Staying with a Co-worker

By easterngarbo x

Published on Jul 3, 2002



This is a story involving man to man sexual contact. If you are under 18 or insulted by this type of material, leave now. I hope you like this. If you enjoyed the story -- or, you know, the sex parts made you hard or something -- send anything you have to say to: Thanks

It had the potential to go well, but all the sudden things went bad. I was on my first business trip, down in Florida. I had just finished law school and began work at a prestigious law firm I had been working at for the last couple years. While earning my degree, I had been doing all the shitty work you have to do before one becomes a lawyer. I was beginning to get my first cases, but it takes a while before you can get good solid work in the law business.

Several members from my firm and I were down in Florida for a convention. We planned on being down there another week, as there were several more meetings and events to attend, but hurricane warnings had forced an end to it. The state issued a warning and requested evacuation, especially for tourists. The firm decided there was no reason to remain, so we were all told to head home.

I was in the lobby at the hotel we were all staying at. I was in a long line attempting to checkout ASAP. I was gazing around at all the bustling people frantically wondering what to do, while I myself was wondering what to do.

Out of no where, my co-worker Troy casually walks up to me as if nothing was going on. The man is a couple years older than me (I'm in my mid-twenties.) He was the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen. He totally had the looks of some movie-star/sex-symbol.

He had a cockiness about him that I didn't like though. He was all about hard work and that luck was a lazy man's virtue. He was very successful, and knew it. He gave no one else any credit for anything he does. He was one of those overly confident types. We didn't match at all, he was known as a partier, drinking too much, and lots of sex.

"Hey man. What's up?" Troy asked.

"I'm trying to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Oh, yeah. Don't wanna get stuck in hurricane... what's its name? Where are you going to go? Do you know yet?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll be stranded at the airport. There are no flights back to New York though in the next couple days, so I don't know what I'm going do."

"Yeah, that is too bad man," Troy responded.

"And I love how the firm isn't going to pay for any of the cost to get back home now that the schedule is all screwed up."

He just nodded his head. He didn't care about money or spending, he had so damn much of it.

"You know there is a flight to North Carolina this evening. I own a house up there; you can stay there for a couple days with me if you'd like. That's where I'm headed right now since there is none back to New York City."

"No Troy, but really that's all right. Thanks."

"No, Dan. Come on. What are you gunna do anyway. Be stranded here or be forced to take a flight to some random city. It'll be no trouble at all. Come on, you'll only have to stand me for a day or two," he said grinning and playfully punching my shoulder.

I was surprised he offered. We never have been very close. But it would save me a lot of trouble and money, and I was broke like you wouldn't believe. Plus, I secretly wanted to be with this hunk as much as possible... he was so hot. I finally consented and he seemed pleased.

I checked-out of the hotel and we found ourselves a taxi and headed for the airport. Both during the ride there and waiting at the airport, we didn't talk a whole bunch. He tried to make conversation, but it never added up to much.

On the airplane we talked a little more. He eventually dozed off for a little nap. I couldn't help but stare at his handsome face. His light brown hair tousled from the day's stress. I wondered what my stay would be like.

When the plane ride ended, we took a taxi to his vacation home. We were dropped off at the curb in front of it. The thing was huge and in a beautiful location on the ocean. He had the key on his key chain and he led me in.

Revealed to me was a cozy, but grand home. It was a total rich boys haven - perfect for Troy.

It was practically midnight. There was no food in the house so we ordered a pizza. When it arrived we sat at the table together and ate. We began to warm up to each other some more. We were both still in the clothes we were wearing the entire day. So when he finished eating, he excused himself to go upstairs and change. I said I needed to use the bathroom and he directed me there.

Once I was done in the rest room I walked into the living room, apparently Troy was done in his room because he was in there watching TV. He looked comfortable slouched on the couch in a tight white shirt and drawstring pajama pants. The thin material of his pants clung to his body and from what I could make out; he was working with a nice-sized unit. The light from the television was glimmering on his handsome face.

I walked in still dressed in my dress pants, shirt, and tie. He turned his head to acknowledge my presence.

"Um, Troy. I'm thinking I better get ready for bed." I said.

"Yeah, sure man. You can just sleep in some room upstairs." He started to stand up, got the controller ready to turn the TV off, then some commercial having to do with phone sex flashed on the screen.

"Oh, what I wouldn't do for a good fuck right now. I'm horny as hell." Troy said staring at the screen for a second longer before switching the TV off.

"You are always thinking about sex." I said a bit nasty.

"Can you blame a man?" He said with a childish grin, exposing his beautiful teeth.

"When you take it to an extreme."

He just headed for the stairs and began walking up them. I followed, feeling a little bad. I guess this is what some men talk about and I should be flattered this hotty would mention it to me. He didn't seem embarrassed by what I said and he is arrogant - so I didn't feel too horrible.

I continued up the large staircase. He had such a beautiful ass - a perfect size and muscular.

We turned up the stairs and revealed to me was a large hallway with many rooms along its length.

"You'll probably wanna take a quick shower, aye?" He asked.

"Yes... yeah I guess."

He sauntered down the hall a bit and led me into one of the spare bedrooms. I walked in to see an impressive room. A king-size bed and large, expensive, wooden furniture.

"There is a bathroom right in there," he said pointing to the bathroom attached to my sleeping quarters. "So, everything all right? I'll come back in a little while and make sure everything is cool."

"OK. Everything seems fine."

"Great." He said heading back for the hallway.

"Um Troy."

"Yeah Danny." He said looking at me.

"Thanks for having me here. It was real nice of you."

"Oh, it's no problem man. I'm glad I could help and that you could be here." He said with a sincere smile, and then walked out the door.

I shut the door behind him, then headed towards the bathroom. I stripped off all of my clothes, one piece at a time. My shirt, then socks, then pants, then underwear, my manhood flopping free into the cool air. I looked at myself in the large mirror in the well-lit room. I was attractive, my face was handsome and my body well defined. My penis was above average too. I had a dark brown hair. A little bit of hair on my stomach and chest.

I thought that I could have so many men, so many beautiful men; but it didn't matter because I wasn't into that risque lifestyle, and it seems like the only way to get someone in a loving relationship is to be first involved in that wild world.

I turned my attention to getting in the shower and noticed that it was only a tub with no wall unit. I decided I'd just take a short bath. I ran myself some warm water, and sunk my naked body from the cool air into the warm steamy water.

Immediately, my scrotum expanded from the heat of the liquid. I dunked my head into the water, the hair on my head waved through the water. My sore muscles relaxed with the heat.

I looked for a bar of soap and saw one on the side of the tub. I began to wash myself. I would wash one part and relax for a while, then I'd wash another and relax again, and so on. After doing this for about 10 minutes, I heard the door to my bedroom open. Troy walked in.

"Shit," I thought. I never shut the bathroom door because I figured the bedroom door was enough. He probably didn't think anything of it, but I felt uncomfortable lying naked in a tub with someone else present. Then he headed towards the bathroom and I peered through the doorway. I saw him heading towards me. My heart stopped, he was wearing nothing but a pair of white briefs. As he came closer I made eye contact with him and he said, "I'm not sure if there are any towels in here for you when you're done. Ya now, I never really use this bathroom."

I could really just mumble a response as his tall, strong body entered the room I was bathing in. The first thing I noticed was how much the material of his underwear was supporting. He had a large penis, a really large penis. I could clearly see the long flaccid shaft resting upon his scrotum underneath the fabric. He had no idea how hot this was getting me.

I subtly shifted in the water to block my groin from his view as he came near me. His chest was smooth with a little hair on it if you look close. He was muscular, but not too much. His stomach was rippled, a six pack. Like his chest, his stomach was natural - obvious that he worked out, but not like some steroid addicted body builder. His legs were long and had a less than average amount of hair on them. The hair was a light brown, like all the hair on his body. There was a small and sporadic amount of hair on the area of his legs between his knee and hip.

All the features complimented his gorgeous face. I couldn't get over how much the cotton of his underwear was protecting.

"So did everything work all right for you?"

"Ugh, yeah, the tub wasn't a problem," I said with a nervous laugh.

"Cool," Troy returned a little laugh.

He went over to the small closet in the bathroom and opened it. He bent over some to inspect the lower shelves. The tight underwear strained on his beautiful ass. "Yeah Dan, I'm gunna have to get you some towels. There ain't any in here."

"Oh, all right. Whenever you get a second." I subtly moved my legs to block my penis in the clear water.

He came over to the edge of the tub. My heart pounded faster as this hunk came in full view right next to me. He just casually put the tips of his fingers in the tub and said, "Warm enough for ya?"

"Ugh, ugh."

He playfully splashed some water at me and with a smile said, "Guess so."

Troy bent down and roughly rubbed his hand back and forth on my wet head like a friend may do in a light-hearted situation, beads of water flew in all directions.

"What are you going to be doing the rest of the night?" I asked him.

He thought and then mischievously said, "Well I store a small collection of magazines and videos here. And since I ain't here too often, it's always fresh and new whenever I take a peak."

I wondered what he was taking about, but I was quickly informed when he continued on, "So, I think I'm gunna go, ya know, take care of myself with a little bit of stroking." He then groped himself. Such a fucking turn-on.

I didn't know what to think, what he just did was so fucking hot. This guy is so horny, gosh can't he control himself. "Ugh, whatever Troy. Have a nice time." I responded with some attitude.

"All those meetings and shit they had us go to, I didn't even have time to get laid. 'Cept for a quick blowjob the first day we arrived. It was good and all, but man, that was over a week ago." He said

I wish people didn't talk so much about sex, but this man was so beautiful. I was intrigued by everything he had to say, especially his sex life. And if I was honest with myself I knew I'd be masturbating in just a few minutes thinking of Troy jerking off just across the hall.

He noticed the clothes I stripped off earlier in a heap on the floor. "I'm doing a load of clothes tomorrow, I'll toss these in." He said bending over and scooping up my pants, shirt, underwear, and socks.

"No, you don't have to." I said

"No, no. Why wouldn't I?" he responded. I just let it go, as it wasn't a big deal.

"Anyway, I'll be back in a minute with your towels, buddy. You probably wanna get out of there. And what about your suitcase, you just left it downstairs by the front door right?"


"I'll go grab that too then," he said walking out.

"Thanks," I said as I watched his muscular back, firm butt, and strong legs on the way out. My heart was racing, my face was flushed, and my cock began to harden now that no one was there and I could be more inhibited.

I didn't know what to make of the situation. A thousand things were racing through my mind, but I didn't have one clear thought. The hottest guy I've ever seen walks in, while I'm naked in a tub and he's wearing only underwear. His perfect body on display, and it was evident that there was a lot hanging in his underwear.

Was this normal for two men to do? Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I was just too shy when it comes to a little skin, and maybe Troy didn't think anything of it and had no idea I'd think anything of it. Or does Troy know I'm gay, and just playing. Or was he trying to seduce me. Or maybe he's being arrogant, he just knows how perfect his body and face are and likes to strut. But he seemed so nonchalant about it all. Then there was the comments about oral sex and masturbation, maybe that was normal for two men to talk about too, I was completely confused.

I laid there with my newly formed erection and bathed a while longer. After soaking for at least 10 more minutes, the water began to get cold and I was through with my bath. I began to drain the water and stepped out.

"Shit," I thought. He never brought me anything to dry myself with. I wondered if he did this on purpose, he'd probably think it was funny or something or he just didn't give a damn.

Naked, soaked, and cold I walked into my bedroom and began rifling through the dresser and closet... both completely empty. No clothes, no nothing. I figured Troy must be in his room either sleeping or doing something private, so I could just sneak down to the bathroom down the hall, grab a towel and come back to my room.

I opened the bedroom door just enough to stick my head out. I peered both ways cautiously to make sure he wasn't anywhere to be seen - the coast was clear. I took both my hands and grabbed my dick to protect it from view.

I stepped out of the room and began to creep down the hall to the bathroom. Drops of water slowly rolled of my body onto the carpet. I sauntered a few more feet, when I heard someone coming up the stairs. I froze. Should I turn and run back to my room? It was too late. Troy turned from the staircase onto the hallway; froze with a blank look on his face; and then busted out laughing.

There I was completely naked, my muscles glistening from the water. My manhood was protected from view, but dark strands of pubic hair made there way out from under my hands. He was really laughing now, holding his tummy and laughing. I was frozen there with a dumb look on my face.

"Do you normally walk around your house sopping wet and naked, or is it just something you do when you're at someone else's place." He sputtered out through laughs. Now he was looking me up and down.

What got me is that Troy was fully dressed. He wasn't in his skimpy little briefs he wore earlier, instead he had on his pajama bottoms and T-shirt he wore earlier in the evening. So I retorted, "Do you only strip to your underwear when you're making an appearance around me?"

For a second I thought that may have been too harsh, but it didn't even phase him. "I went to my room to jerk-off, and when I was done I put my clothes back on and went down to the kitchen to fix me a snack."

I figured having a little war would only prolong the time I would stand here naked. "Um, I need some towels all right."

"Yeah, I can see that. I was going to bring them to you now. No need for you to leave the bathroom" He still thought the entire thing was a big joke. "Come on with me, Dan."

He led me into his room instead of the bathroom. I trotted behind him, my hands still covering my penis. "There, go right on in there and get yourself cleaned up."

He plopped himself on the edge of the bed and I headed towards the bathroom attached to his room. I felt a little self-conscious about him seeing my ass as he looked on, but I knew it was nothing to be ashamed of.

I walked in the bathroom and quickly found some towels. For whatever reason I felt stupid closing the door, and began to dry myself with my back to him.

"Nice ass," he said.

I just took that as a joke. I finished drying myself and wrapped the towel around my waist. He was lying back on his bed and said, "Come on and sit on the bed while I find you something for you to toss on for bed."

I sat on the edge of the bed as he went to his dresser and began to search for something for me to change into. He grabbed something out of a drawer he seemed happy with. He turned around and threw me a pair of shorts, "These'll work."

I caught them, and he came and sat next to me on the bed. "Why don't you ever talk about sex? Or drunk? Or partying or anything. Don't you do that type uh stuff?" He asked me with curiosity.

"Why are you such a fucking loose cannon," I said, surprised at myself.

"Just because I like some good sex doesn't make me a bad person."

"No, but gosh, you just seem like you're a womanizer, a drunkard, a partier. I'm just not into that stuff."

"You don't know me, God. I've actually loved people, ya know. It isn't only about getting and getting drunk with friends. I want to settle down one day." He put his hand on my towel-clad thigh. "Um, are you a virgin?"

"No," I quickly responded. I was telling the truth. "It's just I don't care to flaunt myself."

"There are worse thing than being a little rambunctious." He smiled that wonderful grin while looking deep into my eyes, and began to rub his hand back and forth on my thigh.

The most beautiful man in the world, he's so hot. He was gazing into my eyes, still rubbing, I completely lost myself. I stared back into his eyes, my breathing became irregular, and my shaft began to engorge looking at his beautiful face. He moved his eyes from my face and stared right at my cock. It was evident through the cloth that I was excited.

He then, like a servant, sunk to his knees in front of me. I knew what was coming and there was no turning back. My dick began to lift the towel off my body. With my butt resting on the bed and my strong legs dangling off it with my feet planted on the floor, he removed the towel from me unveiling my erection.

"You have no idea how beautiful you look," he said.

I couldn't respond and he knew I was nervous, "You'll enjoy this, I promise."

This gorgeous hunk was on his knees before me ready to suck my cock. Just from the idea that he was down there my cock was at its full length, over seven inches. His strong hand grabbed my prong and stroked it a couple times. I shuddered in ecstasy, nothing could've felt better.

He then gave gentle kisses to my shaft all the way up from the base to the head. His lips were soft and moist. He began to attack me with licking. With one hand he lifted my erection so it was pointing straight upward. He used his hot tongue to find the very bottom of my scrotum and begin to lick upwards to the tip of my penis, as if he was lapping dripping ice cream. He repeated the motion again and again like he was starving for me.

"AHH, Troy!"

He looked up into my eyes and licked some more. My glistening shaft was covered in his spit. The hottest guy in the world was offering his mouth and tongue to me, I knew I wouldn't last long.

He grabbed my dick, and stroked it a few times with his large strong hands. I was in heaven. Words couldn't explain the pleasure I was feeling. He began to flick his tongue on the top of my sensitive head.

"You like?" He asked.

At this point I couldn't form words anymore, so I just tried to nod my head the best I could.

Then he took my aching cock in his mouth and began to lovingly roll his tongue along the head. At the same time he sucked lightly on the first couple inches of my shaft, slowly gliding his lips up and down over the head and shaft of the penis.

"Ugh, Ugh, OHH!"

He then buried all of my wet prick into his mouth and throat. He quickly overcame the "gag" reflex and I was buried inside of him. His nose was in my forest of pubic hair. One of his hands cradled my balls, while the other rubbed my sculpted abs. His head gently glided up and down on me. He was giving long strokes, medium speed, and it was like he was trying to coax gold out of my cock.

This man was a cock sucking pro. I wasn't going to last long.

"I'm gun gun gunna."

I was nearing the moment when I would not be able to overcome the urge to shoot. Troy got into sucking me really intensely. My eyes were nearly watering form the pleasure. My dick was buried into his throat; one hand was doing amazing things to my nuts, while his other was dancing around the base of my cock.

My hips began to tremble, I was giving out one loud continuous moan, I tried to warn him of my climax, but I didn't even remember my own name.

"UGH, AHH, fuck, I I I, yeah, Ahhh!"

My cum gushed into his throat and he suck on me even more enthusiastically. His sucking was like he had been in the desert for days, dying of thirst, and my cock was a fresh spring gushing water. More and more of my seed volleyed into his throat, and he swallowed it just as fast as I could shoot it. It was an unbelievable orgasm.

I was gasping for air, "Troy, that that felt so wonderful. Thank thank you..."

My hands were placed on his shoulders for leverage and out of love - I wanted to feel is strong body. He flopped my softening cock out of his mouth. My dick was covered in fluids, and he began to touch it with his lips and smeared it on his face.

He then let my penis collapse onto my stomach. I was still shuddering and breathing heavily from the intensity of it all. He got up of his knees and stood up. In noticed his penis had grown into an erection by the looks of the bulging in his plaid night pants.

He bent over and gently scooped me to my feet. He gave my a big kiss on my lips and said, "You tasted wonderful, Dan."

Trying to compose myself I responded, "You brought so much pleasure, you'll never know. You're so beautiful, thank you so much Troy. You are so amazing and wonderful."

We laid together on his bed for a little while, he covered my naked body with a large blanket and we laid in each other's arms. I loved every second of it, but was surprised. I didn't find it in Troy's personality to hold a man after he serviced him.

"Thanks for letting my do that to you, man," he said.

"I cannot believe how great it felt. I had no idea. It's obviously me who should be praising you."

"I don't mean to sound greedy, but I did it for myself too. It brought me a lot of pleasure to be able to do that to you."

"I had no idea that..."

"That I was gay," he softly interrupted.

"Yes, you are right?"

He began to chuckle a tiny but, "No, I'm just a straight man who enjoys sucking off my guests."

I nudged him a little, "Quit being smart... you are joking, right?"

"Danny, I'm 100% gay," he said kissing my face.

"Well, that's good to know. You don't act it though - it's not that you're totally butch or anything, but you're not stereotypically effeminate either... not at all. And it doesn't seem like it's in your personality to hide something like that."

"Are you accusing me of being a phony," he said with good nature.

"No, I KNOW you are gay. That's the only way you would be able to give me such good fellatio."

"OK, I'm glad you believe me," he kissed me again. "Your gay then? I mean, not bisexual."

"Yeah, I'm gay. I'm not really comfortable with it. You know what I mean."

He pulled me a bit closer to him, "Don't worry about it. I'm older than you, am pretty loud about what I do and who I am, and I still only tell people if it is important or comes up."

"No one knows about me," I responded.

"That's OK, everything takes time."

We laid in each other's arms a while longer, just enjoying each other's company. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Most people would die just to be acquainted with someone so handsome, or be able to see him every once in a while. Here I was, lying in his bed. I was so blessed.

I wanted to bring him pleasure, and feel him in my mouth. "Um, Troy?"

"What is it, buddy?"

"Can I do that to you?"

"You mean can you give me a blowjob? What do you think?! Man, there is not a thing I'd want more than that."

"Sorry, I didn't offer it earlier," I said with a childish grin as we both now sat up on the bed.

"Oh baby, I don't even expect you to. Only do it if you want to... but I'm gunna be really pissed if you leave me with a pair of blue balls," he said with a laugh.

"I really really want to fellate you."

"Enough with the technical terms, you want to blow my dick. Um, ugh, sorry for being so crude, it's just I'm not used to being with men you have some morals."

"That's fine Troy," I rubbed his manhood through his pants and he groaned.

"Have you ever done this before? If it's OK to ask."

"I've received a couple times - nothing could compare to what you did to me though. But I've never given. I really really want to perform it on you though. Where should we do it at?"

"Wherever is fine. I could sit on the edge of the bed like you did. Or I could just lie on the bed. Whatever you feel most comfortable with, you're the boss."

"Yeah, just lay on the bed."

He slouched himself back on the bed and I was ready to go to a new frontier. I never sucked off anyone before, and hoped I'd do a good job for him. I know he'd be understanding no matter what. To think I used to be so intimidated and irritated with him.

I pulled of his shirt revealing his sculpted body. He was strong and masculine, but lithe and flexible. I slowly pulled down his pants. Before me now was him in his underwear, it was big. I groped him some, and he grunted a little.

I then pulled his briefs down to reveal his flaccid penis. I haven't seen many upclose like this, but it was the biggest one I've seen. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't some ridiculously large thing, he was just what you'd consider quite well-hung, or quite a bit above-average. He was manageable, if one had the proper skills.

The shaft was long and pretty thick too, laying over his large scrotum with two good-sized testicles. His pubic hair wasn't too long. Not shaved to nothing, just the right length. The hair wasn't out of control down there, Troy isn't a very hairy person be nature. There were some strands on his scrotum.

Probably noticing that I was nervous Troy chimed in, "Just the idea that you are down there makes you the greatest and most skilled man in the world."

I looked back down at his beautiful cock again. I blindly stared at it. I touched it, the flesh felt wonderful on my fingertips. A full-blown hard-on quickly formed. I stroked him up and down giving him a handjob. He was a solid 9 inches I'd say.

"Thanks, buddy. That feels fantastic. Ahh."

I was full of lust at this point, I wanted only him and his cock. I licked my lips, grabbed his penis, and rubbed just the tip against my closed lips. He gave a little bounce, "Ooh, that's sensitive. Put it in for me Dan." He was gazing down at me full of excitement.

Both my arms were resting on his thighs. I pushed his cock aside with my head and began licking his taut stomach and around his navel. I rolled my tongue through the sparse hairs that grew on his tummy.

"Ahhh, yeah baby."

Troy was really vocal and moaned a lot. I loved everything he said. The idea that I brought him that pleasure was a real rush, and there was certainly pleasure in it for me too.

I took his manhood into my mouth. I was really into it at this point. I wasn't nervous anymore, all I knew was that I was drunk off his cock and needed it badly.

"Fuck, dude. Yeah."

I bobbed up and down on him and crammed as much of his cock into my mouth as possible. I got about three or four inches into my mouth, but wasn't capable of deepthroating. I tried, but it didn't work.

"It's OK buddy, what your doing is great."

Troy was rubbing the back of my neck with each of his hands, while I consumed and sucked on as much of his fat cock as possible.

With my mouth sucking away, I rolled one of my hands through Troy's great set of abs. I started at the base of his penis and moved my hand up to the bottom of his chest. I repeated the motion during the whole blowjob.

"You're so hot. So fucking hot." Troy cooed.

I dropped him out of my mouth for a moment, "Thanks Troy, so are you. I hope you are enjoying this just as much as I am."

"You have no idea."

I lapped his balls, and he said, "O Yeah suck my balls for me baby." I wanted to do something to him that I read about, "teabagging." I guess it really is just sucking on his nuts. I love the sensation it gives me.

I dropped my head below his scrotum with my lips pointed upward towards it. I allowed him to lower his big sac onto my mouth. I sucked on one testicle, then the other, both very gently. He was practically shrieking in pleasure the whole time. I was able to look into his eyes the whole time, he loved what I was doing to his balls.

"Be careful with my boys down there... very sensitive! Ha, yeah man."

I was ready for his cum. I took his head and first few inches into my mouth and sucked hard. I twirled my tongue while bobbing. I used one hand to stroke the base of his shaft. I began by circling my tongue at the base of his pole and worked my way up. Using soft, slow strokes, he groaned. As I got to the tip, I reversed directions and used my lips to follow my hand back down his prong. I got into an up-down movement where my lips and hands were moving together in accordance.

Troy was really out of it now he was moaning and groaning, saying fuck and damn. I moved one hand over his belly, and the other around his inner thighs and scrotum. I sucked for the life of me and new he was about to shoot his seed.

The head of his penis swelled up, precum was steadily flowing, his entire cock was throbbing, and his body was shaking. "AHHH, FUCK, AHHH, YEAH, SUCK HARDER. JU JUST LIKE THAT DANNY. I'M GUNNA SHOOT. I'M, I'M CUUUMMING!"

With that a powerful load of semen hit the back of my throat and I swallowed it fast. Then, two more came. It covered my tongue. It was the first time I tasted semen, it was strong, but coming form this god and in this very sexual situation... I loved every drop of it. I gulped that down as more and more shot.

"Swallow me. That feels so good! Arg... OHH. Fuck."

It began to ooze out the sides of my mouth as I desperately tried to take it all down. Finally his orgasm ended, His chest was heaving up and down and his face was still glazed over in pleasure. I dropped his dick out of my mouth. He quickly pulled my into his arms and pressed my head against his chest.

"Danny, that was so fucking amazing. I hope you enjoyed it," he said as I licked the remainder of his cum form my lips.

"Yes, I loved it. I hope I did all right."

"It felt wonderful, baby."

He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over the both of us. I fell asleep with my head on his strong chest listening to the thumping of his heart. He had his arms wrapped around my, and I felt so protected and safe. I was emotionally completed just from being wrapped in his arms. The oral sex I gave and received also seemed to fill a gap, both physically and mentally. I truly loved the sexual contact with him. I fell asleep wondering if I was in love with this man. Was it just a simple fling, or was there something more between us. I fell into slumber happier than I had ever been.

To be continued. Comments, ideas, etc., write to All feedback appreciated. Thanks.

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