Steppin Out

By Lila Mosher

Published on May 15, 2008



This is a series of works of gay erotic fiction. If you are offended by such material or if you are not allowed access to it under the laws where you live, please exit now.

This work is copyrighted by the author and LBL Services Canada. 1990-2008

and may not be copied or distributed in any form without the written permission of the author, who may be contacted at:

Any and all celebrities mentioned in this story have no affiliation to this piece of writing and I make no claim to their person as my own. All Mentioned places and people are factious and any bearing resemblance to anyone person or place is purley coincidental


Steppin' Out (Book 1) Aikrii and Mani's Story Copyright 1993-2008 By Lila Mosher

One brilliant young man's struggle for acceptance within his own family and community brings him closer to another who makes him stronger through love and understanding.

Chapter one. ~ In the beginning ***********************************

He cowered as the fists hit him repeatedly, he could hear the jeers of


screamed at him while fists and feet nailed him over and over again. He wished he would just die... No one would come down here... No one would hear his screams... He gave up, knowing being as small as he was he had NO chance. The last thing he remembered hearing was someone screaming, whether it was his own voice or someone else wasn't something he would know till he came to again. The blackness enveloped him like a blanket and all the pain went away. Aikrii dreamed, of the past, the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his uncle and then again the physical abuse at the hands of his dad who beat him once he found out his son was gay. His mother Marie tried to stop her husbands abuse and protected her son, thou a bit too late at least it was something they both got away. Now days Aikrii was living on the edge wondering who would hurt him next, or if he'd cross paths of his violent father. He remembered his mother's words.

"I'll always love you not matter what you become, or who you are, regardless what anyone thinks, you will also find love for yourself"

He was depressed a lot and finding "someone" wasn't in his agenda at the moment.

He stirred and felt the throbbing in his head, and groaned. He lifted his hand, which felt like a brick was tied to it; to feel the lump he was sure he had on his noggin. He felt warmth on his arm that restrained him from moving. He tried to speak but couldn't. The soothing voice he heard wasn't one he recognized immediately but it did stir emotions of the school where he remembered he was just beaten at, he panicked.

"Hey, hey!"

He heard, and then warmth covered him restraining him lightly... Aikrii paused...someone was hugging him? He tried to open his eyes...

The small slit he was able to wedge opened through the bruising was just enough for him to notice he was in a hospital. He was safe! He turned his head to see the arms that were holding him from moving. The violet eyes and red hair he was startled to see next to him was an odd yet welcoming surprise. It was Mani, one of the senior high students he knew of. He was also one of the top martial arts students for their school. Mani pulled back, and spoke.

"I didn't want you to hurt yourself any worse than those damn kids did." Mani brushed a strand of Aikrii's brown hair from off his face and continued to speak.

"I walked in on them beating you," he sighed, "I put the run to them and had the school call the police, all 8 of them are being charged. They nearly killed you;" he said with an air of dread in his voice.

Aikrii was shocked to hear him say that and in the manner he said it. He tried to talk but couldn't his throat hurt... he moaned and grunted...trying to get Mani's attention. Mani guessed at what he wanted, so he slowly raised the head of the bed so Aikrii could see and then passed him a note pad and a pen. Aikrii wrote.

"You saved me?"

Mani nodded his head. "Most know who I am and ran pretty fast, the cocky ones who thought they could take me on learned the hard way." he looked at the floor.

"I despise bashers, and unfortunately the two I hurt saving you will only be more keen on beating on anyone who's not like them."

Aikrii wrote again. "Mirror please"

Mani looked at him and said... "Ummm, I don't think that's a good idea Aikrii, your a sight for sore eyes..."

Aikrii growled and poked the page with his pen sharply... Mani got the point and realized this little fella won't back down till he gets what he wants. So he fetched the mirror.

He was thinking I lived. I am still here...why? He looked in the mirror that Mani passed him and then a tear escaped his swollen eyes. His face was so badly beaten the only eye he could see out of looked like a big red marshmallow the other eye was so black it looked like someone painted his face. Above his eyebrow was cut really badly and he could see the stitches that had been put there. He put the mirror down slowly, and picked up his pen and pad again and wrote one word.


Mani sadly looked at him. "Why what?" "Why did they beat you?" "Why did I save you?" "Why did you live?"

"All" he wrote.

"I can only assume why they beat you, and it's called ignorance and intolerance, some do not understand we're born this way it's NOT a choice like everyone always thought."

Mani paused placed his hand on Aikrii's arm and took a deep breath and continued.

"Why did I save you? Because it's what I had to do out of the respect of any fellow being, and because it was the right thing to do." "Everyone." he stressed "deserves respect no matter what, even people like you and I."

"Why did you live? I have no idea, maybe this is what destiny had planned for you, and all you have to do now is decide what to do with the second chance you've been given."

Aikrii was stunned to hear the words, "Like you and I" he always pegged Mani as a "Jock" man was he wrong and he just realized he judged him the same way the boys had judged him. He felt ashamed for being like that. He reached out and touched Mani's arm and then wrote again.

"Thank you"

The attempted smile was something that seemed to make Mani realize he found the one person he wanted to make smile more. Aikrii's heart found the peace it had been seeking for a long time. Aikrii fell asleep. Mani rested his hand on Aikrii's arm and very attentively and gently stroked his head; humming to him & watching the poor badly battered boy sleep.

Aikrii's mom walked in on the tender scene and slowly backed away allowing Mani to his own accord, her son was sleeping she'd come back she though, but Mani noticed her and spoke.

"Hello Mrs. Orati." He said as he stood extending his hand to shake hers.

"Hi, I didn't mean to disturb you" she said.

"By all means, he is after all your son first" Mani said with a smile.

She smiled and took his hand and shook it then she hugged him fiercely.

"Thanks you! The police told me you saved my boy," she said pulling back and smiling at Mani.

Mani blushed and scratched his head. "Umm I was only doing what was right Ma'ma"

"Your not only handsome, you're modest to!" Marie said as she touched his face and gave him a pinch

"You're a hero in my eyes, my poor son has been abused enough"

She looked down at her son's sleeping form and kissed his forehead gently.

"Even his own father beat him for what he was" she teared yet continued

"Parents don't beat their kids for being normal but some do when they are not what is considered the norm, where is the humanity in that?" the words rang true and with the sadness of a million spilled tears.

"Mrs. Orati," Mani said softly "You'll need not to worry about your son again, he will be well protected now that he knows he's got a second chance, I think he will be a lot tougher not only mentally but physically"

Marie looked at Mani and smiled again and without a word kissed his cheek and walked from the room. For the first time in a long time Mani felt more than mere acceptance from the woman who made him blush not only once but twice. He knew he'd see her more often and looked forward to it in the time to come. He looked down at the still sleeping Aikrii and then paged a nurse.

The hospital was patient with Aikrii over the next two weeks as he healed, Mani rarely left his side and got pardoned from classes but continued to do his class homework and studies as needed and encouraged Aikrii to do the same. Aikrii was more than happy to have something to do since he wasn't permitted to roam since he had a sever head injury and only when Mani was around and pushed him in a wheel chair was he permitted to go anywhere. Over the two weeks in the hospitals care had brought Aikrii closer to Mani, something he never expected to happen. He was happier for it and seemed to thrive and heal faster as well.

His doctors told him within a few days he'd be up and out of the hospital if he kept up the wonderful recovery. This enlightened Aikrii's spirits, He smiled a full smile and it made Mani's heart not only melt but ache to, Mani knew he'd be out of here soon and on his own, it made Mani wonder if he had a chance to keep him close after Aikrii was free of his hovering. His answer came that evening.

Aikrii knew Mani was crashed in the uncomfortable hospital cot next to his own bed, but he felt safe, but having the safe feeling didn't stop the dreams from comming.

The memories were terrifying. His uncle; forcing himself on him. The pain. The sting of a cane from his father's harsh blows and the cries of

"Fucking little faggot!"

"Die you useless little bastard!"

Ringing in his ear. He whimpered and cried out in his sleep, but his bad dreams subsided as he felt warmth envelope him, unlike the darkness he was so use to suffocating him; this felt good. He saw violet eyes and a flash of red, and a smile. Arms were opened for him, welcoming him and he slid right into the awaiting arms and snuggled right in, he felt safe now.

Mani had heard his cries and knew Aikrii was having bad dreams. He got out of the cot and noticed Aikrii trashing; he crawled into the hospital bed with Aikrii and wrapped his arms around him with the heavy blanket he had with him. Aikrii calmed, he murmured soothing tones and caressed Aikrii's head. He was soothed and calm once again. He looked down at him and felt his heart melt, he knew where he wanted to be, yet he knew his heart would break if Aikrii turned away from him now, he'd grown attached in the last two weeks. Aikrii started to cry in his sleep, Mani shhh'ed him and stroked his head again. Aikrii awoke with a start... He felt the warmth and wondered why it was there that's when he realized there was a body next to him, he looked up and seen Mani. He smiled and snuggled in again. He murmured

"Thank you"

Mani looked down at him and murmured in a hushed tone.

"Anytime... anytime" with that he lightly kissed his forehead and smiled down at him.

Aikrii smiled back. He was accepted here and there wasn't anywhere else he wanted to be. He reached up and touched Mani's face and then slid his fingers into his hair and then down around his neck. Sliding himself up to eye level to Mani he looked into violet eyes and softly spoke, "I mean it, thanks for accepting me, for being here, for understanding, for everything." His green eyes staring into Main's own violet ones held all the feelings he had and Mani could see them all. That's when the old saying "You can see into ones soul though their eyes" He felt he had gone on a trip to the moon and back in Aikrii's eyes.

He never thought Aikrii felt the same till that moment, when Aikrii's actions spoke louder than words. He slowly leaned forward pulling Mani's head down towards him. What possessed him to do this on his own was beyond him, he was never the one to initiate anything being as shy as he was, but this felt so right.

The kiss itself was heart stopping and breathtaking and caused Aikrii's heart to burst with a flood of emotions. Mani on the other hand was so enthralled and shocked and happy all rolled in one he encouraged Aikrii to continue the kiss deepened and their breaths were heavy Aikrii felt Mani's fingers in his hair and nipped his lip in excitement, Mani chuckled through the excitement, and pulled back.

"Oh I'm sorry if I hurt you" Aikrii stammered, dropping his eyes to Mani's chest

"Not at all!" He said chuckling and raising Aikrii's face to his "I'm just thrilled to see you being so free, and lively and well happy, it's nice to know I wasn't the only one getting attached"

Aikrii blushed and stammered. "Ummm, I'm not usually this...ummm...ummm...I'm not usually like this at all"

"Doesn't matter," Mani said with a smile in his heart and a grin on his face. "Man your cute when you blush!"

Aikrii laughed out loud and then yawned..."ummm...I'm getting tired again"

He pulled Aikrii forward and kissed him again on the forehead and snuggled in, both falling blissfully to sleep together. That's how the morning shift nurse found them, curled up together with Mani being the one spooned around Aikrii like a security blanket. Smiling she pulled the curtain around them so they could have some privacy. She contacted Aikrii's doctor and asked when he was allowed to go home as she though that the couple would more than likely enjoy some time outside of the hospital instead of being cooped up like they had been.

Aikrii was happily discharged that same day, with Mani at his side, both Steppin' out into the sunlight hand in hand, to face the world together. Mani warped his arm around Aikrii's shoulder and proceeded to walk with him to the car lot.

Chapter 2 ~ Baby steps **********************

"Car's this way" he said pointed in the general direction of the Dixion hospital parking lot.

"You have a car?" Aikrii said with awe

Mani threw back his head and roared with laughter "Yes my dear, I do"

The sleek Mustang was quite a shock to Aikrii, he figured Mani for a Volvo kind of guy and said it out loud...

Mani hooted again he was so thrilled at Aikrii's openness. He one armed hugged him again swiftly planted a kiss on the side of his head and kept walking with his arm over his shoulder to the cars door. Aikrii was totally overwhelmed with the sheer awesome flooding of emotions he was experiencing and he started to giggle, just as Mani slid into the drivers seat.

"What's so funny?" Mani asked puzzled.

"EVERYTHING!" Aikrii squealed with laughter, gasping before continuing. "I gotta SOOO be dreaming; I mean this is totally fucked! I almost died, I get rescued by a Jackie Chan type hero I'm whisked away in an amazing car, Dammit someone pinch me so I can make sure I'm not dreaming again!"

Mani stared in total shock at the young teen next to him.

"Your really not use to this are you?" he said with a sad tone in his voice as he reached over and touched Aikrii's cheek.

"No" Aikrii muttered and slouched his head looking at his worn boots.

"Well let's get things started then and prove to you your not dreaming" Said Mani and he soundly pinched Aikrii's ear and watched the boy jump and yelp.

"What the hell!" he shouted and looked at Mani totally confused.

"You said pinch me..." Mani said as he turned the key in the ignition and backed out of the parking spot.

"Now that that parts over lets continue; that is IF you're sure your not dreaming now" he looked at Aikrii and smiled.

Aikrii relaxed then roared with laughter and they took off for Mani's apartment in Clifton Park, the posh part of downtown Curre.

Aikrii couldn't believe his eyes as he walked into the posh Acadian Palace apartment complex. He wolf whistled.

"Oh My God! You live here!" Aikrii said in total amazement. "How in the world can you afford such a beautiful place, and by yourself to!"

Mani looked at the young man before him and was stunned to see the sheer awe, amazement and the obvious beauty this young fella saw around him. He was happy to see him smile.

"Do you remember the schools international championships we had for our Ta kwon-do tournament?" he asked Aikrii. "I won a lot of money and a contract from that competition, I put it aside for my own business, I'm a photographer and own my own do jang studio, they are next door."

"Do I ever! You kicked ass that day! You were freaking AMAZING!" He said with a gleam of sheer pride in his eyes. "A Studio! WOW!" Seeing that pride in his eyes made Mani melt.

He walked over to Aikrii and put his arm over his shoulder and walked him to the balcony, opened the door and showed him the view, and got the response he expected, a gasp of sheer delight.

"Your comment about me being totally amazing when I did that fight made me feel just like you did the very moment you seen the view from here...Do you understand that?"

Aikrii looked at the beautiful violet eyes smiling on him. He nodded his head yes. He realized he made Mani feel good about himself as much as Mani made him feel good to. He blushed and that was all that needed to happen. Mani love it when he blushed, it made Aikrii seem so innocent and sweet, his blushing hugged Mani's heart making him feel warm. Both hands came to Aikrii's face cradling his cheeks in his hands Mani kissed him soundly.

Aikrii knew it was comming soon as his cheeks turned red he knew. He melted. He slid his arms around Mani's waist one sneaking to his pants pocket pulling him closer. He felt his arousal. The heat resonating from them both would cause a round of forest fires easily enough.

Mani literally picked Aikrii up by his hips, Aikrii's response was to snake his legs around Mani's waist. Mani walked back inside and over to the big coach in the middle of the living room, caressing and kissing Aikrii the whole way, he was boiling now and stumbling, Aikrii was getting more demanding and Mani was over-joyed at his eagerness.

Mani had to slow down as not to drop Aikrii, he did after all JUST get out of the hospital and he didn't want to see him hurt again. Aikrii groaned in disappointment when Mani broke contact with his lips.

"Shhhh" Mani said to the pouting lips "I don't want to drop you silly"

Aikrii decided to get Mani to jump and bit him on the neck, instead the response was a yelp and a giggle and a good firm butt squeeze. Sitting down Mani relaxed with Aikrii straddled over his lap. Letting Aikrii lead Mani relaxed and went with the flow. Aikrii was overly excited and in his zealous rushing and euphoric state he ripped Mani's buttons clear from his shirt, his lips finding his mid drift and licking his way to his neck making Mani Squirm and Aikrii grab Mani's wrists when he arched against him.

Panting and groaning he squeaked out a whooshed "Oooh!"

Aikrii was grinning from ear to ear, he was so sure that Mani was reaching near climatic release. He reached down for his belt, and that's when Mani stopped him. Panting and gasping and with utter restraint he said,

"Not yet my young stud muffin, not yet" Smiling and sweating he kissed the shocked and puzzled face of his new boyfriend. Aikrii pulled back...

"Why not?" Aikrii said hurt on his voice.

"Out of respect for you for one" was the only words he muttered. He wrapped his arms around Aikrii who was shocked to hear that...the only one who ever really respect him was his mom and he never really counted that for much, but this was totally new to him, it made him feel ... loved.

The leather coach's upholstered surface vibrated in response to Mani's sideway sliding with Aikrii wrapped in his arms. Aikrii's cheek resting against Mani's bare chest, he breathed deep taking in the smell of polo cologne, He relaxed, and realizing his rushing wasn't something Mani would take advantage of and he was glad someone respected him enough to make him slow down. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

It was about 9 pm when the phones shrill and continuous ringing brought them both back to the waking world. Mani reached over his head to the table at the side of his coach and fumbled for the phone not wanting to break the warmth he had with Aikrii who was still snuggled against him.

"Umm..He-hello..?" Mani mumbled sleepily.

"Oh sorry Mani hun! I didn't mean to wake you" he recognized Marie's voice immediately. He smiled as he looked down to the brown head nestled against his chest.

"It's quite Ok Marie, do you want to talk to Aikrii?"

"Oh he's there? I just got off of work and didn't know for sure what had happened the hospital said he'd been discharged" The sound of relief in her voice made Mani feel guilty for not calling her sooner.

"He's safe and sound here sleeping away, I can wake him if you want" He said with a smile as Aikrii moaned and rolled over and pushed his bottom against Mani's midriff.

"I trust you to keep him safe Mani, tell him to call in the morning if he's not back to class ok, my love to you both" with that she hung up. He had grown to adore Aikrii's mom and learned a lot about Aikrii's harsh past and also understood why Aikrii had given up so easily when the gang of teens were beating on him.

The memory of the beating flooding back to him like it was yesterday. He knew of Aikrii, he had heard of the meek computer wiz kid who had invented a special program that could help some of the schools disabled kids do school work more effectively. He had admired him from afar, he hadn't been aware that Aikrii was gay like him, it was only during the beating that he found out. He had heard the jeers of


Being screamed from the former through bay that wasn't used as often as it use to be, it was also one area that didn't have the walking campus police frequent for security. Good thing it did have cameras, which caught the whole thing, unwatched mind you; unfolding. Mani had gone down to see what was going on hearing the blows landing on a small body he recognized immediately as Aikrii. Mani remembered screaming

"NO Stop!"

On top of his lungs, he remembered seeing four of the boys running, he knew who they were, he also noticed one of the boys who was part of the gay community in among the boys doing harm to Aikrii. He clued in at that moment that, that particular assailant he hadn't outted himself to the rest of the "posse" who was wailing on poor Aikrii.

Two of the bigger boys who were in grade nine and didn't know who Mani was tried to attack him with sever consequences, the first fella got a round house kick to his face and lost five teeth as he fell to the floor out cold, the second fella got a kick to the ribs and then his feet swiped from under him, hitting the floor with a sickening whack, striking the concrete at that height at that speed caused his jaw to shatter.

Mani Screamed again the last two kids ran faster then the first 4 screaming he was going to kill them by then others had poured down the stairs to see the fight. They stopped the last two that tried to run, the police had shown along with the principal. Mani was at Aikrii's side by then and was cradling his head crying and talking to him, he remembered breaking down right there, screaming at the two boys who were still there from the beating, one he had spared with during his matches.

"I pinned you when we practiced for the school tournaments, does that make you a fag because I touched you?" he yelled. "DOES IT!" the boy who was now cuffed cringed and turned away from his former sparring and classmate.

"WHY do people always assume anyone who is gay is a bad person who needs to be killed off like some rabid animal" One of the girls in the crowd stepped forward and walked over to Mani, she put her hand on his arm and passed him a sweater to cover his friend.

"You were very brave to stick up for your friend, I don't think any less of you; gay or not" she said with a frown on her face while she looked over Aikrii took his vitals She backed away when the paramedics showed. She told them his heart rate and other vital stats and let them take him in the stretcher. Mani didn't want to see him go he was pretty upset, but the one person who was there to help held onto his shirt as they loaded Aikrii into the ambulance.

"Come on we'll go to the hospital to see him ok" Cleo was the girl he met that day, the one person who stepped forward and without prejudice helped.

"I have to get money for the bus" she had said.

"I have a car," he said, "We can drive"

"Are you sure?" she asked looking at the now slowly calming Mani

"Yeah, I have to stop at the police station anyway on the way there." he said with an air of dread.

"Yeah I heard about that part" she said, cringing at the thoughts of what he would have to endure for hurting the two boys who had hurt his friend.

"If it's any help I can tell them what I saw."

"I think the police will be interviewing anyone who was present, I'm sure this isn't the end of this whole ordeal"

Mani had been right, for the two weeks while Aikrii was recovering the police had interviewed about 30 students not including the 8 boys who were being charged with attempted murder. If it hadn't been for the video surveillance tapes Mani would most likely also be serving time in the near future but the tape showed he only responded when he was being attacked, out of self-defense only. The police spoke to Mani one on one on three separate occasions trying to get all of the events that happened, they wanted a solid case against the 8 teens involved and the prosecutors were going for adult court.

Mani knew tomorrow morning would be a brand new start for Aikrii where it would go from there was up to them both and hopefully with their parents support as well, together they could make things good for not only each other but others around their community.

Mani looked down onto the silky brown head nestled against his chest. Shifting he managed to maneuver Aikrii into his arms, being as light as he was Mani managed to get him to bed without waking him. He laid him down on the king sized bed and covered him with the white duvet blanket. Mani wandered out to his kitchen and looked into his fridge for something to eat, but the fridge was bare. Looking at the clock he noticed it wasn't that late.

"Ummm..." he murmured to himself "Food, a growing boy needs food..."

He headed out the door leaving a note on the fridge, "Gone to get grub hun, back in a few " He even drew a little heart on the note, smiling and whistling he headed to Sol-lo's grocery mart.

Chapter 3 ~ Security **********************

He yawned and stretched, he could smell polo and musk and a clean smell of fresh linens. He looked around and mused, ummm...must be Mani's room. He got up and went to the bathroom and used the facilities. He looked to the back of the toilet tank and noticed his toiletries bag was on the back of it, reaching for it he rummaged around and found his tooth brush, he mouth felt like a tar pit. He brushed his teeth, and then looked into the cabinet he saw Mani's polo and a few other odds and ends, but he noticed a full space below totally cleared out, except for one thing, a note that said: For your stuff if you want. Aikrii's heart skipped a beat he felt wanted and it was so new to him. Smiling he placed his toothbrush on his designated shelf and then the rest of his stuff.

He wandered to the kitchen passing the burgundy leather sofa, flash backs making him blush and groan at the pressure he had building in his groin. He looked around and noticed it was really quite, where was Mani? The note on the fridge answered his question and opening the fridge made him realize why Mani was missing.

He wandered back to the sofa and spotted the TV. Now that he was rested he really didn't need sleep now... he looked at the clock.

"Oh shit!" he said out loud, "MOM!" reaching for the phone he dialed her number and let the phone ring. She answered at the fourth ring.

"Mom, I'm soo sorry!" he stammered rapidly. "I totally forgot to give you a call and then I flaked out on Mani who's gone to get grub for us."

He heard her chuckle and was a bit confused. "Mom?"

This was unusual for her; she was always so overly protective of him since his dad left.

"Hunny it's quite ok, I know where you're at, I was talking to your darling sweetie earlier."

Blushing he responded like a typical embarrassed teen. "Mom, come one now...sweetie? OI!" rolling his eyes he flopped onto the couch.

"Don't flop dear, I'm sure Mani's wonderful sofa won't stand up to the rough and tumble nature your so use to dishing out."

Aikrii let out a strangled squawk... "WHAT! You've been here?!"

"Most certainly" she replied calmly. "I'm sorry baby but I had to make sure you were going to be safe, He knows a lot about you and he really cares about you, I just wanted to make sure you were going to a safe place that's all."

"Mom, he saved my life, how much more safe can he possibly be?" he asked confused and shocked at the same time.

"Can't be too sure about my baby," she said then she dropped the bomb.

"I had to for a good reason," she said with an air of doom in her voice.

He knew immediately what she was going to say... "NO!" he said "Not him. He can't be!"

"Umm, I'm sorry sweetie, they let him out last night." she sobbed. "I was hoping they wouldn't parole him but he's served his time."

He knew this day would come; it's been nearly a year. The courts only gave his dad a year for smacking him around, something Aikrii found appalling, but the law was the law, he only had to serve two thirds of his sentence and he's done that already.

He said his good byes to his mom and told her he'd call tomorrow to let her know what was going on. He leaned forward on the sofa taking his head in his hands and sobbed into his hands.

Mardi walked in at that moment, and was totally over whelmed by the sheer feeling of dread he had wash over him seeing Aikrii crying. He put down the bags of groceries and kneeled in front of Aikrii, pulling his hand from his wet face. Aikrii being embarrassed turned from Mani but Mani wouldn't let him hide. He placed his hand on the side of Aikrii's face and turned him towards him. Looking into his eyes, searching for what was wrong his eyes asked the question he wanted to know... what was wrong.

Aikrii sobbed and wailed "They let him out last night!" he flopped onto Mani's shoulder sobbing and shaking like a leaf.

Shock and realization dawned on Mani, "Dammit!" he thought.

He knew the story about Aikrii's dad and what he had done and he also knew the man was vindictive and what he was capable of. He put his hands on Aikrii's shoulders and gave a slight push to bring him to face him. The words he set forth to Aikrii were serious and honest and the scariest he had ever said to anyone.

"Aikrii, listen to me ok... I really care what happens to you, and I'll be here if you need me, ok. So for now if you want you can stay here but I have to warn you, I'm not always home, school and the studio take up a lot of my time along with the lessons I give to some of the kids from our local boys and girls club. If you can handle being here sometimes by yourself then you can stay."

He searched Aikrii's eyes to see what he'd say.

"I think my mom already knew you'd say this to me, didn't she" he mumbled.

Mani cringed and thought, "Damn!"

Mani looked at Aikrii, he ran his hands through Aikrii's hair stopping by his ears, and cradling his cheeks in his hands. He looked deep in Aikrii's eyes and Aikrii saw the tears forming in Mani's eyes. He gasped, and raised his hand to his mouth. Realization dawned on him.

"You knew this would happen, my mom and you planned this, didn't you?" he said quietly.

"I won't lie to you Aikrii, I offered, as soon as your mom mentioned that his release date was comming, I invited her over here to see the place as well so she knew you had a safe place to go. I care too damn much to know you could be put at risk, at least when we're at the school we're together and your safer with me there. When we come here you're in a secured building no one can get in and the studios are just next-door. I don't want to see you hurting or scared, do you understand that, neither does your mom that's why we planned this, I adore your mom as much as I adore you, accept the fact that we're only looking out for your best interests ok."

Aikrii flung himself forward into Mani's arms and hugged him so fiercely he was nearly bowled over. Catching his balance he slowly stood up with Aikrii still dangling from his neck.

"I take it your happy with the arrangements?" he was holding onto Aikrii's waist as he maneuvered himself back to the coach. He picked Aikrii up like he was a doll and sat down, in the process placing Aikrii in his lap.

Aikrii looked up at him. Still scared, still a bit sad but happy to know he had a safe place to go.

"Very!" he said firmly. He relaxed laid his head against Mani's chest and sighed. The wonderful warm yet tightening in his chest made him feel so light headed and he started to sing, which actually threw Mani off guard he was surprised to hear Aikrii sing. He had a good voice to.

"I could stay awake just to hear you breathing, Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you're far away and dreaming, I could spend my life in this sweet surrender I could stay lost in this moment forever. Well, every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure"

Mani listened to him sing the Aerosmith song, and relaxed while Aikrii softly sang the tune that he had in his heart.

"I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you, babe And I don't wanna miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream will never do I'd still miss you, babe And I don't wanna miss a thing."

He looked up to Mani and continued to sing, Mani felt like he was being serenaded and actually blushed so hard he though his cheeks were going to burn.

"Lying close to you feeling your heart beating"

Aikrii place his hand on Mani's chest. " And I'm wondering what you're dreaming, wondering if it's me you're seeing Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together" Aikrii kissed Mani's eyes and backed up and still continued to sing oh so softly.

"And I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever"

He picked up Mani's hand into his own and placed them on his own chest where Mani could feel his heat beating firmly.

"I don't wanna close my eyes I don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you, babe And I don't wanna miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream will never do I'd still miss you, babe And I don't wanna miss a thing"

He kept singing staring at Mani intently, Mani's heart swelled with so much love, it wanted to spill forth, but too much too fast may scare Aikrii and he wanted to take things slowly.

"I don't wanna miss one smile" He caressed Mani's cheek with a single finger so gently it made Mani shiver and then smile.

"I don't wanna miss one kiss" he softly pecked his cheek.

"Well, I just wanna be with you Right here with you, just like this" He looked around, looked back at Mani and smiled

"I just wanna hold you close feel your heart so close to mine and stay here in this moment for all the rest of time" He snuggled down into Mani's arms with his hands against Mani's chest, and continued with the rest of the song.

"Don't wanna close my eyes Don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you, babe And I don't wanna miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream will never do 'Cause I'd still miss you, babe And I don't wanna miss a thing."

He sighed lightly against the warm cotton covered chest. He felt it in his heart. He loved him, he knew it but thought better about blurting it out, it would be stupid he though.

Mani finally spoke against the quiet of the night and silence around them.

"I have food, you hungry?"

Aikrii giggled, it was the last thing on his mind at that very moment, hungry yes...for food no. He sat up and looked at Mani and winked...Mani got the drift and ruffled his hair...

"Come on now there Casanova, easy babe, you'll get that hunger satisfied soon enough your just gonna have to wait, for now real substance is in order, come" He ordered picking up Aikrii and placing him on the floor.

"Awww... I was comfy!"

"Hun, it's after ten in the evening, I have classes in the morning and so do you. We need food and sleep"

Mani pulled on a reluctant Aikrii's hand and marched to the kitchen with the two bags of groceries he had picked up on his way and started to go through what he had picked up.

"I wasn't too sure what you liked so I picked up a bunch of different things, I hope there's something here you like"

Aikrii saw the can of ravioli and pointed, "I'll eat that since it's quick, no need to cook something big" he said.

Mani passed him the can of ravioli and asked, "You sure I don't mind, we could always cook together," he said winking now that comment got Aikrii's attention, he chuckled... and lightly tossed back the very words he heard only moments before.

"Come on now there Casanova, easy dear, you'll get that hunger satisfied soon enough your just gonna have to wait for now"

Mani chuckled and tossed the dishtowel he had in his hands at Aikrii. Aikrii ducked and stuck out his tongue and skipped out of the room with the ravioli and a fork.

Mani peeked around the corner "Your not going to heat that?" he asked sort of confused.

"Nope" he replied pulling the tab on the can and then proceeded to lick the lid slowly, teasing Mani to no extent.

Mani groaned, not at the obvious wantonness display of sexual tension but at the thought of eating cold ravioli. He shivered and went back to the kitchen counter where he was making a ham sandwich.

He went to the coach where Aikrii was stuffing his face. He made a face and asked, "How in the world can you eat that cold?"

"Lots of experience of having to " he said stressing the having to part and making finger quotes in the air.

Mani cocked his head sideways looking at the precious face he saw before him, one so young who's had it way too tough.

"Why?" he said

"Cause mom worked nights and when my dad was around he was usually to damn drunk to cook, he'd have killed us first," he said with an air of honesty that burned Mani.

"Damn!" he said.

"What?" Aikrii said looking at him.

"Must have been really tough growing up that way huh?"

Aikrii sighed, "Yeah" he muttered, " his face brightened thou as he continued "I did so love going to my grans thou" smiling he told Mani of the horses his grandparents had on their ranch.

"Why didn't your mom send you to stay with them?" Mani asked.

"I love my grans and pops but mom only has me now to help out at home so I asked her to stay, I didn't want to be sent away" he said, "Besides if I had of gone, I'd have never met you"

"You may have never gotten hurt by them assholes either" Mani said, the memories of the beating still fresh and raw on his soul remembering his sweet face all battered.

"It's a price I had to pay to get the bit of heaven you've brought me," he said with the air of the young adult that was hiding in him.

"A very mature way of thinking" Mani responded smiling.

"Ok time for bed" he said picking up his plate and bringing it to the kitchen.

"Weird," Aikrii said

"What is?" Mani asked.

"I'll be sixteen in less than four days and I'm still being told time for bed" He smiled his cocky little smile and that smile turned into an evil little grin.

Mani's eyes widened at the few ideas he though Aikrii was thinking about. Aikrii slouched and walked creeping towards Mani who started to giggle and turn watching Aikrii "stalk him"

"What are you doing?" he asked with laughter tinkling in his voice.

"Playing" Aikrii, said innocently.

Mani swung around to continue to his room that's when Aikrii pounced, right on Mani's back.

"Giddy up!" he said, and licked Mani's ear.

Mani let out a hearty chuckle and walked with Aikrii on his back to his... no their room.

Sliding off of his back Aikrii flipped off his socks and tossed his shirt into the hamper to the side of the wall shelf, shucking his jeans but leaving his boxers on, he picked his jeans up and put them over the chair and crawled under the duvet, he took a deep breath.

"Now I know why I slept so well, it smells like you."

Mani smiled crookedly at the comment. Mani crawled in beside him. Aikrii nestled in beside him and rest his head on Mani's shoulder. They both listened to the traffic on the road below and the pigeons on the roof. Aikrii relaxed as Mani stroked his hair. He asked him.

"Are you going to go to class tomorrow or do you need more time to rest?"

There was no answer; Aikrii had fallen asleep on Mani's chest. Mani smiled at the beautiful face he had fallen in love with. He kissed his forehead, reached over and flicked out the light. He snuggled down and slept soundly for the first time in nearly two weeks.

MANY thanks to Seth and his hubby Steven for their support and my bestest pal Joe in PEI :D The encourgement to continue means a alot.

Thanks for reading. Full series books 1 -3 are now published on line Comments, feed back and general mail is ALWAYS read and answered. Flames make for great heat to roast marshmellows :)

Next: Chapter 2: Steppin Out 4 6

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