Ste Hay Down and Dirty

By Adz Sampson

Published on May 14, 2012



The first thing Ste realised when he awoke and stared at the surrondings around him was that he was not in his own bedroom. No, the bedroom he was currently in was not his. And thid bed was most certainly not his. The second thing he noticed, and perhaps the most important thing, was that he was naked. Fully naked. With some impressive morning wood pointing up towards the sky, no less. And he had someone laying next to him. Someone snoring. He looked around for a moment, and then turned to the person next to him. It was a man, thank God, he hadn't got drunk and pulled a bird- because that really would be something to cry about- and it was a man Ste knew, but hadn't really had much of a relationship with before. He sighed, before laying back- his head buzzing. And then the taste came in his mouth. Weed. He smoked weed last night. The room around him stunk of three things- Weed, Beer and Sex. He looked under the covers and the man he was with was also very, very incredibly naked. Looking around the room he was currently in, he sighed again. He had to stop doing this, getting drunk and going home with people he wouldn't usually go home with. It wasn't his style. But Brendan fucking Brady had done a number on him and turned Ste into someone he didn't particuarly like. Yes, he was getting alot of sex from guys who should perhaps be out of his league, but he would soon get a reputation for being the 'gay tart of Hollyoaks' and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that kind of commitment. Ste looked at the bedside cabitnet next to the bed he was sleeping on, sighed again, and stole one of the guys cigarettes. Why not? Lighting it up, Ste inhaled. He wasn't really a smoker, he was an ex smoker and he'd given up after being realised from juvvie. But the taste of the nicotine gave him a sudden rush, and damn it felt good.

He exhaled the smoke. The guy laying next to him started to wake up next to him, and this was the moment that Ste dreaded- the morning after. And he'd have to do the walk of shame. Again. He sighed. It wasn't all bad though. He still got some sex. And from what he remembered from last night, the sex was certainly great. He inhaled on the Richmond Superking cigarette again, and thought back to the previou's nights events. After giving Riley the orgasm of his life, he really should have gone home and slept. But things like that just don't happen to Ste.

7 hours earlier

Leaving Riley's flat, Ste began walking in the direction of his flat. It didn't take him long to realise that someone was watching him. Turning around, he saw the figure of a man in a hood and suddenly began to panic. The man approached him and Ste wanted to let out a shriek of horror, but he didn't want the guy to think he was a poof. Afterall, Ste's face was far to pretty to get smacked. The man stood in front of Ste and he stank of beer and weed, a smell which is was both ponging and arousing. It bought back memories of Ste's turbulant teenage lifes, spent on the streets hooking up with girls, smoking weed and generally being an annoying chav.

Acting with bravado, Ste put on a brave face as the man pulled down his hood to reveal one Bart McQueen.

"What the fuck are you creeping up on people at.." Ste paused for a moment before looking down at his watch "at 2.30 in the morning, Christ!" he lamented, and Bart just shrugged.

"Sorry" Bart replied sincerly "Just on me way back from my mates. Been having a few beers and shit, what you doing out this late in the evening?"

Ste shrugged. He was tempted to tell Bart that he had, infact, been giving Riley Costello the blowjob of his life when he ditched him at the last minute, but didn't want to get a slap or something. Bart wasn't the most friendly of people, and Ste was frankly too tired to go all Bruce Lee on his ass. "Just been having a few drinks with Riley, now going home to bed and a movie". Oh christ, it made him sound like a 42 year old grandfather, not a 21 year old dude still in his sexual prime.

Bart laughed. "I see". He thought for a moment, and then spoke again "Fancy a spliff?"

Ste should have said no. He didn't smoke weed anymore, and he was done with all that badboy shit. He had 2 children and he was far too mature to even contemplate doing something as petty as smoking a joint. But instead what came out of his mouth was "Sure, why not?"

Bart grinned. "Sweet dude, let's go back to my flat, got some amazing gear there".

Ste just sighed. "Lead the way then".

Sitting in Bart's room, it became apparent to Ste that he was so far out of his comfort zone it was laughable. Bart had your typical boy's room from topless picture's of page 3 girls on his bedroom wall to clothes shuffled all over place making his floor look more like a clothes store then a floor. Bart was sitting on the bed rolling the spliff and Ste was sitting on a computer chair facing the bed.

"So" Ste asked, trying to pick up conversation before he died of boredom or something "You still with Sophie, or Simba, or whatever her name is?"

"Sinead" Bart laughed "and well, we're kinda on a break at the moment.. I miss her and shit"

"And shit?" Ste grinned "And who said romance was dead?"

"Right" Bart spoke "This is gonna be some good shit, come and take a seat next me to and get this show on the road!". Bart placed the joint, which was immaculately rolled. He done a better job then Ste used to do back in the day. Obviously, he spent a lot of time rolling up.

"You've rolled that up well good and proper mate" Ste complimented "I'd have done a shit job, me".

Bart lit up the joint and inhaled the weed. It tasted fucking awesome. But then again, weed always did. It made him feel like a different person, and made him lose the inhibitions that he might have had without the weed. "I have magic fingers dude".

The way he said it caused a stir in Ste's jeans that was kinda worrying. Bart was, like, 15? That shit just wasn't on. But it might have been the weed that done it. Ste had always been attracted to the smell of weedly goodness. "Then Sinead is a very lucky woman!" Ste laughed, which caused Bart to roll his eyes. He smiled, nonetheless.

Bart took another pull of the weed, then passed the joint to Ste. He hesitated slightly, sighed, before placing the joint in his mouth and inhaling the goodness. And as soon as he inhaled, he wondered why he ever gave this shit up. It made him feel like he was in a different world, a better world. Looking at Ste, Bart grinned before he moved off the bed. "Is it just me or is it hot in this bedroom?"

Ste shrugged as he got more comfortable on the bed, the joint placed around his lips. Bart had a sudden thought that maybe it should be his dick in Ste's mouth and not the joint. Weird. But then again, perhaps not, Bart was a teenage lad and he was always horny. Everything made him horny. And although he'd never done anything with another dude before, it didn't mean he didn't think about it. Like, just like that he wanked off whilst watching porn and it was deffo the pornstars massive dick that got him more harder then the chick's tits, and he once dreamed that he'd been taken up the shooter by David Beckham. But then again, that wasn't necessarily gay, just something that most teenage dudes thought about. David Beckahm was like a God afterall. "Open up a window or something" Ste said, before he grinned, looked at Bart and said "Or take off your clothes, wahtever floats your boat?"

Bart thought for a moment, and then took off his hoody. But he done it slow, teasingly, and exposed some of his chest as his t-shirt rode up. He threw the hoody on the floor, crawled on the bed and took the spliff from Ste's hands. Placing it in his own mouth, he sat next to Ste on the bed and inhaled on the weed. "So" Bart spoke "What's it like taking it up the arse?"

If Ste was drinking, he probably would have choked on the drink. But alas, he wasn't and instead he was just shocked that someone could be so blunt and ask a question like that. That was a seriously personal question, and Ste should have smacked that bitch up and gave him what for, but instead he found himself answering. "It's good. Actually, it's not" he paused, looked at Bart, who was just staring at him intrigeuly "It's fantastic. And it hurts alot when you first do it, like majorly hurts, but once you get into the rhythm it's awesome". He looked at Bart, who inhaled on the spliff again and exhaled soon after. Still staring at Ste, he passed the spliff back to the lad who accepted it. "But once you hit the spot.. then oh my god, it's fantastic".

Ste took a pull of the weed, which was beginning to have an affect on him. It made him feel lightheaded, and hungry, and horny, and woozy. But mostly horny. And then Bart said something that made Ste nearly choke on the weed. "So, you wanna fuck me then?"

Ste passed the spliff back to Bart, who had an unreadable expression on his face. Was he being serious, right now? "You want me to fuck you?"

Bart shrugged. "That's what I said, init?"

"But why?" Ste asked lamely "Your like.. straight?"

Bart laughed. "Seriously, I'm into girls. Like, girls do it for me for real. There's nothing better then having a tit in your mouth whilst your pounding the shit out of some tight pussy" Bart spoke and Ste stared at him. "But I'm a dude, and I'd be lying if I said that being fucked isn't something that always intriged me. Like, I like fucking girls, alot. It's hot, and horny, and damn hearing them scream always gets my engines roaring. But I've always had a thing about having something.. well, in me. Like, I've used fingers and shit and it's seriously hot. And I've just always wandered what a dick would feel like inside me. Does that make sense?"

Ste wasn't sure if it was the weird, or the beer from earlier, or just tiredness, but what Bart was saying strangely did make sense.

"And I've been watching you a while. And I saw you enter Riley's flat. And I was fucking jealous! Because your cute, and fit and well horny and Riley is such a fucking musclebound cunt! Plus, I like seriously want you to stuff your cock in me as soon as possible".

And that done it. Ste was already horny but Bart talking like that? Total boner alert. "Ok" Ste grinned "I'll fuck you".

Bart grinned. "For real?"

"Sure" Ste nodded "on one condition"

"Name your price"

Ste laughed. "I'm not asking for payment, Christ, I'm not a hooker. Or Mercedes" Ste paused, realising that Mercedes was related to Bart and perhaps that was a step too much. But Bart didn't seem phased by it, and just nodded at him. "I'l fuck your arse if you provide me with as much as weed as I need, whenever I want it, free of charge".

"Is that all?" Bart laughed "Sure. And hey, if you do a good job- you can always come back and ruin my arse again".

"Deal" Ste spoke. Bart took a final pull on the spliff before putting it in the ashtray and dogging it out. "So, how do you wanna do this?"

Bart thought for a monent before he stood up and took of his t-shirt. Then he pulled down his trousers and boxers, to reveal a very impressive cock and balls. His dick was very much hard, and Ste was kinda proud of himself for doing that to someone. "I'm 17" Bart laughed "Incase you were wandering, I don't want ya to think I'm into that whole perveted shit" he reassured. He then sat down on the bed next to Ste, who had by now taken off his own t-shirt.

Ste pulled off his own trousers and boxers, and Bart grinned at the sight of Ste's naked cock. He would never have pegged Ste down to have been well hung. Bart, himself, was 7 inches so Ste might have been at least 9 inches and it made him even harder thinking about. He was going to have that up his arse, result!

Bart sat up on the bed, and Ste sat next to him. Bart carefully placed his right hand on Ste's dick and began stroking it gently. He'd never touched a dick, other then his own, and it felt weird.. but good weird. He could get used to this shit, for sure. Ste returned the favour, taking Bart's own erect dick into his hands and stroking it gently.

"So" Ste asked as he continued to wank off Bart's dick. The McQueen lad's breathing was getting heavier, it'd obviously been a while since he had sex or something. The poor boy looked ready to explode. "Ever used a dildo or anything?"

Bart laughed as he picked up the pace on Ste's dick. He wanked Ste's monster dick with his right hand, whilst his left hand was tentatiely playing with Ste's low hanging balls. "No- I always thought that was too gay like, I've always fantastied about it being a real dick, because for some bizarre reason, having an actual, human dick up my arse sounds less then gay using a pink dildo".

Ste laughed. His own breathing getting heavier as Bart's wanking began to pick up pace. He had never been wanked off by another lad before. He'd obviously had alot of blowjobs and sex before, but he'd never just been tossed off before. And it felt exhilarating to have another dude making him feel good like this. And it felt great getting wanked off by a hand that wasn't his own for once! "In a bizarre kind of way, that does make sense" Ste offered.

Bart stopped wanking on Ste's cock and looked at the erect member in front of him. He leaned down and casually wiped his tounge over the tip of Ste's dick, causing Ste to groan with pleasure. As he did so, Ste's wanking on Bart's dick got even more intense and faster. Bart took Ste's dick into his mouth, slowly getting used to the feeling of having a massive cock in his mouth. He'd never given head to another dude before, and it felt great doing it. His head was telling him 'well why haven't we done this before?'. And then Ste let out a sexy groan which nearly caused Bart to explode all over Ste's hand. Man, it felt good hearing a dude make them noises whilst you take care of thier dick. Taking more, and more, of Ste's impressive tool, Bart nearly choked as Ste's dick nearly hit the back of his thorat. He stopped sucking, and instead took one of Ste's balls into his mouth, causing Ste to continue to moan.

Ste's hand was starting to hurt from the wanking and he stopped. Bart's mouth felt so good around his dick and balls, and he'd honestly needed this. Riley had gotten him so fucking hard, and then he had to leave just as the good stuff was getting started. Cock teasing prick. Bart continued to take Ste's dick in his mouth, whilst simultaneously wanking it. Jesus, this kid was good.

Bart stopped sucking, and looked up at Ste. "I need you inside me, like yesterday" Bart groaned. Ste stood up from the bed, grabbed hold of his dick and slapped it around Bart's face. Bart just groaned with intense pleasure., That should NOT have felt as good as it did. Ste laughed. "So, you got any lube?" he asked, and Bart nodded his head.

"But" Bart spoke "in my drawer, there's some baby lotion.. I like wanking off with it sometimes, feels awesome". Bart sat on the bed, his right hand slowly wanking his dick. Ste walked over to the drawer that Bart had indicated, and opened it. It was full of condoms, to which Ste took one and threw on the bed next to Bart, and there was also a few porn magazines. And strangely, a shirtless picture of himself. He took it out and showed it to Bart, who blushed and turned beetroot red in an instant. "You was NOT meant to see that!" Bart spoke "But, er, I printed it off Facebook, it's totally hot, and it's gotten me off more times then I care to remember".

Ste was strangely touched by the sentiment. Not to mention even more fucking horny then he already was!

Pulling out the baby lotion, he placed a bit on his cock and spread it onto his dick. He walked back over to the bed, and Bart opened his legs. Putting some lube on Bart's virgin arse, the McQueen lad wriggled with pleasure as the coldness of the liquid felt good on his hole. Ste slowly pushed a single finger into Bart's tight arse, which left the McQueen lad simultaneously grinning and moaning. He slowly finger fucked Bart's arse with the solo digit, causing the McQueen lad's breathing to hitch up, and he let out a tiny groan of ecstasy. A second finger soon entered and Bart's groaning got louder as the intensity of the situation got to him. It felt so good having someone's fingers inside his arse, it made him want to cum on the spot. He continued to wank off his very thankful dick as Ste continued to give goodness to his arse.

Then Ste really got things going by entering a third finger. And Bart suddenly felt full. His arse clasped against Ste's fingers, which was a sensational feeling. "Jesus, Ste, that is amazing".

Ste just grinned.

"But I really need your dick" Bart groaned. Ste picked up the pace on his finger fucking and Bart was fucking groaning and sliding himself further done into the fingers.

Pulling out his fingers, Ste tried to open the condom that he had picked up from the bed, but his hands were sticky and oily. Bart laughed at the sight, took the condom from Ste's fingers and opened the condom using his mouth. He touched Ste's dick again, wanking it slowly and making it harder still. Then he slowly placed the condom onto Ste's discostick. Bart lay back on the bed.

Ste held onto his dick, and Bart lay, leg's waiting. He slowly placed the dick in Bart's arse and pushed in. Bart let out a load groan, one of pain and one Ste recongized all to well. But things would get better for Bart, Ste would make sure of it. "Holy shit, it hurts" Bart groaned but he was still wanking all the same. Ste pulled out and slowly went back in, and after doing that a few times, Bart soon got into the groove. "Holy shit, it's fantastic!" Bart moaned as he seriously began wanking his dick furiously. Now that Bart was getting into it, Ste picked up the pace and thrust harder into Bart's tight arse. Bart was loving it and his moans were getting louder with each thrust. "Harder, fuck! Want it harder". Bart groaned. Ste wasn't one to hold back, so he pulled back and thrust fucking hard into Bart's arse which caused the McQueen lad to cum on the spot. Contining to wank his dick, Bart let out a fucking generous amount of spunk which landed all over his chest, face and some even the wall behind him. Ste progessely slammed his cock further into Bart's arse, who was still letting out cumshot after cumshot. Feeling his own climax about to ereupt, Ste pulled out of Bart's arse, walked over to the spent teenager, and placed his dick down the lad's throat. Willinging, Bart accepted it. Sucking on the juciy mandick, Bart only had to wait a few seconds before Ste was pulling out and cumming all over his face. Ste groaned with intense gratification as Bart only seemed to get hard again from the impact of Ste's harsh cumshot.

Laying down on the bed next to Bart, Ste asked "So, how was your first time being fucked?"

The sweaty teenager pulled out a cigarette from the drawer and sparked it up with a lighter that was hidden under the bed. "Fucking brilliant" Bart breathlessly panted "I'm gonna have to recommened you my friends"

"Oh really?" Ste grinned as he rubbed his hand up and down Bart's torso.

"Really" Bart grinned. He exhaled the cigarette, leaned closer to Ste and kissed him. The kissing was intense and furious. And Ste took it as a thank you. Removing his tounge from Ste's mouth, reluctantly, Bart passed the cigarette over to Ste.

"So, i'll head off in a minute" Ste spoke and Bart just looked at him as if he was mad. "Are you insane?"

Ste looked confused. "You want me to stay?"

"Er, like hell yes!" Bart spoke "I wanna wake up feeling your dick up against my back!".


"Morning Ste lad" Bart grinned. He leaned over and kissed Ste on the lips. Ste soon leaned into the kiss and soon it was getting intense. Bart's morning wood was rubbing against Ste's bare chest and it felt so good, so right, so amazing.

Looking at the clock next to him, Bart sighed. "Gotta go school soon Ste lad" he sighed "But I'm bunking lunch, and coming to yours"

Ste looked at Bart "Oh really now?"

"Sure" Bart grinned "And I might bring a friend?"

"Really?" Ste asked again, which caused Bart to laugh.

"Hell no- Not yet anyway, I wanna do this again and I wanna fuck you next time" Bart commented and Ste shrugged. Was only fair he supposed.

"Come round at 1.00pm. Amy's not gonna be back until tonight and we're have the place to ourself".

Score! Bart thought. He really couldn't wait to have Ste's mouth around him again. And neither could his dick.

Next: Chapter 3

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