Stephen and Ronans Reconciliation

By Yvonne DeJong

Published on Sep 24, 2001


Disclaimer: Well here it goes. Part 2 in our Ronan and Stephen affair. And as I already said in part one: It's got nothing to do with Ronan Keating's sexuality and as far as I'm concerned the two of them never had a relationship like this. If you're annoyed by gay sex or under age, please go away.

Any comments welcome! Please send them to: Here it goes:

When Stephen woke up he noticed that Ronan was still lying beside him, sleeping like a baby. He didn't want to wake his friend so he stepped out to the bathroom silently to take a shower.

Once he felt the warm water run down his body he thought about the last night...

"Why the hell did I do this?" he asked himself. "It just came over me. I wanted him so much. I never felt like this before...

Oh my god, what will Eloy say if he notices??" Stephen began to panic but forced himself to calm down.

"It's happened now and there's nothing I could change about it... I guess I gotta deal with it... But hey, Eloy has some lovers as well. So why shouldn't I meself have some fun while I'm away.." and with this satisfying thought Stephen grabbed a towel to dry himself.

When he returned to the bedroom he saw Ronan standing there and searching for his clothes.

"Ah, you're awake."

Ronan looked up. He obviously hadn't noticed Stephen coming in.

"Mornin'" he mumbled.

"Are you searching for these?" Steo asked giving Ronan his leather trousers.

"Yeah, thanks Steo. Erm.. Y'know I got an important date, I gotta hurry."

"But I thought we could..."

"I know. I'd like to talk about it as well but I really must go! Please believe me that I don't want it like this but this date is really important to me!"

"But what if I won't see you again after you ran out of this door for you >important< date.." Stephen said with a sniffle.

" Listen Stephen" Ro said touching Stephen's shoulder, "I really enjoyed it yesterday and I will not leave you and never ever speak to you. I will call you as soon as possible and I will arrange it that I get some time off so we can talk about it but I need to get this date in time!"

Stephen looked at Ronan not knowing what to say. He knew his career meant everything to Ronan and he himself couldn't understand it but he knew Ro normally wouldn't break a promise apart from the boyzone thing... He would talk about that later.

"Promise!" he said pleading.

"I promise that I will call you as soon as possible by the great lord above!" Ronan said, gave Stephen a tight kiss and then left the hotel room.

Stephen didn't know what to do now. He couldn't organise his thoughts because he hadn't expected Ronan to leave this morning. He had imagined...

Well what had he imagined? That Ronan would stay with him all day and would cancel everything he had planned for today? No, not Ronan Keating...

Stephen was angry with himself because he had thought that Ronan would change because of one night.

His forgotten anger from yesterday came up again.

"He lied to us this stupid...... argh"

Close to tears he banged the door to the bathroom to let his feelings out. Then he fell on the bed and started to cry.

Later when he packed his things for leaving he saw a little note lying in his bag:

"Dear Stephen,

please don't be angry with me. I really enjoyed last night and now leaving you was not the thing I wanted to do but this one date is really special! I will explain it to you later.

If you need to call me, here's my mobile number 00353 868329769

Hope to hear from you soon, Ro+"

Though it didn't tell him any news he felt relieved when he read the letter. Now he knew he could call Ronan any time he needed to.

CALL! He had to call Eloy! Feck... What if he'd notice anything? No, he would call him later. He just couldn't concentrate at the moment and he had to get his stuff packed together till 11am and at 1pm he had to catch his flight back to Amsterdam where Eloy would wait for him. So he would have some time between leaving the hotel and going to the airport to call his boyfriend.

"Hallo?" Eloy answered the phone when Stephen called him 2 hours later.

"It's me, Steo! How are you hunny?" Stephen replied

"Ah Stephen, I waited for your call. I'm fine, how're you?"

"Everything's fine with me as well. I'm getting my flight in about an hour."

"Goed. I will catch you at the airport and then we'll have a nice afternoon and you tell me everything about the show, ok?" Eloy's voice sounded so warm and lovely. Stephen was still confused.

"Yeah, I will!"

"You were grand Stephen! Never seen a better show host!"

"Thanx E. You know I need that." Stephen said with a smile. He really loved Eloy, more than anyone else. But what about this Ronan-thing? Did he love him as well? He couldn't get these thoughts off his mind.


"Ja, Stephen?"

"I love you!"

"Aw, thank you hun, I love you too!"

"Just wanted you to know!"

"You're a star Stephen, I could never love anyone else but you."

"You're so lovely E." Stephen said smiling.

"Well I think we have to quit now because I still got something to organise before you come home." Eloy said.

"What is it you're hiding?"

"No, no, I won't say. It's a surprise!" Eloy knew how he could tease Stephen.

"C'mon E! Tell me!"



"Nah, sweetie. You will have to come here and see yourself!"

"You know I hate that, E."

"Ja, I know. That's what makes it so delightful."

"You're terrible!"

"I know, haha. And you know what?"


"I terribly love you, and that's why I have to hang up now and prepare my big surprise for you!" Eloy said.

"Well ok then. I guess I just have to sit in the plane waiting for your big surprise... I hope it's worth it!?"

"Ja it will be. I'll see you then darling."

"Yeah see you hunny. Bye."

What the hell did Eloy prepare for him?? Stephen couldn't figure what it could be... But at least it distracted him from his Ronan thoughts for a while.

Back in Amsterdam Eloy stood outside the airport waiting for Stephen.

"There you are" he said and gave Stephen a kiss.

"Now where's the surprise?" Stephen asked bursting with curiosity.

"Wait, wait." Eloy said trying to calm his lover down. "You will see soon enough!"

They went back home where Stephen saw another two travelling bags.

"What are these for?" Stephen asked.

"We're gonna go on holiday to California Disney land!"

Stephen didn't know what to say. At the one hand he was happy to have some fun with E in Disney land but he also had hope to talk to Ronan.

"What's the matter Stephen? Why don't you say anything?"

"It's grand." He finally managed to say. "I was just so surprised."

"I'm sure you'll love it once we're there! I saw the pictures on the internet and we'll have a Disney suite all for our own!"

"Oh E you're so damn lovely!" Stephen said wrapping his arms around the taller man. They looked quite funny together.

"I love you." Stephen said and craned his neck. Eloy took the sign and bowed down to kiss his boyfriend.

When they came to the Disney suite both were tired and suffering from the jet lag. Eloy went to take a shower while Stephen lay on the bed wanting to relax a bit. He wanted to take his shower later when Eloy had finished.

Eloy came back from the bathroom and he realised that his boyfriend had fallen asleep on the bed. He was still fully dressed. He went over and kissed him on his forehead but Stephen didn't react.

When Eloy realised that he couldn't wake Stephen he pulled off his boyfriends clothes and tucked him up. He lay beside him slowly stroking his cheek. Stephen rolled over to Eloy's side blinking a bit. Eloy wrapped his arms around him and they both fell asleep hugging tightly.

They spent some wonderful days at the Disney Park. The weather was great and Stephen felt that he almost hadn't thought of Ronan at all.

But once when he was listening to the radio while Eloy was in the bathroom he suddenly jumped as he heard that Ronan was in LA to open a branch office of his Marie Keating Cancer Foundation.

"So that was the important thing he meant," Stephen thought. He felt relieved that it was really important and not that he just wanted to get away from him. He had to call him now to find out whether he was still in LA.

"What a coincidence!" Stephen thought as he dialled Ronan's number.


What a voice... Stephen loved it so much. Ronan sounded as if he was in a hurry once again.

"Hi Ro! It's me, Steo. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Hi Stephen, how are you doin'?" Ronan was obviously happy that he had called.

"I'm fine. I just heard that you're in LA and wondered whether we could meet." Stephen said.

"You wanna go all the way from Amsterdam just to see me?" Ronan sounded surprised.

"Nah I happen to be in Disneyland. How long are you staying in LA?"

"Dunno yet. But at least 4 days to relax. Got some time off."

"Well I gotta ask Eloy first if we can go to LA. I will call ye later cause E will be back in a few minutes." Stephen said.

"Ok. Looking forward to hearing from you." Ro replied. "C U!"

"Bye Ro!"

Stephen hung up.



"Have you ever been to LA?" Stephen asked.

"No, why are you asking hunny?"

"I'd love to go there. Never been there before."

"Why not." Eloy was surprised but he didn't mind.

"I'd do anything to make you happy, Stephen!" Eloy smiled.

Stephen smiled back and was really glad to have a boyfriend like that.

The next day they rent a car and drove off to LA.

When they got there Eloy was tired from the long journey because he had had to drive. So he went to bed immediately. Stephen wasn't tired enough to sleep. In fact he was really nervous about meeting Ronan and finally talk to him. He told Eloy that he'd go down to the hotel bar to have a drink and that he'd come to bed later.

They kissed goodnight and Stephen left the room.

When he had entered the hotel bar Stephen ordered a drink and then dialled Ronan's number.

"Yeah?" a familiar voice answered the phone. This time it didn't sound so out of breath.

"It's me Stephen. I'm in LA now."

"Hey you're quite fast."

"I got a good driver." Stephen laughed. Ronan enjoyed the sound of Stephen's laugh and he felt that he wanted to see him.

"Let's meet now!" Ronan suggested. "D'ye have time?"

Stephen thought of E for a moment but then decided not to wake him. He would be back soon.

"Yeah I got time."

"Ok what hotel are you staying in?"

Stephen gave him the address and name of the hotel.

"Allright Steo. I'll be there in about half an hour." Ronan said.

"See ya then Ro."


Stephen sat there waiting for Ronan, listening to the music and wondering what their meeting would be like. He thought about Ronan and if he talked with Yvonne about their little affair. He himself knew that Eloy would have to accept it because he slept with several guys occasionally.

But what about Yvonne? He knew that girls thought differently about sex and things like that.

Just then Ronan entered the hotel bar.

He walked towards him wearing jeans, a white shirt and a cowboy hat. He wore cowboy boots with high heels which made him look really sexy while he walked.

"Oh my god what a good-looking guy." Stephen thought.

"C'mon lets go to a pub." Ronan said.

Stephen smiled as he got up and went to the car with Ronan. It's was big black jeep. Stephen jumped into the car and they drove off.

In the pub they talked about the good old boyzone days and what they both had been doing over the last two years. At some point, when they talked about Ronan's family, Stephen thought about Yvonne again.

Suddenly Stephen's voice turned serious.



"Did you talk to Yvonne about us?" Stephen asked.

"No....... I think she wouldn't understand. You know girls are different." Ronan's face looked a bit sad as he said this. "Aye I understand. But Ro.... do you want it to go on?"

Ronan knitted his brow as he was thinking when suddenly Stephen's mobile rang.

"Hello?" he answered it.

"Hey Stephen, where are you?" Eloy asked worried and a bit angry.

"Eloy! I thought you were sleeping...." Stephen said and felt guilty of not telling Eloy where he went. "I'm in the pub with Ronan right now."

"With Ronan? Ronan Keating?" Eloy couldn't believe it.

"Yeah... with Ronan Keating..." Stephen tried to evade Eloy but he wasn't very good at it.

"I promise I will explain it to you E. But it's not a good thing to say on the phone..." Stephen said.

"Ok then. I don't wanna bother you and your Ronan anymore." Eloy said very angrily.

Stephen felt that he wanted to explain it to him but it just wasn't the right moment.

"You could at least have told me that you're going away. I was worried." Eloy said.

"I really thought you were sleeping."

"You could have left a note." Eloy replied. Stephen knew he was right and didn't say anything.

"Well, goodnight then, Stephen." Eloy said and hung up the phone.

Stephen's eyes filled with water. He didn't mean to lie to Eloy. Why hadn't left at least a little note? He felt so guilty.

"You ok Steo?" Ronan asked.

Stephen just sniffled.

"You wanna leave?" he asked again.

Stephen nodded.

Ronan paid and they left the pub.

When they were in the car Stephen started to cry. Ronan cuddled him.

"Does he know about it?"

"Not yet..." Stephen sniffled...

"I was... snif I was gonna tell him......" Stephen cried again. "But I just didn't get a chance... because..." he sniffled "because he took me on this holiday by surprise..... It just didn't seem to fit if I'd told him....."

"Do you think it would be a problem for him?" Ronan asked in a soft tone.

"I dunno..." Stephen said looking at Ronan. "Lets drive around a bit..." Stephen said.

"Ok." Ronan said starting the car.

He looked worried as he drove through the streets of LA at night.

Stephen was watching Ronan. He drove steadily but not too slow. His soft hands looked like women's hands as they were holding the steering wheel. But at the same time they looked so strong because Ronan held the steering wheel tight. This contrast made Stephen wonder but also turned him on a bit.

He looked at Ronan's face and at his beautiful nose. He had never noticed how lovely his nose was.

And those strong arms. He wanted to be held by them.

"Ronan would you mind stopping here?" Stephen said as they drove past an abandoned car park.

Ronan just looked strange and even more worried. He stopped the car.

"What's the matter Stephen?" Ronan asked.

"I..... I....." Stephen stammered.

"What's up Steo?" Ro asked again.

"Just hold me, Ronan." He said looking at him helplessly.

Ronan tried to hug him but it was uncomfortable because the seats were too far away.

"Lets go to the back?" Ronan asked. Stephen nodded and they both went out. Ronan went over to Stephen and hugged him.

"Better?" he asked.

"A bit." Steo answered.

"Slip trough Steo" Ronan said as he opened the back door of the jeep. Then he went inside himself and gave Steo another hug.

Just then Stephen gave him a little kiss on the cheek. Ronan looked surprised at Stephen who had a pleading look.

"You sure you want this?" Ro asked.

Stephen nodded.

"What about you?" he asked back.

"I want it!" he said and and gave Stephen a very long kiss.

Ronans lips felt so smoothe and his kiss was so soft. Stephen was totally lost in the kiss. Ronan brushed Stephen's hair out of his face.

Stephen slowly started to unbutton Ronan's shirt and slipped it down his shoulders. He began stroking his chest and cuddled up in his chest hair. It felt so incredibly good.

Just then Ronan pulled Stephen's T-Shirt over his head. He shivered.

"Are you cold?" Ronan asked.

Stephen shivered even more in response saying

"brrrrrrrr.... I don't got a fur like you to keep me warm."

"But you got me to keep you warm." Ronan said stroking his back to warm him up while he was slipping off his boots.

He pulled off his jeans in front of Stephen who felt a warm float running through his body.

He pulled off his shoes and trousers himself not taking his eyes off Ronan.

When Ro noticed that Stephen was looking he asked

"Do you want me to take these off?" pointing at his white boxers.

Stephen could only nod. Looking at Ronan's cock he felt his own grow harder. Ronan noticed it and slowly stroked Stephen's briefs down moving gently over his ass and legs which made the other man tremble.

Ronan lay Stephen down on the back seats kneeling over him. Just when he wanted to put off his cowboyhat Stephen said

"No! You look so sexy with it!"

Ronan grinned. Every time someone said he was sexy his cock reacted. This time it was just the same. He bent down for a kiss. While exploring Stephen's mouth with his tongue he stroke Stephen's stomach and went further down to fondle his hairs. Stephen moaned and moved his hips towards Ronan which the blonde guy enjoyed.

Stephen kissed Ronan's neck and fondled his back. Ronan took deep breathes of Stephen enjoying his smell.

"What are you doin'?" Steo asked.

"I love the smell of your skin." Ro said in a deep and sexy voice. He went on sniffling which made him horny. He groaned between his sniffles. Ronan took Stephens hand and moved it to his penis showing him where he wanted to be caressed. Stephen went on there stroking Ro's penis up and down tightly.

Ronan was panting breathing heavily. Feeling so damn horny he had an urgent need to get his cock inside Stephen. When his penis slightly stroke the other man's hole Stephen asked

"Do you want me?"

Ronan just moaned as a reply obviously not able to speak.

Stephen spread his legs leading Ronan's penis inside him. The blonde guy groaned loudly which excited Stephen.

"Oh Ronan!" he sighed. That was almost too much for the other man. He moved his hips and held Stephen's penis tight. Stephen felt the strong pressure against his shaft. Though it was a bit painfull it felt so good to be held. He recalled the picture of Ronan holding the steering wheel. The thought that Ronan was holding his dick like he had held the steering wheel aroused him so much. He moaned quietly mumbeling Ronan's name feeling that Ronan moved even faster. Ronan was way more vocal. "OOOHHH BABY! ......... YOU'RE SO HOT!!!! ... I WANT YOOOOOUUUUUUU!"

Stephen loved to hear Ronan screaming like that. He pressed his body against Ro's his nails digged in the other man's ass. He felt himself coming and shortly after heard Ronan scream again

"I'M CUMING! ....... Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh......... STEPHEN I'M CUMING........"

After a few minutes when they had got their breath back they kissed passionately hugging each other.

"Ronan, did you like it?"


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