Steam Will Rise

By Christ Sol

Published on Jul 12, 2000


Steam Will Rise

Disclaimer: If ya liked fascist fuck 42 (in the gay celebs section), you'll preobably like this story as well.. and oh yeah, if the idea of two young dudes discovering their love/lust for eachother is too much fer yer puny head to come to grips with, bye bye :-D Characters are fictional but based on people I know (or, rather, people I wish I "knew" hehe). There is some violence and coarse language as part of the plot. Fan Mail to

"now i have managed to be the one

to be the victim without the gun." -silverchair, do you feel the same

-----Part 2.

He noticed Shane's dilated pupils as they boarded the train into the city. "What you on, man?" "Got some mad quick off a mate. Got a bit left if you want." "Nah man, I'm not going anywhere in a hurry." The two youths laughed. Nick looked Shane up and down. wallet chain as thick as his thumb, black hair spiked into a frenzy, ripped jeans, hi-top black sneakers. "Who the hell you trying to impress?" Shane smiled, happy that Nick had noticed the efforts he had gone to. Nick smiled back, before noticing the few people from school on the train. He flicked his dreads over his shoulders, the mask of distaste came across his face and he half closed his eyes. "You look like a homie." "WAT UP, FOOL? IN DA HOUSE!" Shane cried out loud enough to deafen nearby passengers. Nick laughed. He had to.

Nick and Shane fought their way valiantly through the crowd to the center stage, where Anodyne 500 had just finished their set. The screaming, sweat and energy fueled Nick. He loved crowds like this. Temporary communities of kids, shouting out and worshipping the language of music. "Who's on now?" he managed to shout over the screaming. "Killing Heidi!" a short chinese girl in red bellbottoms called back from behind him. "Fuck that!" Nick and Shane said in unison, and headed for the bar area. Slipping through in a crowd of people, Shane bought Nick and himself a double scotch and coke.and they sat back, watching in disgust as Ella, resident Slut of killing heidi, threw herself around the stage, screaming in what seemed like a twenty minute bad acid trip. Learning that The Living End were next, Shane grabbed Nicks arm and dragged him back into the seething masses......

"Don't look now, seems like we're trapped somehow, I'm not sure if we'll ever make it out of here alive--" Nick found himself singing loud and clear, Shane and him moshing for all they were worth. Shane suddenly stopped and looked at Nick funnily. "What???" Nick yelled. "Were you just singing that the octave down?" "Um, shit! I was!" Nick felt stupid. He was a baritone, and when he sung, he sung low. He felt Shane press against his side and say into his ear. "I think it's hell sexy eh" Nick turned and, for the first time, saw Shane's eyebrow ring. He loved eyebrow rings. How did he miss it before? The crowd surfed forward and Nick was pushed against the safety barrier, Shane crushed against him. He leaned forward and awkwardly kissed Shane, his hands running up his body to his armpits, and pulled him even closer. They kissed long, deep and hard, the world around them seeming to slow down and fade out for a moment. They were still kissing when the lights went down and silverchair stepped to the stage. In the darkness, smelling sweat and heat and rain and the pure essence of the mosh pit, Nick felt his dick harden and press into Shane's gut.. The lights came up and Shane opened his eyes. A low red spottie beamed into his eyes, the golden glow of them shining like fire.

They separated, but only a little, and began to mosh again. Linking elbows, they were able to snatch kisses in the breaks between the set. When Daniel Johns grabbed the mike and shouted "Hey lovebirds, you hear to kiss or you hear to ROCK!", Nick blushed, but Shane just shouted up "BOTH!". This drew a hoot from the mosh pit, and Daniel shrugged, watching the couple as he went against his set list and broke into the opening riff of Steam Will RIse.

"I love this song" Nick said, his eyes closing again "I'm warming to it myself" Shane replied, the slow, heavy beat thundering through them from the front-of-house box they were almost directly in front of. Every word seemed to be aimed at them

"Contain yourself I will compress/What I am too.."

Locked in passion, Shane lost himself in Nick's shining hair, droplets of rain running down it as a spotlight lazily drifted towards them.

"Replace yourself with what you have, your substitute, Only wanted a piece of myself/Steam will rise...."

Nick , in the midst of passion, imagined the steam rising from the bodies of the young men.. They stayed like that, just looking into eachother's eyes, kissing now and then, hands in eachothers pockets to keep warm, until the last chords of the song echoed through University Park. A security guard grabbed them and stormed them out to the exit, shoving them roughly onto the street.

"Thats where faggots like you belong!" he snarled, folding his arms across his chest smugly. Nick was angry. He lunged but was grabbed by Shane "Nick nick nick! No man! The dickheads not worth it! C'mon. "

They walked the streets to Macdonalds, then headed to University Station, and waited for a train, any train. It was midnight.

"Where do we go now?" Shane asked. "Back to my place if you want." Shane blinked. "Your parents..." "My mum is cool. My dad aint around anymore." "I should be so lucky. Dad nearly threw mne out when I said I was gay. Mum spends all day crying, and my sisters dont talk to me anymore. Dad's a cop." "They say that cop's sons are the most rebellious." Shane picked up a rock and ditched it as hard as he could at a lit sign. It shattered and flickered. "I dunno where they get that idea."

The train grumbled to a stop in Melbourne's west. They walked through the dirty streets and made it to the fibro monolith at 42 Hersdman Avenue.

Billy Corgan whined out to noone in particular from his mother's room as they wiped their feet on the kitchen mat and sat down. "Your mum listens to Smashing Pumpkins?" "Heheh yep. Told you she was cool." The door squeaked open and his mother walked down the hall, her tread heavy on the bare floorboards.

"Hi guys. You must be Shane. I'm Faye." "Hello." Shane was coming down off his speed, his eyes drooping a little. "Mum, you've had a bit to drink." "Yes dear, I invited Jean over for a drink or two." "The dyke?" Nick's eyebrow raised. "Uh huh. You guys must be tired, so I'll, er, leave you to it." "Goodnight mum." Faye leaned over to kiss her son goodnight. As she did, he noticed something odd. That wasn't her perfume. Faintly, he heard a giggle from his mother's bedroom.

Faye stood up straight, blushing to a deep purple. "Score!" Nick exclaimed, grinning. Shane's eyebrows formed twin Sydney Harbour Bridges. She smiled awkwardly and almost ran back to her room. Billy suddenly sang a whole lot louder. "So did you want to -" "Lie down? Sure." Nick stood up and held out his hand. Shane took it, holding it tight as they walked down the damp hall to the back room.

Silver light shone from the window over the two naked bodies, intertwined. Moonlight on flesh, tongues dancing, bodies writhing, the Smashing Pumpkins saddening lyrics coolly urging them on. Nick kissed down Shane's chest, taking his cock into his mouth. He had done this a hundred times before, with strangers in dark, forbidding places. And he was here now. With this beautiful guy. He sucked harder and deeper, his hands still roving over the bassists lean, taut body. He licked down to his balls, heavy and low hanging, taking them one at a time into his mouth, inhaling his sweaty scent and moaning. Shane arched his back in ecstasy, now gently grinding his lower body upinto Nick's face. He could feel Nick moaning, he opened his eyes and watched him, moving like a panther, like a dark angel, worshipping his body. The music stopped from the other room and the next track picked up, and just for amoment Nick heard the soft, urgent breathing of his lover as he sucked down on the cock. Shane sharply gasped, and felt his cock explode, two or three short bursts of come hitting his belly and nipple. Nick sat up and grabbed Shane, kissing him hard, his hands grabbing his lower back and pulling him close, losing himself forever in a world of lust and the love of another man. He pulled back a little and whispered to his boyfriends ear:

"Sex drugs and image is just enough,

to get you by in the real world."

They lay back in eachother's arms and the world faded away.

Now wasn't that fun?

song lyrics appear courtesy of The Living End (EMI, Modular Records) and silverchair, (Murmur). I mean what I meant about the slut from Killing Heidi (Sony Records).

Next: Chapter 3

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