Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on Aug 21, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 2) Josh and Dante's Dream Copyright 1995-2008 By Lila Mosher Full series already E-published on line, if you wish to read it all in it's entiriety please Mail Lila and ask for the link thanks.

Two wonderful people are brought together through the ties of another who's struggled with acceptance of his own. These two fine hearts learn not only to share their feelings and love with each other but they extend themselves to include another lost and abused soul into their lives, this is book 2 & the continuing story to Steppin' Out. Please enjoy and feel free to e-mail me your comments I love getting feed back from fans :) thanks

Thanks to ALL who have mailed me already due to book 1's listing, the responses are amazing, I can't believe some have already ready all THREE books! (on line) The books main web site has hit an all time high of 45-50000 page hits respectivilly each month and it's mainly due to the listing here in Nifty, thanks Also note if you read the books on line there IS a forum for fans to post comments in :D So please by all means use it to have your say about what you read or mail me :D either way is great.

Please enjoy book 2 ...Books 1, 2 and 3 are published in full on line. Mail me to ask for the site link or keep watching here for the next chaprters to be posted, ALL will be listed here in due time, thanks again everyone!!!

PS: YES I am a lady! LOL This is one question I get frequently. How I can write for the guys is beyond me. Why is because I love to write (and I have an uncle who loves my stuff, LOL)

Chapter 13 *********

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" He threw his hat across the yard as he watched the idiots he hired to move their stuff back into a power line. They didn't haul them down but their incompetence pissed Dante off. He ran his arm across his forehead wiping the perspiration away, scratching his now apparent stubble on his chin he yelled into the window of their unit. Sam and all their friends had shown to help them move.

"Sam wanna come relieve these idiots? They can't drive for shit and I need power here. I don't want to see them haul down them lines!"

He could hear Sam laughing his ass off. The door to the unit slammed as he exited the building and walked over to the truck and asked the driver to move over. In two winks Sam had the truck in the driveway without taking the power lines down.

Unloading commenced; Joane and her girlfriend were lending a hand as well. Claire mustered a lot of the large items with one of the guys help. She was a stocky strong lady. Dante moved many boxes and Josh pretty much directed everyone where things were to go. The movers turned out to be the worse they ever had heard of or seen.

"A bunch of fucking tools if you ever asked me." Josh said in his girly voice, Dante roared with laughter. "The butter knife and the high heel!" he continued making the obvious girly joke and pointing to two of the younger lazier crew members.

"Josh you best behave, someone might get pissed, and it's still funny but not a good idea to dis the hired help." Dante whispered to him still chuckling. Once the rooms were full Dante went off with same to get some grub for everyone, a pizza and beer night. As usual Aikrii shouted his request.

"Hey! I want Pepsi! Ok?"

They pulled out of the driveway. "The pizzeria is just up the road some. It's an ok spot." Dante told his brother who weaved in and out of traffic like a professional racecar driver.

"Hey bro slow down, I'm gonna puke."

Sam looked at his brother.

"Oh shit sorry man."

"When do you guys plan on starting work at Jump Street?" Sam asked out of the blue.

"Well shop looks like it opens on October first, I'm using my business courses training to figure out a bomb grand opening." "Maybe use Nessix as part of our promotional end since Aikrii helped with the expansion and all."

"So any ideas yet?" Sam asked as he pulled into the pizzeria's parking lot and killed the engine.

"Yeah actually, I was thinking of a fashion show." He said to his brother as he stepped out of the car.

"Sweet!" Sam said; "You have sponsors yet?"

"Not yet but I plan on using my own sponsorship from Josh last year for St. Stephen's as a trailer to the opening

"Maybe getting Aikrii and Troy to help with modeling, you to if you want. It would possibly get a few interested in Roomoorz back in Curre."

Sam nodded, "Heck yeah! I'd do that."

"Good Xavier would be a neat model as well especially for our fall lines because of his red hair."

Sam chuckled "I'll let him know." He said.

They placed their order while Sam waited for the food Dante walked over to the liquor store and grabbed a case of Budweiser. They met at the car, placed the beer into the trunk and Dante held the pizzas in his lap. With Sam driving they made it back to Dante's place in record time.

"Why the race car rally?" he asked Sam as they got out of the car.

"Testing your wheels that's all I never got to drive it." He smiled "It handles like a dream but I hate the color." Dante laughed, least now he knew his bro wouldn't want his car.

The food was passed around and Aikrii and Mani were teasing each other something fierce. Sefron looked like he hadn't slept in days but everyone was in a general good mood. Their place was set up within seven hours. As everyone looked around they congratulated Josh and Dante.

"Thanks everyone we defiantly appreciate it."

The sectional fit nicely in the living room against the back wall; which was by the bathroom door. Josh and Dante looked around and smiled. Aikrii had added many plants to the place; which made it homier. The only issue they had was with the three spare beds from Josh's place. They had to store them in the large shed Joane and Claire owned. It was out back of the house, one of the few things they had missed on their first tour of the place. They'd keep them there till they could sell them off. Cleo piped up.

"Hey it's getting late we should head out, I need shut eye we have to fly back at six a.m. Nye's got an early DJ session for Curre's radio station and we don't want him to miss it."

They all said their good byes and headed off. Josh sat down on the sofa, full of pizza and a bit tired but very happy. Dante flopped down beside him.

"I can't believe we're here." He said sighing happily.

"I'm impressed how fast we were able to set up." Josh said.

"What time is it anyway?"

Dante turned and looked at the clock behind his head.

"Nine p.m."

"I have to call mom to. I should let her know we're settled." Dante said looking at Josh.

Josh handed him his cell as he got up and headed to the fridge. He grabbed two more beer and went back to the living room with them passing one to Dante who was now talking to his mom back home he sat back down.

"Yes mom, we're ok. We have plenty thanks."

"Sam is staying at Aikrii's and Mani's. Yeah his flight leaves tomorrow at six."

Josh made a face at Dante to get him to laugh mainly because on the one sided convo he was getting made Dante seem a tad tense. He was successful when he heard a hearty chuckle come from him.

"Yes he's here, yeah he's making faces at me."

Dante stopped talking to his mom and looked at Josh and said. "Mom said be good, stop that before your face freezes that way and good luck with the stores opening."

Josh chuckled. "Thanks mom!" he called out loudly.

The call ended on a happy note and they both headed off to bed. Crawling in beside Josh Dante flopped and sighed in an exaggerated manner. Josh chuckled.

"Tired hun?"

"Very but happy." Dante turned sideways and looked at Josh as he wrapped his arm around his waist. Josh snuggled against Dante's chest.

"I'm wiped to but thrilled we're hear now we can finally start our own new memories together here." Josh sighed and wiggled against him finding the sweet spot and flopped his arm across Dante's belly.

"Tomorrow we get a scrapbook then." Dante said smiling and chuckling. Josh also laughed. He then kissed Dante and said good night as he flicked off his light. Their first night in their new home as a couple was quite affair. They were wrapped in each other's arms and fell to sleep.

He could smell bacon when he woke up. He stretched and noticed Dante wasn't next to him.

`He must be cooking' he thought. Dante peeked into the room and saw his sexy boyfriend was awake.

"Hey blue eyes. Breakfast?"

He walked over with a tray. Bacon, eggs, toast, juice and one red rose in a tiny delicate vase.

"Wow, thanks hun. When did you get up?" he asked as he started in on his meal. He was starving.

Dante grinned as he passed the tray to him.

He looked at him and replied. "Four hours ago."

Josh looked over at the clock and nearly choked on his eggs. Swallowing and with a look of surprise he squawked.

"Holy shit! You were up at five a.m.?

Dante laughed again. "Yes dear, I was. I went for a swim."

Josh looked confused. "A swim? It's twenty degrees in the water. Why would you want to freeze your balls off in the river here?"

Dante threw his head back and laughed even harder this time. The look on Josh's face was priceless since it seemed to be that just thinking about cold water and balls caused him agony.

"I went, you silly goose to the Arobieplex and used the indoor pool there.

Josh caught on from there his confusion now dispelled. "Why did you do that? Miss the water huh?"

"Somewhat." Dante responded laying back across the bed lengthwise. "I did twenty laps and then I was asked by one of the lifeguards to help put up the buoys for the lane swims."

"Apparently they don't get many five a.m. calls but they are opened twenty four seven."

He chuckled softly to himself. Josh noticed Dante was in a very good mood.

"What's got you so happy?" Josh asked as he savored his breakfast in bed. He looked down to the end of the bed waiting for Dante's answer. Dante rolled over onto his belly and looked at their dresser.

"What would you say if I told you I could have another part time job?"

Josh now nearly choked on his juice.

"But I thought we'd be running Jump Street together!" he said a bit taken aback.

Dante rolled over again and looked at him.

"We will, but I also want to put my own money into our future. I want to feel like I contributed something."

Josh looked at him a tad confused. "If you're working at the shop with me then you would be contributing something." Josh put his tray on the floor beside the bed.

"Where is this all coming from all of a sudden?" he asked as he sat back up.

"It was your money that got this place."

"It's your shop earnings that will pay Aikrii back so I am assuming, for the expansions and all."

"I need to do my own part other than help at the shop; which I still plan on doing." He pulled himself up onto the bed onto his side as he said this. He sat back against the headboard and crossed his arms behind his head. He stared at the ceiling thinking. Josh looked to his right with the look of bewilderment.

"So you feel that you have to get another job in order to keep up with what I provided?"

Dante looked to his left at Josh and saw hurt in his eyes; which confused him. He thought Josh would feel great about his wanting to do more for their future.

"Well yes. I don't want to look or feel like a freeloader."

"The money you have left won't last forever and doing what I have planned will make me feel good about myself not only in a helpful manner but I'll feel more secure in general."

Josh then understood where he was coming from.

"Ok I whole heartily understand where you're coming from, but you do know it's not necessary. Right?"

"The money we have came from the grandmother not me since it was her home I sold."

"I also do not have to pay Aikrii back. He helped us. I'm like family to him, a brother. And this includes you to since your part of my life now."

Josh turned sideways so he could look at Dante better and then continued.

"Since what you have planned seems to have you in such a good mood and you say it will make you feel more secure and useful, tell me about what it is and how it happened."

Dante didn't really know what to think now. He to turned sideways and looked at Josh.

"Hunny don't take this wrong ok. I love everything you've done and the dream of expanding your shop, I'll support that and will always be there to help with it."

He took Josh's hands and looked into his eyes.

"What I was offered was and is for us both."

Josh looked back and noticed Dante's strained look. He hated it when Dante tried so hard to shelter him. It made him feel like shit for making him hesitate in his need to fulfill his own desires to be more useful.

"So what is it that's got you all worried so much after I asked why?"

"I was offered a part time job this morning."


"Teaching" Dante said, "Swim coach to be exact at the Arobieplex two days a week with free swim time when ever I want it with options to invite whom ever I wish for free twice a week."

Josh was stunned to hear this bit of news, and he squealed his delight for his boyfriend.

"Oh my god! When do you start?"

Dante was now relieved at Josh's reaction to the news. He relaxed as he told him details.

"Tuesdays and Thursdays, teaching competition swimming to teens. I start next week." Dante eyes sparkled with excitement.

"How did you manage to get that offer?" Josh asked.

"I went swimming at five a.m." Dante said laughing.

Josh was confused yet again, and it showed upon his face in the utmost comical way making Date giggle. He kissed Josh's nose and continued to tell him what happened as he lay back against the headboard again.

"Remember I told you I went and I was asked to help with the lanes."


"Well the lifeguard is the cousin of John Phillips and he recognized me from the promotional commercial you did of me."

Josh squealed again. He never figured a dinky commercial he did last year would keep getting someone recognized as often as this one did. Bouncing with glee he now said.

"Fucking sweet! Go on!"

"He said he figured I had to have professional training since he watched me swim."

"When I was helping he said there was a coaching position opened and he'd introduce me to the owner of the Arobieplex if I wanted."

"He said I'd be a shoe in for the job so I went after my swim."

Josh's eyes widened with anticipation for the end of his story.

"Daniel Foote is the owner of the Arobieplex and recognized me as well. He hired me on the spot as soon as I had said I was interested in the coaching position. I also made very clear on my umm `Lifestyle' so that no false claims were made against me. He assured me he already knew and it was of no concern to him."

"Sweet Jesus! You're shittin' me! Josh said playfully slapping Dante's shoulder.

"Nope I'm not. Your commercial was recognized and so was I. I am still stunned over it."

Josh giggled. "Maybe I should do part time film work if it keeps getting people recognized."

Dante chuckled at Josh's movie star pose as he sat on the bed. His mind wandered to that of the perverted plain and he commented.

"Well I'm sure if you did nude commercials, anyone would get recognized." He roared with laughter as Josh smacked him with a pillow. Josh was nailed back and a pillow fight ensued. Flailing arms, tickling fingers and a naked ass amongst tangled sheets, Josh ended up straddled over Dante who was laughing so hard his cheeks were red.

"You love teasing me just a tad too much." Josh said looking down at his mischievous eyes. He reached over Dante's head and pulled the pillow from his hands. He didn't get far after that as Dante took advantage of his reaching over him and licked across his nipple making him gasp as he tossed the pillow to the floor. He pulled back and looked at Dante again.

"There you go, teasing me again."

"But you like it, and we haven't christened this place yet. Sides your already half way there."

Josh snickered at this comment, then gasped as Dante rolled over swiftly and flipped Josh under him leaning over him chest to chest while on his elbows.

"I love it when you smile." Dante said to him as he ran his hands through his hair watching Josh's eyes dance on his beautiful smiling face. He leaned down a fraction more connecting his lips to the smiling ones below him. Josh's hands snaked of their own accord around his neck and fingers found their way to his hair. Dante pushed his tongue into Josh's mouth eager to taste him. Josh sucked on his tongue as it entered; he then opened wide allowing easier access. Both groaned at the same time as they deepened the kiss. It had been over a week since they had been together and over a week of pent up sexual frustrations. Josh made quick work of stripping Dante and by the time he's done he's straddling Dante again.

"Mmm, this could be fun." Josh says as he looks down at Dante.

"How?" Dante asks a tad confused

"Well we can go bareback now, so typically shouldn't the rider be on top?"

He laughed as Dante's face registered thrilled acknowledgment and pleasure.

"Mmm, I think you're most certainly right, I shall definitely enjoy this."

Josh leaned in and kissed Dante's lips. He then worked his way down his neck. Dante was already stiff as a board by the time he reached his throat. The prospects of what was to come were a huge turn on for him. Josh reached down to stroke him as his kisses lingered on his neck. Dante moaned his pleasure as he felt warm nimble fingers wrap around his shaft. He reached for Josh who shook his head.

"Not yet."

He panted. He still stroked Dante but sat up some and reached for the lube Dante had in his end table drawer. He put some in his hand and stroked Dante again, lubing him up. Dante twitched as Josh ran his thumb over the tip of his stiff member.

"Oh fuck Josh that feels awesome!" Dante whimpered and thrusted into his hand. Josh chuckled then lifted himself to his knees center Dante's shaft under himself. He sat down on his pleasure, feeling for the first time direct skin contact. He was smooth like silk. Josh threw his head back in satisfaction as he felt himself become filled up with Dante's Joy. He whispered to him panting his gratification.

" feel so perfect in there."

Dante wiggled making Josh groan.

"Like a glove sexy." He reached down for Josh's erect member and started to stroke him. Josh whimpered and thrusted, Dante thrusted upwards and then they started their dance of love for the first time with no barriers. Arching, thrusting, stroking. A mess of lips kissing moans and whimpers and shouts of love they climaxed together so fiercely both thought they'd pass out. Still shuddering and panting they collapsed, spent into each other's arms.

Josh never felt so good at ten in the morning. He chuckled to himself as he snuggled into Dante's arms.

"I'm going to get lazy spending so much time in bed." He said.

"Not with the exercise routine I give you."

Dante ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. He slipped from the bed and padded nude to the bathroom. Josh loved watching his tanned ass walking around when he returned to the room he had a damp facecloth and was wiping his belly off.

"God damn hun, you had back reserves that time." Josh giggled; "that's what happens when we neglect each other for too long."

"Guess we'll have to work on that huh?" Josh chuckled. He got up and met Dante at the end of the bed. Taking the facecloth from him and flung it across the room and kissed him again. Dante though to himself as he was happily ravished, `I could get use to this.'

Chapter 14 *********

His first day at the pool started on a Tuesday at noon and Josh came with Dante since his own shop wasn't done with renovations yet. He sat and observed Dante's class and how he interacted with the teens that were participating in the competition training aspects of his class.

"Afternoon ladies and gents. Welcome to my course." "Who here knows who I am?"

One girl who was about sixteen slowly raised her hand.

"Yes. You. Your name?"

"Selina Roma." She responded.

"And the answer to the question is?"

"Your Dante Ericson of St. Stephen's University, located in Curre. You broke Kearney University's own swim record at thirty seven point nine seconds for the fifty meter breast stroke swim." She hung her head yet peeked through dirty blond bangs half smiling but still with hesitation. She waited.

"Correct and very precise. Well done Selina!" He smiled at her. She grinned back and rocked back and forth with her arms behind her back.

"Hey how'd she know that?" one of the boys asked. Another piped up.

"It's that cool commercial on Youtube!"

The gaggle of kids sniggered. Dante smiled at the fun the kids were having. Dante spoke.

"That commercial was done by Josh, who is sitting over there." He pointed to him and Josh waved. One of the boys spoke

"Man that was one sweet commercial thou, which I knew someone who'd make me famous like that!" The student standing next to him giggled and poked him with his elbow they started to carry on. Josh was happy to see and hear that kids even thought the simple commercial he did of his boyfriend was cool.

"So let's get introductions done so I have two clues on whom I'm training."

"I already know Selina, who are you?" he pointed to a lanky brown haired kid with more freckles than a dot-to-dot book.

"I'm John."

He said. He poked the kids next to him who had made the famous comment. He yelped and giggled poking back.

"This here," John said; "is my brother Peter."

Peter was smaller and looked like his brother but had blue eyes instead of brown and less freckles. Dante turned and looked at a young lady who's hair wasn't distinguishable under her cap but her green eyes stood out against her pale skin.

"And you are?" He asked smiling.

"Jayed" She responded as she walked over to Peter and John. The last student, who had been hiding, he responded on his own. He was smaller than them all and peeked out from behind Peter, John and Jayed.

"I'm Matt."

Matt was a very young spiky haired lad and boy could Dante tell he was hyper.

"Well I'm pleased to make all of your acquaintances. I am your new coach as you may have guessed, Dante Ericson."

"I'll let you know now this course won't be a walk in the park and neither is my training but I will always be supportive if you work hard at doing your best."

"I am a fair but tough coach. So if you're serious about your futures as competitive swimmers then you will train hard."

"I want to see one of my own students beat my own records in a few years time if not sooner."

The teens; which were all standing on the pools deck all shouted together a resounding

"YEAH!" and a few high fives were given out.

Dante got them into the pool and did warm ups with them so they'd be limber enough for the laps he had planned. He timed them to see everyone's strengths. By the end of the session Dante had the kids enjoying how he managed things and at the end of the class Selina approached and asked Dante.

"Do you allow us to stay longer to practice if we need to sometimes?

Again she put her head down and looked through her hair. Dante stooped to her level so he could look her in the eyes.

"If you feel you need more practice, let me know, you can join my five a.m. swim on Saturdays."

"Holy crap! Five a.m.!" She said with apparent shock.

Dante laughed, "Discipline is the first step in being successful. If you really want it you'll take what you can get."

"Yes sir!" she said. "Do I meet you or do I call?"

Dante looked over at Josh. "Will you be joining me on Saturdays?"

"Probably." He said with a grin.

"I'll pick you up if it's ok with your parents." Dante said to her.

"It's just me an my dad." She said, "and he won't care much."

Dante was a bit concerned but was adamant on her leaving a contact number so he could speak to her dad and get permission.

"Thanks sir, I'll see you on Thursday."

"Indeed, I'll let you know what your father says when I talk to him, if he don't tell ya first ok." He ruffled her wet hair as she walked towards the dressing room

"Have a good week ok."

"Ok, thanks." She said as she skipped off.

Dante walked back over to Josh and sat on the bleachers behind him wrapping his arms around him.

"So board yet?" He asked.

Josh reached back and wrapped his arms around to the back of Dante's neck.

"Not at all sweetie." "I enjoyed watching you teach, you looked so happy."

Dante kissed his tilted forehead.

"I had a good time but I think having you here helped. I wasn't so nervous."

"You get nervous?" Josh asked shocked.

Dante laughed; "Yes dear I do. I am after all only human."

Josh chuckled "Let's head home I want to cook us a nice supper."

Josh got up and took Dante's hand and they headed for their quaint home.

"I really don't care if she goes to practice swims so long as it's not costing me nothing" Selina's dad drawled and growled at the same time.

"It's a free run on my time sir, but pick up will be around quarter after five in the morning every Saturday unless I call and say otherwise."

He heard her father grunt.

"She be getting' herself up. I work all night and get in at six a.m. So she's on her own when ya come to get her."

Hearing this made Dante's heart go out for the child and now he was more than determined to make sure she had more positive adult influences.

"So you have no problem with me calling her to get her up in the morning then?"

"None at all, I won't be there. So do what ya need. Good day Mr. Ericson." Selina's dad hung up abruptly. Dante looked at the phone a tad aggrieved. Josh noticed his state and walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Sounds like a short call that left you exasperated."

"Yes," Dante said kissing him back, "but I think things will shape up. Just seems to me that this parent has little care for his daughter's interests and dreams and that annoys the hell out of me."

********************************************************** Saturday started with the buzz of the alarm clock. Dante rolled over and turned it off. He slid from their bed and as he did so he gave Josh a poke. "Ugh." Josh turned and looked at Dante through lethargic eyes. "Come on swim time sexy." Dante said. Josh stretched and slid from the bed, and dragged his ass around, as he got ready to go. He didn't know how Dante did it. They both got dressed and Dante called Selina to make sure she was ready. She was already up and ready to go. The trip to pick her up was a quiet one. Josh sat in the passenger seat and laid his head on Dante's shoulder. Selina crawled into the back seat.

"Morning Selina." Dante said turning his head to look back at her. This made Josh moan in protest at his shoulder he was using as pillow moving.

"Morning sir. It looks like Josh is still tired. Hope the cold water helps wake him up." Dante chuckled. "He's never been much of a morning person. Hey hun?" He said to Josh.

Josh chuckled as they pulled out of the parking spot. When they got to the pool Selina was hopping around gabbing a mile a minute.

"I can't believe he's letting me go. He hates that I like swimming." "How long can we stay?" "Is Josh your boyfriend?"

Dante laughed at her energy and answered all her questions in order.

"Your dad probably just over worked and stressed. That might be why your dad seems to be cranky sometimes. We can stay till seven and yes he is."

She stopped, looked at Josh and Dante.

"You two are cute together."

She then skipped ahead to the door of the pool and waited for Dante to use his pass to get in. Dante took Josh into his office while Selina got ready in the ladies change room.

"Get changed babe, we're going for a swim."

"I'd much rather play with you here." Josh said grinning sleepily.

"More fun in the water thou." He said as he tapped Josh's nose. Dante got changed and went right to the water knowing full well the others would find him if they really looked. He dove into the water cutting through the water with a clean dive. He was almost half way across when he noticed blond white hair at the pools edge. He heard a splash and figured he had Josh in the water. It was actually Selina who passed under him going full tilt. He was impressed at her form but know she was over exerting herself, which would leave her exhausted at the end of one circuit of the pool. He surfaced and waited for Selina to touch the wall. He stroked over to her as she surfaced.

"Fine speed Selina," he said to her, "but your tired I bet."

She nodded her head and sucked in deep breaths of air.

"Then I'll teach you and Josh both breathing methods and how to pace yourself."

"Ok" she said

They both paddled to the edge of the pool where Josh was floating in the water.

"Your fast Selina." Josh said to her, "but watching Dante swim all these years I have, I noticed you didn't pace yourself."

"That's what he said." Selina pointed to Dante.

"He knows best." Josh smiled as he treads water.

Dante looked at them both and chuckled. He never realized that Josh had picked up anything from watching him swim, but knowing what he did now it certainly impressed him.

"Ok let's go to the platforms and start from the beginning."

All three went to the opposite end of the pool and Dante started to teach his `charges' the proper methods of lane swimming mainly for Josh and pacing for Selina. After thirty minutes of basic lessons he let them be to practice on their own but watched them. Josh pit forth much effort and Dante was pleased that even thou he wasn't into competition swimming like Selina, Dante assumed that this form of exercise would help Josh mainly for the discipline factor. Selina was still quick but since she was pacing herself she wasn't so tired when she made it to the wall. Dante noticed he had to teach her to flip better. Dante did a dew laps and when he surfaced after lap five Josh was floating in front of him. Josh whispered into his ear.

"I had a dream of us playing in the water somewhat like this only it was dark." Dante blushed.

"We have a guest with us behave dear." He said giggling. Josh ducked with his eyes opened under the water and noticed Selina coming up on them fast. He playfully groped Dante on his way back to the surface anyway. Dante splashed him when he surfaced, "Be good!" Josh kissed him just as Selina surfaced behind Dante and chuckled at the last bit that Josh did. Dante jumped with a start; which is hard to do when you're floating in water. He stuttered.

"Your right Josh he can be a bit too serious. Kiss him again I think he needs to loose up."

Dante looked at Selina and Josh his eyes wide. Both of them looked quite mischievous.

"You're giving away secrets to my students now Josh?" He said giving him the same hairy eyeball his own mom use to use on him as a kid.

"No" Josh giggled and grinned "Just chatting with a young lady whose maturity caught my attention."

Dante looked at Selina who smiled sheepishly as she climbed out of the pool and sat on the edge.

"I'm far from a baby there Dante, I've been taking care of myself since I was twelve years old. I choose to take up swimming to keep out of trouble. That and to have a way to vent in a positive way." Dante got out and Josh was right behind him. They sat beside Selina and waited for her to continue to talk as she dried off. She didn't say much for a few minutes when she stood to head to the dressing room she looked down at her coach.

"Your both good people, I can feel it so thanks for letting me join you, it's appreciated. I enjoyed the company."

With that she was gone to get dressed. Dante was a bit confused. It was like she clamed up when Dante got startled or chastised Josh even in a joking manner.

Josh reached out to Dante.

"It's ok dear, give her time." "I told her when you're swimming you were serious and passionate about it and thou you're tough you were fair all she had to do was follow through." Dante looked at him surprised about the concern in his voice.

"Is she ok?" He asked wondering out loud as he looked at the dressing room door.

"Ask her." Josh said; "I notice she acts like I did when I was younger so I think that why I was drawn to her personality."

"Just take your time and don't push when you're trying to know her better." "She might balk and withdraw. I think there's more to her than she lets on." Josh said again with concern in his voice.

They both had gotten up and dried as they walked to Dante's office.

"Thanks hun, I'll take your suggestions to heart. Now we have to get home I have opening plans I've been working on and I want you to see them."

She didn't say much as the dropped her off and she figured it was for the best. She watched the road as Dante drove her home. There were days she wished she was going somewhere else, anywhere else instead of home. When she was there it felt more like a prison.

"I'll see you on Tuesday" Dante smiled as he dropped her off. "Have a good week ok."

She nodded and headed for the food to the small home she shared with her dad. She unlocked the door and quietly creeped in not making as sound. She closed the door and then froze. He was standing at the sink with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"You finished with that flipper shit fer the day?" he spat out.

"Yes sir" she whispered hanging her head and heading to her room. She didn't' make it thou as he dad stepped in front of her, the scowl he displayed was the warning, she cringed knowing she was in trouble for something.

"I told you last night, dishes done before your swim time. How many times do I have to knock that in to your head kid?" he barked.

"I'm sorry, I was doing a lot last night. I forgot a few things when I did them."

"You forgot my mugs."

"I had to study and make supper and do the dishes and I worked last night dad, please it was just an accident." Tears streamed down her face.

He growled again, "I fucking work twelve hour shifts and I don't screw up as much as your lazy ass does kid."

"Get the fuck out of my face!"

She tried to hurry off quickly but didn't move quick enough. Her dad backhanded her quick and it connected on her shoulder. She felt the sharp pain and she bit back the cry. She shore shoulder from swimming and last weeks beating didn't help the pain any. She scurried off to her room. She closed the door and dropped her bag. Some days she wished her mom were still alive. She pulled off her shirt and looked at her shoulder in the mirror. The ugly red mark was getting redder as she looked. Last it wasn't as bad as the one on her lower back, which her swimsuit hid. If this one bruised she'd have to wear a long shirt to class so no one would notice. She grabbed a long shirt now and she threw it on. She sat on her bed and grabbed a pillow and sobbed into it. She so wished her dad didn't hate her so much. He blamed her for her mother's death, but Selina knew the truth. She didn't hear much more from her dad. He must have gone to bed which ment she wouldn't see him again till supper time.. She crept out into the kitchen area and pulled out hamburger for supper. She quickly did up her dishes making sure his mugs were both done. She cleaned the counters and the living room and took out the trash. She finally sat. It was now eleven a.m. She had to do something so she took off to the mall, she didn't want to be in the house. She grabbed her schoolbooks and left quietly.

"We get Aikrii to go down the run way in a series of browns and Troy in blues. The suites will be showing the business line your shop will offer for the casual office look."

"Cleo and Nye can do the trendy line, I was thinking loud for Cleo as usual and skater styled and punk meets skater boy style for Nye since he's still got that baby face of his."

Josh nodded at the ideas Dante was throwing out to him. A fashion show was a great idea for an opening. "Question hun, will Nye do the music? He's good at that stuff."

"Indeed he will. I have a whole track line set up I want him to mix, I'll be getting confirmation from him soon as I already asked him to do it. I should be able to hear the mix this week and we'll make changes if I need him to, we do after all have time limits for each segment."

"The first thing to start the whole thing will be your famous commercial from Youtube." He chuckled and showed him the Youtube version some kid had added. He had tweaked it to suit the shops opening."

"Your doing the casual line with me right?" Josh asked "Yep and I'll be right along side of you."

"At the end of the show we will come out and introduce everyone."

Josh was excited, he watched the mini clip of sketches Dante had done to music and his ideas, they were rough but it definitely gave him a good idea on what he was trying to do. He even noticed that he had included Sefron for the big and tall line the shop was planning on carrying.

"We should go see how the shop is coming along." Dante said, "I really am interested in the progress so far and I want to see the layout and make sure things are being done to your specifications."

"Ok as soon as I get the last load of laundry into the dryer we can go."

Chapter 15 *********

It was after eleven when they finally left. The mall wasn't too busy and it made their trek to their shop so much easier. Josh opened the main door to the shop; which has plywood boxing in the window fronts on either side. The plywood blocks drove him nuts but they were needed in order to keep others from being too nosy on what was going on. He stepped into the mess of boards, buckets of paint and carpeting.

"Holy shit what a mess!" Josh said as they stumbled along.

It was after eleven thirty so he assumed it was lunch break for the crew. No one was around but Dante could see the place was looking up, even through all the mess. The walls were all up and sanded and they had the cash area already built but not yet painted. The main door area had a plywood underlay. Josh assumed this area was for the ceramic flooring he requested for the main traffic area of the shop.

"Well I guess it could be worse." He reached for Dante's hand and he happily reached for him. Just then one of the crew workers walked in.

"Umm, no one is suppose to be in here." The worker said with a sort of surprised yet perturbed look on his face, to see two guys holding hands amongst his workspace.

"We're well aware of that." Josh said as he continued to steady Dante and pull him forward through the maze of debris scattered on the floor.

"I'm just here checking things over, I assume that as the owners we're allowed to check on progress?" He batted his lashes in his typical girly yet sarcastic manner, to either irritate or scare off the worker.

The worker didn't even bat a lash, instead he replied. "Sorry sir, I wasn't aware you were dropping in today. I can get the foreman for ya if ya wish."

Dante spoke this time.

"Yes please do so, I want to know when this will be done so we can co-ordinate our opening with what I have planned."

Dante looked at Josh, "You my dear should go and get the mall supervisor so we can get organized and so we don't cause a rift around here and we need to get advertising done as well."

Josh nodded and headed off. A few minutes later the foreman from the renovation crew showed, some info was exchanged and then not long after the supervisor showed. He escorted them to his office where ideas were thrown around and by the time twelve rolled around Josh and Dante had their opening planned with the full blessings of the mall who would help with advertising since it would bring sales to other shops as well as their own, revenue in general was always a good thing for a mall. Dante also requested if the supervisor could ask if anyone wished to contribute a sponsorship to the fashion show which would include make-up jewelry and other items and then let them know those who do join up would be included in the commercial that Josh would be making up in a few weeks. Josh and Dante then went back to their shop and made a few more requests, one; which included a simple runway for the show.

When all was done, Dante who was placing in his brief case the written info from the supervisor and other important plans had Josh look at him say, "Ok brains, let's get some food. I'm famished."

They headed to the food court and Dante decided he was hungry for Chinese food. "Ok sweetie, you order I have to go use the facilities, I'll be right back." Josh walked off as Dante ordered.

When Dante got their food he took the tray teeming with the awesome smelling fare to the food court, that's when he noticed Selina. She was alone and was looking quite desolate and diminutive. She was absorbed in a book and didn't even notice him as he sat at the table adjacent to hers. Dante didn't say a word but he did usher Josh over when he returned from the bathroom. Josh walked over and noticed Selina as well but Dante made a shhh, motion and slid a note he had scribbled on his napkin to him.

`Let her notice on her own' it said. He had an idea.

Dante started a convo about Jump Street and how the show would go, he took out a second napkin from it's container and started to sketch stuff on it as best as he could. He made comments on the way the models would enter the platform. He was happy things would be taking off in a few weeks.

"We're going to have to hire a few people for the floor and possibly an assistant manager." Dante looked at Josh who nodded in agreement.

"If we put an ad in the paper I'm sure a few students may take interest in some part time work." Josh said as he spared a sprig of broccoli and stuffed it into his mouth.

It was then that both Dante and Josh noticed little eyes and a smile perk at the news. Selina was aware it was them.

"What time do you work on Tuesday?" Josh asked nonchalantly as he offered Dante a fork full of fried rice. Dante took the offering and savored the flavor before answering. "Umm, I don't know, I have to check my schedule." He said as he swallowed.

A tiny voice cut in. "You work at twelve."

Both Josh and Dante looked over to the voice and feinted shock at her presents.

"Oh my, Selina I didn't even see you there you scared me!" Dante said; "Oh thanks as well." "Guess that answers your question there dear, I work at twelve; which means I'm off at four." Josh chuckled he knew what he was up to and he found it very amusing. To bring Selina into the conversation that they were previously having he asked her. "What are ya reading?"

"Stuff for school, Dad is sleeping and I wanted to be around activity but still have it quiet. I can't play music while he sleeps, so I hang out where ever I can to study."

She hung her head again and played with the page ends, flicking them through her fingers. She looked a little uncomfortable but at least she hadn't run yet. Josh felt that was a good thing so far.

"I use to go to the mall to when I was your age or my Nan's place." Josh said to her, waiting to see what was going to happen.

"Did you play a sport when you were younger?"

"Yep, I did, Lacrosse. It's a very tough sport; which is kinda of odd since I use to be such a weak kid when I was younger. My mom, she use to tell me I was nothing but skin and bones, she was scared I'd get hurt. But I got use to the game quick." Josh smiled at her and Dante just watched he liked how Josh interacted with the teen. He was a natural with kids.

"Did you get stronger?" Her eyes held hope for the question at hand.

"Physically I did, but my training helped me more mentally as I grew up. Dante's class will teach you that to."

He said hoping that the trust he was slowly gaining with her would also be good for Dante as well. Josh could feel there was a story in Selina. She acted too much like he did when he was younger. He wanted to make sure she felt she could go to either of them if she needed to. Selina chuckled; which in turn got Dante confused, as he didn't expect it. So he asked.

"Why are you laughing?"

She stopped abruptly and cringed. Josh noticed right away and put his hand on Dante's giving a knowing look. They both waited to see if she was going to respond.

"Sorry I thought the growing mentally part through swimming was funny." She hung her head again and withdrew.

Dante thought about her comment then he started to chuckle. Selina looked over at him while he laughed.

"Guess it gives a whole new meaning to water on the brain, don't it." He asked as he eyes sparkled with laughter. She relaxed, nodded her head and smiled. Josh was happy to see the breakthrough. Dante smiled back at her.

"So I assume you heard about the jobs we're looking to fill?" Selina nodded her head.

"I didn't know you owned a shop here."

Dante reached for Josh's hand.

"He started the first shop back in Curre before we met. Now he's expanding his business to here and I'm included with this adventure. So now we own this shop here. It's called Jump Street, it's a clothing shop."

Josh felt so proud that Dante was able to say `we'

"We will need a few part timers and one who can work their way up to assistant manger in due time and quite possibly a manger if we decide to expand more in a few years time." Josh's eyes gleamed with excitement at the possibilities his simple dream now held and with Dante helping anything was possible.

"How much will it pay?" She asked curious about this possibility.

"Eight fifty an hour starting." Josh said.

She calculated in her head eight fifty at six hours a day starting around three after she got done classes till the end of the day and depending on how many days a week. She was hoping for six at least. She paused and her eyes widened as she came to her answer, about five hundred and eighty bucks every two weeks and with nearly no expenses she was singing. Not wanting to seem too eager she looked at the two men sitting next to her and replied.

"I'll apply for it when I can, right now I have to tell Kate and John I'm giving my impending notice, that is if I get hired. They really can't afford to pay me what I'd earn working at any retail place anyway and I am trying to save for collage."

Dante looked at the girl whose eyes were quite serious now.

"Bring in a resume and references. We'll go from there. Ok Selina." He said as he laid a friendly hand on her shoulder. She grimaced in pain and nodded her head as she pulled out from under his hand.

"I really should go." She said in a quick breath as she grabbed her kit back and took off.

"See you Tuesday." Dante said as she left.

"Wow that's odd on how she left us so quick." Dante's comment floated in the air between him and Josh as he watched the young girl scurry away.

"I'm coming to work with you this week." Josh said abruptly.

"Ok." Dante said wondering why he was so quick to tell him this, but assumed he had some sort of agenda, in the mean time he made his own suggestion. "You can make calls to those you need to for the show, if I'm close by and you have questions on the conceptual parts I am planning least I'll be close enough by for you to ask." He smiled hoping that the worried look in his eyes would subside.

"I'm more concerned about her than the show hun, I see me in her and that scares me." Josh looked at Dante who now saw genuine fear in his eyes.

"I'm worried to Josh, don't get me wrong but there's only so much we can do, and unless she comes to us for help our hands are tied."

Dante took Josh's hands into his won across the table and looked at him.

We'll keep an eye on her together and since you connect with her the easiest than you can invite her to the house if she needs a place to go to, even if it's just to hang out." "I'll let her know she can always go to the pool or the shop once it's opened."

Josh nodded. He felt better knowing there were options in the making for the young girl if she needed a place to go. It was after two when she got home. She went to her room and rechecked her shoulder. It was a pretty nasty shade of purple now and it hurt badly. She could hardly lift her arm but she still pushed it. She winced again as she put her arm down. Sighing she headed to the kitchen to start supper. She had the spaghetti meal done in about thirty minutes. She stored her dad's supper in a container and placed it in the microwave. She put a note to let her dad know she was going to work. She washed the few dishes that were left, rinsed her dad's thermos and started the coffee perk before she left for Kate's place.

************************************************** "I'm letting you know now that in about three weeks time I won't be able to sit for you anymore." Kate was saddened by the news.

"Why?" She asked Selina who had sit for them for two years now.

"I'm applying for a bigger job Kate. I'm sorry but it can pay me more." "I love Jake and Zack and all but you know I need to get more money saved. I only have a year left before I graduate and I want to go to collage and I won't be able to on what I have saved now."

Kate understood, She also had a good idea that all Selina was looking for was a way to get away from her dad but with no proof even Kate couldn't do anything and Selina never asked for help.

"I understand hun. Do you need a reference?" She asked

"Yes, I will need one." She smiled at Kate. She would miss her and her boys who were nearly three now.

"Thanks for everything Kat. I'm glad to have been someone you trusted enough to hire."

Kate nodded seeing the saddened look in Selina's eyes, so trying to keep an upbeat attitude she responded with. "Everyone has to start somewhere."

The evening went quickly as she sat for Kate who left for work at four. She made supper for Jake and Zack. She read them their stories and put them to bed around seven. She took out her schoolbooks and studied. Their dad John walked in at around ten p.m.

"Kate called, told me you're done in about three weeks time?" he looked sad to.

"Yeah, but it could be earlier. I'm not sure yet. That's why I said in about three weeks time." "I need more money for collage and my swim coach and his partner run this shop and are hiring, it opens on the first Josh asked if I'd be interested in a job there and I said yes." "I'll make about a grand in a month, I have four grand saved now and I have a goal of 6 more so I can get the courses I need."

John nodded he head. He understood and she was brave to do what she was trying to do on her own at such a young age. John never liked her dad thou so his wife's own opinion on Selina's needs to `get away' seemed reasonable to him.

"Well all the best of luck kiddo, I'm sure you can do what ever you put your mind to."

"Thanks John." She said as she got on her jacket.

"I'll see you Tuesday night" He said "Only I work till six so you'll only be needed a few hours."

"Fine by me." She said as she waved and left.

She walked home along the dark street. She made it home and let herself into the house. There was a note from her dad. `DISHES'

She crumpled it up and looked at the mugs and supper dishes he had left behind. She ran the water and did the few that were there then took the laundry to the back room and did the wash. The evenings were the only time she had to herself since it was dad free. She turned on the T.V. in the living room, she found the music station and let it play as she studied. The first load of laundry she started buzzed its completion and she got up and put on the second load. She went back to her books in the living room to continue studying while the second load went through. She knew the house door was locked and the T.V was down low so she knew she'd hear the timer while she studied. She had to get this reading done, classes started on the third of September in Kearney unlike other areas she'd hear of from friends on line. Already her first week of grade twelve was proving to be tough but she was determined to make it through with the same average she had last year in grade eleven. She had a get away plan, only a little while longer to go now.

She must have fallen asleep, the next thing she knew she was being dragged off the couch by her hair. Her head hurt she cried out. He was screaming unintelligibly at her. He dragged her down the hall to the laundry room not letting up even slightly on her poor head, she felt like her neck was about to snap.

"Useless fucking brat, I got WOP's that work for me who don't even understand English and they know their job and place." She felt something wet landed on her face then he booted her side. It went dark again. When she woke again on Sunday morning she was in pain. She sat up only to have to lie down again. Her side burned. She whimpered the pain was nearing unbearable. She threw up and then cried softly. She looked around wondering where he was. She got up and grabbed the mop and cleaned up her own vomit. She took the second load of clothing from the washer and put it in the dryer crying the whole time, her lung on her right side burning in agony every time she breathed. She slowly made her way to her own bedroom. She collapsed on the bed. Selina didn't move for nearly a two full days after that. Her dad tried to wake her but he had no luck even the swat he gave her to get her to move didn't do a thing. She didn't budge. He checked her again on Monday night and saw she was still breathing so she wasn't dead. He closed her door he didn't want to look at the lazy excuse he had for a kid.

"Has anyone heard from Selina?" Dante asked the teens that were all gathered around at the poolside giggling before class started.

"Nope, she's stuck up, no one talks to her much here." Peter said as he shoved his brother horsing around. Jayed walked over to Dante and motioned for him to follow her. He did so. They stopped a good distance away from the others and Jayed spoke to Dante.

"Her dad is rough on her sometime and well that might be why she's not here. I went to her house once a long time ago and cause she forgot something he yelled and then grounded her." "He yells an awful lot. Scared me to. She never let me come back. So if she's not here its cause he didn't let her out." Dante nodded and asked. "Do you know if he hurts her? Has she ever told you that or did you see anything?"

Jayed shook her head no. "I only ever heard him yell, and that scared me so I didn't go back." Dante thanked her for the news. He realized to have her come to him with that kind of sensitive information ment he was gaining the trust of the students, even if it was one by one. He turned to see his other students gabbing to Josh who was right in with his students. He smiled at how well the kids interacted with him. Selina did show, quite late in fact. It was nearly at the middle of the class. She looked like shit. Dante went to her. She was wearing a long shirt over he bathing suit.

"Oh my god Selina, you look like death warmed over, you ok?" She looked at him but it wasn't the chipper kid he knew staring back at him.

"I'm fine." She said gruffly. She walked away and slid slowly into the water. He saw her wince. He looked at Josh who took his boyfriends cue and went with it, Josh knew Dante was worried and Josh could see that this young lady needed support. Josh swam over to her while Dante continued his class minus Josh and Salina who did their own thing for now. Dante was hoping she'd open to him. Dante had been putting them through their warm ups earlier and now they were working on their flips and wall turns. It was one thing that he had insisted they work on. He watched Josh and Selina across the pool in the shallow end. Selina was floating on her back her eyes closed. Josh was talking to her and hand his left hand on her lower back and his right hand was holding her left hand that she had over her belly. He was slowly swimming along still talking to her. She still had the baggy shirt on and he had been told before about the pool dress code. He really hated to have to remind her but he had to do his job. He headed their way.

"Selina," he said quietly, "Can you come here please dear?"

Josh still spoke to her quietly. Josh got Dante and looked at him. Dante stooped down and told Josh that the manager might make her leave the pool due to her wearing the baggy shirt as the dress protocol states no loose clothing due to the pumps. Josh nodded and kept moving with Selina. Dante left them to their own accord after that hoping that his request didn't make her upset. He returned to his class. When he looked back thirty minutes later Selina and Josh were out of the pool. Josh spoke to her calmly. He had opened up to this young girl more than he ever had to Dante in the past. She didn't say much but when she did it was guarded. Josh saw the signs and knew them too well. When Dante came to ask Selina something she had stiffened. Josh reassured her all was ok and to relax that she'd be ok. He had floated over to Dante with her and listened to what Dante had requested. He then slowly and cautiously broached the subject of her swim gear. She stiffened again then sank down into the water away from Josh who watched her not moving. She slowly swam to the steps that exited the pool and he watched her leave. He followed. She sat on the bench; she was bent over with her hands in her wet blond hair. Josh sat beside her and though before he spoke.

"Your hurting, I can see it. You remind me of me. I'm here if you want to talk but you have to come to Dante or I and ask, but we can't do anything till you do. Remember we can help if you want it."

She got up and walked to the dressing room. Josh watched her leave. He was fusterated. He didn't know how to get her to open up to him more and he knew there was something there he could just feel it. He went to Dante's side and watched the remainder of the class and participated where he needed to but his thoughts were on the young girl who was apparently scared.

******************************************** MANY thanks to EVERYONE and all the e-mails Thanks for reading. The series; books 1 - 3 are now published on line If you wish to read it in it's entierity mail me and ask for the link to the series offical web page.

Book 4 is in progress along with the others Please bear with me if the pages are listed in my site it's just how I have things set up even thou sometimes they don't work. (if there's nothing showing it's not up yet) The full series will be set up in here (Nifty) in due time. Summer of 2008 is seeing me prepare for a return to college and a few life changes to boot :) All good I assure you. Please by all means keep the mails comming I love chatting to my readers.

Comments, feed back and general fan mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Thanks again - Lila Mosher

Next: Chapter 12: Steppin Out II 16 18

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