Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Aug 26, 2008


This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 2) Josh and Dante's Dream Copyright 1995-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

Two wonderful people are brought together through the ties of another who's struggled with acceptance of his own. These two fine hearts learn not only to share their feelings and love with each other but they extend themselves to include another lost and abused soul into their lives, this is book 2 & the continuing story to Steppin' Out. Please enjoy and feel free to e-mail me your comments I love getting feed back from fans :) thanks

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks Also note if you read the books on line there IS a forum for fans to post comments in :D So please by all means use it to have your say about what you read or mail me :D either way is great.

Please enjoy book 2 ...Books 1, 2 and 3 are published in full on line. Mail me to ask for the site link or keep watching here for the next chaprters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

PS: YES I am a lady! LOL This is one question I get frequently. How I can write for the guys is beyond me. Why is because I love to write (and I have an uncle who loves my stuff, LOL)

Chapter 16 ********* She got changed. She winced as the shooting pain made her catch her breath, tears streamed down her cheek. She looked in the mirror her side was nearly black now. She could see the lump in her side, she was sure her rib was broken and it wasn't the first time. She heard a noise and jumped startled trying to pull down her shirt to cover the bruise. The pain shot through her. She buckled over holding herself she could barely breath. She sat, as she was dizzy. She took slow short breaths till the pain subsided. She finally decided to herself enough was enough, she had to make her break now and since Josh was offering help she'd take it. She slowly got up and went back to the pool. The class was doing laps; which included Dante who was guiding Josh through the proper forms. Selina slipped into Dante's office and laid down on his couch in his office. She fell asleep exhausted. They walked in not expecting the guest they found. Josh went to her as Dante changed quickly in the bathroom.

"Selina." HE touched her arm and let go when she screamed "SORRY!" He shhh'ed her and reassure her she was safe. Her scared eyes looking around held fear. Josh sat beside her as she slowly sat up. He noticed her wincing and panting. He finally was brave enough to do what he felt he had to do. He reached for the back of her shirt and lifted it up. She didn't protest.

"It's broken." Were her whispered words. Josh cried for her when he seen the damage to her pale skin, at that moment Dante walked in and saw the mess to, his hand flew to his mouth. He tried to hold back the shock, but she heard the strangled gasp. She broke down and let the damn burst.

"Four years now, since mom died." She sobbed.

"I was never good enough, always in his way."

"I can't do it anymore Josh, I'm not strong enough anymore. You said you'd help."

"WE will help." He stressed that Dante was included.

"Thanks." She whispered. "What do I have to do?"

"We're going to get you to a hospital you need to get that looked at and some pain meds. Dante said.

"He's going to freak out," She said crying again.

"Let him, he can't hurt you now. Let's go and I want you to tell the doctors exactly what happened."

They left for the hospital and Selina fell asleep again in the back of the car. She was looked over once she got there. The doctor informed both Josh and Dante that she was one tough kid from the fractures they could see, some old and a few fairly new ones, most still in the healing stages. They could tell her dad had been abusing her for a very long time.

Social Services did get involved but also informed Dante and Josh due largely to her age she could only be covered as a student victim not as a minor. This ment that she could choose where she wanted to stay for one but it also ment she would have to sue her dad for maintenance and he could be charged with assault. Josh and Dante were appalled at the fact that more couldn't be done but they still agreed together that they'd take her home at least she'd be safe there.

Dr. Grey released Selina to Josh and Dante's care with painkillers to give to her every four hours. The social workers gave them numbers to call and informed them police would show to take her statement. The transition was overwhelming and Selina cried a lot. Josh got her some gravol once they got home since her stomach was upset. Josh took her to his and Dante's room for now. She slept. Dante dismantled the computer in the spare room and set up one of the spare beds Josh still had stored in Joane and Claire's shed. Selina now had her own room. He also moved from the shed the extra dresser and the wardrobe. Once done Josh moved her to her room. She was half awake when she was transferred there. The local police called Dante and asked questions. He informed then that Selina was sleeping but he'd call them back as soon as he could. She woke late and in a panic, half awake and half asleep he yelled out.

"She's going to be so mad! I'm sorry! SHIT!"

Josh rushed into her room and Dante followed.

"Hey! Hey! Selina calm down it's all ok."

He sat on the bed; she practically crawled into his lap. Josh just held the sobbing girl.

"Kate is going to hate me, I was suppose to work tonight."

Dante looked at Selina and quietly asked, "What's her number I'll call her and let her know your ok."

She rambled off a number to Dante and he called Kate. It was Kate's hubby who answered the phone. Dante explained what was going on and John said it was ok. They actually had a back up plan in case something like this was ever to happen. He informed him that he was pleased to know she wasn't still at her dads. The concern was evident in his voice. Dante informed him that she would be staying with them unless something else prevented it. He thanked John and hung up. He walked back to her room.

"John said everything is ok. They had a back up plan for such an event."

Selina looked at Dante. "Was it that obvious?"

Josh looked at here and nodded his head.

It was but you never actually said anything and you guarded yourself too well. Your lucky you got out when you did. Who knows what could have happened.

"I'm scared." She said. She shifted on the bed.

"Thanks, both of you." She looked at Dante

"You've been so patient with me."

"I'm here to help how ever I can." He smiled at her. He has to let her know about the police.

"The police called, they want your statement."

"Do I have to?" The fear returned to her eyes.

Josh reached for her hands.

"Selina, listen and breathe ok." She nodded.

"Your scared right now, right?" She nodded again

"Your worried he's going to hurt you again?"

"Yes" was her reply.

"If you don't make a statement and he does happen to try to hurt you again in anyway he could get away with it. We don't want that to happen to you ok. If you make a statement thou he can't come near you and if he does he can go to jail."

Her eyes got wide and her breathing got erratic. Josh squeezed her hands lightly.

"Selina, breath like I taught you."

She closed her eyes and breathed deep through her nose and out of her mouth. She calmed down.

Josh asked, "Ok what part scares you?"

"That he can go to jail." She said.

"When you did something he thought was wrong did he not hurt you as punishment?"

She nodded and a tear escaped, sliding down her she cheek. He wiped it away.

"Jail is a place for those who are doing something wrong, a form of punishment, just less painful. What your dad has done to you is very wrong."

She understood it was just the fear of what if he came to get her back that scared he more her dad was mean. Josh knew that was part of it to, he had the same fears because of his own dad.

"He can't hurt you anymore." Dante said sitting beside Josh. He nailed her fear on the nose.

"We won't let him ok." He reached for her hand and she took it sniffing she nodded.

"Ok, call them. Tell them I'm ready to make my statement"

Dante gave her hand a light squeeze.

"I'm still scared thou, you'll be here right?"

They both said `yes' at the same time.

He came home to the police in his yard waiting for him.

"Mr. Roma?" One of the officers asked.

"Yeah, who the hell wants to know?" he snarled. He despised cops.

"I'm constable Moore," said the first officer; "and this is constable McLean. Mr. Roma we have to take you in on allegations of abuse on behalf of your daughter Selina."

"The fuck you are!" He bellowed as he threw his lunch box on the ground. Now he was pissed.

"Your daughter was hospitalized yesterday afternoon with extensive injuries both old and new, all pointing to physical abuse extending over a long period of time." Said office McLean as he hauled out his note pad.

"The Doctors will testify to this Mr. Roma, so please now come quietly with us and make your statement."

Officer Moore said as he reached out to the older man hoping he wouldn't be difficult.

Charles cursed under his breath.

"That lying ungrateful fucking bitch, so help me god..."

"SIR!" Officer McLean snapped, "I suggest you hold your tongue."

Officer Moore hauled out his cuffs and walked forward to cuff him as was protocol, thing was Selina's dad really did despise cops and he flipped. He attacked officer Moore screaming his fool head off. He was even successful in landing a punch to the officer's jaw. Officer McLean grabbed his tazer and zapped Charles, bringing his two hundred and ten pounds of fury down in less than three seconds. Even after he was cuffed Charles resisted. He cursed and screamed while he was read his Miranda rights. When he was asked if he understood his rights he yelled

"Go to fucking hell, I'm not saying to fucking shit all asshole!"

The officers placed him into the cruiser and took him in. They booked him and read his rights once again. Once again he refused acknowledgement. "He's waived his rights by refusing to acknowledge them in the manner he has been." said the district chief officer. "Book him anyway, let him sweat it off in holding." Charles Roma was still charged with multiple accounts of aggravated assault, assault on a police officer and resisting arrest. He could be looking at 15 years in prison if he was formally charged. He needed a lawyer.

The next morning Charles Roma was reigned in on aggravated abuse and assault charges along with resisting arrest. He pleaded not guilty. His bail was set at five grand. He was informed to not have any contact with his daughter in the mean time. He walked out of the police station that evening with his buddy Don who had bailed him out.

"I can't believe she'd do that Charles, she's a good kid."

"Well you better believe it, she's fucking that guy, mark my words. I'll have his job for turning her against me."

He got into his friends car and they headed to his place.

"Just let Jeff know I won't be in tonight, I have to pack her stuff so she can come and get it."

"Sure thing." Don said as he dropped him off. Charles walked into his home and looked around. The dishes remained unwashed. He cursed. He would make her pay for ratting him out. He walked to her room. He got quite a surprise when he walked in it was empty.

"That bitch!" He screamed. There was a note on the pillow. He walked over and picked it up.

`The broken bones will heal. I only need time for that. The emotional scars will take much longer. You were supposed to be my father, one who protects and nurtures. Instead you abused me. I took the steps to set myself free, I will move to heal. You need to move on and get help for your anger. I have the support I need, I found people who care more than you ever did. I may not have been the daughter you wanted, but you will not stop me from being the person I want to be. I am my mother's daughter. The only difference is I am stronger than she was, instead of taking my life because of the abuse, I am taking it back regardless of the abuse. Good-bye dad. May life lead you to a better path in the future. I know mine will


PS: Only the stuff I owned I took. The police where here when I cleared my stuff.'

He sat on the bed. The realization of her words sunk in. Selina's mom killed herself four years ago. The note she left was only five words.

`I had to get away'

He knew it was because of him she did what she did, but no one knew for the longest time. The note had been hidden with the newspaper clippings on her death. His daughter found it not long after he had hidden it. He walked to the fridge, life wouldn't be the same after this.

Dante's class a week later was a buzz. Selina was feeling better but she was still sore, just not as bruised. The swimming was still good for her so her muscles didn't get too stiff. Josh worked with her separately while Dante worked with Paul, John, Matt and Jayed. Dante noticed that while Josh worked with Selina and the swimming classes in general he was gaining upper body mass. Three weeks had done wonders for his physique. He smiled as he watched Josh cut through the water beside Selina. Pete stopped below Dante and looked up.

"Dante, is she going to join the group again?" Dante squatted down and dangled his legs into the water. He looked at Peter.

"She'll be back when she's better, she's still sore." Pete hun his head looking down into the water at his feet treading water.

"I'm sorry I said she was stuck up. I had no idea what was going on. Jayed nearly kicked my ass for that."

Dante chuckled "It's ok. We all make mistakes Peter, that's why second chances exist."

"Thanks" he said grinning, his brother and Jayed and Matt joined him floating beside Dante's dangling legs.

"If you guys want I have you know I do a private swim on Saturdays, your all more than welcomed to join me, but it's at five a.m. Selina and Josh come so if any want to join call me. If you can't get a drive I'll come and get you."

All four students looked at each other and laughed.

"Five a.m. sir? Are you serious?"

"Very much so." Dante said "The first key to success is discipline, if you want something bad enough you'll try really hard to get it, so the offer is there. Five a.m. practice swim. Join if you want, it's up to you."

Josh and Selina walked up behind Dante. He turned around.

"Dante I'm going into the hot tub, Josh said it was a good idea to let

you know first."

"Thanks Selina, you can go just remember twenty minutes at a time ok. We don't want you to over do it."

She nodded, gave him a hug and skipped off to the other side of the pool to go crawl into the large round hot tub at the shallow end of the pool area. Josh put his hand on Dante's shoulder as they watched her walk away.

"She's getting better." Josh said.

Dante smiled he was happy to know that Josh was keeping an eye on her, Dante cared how the poor child faired out, he just wasn't as good at it as Josh seemed to be, but that wasn't for a lack of trying. Like Dante's mom Josh had this natural knack for making people feel comfortable. Dante slipped back into the pool with his students working with them on flips. Josh watched from the sidelines for a bit till Selina rejoined them.

"I seriously need to get back into practicing." She said.

"I feel ok, just very stiff."

Dante nodded. "We can work on your flips if you want, it shouldn't be too strenuous. You still need a week or more for healing."

Selina nodded. "Ok we can do that."

He worked with her for thirty minutes while the rest of her class did their part, either laps or flips for their return laps or pacing. The class wasn't aware that there was someone watching them. Josh told Dante he was going to get ready to go. Dante dismissed his students. Selina went back to the hot tub to relax her sore muscles. Dante was on the middle platform clearing things up. He bent down to pick up a float board when he was attacked and knocked on his side, only two inches remained between him and the water. He pushed the mass that attacked him. When he was able to see who it was he was shocked. It was Charles Roma and he was quite drunk.

"You bastard, you turned her against me!" he sneered.

"Dante!" Selina who seen the attack ran over to him. "Leave him alone!" She screamed.

Dante managed to make it to his feet but he was still crouching as Charles loomed over him.

"You enjoy touching her you bastard!" He spat "I'll have your job you pervert, molesting kids is against the law!"

He kicked at Dante who stopped the blow with his hands. Still holding onto Charles foot Dante shoved back and Charles staggered. He fell on his ass.

"He never touched me!" Selina Screamed at him. Charles was pissed, Dante was standing now looking down at Charles who was spewing vile untruthful words.

"Child molesting fucker, I know you touched her. She turned against me because of you!" he tried to get to his feet.

"I turned against the violence and abuse you dished out on me daddy!"

"It's YOUR fault! Not his! He never did anything wrong, He cared you didn't!"

Selina yelled as she walked towards her dad. She was only a few feet from him now.

"You're the reason why mom killed herself! You're the reason why I left!"

Charles raised his hand in anger to strike the girl but Dante wouldn't allow it, he stepped in between them taking the brunt of the blow. He flinched at the impact but it did not move him. He was angry now but he controlled his temper.

"Mr. Roma, I highly suggest you leave NOW before you get hurt."

"I never laid a hand on your daughter in any devious manner you claim."

"If you can't accept that her actions were because of what you did then so be it but maybe you should take a long look at your own actions before laying blame on people you know nothing about."

Charles screamed and aimed to hit Dante again but never got a chance. Out of the blue Josh tackled the man and sent him flying into the water. Charles panicked he couldn't swim. He struggled to get to the surface.

"Daddy cant' swim!" Selina screamed.

Josh has surfaced and heard this he went back down to grab the flailing Charles who only made the rescue difficult as he clawed at Josh. Josh decked the man stunning him. He hauled him to the pools edge and hauled him out. The rest of the kids who had heard the ruckus had come back to the poolside. Charles coughed and sputtered. He was now on his hands and knees at the pools edge.

"You ever mess with my boyfriend again so help me god you'll wish I had let you drown," The kids all gasped.

Charles eyes held that of utter shock at the word `boyfriend' from Josh.

Selina piped up

"I `TOLD' you he never laid a hand on me!"

Security for the pool showed and kicked him out. Selina looked at Dante and saw the red mark on his face. She reached up and touched it, sadness in her eyes.

"You took a hit ment for me. That was so brave of you. I'm sorry he hurt you."

"I did it because I really do care Selina, no one should hit their kids." He put his arm around her and reached for Josh who came to him also looking at his injury.

Dante kissed him right there in front of everyone. "Thanks for coming to my rescue you were amazing." He smiled at him.

His students were talking amongst themselves. Dante held up his hand and spoke.

"Calm down everyone everything is ok and the drama is done. If you have questions you can ask ok. If your wondering if the owner here knows about Josh and I, they do."

Matt looked at Dante and spit out, "It's ok, my aunts gay to, I'm cool with it!"

Everyone chuckled at Matt's candor. The excitement wore down and Selina who still had Dante's arm around her should was happiest of all. She wrapped her free arm around his waist and hugged him back.

Chapter 17 *********

He couldn't believe it! She was living with two gay men! He staggered home. He was surprised that the security office hadn't called the police; they just kicked him out of the Arobieplex. He managed to make it home in one piece and when he staggered through he door he sat on his dingy sofa and broke down sobbing. She was right thou, it was his fault for his wife's death. She couldn't handle the money stresses they had been having. His head injury from his old job back when Selina was six had laid him up for over eight months. By the time he had gotten around to returning the company had gone under. He had to start over again. The new place he'd been working was doing ok but he did have anger issues. His wife was the one who suffered the brunt of it. He hit her once to often. He knew it was his fault. He stumbled off to his room and retrieved the heavy metal box that contained the diaries she had kept. His was in there now to, even medical info that pertained to the treatments he had been having, to `fix' his head. They didn't work and then got too expensive, the treatments stopped. His old ways returned. The anger consumed him and he was terrified of it, but it was the master not him. He staggered to the kitchen with the box and set it on the table. He took the kettle and set it on the stove, he turned on the propane burner and sat down while he waited for the water to boil. He opened the box hauling out the diary he had been working on himself. He had to write what happened tonight.

September 23rd

I can't believe it. She's gone now to. She left and I know it's my fault. I wish my head worked right, doc says no pills are working. I can't afford the treatments. I done fucked up bad this time. I done gone and beat her like her mamma. I shouda done what her mamma did and offed myself, woulda been easier on her I thinks. I heard that the courts is gonna make me pay her some support thingy. That's what my lawyer told me today. Means I have to cash in the damn insurance policy I have, means I have to change my will. I don't wants to be spending no more time in no stinkin jail, but it looks like that's gonna happen anyway. I'll pay my crap and maybe leave if I don't get time in the slammer. I found out she's livin with two gay guys, least I know she's safe even if she hates me. Can't say I don't blame her thou. I ain't got nothin against them but it still pissess me off that they's the ones to help her, when I shoulda been the one to do right by her. I's gots ta go now. I need to be a soberin up now I still can't believe my girl is gone, she was all the family I had left, and I fucked it up...again!

He finished and put the diary back into the box, the lid closed over the contents. There were two diaries. One was her mom's one was his. He knew it was his fault. He hated how he treated her. He wished the demons in his head would just go away. He got up to check the kettle. It still hadn't boiled. He noticed that the flame hadn't gone on yet. Just then the furnace kicked in. It was the last thing Charles Roma heard before the whole trailer was engulfed in flames and exploded with such force that the neighboring home had their own windows shatter and their siding melt.

Constable Moore and McLean looked at the smoldering mess that remained of the trailer. There wasn't much. It had taken four hours to get it under control and even then it was too late. The fire chief walked up to them through the dark scene.

"We only found one body so you can count on the corner making a positive identity on whom it could be."

"Your sure the daughter isn't residing there now?"

McLean nodded his head looking back at the notes he had in his notebook.

"She's residing at fourteen Rainbow Rd. Unit One from what info we have now." He said to the chief.

"With her new guardians. Their names are Josh Trask and Dante Ericson." He looked over at Moore waiting to see what he'd say.

"Do you suppose we should notify her?" Moore asked him.

The chief scratched his head and looked back at the smoking mess. "I much rather wait till we get a positive identity on the body. You can notify next of kin once we're sure."

Moore was satisfied with the Fire chief's request and took a few more notes and flipped it shut. McLean looked at the investigators who were combing through the debris. He watched as the corner removed the few remaining charred remnants of Charles Roma who was covered over on a gurney.

Supper was quiet and Josh and Dante were working on their opening plans for the shop. Selina was studying for her first tests that were coming in a week's time. It was nearing ten p.m. She closed her books and got up. She wandered out of her room to check in on Dante and Josh. When she walked out of her room and into the living room she immediately spotted them by the computer, Josh was sitting in Dante's lap who in turn was seated in the large office chair. They were leaning forward head to head giggling over something on the computers screen. Selina approached them and asked,

"What ya chuckling about?"

Dante looked over and showed her the screen. It was a Youtube remake of the commercial that Josh had done. One user had taken the commercial and changed the music to it and made Dante look like he was singing `I'm too sexy for my shirt' while swimming. They were getting a hoot out of it.

"That doesn't bother you that someone messed up your commercial and made fun of you?" she asked Dante.

"Nope I think it's hilarious that some are able to manipulate videos like this. Hell it looked like I'm dripping and dancing while trying to swim or get out of the pool, it's weird but funny." Dante smiled

Josh on the other hand absently added while drooling over the video, "The drippy one makes him look sexy." He turned red when he realized he said it out loud and with Selina in the room.

Selina snorted at that comment, she held her gut as she tried to stop laughing. Dante looked at her and went "HEY!" and pouted which only made her laugh even more.

Josh even chuckled. "Well it does."

She shook her head still laughing and walked off to the kitchen. "I'm getting a pop anyone else want one?"

"I do." Josh called out to her.

She grabbed two sodas from the fridge and proceeded back to the living room. Josh got up and took the pop from her hand and opened it, taking a swig he looked at Dante.

"We have to call Aikrii this week to. The show is in a weeks time and I don't want to forget anything."

Dante agreed as he flicked off the computer and went to reach for the phone. They all turned when they heard a sharp rap coming from the front door.

"Who the hell could that be at this time of night?" Josh asked aloud as he headed up the hall to answer the door.

He was quite surprised at the answer he got when he opened the door. Standing on the step were two constables.

"You Josh Trask?" The officer whose tag said McLean asked.

"Yes sir," He replied "may I inquire as to why such a late visit?"

"I'm officer McLean, this is Moore." He said as he pointed to his partner. "We're here actually to see Selina Roma whom we were informed is still remaining in your care through Social Services. Is she currently home?"

Selina looked around the corner and saw Josh look at her with confusion.

"Am I in trouble?" she asked.

"No, dear your not." Constable Moore responded. His eyes held that of regret. "We're here to speak to you Selina about your dad."

She looked at him and said "I have nothing to say about him." She took a swig of her pop.

Officer McLean threw in at that moment. "Ummm, Miss Roma, your dad passed tonight. In a house fire and we're here to inform you of the events that followed to his untimely demise."

Pop spewed forth in a spray across the hall mat, she gasped and choked, shocked at the news.

"Oh my god! How did it happen?" She asked in a strangled voice.

"Unfourtunally he was intoxicated. From what investigators can gather was he was in the kitchen trying to cook but the pilot light wasn't lit."

"The furnace ignited the gasses that had accumulated in the trailer. There was an explosion. He died instantly."

McLean looked at her face and knew that even thou it seemed gruff and unkind he had no choice but to break it to her quick. They both hated this part of their job.

Josh rushed to Selina while the news was broke to her. She collapsed into his arms, screaming and crying.

"Awww, hun let it all out," Josh said to his charge hugging her tightly as she sobbed soaking his shirt.

His heart broke for her and his own tears fell for her as well. He listened as she struggled with the words she said next.

"He hated me, so why do I cry now that he's gone?" she hiccupped, wiping her nose on her shirt.

"He didn't hate you hun he was lost to. You cry because he's still your father and loved him no matter what."

She sobbed pulling his blue sweatshirt against her face and wiping her eyes. Josh rocked her and looked at Dante whose heart went out to the small teen curled up in his partner's arms. They both knew that as her new official guardian's they were in for the long haul no matter what, this was the first hump to get over. More were to come and they both knew it.

Constable Moore stepped forward and handed Dante a metal box that was blackened by the damage of the fire. Selina knew what it was right away. She sniffed as she watched Dante put the box on the table in the kitchen.

"It's a fireproof lock box, the investigators already opened it to see what documentation it contained. There's an insurance policy, a few diaries and a will which I'm sure as Selina's guardian's you help her determine what to do next." Moore said quietly to Dante

"How come this is here now? Doesn't it need to be processed by the investigators?" Dante asked

"That was already done, the fire is a open and close case, accidental. Due to cut backs investigators only spend time on unsolved arson-murder cases, this one was apparent it wasn't either."

Dante shook his head registering that the info the officer was telling him seemed reasonable. He looked over at Josh who was still holding Selina who seemed to be dazed now. Dante noticed that Josh had been crying to. His heart ached for the man he loved who hurt for the girl who had it so bad. There was more sadness in the house that night that Dante care to feel.

"Thanks officer." He shook their hands and saw them out.

When Josh tried to move Selina started to sob again. He passed her to Dante who picked her up and carried her to her room and sat with her on her bed. Josh had to go to the bathroom but returned moments later with a few painkillers she was still taking for her ribs. He knew these would not only relax her and kill the pain it would help her sleep to after such a shock she was going to need something.

She was sleeping soundly within thirty minutes and they vacated her room closing the door softly behind her. Dante went to the television to turn on the eleven o'clock news. Josh looked at him

"Why are you watching the news? We know what happened."

"I want to see what the local news says, I want to make sure they don't release Selina's dads name either just yet, I do believe she has to give permission for that and even if she's only sixteen she still has her right to privacy." Dante was aware of some of the laws that governed the privacy act and he wasn't going to see his charge get over looked.

The news showed the fire through amateur footage. Josh cringed at the video and looked at Dante horrified.

"Oh my god! What a sad way to go! A tear rolled down his cheek. His heart was good and Dante knew it for he still shed tears for a man who abused his own child. Dante went to him and hugged him still listening to the news footage. It did not reveal Selina's father's name. Dante was relieved.

"We should get some sleep, we're going to have a super busy day tomorrow, and she's going to really need our support." Josh nodded and silently followed Dante to their room. He stripped and crawled under the heavy Chocolate brown comforter and the cool green sheet. His mind reeled at the news. Josh felt like shit that there was nothing he could do. He thought of the devastation such a tragedy brought. He thought about what he'd do if he ever lost Dante. It scared him.

"We need our own will." He said abruptly, making Dante look at him in shock.

"I'd be devastated and lost if I ever lost you, and I know I want to make sure your not left holding the bag if I was to die." Josh said, "So I think it's high time I made a will out. This way I know the shop is left to you and the banks or some other vultures don't try to swoop in and steal it."

Dante looked at him again, he was touched. The thought of loosing Josh made his chest hurt, He said so to.

"You know what, just saying there's that possibility of loosing you made my chest hurt like an elephant was sitting on it."

Dante crawled in with him and wrapped his arms around Josh and hugged him as tightly as he could without breaking him. "I love you so much, I hurt when you hurt and just the thought of loosing you hurts hell. I think I'd die if you were gone. There'd be no point in living without you in my life." He kissed him making sure Josh felt the love he held in him. His message hit home loud and clear.

"Hold me." Josh said. His heart was still aching for the child who slept one room over from them. To loose a family member is tragic enough. To loose one in such a horrendous manner was awful. They both fell asleep spooned against each other, Dante holding Josh as close as he could. Neither was up for making love tonight. There was too much sad in the air.

It must have been about three a.m. when Dante realized Josh was missing. He waited thinking he must have gone to the bathroom, but fifteen minutes later he decided to get up and investigate. Dante wandered out to the living room wrapped in the green sheet, he spotted Josh standing in his boxer briefs, staring out the living room window. The moonlight bathing down on his skin making him glows like the angel Dante considered him to be. He walked up behind him and wrapped his arms along with the sheet around him, enclosing him in warmth and kissed his neck. Looking up at the moon he asked softly,

"Penny for your thoughts"

Josh replies back in a whisper,

"Sometime I just wonder if it's all worth it, will we do right by her."

"We'll do our best, that's all we can do. She's young and hurting right now. We have many hurtles to over come, hell neither of us know how to raise a teenage, but together we'll manage, ok." Josh turned in his arms and laid his head on Dante's chest. Dante kissed him on his forehead and said, "Come on, bed hun it's too cold there without you."

They returned to their room. Both worried, scared and a little apprehensive at what the future held for them all. Josh and Dante knew thou that if they supported each other they'd manage. Only time would tell how well things would fair out. Tomorrow was the first day of their new challenges.

She woke up and her head was still pounding. She recalled the news and stiffened. He was gone. A tear escaped again, but this time she didn't have a melt down. Her rib hurt again from all the crying, she must have over exerted the mending bones from screaming and crying so hard. She wondered if the loss of her dad would continue to hurt or if it would heal like her bones. She got up out of bed and wandered to the kitchen through the semi darkness of her new home. She flicked on the light. Looking at the microwave she spotted the time. Five a.m. She looked over at the table and saw the lock box her dad had bought. He had gotten it to keep her out of the stuff she had found back when she was twelve. Now she could look without him stopping her. She pushed back the lid; which was still covered in soot, it smelled like an electrical fire with a hint of melted plastic. She wiped her hand off on a damp cloth she retrieved from the sink. Looking in she spotted three thick books, diaries she assumed one was pink and the other was red and the last was dark blue, so dark it was almost black. That must have been the one HE owned. She picked it up. It was heavier than it looked. She looked in the box again, nothing was burned because it was a fireproof box and she knew this, what she didn't understand is why her dad got such a big one. She come to realize why soon enough not only was there three diaries there was a bunch of pictures and some odd file thingy she had on idea what it was and there was a hard plastic hunter green folder that said `Will and Testament' on the front of it. She knew what that was. She picked it up and read the contents. It named her and her mother as beneficiaries to any asset's that he owned. She tossed it back into the box. Her dad owned nothing worth keeping, least not as far as she knew and what he did own it burned in the fire. She picked up her mothers diary and opened to the first page. It was dated back nearly ten years prior. She started to read.

That's how Dante found her when he got up. Reading with tears in her eyes. Her mothers diary of past events Selina had long forgotten. He put his hand on her shoulder and gave a light squeeze just to let her know he was there if she needed to talk. He'd let her continue for as long as she needed. This might be her way of getting closure, he didn't know but he wouldn't prevent her from doing what she needed to do. He put on the coffee pot and asked her if she wanted a cup. She nodded as she read.

"I learned my dad had a bad accident when I was six. I don't even remember him getting hurt." She looked at Dante with such a lost look on her face. He didn't' know what to say but he'd make a go at it. He thought a moment. Then he replied.

`You were six. Six year olds don't usually notice stuff like that. Your mom probably made sure of it to. Distraction was a great way to keep kids form wondering too much. I bet that's why you don't remember. She wanted to make sure you didn't get scared."

Selina nodded. "I guess so, she does mention in here she wants to take me to Nanna's so I am safe and sound and not too upset at seeing daddy when he gets back." She turned the page and read on. Josh must have smelled the coffee brewing he stumbled into the kitchen still in his briefs.

"Ah shit!" He said as he went to go back to their room to get his robe. He had forgotten that Selina was bound to be up.

She giggled at his brief' appearance. "Hey stay that way, it makes me laugh and I could use one!" Josh smiled at least she's still got her sense of humor. He stopped and said fuck it' to himself and grabbed the coffee pot. He needed some jitter juice and a teen girl in his kitchen giggling at him in his undies was the least of his worries. Dante walked over to his baby and hugged him and kissed the side of his head.

"Morning sunshine." He said to Josh.

"Uhh." Josh grunted. "Man what a shitty sleep I had." He scratched his butt then leaned against the counter sipping his brew.

"I think that goes for all of us." Dante said.

"Actually." Selina said absently "I slept quite well."

The two lovers looked at each other in total and utter shock. Then they both looked at Selina.

"Really?!" They both said in unison.

"Yeah I did. Odd thing is after I cried and screamed. I felt better. It really fucking sucks he's dead, but well. I just think it's gods way of doing what needed to be done. It was his time. I loved him yes hated how he treated me. In the words of the bible, `love the sinner hate the sins' and momma has those very words printed here in her diary." She pointed to the passage she spoke of and Dante looked.

"Well I'll be dammed. She wrote in this diary like she was speaking to you Selina."

"Yeah like a real to life conversation. She even told me papa wasn't always like he was. She blames it on his accident. I still think he could have done better thou."

"Maybe he didn't know how." Dante threw in, hoping he wasn't scaring her but giving that notion, but even in those who were ill tempered and mean, Dante had to try to find positive. It was this thinking that would teach Selina as she grew up with Dante and Josh to always try and look for the best in people no matter how crappy they treated you.

She also learned that there were worse people than her father ever was to her.

"I think I need to learn about this paper here she said to Dante and Josh. She hauled out the papers and the Will folder and passed them to them. She turned and went back reading again mumbling, "It's got something to do with the will but I know daddy owned nothing so I have no idea what that other paper means." She leaned on her hand placing her elbow on the table and flicked to the next page as Dante went over the papers she had handed him and Josh.

Josh smiled when he realized what he was holding and he pointed it out to Dante who also smiled to. The insurance policy covered Selina's dad incase of accidental death. She was now capable of being a self-sufficient adult even at the age of sixteen.

Dante pulled out a chair and sat beside Selina. He cleared his throat and started once he knew he had her attention.

"Selina my dear girl. Even in death your father still proves he cared."

She screwed her face at him like he was fucked in the head.

"What in the hell are you talking about?"

"This." he said as he turned the papers towards her.

"That's his will." Selina said "I leaves me with everything he owned. Which is nothing." She responded.

"On the contrary my dear young lady. This leaves you with a lot." He smiled at her turning the other papers she didn't understand towards her.

"So what is this, I didn't get it and how is this paper a lot?"

Dante smiled again. "This is an insurance policy. It's made for your dad and covers him if he's ever killed."

Selina remembered stuff about insurances before.

"He's been putting a lot of money into this policy and at the rate he was paying, it looks like your quite financially stable now."

"How so?' she asked screwing up her face again in confusion.

"Well do you know how an insurance policy works?" He asked before he explained.

"Not really, care to explain?" She turned the paper scanning the legal gibberish on the paper.

"Your dad buys a policy, the policy is set at certain rates for when he's sick or injured or killed. The more he pays in the greater the return to his family should something happen." He looked at her hoping it registered.

"If you pay one hundred dollars a month and you have the policy for one year that's over one thousand dollars. It says here if your sick for any length of time it pays twenty percent of the total accumulated amount for every day your hospitalized." So if you have over one thousand dollars after a year, that's just over two hundred dollars a day, every day you're hospitalized. Do you get that?" He waited for her to register the info he was trying to get her to process. She understood the sick benefits part of the insurance policy.

"What does that have to do with dad? He's dead not sick." She asked looking at Dante still a bit muddled

"Well according to this policy your dad has had it since you were two and paid in a substantial amount." "His coverage has special conditions and clauses. Meaning that the one thousand two hundred he paid in every year which is just over fourteen thousand total, covered him at eighty percent if he was sick injured ect, giving a sum of eleven thousand five hundred plus dollars to those caring for him."

"The max benefits are multiplied and made it so that the beneficiary gets the max pay out and times it by fifty."

"See here," he pointed to the terms in the insurance papers and showed her what he ment, "beneficiary gets fifty times the max pay out benefits policyholder is entitled to in case of accidental death."

Selina registered with great shock that he had been covered for just over a half of a million dollars. Her hand flew to her face. "Oh my god!" she gasped, "What do I do now?"

"Dante looked at her and smiled. "You're stable now financially; your education will be paid for. You have choices you need to make and we will be more than willing to help even if you didn't have this we'd already signed up to help and we plan on sticking by your side if you want us to." He waited for her to respond. Josh was just as shocked as Selina was.

"How come you know this stuff? Josh asked.

"Law classes." He chuckled, "one of the big things I took for the business aspects for my brothers shop I wanted to make sure he had someone he could go to for legal advice."

The `ahh' factor hit on both of their faces and it was a good thing Dante knew something about this matter.

"You need to call the insurance company, as your guardians one of us will have to deal with them but you ultimately have the choice on what you want to do and who you would like appointed to this end of your life."

Selina looked at Dante. "I never really did give you much of a chance before hand and I see now that both you and Josh care about my well being, Since Josh is giving me the job can you help me with this, you do have the background for it and I know you'll kick ass if they try to bamboozle me."

Dante nodded. "I'll do my best."

She smiled and hugged him for doing his part then she went to Josh and hugged him to.

"What's that for? He asked looking down at her.

"For holding on to me when I couldn't stand on my own." She replied and then kissed his cheek. "I think I'd have just died without the support I got from you and Dante, I think I'm gonna be happy saying I have two dad's now."

Both of them felt more honor in that comment that day then they'd ever feel in a lifetime.

Chapter 18 *********

"Yes" Dante responded to the person on the other end of the phone.

"Court documentation can be presented in about 2 hours." Selina watched him work. Getting the insurance policy to be paid out was harder than she though.

"Social services is prepared to state that this minor is under my care as her legal guardian, and as such I am following through on her requests to process this claim as is deemed necessary by social services. If there's a problem I'm sure my lawyer can make arrangements to get this arraigned and dealt with promptly."

He nodded thou the person on the other end couldn't see him. He scribbled down some info and a number. Selina was chewing on her lip now wondering what was going to happen.

"Thank you very much for the prompt info. I'll contact them as soon as possible. Good day."

He hung up the phone. Looking at Selina he had a smile on his face.

"Well good news is Central Life Insurance has forty eight hours to process your claim. If they don't, it doubles."

Selina's jaw dropped. "Think they will get it done in time?"

"Think they want to pay double?" Dante asked chuckling and ruffling her hair. "I have to contact the Social worker in charge of your case and get the court documentation they provided us faxed off to the insurance company right now. Once I'm done that I have to call my lawyer and make sure things are processed rapidly. Once court fees are paid for and your dad's funeral you should have a hefty sum left over."

Selina had the process explained to her by Dante before hand and she was allowed to get a second opinion, which she did do to find out the best path to take. She knew there were going to be fees before and possibly after. Right now there were court processing fees. Those were steep but if she wanted her money now she had to pay, and she would. Next was her father's funeral, and since she was the beneficiary she was responsible for it. All in all the five hundred and twenty thousand she was entitled to would only take about ten grand off her grand total so it was a dunk in a bucket as far as she was concerned. Dante got off the phone and passed her some sheets of paper that had info on it and told her to put it in her info folder and hold onto it for dear life. If anyone called asking her stuff she was to refer to the info on that sheet. Her lawyer and other important people who would keep the ball rolling were listed on there. Dante was happy to have been able to help and he was a bit surprised at the frequent hugs he was getting from her. He assumed it was her way of making herself feel good not only them. Either way he didn't mind. Josh walked in to the living room where they had been doing their business and asked if things were looking up.

"Well," Selina said, "Life has given me lemons and I decided to make lemonade as I've been taught."

"I got the lemon," she pointed to Dante, "I's even gots the sugar." She pointed to Josh. They wondered where she was going with this.

"But be damned if I can find a pitcher to mix this mess all in."

They all chuckled at her toothy grin she gave after she finished her `funny'

Dante stood and hugged his boyfriend, planted a kiss on the side of his head and with his arms wrapped around his waist he wobbled Josh back and forth. "I do believe we got some good old fashion whoop ass out and things are proceeding just fine." Selina took her file to her room and then returned to the living room where they were all sitting now.

"Don't you have calls to make to Aikrii?" she asked Josh.

"Oh shit! I do to thanks for reminding me!" He got up and retrieved the phone. He went back to Dante and sat in his lap and dialed Aikrii's number. He spoke to him and reminded him of the fashion show on the first and explained that they needed to do a few rehearsals and the crew would have to be at the house tomorrow and then again in two more days' time so as to perfect the timing to the music. Mani apparently said that the photo studio was a better place to do it since they could record it and look at their boo boos and on top of that it was larger. Josh agreed, Mani and he made their plans and the process was then set into motion. Jump Street's video was nearing completion by Aikrii and Josh and the track music was nearly done by Nye, which would be available tomorrow night. Even through the tragedy things were looking up. Selina smiled and realized her family didn't just include Dante and Josh now. It included the whole crew of people they knew many whom she had yet to meet. Tomorrow was going to be an exciting day in more ways than one.

The crew met at Pic it Prints and Mani had made a mock run way on the floor. Everyone was pleased to finally meet the famous Selina that Josh and Dante had told them so much about. She was certain she'd get along with everyone just fine.

She was very impressed to meet Troy MacKinnon who she knew to be the owner and CEO of Nessix. She never thought he'd ever show for something so, simple.

She looked at Dante and made that comment. Troy heard her and chuckled. "You'd be surprised at how many `simple' things I enjoy doing, helping friends is one of them." He said. "I'm a big comedian to." He tilted his head and crossed his eyes and made Selina bust out laughing. Aikrii always thought Troy was a riot and this just went to prove it.

Nye started the music and Dante directed everyone onto the runway' and showed them what they had to do. Josh was getting a hoot out of it since he usually was the girly' one. He never realized just how choreographed and fashionably sensed Dante was till then.

Selina watched everything unfold and was quite thrilled to be included with the cast' Nye showed her what to do with the soundboard that controlled the music playing in the background and she loved it. The song Accidentally in Love' was cued and started as Mani and Aikrii walked out onto the runway'. They walked up to the end and leaned against each other back-to-back arms crossed over their chest to start. They were looking back at their partner smiling, they winked at the crowd, uncrossed their arms laid them back to back against their partners arms and then lifted them over their head holding hands, they released their hands facing on the outside at the end of the runway and turned walking back up the run way swinging their connected hands on the inside. It was cute. Cleo and Nye walked out next and was showing off the funky teen' style and Nye was carrying on with her, Cleo would be wearing an outfit which would be red and white and Nye would be trying to give her flowers. They did their routine and headed off the runway. Nye came back over to where Selina was standing and she watched him as he ran the next song `I am what I am' into the mix but he had mellowed the beat some on the remix. Troy walked out sporting his jacket over his shoulder and strutted his stuff as Nye told him he would be doing on stage. He did his turn and walked over meeting Aikrii half way, who would have had to change if it was the actual show by now. He gave a high five and moved on. Josh and Dante were next and things were flying like mad. Selina loved it. When the practice run was done, Selina was beaming at everyone,

"Man that was awesome! Nye did you do that whole track?"

Nye grinned, "Yep, took a few hours but it was worth it."

"Wait till you see the `starting' video that will be playing against a canvas backdrop before the whole show actually starts. There's lots planned and we're all looking forward to it I'm just hoping the sponsors are done. I want to get all who participate listed on time. They all got ready to break up for lunch and other plans.

Aikrii stopped in front of Josh and gave him a hug. "Good luck on the opening, I'm so glad you're here now. Makes it better to have family around." He smiled.

"Family?" Selina said confused.

Josh chuckled. Then he explained. "Aikrii and I are very close, like brothers."

"We both confided in each other when we were younger and we never lost touch even with all the stuff that ever happened to us."

"If it weren't for Aikrii this shop probably wouldn't have happened like it has."

Selina mulled over that and said "Oh so he's Uncle Aikrii then?" Pointing at him as she looked at Josh.

Aikrii tossed back he head let out a heart laugh and wrapped an arm around the tiny framed sixteen year old. "Darlin' if you want to call me uncle Aikrii then so be it."

"Hell Josh You should have fostered kids sooner, I like this girl!" He ruffled her hair and walked with her as everyone started to leave.

"You sure you don't mind?" She asked him, smiling. She liked this person. She never realized Josh and he had been so close. Giving him the status of uncle seemed best, least in here eyes it did.

"Not at all." Aikrii said, "Just remember if Mani and I ever get married you'll have an aunt to!" Her eyes bugged out at the statement just as Mani playfully punched Aikrii in the arm.

"HEY! That's not funny! UNCLE to!" He laughed the whole while. She finally got that it was a joke and then chuckled. OK these two were good people.

"Ok I'll have two uncles then. Sweet! I never had one before but two is AWSOME!" She shimmied between them both draped an arm over each and followed them as they exited the building. Hugs were passed all around to all her new family and she got into Dante's car.

Dante started it up and looked at Josh and Selina. "So think you can handle the crew? Selina?"

"Can't see why not." She said "Why do you ask?"

"Cause you haven't met my twin brother or his boyfriend yet OR my mom."

"Oh my god! More!" she was shocked, "How many is there?"

"Well let's see." He thought a moment.

"There's my mom, my brother, his boyfriend, his family. Aikrii, Marie, Phillip." "Mani and lets not forget Mani's brother Nye and their parents, Alice and Dan." "There's Sefron and his family which include Susan and James. Sefron's sister Chev passed not long ago. Unfourtunally."

He was running out of fingers now with the counting.

"There's Cleo to, who has no real family per say, she does they just don't associate with her. So that's nearly fifteen people and those are just a few people Josh consider family." Dante looked back at Selina whose eyes were as big as saucers.

"So where's your real family Josh?"

Josh cringed. He knew this was going to come...he looked at Dante for support.

"Do you want to answer or would you like me to do it?" Dante asked softly as he laid a hand on his knee."

"Just hold my hand ok." He said his eyes had the utter defeated look about them that made Dante want to ask Selina to drop it but since she was their responsibility and soon to be registered foster child they should get all aspects of the honesty factor out. Might as well start here.

"My family disowned me Selina. When I was thirteen years old. I was kicked out of the only home I knew, because I'm gay."

Selina gasped. "Oh I'm so sorry Josh, I'll shut up now."

"No, no it's ok. I knew this would come so I guess since it's been asked now I might as well answer it now." He squeezed Dante's hand, it was easier than he though it didn't hurt so badly but it still hurt nonetheless.

"Where did you go?" She asked so quietly Josh had to look back to make sure she actually spoke. The look on her face told him she had and was looking for an answer.

"I went to my grand mothers. She took me in. She cared for me. For five years, then three years ago she passed. I was left her home. But things took a bad turn and well I sold the house not long after I met Dante. Our new place will be our new space for good memories."

He smiled it was easier now. He felt better.

"Dante is my family now. My friends are my family now. Your part of that family now to."

Selina smiled when she heard him include her. It made her feel wanted. Something she had been missing for a long time.

"Thanks you two. This means a lot. I never had a family. Least not the kind I should have, and I'm not sure of extended family. I guess daddy never looked. Dante pulled into Jay's coffee shop and asked if they wanted to stop for lunch.

"I'm famished." Josh said as he got out of the car. They entered the shop and sat for a spell, answering questions Selina had.

"Can I have someone find out if I have other family?" she asked out of the blue.

"I can't see why not, if that's what you really want." Josh said quietly watching her eyes. She looked at him and smiled.

"I wonder if any of my daddy's family is still alive. I suppose not otherwise I guess I'd have met them right?" There was hope in that stated question.

"Well, can't be too sure about that, but if there is, an investigator could tell you." Dante said, just remember that kind of stuff needs money ok.

"Save first, look for other things later. Heck once people know how much your worth, some will be clawing at your door claiming they are your long lost brother twice removed." Josh said as the waitress took his order.

Selina winced at that part. She had forgotten about those who would only want to use her. Good thing she had these two otherwise she'd be lost for sure. She placed her order and Dante paid for the meals. They had sat at a window seat and ate their meals once they were served. Enjoying the warmth the sun was producing through the large storefront window. Selina felt more at ease with everything.

**************************************************** Opening day:

"Hey get that over here!" Josh paced as the crew he hired to put things together for the show scrambled about.

The crewmember he had bellered to placed the stand down into its spot and Josh made adjustments. Selina and Dante were around back getting the clothing all set up for each models run their dressing spaces were named and the clothing put into sequential order. Josh certainly didn't wish to have anyone showing on stage wearing the wrong thing at the wrong time. Selina popped back with a chipper smile on her face.

"All done." She said she leaned back with her hands behind her back and rocked, "Got anything else ya want me to do?"

"Ok your awfully chipper." Josh said chuckling.

"Well I could frown but then I might scare away people and we don't want that now do we?" She winked and spun around opening her arms wide at the busy scene before her. "This is amazing. Thanks for including me." Josh laughed. He was please that a simple gesture like including her would go off so nicely. Dante joined them standing there and all three watched the Jump Street grand opening fashion show get ready to start.

9 a.m. Mall Opens:

"But he HAS to be here!" "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Dante was so fusterated now. Nye still hadn't shown, everyone else was there and things were ready to fly but Nye who did the music was nowhere to be found.

"He'll show hun don't worry." Josh said trying to keep an upbeat perspective on the whole mess that was their grand opening. Troy was going through his clothing and Cleo was dancing around in her first outfit. Sefron looked totally lost and Aikrii and Mani were enjoying each other's company in a corner.

"Aikrii! Mani!" Josh giggled at them as they jumped. "Aside from you two needing to cool down some, can you confirm Nye will be here?"

"He said he'd be here." Mani rubbed his nose against Aikrii's cheek and breathed deep his attention elsewhere.

"Ok you two can it, your affections are gonna give Dante ideas and I don't think him jumping me in the middle of a fashion show would go off well" he laughed as the two guys turned a pretty shade of crimson.

Selina looked over at Josh was seemed a bit worried it was Dante she was more concerned for he seemed agitated. She walked over to the mixer and soundboard and looked at what was there. She remembered what Nye had taught her. She took the video CD and popped it into the player and hit start. The large canvas screen lowered on cue, He had things placed so they were on a timer through a program on the computer. Nye had everything set into this program and she was sure all she had to do was put in the Cd's at the right time. Josh was stunned to see what was going on.

"Oh my god Selina do you know what your doing?" He asked.

"Nope not really but I figured a rehearsal would do, this isn't a big deal. Its all pre programmed so it can be restarted if it's needed." She grinned at him hoping he didn't have a heart attack. "I'm only going to do the starter sequel anyway, with the video, it runs for fifteen minutes so that should help get a crowd ok? And hopefully by then Nye will be here to take over." She was hopeful anyway. Josh watched the video on the screen the music please don't stop the music' started and clips slowly in beat flashed across the screen. All the model shots of Aikrii, Mani, Cleo, Nye, and the others flashed one by one. A segment with a few people Nye knew dancing to a choreographed piece Nye got them to do all dressed in the fashions that would be modeled that very day. Selina was impressed. The music faded and then cut to a new mix that she was sure Nye had done, a remix of a song called bringing sexy back'. There were a ton of guys all in business suits dancing in sync on the screen. Selina chuckled as she watched what was playing. It was slow but still had a heavy beat to it. Two walked forward and looked into the camera and moved on. The other two had briefcases and it was quite amusing to see. The video's music cut again and slowly went into the middle of a song done by Gloria Gaynor called `I am what I am' There was a shot of Dante getting out of the pool after a swim Selina was stunned, her foster dad was hot! She blushed at the thought; the next picture was of Dante kissing the side of Josh's head. He was so happy in that picture. The next set of images had Aikrii and Mani in them some were from paper clippings others were ones friends had taken. Then a short clip from Dante's record breaking race where he won was shown. The music died down some and a voice announced "Jump Street clothing, where everyone is treated like a winner." There was a crowd now and they listened to the rest of the announcement on the video. "Started in Curre in 2005 Josh Trask had a dream to provide a quality clothing line made by local designers at a reasonable price. Today now starting his second store after only two years in business we're proud to present to you Jump Street Clothing." Josh watched the screen flash a bunch of sponsor's names. "These sponsors are thanked for their generous help in providing for the Jump Street fashion show you'll be seeing today. Enjoy the show!" More music started as the sponsors were flicked across the screen. Selina was sure this would be easy to finish off all on her own if she had to but Nye finally showed up as the clips were ending.

"Thank god! What held you?" Dante asked as everyone got into place.

"Car accident, explain later. GO!" The 2nd batch of music started as Nye pressed play.

He leaned over to Selina and kissed her cheek, "Darlin you're a life saver thanks so much!" She turned about three shades of red and mumbled "No problem."

No one was like that in her family that she could remember but she was happy to have been able to help. The show started in a somewhat smooth fashion and things got moving the crowd was getting bigger.

When the show was all over everyone cheered Aikrii and Mani walked on the stage with Troy, who announced all the models and then the creators of the show Josh and Dante who then stepped up on the stage. The crowd cheered at the two who waved to them. Josh was so happy at the turn out, Dante being the enthuastic person he was grabbed Josh by his waist and swung him around in a circle smiling. He put him down and shouted.

"Come on the stores opened!"

Sure enough he had the doors opened and the stage was going to be dismantled by the closing time of the mall tonight so they didn't have to worry about that. Patrons walked through the brightly lit shop that was done in reds, blues and yellows, it was a lively place and many liked it. The teens were going from rack to rack with a vengeance and eagerness only teenagers have. Josh and Dante were sitting back watching the store fill with people. Selina was at the front cash doing her first day she was loving it already. She made her first one hundred dollars in sales from one patron alone. She gave them the thumbs up. Dante grabbed Josh's arm and hauled him into the office and shut the door and locked it.

"Congrats baby! Shop two is now opened and officially on the Kearney mall map." Dante leaned in towards him looking him in the eyes. Josh could see excitement and pent up energy in his loving stare.

Josh leaned in and brushed his lips across his and pulled back, whispering "Thanks hun, I couldn't have done it without you."

Dante's hands went on either side of Josh's face against the wall. He leaned in closer still, his chest touching against Josh's. Josh knew Dante was not only excited at the stores opening he was aroused to and he could feel it.

"Ummm," Josh said smiling he touched Dante's nose. "Me thinks I have one frisky hunk on my hands, now what are we going to do about that?" he said smirking aiting for Dante to make a comment.

It never came. Dante liked the analogy of actions speaking louder than words. He honed in on his lovers lips and kissed him with such passion and force Josh though he was going to be knocked off of his feet. He melted so fast he didn't even realize what had hit him. This was a first for him, the high of the excitement around him was what made him loose his inhibitions and made him feel drunk with the love his darling Dante was pouring on to him like hot lava. He moaned and arched pushing against Dante, his arousal getting mashed in the process, the pain was more pleasure than anything and he kept with his lovers pace. Dante had his belt off and his hand down Josh's pants within moments, freeing his shaft and bringing more wonderful tantalizing sensations to his whole body as he stroked him.

"Ahhh, ummm..." He sucked through his teeth as he arched feeling Dante's fingers around him, his stroking making him thrust against his hand uncontrollably. "Shit baby, Ahhh..."

He gasped Dante went in for the kill and lowered himself to Josh's man hood setting the beautiful beast free only to trap it in his mouth and start lashing it with his tongue. Josh tried to hold back but a guttural groan of that like none other Dante heard before escaped past his lips. He felt Josh grab the back of his head and felt him push.

Taking all he could Dante kept his man squirming and to his delight he got what he was aiming for. The sweet juices that poured forth from Josh along with the sing song of a man thoroughly loved were his reward. Dante consumed every last drop of him, making sure his tongue did a good job. He made Josh twitch as he tried to remain half standing half falling against the wall. Dante gave his round of support as well by holding him up by his ass. Josh slowly came to earth panting and grinning. "Good thing the walls are sound proof." He commented as he slid down further and kissed his love.

Dante chuckled, "I'm just happy to have been able to christen this place without a video tape going in the back ground." Josh laughed to and kissed ante back.

"Come on they are gonna wonder what's up."

Dante now laughed heartily, "We'll if they have then they're as good as we assume they are and they will all keep our customers busy."

Josh though Dante was being a bit presumptuous on that thought. Their friends would do what they had to help out if they couldn't find them right away, but since they knew where they were, Josh assumed they hadn't yet missed them.

They walked out of the office making it look like they were talking over more stock lines and shipping when Selina noticed them. "Hey there they are." She pointed to them both. She winked and directed the mall supervisor to them.

"Well done on the show!" He said smiling. "Sales are up all over the mall thanks to the fashion show. I just wanted to say thanks and welcome to Kearney mall."

Josh and Dante in turn shook the mans hand and grinned as he left. Selina walked up them both.

"Dad one." She said as she gave Josh a peck on his cheek, "Dad two," She in turn kissed his cheek to, and with a mischievous smile she continued. "Next time you decide to rip off a piece, make sure it's at home, I had a hell of a time distracting him." With that comment she walked off leaving her foster dads blushing so damn hard they both thought they'd pass out from embarrassment.

******************************************** MANY thanks to EVERYONE and all the e-mails Thanks for reading. The series; books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link to the series offical web page.

Book 4 is in progress along with the others Please bear with me if the pages are listed in my site it's just how I have things set up even thou sometimes they don't work. (if there's nothing showing it's not up yet) The full series will be set up in here (Nifty) in due time. Summer of 2008 is seeing me prepare for a return to college and a few life changes to boot :) All good I assure you. Please by all means keep the mails comming I love chatting to my readers.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Thanks again - Lila Mosher

Next: Chapter 13: Steppin Out II 19 21

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