Stepford Boywives

By Mathias Gold

Published on Mar 20, 2023


Chapter Two: The Rings

Here's a story for all the Total Tops out there - the Real Men - and for all the proper bottoms who know how to treat us goddamn right.

All you subs with little nubs should donate to Nifty!


Jason had been hitting up this gym for four years, since he was eighteen. He played a bit of footie on the weekends but for him, aside from finding holes to put his dick in, life was all about those gains!

Even here in the weights room or compared to the lads on the construction site where he worked, Jason was proud of his physique. 6'1" of bulging muscle sent all the girls and girly boys aflutter, and the wrist-thick seven-incher he was packing didn't hurt either. He chuckled to himself as he finished his latest rep and placed the weights back down, headed to the locker room to flaunt his body and check out some taught arses.

Taylor was in the studio he shared with three friends from art school, at his potter's wheel. Throwing and shaping clay with his delicate little hands was normally so therapeutic for him, but today his game was a little off - the curves of his bowl a little unsettled. He kept glancing at his `phone, eager for it to buzz and flash a message from Jason!

What was it about tops, wondered Taylor, wetting his hands to start again, which made them so aloof and hard to read. Taylor had sent Jason an effusive good night message and received a curt syllable in response, and Jason hadn't replied to Taylor's runthrough of what he was doing that day and his hopes Jason had a great time at the gym. They'd been on seven great dates by that point and had great sex, so surely the hard to get phase was over!

A quick drink together at Jason's local, and Jason was asking Taylor to go back to his. Taylor wasn't a prude, and had put out a few times, but he just wanted to sit so they could get to know each other some more and maybe figure out where things were going rather than jump straight in the sack. Jason had quickly finished his beer, and was staring gruffly at Taylor who was taking too long over his gin and tonic.

When Taylor was finished (Finally! thought Jason), Jason hopped up and pulled firmly at the collar of Taylor's t-shirt.

"Come on. Let's head back to mine. We can have another drink there."

Jason huffed as Taylor popped into the shop to buy himself a bottle of rosé (he knew Jason, like most men of his type, only had beer at home).

A few minutes later and they were at Jason's place, the bodybuilding brickie shoving the smaller 5'6" man against a wall and kissing him roughly - his stubble scratching against Taylor's clean-shaven face - as Jason pawed insistently at his arse.

Just a few minutes more and Jason got his way, pulling Taylor to the bedroom - the wine and beer forgotten in the hall and in the fridge - as Jason tugged off his work boots and jeans, pulling his t-shirt over his head. Taylor's eyes were wide in anticipation - he was a skinny little ceramicist, and knew this tall and aggressive bodybuilder could split him in two, but he couldn't help but soak up the bulging muscles and lick his lips in anticipation.

Justin shoved Taylor onto the bed, unclipping the buttons of the femboy's hipster dungarees and pulling at them as Taylor wriggled out. The briefs and t-shirt were easily disposed of, and Jason loomed over him - basking in the admiration of his body, as his girthy cock fleshed out to its thick seven inches. Taylor was turned on too - his slimmer five-incher bone hard - but Jason wasn't interested in that. What Jason wanted was to pin this boy down, show him who's boss, and work out a load after a hard day lifting bricks and weights.

Taylor giggled and whimpered in glee as Jason took exactly what he wanted. There were some groans of discomfort there too, as Jason pushed Tayler's flexibility to its limits - pushing his legs to different angles and trying to fold him like a marionette, `til the bigger guy found a position that let him loom as large as possible, having bent Tyler into a tiny shape while his smooth tiny hole was just where he needed it for Jason to let gravity and his muscles work in tandem to piledrive smash into Tyler's hole.

He lifted Taylor's arms towards the bedposts, where the open halves of two handcuff pairs awaited. He didn't bother asking consent this time, as they'd had a chat and Taylor had been happy with it before, and didn't complain as Jason clinked each of Taylor's wrists in place - leaving him in even a more submissive position. He lifted Taylor's legs with one arm high enough to get a good angle and gift him a dozen swift full muscle slaps to the buttcheeks, enjoying how they pinkened from his strength, and a couple slightly lighter ones to the face. His handiwork felt warm against his pelvis as he mounted the boy again, pounding and pounding away.

The bed squeaked rhythmically, in sync with Jason's animalistic grunts in Taylor's ears; he could taste the too-bitter lager on Jason's breath as he inhaled with each thrust; Jason's cheap masculine aftershave mingled with fresh sweat he was building up from his fuck; but what really got Taylor little pecker going was the feeling of being crushed by Jason's muscles and watching them flex and contract as Jason focused on getting off.

So focused on getting off was Jason he barely heard the pathetic little squeaks Taylor made as he so easily claimed his hole and fucked away, but it was a hot sight to see the little bottom prostate and pliable and so easy to pound.

It didn't take too long for Jason to cum. He flooded Tayler's hole with his jizz (Tyler was a diligent taker of PrEP), breathing gruff and heavy, and his bed creaked once more under his muscular bulk as he collapsed next to Taylor, spent.

Taylor's much less imposing five-inch boner was still hard but ignored, as he tittered on in Jason's ear about his day, his interests, his hopes for the future and crap like that, eliciting occasional grunts of acknowledgement from Jason - who was barely half-listening. Eventually he quietened down, and Jason flicked on his telly and put on an action movie - just to have an excuse to get Taylor to stop yapping.

They fell asleep during the film, the volume low, and Jason showed a moment of tenderness - pulling Taylor's now-silent little body into his to spoon. He loved how pliant and feminine this little artsy twink was. He just wished he'd sometimes shut up.

A giant from Jason's football team came over to him after the match one day. Adam was his name, Jason thought. Had to be over six-and-a-half feet tall - nice body, he thought, but nowhere near as muscular as his.

"Fancy a pint?" Adam asked, sounding pretty posh compared to Jason and most of his mates.

"Yeah, why not," Jason said.

As the two drank their beers - Adam's a pale ale, Jason's a lager - the two started talking about their home lives.

"My missus is at home getting the dinner on," Adam boasted. "Kyle knows just how to keep my stomach full and my balls empty."

Jason tried to play it cool as he swallowed his beer. He kept his total top bisexuality to himself among footie and brickie boys.

"Your missus is called Kyle?" Jason asked, clearing his throat.

"Well, my missus is a boy, but that's just a technicality," Adam said, hiding a wry smile behind another sip of ale.

"I hear that," replied Jason, nodding. He'd always considered himself as `the man', even when hooking up with men, but had never really thought about it. Never really thought about that making the guy the woman, much less referring to them as such.

"Do you have a significant other?" Adam asked.

"Uhh, sort of. I'm bi actually. Sort of seeing someone called Taylor."

"What's he like?" Adam asked.

"Oh, some little fairy boy from art school. Makes pots or somethin'," Jason said.

"Ha! He and Kyle would probably have a lot in common. Why don't you come over tonight? You like gaming?"

"Yeah, I play a bit of Fifa," Jason offered.

"Then it's settled. I'll text you my address. Bring your fairy boy," Adam smirked.

A few nights later, at Adam and Kyle's place, Adam and Jason were lounging on the sofa - the sounds of their virtual football game blaring through the living room - knocking back beer after beer. Taylor was sitting demurely on an armchair nearby, a little bored (he'd never understood football), working his way through his first glass of wine.

"Nice place, this," said Jason. He'd worked on new-build blocks of flats of varying quality, and this was towards the higher end.

"Thank you. We just moved in a few months ago. We're hoping to find another couple for the second bedroom to help with the rent, actually."

"Oh yeah?" asked Jason. Taylor had hinted at wanting to move in at some point, but a couple of months of dating felt to Jason too soon.

At just that moment, Kyle returned to the room with a bowl of piping hot miniature sausage rolls, and placed them on the table, picking up a few empty beer bottles while being careful not to block the men's view of the telly.

"Get me another beer, babe," Adam said, not looking up and tutting at the game.

"Okay," Kyle replied cheerily, making a mental note while struggling to fit the bottles and a now-empty crisp bowl into his hands.

"You want anything?" Adam asked Jason.

"Yeah, go on. Another beer," Jason said, glancing up at Kyle.

"Sure thing!" Kyle said.

"He really is your missus! Getting you beer and food and tidying up and all!" Jason muttered.

Adam chuckled. "He sure is! It's pretty sweet!"

Taylor, overhearing, thought this was sexist and demeaning. He furrowed his brow a little but didn't say anything.

A minute later, Kyle returned with two ice cold opened bottles of Peroni and handed them to Adam and Jason. Between games, Adam had lit up a cigarette and its smoke hung lazily beneath the living room ceiling.

"Can I get you anything, Taylor?" Kyle said, smiling at him

"Uhh, no, you don't have to get me anything. Thank you, Kyle," Taylor said, thinking it was weird how Adam hadn't lifted a finger even though Jason had said he was the one who invited them over.

"Hey, Kyle! Seen as you're doing such a good job serving us, why don't you change into something more appropriate," Adam said, raising a knowing eyebrow.

"Sure, okay, Adam!" Kyle said, and went into the bedroom. His lingerie collection had grown this last month, and he knew just what to wear to put a smile on Adam's face! He rifled through his drawer until he found it. A skimpy black French maid's outfit.

When he returned with the next round of snacks, miniature slider burgers, Kyle blushed as he heard Jason exclaim


"Ain't he a doll?" asked Adam, pleased it had had the desired effect. "Give us a twirl, baby."

Eager to please, Kyle spun on the spot, the hem of the already short skirt lifting and showing off his pitiful package and pert buttocks in pink panties.

"Fuck! Nice," said Jason.

Taylor sat on the armchair, one foot folded over the other, fuming at hearing his almost-boyfriend talk this way about someone else in front of him.

Kyle darted back and forth from the kitchen, bringing beers and food for the two lads, as Adam and Jason got louder and rowdier. Adam even had Kyle kneel on the floor to light his cigarette at one point while he was busy with the controller.

Almost having had enough, Taylor was about to leave when Adam brought up their spare room again.

"You looking to move any time soon, Jason?"

Taylor's ears perked up. He was a bit disgusted by the way Adam treated Kyle, but he was extremely smitten with Jason, and this might be a way to get him to agree to move in together.

"Yeah, maybe. Lemme think about it."

In the following month, Jason talked it through with Taylor and they decided they would take the leap and live with each other, and they moved into Adam and Kyle's. Taylor was out buying some painting supplies one day, when Jason walked in on Adam and Kyle in the living room--

"Oh, shit! Sorry," said Jason. Kyle was on his knees, pleasuring Adam - and Adam's dick was fucking huge! Kyle looked like he really knew what he was doing too.

Adam snapped out of his bliss at the interruption.

"Don't worry about it. You want some?" he asked, nodding towards Kyle.


"Yeah! Kyle's happy to help, aren't you boy?"

"Of course!" Kyle said.

"Fucking sweet!" replied Jason. He'd never asked Adam whether he and Kyle were open, but the way Kyle scurried around the house doing stuff had got Jason horny on more than one occasion - and this was even better. He'd not blown a load since fucking Taylor the night before.

Jason went and sat next to Adam on the sofa, he and Kyle working together to get his jeans and boxers down around his ankles.

"You're a little thicker. But I've definitely got you on length," Adam teased boastfully.

"Yeah, yeah. My bludgeon still knows how to do some damage," Jason chucked back.

Adam liked the way this guy thought, and didn't mind sharing his perfect little bottom boy with him for the afternoon. He'd already spunked that morning, and his next load could wait.

Kyle stared up mesmerised at the two big cocks before him. He remembered a time when his little dick would have sprung up at such an awe-inspiring sight, and a dull ache thumped in his balls beneath his inert little softie - less than an inch these days. Kyle knew his place was down here on his knees, making sure Adam was happy. And if that meant making Jason happy, then that's just what Kyle would do.

Jason gasped as Kyle swallowed his cock whole first time, and began massaging it with his throat. Not a lot of guys could get the whole thing in, given how thick it was, but Kyle was a blowjob whizz - bobbing his head up and down for a minute, before lapping softly and adoringly at Jason's big sweaty bollocks.

"What the fuck!?"

The two men and the bottom looked up at the living room doorway.

Taylor was standing there, looking confused and betrayed.

Jason didn't have time for this bullshit. Not while he was busy getting some of the best head of his life.

"It's not like that, baby. Just chill out. Come and join us if you want. Look, I'll let you suck Adam if you want."

But it was seemingly too late, as Taylor stormed back into the corridor and they heard the bedroom door slam. For barely a microsecond, Jason thought about going after him, but the need to get his dick back into Kyle's throat was too great. He grabbed the back of Kyle's head with his big calloused hand and did just that.

Taylor's eyes had welled up with tears in the bedroom. Why were tops like this?! Why did Jason think the offer of Taylor sucking Adam's dick would make this any better!? That said, Taylor thought, trying to see the best in everyone - especially his emotionally closed off boyfriend - they had never really talked about whether they were monogamous. Wasn't it the more LGBTQ+ thing to do to be open? And Adam's dick did look impressive.

After a minute of self-composure, sniffing back his sobs and wiping away his tears in the mirror, Taylor made his way more timidly back through to the living room.

"I've decided I don't mind," Taylor snivelled, trying to put on a bright smile.

Jason could barely look up as he said, "Sweet," so focused was he on how well Kyle could deepthroat his thick cock.

Next to him, Adam was lazily and languidly stroking his longer dick.

Fuck! Taylor thought, that must be almost a foot long!

Adam smiled reassuringly and beckoned him over with a finger.

Wanting to show Jason he couldn't stay mad at him, Taylor walked over and got degradedly on his knees, next to Kyle, ready to suck his cocky new flatmate's dick as his boyfriend suggested.

Smirking with satisfaction, Adam noted Taylor was not as good as sucking dick as Kyle - but decided to be patient with him. The scene went on for a while, but before Jason could cum, Adam had a suggestion.

"Wanna fuck my boyfriend while I fuck yours?" Adam asked Jason.

"Fuck yeah!" Jason said, accepting Adam's offer of a high five.

The two men stood up and stepped out of their jeans and boxers. Jason roughly grabbed Kyle and put him on his back on the sofa, pulling his arse towards him.

Adam gave Taylor an imperious look, and Taylor - deciding he had come this far - got into the same position by Kyle's side. Adam licked his lips in anticipation. The sight of not one but two bottom boys, prone and vulnerable on the sofa, and a masc buddy with whom to share them was a tasty sight indeed.

The two men piledrived their smaller boyfriends into those sofa cushions.

Jason was lost in bliss as Kyle's hole squeezed around his cock with just as much expertise as his mouth. And the fact his whingy little boyfriend had stopped complaining and was on board was pretty sweet too.

Kyle was moaning softly and girlishly, staring up at Jason's incredible build, feeling his dick getting stretched by the muscle man's girth in a way that even Adam's eleven-incher couldn't do. He squeezed his butt muscles around Jason, partly to make him feel good, and partly to stimulate his own p-spot - his only source of pleasure these days since Adam had banned him from hard-ons for life with a pint of his no-boner-powdered piss.

Taylor was left breathless on the sofa, amazed at how Kyle could even take Adam's dick - the huge eleven inches skewering him more deeply than anything he'd ever felt. He wanted to tell Adam to slow down, to take it easy, but didn't want to make any more of a scene that he already had - so he scrunched his eyes tight and winced, hissing in breath, his five-inch cock getting hard despite the pain.

Adam was enjoying the hotness of the scene: supporting Jason's role as a man, and playing his part in getting Taylor to recognise that. These facts alone were enough to keep him hard and get him closer and closer to shooting his load - despite the fact that Taylor's thin little five-incher was unacceptably hard. He had half a mind to flick the little bottom's balls `til he went soft, but decided restraint might lead to a better pay-off.

On and on the two men fucked, leaving Kyle and Taylor squeaking and panting, overwhelmed at the easy masculinity and dominance Adam and Jason so easily used to hold them in their grasp. The slow steady fucking, which felt them full when penetrated and empty on the downstroke, sped up until the living room swirled around them with the hammering sensation of being used - hard and faster until--

Adam and Jason shot their loads in unison - Kyle squeezing his hole so none of Jason's cum would get out, Taylor exhaling with relief. Jason's breathing was so heavy from how hard he'd cum that Kyle could feel his body vibrating against his buttcheeks. Adam was pleased to have helped Jason with putting Taylor in his place, shooting deep inside Taylor so he knew it too. The air was thick with the smell of cum, sweat and sex.

Kyle dutifully got off the couch and onto his knees to suck the jizzy residue from Jason's cock. Taylor crinkled his nose with distaste and did not do the same to Adam, so Kyle did so instead. Jason collapsed on the sofa, with a satisfied sigh. Adam did so too, spreading his legs territorially wide so Taylor had hardly any space and had to get up as Kyle had.

Taylor had tugged hopefully at his hard-on a few times, but when he saw Kyle's dick was totally soft (and barely an inch long!) he realised the two tops having cum meant the sex was finished.

"That was fucking awesome," Adam sighed, the next time he and Jason were alone later that day, smoking cigarettes on the balcony.

"Fuck yeah! Kyle's a talented little cocksucker," Jason said.

"Taylor's not so bad himself," Adam said, a little generously he felt, grinning as he exhaled a plume of smoke "but I definitely prefer my boys bottomier - like Kyle."

"What d'you mean?" Jason took the bait, defensively.

"You shouldn't let your boyfriend get hard like that. I certainly don't let Kyle do it. It sends the wrong message about who's in charge."

"Come on. Anyone who saw me and Taylor on the street would know who's in charge," Jason said - flexing each pec in turn. He still felt a little defensive, but Adam was a charmer and meant well enough.

"Oh, you have the height and the muscle, and all that's very important. But the dick's an important muscle too. You need to use your bottom's dick, or rather not use your bottom's dick, to really get in their head."

"How d'you mean?" enquired Jason, intrigued now.

"Well, as you saw my cock is eleven fucking inches. It towered over Kyle's when I first met him - he'd get these three-inch boners all the time. But it was the boners that I had to stop. Those tiny erections gave him the illusion of manhood, despite his laughable length, and so I found a way to put an end to them. Anti-boner powder. I've sold on what was left, I'm afraid, but it worked wonders."

"No way," said Jason, sceptical. He'd been so tied up in plugging Kyle's throat and butt he'd barely noticed, but this was ringing a bell - the guy's little dickie was soft the whole time, despite how much he was clearly enjoying himself, and he'd not tried to touch it once. Was kinda cute and sexy the way it jiggled about, actually.

"And," Adam continued, pushing his luck, "your Taylor's dick is a fair bit bigger than Kyle's was. Five inches or so would you say? It might be a lot skinnier than yours, but at only - what? - two inches shorter, it's even more paramount that you put him in his place."

"Yeah," said Jason, getting into this talk, ignoring the aspersions on his length. "Yeah, maybe you're right."

Fucking annoyingly, Jason never got to try out that powder on Taylor. It turned out it had been recalled and the website was no longer selling it.

Jason mulled all this over in his mind over lunch at a caravan park in a rougher part of town. His family were of Irish traveller stock, and that's still how some of his cousins lived. As they were nearby for a few months, he'd gone over for some stew and a catchup. His cousins, his aunt's half a dozen kids, made him chuckle as they clambered rambunctiously around the park - all boisterous boys and destined to grow up to be real men like him.

He was just on his way to his car when, a few caravans down from his family's, a wizened old crone beckoned out at him. In her broad culchie Irish accent she said

"Come here, lad. I've got something that'll interest ya."

Jason was used to being flogged all sorts when visiting his traveller family - bootleg DVDs, tools that had fallen off the back of a lorry, so he was about to tell her to shove off.

"I've known your future for a while, young Jason," she persisted. He thought he might have recognised her from a party when he was a teenager. "And now's your time."

Figuring he could get up and leave whenever he wanted, he followed her in.

Her caravan was draped in moth-eaten silks and lit by precarious candles. Jason resisted the urge to scoff when he saw an actual crystal ball on a table.

She beckoned him to sit.

"Y'know, I've always considered ye a powerful young lad," said the crone. "And this'll help ye unleash that power."

She procured a wooden box with a Celtic rune carved in it, and opened it. Inside were two rings - a larger gold signet ring, with the same rune on it. The other, smaller, with a verdaline gem which twinkled in the caravan's candlelight.

Jason was about to say he doesn't do jewellery and get up to leave, but something held him back - something intrigued him.

"One for you, and one for your lass," she said, indicating the signet and gemstone rings in turn with her filthy thumbnail.

Not quite sure why, Jason reached out to take the box, but the crone snapped it shut.

"Uh-uh-uh! Is it not the done thing to cross an old mystics palm when she does ye a service any more?" she said, proffering her wrinkly hand.

Rummaging in his pockets for the 50p and 20p coins he sometimes carried for non-smart parking metres, Jason dropped them in her hand which seemed to satisfy her and he took the box.

"Cheers," he said to her, getting up to leave. He was still a bit dazed in his car, on the drive back to the flat, and even that night. Taylor chirp-chirping in his ear the whole time, Jason tried to figure out what was special about these rings and struggled to get to sleep.

He awoke in the middle of the night, took out the signet ring and slipped it on his thick little finger, and got back into bed.

Jason was in a buoyant mood when he awoke the next morning. After a night of vivid dreams he knew what the powerful destiny the old bat was talking about was and, more importantly, how these rings would help him achieve it.

"You got me a ring! That's so sweet! I knew you had a softer side, ohmygod I love you so much!" Taylor said, happily looking at the green gemstone.

"Yeah, no worries. Although there's somethin' special about this ring," replied Jason, wondering just how to broach the subject.

After a few stops and stars, Taylor seemed to have got his head around what Jason was saying, and summarised sceptically.

"So you're saying some old fortune teller has given you these rings and you think they can let you transfer dick size size and pleasure from me to you? Are you crazy?!"

"Well, maybe," Jason said. It had sounded crazy in his head and even crazier when he was sharing it. "But it's worth trying, no?"

"Not really! First of all," Taylor complained, "who believes in all that mumbo jumbo? Second, why do you even care? Your dick is huge! It's seven inches long and thicker than almost anyone I know! Penis size doesn't matter!"

"Oh, fuck off!" Jason said. Taylor may have a way with words, but he wasn't buying this. "You don't seriously believe that, do you?"

"Yes!," Taylor huffed, folding his arms.

"Have you ever dated a guy whose dick is smaller than yours?"

"Well," Taylor conceded, "hmm, no, actually, but still--"

Jason cut him off. "Exactly! You're the type of gay boy who pretends dick size ain't important. But deep down, you know you're the girl. That's why you only get with men with bigger dicks! Admit it."

Taylor liked to think he was reasonable and mulled this over. It's certainly true he had never dated any of the gays like him in art school, preferring bricklayers and painter-decorators and occasionally even soldiers (despite him being a devout pacifist!). Their contrast to himself, their masculinity, had always been a turn-on - could it be true he'd also chosen them for their dick sizes? There was that personal trainer from the local gym he'd met who had been charmingly manly but quite poorly endowed and seemed keen to meet Taylor again, but Taylor for some reason had lost interest.

Jason smiled triumphantly. "Exactly! You know that I'm the man here, like Adam; and you're the girl, like Kyle. Look at the way Kyle's lil dick didn't even get hard when we was fucking him. So why don't you just own it and give it a go?"

A look of concern grew across Taylor's face as he took all this in, but before he could speak an unusually talkative Jason spoke over him again--

"You don't use it anyway. Why do you need to get pleasure from it? Or for it to be five inches? You love it when I fuck you - imagine how great it would feel if I was even bigger!"

That idea was not unintriguing to Taylor, who did love how thick Jason's seven-inch cock was, and Taylor did consider himself to be kink-positive...

"Okay. It's probably not even going to work, but okay."

"Fucking A!" Jason exclaimed.

Ten minutes later, Jason and Taylor were in their bedroom with the door closed. Taylor had put the verdaline ring on his ring finger, and on Jason's thick pinkie was the chunkier signet. While Jason's brain was unsure what to do this first time, his gut and his loins somehow knew.

He fiddled with the ring and rotated it around his finger. Gold tickly sparks emanated along the rune at the same time as Taylor's glowed a more vivid green. They both watched in shock and awe as Jason's fat seven-inches grew fatter still and stretched out to an impossible eighth inch. At the same time, Taylor's thinner five-incher slimmed even further and shrunk down to an even more pathetic four inches. It bobbed with Taylor's hammering heartbeat, more nervous than he'd been in his 28 years; in stark contrast with the manliest of erections Jason had ever had - Jason's was not a hard-on of nerves, but of unadulterated dominance.

Jason loomed over Taylor, both body and cock, and told him firmly to lay on his his back. Usually he liked to fuck Taylor from behind like the bitch he was, but this time he wanted to see that little dickie, shrunk down as it should be.

Jason used the handcuffs on his upper bedposts and some rope near the lower ones to tie up his fem little boyfriend, now only four inches hard. He spat aggressively on his palm and roughly pawed at Taylor's hole a few times, the slick loogie type of spit, before placing his godlike cock at the opening. Stretching him out felt better than ever before - not just the tighter fit, but like lightning or rainbows or fireworks or some shit tingled through his dick It was the most explosive fuck he'd ever had.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Jason grunted, in awe of how great his dick felt and his body's ability to crush Taylor under his thrust.

He hammered away; a good one-sided fuck, with Jason working to get his nut, and Taylor unable to do anything bound spread eagle but lay there and take it.

"Take it, fucking take it," Jason hissed - picking up the pace, pleasuring himself with the newfound tightness - grabbing Taylor's head and shoving it roughly in the mattress.

The bed creaked and groaned under Jason's muscles more than ever as he slammed Taylor's little body into the bed for twenty euphoric minutes before spunking a dozen huge cumshots inside him.

After catching his breath for a while, Jason released Taylor. He was in such a blissful good mood, he didn't even mind Taylor beating his own little pud. Taylor came, squirting three small strings onto his chest, and at that moment both rings glinted again - both of their cock returning to normal.

This soured Jason's mood slightly. He made a mental note of this trigger for returning to normality. But he had just had the fuck of his life, so he let Taylor snuggle in the nook of his armpit and the two began to doze.

"Wait, are you serious!?" laughed Adam uproariously.

"Yeah, man! This old bird my aunt knows gave me these rings. Said it was my destiny or some shit. And they fucking work! My thick cock grew even bigger and Taylor's little noodle shrank right down. Made my dick feel awesome fucking him too!"

"That's great. You've got to get a picture of you two - your cock next to his dickie. I love that shit. Look at this," said Adam.

He took out his iPhone and scrolled through some pics of his eleven hard inches next to Kyle's flaccid one-incher.

Jason nodded gravely. It did look hot. Eleven inches compared to one. Kinda made him pissed off he'd only done eight inches versus four with Taylor the other night.

"Yeah, man," Jason said. "I'll get a pic. No fucking doubt."

Jason stayed at work late one night, and Taylor brought him dinner. Only three of the thirty guys who usually work there were about, and the place was practically deserted. He had a little chuckle that he might make a Kyle of Taylor yet, and his dick twinged.

"Here, Tay, wanna get fucked in the toilets?" Jason said, rubbing his semi through the leg of his work gear, working it up into a fat boner.

"Now? Uhh, I dunno. Are you sure it's safe?" moaned Taylor.

"Yeah, man," Jason insisted, "there's hardly anyone here. Just a quick fuck."

Taylor shifted his weight from one foot to the other, looking tense and uncertain.

"Come on, man! I just need to bust a quick load!" Jason persevered.

"Oh, okay," Taylor said, nervously, "if you're sure it's safe."

Jason jumped up, heavy work boots thudding on the floor, and led the way to some toilets they'd finished fixing to the plumbing and putting on the doors a couple of nights ago.

Once inside, Jason shoved Taylor up against the wall, lifting his legs and wrapping them around his waist - grinding his increasingly urgent thick boner into the underside of the smaller guy's arse.

Jason chewed his lips as he pulled away to look at Taylor, before leaning in and snogging him more roughly still, releasing him so he slid back down the wall - staring up in awe at Jason's horny manliness.

Taylor watched Jason fiddle with the signet ring and shoot him a look of intent.

"Baby, do we have to?"

"Ah, come on!" Jason implored, "it's so fucking hot!"

"For you, maybe," complained Kyle. "But what about me?"

Jason was getting angrier now. "What about YOU?"

"Well, I like to feel stuff on my dick too! I might be a bottom, and I'm glad the rings make your dick feel good - but it takes all the sensitivity from mine! It took me two hours of playing with butt toys to cum last time. Then there was the time I came without wearing the ring and our sizes didn't switch back. What if we lost the rings or something?" Taylor droned on, whinier and girlier than ever. "And I'm going to do some life modelling for my friend tonight, and I'd rather not be so tiny for that."

"And why the FUCK should I care about THAT?" Jason demanded. "For FUCK'S sake! Do you ever hear Kyle complain about not cumming? Why the FUCK should I care about what your little pecker feels when my dick can feel GREAT?! What the FUCK do you need those skinny little five inches for, when my dick can be HUGE! You're being SO fucking SELFISH." Jason boomed at the cowering little arty boy.

Taylor was leaning against the wall, shaking now. He had hardly any time to react as Jason grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and pulled him towards an accessible cubicle - the door opening outwards - and Jason threw him inside, hearing Taylor land on his butt with a little thud. Jason leant against the door and looked around for a plan.

He saw a palette of bricks nearby. Just in time, as Taylor composed himself, and was about to open the door, Jason had rounded on the heavy load and shoved it forwards against the cubicle door. He heard Taylor yelp and push and pound against it.

Jason's heart was beating heavy now. He had to think of something. He left the toilets, a half-formed plan in his head, and returned ten minutes later with a soldering iron and some lengths of heavy duty rope.

He could hear Taylor whimpering on the other side of the door, as Jason bent over and tensed his core to pull the bricks away. Taylor was sitting on the floor, eyes aglisten with fear, as Jason's broad muscly torso heaved with anger.

"UP!" demanded Jason. Taylor was frozen with terror.

"I said UP!" Jason repeated.

Tayler got shakily to his feet, and didn't even try to flee as Jason started using the ropes to expertly tie up Taylor - ankles to the legs which held the cubicle frame, and each hand to the piping behind the toilet. It was a bit of a stretch, given the little guy was only 5'6", but it worked. Jason allowed himself a satisfied chuckle - at both his ropework and the fact that the foolish little femboy had kept his ring on.

Treating Taylor like a little sex doll, Jason pulled at his shorts, the button popping as he hadn't undone it - and ripped his little briefs to shreds, shoving them in Taylor's mouth. Despite the terror, Taylor's dick was at its very hardest, slim - but stretching out to five inches.

Jason would soon fucking fix that.

He took a few steps back, leaving the cubicle door open, and smiled. This would work. This would work very nicely indeed. He undid the zip of his overalls, and heaved out his weighty seven inches of cock - he was rock hard at the thought of what he was about to do.

He felt the familiar tingle as he rotated the signet ring around his pinkie once, and watched his mighty throbbing member grow thicker and an inch longer.

Taylor wriggled in his restraints, pulling his legs back and his arms forward, screaming into his briefs as his dicklet shrank down an inch. Jason chuckled again - if he'd been tied up like that (not that that would EVER happen), if it has been his dick size on the line, he'd have used his incredible muscles to pull the pipes like they were nothing from the fucking wall.

Jason rotated the ring again - his dick chubbing up even more and growing another inch - the sheer power of watching his cock grow was awesome, and hearing and watching Kyle struggle and pull as his puny cock shrank even punier was almost enough to make him blow his load.

They'd never taken it as far as Jason was about to take it. He rotated the ring a third time - the green glow of Taylor's illuminating his cubicle prison, and the gold sparks of Jason's signet run flashing ominously.

Taylor's eyes were filled with lust and terror as Jason's cock stretched out to the thickness of a beer can and reached a full ten inches from his body. Despite his fear, Taylor's boner stayed rock hard as it shrank down to a pencil thin two inches.

Jason felt more like a god than ever as he strode back towards Taylor and pulled the briefs from his mouth.

"Do you love me?" he demanded.

Taylor stammered, "Yes, of course, but I don--"

Jason shut him up with a hard slap around the face.

"No buts. Yes or no? Do you fucking love me?"

Taylor's eyes welled up, "Yes. I love you."

"Does my cock not look fucking incredible like this?"

"Yes, it does," blubbed Taylor, staring up in amazement. "But I j--"

That earnt Taylor another SLAP around the face.

Jason now wrapped that same hand around his cock, rough from a hard day's labouring and warm from the bitchslap Taylor had so richly deserved, and with all the pleasure taken from Taylor's little dickie, his fat ten-incher felt electric. He stroked it luxuriantly at Taylor's sobbing face.

"Yeah. It fucking feels incredible too," Jason said, expecting and getting no answer.

He used his steel-capped work boots to prod at Taylor's pitiful two-inch boner.

"And should you not be GRATEFUL if I left you with two inches of dick?!"

Taylor was really quite frightened now, and did nothing but sniff.

Another sharp slap around the face fixed that. "ANSWER ME!"

"Y- Yes," said Taylor, unconvinced but keen to be released from this terror and for some reason hornier than he had ever been.

"Yeah, exactly. Why the fuck should walk around with even two inches, when my master cock could be even bigger?! But you're lucky. I'm feeling generous and I don't wanna break you when I fuck you. So say thank you!"

"Th- Thank you," Taylor sobbed.

That wasn't good enough for Jason. "Thank you for WHAT?" he barked.

"I- I don't know," said Taylor, his brain scrambled.

"Tell me you LOVE me and THANK me for leaving you with two inches!!"

It took Taylor a few seconds of breathing to get his voice over his sobs.

"I love you," he managed breathily. "Thank you for leaving me with two inches."

Jason couldn't wait to use his new ten-inch crazy-thick hard-on on the snivelling little twink, but first he had to execute the last stage of his plan.

He bent over in the cubicle, his fat cock smearing precum on Taylor's face where it mingled with his tears, as he roughly but deftly pulled the green gemstone ring from his fingers. He then took a few steps back, tugged off his signet ring too, and put on his protective gloves and goggles.

He picked up the soldering iron he'd brought in with him, and got a final look at Taylor's terrified face as he switched it on - gold sparks scattering around the dusty brand new toilet tiles.

Taylor was a little blinded by the sudden light, but his eyes soon adjusted as he watched Jason bring first the slender verdaline ring towards the welding torch, its golden metal melting quickly and drip-drip-dripping down the plug hole of the nearest sink. Taylor's own tiny two-incher dripped a little precum on the floor. He couldn't believe Jason would do this, nor could he explain why it was making him so hard. As he realised what Jason was doing, he cried aloud anew.

For now Jason could neither see nor hear this, with the appliance's grinding noise and bright sparks and his concentration on what he was doing. Once he was sure he'd got every drop of the molten metal down the drain to rush into the sewer, though, he switched it off - he pulled off the glove and goggles, relishing Taylor's pathetic whimpers and more-pitiful-than-everl dicklet. He strode over to bound unhung bottom, and licked at the stream of tears of submission running down flushed cheeks, grinning leeringly at him and at having secured forever the rightful new size of his massive cock and that of his femboy bottom's dinky clit.

If any of you tiny-dicked little sluts, or hung stud real men like me, wanna get in touch and compare notes my email is

Check out my other story:

Next: Chapter 3

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