Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Sep 1, 2008


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 3) On the straight and Narrow - Copyright 1997-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

A love lost, a love gained, two families become closer as a third is added to the extended tree Aikrii and Mani have created for themselves. Even through the sorrow each love thrives to florish to the best it can be. A tear jerker so be sure to have lots of tissues!

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks Also note if you read the books on line there IS a forum for fans to post comments in :D So please by all means use it to have your say about what you read or mail me :D either way is great.

Please enjoy book 3 ...keep watching here for the next chaprters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

PS summer vacation is almost over and to those who read all my stuff on line so far, I WILL be back to writing SOON (2nd week of september) so keep your eyes out on the series Main web site you'll see book 4 and 5 getting compleated :D enjoy what I have now and PLEASE post in the forums I LOVE to hear from fans, really I do! :)


Chapter 1 - Letting go ******************

She looked back at her life as simple and as complicated as it was she realized even as short as it was she had it good, mainly because she had so many friends to help support her. She reached out her good hand to Nye and smiled she was glad now Selina and he were getting along so well, in time she knew they would love each other as much as she loved him now. She would be keeping a promised request. His sad eyes looked down at her and a tear escaped.

"I will always carry you in my heart Cleo, always." He kissed her cheek and ran his hand over her now bald head. She sighed.

"Go home now Nye. Sleep I'll be here tomorrow." She smiled weakly. Letting his hand slip from her grasp.

"I love you." Her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep.

Nye felt the pull to stay but knew if he did it would stress her and she didn't need the stress. A lot had happened since Josh and Dante's wedding back on January first and Sefron and Mardi's wedding on the thirteenth of May and it only got worse while he had been away to collage. He came home in June and was around for Aikrii and Mani's wedding in July and after that things went down hill.

By the time the beginning of August rolled around and it was getting close to the time for him to return to collage he noticed Selina and Cleo were spending more and more time together. He also noticed Cleo wasn't her normal chipper energetic self. They were pretty secretive. He started to worry when he call the house and Selina would be the one talking to him instead of Cleo who was sleeping and Selina had been over visiting with Mardi who was now getting quite "large" in the belly. She was due to have her baby in February. It hurt him knowing he was kept in the dark for so long. She had known since the first week of December of 2007. He didn't find out till August of 2008 just like everyone else and apparently she only told them because Cleo had lived past the expected period of time she had been given without loosing any limbs, but the treatments weren't working so well so now she was loosing limbs. Selina was the one who had broken the news to them all. Cleo, she was in the hospital. Alone. Suffering in silence.

Nye flashed back to that fateful day as he pushed open the hospital's main entrance door. He flipped open his cell and turned it on. The signal was picked up and he called Selina.

"Yeah, I'm done. Uh-huh she's sleeping. Ok. Thanks." He hung up and waited on the bench by the road where she wanted to pick him up, it was easier than going into the parking lot and finding a spot to park. His mind wandered again.

They had all been at Aikrii and Mani's place. They were having a B-B-Q and enjoying themselves. Cleo had called while everyone was out on the back porch. Selina had gotten the call and then somberly showed around back and asked everyone to sit as she had news to break to everyone.

"I know a lot of you will be disappointed in me but I made a promise and I kept it."

Her dad's Josh and Dante looked at each other and both of them put their hands to their mouth thinking the worse. "Oh god Selina please don't tell us..." they trailed off both with the look of sheer fright in their eyes.

Selina looked at them and very seriously stated. "It's not me you should be worried about."

She looked at everyone and spoke. "I am here to break news I have know about since my wonderful dad's wedding, unfortunately I had made a promise to not let anything out unless she told me it was necessary. Now you may have all noticed that Cleo isn't around a lot." Nye got up really quickly and went to Selina.

"What's wrong?" He asked grabbing her arms and looking into her eyes fear registered.

"Nye, darlin'" she said running her hand along his cheek. "Please, this is hard enough, sit down ok. Your gonna need to once you know."

He did as she asked. He had felt the tenderness in her touch but also noticed the sadness in her eyes. This was bad and he knew it was going to hurt.

"Cleo was diagnosed back in December with Aggressive Osteosarcoma." Nye's eyes got wide and she saw the tears starting to come. Aikrii and Mani both went white.

"It was quite advanced back then and yet she still went with the suggested treatments thou she was told she might not live past six months." There wasn't a dry eye in the house now.

"Why did you wait so long? How come you're telling us now?" Dante asked kind of confused.

"Dad, I'll answer as many questions as I can in a minute ok but for now you all need details ok. Please this is a lot to be the bearer of so please...don't shoot the messenger." Her eyes were holding a lot of sadness and he could see it. Dante had learned over the last year to be easy with Selina he seemed to get more from her when he was easier.

"Cleo being the fighter she is thou did manage to make it to nearly nine months now, unfortunately she has called to tell me her doctors have reassessed her condition and it isn't getting any better, in fact it's worse now and she's nearing the end. She will be having surgery to remove both her legs as the cancer has spread too far to save either of them. She wants her family around now. This means she's requesting you all now." Selina sat her hands covering her face as she silently sobbed for the best friend she was loosing. She knew how long the doctors had given Cleo. No one else did. They were trying to prolong her life as much as possible. She gave them enough bad news. She just had to get them there to see her and soon.

Selina pulled up next to Nye. The window to her dad's car came down.

"Hi ya stranger, need a lift?" She asked Nye hoping the light joke would make him smile.

It did. He got into the car, he was quite and Selina reached over and took his hand. She gave it a squeeze. They weren't dating but they both had gotten closer and she did and had fallen for him he just wasn't totally aware of it yet. Cleo was right he was easy to love.

"You ok?" She asked.

"It's nothing time won't heal." He replied with his head hanging down. She saw the tear escape. She pulled over the car and parked. She waited for him to do his grieving. She waited for the questions she always waited for. It had been the same for them all.

"How come you never told us sooner?" He asked quietly. He wiped his eyes and looked at her, his eyes eager for an answer to his question.

"Do you remember a time when you'd do anything for Cleo and not tell others just to protect her?" She asked him remembering the story Aikrii had told her about Nye and Cleo and her tournament fight and how she had busted her wrist.

Nye shook his head yes not trusting his voice to work at that moment.

"Well that's why I didn't say anything. She trusted me. I love her like the sister I never had. I did what I needed to, to protect her and her wishes. Out of respect." She answered hoping it was enough.

"But you should have told me." He said, the hurt on his face more prominent now "I would have been there for her." He was angry now and she knew he was going through the expected steps of grieving.

"You would have been ruining your chances at your education, work, and other aspects. Cleo was protecting you as much as I was protecting her secret. Understand Nye as mad as you get at me it's not only me your angry at. You're mad at yourself for not figuring it out. You're mad at god because you feel he's taking her away from you. You're even mad at her for not telling you, but you won't stay mad long."

She sighed. This was getting hard because it was Nye and she wanted to cry to but she had to keep it together. She ran her hand through her now fairly long dirty blond hair and turned to look at the traffic.

"The pain will go away. The good memories will still make you cry but you'll learn in time she is in a better place. No longer suffering. She loved you and you always will love her. No one expects you to forget. No one will think less of you for letting her go either."

She turned her head to see his face. He was leaning his head against the wet glass of the passenger side window of the car. The rain trickled down like the many tears that streaked his face. He ran a finger down the glass following the trail of one drop.

"I still can't believe she's going to be gone. She's my world Selina. What am I going to do without her?" He asked turning the tears were flowing freely now and she reached for him and hugged him gently as he cried.

"We will go through this all together, supporting each other. If you need my shoulders, lean on me I'll be here. For now we keep breathing, keep moving and keep her memory alive. Most of all, we keep loving because without it our existence wouldn't mean a thing."

She felt his arms tighten. He was hugging her harder. She knew he was accepting the inevitable but he wouldn't let go just yet, even she couldn't let her friend go quite yet.

"Come on, you can come with me if you want." She said as she started her dad's car again and pulled out into traffic. She grabbed her cell and flipped it opened and hit the speed dial, placed her phone in the hands free port and kept going.

"Hello." The voice on the other end of her cell said through her cars speakers.

"Hey papa J, I'm with Nye now, I'm going to take him with me to Jay's for coffee, just wanted to let you know where I was going to be."

"Hey hun thanks. We're in no rush for the car sweetie so take your time. Hi Nye."

"Hi Josh." Nye responded sounding down he continued to look out the window as the rain fell and the traffic wizzed past his window.

"Selina can you pick up milk on the way home hun?" Her dad asked she could hear Dante in the background yelling it out to Josh. She chuckled.

"Yes tell papa D I heard him, I'll be home soon ok. Love you." With that she hung up.

She was still amazed that after over a year without her real dad who abused her for nearly four years after her mom had died, that she had come so far. Now with two new "dads" her gay adoptive foster parents Josh and Dante had done her good. Raised her well and above all never abused her. They taught her new morals and to look on the bright side for many things, even Cleo's impending death as sad as it was she had to think positively in the aspect that her friend wouldn't suffer anymore. She pulled into the parking lot of the local popular coffee establishment and got out of the car. Nye followed. She held the door opened for him. He found a seat in a corner area of the establishment and she ordered.

"Peaches and cream cap and a tall tea" she said to the cashier. She passed her the money and took her ordered drinks to their table. Sitting down beside him she sighed.

"Man the rain always makes a sad day seems more miserable, don't ya think?" She asked Nye who was staring out the window in his own state of mind watching the rain drizzle down the big coffee shops window.

"Yeah." He sighed. He looked at Selina and smiled, thou it was a sad one at least it was a smile. He took his tea and opened the lid he blew on it and looked at her again and softly spoke.

"Thanks thou, for making even this crappy month seem a bit brighter." He reached out again and laid his hand on hers. Selina smiled back as she felt his hand on hers. She looked out the window and watched the rain with him. She felt him shift in the booths seat and looked over, he was digging around for something. He hauled out the piece of paper Cleo had given him earlier today when he went to see her. It had written instructions on it for him. A `To Do' list as she called it. Selina knew what it was she had been given one to.

He opened the paper and looked at Selina. "She said all of us got one. Do you have the same thing?"

Selina nodded her head, hers was nearly three pages long thou since it was more than just a to do list it was notes she wrote as well and thoughts to. Selina was grateful that Cleo was so thoughtful even when she was so ill. She was trying to cover all bases.

Selina looked the list Cleo had given him she was surprised there weren't that many things listed. He read the top info first.

Darlin' Nye,

There are only a few things I request of you and I hope you take what I say to heart because I mean every single word I have written here. So please read with open eyes an open heart and always remember how much I love you. I'll be watching over you when I'm gone to so don't forget that. Much love Cleo.

  1. Please love someone else like you loved me, unconditionally.

  2. Consider Selina as a form of support. She's made a promise to me

to be there for you if you needed someone to talk to, Please remember

she does this with my blessings and I hope she becomes a force in your

life that's a positive one. Love her free spirit and willingness to help ok.

  1. Don't forget I loved you and always will even when I'm gone.

  2. Read my diary, the pass is CleoNye. It's on your computer now.

You'll learn a lot from that ok. I love you.

He was silently crying again as he read the note. He looked at Selina. He was confused yet he understood how Cleo was nudging him to accept what was inevitable. He always loved that about her. Persistence was one thing she always had an abundance of.

"How long?" he asked all of a sudden. Selina cringed. She didn't want to tell him.

"Nye," she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair again. "I don't want to say how long." She looked at him sadly. "It's best to let things be and enjoy what time you do get with her."

"So you do know?" He asked quietly, almost too quietly.

"I have been informed of an expected time of passing, exactly when isn't determined till she goes of her own free will but I think she holds back because of you, she knows you're not ready yet." Selina reached over to him and placed her hand on his arm.

"Nye sweetie, I am doing what she asked ok. I know your mad but I'm trying to protect you to even if you think I'm being unfair, I won't let her passing go without you being there ok."

He heard her promise, and the unspoken words of "If I could make it all better I would..." drifting through the air like so many wishes. He reached for her hand and laid his own on hers.

"I'm not mad." He smiled. "Thanks for trying to protect me Selina, for all the bad you've seen your one strong lady, I'll give you credit for that." Nye looked out the window at the rain as it continued to fall.

"Once her funeral is over and the pain has subsided some maybe, just maybe I'll be able to consider her `to do list'" He said quietly, his head bowed down as he sipped his tea.

Selina murmured her agreement as she took a sip of her drink, it was cooling down but the peach smell numbed her senses to a pleasurable state. She sighed and thought about all the plans she had to make. Aikrii and Mani were taking care of her funeral arrangements They had everything ready now as Selina told them to expect her to pass soon, she just wouldn't release the expected day the doctors had given her, they didn't understand why but she told them over and over again it's because she was respecting Cleo's wishes.

"I have a lot to do myself. The flowers will need to be readied soon. I have to call the parlor as well." She was absently mumbling her to do things.

"It's going to be soon isn't it?" He asked as he reached for her hand again and looked ahead to the window.

She sighed and finally broke down. Quietly, the tears flowed. Her head went down she stared at the rim of her drink which was now cold. Her heart felt about the same as the much loved drink. Cold and in need of warming. She could feel his hand the warmth seeping in, but even she knew it wasn't enough, both of them sought more but at the moment till healing was done neither would get what they needed to make them feel whole again.

He looked at her, noticed the tears and realized she had been holding a burden greater than his own. She knew when Cleo was going to die, She knew all of the things he didn't. She knew how people were going to treat her because she had information everyone wanted. He realized right there that even his own loss of the one love he adored that being the one to know things like Selina did and for as long as she did was a hell of a burden to carry around for so long and without no one to support her either. He realized Cleo was right Selina was a strong person and he should learn to confide in her she's willing to help. His own heart ached then knowing he was learning to love another person while the one he adored more than life itself was laying in a hospital dying. He gave her hand a squeeze and sighed.

"Yes, soon." He heard her say.

"As I suspected." His head went down. He frowned. "I'm going to miss her."

"As will I" Selina said "Come on let's get out of here, my drink is cold." She stood, he was still holding her hand. She looked down at him, her face held sorrow and yet concern. He got up and still holding her hand they left the establishment dropping their drinks in the trash on the way out. She took him home and headed off to the store to get the much wanted milk for her dads, her up and coming week would be a trial all on it's own. She sighed as she pulled into the driveway at home, grabbing the milk she headed into the house.

"Hey! Daddios, I'm back" She said in the most mustered up cheery manner she could.

She placed the milk into the fridge and went into the living room. Josh and Dante were both sound asleep on the couch. Selina loved to see them in such an endearing manner, she grabbed a blanket and let them sleep. It was late. time to turn in herself. She locked up and went to bed hoping that Cleo was still with them when she woke.

August 12th

She was dreaming, she knew it. She saw the vivid colors the music flowing from the computer to her right, she could see Nye dancing. He always loved to dance, as much as he loved his music. She smiled at the dream, memories done in Technicolor all stored in her mind; which would cease to function soon enough. The thought of her death brought on the nightmare. As her dream progressed the colors faded. The song `I'll always be there' By Roch Voisine slowly faded as well. She couldn't hear Nye's voice anymore, his smile disappeared and the room faded. She cried reaching out, yelling, "I don't want to go yet! Please let me stay!"

She woke with a start, her monitor was beeping very quickly and she had two nurses around her checking her over. She pushed away their hands and told them to leave. They refused to do so. She was calm by the time they did leave. She reached for her notepad with her one good hand, it was never far from her side, and it had much of her writings in it, all that would go to Nye. She wrote out her dream in detail and told him she cried. She told him of her many wishes to not have to leave. She told him she prayed everyday he'd find someone else to fill the hole she would leave behind.

She placed her notepad back on its respected table and curled up into a ball. The IV annoying her stump from her most recent surgery. She picked at the tape scratching the itchy spot. She then wrapped her arms around herself and drifted off to sleep once again. She felt so tired.

August 15th

Aikrii looked around for Mani but didn't see hide nor hair of him. Sefron walked out of the kitchen towards Aikrii, he had breakfast for Mardi on a tray, she was still getting sick off an on in the mornings so he made sure she stayed laying down till her tummy didn't bother her so bad.

"What's wrong Aikrii?" Sefron asked "You look lost."

"Trying to find Mani but I seem to have lost him." Aikrii scratched his head.

"Last I seen him he was upstairs talking to Jeff about doing your extensions." Aikrii heard him chuck as he walked off smiling, least Sefron was able to help some, now he had to go find his handsome hubby before he left for work.

Sure enough Mani was chatting to Jeff, the foreman and going over the blueprints to the extension that he and Mani had planned for the house. The room where Nye and Cleo use to stay in was no longer their room. Nye had moved down to the guest room while Mani and Aikrii had the extension done. The room had been remodeled into a mini apartment for Sefron and Mardi and their little one for when he or she came along. Now that was done Sefron and Mardi would move into there and then Sefron's old room was now next on the list and would be turned into a larger room as well, there were future plans for that room.

The room Nye was currently staying in was the small green guest room on the lower floor to the left of the main doors. It was a fair sized room, the first plan was to use it as a den, it did have a bathroom off of it but Aikrii had changed his mind and when Cleo had been well, back when they first moved in. She had changed it to a guest room; which had come in handy a few times over the nearly two years they had lived here. Since Aikrii and Mani wanted their family close they decided to expand other parts of the home. The living room area was going to be expanded outwards to include a room off of it this would be Nye's new room and they allowed him to design it himself so he would feel comfortable in it. Mani was at that time going over the purposed plans for both sections since the apartment was now done.

"Nye has his concepts set for his room and we can start both at the same time right?" Mani asked Jeff, then continued on in a matter of fact way "I think it's best we go for convenience and get both done quickly since our household will be expanding soon enough and babies don't like noisy homes." Aikrii chuckled at Mani's concern over Sefron and Mardi's little one that would be living in their home. He was like a mother hen.

"Hunny, if you're like this over Sefron's little one how are you going to be over our own?" Aikrii said as he walked up to him and kissed his cheek.

"Probably worse" Mani said smiling. "You off to work?"

"Yes, just wanted to see you before I left." Aikrii hugged him breathing deep as he had his hug returned.

"I only have two photo shoots today and Sefron will be at the Do jang most of the day. I'm still trying to find a suitable employee for the Do jang but I'm not having any luck." Mani sighed but continued "I'm cooking tonight ok so please try to get home by seven at the latest ok babe."

Aikrii loved it immensely when Mani cooked, his food was to die for. Grinning like he won a lotto he shook his head yes kissed his cheek again and slipped from his arms.

"Bye hun, Love you, and I'll be home early, can't wait for the food." Aikrii chuckled as he heard the response.

"Oh SURE come home for my food now...what about me?" Mani let laughter tinkle from the question as he watched him head out the door off to work.

Mani looked back Jeff who was working on their expansions and saw the laughter in his eyes.

"You two amaze me, ya know that, right?" He said as he laid down his pencil and measuring tape.

"We get that a lot." Mani said smiling, He still couldn't believe his luck when he finally let Aikrii know how much he cared for him, even thou their coming together hadn't been a great one due to Aikrii's being hurt, all in all it was a fairytale romance that was still going strong.

"How do you do it? Have such a strong connection?" Jeff asked

"I really don't know, we work on things, talk, spend time together lots of little things make the whole of it I guess." Mani looked at his friend. "I guess fate has a lot to do with it as well."

Jeff chuckled. He and his former partner never had that kind of connection and he assumed he wouldn't ever find something like it again. He looked at Mani and said "Well when fate is finished writing your story tell them to come knocking on my door I could use some of that good luck." When he was finished Mani could see the sadness in his friends eyes but he still maintained the smile on his face.

Mani patted Jeff's back. "If you need someone to talk to Aikrii and I are here ok, just ask."

"I'll be ok." He said "Now lets get back to work here we have a house with a dead line to finish fixing up."

They both got back to work and called on Nye to get clarification on his wishes for his part of the house. If things went the way they had planned the renovations would be done in about two months if not sooner since Aikrii told them the faster it was done the better it was for everyone but he also wanted quality so no expense was to be spared. He did however want proof of where the money was going. He trusted Mani's judgment on his choice of contractors but he didn't know all of the other people Jeff had hired and wanted to make sure things were on the straight and narrow.

************************************************* August 18th

She woke to see Selina beside her bed. She rasped out "Hey"

Selina looked up from her book and smiled "Good afternoon sleepy head."

"It's noon?" Cleo said frowning.

"Yes, your nurse told me you were trashing again last night they gave you a sedative so you'd sleep properly. That's probably why you slept so long."

Selina looked concerned and Cleo could see it. She knew Selina would want to know what was wrong. Cleo just wished this was all done.

"Cleo, talk to me ok." Selina held on to her good hand. Cleo turned her head away. Selina could see the tears in her eyes, she walked around to the other side of the bed and looked into her friends eyes. "Cleo, I can see the pain, talk to me."

"I just want it to end, I can't take this anymore Selina. My heart isn't into it." She sobbed. "They want to take my last hand the cancer is up to the shoulder now. I'll have nothing."

Selina was surprised to hear the news. "Oh, they didn't say anything to me."

"I refused the surgery." Cleo whispered out.

"But why?" Selina asked startled at the news.

"I'm done Selina." Cleo said looking at her friend. "I'm done fighting. You will all have to come to grips with that now. I've endured enough. Like Mani told me so many years ago, I don't have to be the hero."

Selina let the tears flow. Her friend was right, Cleo had been holding on for everyone else and Selina knew it. She placed her hand on her friends arm just above the stump and the IV line and kissed Cleo's head. "I understand, remember we all love you and we'll miss you." She looked at her friend who's tears were flowing freely.

"I love you to Selina" Cleo said. "Thanks for being the sister I never had." She reached up with her good hand and pulled Selina down to her giving her a hug.

"Tell them it's time, and get them ok." Cleo closed her eyes and started to fall asleep mumbling as she went "I'll hang on till they get here."

Chapter 2 – A sad goodbye

********************** Selina made the calls. Mani was the one who picked up the phone.

"Hello" She heard. She took a deep breath and started.

"Get Nye now, and anyone else you can, it's time she's going and it's going to be fast." She heard Mani drop the phone and scream for Nye. There was a scramble and she could hear it on the other end of the phone, she heard it being picked up. It was Sefron.

"We are on our way Selina, I have to call Aikrii ok." with that he hung up.

She put down the phone and ran her fingers through her hair and leaned her head against the nurses counter and bawled. Susan who was on the floor at that time taking care of one of her own patients walked over to Selina and wrapped her arm around Selina's shoulder.

"She's going now Sue, there's nothing we can do I just called everyone."

"Awww, sweetie I wish we could have done more for her but I guess she's chosen he destiny. It's her time to move on." Sue felt bad about her son's friends and their loss, She knew Cleo and had grown to love the girl herself like her own lost daughter, it felt like she was loosing another child all over again.

"I'll call James and let him know ok." Selina nodded she liked Sue and James. Sefron's parents were amazing people.

"I have to call my dads" She mumbled through her despair "They will want to be here to."

Sue got up and walked to the doctors lounge to use the phone while Selina walked over to the pay phone and dialed out to her dad's work. She passed on the bad news and they both said they'd be there shortly. They would most likely leave the new staff member she didn't remember and Jen working at the shop till they got back.

She picked up the phone again and made the last call she wanted to make. She slowly dialed Cleo's dad's number praying it was Cleo's brother or sister who answered. No one answered she got the answering machine. Little did Selina know thou Cleo's sister Vivian was listening to the message that was coming in.

"Mr. Inochie, This is Selina Ericson-Trask. You don't know me but I do know your step-daughter Cleo whom you abandoned here two years ago. I can't say I wanted to notify you of this as it seems your heart was in a selfish state the last time one of our friends called looking for help for her. Either way it's my sad and unfortunate duty to notify your family that She's currently in the hospital here in Kearney and is at deaths door. She was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of bone cancer about nine months ago. If your family wishes to attend her funeral, you may call me on my cell." She left her cell number and hung up. The last of her 'to do...' before Cleo actually passed, her list now was completed.

She now had to prepare for the passing part. She called the funeral home letting them know it wouldn't be long before they'd need the services they told her to call they'd be there as soon as the body was cleared from the morgue. She walked up the hall to Cleo's room and looked in She saw Susan in the room talking to Cleo. She walked in and sat beside Cleo's bed waiting for the others to show.

Cleo's attending Dr. Cristi walked in and looked down at her and asked very bluntly.

"Do you want pain medication or would you like to be coherent while your family visits?"

Selina got up and gave him a very nasty look. Seething she growled "Get out!" He was shocked at her outburst. "I am only offering her comfort since it's apparent she's giving up." He stammered at the furious young lady before him.

"She's NOT giving up! She's moving on! Get that straight!" Selina was pissed "Cleo is the bravest person I know, the strongest! Now GET OUT!" she screamed at him and he scurried from the room not impressed at her behavior.

Cleo looked at Selina and smiled. "Thanks" She whispered. "I never really liked him."

Everyone showed up within thirty minutes. Aikrii and Mani walked in holding hands Aikrii had been crying and it was apparent in his red eyes. Mani had been comforting him before they walked into the room.

Josh and Dante showed and sat by the window, Josh being the softy he was cried softly in Dante's shoulder while Dante soothed him. He had tears in his eyes as well but he still smiled at Cleo. He knew his brother Sam would be sad to hear she had passed but he and Xavier were just too far away to make it on time. He'd have to call to let them know when the funeral would be.

Sefron and Mardi walked in as well, Mardi was a wreck, Sefron worried that the stress would be hard on her but Mardi insisted on coming.

Nye showed and went directly to her bed and crawled right in with her hugging her to his chest. He didn't want her to go but he knew it was time to let her go, she was ready. He cried softly as he held her and rocked her. She hugged him as best as she could. She was getting weaker by the moment and she could feel it.

James showed up not long after Nye got himself settled and Aikrii's parents who had only recently moved into the Kearney area showed as well.

Selina had called the Minister from the local church her friends and family attended. Pastor Kirk MacDonald who was the same pastor who married Sefron and Mardi was sadden to see Cleo in such a state but vowed to be there to give her, her last rights. He walked in not long after most got settled and spoke to Cleo in his gentle way.

"Ahh dear Cleo my child." He said taking her good hand

"Pastor K, hey your a site for these fading eyes." She said barely above a whisper. "Thanks for coming."

"You know why I am here," He asked he was trying his hardest to keep a smile on his face and everyone knew it. "Are you ready?" She nodded giving his hand a squeeze. He started the twenty third psalm and quoted

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." He blessed her forehead making a cross with holy water she closed her eyes and smiled sighing at the same time.

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

She quietly murmured her own words. "Lord bless me and forgive me of all my past sins." and squeezed Kirk's hand. She smiled up at him and relaxed in Nye's arms. She felt so secure, so loved. She was ready to move on. She was happier now, even as she heard those she loved so much cry softly around her. She looked around and knew she wouldn't be forgotten. She let her hand slip from her pastors grasp and reached for Nye. She took his hand and whispered to him. "I love you." She smiled and then closed her eyes. Cleo's spirit left her and it was all done. August 18th, was a sad day indeed.

Nye pulled her close hugged her hard and sobbed as he felt half of his heart slip away.

August 22nd

Cleo's funeral was a somber event, thou beautifully done. Being she had been an exuberant and lively person who enjoyed colors Selina had picked out a lilac colored casket with gold leaf edging and very pretty spiral carvings in the sides for Cleo, The flowers she had picked were bright orange roses and yellow carnations with baby's breath. Pastor MacDonald officiated the service. Nye had picked the Glass Tiger song 'Don't forget me when I'm gone' which was played at the settling of the funeral while those who were attending took their seats.

Friends piled into the church to pay their respects. Aikrii was more surprised when he noticed Cleo's sister and brother had shown. "Vivian, Seth." He said as they walked in.

Selina noticed two strangers walk in, the woman looked vaguely familiar to her, similar to Cleo in most respects except her hair was a lighter brown. The young man beside the lady was tall and had very dark hair. Selina also noticed Aikrii's uncomfortable state and walked up to him. "Who are our mystery visitors?" She asked keeping a pleasant smile on her face even in Aikrii's state of apparent annoyance.

"Selina, I introduce to you Cleo's half sister Vivian and her half bother Seth." He wasn't pleased and she could hear it in his voice.

Selina looked at him knowing he was upset at them showing up. She remembered what Cleo had said about her family and would respect her request which was part of her 'to do ...' list. She turned to Aikrii placed both her hands on either shoulder and gave his cheek a peck making him blush. Giving his cheek a pat she said.

"Darlin' I'll take care of this you go see to your hubby ok." She smiled as she turned away to deal with Cleo's family member's

"Please follow me." She said as she walked towards Cleo's casket which was opened. She allowed them to view their sister and pay their respects to her. She then passed them and envelope.

"You actually saved me from having to deliver this." She said. Vivian was surprised on how pleasant Selina was being. She figured there would be hell to pay when her and Seth showed. Selina then started to walk towards the front pews and asked them to take a seat. This was reserved for Cleo's family. Aikrii, Mani, Nye, Sefron, Mardi Selina's dad's Sam, Xavier and herself were part of that 'family' Cleo had listed. These two hadn't been included but Selina knew better than to be hateful to anyone during such a somber and trying time.

"Your welcomed to stay but I suggest you read the note she left for you before the main portion of the service starts ok. The video thats included you can watch at home." Selina got up and walked away from the two people who should have been more support to Cleo while she was alive. Her mild distaste for them wouldn't over ride the promises she made to Cleo. She watched at the church filled. She eventually took her seat beside Nye with the rest of Cleo's family. The funeral was starting.

Everyone settled and the first song faded in the background this funeral was a bit different than any pastor MacDonald was involved in he was quite looking forward to seeing what Cleo's friends did in her memory for her.

The white sheet that was draped across the churches main staging had a blue sky scene on it from the projector which was situated at the top of the churches balcony Nye had everything set on a timer. It wavered slightly as dry ice smoke blew across the stage. Nye went all out setting this up. He didn't want anyone to forget his beloved. He was having this whole funeral service recorded. He would send it to her step dad, Selina hoped that this turned out as he hoped it would they sat together and held hands till it was his turn to take the stage.

Bon Jovi's 'You Want To Make A Memory' played as the sky scene started fading in and out images of Cleo growing up. From birth to the last days she smiled as sweetly as Nye remembered her. He cried quietly as the song played through. When it was all done he stood and walked to the front of the staging. He smiled sadly but started his part in her eulogy.

"Cleo was the light of my life, my heart and my reason for living. All who are here are here because this amazing, wonderful and lively young lady touched our lives in one way or another." He looked out over the crowd "I will always remember my darling Cleo with the wonderful smile on her face and a song in her heart and the strong grip she had when she strangled you in a hug."

Everyone chuckled as many knew of her bone crushing hugs. The projector started again, the song In the arms of an Angel by Sarah McLachlan played very quietly along with a clip of Cleo dancing around with Nye and her friends, she was smiling and very happy. Nye looked up at the beautiful memory of his darling. With a tear in his eye he continued.

"She was the strongest person I knew. She had a beautiful soul and an amazing knack to make everyone love her. Four days ago God called back his angel to his flock. We will all miss her greatly but now she has the wings she earned while bringing light to everyone else's lives here. I'm sure there are many here who will agree that there was no one quite like our beautiful Cleo. The mold was broken when she was created. I loved her greatly and will always remember her infectious nature and ability to make everyone smile."

He looked at Aikrii who in turn hand in hand with Mani took the stage.

"Cleo left a few words in her 'to do...' list she gave us. She wanted us to read them to you."

They each took a page they had and to the timing Nye had set up with the projector they read the words of wisdom Cleo left for everyone.

"I leave you to grace the home of my maker. In the short time I have been here I have learned many things many have been a trial and some a blessing, but most of all a lot of it has been supportive, most coming from those I call my family."

Mani took a deep shuddering breath and through tears continued with her last words.

"Aikrii, Mani, Sefron, Mardi, James, Sue, Phillip, Marie, Josh, Dante, Sam, Xavier and the love of my life, Nye these wonderful people are my family, my rock my reason for hanging on for so long, thank you for the wonderful life you gave me and the wonderful scene of being loved it means I will be remembered after I am gone, it's the only thing I really wanted in my life."

Mani looked at Aikrii who had to take a deep breath before he continued on with his part.

"I want everyone to know that dying isn't the worse thing in the world, loosing the love of your family is the worse blow anyone can suffer. So I ask you all, love your family like there's nothing more precious in this world, remember unconditionally is how it should always be."

"Friends are the second most important thing in the world, they let you lean on them when your weak.

They are the angels of the land and give you wings when yours are broken, lifting you to higher grounds. Choose these friends wisely and keep them near your heart"

Mani took the end part

"All in all I shall say thank you to those who showed to remember me, I am pleased to see from heaven above all your wonderful faces. I feel truly blessed. If it's raining outside it's tears of joy, if it's sunny it's because you've warmed my heart. God bless you all."

Mani sobbed and took Aikrii's hand and they walked off the stage. Both were crying.

Mardi now graced the stage with Pastor MacDonald. He read from the bible a few passages and then spoke kind words about Cleo, remembering her blessed nature, her willingness to help those around her in anyway she could.

"She was the shining example of all the angels that walk amongst us. If you're lucky enough to meet one like her take their hand and walk with them they can show you amazing things like she did. We were all truly blessed to know such a beautiful girl, she had an amazing style, beauty and grace."

With the last word of grace, Mardi broke out into the hymn 'Amazing Grace' Selina got goose bumps as she listened to Mardi's angelic voice. She held onto Nye's hand and gave it a squeeze as Mardi finished the song. She was still tearing up but she was feeling stronger.

Pastor K continued on with the sermon and then more songs were sung. The whole of the congregation that showed for her funeral sang their hearts out, all for Cleo. Nye was pleased to feel the love in the voices of all who joined in.

Vivian and Seth then took the stage. They never expected to but the note that Cleo had left told them if they showed they were to tell everyone what they remembered of her and if they had any last words for the one family member they hadn't supported in the last two years. She had noted.

"You don't have to tell them you stopped talking to me just tell people what you remember about me. I forgave you long ago for not walking at my side, I know you had another road to follow, now please join my path as I meet my maker and let others know what you remember."

Vivian took a deep breath and feeling she had to tell the truth and because she knew her sister was watching her she spoke her sad words.

"We neglected to be the family my sister so needed, especially at the time of her death. Our brother and I walked a different path because we decided to follow our birth father. I am ashamed to say I am her sister, but I am not ashamed to say I missed her, I loved her and I shall forever have this moment etched into my heart as I now realize just how awful we both were to her."

Vivian started to cry. Seth took over from there as he comforted his sister.

"Cleo was and will always be a wonderful young lady that molded our lives. I am who I am because of her. She taught me that strength comes from those you surround yourself with, that self worth is something you earn based on how much you love yourself for who you are. That no one will judge you except god himself. We both feel pretty worthless right now but we both hope in due time we can learn and earn to respect and to be valued again. Regrets are something we with both carry for years to come. But a legacy is one thing we will make sure Cleo will always have. All she ever wished was to be remembered and she will be with our help."

They walked off the stage both somber and feeling quite small but also feeling more relieved that they showed. Selina certainly had more respect for them both at that moment. The funeral ended and everyone moved on to the cemetery where Cleo would be laid to rest.

The remainder of the funeral was held in a more quiet nature but it was still recorded by the videographer Nye had hired to record the funeral. Her casket was lowered then each of Cleo's family members took one rose and a hand full of dirt as Pastor MacDonald did the 'ashes to ashes, dust to dust' part of the sermon and tossed the dirt into the grave site and the rose on top. Nye and Selina were the last to approach her resting place. Nye got on his knees and tossed in the dirt and cried, he kissed the three roses he had in his hands and said "I love you" Selina helped him up and hugged him as she tossed in her own bit of dirt and three roses she had. They slowly walked away, Selina was holding on to his arm and she hoped she was being the support she had promised Cleo she would be for him.

"We'll come back in a few days with some roses for her site ok." Selina said to him as people approached him to pass on their condolences. Many of the people who showed were from the Do jang or their school. He shook his head yes as he shook people hands. He was in a dazed state and wished he was just gone from here.

He looked at her and asked. "Do we have to stay?" His eyes held a lot of sadness and she felt he needed to get away.

"Your equipment, you want me to get my dad's to pick it up? I'll go get the recoding of the funeral to, and if you want I can meet you at the car." She wanted to make sure things were covered.

He looked at her and she didn't know what was going to happen but he never spoke a word as he walked away from everything and everyone. She watched him go. She knew where he'd land. He had told her before the funeral that if it got over whelming where he'd go. She walked up to 'Papa J' and whispered to him. He nodded and passed her the keys and then he walked over to Dante and spoke to him. In a matter of minutes things were arranged and Josh returned to her and told her to call if she was going to be late.

"Tell him we're here for him if he needs us ok." Josh gave her a kiss on the cheek a hug and let her head to where she knew Nye would be at.

He got off of the ferry and walked down under the bridge. It was going on dusk now. The funeral had started at four and now it was closing in on six in the evening. The fall weather was closing in but it was still warm. Nye walked up to the underside of the bridge, there was a small concrete slab that jutted out over the water, He sat on the edge and looked up at the sky. His heart broke four days ago and it was still hurting badly. He spoke to the sky.

"Why! Why did she have to go?" He cried "Cleo I miss you." His sobs were how Selina was able to determine just where he was when she made it to the 'jut at the bridge' The one place she knew he'd be at. It was a spot He and Cleo use to frequent a lot back when she was alive. It was their quiet spot.

She sat beside him rubbed his back and let him cry, her shoulder was there if he needed it.

He looked up and then hugged her, nearly knocking the wind from her. He kissed her cheek and held her face in his hands. She saw the confusion and the hurt in his eyes.

"Tell me again Selina, tell me this hurt will go away, tell me the guilt will stop, Please! My heart feels like it's been ripped clean out!" He put his head down and leaned in against Selina who held him.

"Nye, I can't tell you when it will stop hurting so bad, but it will stop hurting and you have nothing to feel guilty about."

She saw him raise his head and look at her. "I feel guilty because there's one I am loving now while the one I had loved the most is newly gone. It shouldn't be like that should it?"

"Nye." She whispered. "I made a promise to Cleo to love you as much as she did, I told her it wasn't a promise I could keep. I was wrong and she was right, you're easy to love. So you shouldn't feel guilty, its something she wanted and you'll know this when you read some of the stuff she wrote."

Nye was quiet for a minute then the tears quietly fell again. "See what I mean by how wonderful she was, thinking of everyone else and how they will cope once she was gone. She loved you to, a lot you know." He thought back to the few conversations he had with her over the few days before she had passed. He would cherish those painful last days like it was the very air he breathed only because he learned so much more about how Cleo thought.

"I know how she felt about all of us Nye, I spent so much time with her I felt like I was taking a bit of her with me before she even passed. She reached up to the necklace, a locket Cleo had given her, the piece she did have of her friend was contained inside.

We all loved her and we will continue to. You know Aikrii is starting a fund in her memory right?"

Nye shook his head yes. His brother and he had spoken about it a few weeks ago. It would be a charitable fund that would help patients of the same particular cancer Cleo had been afflicted with to pay for the off set costs during treatments. Things like transportation, in home nurses if they needed one, private rooms and accommodations for the family members of those who were the primary caregivers of the patient. Stuff that the Canadian medical social insurance (MSI) system didn't pay for. It would be an on going payment offer to those who qualified while they were in the hospital or at home recovering. The legacy that her family started for her all started mainly due to her name and her nature.

It was kind of ironic to considering that not long ago Cleo had learned that her step dad's last name Inochie had the English meaning of, 'of life'

He recalled that Mani was going to call it the 'Cleo's Angel's Reach Equities' Inochie Fund or in short the CARE of life fund. Aikrii and Mani planned on donating a good twenty-five million to it on their own and fund raising in the near future should bring in a lot more for those in need. Nye was to be responsible for the directing of the funds and Aikrii would show him how to maintain it's functioning.

Selina looked over the water and sighed. "What a beautiful spot you two choose. It's so peaceful here."

Nye looked over at the water to from his resting spot. He was nearly in Selina's lap now, she was stroking his hair. He relaxed and just laid down, giving into the need to get comfortable.

"We always liked it here." He said "It was our quiet spot." he sighed. Closing his eyes as she continued to stroke his head. She breathed deep taking in the air that was blowing in off of the large river that ran under the bridge. They just sat there thinking. Selina stopped stroking his head and leaned back with his head in her lap. They watched the dusk slowly succumb to the ever creeping night, The stars making their appearance, dancing and twinkling across the sky.

"Do you think she's really there, watching over us?" He asked quietly, she had been watching the stars so intently she was slightly startled at his voice. He had been so quiet.

Selina took out the 'to do...' list she had been given by Cleo and passed it to him still laying with his head in her lap he took it and looked up at her.

"What's this?" He inquired a bit confused.

"My 'to do...' list that Cleo gave me. Read number seven of 'when I'm gone'" She said.

Nye read Cleo's writing. It was getting a bit darker so it was a tiny bit difficult till Selina pulled out the pen light that was attached to her dad's car keys.

"I know your going to wonder if there's life after death, if I really can keep my promise to watch over everyone but I think and believe there is a place called heaven and I will try my best to prove it. So remember this. When you and Nye are together, love him like there's no tomorrow and hold him tight and look to the heavens and think of me. The falling stars you see together will be my way of sending you my love along with well wishes. I pray that you can help Nye over come the emptiness he will undoubtedly feel once I'm gone. My love to you both Selina. Oh and keep a wish in your hear at all times."


The note made Nye tear up again. Selina took her thumb and wiped the tears away. He passed back the list to her and she folded it and put it in her pocket. He sat up and leaned his head against her shoulder. She placed an arm around his shoulder and as she did so she thought of Cleo's words and wished that she could make Nye smile again. It was right then and there that they both felt the comforting knowledge that Cleo kept her heavenly promise for at that moment there was a shower of many falling stars. Nye gasped and he smiled the biggest smile Selina had seen him do in days.

"Oh my god! It's beautiful!" he hugged her tight and smiled again "Thanks for keeping her promise. You're as amazing as she was."

Selina chuckled. "I didn't do anything Nye, I'm just here to listen if you need me. I do after all care to see that smile again."

"You've done plenty." He said "And you can be sure to see me smile again. Time will heal, that much I know your right on." He stood and reached down to her.

"Come on I don't want your dad's freaking on my head cause I'm all gloomy." He pulled her to her feet when she took his offered hand. They walked back to her dad's car and she took him home.

He kissed her cheek as he was readying to leave. "Thanks Selina. Your help means a lot."

He got out of the car and headed to the door of Aikrii and Mani's home. The place he and Cleo use to live. Now he was on his own but on his way to recovery. Hopefully Mani and the rest could help him to, she was starting to feel overwhelmed with the many emotions she had flopping through her gut. She pulled out of the driveway and headed to her own home.

She walked in to see Josh watching the funeral service recording on the DVD player. "Wow, Nye went all out for this didn't he.?" He said to Dante as they watched what the videographer had done.

"It's because he doesn't want anyone to forget her life and how much she meant to him." Selina said as she plopped her purse on the chair. She sat on the couch and looked back...the clock on the wall behind her said eight thirty. Wow where had the time gone.

Dante looked at Selina. "How's he doing?" He asked as he sat beside Josh who curled up into his arms.

"He's holding out." Selina said with a sad smile, "I got to see him smile for the first time in a long time tonight." She said looking at her dad's.

"Oh?" Dante said "How did that come about?"

She got up went to her coat and pulled out her list from her pocket and passed it to 'Papa D'

"I told Nye the same thing so same for you, read number seven of 'when I'm gone'" She waited till he finished reading, he had a tear in his eye when he was done and he passed it down to Josh who also in turn read it. She looked at her dads.

"You know where the 'Jut' is under the bridge right? That's where I found him tonight and he asked me if I thought if she truly was there."

She sighed feeling the love flowing from her, wishing she could do more to make Nye's hurt go away.

"I showed him the note. I kept my promise and sure enough there was this amazing force that made the sky litterly shimmer with falling stars. It was so beautiful I could see his joy from a simple act of nature and a written promise made by the lost love he had."

She smiled at her dad's and then joined them both on the floor. She loved them both for always being there.

"I had wished I could make his hurt go away and I believe in that instant I did just that, all thanks to a simple written note and a promise of a friend to prove that there is a heaven." She sobbed as she laid out her emotions on the table like a poker hand that could make or break her.

"I miss her! I miss her so much. I love him and yet I feel guilt about it even thou Cleo told me to take care of him. I wish none of this sadness happened. I wish I could make things all better. I don't want to feel like a replacement either." She took a shuddering breath.

Josh stroked her head, everyone ached at the loss of Cleo.

"Hunny, you wouldn't be a replacement I can't see Nye looking at you like that. If Cleo asked you to take care of Nye and you do care about him and he knows it then you kept your promise. Where things go from there isn't something you should feel guilty about."

Dante threw in his two cents worth on that matter.

"Yeah, Cleo's gone now and she's not coming back so don't try to live in her spotlight. You're you. Be yourself and care like you always have. No one will think less of you if you make mistakes and you do not have to live Cleo's life, but you can live by the morals she had. Your special on your own."

They gave her a tight hug.

"Thanks, now I know why I feel so blessed that you two rescued me. I'm so lucky to have you two as my dad's." She hugged them back smiling, it had been a genuine one to. One both her parents were happy to see since like Nye it had been a long time since they had seen a real smile.

Josh kissed her forehead and scooted her off to get some food into her guts. He could hear her tummy growling.

"Yeah I should... I haven't eaten all day. I was too worried stress would make me barf." Dante chuckled at the kiddie term of throwing up. He spoke to her as she walked towards the kitchen.

"There's left over lasagna in the fridge if you want it, all you need to do is re-heat it."

She found the much loved meal and plopped a good portion onto a plate and re-heated it. Taking her meal to her room she sat at her computer and flicked on the contraption. She signed into her messenger and waited to see who was on line.

Chapter 3 - Healing *****************

She wasn't on line long when she noticed Nye sign in. She pecked on the keyboard and waited for his response

Proud2Bme says: "Hey"

MusicMan says: "Hi"

Proud2Bme says: "How are you feeling now?"

MusicMan says: "Numb... -._-* Sad..., Lonely"

Proud2Bme says: "Do you want to talk? Or would you prefer I let you be?"

MusicMan says: "Don't go... I need someone and you're the only one willing to listen to me sulk."

Proud2Bme says: "O .o Sulk? I don't call it sulking. ((hugs)) wish I was there to give you real ones."

MusicMan says: "Ahh, thanks I needed that ((hugs)) back. :) You can visit tomorrow if you want. I'm not working."

Proud2Bme says: "You have something in mind?"

MusicMan says: "No, lets just see what the day brings that ok?"

Proud2Bme says: "SMILES...yes Nye for you I shall say ok, lets go with the flow and see what the day brings us."

MusicMan says: ((Kisses)) Thanks darlin. I need sleep ok. See you tomorrow.

Proud2BMe says: Good night hun. Sleep well ok. ((hugs tight!))

MusicMan says: You to, nighters.

He signed off and she frowned. She wished he had stayed longer. It wasn't that late but it was a trying day. Her heart still hurt but her head was still in the right place. At least tomorrow she'd have some time with Nye to make sure he was still 'moving forward' She'd get to see Mardi as well, her 'big' belly and all. She chuckled at the 'big' concept since Mardi was so small her tiny tummy had this cute little paunch and everyone joked about.

She sighed and turned off her computer and picked up her plate from her finished meal and took it out to the kitchen. She noticed the dishwasher was full and started it after she had rinsed and added her own plate. She took a cloth and wiped down the counter and took out stuff for supper tomorrow. Tossing the dish towel over her shoulder she absently walked over to the closet that held the washer and dryer and check to see if the washer was full yet with tossed in clothing. Instead of a hamper Dante and Josh just put dirty stuff directly into the washer drum and whom ever filled it had to start it. She found that being typical guys they didn't always start it or they didn't always empty it. She found it to be full of wet clothing, at least one of them started it. She removed the washed items from the drum and threw them into the dryer and started it. She wandered back out to the living room picking up odds and ends as she went. Josh walked out of his and Dante's room noticing her somewhat zombie like wanderings around the condo.

"Selina...You ok?" He asked looking at her as she snapped out of it.

"Oh! Umm yeah, I'm ok, just don't know what to do with myself." She replied twisting the dish towel she now had in her hands.

"Do you and dad have dirty clothes in your room, the washer is emptied now. I just put the wet stuff in the dryer they should be done in an hour or so."

Josh walked up to her and hugged her. She was dumbfounded.

"Whats that for?" She asked as he pulled back.

"My way of saying thank you for helping, but you know you don't have to do it right?"

Selina chuckled "I know I don't have to but I'm so use to doing things around the house, it's a hard habit to break. It's just nice to know my body won't be broken if I frig up."

Josh smiled at her. He felt so blessed to have been given the chance to know this wonderful bright child. He was happy he and Dante were able to provide a safe environment for her. He kissed her forehead and told her to relax.

"Baby girl, I'll toss in Dante and I's laundry, you can do your own later if you have any but relax ok you have had enough to deal with the last bit."

********************************************* August 23rd was a quiet morning even for a five a.m. wake up call. Selina rolled out of bed after her alarm had woken her. She had to get ready for her swim with her dads. Every Saturday was the same, Dante worked part time at the local arobieplex and on Saturdays he picked up a few of her friends who went with them for their practice laps, it wasn't an actual apart from their training but it was still a good way to get in extra pool time without having to pay for it.

Dante pulled up outside John and Pete's place. Two young fellas scrambled out to meet the car their mom behind them fussing. Flying arms, freckles a set of blue and brown eyes tumbled into Dante and Josh's car next to Selina.

"Hey guys, your wired pretty early" She chuckled.

'We didn't think you'd come with the funeral and all." John said as he calmed a bit remembering that they had just lost a friend.

"Life moves on." Selina says "I won't forget her, but I can't stop living either." She said smiling.

Blue eyes looked at her as Peter peeked past his brothers shoulders. "You're some strong Selina, I think I'd be crying all the time."

Selina looked at him and said "Dear I do cry a lot over her being gone but I also have to remember she's not coming back and I need to move ahead. It sounds mean but it's life. I can love her forever thou and talk to her anytime because I know she can see me in heaven and the great thing is I can feel her hug me when it's sunny out. I know when Nye and I are together and look up at a night sky if we see falling stars like we did a few nights ago she's sending her love to us and I also know when it rains she's missing me."

Pete and John both were awe struck at her comment.

"Wow that was seriously profound Selina" Dante said from the front seat as he pulled into Matt's driveway.

"Ya think?" She said tilting her head at her dad as he looked at her from through the rear view mirror.

"Yes, I think." He smiled "OK shove over here comes Matt." He no sooner got that out when Matt yanked open the door and piled in. He was laughing and said hi to everyone. Matt was a small exuberant child and made most swim days fun even if it was only quarter after five in the morning.

They all showed at the pool, Josh having only to raise his voice once while Matt bounced around like mad. "Hey! Calm down some or I will have to take you back to the car."

Mat stopped in his tracks he wanted to swim and he wouldn't be allowed if he had to go back to the car and he decided he wanted to swim.

"Ok" he said his eyes looking at the ground.

Selina walked over to him and gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Ahh it's ok Matt I'm looking forward to a good swim to."

He looked up at her he noticed her wink and he smiled. They entered the building and Selina was pleasantly surprised to see Nye waiting inside the lobby.

"Hey Nye!" She walked over to him smiling and gave him a firm hug.

"Hi." He smiled to. It made her very happy to see that smile and she kept that wish in her heart like Cleo told her to. That smile would be her wish for today.

"Why are you here? Coming for a swim?" She asked as she walked with him and the rest of the crew.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen you up before 8 am" Josh said chuckling.

"Hey!" Nye said chuckling to. "I get up early sometimes. Just depends if it's worth my time to do so."

"Aw, thats so sweet! Selina you're worth it for him to get out of bed at 5 am. I bet that makes you feel special." Dante said winking and giggling.

Selina chuckled and looked over at Nye who was blushing fiercely. She had been walking beside him her hands at her side but he took her hand at the moment. She felt good when he took her hand and this as far as she was concerned was a step in the right direction to help them both heal over Cleo's passing.

"I did come for a swim if you don't mind me joining you all, but I also came because Selina and I were going to go back to my brother's place and find something to do since I'm not working today." Nye smiled again and it pleased Selina.

"Great, nice to see you two will be enjoying some quality time to do things you like. Do you have definite plans?"

"Nope no plans, today is a wing it day. Makes it easier than trying to plan something only to see it get messed up." Nye was adamant on making today a fly by the seat of their pants day but Selina didn't care.

She let go of his hand as she slipped into the ladies changing room and got ready for her swim.

She walked out to the pools deck and was surprised to see it was still empty. The guys still hadn't joined her. She walked over to the blocks and stretched out some before stepping on. She adjusted the black swim suit she had on, she put on her goggles and then crouched. She shot off the block fairly quickly and started her laps. Pacing herself she worked on her breast stroke. She could hear her blood pumping in her head, the feeling of being free, almost flying gave her the rush to push herself, The wall loomed she touched and flipped and went back to the end she started at. When she made it back to the start point Nye was sitting at the end with his feet in the water. He was wearing his god awful loud shorts that were the same color as what his hair use to be. Florescent green. Selina thanked her lucky stars his head wasn't that color now.

"Hi" She said smiling looking up to his sea blue eyes "Care to join me?" He looked back down and chuckled.

"You gonna make me do laps to?" He asked as he slipped into the water beside her.

"Nope we can leisurely float around if you want." she said grabbing on to his hand and pulling him into the deeper water swimming backwards as he followed. He was smiling and it pleased her again.

Nye noticed she was grinning almost as much as he was. He wasn't so sad today. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing but today he was just gonna be himself and let things go as they may, guilt wasn't going to be controlling him today.

Music started to float from the pool speakers. Nye looked over with Selina to Dante's office as he walked out with Josh behind him. They were holding hands as they jumped into the pool laughing. Nye wasn't too sure if the song they had picked was for them or if it was meant to make him to think either way it was a nice selection. The song was done by the former British group called Steps and Nye was listening to the words to the song called 'The way you make me feel' He was treading water and smiling as he thought about Selina in reference to the song he was hearing. She floated up to him, lip singing to part of the songs lyrics... "I don't care what they say I'm loving you anyway, it's the way you make me feel." He noticed the seriousness in her eyes but the smile on her lips as well. He let of a cocky smirk and ducked under the water, he was blushing to, he swam right between her legs and back to the surface behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and started to swim backwards. She was giggling and happy to see him being so playful. He started to hum along with the song as well. She leaned against him as she kicked her feet floating with him backwards. When they reached the wall he reached up and held onto the wall letting her go at the instant. She turned around and faced him treading water.

"So you sure you have no plans?" She asked as the next song kicked in over the PA.

"Nope" he said quietly. "Do you have a suggestion?" he asked his blue eyes staring intently.

She turned red at the intensity and he let off a low chuckle at the tinting of her cheeks.

"It's good to hear you laughing again Nye." She said her eyes giving away her pleasure at hearing his wonderful merriment. He let one hand go from the pool wall and reached for her. He pulled her closer to his body and looked down at her.

"I have a reason to stay happy, one started with the blessings of a wonderful young lady who's now gone, but left wonderful words of wisdom I shall keep reading and following. The other is the wonderful support, love and concern of another beautiful young lady who's in front of me now."

She had her hand resting against his wet chest and she could feel his heart beating rapidly under her hand. She never thought he'd take so easily to the fact that she cared so much about him. Most people push others away when they are hurting. She was thankful Nye wasn't like that and she assumed it had to do with the way he was brought up and the fact that he had such a wonderful brother who also took good care of him. She smiled again. He let go of her waist briefly reached over and pushed a wet strand of her blond hair from her face and behind her ear and grinned back. She turned herself around and was leaning her back against his chest. He again held on to her with one arm the other holding the wall of the pool. They both tread water and watched the others in the pool either do training, or frolic. Dante was working with Josh, John and Peter while Matt was all over the place. They both smiled at the scene before them.

"I got an idea, lets help Dante and Josh for now. Seems to me Matt isn't into a lesson today so lets wear him out. You up for the challenge?"

Nye looked at her as she turned around seeing the dare in her eyes. He chuckled again kissed her lips and smiled more when the shock registered on her face along with a blush.

"I have yet to find anyone who can keep up with me." Nye said chuckling as he swam from her and power kicked in the water towards a very hyper Matt.

Matt was in his glory within twenty minutes with Nye tossing him through the air back into the water. He couldn't use the diving board since he was too small but he sure did love it when someone from the group played with him. Selina was laughing as Matt came back to the surface sputtering and laughing, she had to keep reminding him not to laugh underwater!

Matt swam up to Selina "TAG!" he screamed as he swam away, she giggled and went after him.

She swam quickly on her back like a mermaid, looking up through the water. She scooted under him, watching his progress she noticed he looked back wondering where she was. She smiled under the water as she looked up, she noticed Nye treading water not to far away. Chuckling to herself she decided to have some fun, quickly shooting straight up between the two fellas she launched herself through the water and into the air tagging Matt at the same time and splashing them both as she landed back in the water. Nye was laughing at Matt's shocked look and sputtering.

"She got ya bud!" He said as he held his hand out to Matt who was trying to float and wipe his eyes at the same time with no luck.

Selina chuckled as well and offered her support to the poor boy who was struggling to see. Matt was grateful for the extra hand and Selina's shoulder to grasp onto.

He wiped the water from his eyes and smiled.

"Wow that was unexpected. I never seen someone jump so high out of the water like that before."

Selina laughed. "Just like a dolphin." Nye heard her comment and chuckled as well.

Everyone soon was joining in on the tag session, Dante decided the fun these guys seemed to be having was more important than training today and they all did so need some stress relieving fun.

Josh had everyone in stitches not long after joining in on the fun when he jumped in from the blocks. He had baggy shorts on today and wasn't really paying attention to the ties, next thing he knew his shorts were floating in the water next to him. He was eight shades of read as everyone laughed their heads off Dante swam up to him and whispered into his ear as he struggled to get his shorts back on while still staying in the water. Josh turned even redder and then sank into the water hiding.

Selina swam over to Dante and asked

"What did you say to make him sink down like that I thought his head was going to explode from embarrassment."

Josh surfaced, still red but now he had his shorts back on. He shot a devious looked and a grin at Dante on the manner of "I'm gonna get ya for that..." and then headed back to the rest of the crew. They were chuckling to but not so hard anymore. He took the bantering in stride.

"I told him if he wanted attention that bad he could have just asked." Dante said snickering as the rest continued on with the tag game. Selina thought that her two wonderful dad's were pretty cool guys. They could always make even the most embarrassing moment fun.

At about quarter to seven everyone got out of the pool and got ready to head home. Selina showered and dressed. She closed her locker and picked up her jacket and cell. She walked out to the lobby and waited for her dad's and Nye along with the rest of the crew.

"Selina!" She turned to the sound of her voice being called in a distinct accent and was surprised to see Kolten walking towards her. She hadn't seen him since she graduated.

"Kolt! Oh my god you're a sight for sore eyes!" She walked over to him and gave him a hearty hug. "How have you been?" she asked as she pulled back from his embrace.

"I'm well. I just returned from England, I'm surprised to see you." He said then out of the blue and with the utmost concern she'd ever seen him display Kolten commented. "I heard you lost a friend not long ago, I'm sorry to hear about your loss."

'Thanks it was pretty tough loosing Cleo, I really miss her." She said she felt sad but not miserable. "She's in a better place thou, she's no longer suffering." she looked up at her former classmate with a sad smile.

"I was worried about you, I didn't know if you had any support during that time" he took her hands. "I guess I worry about things like that a bit too often and you may gingerly step on my toes if I'm out of bounds ok." he looked down at her "Can't help to want to look after one of my favorite ladies thou" he winked and gave her chin a nudge with his knuckles.

"Ok, Kolt your gonna make me blush!" She chided laughing. "I'm ok my foster dad's are helping me and so is Nye and his own family. Everyone has been very supportive."

"I'm glad to hear that. So how is Nye holding out. I heard he was pretty devastated to."

"He's doing exceptionally well considering how traumatic her passing was. I'm happy to be there to help him along. I hope he heals soon enough. It's always tough loosing a loved one." She sighed and sat on the bench by the front door still waiting for the rest of the crew to show.

"Is Nye here?" he asked.

"Yes he is, so are my dads and a few others." She commented looking to see if any of them were coming out yet. When she didn't see anyone she continued "and it seems they are taking their sweet time." She looked over and asked.

"Why are you here? I haven't seen you in months." She waited for his reply and pondered a moment. She never thought he'd be one to work out at a gym or sports center, mainly considering he was more of a preppy guy. He was almost six feet tall and resembled a dirty blond version of Orlando Bloom with short hair and sometimes came off as stuck up but she though it was mostly because of the distinct British accent he had. Personally Selina thought Kolten was a charm to be around. He was great with people but she also knew people had to get to know him first before anyone shed the typical first impression of him.

"I'm here to pick up a friend actually. He knows a friend of yours." He said.

"Oh?" Selina's curiosity was peaked now and she probably would have had it satisfied if Matt hadn't come racing out of the changing room at full tilt and slipping on the already wet floor. He slid and slammed into the pop machine by the doors. He let off a hell of a squeal as he grabbed his ankle.

Selina and Kolt both ran to him. "Oh my! Matt!" She cuddled the poor injured child in her arms as he sobbed. "It hurts Selina!"

"I know baby, hold on!" She picked him up, for eleven he wasn't very big and that made things easier.

She didn't even think about who was changing she just pushed against the guys changing room door and walked in while Kolten stammered, "Se...Selina! You can't go in there!"

She didn't walk all the way in to the room but far enough that if she yelled someone would hear her. "Dad! Papa D!" She waited Dante came around the corner still drying his hair thou he was dressed.

"Matt hurt himself." She saw the shock register on his face.

"Oh shit, how did he do that?" He asked looking down at Matt who was still sobbing.

"He was running and he slipped on the wet floor, he hit the pop machine"

Dante yelled into the changing room and Josh came out. "Hun tell everyone to hurry the heck up we have to call his mom and see what she wants us to do. I'll be back in a bit ok." He gave Josh a peck on his cheek as he left the changing room with Selina and her friend Kolten.

"Do you want me to take him Selina?"

"No dad, it's ok he's not heavy. You ok Matt?" She asked him, he had calmed down some and would only occasionally hiccup once in a while from crying so hard.

"Uh-huh" He said nodding his head. "It don't hurt so bad now."

"Ahh a mighty tough youngin'." Kolten said to him ruffling his hair Matt giggled. "You talk funny." He said to Selina's friend.

Selina looked up at Kolt and giggled herself, "I think he likes your accent."

"Most kids do, I was a hit at the day camp that my baby brother went to, every time I went to go pick him up all the kids wanted me to do was talk. I got offered a job by the director because I could get the kids all to crack up by doing a British version of Kermit the frog!"

"Oh my god! I bet that was a riot!" She giggled right along with Matt as Kolten broke out into his rendition of the 'Rainbow connection' He didn't finish it all but even the few lines he did had Matt giggling so hard he was shaking in her arms.

Dante went to the front desk and asked to use the phone. He placed a call to Matt's mom and told her what had happened and then asked her what she wanted them to do about the situation at hand.

She told him to check and see if he could walk as she really didn't want to have to spend the next seven hours sitting in a hospital waiting room if it wasn't necessary. Dante looked at Matt who was chatting a mile a minute to the fella Selina had been talking to. Dante vaguely recognized him but couldn't quite place his face.

"Matt try to see if you can walk ok kiddo." He called over to them.

"Ok Dante." He stood up and put presser on his right foot. He hoped stepped and tried again. Kolten encouraging him to move along.

"Ya remindin' me of ol' 'op along Cassidity!" He chided in his funny British accent. Matt roared with laughter he walked up to Kolt and gave him a hug, which wasn't something Matt did too often.

"Mama says laughing is some good medicine thanks for givin' me some!"

"No problem kiddo!" Kolt said ruffling his hair as he picked up the little fella. "Wow! Selina. What a little charmer he is, no wonder why you love having little ones like him around."

Selina laughed to. "He's a hand full most times aren't ya Matt." She gave his nose a tweak as he stuck out his tongue. "His mom sends him to burn off extra energy I don't know how my dad gets him to listen half the time when he's doing the training since he shows for the training classes."

"I like swimming fast thats why I listen." Matt said as matter of fact, he puffed out his chest. "I want to be as fast as your dad!"

"Well there dear Selina now you have your answer!" He laughed again and placed Matt on the floor.

"Tell his mom he's ok Dad." She called over to him. They would just take Matt home and hopefully he'd take it easy for the rest of the day. It was unlikely but one could wish!

The others finally made an appearance and were wondering who he was.

"Hey Selina who's that?" John asked her as walked up to check out who Matt was playing with.

"This here is Kolten. We use to go to school together." She said introducing him to the kids from the swim team.

"Hey I know who he is!" Peter pipped up. "You're Devon's brother! John he's funny! He use to visit the day camp I went to."

"I went to duface!" John said poking his brother.

"So you weren't in my group goofy!" Pete bantered back .

Kolten was pleased to see Peter again he remembered him from the day camp his brother attended.

"Hi ya Pete!" He gave the little fella a high five.

"Where's Devon?" Peter asked him looking around. Crouching Kolten looked at Peter.

"He's still in England bud, he comes home in a few more days. You'll see him when you go back to school in a few days." Kolten said to him.

"Is he gonna talk funny like you are now?" All the youngsters busted out chuckling at the comment.

"What?" Pete asked confused.

"No, no he won't Pete, he doesn't live there as much as I do there bud. I was raised in Britain unlike Devon so he didn't pick up the funny accent as bad as I have." He winked at Pete and then smiled and looked at Selina "But at least I can be of some amusement to the children eh!" he stood and looked down at the kids then back at Selina "So whats on the agenda for today?" he asked her.

"I'm off to spend some time with Nye." She said She looked over to where he was standing and noticed he looked distant. She smiled at him hoping to see him smile back, he didn't.

"Well we should get going" Josh said as he gathered the kids up.

"Hey give me your cell ok." She passed it to him and he programmed his number into her phone.

"I'll see you around Kolten, don't be a stranger ok" She reached over and gave him a hug. He hugged her back.

"Give me a call this week if your not too busy maybe we can pop out for a bit and shoot the breeze."

"Sure, I think I would like that." She said as she walked towards Nye. "Take care Kolt." She watched him walk away.

"He seemed friendly." Nye said a sour tone in his voice.

"Yes, Kolten is friendly and he's invited us out for a bite to eat, he was concerned about us both."

Nye looked at her. Why would someone he hardly knew be concerned about him. "I don't even know your friend there Selina, maybe to see him from when he use to attend our school but thats all. I have no idea why he'd be concerned about me."

"He's concerned because he's a nice guy, because he knows me and maybe because he knows how much I care for my friends." She looked at him and saw he was being a bit standoffish.

"Are you jealous Nye?" She was flattered as well as perturbed.

"NO!" he sulked.

"I think you are." She reached over to him and took his hand he tried to pull back but she wouldn't let him.

"You're the sweetest fella I know. You're jealous!" She chuckled. For shock factor since she really thought she owed him one anyway she stopped him from walking any further as the rest were piling into her dad's car. She took his face into her hands and kissed him quite firmly on his lips. He moaned.

He melted. He was lost, she won. She pulled back and looked at him.

"You ok now?" questioning blue eyes searched his glazed over dreamy ones.

"Uh-huh..." he said as he pulled her to him hugging her. "I'm sorry" He said muffled into her jacket.

"I kinda can't help it, I keep thinking you're mine and well I seen him making you smile and it pissed me off."

She chuckled. "Nye I'm here for you first. Remember that ok. I'm glad you told me how you were feeling, it's a good first step." She reached up and pushed a red strand of his hair from his eyes.

"You're one of my best friends and I don't want you to think anything will come between us, ok. I am waiting for you to heal. There's no need to get jealous, I'm still going to be here no matter how long it takes ok."

He sighed. "Now I know why I like spending time with you." He hugged her again. They both started to walk to Nye's car. She waved as her dad's car pulled out of the parking lot. He waved back to them both so did the others in the back seat. Matt was making kissie faces at her. She giggled. He was such a cute kid.

They got into Nye's car and he started it up. The CD player he had started up automatically. The song that started wasn't one Selina recognized. She settled in and listened to the lyrics. "Nice song, I think it suits you, who sings it?" She asked looking at him.

"Believe it or not Aikrii looks like and sounds a lot like this guy when he sings. I think thats one of the reasons why I picked it, because he to said it was time for a 'New Beginning'."

"So who is the singer?" She asked again.

"Stephen Gatley." Nye said as he pulled out of the arobieplex parking lot. He checked to see the road was cleared as he headed towards home.

"Wasn't he a BoyZone singer?" Selina asked.

"Yep and a damn good one to, I think he's one of Aikrii's favorites. Wouldn't say I blame him since they look so much alike, I think the only difference is their eye color and height."

Selina pondered his comment and tried to recall a mental image of the singer they were speaking of. She couldn't do it.

"You'll have to show me when we get to your place ok, I can't seem to recall what he looks like."

Nye chuckled "I'll do one better, I'll show you the comparison I did one day you'll get a good laugh out of it!"

They headed off in the general direction of his home both listening to the tunes he had going. What today would bring was just waiting on the horizon and Selina was happy to be spending it with him.

He reached for her hand as they continued to drive. He was content.

I hope you really enjoyed the new twist and suspence I added to this book this part of the series is a bit diffrent from the norm but still her for everyone to enjoy. Please comment if you wish and if you want mail me and ask for the link if you wish to read the whole series in it's entiriety.

Next: Chapter 15: Steppin Out III 4 6

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