Stepford Boywives

By Mathias Gold

Published on Mar 27, 2023


Chapter Three: The Jockstrap

Here's a story for all the Total Tops out there - the Real Men - and for all the proper bottoms who know how to treat us goddamn right.

All you subs with little nubs should donate to Nifty!


It's fucking sweet being young, hot and rich, thought Tom, leering at the perfect bubblebutt - half-clad in undersized orange briefs - wiggle and grind in front of him. He felt his rock solid eight inches of cock hardening up and snaking down the leg of his suit trousers. Most of the punters in this gogo boy strip joint were older; but, as a rapidly promoted 25-year-old lawyer in a big firm in the city, he had the spending power to keep up with them - and he was sexier too - so the dream of a himbo dancing for him was more than happy to give him his attentions, as he shoved twenty pound notes occasionally in his waistband.

The sexy little twink had turned around one point, and tried to thrust his package at Tom, but Tom had cut him a dirty look and he soon turned back around. Tom only had eyes for that sweet, sweet butt.

He'd come out for a few drinks and a show with a couple of the gay senior partners, shooting the breeze the way men who run the world do - they were pretty good mentors, but didn't have the staying power. So, after a couple of hours, they had left Tom by himself to keep feeding twenties into the slot that was this sexy stripper.

After a while, however, he got bored and decided it was maybe time for home.

Alex was sitting at home, trying to concentrate on some work, but kept picking up his phone. It was gone ten o'clock. A personal assistant at a law firm, Alex had just started dating one of the junior partners - a dream of a man named Tom. Well, Alex thought, they couldn't really say `dating', because Tom had sworn him to secrecy so they wouldn't get in trouble. Anyway, dreamy Tom was meant to be coming over at about 8pm - and Alex had skipped dinner, douched, and put on his sexiest jockstrap. He didn't want to seem needy, so he'd just texted a couple of times to see how Tom was getting on - but had had no answer.

He harrumphed on his little butt on the chair at his little desk in his little bedroom - his tummy rumbling with hunger.

Tom, meanwhile, was about to hail a black cab. He couldn't decide whether to rock up at Alex's and relieve this massive hard-on he had, or just to go home and laze around on his king size bed. At that moment, he saw two guys he recognised from his Saturday morning football team coming out of the same strip joint.

"Tom, isn't it?" asked the taller one. "It's Adam. From football."

"Jason," said the more muscular guy.

They each shook Tom's hand.

"Calling it a night already?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, I think so," said Tom. His bottomdar was good enough to know neither of these two would be a viable option for emptying his load into.

"Come back to ours for a nightcap?" Adam proposed, "and some other entertainment?"

"Oh?" asked Tom, intrigued.

"Yeah, those gogo twinks always get my balls churning. Our little `ladies' are waiting at home for us," Adam said, "I'm sure they'd help you out too," he continued knowingly.

That caught Tom's attention, so the three of them piled into the next taxi, broke the ice further and were in very high spirits indeed by the time they got back to Adam and Jason's.

No sooner had they collapsed onto the sofa, then Kyle came into the room, wiping sleep from his eyes and wearing cute pyjamas with fruit emoji on them.

"Honey, I didn't know when you'd be back," he said.

"Make yourself presentable and get us some beers. We've got company," Adam said calmly.

"Get Taylor too," added Jason.

No more than five minutes passed before the two bottoms were back in the living room. Kyle had brought three ice cold Corona bottles, wearing nothing but a pink thong. This awakened Tom's boner once again, noticing how Kyle's package was almost entirely flat. Kyle had handed each of the gentlemen his beers with a polite "Here you are, sir" and Tom swore he even noticed the slightest of curtsies.

Taylor meanwhile was wearing a scarlet jockstrap, and had offered to take each of the guys' jackets and hang them up back in the hallway.

As he returned, Jason clicked his fingers. "Babe. My shoulders are sore."

Immediately, Taylor went around the back of the sofa - Jason slapping his arse on his way by - and he started massaging Jason's shoulders and neck, releasing from him a satisfied sigh.

These are my kind of chaps, thought Tom. They've got these bitches under control.

"Would you like a massage too?" Kyle offered Adam.

"Good boy. But offer our guest here."

"Could I massage you please, sir?" Kyle asked, this time looking at Tom.

"Yeah, I am a bit tense actually."

Kyle stood next to Taylor, and began a very proficient rub of Tom's upper back and arms. His hands were firm but girly. Tom melted into the sofa at the rightful attention.

Jason smirked. "What about your feet?"

Tom raised an eyebrow but took the cue. "Sure."

Jason clicked his fingers again, and Taylor returned into view and sank to his knees before Tom. A sight which caused Tom's cock to thicken more.

Taylor delicately unlaced Tom's work shoes, removed them and his socks, which he placed neatly inside them - and began slavishly rubbing Tom's left foot. It was bliss.

"Sorry if my feet stink," he said, directing the comment at Adam and Jason. "Busy day at the office," he continued, giving them a cheeky conspiratorial wink.

"That's nothing! Adam's feet really stink!" Jason said, laughing.

"Yeah, well that's how my bitch likes them now!" Adam laughed along. "Isn't that right?"

"Of course, Adam! You're so manly!" Kyle said.

"And anyway," Adam said, "why shower when we have these little girly boys to clean us? Boy, lick our guest's foot clean."

Kyle darted around the sofa and fell to his knees beside Taylor, licking at Tom's right foot with alacrity. Not to be outdone, Taylor started doing the same. They used enough tongue pressure not to tickle, using their cheekbones to get in there and continue the foot rub - eliciting a heavenly moan from Tom.

Christ, thought Tom, this is the life. I need to get me a bitch who does this.

After a hot minute, Tom noticed the other two men rubbing their substantial bulges.

"Mind if we use our little sluts to get off? No need to interrupt your massage," Adam asked Tom, assuringly.

Tom's eyes were half-closed as he replied, "Sure."

Adam and Jason clambered off the sofa and positioned themselves behind Kyle and Taylor. Tom's eyes were open enough to see their massive cocks - must be eleven inches on Adam and a bottle thick ten-incher on Jason. Tom already knew he was in the presence of two other men, and was a little put out, but knew he could count himself among them - he'd inflicted plenty of damage in his time with his sturdy eight-inch weapon.

It made it all the more astonishing that Kyle and Taylor barely groaned as their men mounted them from behind, shoving in twenty-one inches of cock between them, and indeed their tongue cleaning and face massaging of Tom's feet was barely interrupted. It was a pretty hot sight, to be honest. Adam and Jason were clearly concerned only with their bottoms' holes and their own cocks, and Kyle and Taylor made no attempt to pleasure their lesser packages. It was exactly the time of fuck Tom liked to have.

His massive boner had left a precum stain which now showed half way down the trouser leg of his suit, but the sensations and attentions on his feet were too fantastic for him to care.

In courteous host mode, however, Adam came to the rescue.

"Want to get off too?" he asked, slowing his fucking of Kyle's hole, as if reading Tom's mind.

"Uh-huh," Tom said, near nonverbal from the sheer hotness of it all.

Adam clicked his fingers, and Kyle and Taylor raced to Tom's fly. Between the two of them, they had unbelted, unbuttoned and unzipped Tom in seconds - and he barely had to raise his arse for them to get his suit trousers down by their legs. It was an act of remarkable skill, given that Adam and Jason were not going easy on them - Adam using deliberately random angles maximise his cock's pleasure and cause Kyle to let out little whimpers, Jason savagely slapping Taylor's arse which reddened at each touch.

Kyle and Taylor were wantonly worshipping Tom's now-freed eight-inch boner, the two of them competing to see who could lick up more of his salty precum, which had oozed all over Tom's huge shaft and weighty balls. It was hot in a lesbian porn kind of way to watch the two little bottom boys make out over the engorged head of his cock - not into kissing each other per se, but putting on a show for him, the snog primarily a way of stimulate his big throbbing dick with their hot lips and wet little tongues in tandem.

He wanted to rough them up a little. He wouldn't normally bother asking a bottom about this, but was cautious about doing it in front of their manlier boyfriends, but Adam and Jason didn't seem like they'd mind. He grabbed the hair of each boy in each hand and used it as a handle to guide them up and down his cock to all his sweetest spots.

After having blown a disposable few hundred quid at the strip joint to get the hottest gogo boy all to himself all night, older punters glaring with envy as Tom watched mesmerised at him shaking his little booty - and now despite or perhaps because of his envy in turn at Kyle and Taylor's slavish devotion to their men - Tom didn't think he could last much longer.

His cock erupted - twenty spurts of jizz - the first half flew two feet in the air and splatted over the two bottom's faces and his own cock.

"Fuuuuck," exhaled Tom, as the later pumps of cum slowed and oozed over his big cock.

It didn't stay on his dick long though, as the two bottoms thirstily lapped it up from his shaft, as well as the hot cum which had dribbled down to his ball.

This set off the other two men. First Jason, whose manly grunts and urgent spanking of Taylor's arse reached a crescendo as he started shooting deep in his pussy - keen to mark his territory after having lent his bitch to Tom. Taylor's eyes rolled into the back of his head with pleasure, knowing what an honour it was to have Jason's cum pumped deep inside him.

Adam had other ideas, smirking as he said, "Watch this."

He pulled his cock unceremoniously from Kyle's hole, directing his eleven-inch cum cannon at the wall, and shot a dozen or so thick ropes of his essence over it. Kyle and Taylor pulled away from the fray and began licking at the wall - desperate not to let a drop reach the floor.

"Fuck, man," breathed Tom. "Those are some cum-thirsty bitches."

"They sure are," said Adam, returning with Jason to the sofa where the real men sat three abreast again. "More beers! And get me a cigarette!"

The two subby sluts, finished with lapping Adam's cooling cum from the walls, jumped up to do as they were told.

"How d'you get them to do all that?" asked

"It's in their nature. I'll show you," Tom asked.

"Drop your panties, girls," Jason said, once the boys had returned with three more beers, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Kyle and Taylor blushed and looked a little awkward as they complied.

Tom didn't know whether to laugh or whistle at the simultaneously hilarious and hot sight.

Kyle, the first foot licker, had the dinkiest little one-inch softy - no wonder that shrivelled little clit of a dicklet had given him such a near-flat package in his pink lacey thong.

And Taylor was hard, but in the most hilariously unthreatening way - his tiny little pencil-thin cock couldn't be more than two inches.

Tom did laugh - a big leg-slapping belly laugh - and Adam and Jason laughed too, seeing through fresh eyes how incredibly compliantly bottomy they had made their boyfriends.

"We turned them into the bottoms they are today," Adam said.

"Oh yeah? How so?"

And thus, Adam and Jason told Tom the story of the no-boner powder and the size swap rings. Tom, listening with raised eyebrows throughout, thought it was a strange and unlikely story - but he'd seen some strange and unlikely submissiveness tonight, and was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

"Seriously?!" Tom laughed. "That's fucking awesome!"

"It is," Adam said. "You got a little lady boy? Wish we could help you out in doing the same."

"Nah, not really," Tom said. "But that would be awesome."

At home, having given up on Tom turning up, Alex had his small vibrating butt plug in and was gently tugging at his pecker. It was pretty small, so it didn't get much use - he'd been sucked off a couple of times, and never topped - but at just four inches, most guys didn't seem into it. Still, thought Alex, it felt nice to him - and he closed his eyes, using his thumb and first two fingers and his lube which only ever got used on his dick when he was alone. He was picturing sexy Tom at the office, the way he strutted around, and that big awesome-looking package of his. How Tom would summon him to the smaller conference rooms and fuck him over the desk. Even though Alex was twenty-six, a couple of years older than Tom, that Tom was all man! Still, he was cross about having been stood up, thought Alex. But he wasn't sure he could stay mad at such a confident sexy stud.

He didn't stay mad. Tom had woken up at home, with a huge hangover horn and hazy hot memories of the night before. He messaged Alex

`Got held up last night. Coming to yours now.'

Alex was dashing around, tidying his room, making sure his hair looked nice, putting on the fresh second choice of the outfit options he had meticulously planned for yesterday, used the bidet, made sure Tom's favourite beers were in the fridge, tidied his room again, made the bed, skipped breakfast on purpose, and was sitting anxiously waiting for the buzzer to go.

Tom brushed his teeth and didn't bother to shower.

Twenty minutes later, they were on Alex's bed. It was a Saturday, and Tom's red chinos, shirt and gilet were on the floor; along with Alex's now-crumpled outfit, which Tom had torn from his body without a care in the world.

Drinking always made Tom insatiably randy, and especially the morning after, and the way those two little sluts had treated him like a king made him ready to ravage Alex's little arse. He had Alex lay flat on his front, legs pinned together and arms by his side, skipping any preliminaries such as foreplay - he reached over to the considerately placed Liquid Silk on the bedside table, squeezed an ungenerous amount on his fingers, and wiped it in the general area betwixt Alex's pert buttocks. That's just where his girthy eight inch cock belonged, Tom thought with a wry determined smile, and he placed his fuck bludgeon just there - thinking how tinglingly awesome it felt.

Alex was letting out suffering girlish whimpers and moans, but pinned flat and straight offered no resistance beyond the tightness which felt so good against Tom's big cock as he stretched out the little bottom.

Tom wrapped his longer legs around Alex's, his biceps pinning Alex's arms by his side, his torso holding him down against the bed - it was a wild feeling of control, not letting the fucktoy move as he fucked little mattress-muffled noises out of him with his eight-inch cock.

Alex's semi rubbed against the duvet, but he barely thought about it as his whole world was consumed by the bigger dominant man on top of him as his ravaging of his hole. He could feel a flood of happy hormones about to be released as Tom's thrusts increased in intensity and aggression, his growls of lust growing faster and louder, almost panting he could tell Tom was about to blow...

Tom came with an urgent grunt after grunt. The first load always came quickly to him, but his recovery time was swift. After just five minutes, he had Alex again - this time on his back. His nostrils flared a little as he looked down to see his cock sawing in and out of the smaller man (5'7" to Tom's 6'3") - they flared in annoyance to see Alex's little four-incher nos rock hard. Why didn't this boy think to hide his shame away, like Kyle and Taylor did, in a jockstrap or a thong? Better yet, Tom thought, wouldn't it be awesome to make it permanently soft, or to make it smaller, or to make it not be there at all?

That got him going again, and he fucked Alex deeper - firm and insistent - lost from the sensations of the world revolving around him and his cock only momentarily to slap Alex around the face with a curt "Shush!" when he moaned in a way Tom didn't like. Tom wasn't really the boyfriend type; but Alex was a decent enough fuck, and could be worth keeping around, Tom thought, if only he could get further in his head.

Tom was back at the gogo boy stripper club. He didn't like to think of himself as a regular, not that there was any shame in a man of means splashing the cash to slap some ass, but it was a nice place to come and unwind.

That's what he was thinking when he saw the new beauty of the club. An East Asian boy, quite muscular and with very long natural eyelashes, walking around in a red strappy thong with a few sterling notes tucked into it and gyrating near a table of older gentlemen.

Popping to the loo for a slash, Tom brought out the big guns and sensuously tucked a fifty pound note while walking past on his return to his table. That caught the twunk's attention, who followed in hot pursuit, swaying his hips - Tom caught - as Tom turned just once to ensure he had had the desired effect.

As Tom settled back into his seat, manspreading widely, letting the nameless stripper see that cash wasn't the only thing he was packing - his big cock, with a dribble of piss at the end, chubbing up already, with Tom giving it an encouraging squeeze through his trousers with an unwashed hand.

The gogo boy started grinding in front of him. A regular at a gym, Tom deduced, as his arse didn't jiggle - it was smooth, big and firm - but the boy knew how to move it, twerking it so those hot mounds expanded and contracted in Tom's face. Tom might almost have been tempted to stick his tongue in there, but would rather it was his rapidly hardening eight-inch dick.

Stripper boy made the error most newbies here make and turned around to wave his other side at Tom. Tom was about to shoot him the failsafe `I'm a top, dimwit' glare, but just as he was admiring the boy's totally smooth abs, something else caught his eye. The bright red thong he was wearing was as skimpy as they come, and yet there was no bulge. No, not a small bulge, but no bulge whatsoever. Tom's eyes widened with intrigue.

He raised his hands to squeeze the dancer's arse. The club did, technically, have a `no touching' rule - but that didn't apply to stone cold hotties like Tom. Unsurprisingly, gogo boy did not seem to mind. Tom ran his hand up the boy's lower back, around to his abs, then - something Tom would never do - to the front of his thong. What he felt almost made him shoot his load there and then. What he felt was nothing at all. Just the smooth fabric covering a smooth mound.

The way Tom's eyes widened did not go unnoticed by the twunky stripper.

"You want see?"

Tom looked up at him, nodding.

"You let me suck your big dick, I let you see," he offered.

Fuck, thought Tom, that seemed like a more than fair deal.

Rather than one of the private rooms, for some reason the gogo dancer took Tom's hand and led him mincingly through a side door and up some stairs - grottier than the tacky blingy club - and through a door into some sort of dressing room.

The club had been open a few hours and wouldn't close for a few more, so they were alone.

"You big dick. I want it. You show me yours, I show you mine," gogo boy said.

Tom didn't need telling twice, knowing he was getting the better end of the deal. This boy couldn't expect his dick sucked in return if he didn't have one! He authoritatively unbuttoned his trousers, letting gravity drop them and his baggy boxers to their ground.

The dancer deftly removed his little thong, and Tom saw possibly the hottest thing he'd ever seen in his life. Beneath his tight abs, between his legs, the gogo boy had a small patch of neat pubic hair and nothing else. Just a perfectly smooth mound. Not even a scar or anything.

"I suck your dick now?" asked the boy.

"Fuck, yes," said Tom, running his hands through the shorter muscleboy's jetblack hair as the stripper voraciously and expertly swallowed his cock. God, he's good at this, thought Tom. It must have something to do with him not having a dick - putting his all into servicing others' dicks, treating men how they deserve to be treated.

He didn't need much guidance at all, deepthroating Tom all the way down, massaging his balls gently and lovingly with slick palms, occasionally concentrating on licking all around the ridge of Tom's head and into his piss slit. No more than a few minutes passed before Tom came volley after volley of his sticky cum blasts right into gogo boy's gullet.

After a few seconds of catching his breath, Tom looked down and saw the kneeling stripper stare up at him with adoring eyes.

"Can I touch it?" Tom asked.

Feeling the eunuch dancer's flat mound got Tom hot and sweaty all over again. Not usually a boyfriend person, Tom could almost have proposed marriage there and then, just for regular access to the mad blowjob skills of this bottom who had no choice but to know his place. It was warm to the touch - unassuming yet erogenous.

"You like it?" the stripper asked again. Tom nodded.

"You have a ladyboy?"

"Not as such," Tom said ruefully, this time shaking his head.

"You fuck me, I give you something help you get ladyboy," the muscular young dancer said.

Tom jokingly wondered whether the boy was going to tell him his weekday job was as a world-renowned surgeon, but - once again - the offer could not be faulted.

"Yes please," said Tom, almost laughing.

The muscle twink bent over, giving Tom an inviting flash of his smooth beefy butt, as he rummaged around in a chest with stickers of popstars, unicorns and some unfamiliar script. Standing up once more - almost a foot shorter than Tom - the dancer had procured a jockstrap.

"Oh," Tom said, disappointedly. It wasn't quite what he had in mind.

His quarry was an intuitive young stripper and explained. "You give this your ladyboy. On: no dick. Off, on: dick. Off, on again: no dick. Easy."

Tom's jaw widened visibly as he tried to take it all in.


"Yeah, my `aunty' give it me when I start dancing. I don't need it now. I happy like this. Lots of big men with big dick like me like this."

"Thank you!" Tom exclaimed.

"You fuck me now?" the stripper said, bending around and gyrating his arse at Tom some more.

Tom's cock was not just rock hard, but dripping now in anticipation of whether the jockstrap would work or not.

He stood up, placed one hand on the godsend stripper's hip and the other in the small of his back, and bent him over a dressing table. Tom had a very hot sight of himself in a lightbulb-framed mirror as he started drooling some spit onto the tip of his hot cock.

"It's okay. You fuck me dry if you want," the boy said.

Fucking sweet! Tom thought, skewering the bottom right there in his dressing room. His reflection looked every bit the man he felt, as he effortlessly slid into the dancer's hungry pliant hole, which he promptly began savaging. After a few minutes of brutal fucking, his grabbed the boy's hair and pulled it back, seeing his gleeful face of being fucked by such a hung real man and that wasn't all - the reflection of the perfectly flat groin of the little nullo gogo boy and the prospect of creating the same of his next bottom was enough to send Tom over the edge, as he shot his load, filling the stripper from both ends.

The next day, Tom had to get his plan into action. He'd turned up at Alex's unannounced, who was surprised but pleased to see him. Not as pleased as Tom was to see Alex, given what he had in store. Tom had barely been able to hide the boner he'd had on the Tube ride over.

Skipping all but the barest of pleasantries, Tom invited himself in and strode to Alex's bedroom, Alex following behind like a little Pikachu.

"Get undressed," Tom said, himself disrobing.

Alex fumbled to comply, hoping his hair looked nice and his room looked tidy, but soon the polka dot shirt and the little shorts he was wearing hit the floor.

Tom's big fuckclub of an eight-incher pointed accusingly at Alex. Alex's little noodle, which could get fully hard unless he had something up his butt, was semi-ing at the sight of tall and handsome Tom. Tom thought it was fucking hilarious how easily his massive cock engorged with blood, whilst Alex's much tinier peepee barely got hard.

Well, Tom laughed to himself, he won't have to worry about that much longer.

"I got you something," Tom said, pulling the jockstrap from his pocket.

"A present? For me?!" Alex said, touched. Tom was normally so brooding and, dare Alex say, inconsiderate.

"Yeah, try it on," Tom said. No point telling him in advance and freaking out the prissy little pussyboy. It's not exactly like that tiny dicklet of his gets any use anyway; may as well get the getting rid over with.

Alex had never had a jockstrap before, but had seen them on poster boys at gay bars. He wasn't sure they were for him, but he didn't want to seem rude about Tom having brought him a present!

Alex placed one leg then the other into the straps and pulled them up.

Tom didn't spend a lot of time looking at Alex's package, even when he swished around the office in those tight-fitting khaki chinos of his, so wasn't sure he'd even notice if it had flattened and disappeared. He wasn't left wondering for long, as a look of concern struck Alex's face and the bitch started freaking out anyway.

Alex pulled at the jock's waist strap and looked down, "What the fuck!? What the fuck?! What the fuck's happened to my dick?!" Alex whined, visibly flapping.

"Chill, baby! Relax!" Tom said, wondering whether he should in fact have given him a heads-up. "It's just something sexy I learnt I'm into, and thought we could try it."

"What the fuck do you mean try it?!" Alex squealed, "this makes no sense! My dick has disappeared!"

"Babe, look. It was barely there anyway," Tom reassured him, stroking him on the shoulder, "this isn't that different."

Alex's eyes were darting around the room looking for help that was not forthcoming, as he padded up and down on the spot.

"If you don't like it, you can take them off and put them on again, and it'll come back," Tom said calmly. At least he thinks that what the gogo boy said - Tom thought - but honestly, who cares?

The shorter slightly older twink calmed a little at that. After a few seconds' contemplation, Alex pulled down the jockstrap, held it in both hands to say a godless prayer, and pulled them back on - eyes tightened in hopeful concentration the entire time.

As promised, his dick rematerialised, Tom gathered, as Alex pulled at the waist band again and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Tom pressed.

"I- I- I guess not. I just wish you'd said something. This is so freaky," squeaked Alex.

"Freaky can be fun sometimes," Tom said. He tried to feign concern, smiling inwardly. "And I just wanted to surprise you with something nice."

This genuinely touched Alex, who let Tom slide his longer, stronger arm around his little waist and pull him in for a kiss. The arm lingered there momentarily, before going down to squeeze Alex's jockstrapped arse.

"So what do you say? Take them off and put them on again for me?" Tom asked, tapping with a finger at Alex's hole by means of persuasion.

"Okay. For you," Alex said, smitten anew at Tom's virility and confidence.

He pulled off the jockstrap and put them on with more determination this time, both of them staring down. This time Tom was sure he saw the exact moment the jockstrap receded as Alex's dick dematerialised from existence - restoring the natural order of things.

Fucking a boy in a jockstrap is hot, thought Tom, lil dick hidden from view and butt framed nicely just for me and my big cock. But this is going to be so much hotter.

Tom directed Alex to the bed, laying him out on his back. His hands travelled to the jockstrap as he pulled it down and laid eyes on a glorious sight.

With just a few wispy blond pubes beneath his abdomen, Alex was perfectly smooth and flat between his legs - no sign of his little peepee, his little nuts, not even the wrinkle of a nutsack. Tom felt manlier than he'd ever felt in his life - hell, godlike even - and ran his hands over the area that had never interested him before. Alex was a perfect little eunuch fucktoy for him to play with.

Tom clambered on the bed too, taking his solid hefty eight-inches of cock and held it over the smooth area where Alex's penis had been. The contrast between their sizes had always been a turn-on for Tom (and, he suspected, secretly for Alex too) but this was even better. A totally dickless bottom. Tom thwacked and thumped the flat zone with his own massive boner. His cock's slap-slap-slaps echoed around Alex's room.

The sex was incredible. Even better than with the stripper, because Tom had had to do some cajoling to get Alex to do it. He couldn't believe he'd ever had to put up with fucking bottoms who had dicks before! Sex involves one dick, his, going in one hole! It just made sense!

All this was going through Tom's mind along with the incredible sensations on his cock he slammed Alex's little body into the mattress. He'd been so hard and horny on the journey there that it didn't take long all, maybe forty or so fuck strokes, for him to start shooting his load. The first few pumped aggressively into Alex's butt chute, slicking up his cock which he pulled out and started wanking -- jizzing the next five or sex sprays of cum onto Alex's blank pubis.

He animalistically and instinctively started rubbing the cum onto the smooth area where Alex's dick no longer was, growling with pleasure the entire time - concepts and gut feelings rather than words racing through his mind. It was so fucking hot to know that not only was he the only one to cum, as usual, but that right now he was smearing his cum into the area where Alex's little balls would have been, their rightful disappearance meaning he couldn't cum even if he tried. Hell, thought Tom, little Alex probably shoots tiny loads (he'd be right); but him not having any little nuts with which to cum was even better.

They lay their panting, side by side, Tom more affectionate than usual -- kissing Alex's face and running his hand only the cum-slicked space between his legs, occasionally finger fucking him.

It was heavenly for Alex, who had craved this level of love and tenderness from Tom since the moment he'd laid eyes on him.

Tom was in high spirits, and so left the jockstrap with Alex; forewarning him always to have it with him to get Tom in the mood.

"That is HILARIOUS!" laughed Adam, slapping his knee, with Jason chortling too, when Tom told them the story.

"Seriously?!" Jason chimed in. "An actual Thai ladyboy gave you a magic jockstrap and now Alex has no dick at all!"

"Yeah, guys! I'm telling you! It was so fucking hot. That little pecker never bothered anyone, but it's even better when it's not there at all," Tom said, grinning broadly.

The three men's peals of laughter simmered into chuckles, as they sat there sipping their beers and rating the butts of passers by through the window.

"Man, we've gotta check this out. Why don't you bring the little fella by ours? Say, Saturday? A barbecue?"

"Sweet, man! It's a date!"

Kyle and Taylor were wearing red aprons with white polka dots and frills around the edges, checking on the meat they'd tenderised and left to marinate overnight; they were slicing buns, buttering and seasoning corn, and making salads; they darted to the balcony every now and then, making sure Adam, Jason and Tom had fresh cold bottles of beer, and restocked the fridge to refresh the supply.

Normally Adam didn't believe in lifting a finger around the house, but grilling meat was a man's business, so had some metal tongs to the ready to get barbecuing once the little bitches brought him some meat to cook.

Alex had triple-checked his hair looked nice, picked out a sexy pale pink shirt, and tucked it into a new extra-small tight-fitting set of khakis that Tom had made him buy. (Tom said they made his bum look great, and had even once made him use the jockstrap at work so his junk disappeared and everyone could see his non-existent package. The prospect of all their colleagues seeing Alex's flat non-cock got Tom so hot under the collar he'd thrown Alex an extra brutal fucking in the stationery closet.)

Checking the time on his phone, he set off, and arrived just as Kyle and Tyler were bringing out the first of the fastidiously prepared meat for the men to cook.

A round of introductions ensued--

"This is Adam, he's a software engineer. He's on my football team."

"How d'you do?" boomed Adam. Such a deep voice, thought Alex.

"Jason, who works in construction, is on the team too."

"You all right?" Jason said. Bone-crushingly firm handshake and a sexy Estuary accent, Adam noted.

"These two are Kyle and Taylor, their - uhh - boyfriends."

These boys had much gentler handshakes, and were full of So nice to finally meet you!' and Your hair looks lovely!', which Alex thought was very nice.

"And this is the other half, Alex," said Tom to the hosts, "he's a secretary--"

"Executive assistant," Alex corrected him, good-naturedly.

Tom shot him a death stare. "A SECRETARY at my law firm."

Alex had, of course, some first-time-meeting-people nerves; but the two gentler boys kept topping up his rosé, the food was nice (a great marinade, Alex thought), and Adam and Kyle had even complimented how prim and proper his outfit was, and even his arse! (Which for some reason seemed to please Tom!)

But as the evening wore on, Alex felt a little left out of the three men's boisterousness - and couldn't catch a moment to get to know Kyle or Taylor either, who seemed constantly too busy darting to and fro to fetch more beers, light cigarettes, change music and all sorts.

Eventually, the three men decided it was time to heat things up too.

They called Kyle and Taylor over and asked them to give a little dance.

Adam wolf-whistled, "Yeah, you sexy little minxes!"

Tom chipped in, "Shake that ass!" and Kyle and Taylor did.

"Take it off!" Jason shouted.

Over the course of a chorus and a verse, off came Kyle and Taylor's aprons; their t-shirts came off too; then the shorts they were wearing (Alex was shocked -- they were on the balcony where anyone might see!); until they were both down to one remaining garment - a baby blue little thong on Taylor, and a dark pink jockstrap on Kyle.

"Join them, babe!" hollered Tom.

While he was a little nervous, Alex was tipsy enough that all seemed fun and in good jest - the men were having such a great time and he just wanted to help with that. So he too stood up, swaying his hips girlishly to the music from the Bluetooth speaker in the same way as Kyle and Taylor, and slowly shucking off his clothes, `til he was just down to his briefs - his little package semi-hard..

The mood was interrupted very suddenly by Tom losing his temper--

"Where the FUCK is your jockstrap?!" Tom couldn't believe Alex would embarrass him in front of the other men like this.

"Oh, uhh, I," Alex stammered, "I didn't think we'd need it."

"What the fuck do you mean we wouldn't need it?! I told you to always have that jockstrap with you when you're with me."

"I, uhh, umm, I'm sorry, I just," Alex protested, but Tom cut him off.

Breathing deeply to calm himself, Tom said, "It's fine. Just go home and get it."

Alex didn't want to piss him off any further, and it was just twenty minutes on the bus back to his, so after a nervy journey home he returned to the barbecue three-quarters of an hour later - wearing the jockstrap, and dickless for now just the way Tom liked.

The three men were chowing down hungrily on burgers, grease dripping down their chins as they chugged more beers, Kyle and Taylor mostly dressed again and massaging Adam and Jason's shoulders.

Adam clicked his fingers. "Ladies! Another dance!"

Jason and Tom hooted and hollered, and Kyle and Taylor walked towards Alex so the three of them could dance and swoosh and strip for the men once more.

One by one the bottoms all ended up in their underwear on the balcony. The three tops all had long fat boners snaking down their jeans by this point. Kyle's limp little noodle was barely making a bulge in his thong, and nor was Taylor's tiny two-inch boner in his panties. Alex's was something else - no bulge at all, just a flat space.

"Take it all off!" yelled Jason. Another round of rowdy cheers from the three men.

Tartishly, first Kyle and then Taylor removed their little underwear - a round of laughter and cheers from the men, looking at how inferior the faggots' cocks were - and then, more nervously, Alex too.

This elicited whistles of appreciation from Adam and Jason, who had not yet seen Alex's magic phallectomy, and thought it was fucking hot!

The three men were kind enough to give the bottoms a standing ovation. Alex was just getting into all of the attention and into feeling like one of the girls, so he didn't notice as Tom calmly and deftly walked to where Alex had thrown the jockstrap. Coolly, Tom picked it up and dropped it onto the burning embers of the barbecue.

Indeed, it wasn't until twenty seconds later when the slightly synthetic smoke hit his nose, that Alex turned and saw the jockstrap on the fire.

He immediately began freaking out.

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod - what have you done? Why have you done that?"

"You fucking embarassed me, babe. These gentlemen are my friends. They are alphas. They don't wanna see your little junk."

Flapping and darting around the balcony, Alex rushed to the barbecue but was - of course - too scared to try and grab the jockstrap from the burning charcoal.

(What a pussy, thought Tom. He would never ever wear something that made his dick disappear, but if it had been his big cock on the line he'd have gladly burnt his fingers!)

Alex looked panickedly around, and saw that Adam was still holding the metal tongs from grilling meats earlier. He rushed towards Adam to grab it, but - at 6'6" - the basketball-playing top easily held it out of reach.

Tom had had enough of this insubordination. He walked over to Alex and simply grabbed him around his smooth naked waist, feeling the weaker smaller guy writhing and struggling to find some solution to rescue the now-burning jockstrap that might bring back his tiny dick.

This is fucking hot, thought Tom, and removed one hand from Alex's waist so he could unbuckle own his jeans and free his rock hard eight-inch cock. He shoved it dry in Alex's pussy, and Alex's yelps became screams, of pain as well as protest.

Then he had an idea to make it even better. Tom spun them around so they were now facing the barbecue, his cock still inside Alex as he made him watch the jockstrap begin to fray and incinerate, blackening and smoking, wisps of its fabric floating in the air. Each of Alex's desperate sobs at his lost so-called manhood caused surges of power and masculinity to flood through Tom's veins as he fucked and bullied his boyfriend into submission. This'll teach him, thought Tom, as he ran his hand over the smooth space where Alex would never again have a dick or balls, his own rock solid cock marking him as his property began to throb as he came deep inside his pussyboy's hole.

If any of you tiny-dicked little sluts, or hung stud real men like me, wanna get in touch and compare notes my email is

Check out my other story:

Next: Chapter 4

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