Stepford Boywives

By Mathias Gold

Published on Mar 13, 2023


Stepford Boywives

Chapter One: The Powder

Here's a story for all the Total Tops out there - the Real Men - and for all the proper bottoms who know how to treat us goddamn right.

All you subs with little nubs should donate to Nifty!


Adam was scrolling through porn at his boyfriend's place in the toilet. His weighty eleven-inch cock felt awesome in his hand. It should have felt even better inside his boyfriend Kyle's hole, but Kyle had been pissing him off recently - so he had snuck off to relieve himself in the bathroom.

"Fuck, why can't my sex life be like these guys'?" he muttered aloud. As he scrolled through alt Twitter, hung studly men were busy railing limp bottom boys whose dicklets jiggled ignored and untouched - so dedicated were they to using their boypussy to get their tops off.

Sure, Kyle bottomed like a champ. And sure, Adam topped most of the time. Kyle, bless him, was only packing three inches - so it wasn't much exertion even for someone who'd hardly ever bottom liked Adam to get Kyle off if he absolutely had to. But Adam didn't want to have to. Adam wanted Kyle to be a perfect little bottom, unconcerned with his irrelevant little dicklet and interested only in making Adam cum over and over.

The images on the screen and the porn noises in his Airpods blended into the fantasy he was creating as it so often did as a wank built up to the incredible finale. He stood up for those last few pulls, spunking with a deep guttural grunt all over the wall and floor of Kyle's flat's small bathroom. Adam thought about wiping it up, but decided to leave it there. He didn't fucking care if Kyle knew he'd rather be having a wank in the toilet - in fact, maybe it would be for the best.

Kyle was flicking through fashion magazines on his bed, wondering what was taking Adam so long in the bathroom, listening to Charli XCX on a low volume. Adam hadn't stayed over much in the first few months of their relationship, although he was doing so a little more now, which made Kyle's heart flutter. The sex had been great as always, as far as Kyle was concerned, but had been happening less and less these last few weeks.

Kyle's bedroom door opened abruptly and Adam crouched slightly so his 6'6" frame fit under the doorframe. Kyle smiled up at his giant of a boyfriend. Even after a year together, it was still a thrill to see his boyfriend standing ten inches taller than Kyle's 5'8" height - and an even more imposing view from down on the bed.

Moodily, Adam slid onto the bed and under the covers. Kyle cuddled up onto his chest and moved Adam's long heavy unresponsive arm over him. Adam's armpits were still ripe, sweaty and unwashed since before his basketball game two days ago.

"Are you okay, baby?" Kyle cooed.

"Yeah," said Adam.

"You were in the bathroom for a long time. Do you want to cuddle? Are you sure you're okay?" Kyle persisted.

"I said yeah!" snapped Adam.

The words hit Kyle like a short sharp slap to the cheek. He always found it upsetting the way Adam could be withdrawn with his feelings and lash out aggressively.

After Kyle's now-racing heart started to slow down, first to the tempo of his pop playlist and slowly back to normal, Kyle thought of something that might cheer Adam up. He put his hand under the duvet and moved it towards Adam's huge cock - even soft, which it was now, it was still a thick and hefty seven inches, which Kyle absolutely loved. As snuggled encouragingly into Adam's body, Kyle's three-inch boner pressed urgently into Adam's hip. But Adam's dick was unmoved.

"Do you wanna fuck me, honey?" asked Kyle, sweetly.

"Nah. Not in the mood." replied Adam, matter-of-fact.

"Oh," sighed Kyle, unable to hide his disappointment.

After an awkward few seconds' silence, Kyle pulled down the duvet, so they could both see Kyle's three-inch boner - throbbing in Adam's presence.

"You wanna get me off?" offered Kyle.

"If I don't wanna get off myself, why the fuck would I want to get you off?" barked Adam, even angrier than before.

Kyle was crushed.

To add salt to the wound, Adam pulled his arm from around his upset boyfriend and moved to lay on his side, facing away from him.

Kyle lay awake for an hour, wondering what had got into his stud of a boyfriend.

He couldn't see the smirk on Adam's face as Adam drifted off to sleep. One way or another, Adam thought, I'm gonna start fucking Kyle on my terms.

A month went by, and Adam and Kyle had some good news. They'd just got a lease on a two-bedroom flat in one of London's nicer gaybourhoods and today was their moving in day.

After a busy day of Adam carrying heavy boxes up the stairs to the second floor and assembling flat pack furniture, with Kyle arranging utensils and crockery in the kitchen, they had just collapsed into bed.

Adam had sweat patches in his greying white t-shirt. He didn't believe in deodorant and, in the last week, he'd been so busy with the move he hadn't washed once.

"Wow, you really need a shower babe," Kyle whined, half-serious.

"Fuck you, you prissy little bitch," retorted Adam, deep-voiced but half-joking, "I'll wash when I wanna wash."

Adam pounced around on the bed so he was pinning down Kyle, and Kyle let out a little giggle of joy.

Maybe this will be a new beginning, thought Adam, where I can finally start to be the man of the house.

He pulled the front of his dirty t-shirt behind his neck, abs glistening stickily at Kyle, and started unbuckling his jeans - pulling down the waistband and his boxers so his hardening cock pointed menacingly towards Kyle's face. Kyle was taking too long to unbutton his shirt, so Adam reached down and pulled it over his head half-still-done up and chucked it on the floor. Kyle, now fumbling with the button of his little shorts, was again too slow for Adam - who grabbed the back of them and ripped them and Kyle's briefs from the little body beneath him, throwing them after the shirt. Kyle was now naked, feeling the roughness of Adam's jeans between his legs and dry-mouthed at the sight of Adam's massive eleven-incher demanding attention.

Adam effortlessly pulled Kyle's smaller slimmer legs upwards and dove towards his little hole, pressing his lips and tongue against it hard and wet. Kyle shivered and turned to putty in his hands, as Adam felt Kyle's body go limp and pliant. Making out with Kyle's boypussy was Adam's favourite way to give Kyle pleasure. Hell, as far as Adam was concerned, it was the only acceptable way Kyle should receive pleasure - until he learned to take it like the bottoms in all those hot videos Adam loved. Adam devoured the hole like a starving man, ensuring he left a long slick string of spit on it as he pulled and way and manoeuvred Kyle into position for a good fucking.

The pressure on Adam's dick felt incredible as he shoved the first five inches clean in.

"Ow! Ow! Ow, wait!" moaned Kyle beneath him.

"For fuck's sake," hissed Adam, with half a smile, "it's not even half in!"

"Just wait. Just twenty seconds," Kyle pleaded.

Adam wanted to be able to shove it all the way in, first time. Adam wanted to get straight into the serious fucking. Adam wanted to be able to fuck his bitchy little boyfriend dry. And instead Adam got these whimpers and moans of complaint.

Kyle stared up as Adam hissed at him, his hole feeling like it could split in two. They may have been dating for a year, but eleven inches is a lot to take for anyone! He could see beads of perspiration dripping from Adam's abs onto his and - higher up his huge boyfriend's torso - sweat fell too, including one drop saltily into his eye, causing Kyle to wince and tense up. The tensing of his hole was enough to set Adam off again.

"Ah, fuck it!" said Adam, who pulled his dick out a couple of inches, then shoved it back in almost all the way. His raw animalistic manly instincts took over and he started pistoning into Kyle's hole, ignoring the mewling whelps and moans of pain beneath him. He smashed and smashed at his little boyfriend's pussy, letting out his frustrations: from the move, from the terse twenty seconds that started this fuck, from the fact Kyle wasn't the obedient little bitchboy he should be.

Having had his eyes closed to concentrate on how awesome the fuck felt, he opened them to look down at his incredible eleven inches sawing into Kyle and smashing in his back doors, appearing and disappearing from sight. Kyle's little grapelike balls jiggled to the rhythm of Adam's fuck, but the view was ruined by Kyle's expectant little peepee - just three inches long but hard as rock and at its tip an audacious pearl of precum.

To let off more steam, Adam placed his hand around Kyle's neck. Kyle's hands went up to reach around Adam's arm, more for assurance than to seriously try and move it (he'd have been much too weak anyway), and the slight fear in Kyle's eyes was enough to send Adam over the edge - as he started doing what men like him were born to do and breeding his boyfriend's cunt.

He collapsed onto Kyle, crushing him under his weight slightly, and lay there panting for a full sixty seconds. He then rolled over, letting Kyle catch his breath properly too.

After another minute, Adam felt Kyle move gracefully so he was straddling Adam's lap, his tiny erection inches from Adam's face.

Adam backed his face away from the laughable little boner, barely able to disguise his disgust.

"What are you doing?"

"I thought you could get me off? You've not sucked me in ages," chirruped Kyle.

"Nah, I'm not in the mood," Adam said, using his arm strength to push Kyle off him and back onto his back beside him in one fluid movement.

"Finish yourself off if you want to," Adam offered.

Kyle started wanking, alternately thinking about the champion fucked he'd just received and glancing at Adam's toned sweaty body, but after a few moments Adam said

"Actually, go do that in the bathroom. I want a nap."

And so Kyle slinked off out of the room, to attend to his own needs.

Adam had to find a way to make Kyle more bottomy. What business does a florist with a three-inch pecker have thinking he can use it like a real man uses a real cock? Much less expecting a real man to humour it?

Luckily, Adam was doing some research online and that's when he found it. The Powder. Marketing itself as an erection prevention formula, discovered as a byproduct in the many experiments made world over for oldies and others that were meant to induce the opposite effect. (Poor fuckers, laughed Adam, who could not imagine not being able to get it up.) It was a hundred quid for a kilo of the stuff, which was a bit pricey - especially after moving house - but it had to be worth a shot.

Adam was beside himself with excitement all week as he waited for it to arrive, but arrive it did.


An erection prevention formula brought to you by GenoMedica®


Mix one teaspoon with half a litre of liquid and imbibe to prevent erections for 24 hours

Mix two teaspoons with half a litre of liquid and imbibe to prevent erections for 7 days

Mix three teaspoons with half a litre of liquid and imbibe to prevent erections for 4 weeks

Warning: Mixing four teaspoons or more with half a litre of liquid and imbibing will result in permanent loss of the ability to get an erection.

Adam's eleven-inch cock, which had grown hard while unwrapping and then reading the bag, twinged especially at that last line.

He had to try this out.

Kyle was unhappy.

"What do you mean anti-boner powder? I've never heard of such a thing! I'm not taking some weird drug you found online!" Kyle whinged, bitchily.

"Chill out will you?" Adam pleaded. "Look, it's got four-and-a-half stars and hundreds of reviews saying how well it works."

"What is this about? Is this because I tried to get you to suck me after you came the other week? After we moved in together?"

Adam growled with frustration and furrowed brow. "It's not about the fact I'd already cum. I don't want to suck you at all!"

"But you've done it before," Kyle whined on.

"Yeah, to be polite. The thing is, dick does nothing for me. I'm an arse man. And anyway, Kyle, your dick is three inches long for fuck's sake - it can't have seen much use anyway, and it's not gonna be any use on me! Not any more!"

"Okay, fine," offered Kyle. "Let's just take a break from you sucking me. But I don't think we need to do anything so extreme as this!"

"Listen, it's not just about me not sucking you. I don't want you wanking it in front of me. I don't want you getting hard when I'm fucking you and you making puppy dog eyes at me. Just try it, okay?" Adam pressed on, "Just for twenty-four hours and let's see."

"Okay," Kyle conceded. "But just this once?"

"Fuck yeah! Good boy!" celebrated Adam. "Let's get naked and head to the kitchen."

It was a relief for Adam to shuck off his jeans and boxers, and release his substantial eleven-inch hard-on that had subsided only slightly during Kyle's resistance, but had sprung back up to full power once he was cowed into submission.

Kyle removed his loose-fitting pink t-shirt and tight shorts, padding through in his little tighty-whities into the kitchen after Adam.

Adam filled a pint glass almost to the brim with water and slowly and deliberately dipped a teaspoon into the bag of anti-boner powder, his eyes darting from the glass as he stirred it in, to Kyle's nervous returned glances.

"Have you got another little boner?" asked Adam, exasperated.

"Yeah," Kyle replied bashfully, "I'm nervous!"

"Don't be nervous, baby. You're doing this for me," Adam said soothingly but with a mischievous smirk. He decided he didn't mind seeing Kyle's little dick hard if it would be the last hard-on he'd have to see for the rest of the day. "Take off your little panties?"

Kyle blushed at having his underwear feminised this way, and did as he was told.

Adam handed Kyle the glass - his heart thumping with excitement. That website better not have ripped him off, or they'd have hell to pay, he thought.

Kyle took the glass and said, "Are you sure about this? Maybe we should both have a sip just to make sure it's safe to drink?"

This would have made Adam angry if it hadn't been so fucking funny. "Are you kidding me?" Adam laughed. "There's no way in hell I'd take something that stops this bad boy getting hard! It's you I wanna see with a limp little dickie!"

Frowning slightly, Kyle sighed and raised the glass to his lips. Even though it looked like water, he was too demure to neck a pint in one go, and it took him seven or eight goes to finish the glass.

It was Adam's turn to frown now as he looked at Kyle's dick, still rock hard from nerves and throbbing to his boyfriend's pulse.

Six or seven tense minutes went by before, at last, Kyle's dick started drooping. Over the course of thirty seconds or so it shrivelled to its one-inch flaccid length.

"Is that it? Has it worked" Adam asked, excited but sceptical. "Try and get hard."

Kyle, whose tiny cock didn't usually require much to spring a boner, started stroking himself with his thumb and forefinger - but that little dicklet was unmoved.

"YES! FUCKING SWEET!" Adam exclaimed, power coursing through his veins. "Fuck! You wanna get fucked baby?" he asked.

Kyle nodded. Adam had been this enthusiastic about sex for the first half of their year together, and it thrilled him to have him be so attentive again.

Rushing forward, Adam put his arm around Kyle's waist and began dragging him towards the bedroom, Kyle giggling all the way. In all his 20 years, Adam had never been so turned on. The fact that Kyle would be a pure bottom for a full day meant he was close to busting already.

He shoved Kyle onto the bed roughly, on his front, and shoved his face into his smaller boyfriend's arse - gobbing out lots of spit during the cursory rim, just getting it ready to fuck. He shoved in eight of his dick's eleven inches, and ignored Kyle's whimpers and moans, pounding away aggressively for a hot minute before slowing down - scared of cumming too soon - wanting to draw it out.

He decided he needed to see it, so with regret he pulled his cock out and expertly flipped Kyle onto his back. Kyle's legs fell onto Adam's torso, his feet barely reaching Adam's shoulders, his hole opened sufficiently that Adam's dick zeroed in on exactly where it was meant to be as it savagely speared Kyle once again.

Looking down, what Adam saw was glorious. Kyle teeny one-incher jiggling around, harmless and inert, as Adam's cock which was harder than ever fucked in and out of the boypussy he was claiming as his.

Fuck it, thought Adam, unable to contain his spunk a second longer - I'm gonna cum now and breed him another five times before tomorrow.

Adam scrunched his eyes closed in ecstasy as he felt his balls tighten and start to empty their heavy horny load into Kyle's hole. No fewer than twelve ropes of cum splatted out to lube Kyle's abused pussy. Adam collapsed on top of him, enjoying how crushed Kyle must feel under his heavy athleticism, catching his breath before finally rolling off.

"Wowie, that was hot," Kyle said, "I gotta say that did get me kind of horny."

Adam rolled his eyes but looked over at Kyle. He may have been horny, but he had no erection to show for it - the little dicklet still just an inch and totally soft. He'd be under no illusions of wanting the favour returned.

"Good boy," Adam said reassuringly, reaching over to put his arm around Kyle. "Stay horny. I'm gonna fuck you again in a few minutes."

His slick softened dick was already hardening again. This was gonna be a wild day.

Two weeks went by. Adam had made Kyle drink a teaspoon of the anti-boner powder a handful of times. The sex they had when Kyle was soft and limp was wild. When he wasn't on the powder, however, it was more lacklustre. This was only slightly deliberate on Adam's part, keen Kyle associate good sex with being soft, but mostly it was genuinely because Adam just found it hotter.

"Let's try two teaspoons this time?" Adam pleaded to Kyle.

Once again, Kyle was unsure - about this time staying soft for a full week.

"Ah, do we have to? I'm a bit worried we're using the powder too much. I don't want to have to use it just so we can have a good sex life," Kyle complained.

"Too much?!" Adam barked incredulously. "Are you kidding me? The sex when we're on it is amaxing. We should be using it more! Come on, let's just try for a full week. We can take some days off work and I'll fuck you so good you'll see it my way too."

Kyle had been sneaking to the bathroom himself in the middle of the night to relieve himself on days when Adam let him get a boner, which he felt was in the spirit of things as Adam didn't have to see it. He didn't think he'd be able to last a whole week!

"I don't think I can do it," Kyle said forlornly. "Can we just do a day again?"

"Nah," said Adam, machiavellianly, "I'm bored of it just being a day. Never mind."

Adam was colder and more distant than ever the next few days. You could cut the atmosphere in the flat with a knife.

On day four, when beating his three-inch boner didn't do it for Kyle and he was desperate for Adam's big cock and affections, Kyle finally broke.

"Okay, I'll do it! Let's try a week!"

Adam smiled. "Good boy! You won't regret it."

The powder kicked in even quicker this time, it took just a couple of minutes for it to droop down from his last boner for seven days. The masculinity and testosterone surging through Adam's body sent him once more into overdrive.

The next week was incredible - the first fuck was epic, but so were all the others.

On their fourth fuck of the fourth day, Kyle said, "When I'm soft and you fuck me I feel like a girl!"

That turned Adam on something wicked. While Kyle was recovering from the brutalising of his hole, Adam took out his phone and ordered some frilly pink bras and panties for Kyle. Adam would show Kyle what it was like to get fucked like a girl!

They arrived the next morning, and Adam couldn't wait to dress his smaller older flaccid boyfriend in them. Kyle was surprisingly receptive, doing a sexy little twirl after changing into them, and another few days of incredible sex ensued.

"Yeah, you're like my woman. Soft little clittie, and pretty in pink," Adam trash talked, the fresh sex sweat reacting with his unwashed pits and filling the room with his tangy pheromones. Even Kyle's whimpers seemed to get higher and girlier when he was both soft and dressed up like a girl.

Adam came so hard he swore he'd get Kyle pregnant, as the two collapsed in a messy tangle - Kyle's vanilla bodywash the yin to Adam's sweaty musky yang.

But the week came to an end. On day eight, Kyle started getting semis when he was being fucked again. The next day, during an afternoon fuck, his cock was at its `full' hard three inches.

Adam was trying to look at Kyle's face, picturing him in more lacy lingerie (they'd only used them once), and ignore the little boner of which he'd caught a glance.

The disappointment of no longer having a flaccid little bottom boy meant it was taking Adam longer to cum than usual, but Kyle was enjoying himself as much as ever.

Not having cum for almost a week and a half, Kyle's eyes were fuzzy from horniness and his little balls ached. He stared up adoringly at his masculine lover's eyes, and subconsciously his hand wandered down to his own little package to give himself some relief. It felt so nice both to have Adam inside him and for Kyle to place his thumb and forefinger on his achingly hard little dicklet--

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing?!" Adam barked, pulling his cock out abruptly.

"What? What do you mean?" asked Kyle, taken aback.

"You've been off that powder for ONE day, and you're already wanking your little CLIT in front of me!? I thought you wanted to be my WOMAN?!" boomed Adam. It took all his restraint not to slap the little bitch. "I thought we were over this bullshit?!"

"I'm- I'm sorry! I just, it's just, I haven't cum in so long!" pleaded Kyle, "and it just felt so good."

"You've not CUM in so long because clitty little bitches like you don't get to cum like a man! I'll fucking show you!!" Adam said, leaping out of bed, pulling a drawer from its chest so hard it fell to the floor with a thud, and rifling through `til he found Kyle's once-used frilly lingerie.

"Put this on!"

Kyle was quaking and cowering on the bed still.

"I said PUT IT ON!!!" demanded Adam. He tried to be the type of dom who didn't lose his temper, but Kyle's gaul had simply pushed him over the edge.


Kyle meekly, shakily, got off the bed, taking the pink bra and panties from Adam. Even though Kyle was 27, Adam's 20-year-old 6'6" frame was so impossibly taller right then that Adam towered over him more scarily and more than ever before.

Once he was sure Kyle was complying, Adam stormed into the kitchen, grabbing the pint glass, a spoon and the bag of no-boner powder.

"Warning: Mixing four teaspoons or more with half a litre of liquid and imbibing will result in permanent loss of the ability to get an erection."

His memory of the warning on the packet made Adam's erection - half-lost in rage - flush back to its full angry eleven inches.

"Get on your knees," he boomed at Kyle, as Adam thundered back into the bedroom.

Kyle was looking up at him, wide-eyed and terrified, but still standing.

"Get on your FUCKING KNEES! DO IT!!"

Kyle got down on his knees in front of Adam, making their size different even more awesome and imposing.

Adam, steadying himself against his rage, started scooping spoonfuls of the powder into the glass.

One. Two. Three...

"What are you doing?" Kyle whispered, aghast.


"What? Please, Adam! What is this?"

"SHUT IT," shouted Adam at his cowering smaller boyfriend, before muttering, "Ah fuck it" and shoveling a fifth, sixth, seventh teaspoon of anti-erection formula into the pint glass.

Adam slowed his heavy breath through his nostrils as he concentrated on what was next. He angled the glass so his eleven-inch boner was facing right at it, relaxing the right muscles so it subsided by just an inch or so - enough for him to start pissing in the glass. He filled it almost to the brim then tightened the same muscles, stopping the flow, smiling at his own wicked plan.

The piss was frothy as the anti-boner powder dissolved into it. He thrust the warm pint at Kyle.

"Drink it," Adam commanded, matter of factly.

"Are you crazy?!" Kyle pleaded.

"Fucking DRINK IT! If you loved me, if you RESPECTED me, you'd fucking DRINK IT!" Adam continued. He almost felt bad, but another pang of anger struck him as he remembered Kyle thinking about his own little three-incher while Adam's incredible eleven-inch dick had been fucking him. The fucking cheek of it.

"Baby, please. I'm sorry. You don't have to- We don't have to. Please!"

"If you don't drink this right fucking now, I will walk out that door and you'll never see me again," Adam said, his breath slowly returning to normal. "Your choice."

"I- I- I- Okay," Kyle said, tearfully and dejected. He was so horny after a week of not cumming, he was most immediately sad about his unfulfilled need to ejaculate than having fully realised this meant a lifetime of no erections.

"Good," said Adam, visibly calmer this time. "Actually, wait," he continued, taking his `phone from his pocket with one hand as he passed to Kyle the tepid glass of his piss mixed with the powder that would make his boyfriend a forever-limp bottom.

"Pull down your panties as you drink it for me on camera."

It was so incredibly hot for Adam, watching Kyle do just as he told him. With his left hand, Kyle raised the pint glass to his lips and drank it as quickly as he could (gulp by gaggy gulp), and with his right he had hooked the pink thong beneath his little balls.

The pint wasn't even half gone as that three-inch hard-on dissolved before their eyes in a few seconds to its flaccid one-incher.

"That's it. DRINK! Keep fucking drinking. Drink the fucking lot!," Adam panted loudly.

Still on his knees and in his frilly pink bra, Kyle sobbed softly as swallowed the last of the frothy powdery piss from the pint glass, and Adam's smartphone caught for posterity the moment any of Kyle's illusions of manhood shrivelled away for good.

Next: Chapter 2

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