Stepdad workout buddy

By tjcoach

Published on Feb 24, 2020



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Stepdad Workout buddy

I don't think he actually noticed me staring at the outline of his thick cock in his briefs, but I blushed at the possibility as his hand wandered down, scratching his hairy belly absent-mindlessly.

"Fuck, these workouts make me so horny, son...ya know what I mean?" he asked. "Your mom just hasn't been interested in sex at all lately."

I looked up at his handsome, scruffy face, and wondered how mom didn't just swoon when he walked into the bedroom. He'd married her three years ago, soon after my real dad just up and left us a couple years earlier. I was just 16, and very protective of my mom, but I liked Mac from the get go...a real stand up guy...treated mom and me real well.

"A little TMI, dontcha think, Dad?" I chided him, as I tugged off my t-shirt and plopped it in my lap to cover my burgeoning cock. I'd only called him Mac when he was dating my mom, but at the wedding where I was his best man, I made a toast to my mom and my new dad, and the hug he gave me afterward, and the mistiness in his eyes made me realize that was who, and what he was to me now.

He got me started working out with him soon after he met mom. I was an awkward 16 year old kid, just coming into my young man body. Now, after years of gym workouts with him and my buddies, I was a strapping young 19 year old man...with muscles in all the right places, a light trail of hair leading into my dirty blond bush, and a respectable seven inch dick that had yet to feel the warmth of anything but my left hand.

I knew I was attracted to guys at a young age, but kept it hidden...dated girls in high school, but never got past second base if you know what I mean. Wrestled my senior year and had to jerk off before practice and every match to keep from popping wood with the guys. I enjoyed the camaraderie of the locker room immensely, the ass slapping and bro hugs...the casual nakedness of showers and the way the guys just strutted around in their singlets. The "faggot" jokes stung though, even though it wasn't directed at me personally, it got under my skin sometimes, and I took some heat for standing up for a little guy that got bullied in gym class. Coach had my back though and some of my bros I got a reputation for being a stand up guy like Mac.

I watched as his hand drifted south and slid into his briefs, scratching in his bush now...his hand pushing the waistband down and giving me a glimpse of the dark fur. I could feel my dick surge with every little movement of his fingers down there.

"We better hit the showers, little buddy, or your mom will have our heads for being late again," he reminded me. He'd called me "little buddy" from the day he met me, and even though I was as tall as him now, it just stuck. His hand pushed down deep into his shorts and slid them down his thick, furry thighs. I got up and turned my back to him before quickly shedding my gym shorts and peeling my jock strap down over my meaty ass. I wondered if he checked me out as I bent over and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around my waist and willed my cock down as we walked to the shower area.

It was his idea for me to live at home and go to State for my first couple of years of college anyway. He said mom would miss me something awful if I went away to school, but the truth was that he would to...and I would miss them. We'd just started to feel like a real family, and it felt right to stay. And the new car they got me as a graduation present just sealed the deal for me. I was only commuting three days a week and taking two courses online now, so Mac and I had a regular workout routine when he got home from work every day.

Mac didn't wrap a towel around him to walk thru the locker room...just tossed it over his shoulder and strutted confidently...his dick on view for all to see...and I noticed guys looking at him too...subtle glances to outright stares. I wondered if he noticed, or got a charge out of it like I did...guys admiring my dad's body as he walked naked to and from the shower. Of course, I had a great view of his hairy ass flexing as he walked, which was making it difficult to keep my dick in check.

He stopped suddenly and I ran right into him, inadvertently humping him as I crashed into his backside.

"Fuck! It's crowded today, buddy," he warned me as he scoped out the shower stalls. "Looks like they're all in use right now." He leaned his elbow on my shoulder casually as we waited. A big bear of a guy stepped out of the last shower stall and said, "It's all yours, fellas," as he winked at Mac and started drying off.

"You go ahead, dad...I'll wait for the next one," I urged him.

"We don't have time, little's late and we gotta get a move on. We can share that one...let's go."

He practically pushed me down the hall to the last oversized handicap access shower. He tossed his towel onto the hook on the wall and tore mine off me to do the same. My dick was already chubbed, and the thought of showering with Mac was making it bone up with no hope of hiding it. I faced the shower wall and turned on the cold spigot for a chilling blast of water. I jumped back just as Mac came up behind me and reached for the hot water spigot and gave it a twist. That's when I felt his stiff, thick cock pressing against my ass.

"Looks like you and me got the same problem, little buddy," he grinned as he pulled the curtain closed. He spun me around and we were dick to dick under the warm stream of water. He pumped the soap dispenser and started lathering up his chest and belly as I stood motionless before him. He pumped some more soap into his hands again and rubbed them over my chest.

"You ever help out one of your bros before, Jason?" he asked as his hands drifted down my chest and over my abs...and kept going...soaping up my bush and running his hands under my nuts before grabbing the base of my rock hard cock and giving it a slow, hard tug.

"Fuck, little got a real nice piece here," he whispered. He stepped closer and pressed his dick against mine, wrapping his fist around both our dicks now and fucking into his fist. "Looks like we're about the same size, too." He soaped up his free hand and started washing my back and ass while he continued to jerk us off. He tugged on my ass to get my hips moving in unison with his...both of us fucking into his fist now.

"Look, son...I know how it is with kids like you...feeling a certain way...afraid to voice be judged." He tipped my chin up to look him in the eye. "I'm ok with this...with you...I could tell the first day I met you...and I would never judge you...nothing but love for ya, little buddy...always. He leaned in to hug me and I gasped with the first real breath of air since he touched me. I never hugged a guy tighter in my whole life then I did him just then. His forehead was pressed against mine...both of us breathing heavy...a combination of emotions and horniness as our cocks continued grinding.

He slid his face along mine, and whispered in my ear. "You can kiss me, if you want to, little buddy." He didn't wait for an answer...just slid his free hand behind my head and gently guided my lips to his...a soft, sweet peck on the lips to start...licking my lips until they parted, and welcomed his tongue into my mouth...our spit mingling on our tongues as they wrestled together.

I grunted as my cock spurted thick ropes of cum on moans muffled in his mouth. I shuddered as he pressed me back against the shower wall and dropped to his knees in front of me, kissing my belly and rubbing his face in my bush...then gingerly taking my cock in his mouth and sucking on it...coaxing the last drops of cum from me.

He stood and kissed me again. The tang of my cum tasted so familiar in his mouth. He wiped some of my cum from his belly and started stroking his cock again as we kissed, and I could sense he was getting close to blowing a load himself. I don't know where I got the nerve, but I pushed him away from me...all the way to the other side of the shower...pressed him against the wall...and knelt before him...sitting back on my legs as he stroked his awe of it. My hands stroked his thighs as I leaned forward to lick the tip of his cock...the sweet taste of his precum was so fucking tasty. He rubbed his dick lewdly across my face...slapping it against my cheek...then pressing it into my lips as they wrapped around the head and licked at the underside. "Ahhhhh...fuuuuck...little buddy," he hissed quietly. "I'm gonna cum."

I don't know why he pulled out. Maybe he didn't think it would be right to cum in my mouth, or that I would gag...but he grabbed my shaggy hair and pushed my head back as he spurted his thick cum shots onto my face and neck. It was so hot! I mean physically hot...and viscous...clinging to my face and hanging in long strings from my chin...more cum than I'd ever churned out of my teenage nuts. He hunched over and shuddered to an end...then pulled me up by the hair he'd been grasping, and kissed me.

"I'm sorry, kid," he said as he pulled away. "I don't know what came over me."

He seemed scared suddenly...afraid he'd gone too far. I held a finger to his lips before he could say another word...swiped the cum from my face and stuck two fingers in my mouth for a quick taste...then placed my hand over his mouth. He relaxed instantly, and smiled into the palm of my hand as he licked it. I kissed him and reassured him that I was ok...that this was ok.

We washed and rinsed hurriedly now before shutting off the water and opening the shower curtain to grab our towels. The big bear who'd used the shower before us was still there, leisurely drying his hairy body. He grinned at us and gave us a wink before leaving. Mac and I were both a little chagrined that we had an audience of at least one, but he laughed it off. I started to wrap the towel around my waist but he stopped me...grabbed the towel and tossed it over my shoulder as he'd done with his.

"Wear it proud, little buddy," he grinned. "Let's go."

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