do this.

She giggled then stopped as quickly as she had started. "Umm do we have to dress up? I don't have anything dressy" She frowned. Aikrii looked her over and then kissed the side of her head and ruffled her hair.

"Be right back" he smiled and walked out of their room whistling a merry Christmas tune.

Becky looked back at Mani with a confused look on her face, he just shrugged his shoulders just as confused as she was. It didn't take long for the reasoning behind his disappearance became evident. He walked back in with Mardi who was beaming like a newly polished ornament. She walked over to Becky she had a fabric measuring tape in her hand and put it around Becky's waist.

"Twenty-three inches" She said Aikrii wrote this down and she again continued on taking measurements and rambling them off. Aikrii picked up the extension to the phone and dialed out.

"Hey, sorry for the early buzz." There was a pause and then he continued. "Can we stop over to the shop I have a last minute item we need to get for Becky and just realized she needed it."

"Yeah" He turned and walked out of the room rambling along to whom ever it was and didn't return for a good ten minutes

Becky was befuddled to say the least. She looked at Mardi who giggled, "He's probably talking to Josh" She replied to the questioning eyes of the child who was looking at her.

"OK, about..." He stopped and looked at the clock in the room. "In about an hour ok. Yes, thanks Josh. Ok, bye" he hung up the phone.

"We're going to go stop over to Jump Street and see if we can't find you a dress to wear to Kevin's gathering tonight. Josh is sure there's a fine little number there you'd like." Becky grinned like mad after he said that and tackled him in a hug, "This is gonna be so cool!" She was very excited.

An hour after the initial call sure enough they were at Jump Street around the back at the loading doors, Josh opened the door and disarmed the alarm.

"I kinda wish this had been yesterday Aikrii, I hate calling the system to let them know whats going on during the holidays they can be such dinks" He looked a bit perturbed at the thought of having to confirm their visit out but not too bad. He looked down at Becky, "You're lucky this future uncle is so easy going" he smiled thorough the 'grumble' he was making and took them into the shop. He flicked on the floor lights and watched Becky's eyes bug right out at all the clothing that were strung up and around the five thousand square foot shop. Aikrii came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder and looked down at the young lady who looked back up as him smiling.

"You know you're the best right." She said giggling.

"Thanks, but I think I'm just trying my best for now. There will be days you'll think I'm the worse but for now lets enjoy this." He smiled and took her hand and walked her over to where the ladies clothing was located and showed her the upper walls where all the really nice dressy clothing was hanging.

"Pick something from there ok. I've a feeling I know which one you'd choose but I think you should be allowed to choose without me interfering. So unless you want help in which Josh will dress you in what he thinks is the best suited for you, you're pretty much allowed to pick what ever you want." He backed up and let her go through the racks. He walked over to Josh and stood beside him.

"You have an idea what she'll pick?" Josh asked his brother.

"The red satin one with the stars, I'm almost sure of it." He said grinning "If I am right it would also be one you'd choose for her to since it would go with her eye coloring and skin tone."

"Hey, don't go taking my job from me now." Josh said laughing bumping Aikrii's shoulder and they both started laughing over the comments. Aikrii was bang on when he saw her hurry back to them and grab his hand pointing to the dress she wanted. Josh fetched it down.

"You know Aikrii thought this would be the one you'd pick." He removed it from the hook and passed it to her. She ran her hands along the fabric breathing deep and her whole face lit up.

"Oh it's so soft!" she whispered in awe.

"Go try it on" Aikrii encouraged pointing to the dressing room doors. She did just that and it was a perfect fit. She looked quite beautiful and Aikrii assumed once Mardi did up her hair and put a bit of makeup on her she'd be a knock out.

"Wow, ok now I'm going to be a bit over protective now." he chuckled as he looked at her she twirled laughing. She felt good.

"I love it!" she hugged him again. This little one loved the physical connections with those she was around. He smiled down at the brown head he had leaning against his chest. He placed his hand on her head and ran his fingers through her hair and hugged her back smiling.

"Come on lets go." he reached for her hand and she looked up at him, "Don't you have to pay for this?"

"Done." he said, "It's alright, Josh knows what to do don't worry about it ok." He gave his brother a hug and saw him off, he then ushered her back to the car and they headed back home again. He left her to do his own work and Mani took over in entertaining her. Mani knew he was trying to get a hold of their lawyer so that the processing of the adoption could go through but for now he had to get clearance from higher ups till then to keep her in his care outside of the 'Young Moms 4 life' center.

"So what can we do?" She asked now that things were quiet.

"We will be eating lunch soon and then everyone will start to get ready for Kevin's Christmas party. Mardi will do your hair and make up and once thats all done we can go pick up Matt if you want." Mani was happy to see her flitting around the house twirling her dress. He walked over to Nye's room door and tapped on it.

Nye answered "Yeah?"

"Hey you got your keyboard here?" Mani asked

"It's down in the basement." He said. Almost anything that didn't get used on a regular basis was put down there and most of the residence in the home pretty much avoided the basement, it pretty much didn't exist unless something that was stored there was needed.

"Oh ok, I'll have to go fish it out. I think I need something to keep her entertained and well," He said looking as her "Music usually works, might as well let her play with it since you're not using it." He chuckled and headed to the little, nearly invisible door that was in the wall by the front stairs of foyer.

She had followed him and was awe struck that the door was even there. "Oh wow! It's like it's a whole new world!" she said as she saw the stairs that lead into the basement.

"We don't come down here often, not unless something we stored is here." He walked down after turning on the light and looked around once he got to the bottom. She looked to and noticed all the treasures that were hidden in there.

"Holy cow! This place is like the lost treasures of the Nile or something." The basement was fairly packed a lot of things from Aikrii when his parents moved out of their old place, things Mani had from his former apartment, and things Sefron and Nye also had over the years. Mani chuckled.

"I think that once you get settled in here we'll go through things down here and see if we can't use a few of the items here so that your room looks nice." He looked around and spotted the item he was seeking and he noticed a few of the old games and other things he was sure Becky would like to use. He pulled out the few items passed her a few and they headed up the stairs.

He plugged in the keyboard and set it on the stand and hit the prerecorded music button and picked Christmas tunes and it started to play jingle bells. Becky went to the keyboard and giggled looked at Mani and winked. He wondered what she was up to and found out pretty quickly when she started to play over but along with the prerecorded music giving the festive song a bit of a jazzy swing.

"Wow I didn't know you could play" He said impressed.

"Yeah, I started when I was about four, nanna taught me then when I was in grade six the school offered classes through band, so I kept it up, been playing for years thing is I don't think my parents even know I can play." She sighed she was missing them but she wasn't going to let their neglect ruin her holiday season.

"Maybe you could play at Kevin's then?" Mani suggested. "He's got a beautiful baby grand piano you might like to get your fingers on." He chuckled as Becky's eyes widened and her head was nodding in agreement.

"Then I shall let him know you will want to use it and make sure he's got it ready ok." He grinned at her as she spun around excited at being able to play on a big piano.

The afternoon went faster than anyone really expected and then the rush was on for everyone to get ready for the main event that evening. Aikrii and Mani helped each other with their tuxes and Mardi got Becky's hair all done and Sefron was also fussing over his tie, Mardi helped him and they giggled as he actually had to pick her up so she could reach and so he wouldn't dirty the knees of his suit.

They all loaded into the limo along with Nye and Selina and Nye's guests who had shown at the house during the mad dash to get ready. They picked up Matt on the way who looked absolutely dashing in his dark blue suit. He had a small Christmas flower corsage for Becky who was tickled pink over the attention. Mani smiled he was glad to see they were enjoying themselves.

They arrived amongst the fray of guests, Kevin and Sadonie's parents home was a very large home and most never really noticed till they actually walked though it. It had fifteen bed rooms, a large sitting room which was immediately off to the right when you walked into the main doors the long hall lead to the dining room which had the leadings to the sun room and the huge kitchen. if one looked at the end of the sitting room they would notice the two double doors that slid on special tracks and folded like wooden accordion flaps into the walls. This was another room, it was the studio, one Sadonie used a lot as a child when she danced. Now it was used to hold guests for parties such as this one. Aikrii was greeted by Kevin and Marco and pleased to know that Kevin was thrilled with the recommendation and hiring of Peter for the festivities. He was the chef from the Four Sails Restaurant that they had all visited back when Josh found out about his inheritance.

"The food is simply out of this this world, I got to sample some earlier today and Marco has been working with him along with Francis who was a bit put off but took to his helping quite quickly, thanks for the recommendation." He seemed thrilled. Kevin then looked at Becky who was looking around at everyone, she was thrilled at all the people, Matt was holding onto her hand for dear life. She looked up at Aikrii and asked "Can we go look around?" Kevin was the one who spoke thou.

"Mani told me you played, the piano is in the dance studio, you can go there and play with it if you wish, I'm sure the guests would love some Christmas music or what ever suits your fancy." Becky beamed and yanked poor Matt nearly off his feet heading for the studio. It was only a matter of minutes before they could hear deck the halls floating through the air.

"Wow!" Kevin said as he watched the young girl go nuts on his piano. "She's got talent there Aikrii, I hope you plan on making sure she keeps up practicing."

"Well now that I know I plan on making the effort to keep her talents in check." He grinned he was pleased to know he was going to be the parent to this talented child and he had no doubt that her child would be the same way. Mani joined them and was also beaming "I'm amazed by how lucky we got with her, I figured we'd have our hands full teaching her a bunch of things, like etiquette, but she's amazingly polite." Aikrii looked over at his hubby and chuckled. "You're looking forward to the parenting thing aren't you?" he slid his arm around his back along waist and held onto his side.

"More than you could possibly know," He said leaning his head in against his hubby "I just never figured we'd end up adopting two instead of one." He chuckled as he sipped on his drink. Kevin and his boyfriend had gone over to Becky and both were on either side of her on the piano bench and all three were plucking out the tune Jingle bells, Kevin the basic, Becky the jazzy lilt she added to the keyboard earlier and Marco was adding a bit of a side tune it sounded amazingly nice and people were dancing to it. When they finished she got applause and she was red but happy. Nye who had his video camera going had caught it and came back to Aikrii and Mani and showed him a bit.

"This is going to be nice footage for the Christmas video once I'm done editing." He said grinning. He continued on to tape more once the clip he had was done.

Sam, Xavier were now dancing around to the tunes Becky and Kevin were plucking out on the piano and everyone around them were enjoying the festivities, Kevin was impressed at how well the child played. He ruffled her head as she finished up the song they were playing and he laughed at the comment she made about wanting to take his piano home. ***********************************************

She snuck away, time with him was scarce and she wanted to give him his gift early. Nye chuckled when she grabbed him and slunk off to a quiet spot. She kissed him as soon as she could giggling at his surprise and enjoyment at the same time.

"I am so wishing we were home right now." She said she purred and he knew what was up. "Umm ok you're frisky hun whats gotten into you?"

"Festive spirit." She said "I have a gift for you." She passed him the gift she'd been hording for weeks. It took everything in her power not to give it to him earlier than this. He was shocked to see the small package.

"Open it ok, I've been itching to give it to you." she was all giddy with glee as he picked at the tape and opened the pack delicately driving her nuts at how slow he was going. He pulled the box from it's wrappings and saw it was jewelery as he assumed it would be, he just had the feeling it was the same item he had seen at the mall only a few weeks prior with her. He opened the pack and beamed. It was.

There nestled in the box were the two rings he had seen.

"Ok, I know it's suppose to be the guy asking the girl and all but well I'm not one for a normal life or family so to hell with tradition." She smiled as she watched his face, she could see he was anticipating what was coming and she wouldn't disappoint him in fact she was going to give him MORE than what he was expecting. "I know it's always been a dream of yours to have a family of your own and to get married and the whole nine yards well now it's what I want to do for you." She pulled him down on the floor so he

wouldn't fall. She took his hands and gave them a squeeze and then said "Nye say you'll be with me, from this day on, as my future husband." She actually proposed to him and he was dumbstruck, he assumed she'd ask to go steady not to marry him. The shock was very evident on his face and he couldn't speak he gasped and fumbled trying to get the words out. He had to relax first and gave her the one minute sign took a deep breath and then... ******************************************************

They heard the joyous scream from the corner of the front hall, Selina was on her feet hauling Nye to his and jumping up and down. She hugged him and he was beaming. No one knew what was going on.

Dante joined them and looked at her. He had known about the ring and her plans and asked Selina before if she was ready to take that step, he was the only one whom she spoke to this about and she nodded to him when he approached. He was pleased for her and smiled it was his cue to announce the engagement now.

He walked over to the mic that was on the piano and pulled it up and tapped it getting everyones attention.

"Eh hem! Ladies and gents, I am prodding your attention away from the fabulous food that Peter and Francis the current chefs of the night have prepared for us all as I have a special announcement to make on this festive occasion." He watched as the crowd turned and focused on him. He started to tell the crowd about Selina and how she had joined their family. Josh joined him not quite knowing what was going on. Dante took his hand and once he was done telling his story he then announced "It's my pleasure to announce tonight that my little girl Selina has asked her boyfriend Nye to marry her and he's accepted. So I am here now to welcome Nye into our family." Nye and Selina joined them and Josh was stunned to say the least he whispered to her.

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't want to make you cry" She said hugging him and smiling. Nye was still a bit stunned and his brother was floored to say the least and Nye's parents were delighted beyond belief. Alice squealed her delight as she gripped Selina in a hug.

The evening went off without a hitch and after that announcement it seemed everyone was floating on cloud nine and wishing the newly engaged couple luck. Selina was a bit giddy with the fact that she actually asked him, she'd been nervous all week. Dante joined her about an hour after the initial announcement and gave her a hug. "How ya holding out?" he asked

"I think that asking him was easy it's the after effects, my guts are doing flip flops." she said as she blushed. Nye gave her a squeeze on her shoulder and chuckled. "Overly excited I say is how she's holding there Dante." Nye was one happy guy right then and there, it was like something miraculous had happened when he was blessed with her and a bit of something else but he just couldn't put his fingers on it.

Francis walked out of the kitchen, Peter not far behind both were looking for Kevin or Aikrii so they could announce that the evening meal was nearing completion. When they were found and the info was passed on The announcement was made and people started to make their way to the dining hall. Kevin and Marco took the main seats and from there it trickled downward through his family members to close friends and then friends of friends. It was quite a display on how this was set up. Josh felt very pleased to be on the main family side of the table.

The meal was presented with flare, Francis and Peter both seemingly like performers in the middle of the floor where they had all the fixing's for the meal set up. They had waiters and servants all around passing out the delicacies. When they were done with the meals presentation and the guests were all eating Francis walked over to Michelle and passed her a piece of paper and blushed. He then walked off with a smile. Dante looked at Sam who in turn looked at their mom with a question on his face. She brushed off their questioning looks with a grin and continued with her meal.

The meal was over within a few hours and 'Santa' made a special visit so the children who had been attending would get a special surprise, many of the guests that came from Kevin's side of the family had children. Becky and Matt had been included with these kids as they were under sixteen. Becky was tickled when she received a MP3 player, something she'd been wanting for a long time. She watched as Matt got his gift from Santa as well. Turned out they both got the same thing, his was blue, hers was pink.

"We'll have to check in on getting some music now." she chuckled as he put his on to the radio and started to boogie to the tunes the local station was playing. She watched the rest of the kids as they ran around some playing with airplanes and a few little girls who were playing with dolls. She took to one youngster who was about two and merrily played with him for about twenty minutes before his mom came back to get him. Aikrii and Mani both watched her interact with the little one and thought the same thing thou they didn't voice it. She would be a good mom when she was old enough.

The evening was slowing down, kids were getting tired and nannies and sitters came to pick up the children who wanted to go home since Santa would be coming to visit all too soon, excitement was in the air. Mani and Aikrii watched Becky who yawned yet again and leaned in against Matt who had his arm over her shoulder. Aikrii looked over at Mani and smiled. This parent thing was going to be quite entertaining he thought. They both went to retrieve Matt and Becky and said their holiday wishes to Kevin and Marco before heading off, taking Nye, Selina, Sefron, Mardi and Aikrii's parents with them back home. Becky fell asleep in the back seat of the limo on Matt's lap. Mani thought it was cute and couldn't resist a picture. He had been snap happy tonight and he was sure his digital camera was holding at least two hundred images. They showed at the house and Sefron helped carry Becky who was still out cold to her room. Aikrii and Mani saw to her comfort and then headed off to bed themselves after laying out the massive amounts of gifts that they had gotten for everyone. Selina and Nye retired as well.

"Selina Leeanne Tskii" He murmured the soon to be new name of his future fiancée She smiled at him as he said her name with his last one in replacement of her own. He looked down at her and chuckled.

"I still can't believe you proposed to me." he smiled "I've never felt so important than when you did that you know." He kissed her lips lightly. She smiled under his lips as she kissed him back making him moan in delight as she pulled his bottom closer to herself, rubbing against his growing excitement. She knew how to finish this day and hopefully with a bang. She took over with the entertainment for that evening and her Santa came three times by the time she was done with him. ***********************************************

Christmas morning saw to a very excited crowd of family members, Becky was beside herself with all the wonderful things Mani and Aikrii had gotten her, a new bed set for one along with a canopy bed. They had splurged on about 40 new outfits for her and Aikrii informed her he had contacted a friend to tutor her in her piano lessons and that she could use the key board till they figured out what to get her in the lines of a regular piano but neither had to even consider it later on that day as a delivery was at the door by lunch time for Becky to. A Christmas gift from Kevin, who had gotten her own baby grand piano and now they had to figure out where to put it! The note said on it, 'Thanks for the fun while playing it's been a charm enjoy the melodies you make I want to do that again ok.' She smiled she was so happy over it all. Her day only got better thou as Aikrii and Mani's lawyer showed up and he got them to sign some forms and then they told her that the adoption process was going on right as they spoke as they pulled a few strings even over the holidays to make sure she could stay after the new year started. She jumped with joy over it all, to her life just couldn't get any better than this.

Mardi and Sefron also enjoyed their Christmas morning for under the tree was the most beautiful baby crib Mardi had the pleasure to see. It was light brown stained Oak and it had been done up in whites and mint green sheer and fabric linens. Aikrii was pleased when she fawned over it, it had taken Mani and him well over five days to find the perfect one for them. Mardi hugged him hard, she was so thrilled at the beautiful gift.

"I know it's together and all but it will probably have to be dismantled to get it upstairs, that is unless He-man there can get it up in one piece." Aikrii chuckled looking at Sefron who was sizing the crib up for a one fell swoop, pick and carry. It wasn't going to happen thou, the crib weighed a ton being solid Oak. Mardi wouldn't hear of it anyway considering it was brand new and she didn't want to see it broken already. Becky was playing with her CD player and enjoying herself when Marie squealed in delight as she opened one of her gifts. There nestled in the box was a deed to her future restaurant which was not too far from her and Phillip's new home. She scrambled across the floor and squished her son in a hearty hug.

"Oh baby this is wonderful!" She beamed.

"What are you going to call it?" He asked her.

"Aikriio's" She said smiling

"After me?" He said

"You got it for me, might as well name it after you." She said in a matter of fact kind of way. He smiled and hugged her back.

"Mom you can name it what you want, you don't have to name it after me." He smiled again still thrilled about her enthusiasm over the new place. His dad piped up thou.

"Actually Aikrii, she's had the name for months now." He smiled to at his son when she saw the look of sheer shock, amazement and love as well.

"Oh mama! Thanks!" He squished her again and everyone else awed.

Save for a quick breakfast and some running around to see friends after the piano was dropped off most of the family stuck pretty close to home. This year Christmas was a special occasion with many surprises and heartfelt joy. The New year saw to Josh and Dante's one year anniversary and on the fifth of January instead of seeing the people at the 'Young Mom's 4 Life' center Becky was talking to a judge and having a social worker officially place her into Aikrii's and Mani's care until the adoption for her was finalized. On January seventh she went to see the psychologist and had her first session with the lady who turned out to be an amazing lady. All in all the new year of 2009 was looking up for everyone.

This series is published on line books 1-3 (4 in the works) if intrested mail Lila for the direct link to my series main web site so you can read it all

Next: Chapter 19: Steppin Out III 16 18

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