Steam Will Rise

By Christ Sol

Published on Jul 18, 2000


Steam Will Rise

Hi to Spud, the real Tyce (u know who u r), Kev, SkateRat, Drew and the #queerpunk crew of EFNet. Enjoy as always, and feel to free to write me at

Oh yeah - get a hold of silverchair's Neon Ballroom and/or Freak Show and listen to it while you read this story (from part 1 again if you want)

Disclaimer: If ya liked fascist fuck 42 (in the gay celebs section), you'll preobably like this story as well.. and oh yeah, if the idea of two young dudes discovering their love/lust for eachother is too much fer yer puny head to come to grips with, bye bye :-D Characters are fictional but based on people I know (or, rather, people I wish I "knew" hehe). There is some violence and coarse language as part of the plot. Fan Mail to

"Here's your warning,

I'll give you click, click, boom..." - silverchair, "cemetary" (freak show)

Part 4.

The room smelt stale. His mother lit a cigarette, saw a No Smoking sign, and put it out again. Nick leaned against a stained, mouldly wall, facing Shane who was sitting at the formica table, a tepid styrofoam cup of instant coffee in his hand.

Nick was the first to speak as the Manager left the room. "Just once, once, would I like to love someone and not end up trying to punch the crap out of them." Faye sat up stiffly, but Nick dismissed her with a nonchalant wave of his hand. The old Nick was back, the sore, tired, martyr Nick. "It was a joke. I think."

Shane blinked tears out of his eyes. He looked up. "Did you mean that?" "Mean what?" "Do you love me?" The question seemed painfully obvious to Nick. "Of course I fucking love you, you fucking retard. What are you, blind? I love you like I never loved anyone - present company excluded." His mother nodded self-righteously, then began to feel a little like an intruder. She got up and headed to the door. "Going to go sort out the Manager. Got your smokes." She bent over to kiss Nick and then gave Shane's shoulder a supportive squeeze. The door closed and they were alone.

"I didn't think you'd care. I'm just tired of his shit." "You could handle him before. You wanted his dick, Nick, don't bullshit me. I wanted it too but wasn't about to let him suck me off 3 feet from the guy I love.

Nick looked down to his hands. His eyes were damp. "No guy's ever told me he loved me before." "Don't fuck up again, orrite? I got my father to screw me around, I don't want it from me fuckin boyfriend." Shane stood up and walked over to where Nick was standing and grabbed him around the waist, pulling him into a hug. They stayed like that for a couple minutes, Shane's head resting in the warm leather confines of Nick's jacket, smelling his hair, his body, his warmth. Yeh, he loved Nick. He loved Nick a shitload. Nick ruffled Shane's hair for something to do.

The door opened and his mother walked in again. "C'mon, we can go now. Let's get some KFC." Nick nodded weakly.

Shane licked the grease off his fingers and grinned for the first time since they left the shopping centre. Maybe things were gonna be alright. His father hadn't rung his mobile all morning, demanding to know where he was. Nick had his arm around him as they drove down the main street. Faye stopped at the lights, and put Freak Show by silverchair on the CD player, setting it to Random Play. The sombering lyrics of "Slave" snaked their way into the back seat of the car, and in the chorus, Nick turned to Shane and sung gently, just to Shane, his lover, and noone else, (the octave down):

"Want to be your soldier

Want to be your slave

Have no pride in myself.."

Shanes grip on Nick's leg became firmer.

"Love ya Nick." "Love ya too, Shanus."

They got home and Damien was sprawled out on the couch with his latest girlfriend, eating fish and chips and watching the footy on TV. Faye had called him to explain why they were late, and Damo grinned like an idiot, obviously stoned.

"Hey Nicky-boy, what a great bedside manner u got." "Oh fuck off, Damo." "No really, is that how you seduce all yer boyfriends? Beat them up?" Nick laughed and gave the couch a shove with his boot. "They're gonna love you in jail, ya little JOO-va-nile dee-LING-quent." Sharon, Demien's girlfriend laughed, and Shane smiled stupidly, still nervous about Damien. "I need to piss. Where's your toilet?" "Second on the right, hurry cause I need to go too."

Shane put himself away, and flushed the toilet, turning on the old copper taps to wash his hands. The door opened and Damian, bleary-eyed and jovial, cheerily let himself in and locked the door behind him.

"D'ya love him?" "Whaa-?" "Don't be a spastic. D'ya love Nick or not?" "Yeh. I think so. No, I know I do. I love Nick." Damian considered this. "You're not gonna screw him over?" "Nah of course not."

Damien broke into an even wider grin, sticking out his hand. "Welcome to the Harding family. You asked for it."

Shane shook his hand and grinned. This was going to be a great day.

I have ideas for a new chapter, maybe some Tyson/Jase stuff. Still think it's worth it? Drop me a line.

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