Station Clerk Andre

Published on Oct 21, 2015



This story is a fictitious work that depicts sexual encounters with partners not using condoms. As always, please be safe and take precautions. Meanwhile, enjoy the story.

Station Clerk Andre By Jason Moore

This was indeed a surprise. I almost couldn't believe my eyes! Just walking into the open air restaurant was Andre in all his manly glory. Of all the places I'd see him, this resort in the Riviera Maya in Mexico was the last place I'd thought I'd see him. Andre works as a clerk at a Quick Trip gas mart that I just started frequenting back in our mid-western city. I was immediately smitten with him. He's a very handsome black man who must be about 6"4" or so and I'd guess he weighs about 200 pounds, and all of that seems to be muscle. I hit the gym regularly just to keep toned and fit. It was obvious that Andre hit the weights somewhat more often. His upper body was fierce. He has short cropped hair and usually showed a slight hint of stubble on his handsome face. We never really spoke much when I went there as the place was pretty busy whenever I stopped in. But he always greeted me with a broad, sexy smile whenever he waited on me. From that very first time I saw him, I had many a late night jerk off session fantasizing about Andre fucking the shit out of me.

Anyway, it was mid-November and I was taking a long awaited vacation to Mexico. It was my second day there and I was enjoying a buffet lunch. My jaw dropped when I spotted Andre saunter in. He was wearing a baseball cap and dark shades, but what really caught my attention was how hot his body looked in a skimpy, tank top and some red box cut trunks. There was no disguising my immediate lust filled face. His muscular chest, well formed biceps and forearms, and slim waist were fully on display. As was that delicious looking bulge in the crotch of his trunks. I couldn't believe that, of all places, I'd see this hot stud and star of many of my sexual fantasies while on vacation. I was sitting at a table for two and watched him intently as he approached the buffet section. There was a lot to choose from and he took his time, not in any rush to choose what he wanted. Eventually he grabbed a plate and chose something from the sea food section and also got some fresh fruit. Eventually, he turned to enter the seating area. Suddenly he looks my way. His face flashes a wave of recognition and a broad smile appears on his face. I smile back and practically get a boner when Andre started walking toward me.

"Well, small world," he says as he reaches me.

As he stands at the edge of my table by the other chair, my eyes travel up and down his hot body. He is truly something to behold. As my eyes again met his face it seemed to be registering that he was pleased with how I was appreciating his masculine physique.

" certainly is, Andre," I finally replied in agreement.

"So you remember me, huh?" he says.

"Yeah! The Quick Trip guy," I immediately answered. "I'm Dan," I added.

"Mind if I join you, Dan?" he then asked as a tingle of excitement shot up my spine.

"Sure, I'd love that!" I exclaimed exuberantly while continuing to ogle his phenomenal body.

After setting his plate down and taking a seat, Andre and I were soon caught up in a lively conversation. I learned that he, like myself, had been to this resort several times over the years. He also had travelled alone this time. Andre has a wicked sense of humor and we laughed throughout our meal. By the time we'd finished eating I was totally in lust mode. We spent the rest of that afternoon together - at the beach, in the pool, and just laying around sunning and people watching. Of course we also were on the receiving end of some furtive glances, especially when we were walking around in just our trunks. It was kind of narcissistic of me, and Andre, but we both liked to show off the results our hard work in the gym. On more than one occasion, I caught Andre ogling my bubble butt. Eventually we ended up back in Andre's suite having a beer out on his balcony. The sexual tension between us grew with every passing minute. After that first beer Andre offered to fetch us another one and I excused myself to use the bathroom. As I finished, Andre was on his cell. I was walking back out to the balcony when his strong arms encircled my chest and he pulled himself in tightly behind me. His crotch was pressed firmly against my ass. Through the thin fabric of our trunks I could feel his growing excitement rubbing up against me. His face was snuggled in next to mine.

"Man, I gotta get me some of this hot ass," he said into my ear.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized that my hot fantasy of Andre was coming to life. As I turned to face him our lips met and we began to hungrily, passionately devour each other. Our hands roamed over each other's tight bodies. After a few minutes, we stepped back and both tore out of our trunks. Andre's cock was already at half mast. He was cut and the large purplish head crowned what looked to be about ten inches of plump, juicy cock. Andre then grabbed my hand and led me into the bedroom. At the foot of the bed we stood and Andre pulled me into him once more. We grabbed and groped each other as we rejoined that heated lip lock. Andre then broke away again and literally jumped up onto the bed and sprawled out on his back. His hefty cock was semi hard and pointing directly at me. I got in the bed and knelt between his outstretched legs.

"Man, you got a big ass cock," I said as I grabbed it.

"Yeah and it needs some tight man pussy right now," Andre answered as I began to squeeze and stroke it.

I lowered my head and licked his hefty shaft from tip to base several times. Then, grabbing the thick base with one hand, I opened wide and took him in. I began to slowly suck him in as he let out a soft sigh. In just a few seconds I was bobbing up and down with my hand and mouth fully working his monster cock. Andre was soon worked up to full strength. I began to wonder if I'd even be able to take him in any deeper. Finally, taking a deep breath, I slowly lowered my face down over him. Fighting my gag reflex, I felt his cock slip down my throat. With my nose pressed firmly against his pubes, I soaked in his manly scent and did my best not to cough or gag.

"DAMN!" Andre grunted. "There ain't been many who can do that," he added as his hands grabbed the sides of my head and he squirmed his hips beneath me.

"Well, I've had some practice," I answered as I came up for air.

"Why don't you get that pretty ass on over here," he then instructed.

I quickly repositioned myself and went back down on him as I felt his hands begin to rub and massage my ass cheeks. I felt some fingers prying my ass cheeks apart. Then, his tongue began to lick the crack of my ass. As his tongue pushed into me, a shiver ran down my spine.

"Yeah, eat that ass," I blurted out in encouragement before going back down on his rigid shaft.

With his tongue and fingers working my ass and my mouth devouring his delicious cock, we were both getting very excited and ready for one hot fuck session. In a few minutes, Andre pulled me away from his cock and asked me to lay down on my stomach. I dutifully obeyed and Andre then got between my legs and lay down on top of me. His cock was now settled into the crack of my ass as his strong body pressed me into the bed. His face was right beside mine as he began to slowly hump me, sliding that magnificent cock in my slickened ass crack.

"Dude, can I fuck you?" he finally asked.

I turned to face him, smiling my answer. Our lips met again as I felt his hand reach between us to guide his cock into my willing ass. As his cock head met my rosebud, another tingle ran down my spine. Then with one strong push, that huge cock began to enter me. We broke off our kiss and I gasped.

"Damn, you're so big," I moaned and the grit my teeth.

"Don't worry," he answered. "I'll take it slow."

For the next several minutes I relaxed the best I could as Andre took his time. He'd push in then pull out and push in some more. His rigid cock slowly working inside me deeper with every push. At one point he pulled his hand away, then shoved his full length up inside of my swollen ass. A deep grunt erupted from my mouth as Andre's hands reached beneath my arm pits and grabbed onto my shoulders. He was now had me fully impaled me with his huge cock. His face was again beside mine as he began to swivel his hips, grinding that monster deep inside of me. I swear I saw stars before my eyes as I lay there with an ass full of his hot, burning fuck pole.

"Damn, this is some tight fucking ass," he moaned as he continued grinding down into me.

I just moaned in response. The feel of that cock stretching me wide and filling me totally was now becoming an extreme sensation. My cock was also rock hard now. Then Andre slowly began to withdraw and just as slowly worm back inside. For several minutes he continued that slow, ass sating motion. I began to squirm below him to try and meet every ass filling push. Andre then maneuvered his hands beneath my stomach and slid down to reach the underside of my thighs. Just as he did that he began to pick up his pace. In no time he was wildly plunging his full length in and out of my aching ass in wild abandon.

"YEAH! YEAH! Fuck Yeah!" Andre growled as his tempo reached a crescendo of powerful plunges.

I was just sighing and moaning beneath him. It was all I could do, the pleasure was mind blowing. Every now and then, on one of those downward thrust, Andre would grind himself hard against me. With his cock buried fully inside, he'd quickly rotate his hips like he was trying to feel every inch of my fully stretched ass gripping tightly around his searing shaft.

"Oh yeah...Fuck me....fuck me...fuck me..." I was finally able to blurt out.

Just as those words left my lips, Andre pulled out totally and got up on his knees asking me to turn over. As I did he grabbed my ankles and hoisted my legs out and up over my chest. I glanced down and saw his stiff cock just before he leaned forward to enter me. His cock head easily pushed inside and he slowly slid his full length inside of me once more. With his hands still holding tightly onto my ankles, Andre began to feverishly fuck me at that phenomenal driving pace. I reached up and held onto his bulging biceps and did my best to try to meet each powerful plunge.

"You got a fucking hot ass," Andre said as our eyes met and a broad smile flashed across his face.

After several more minutes of that hot fucking, Andre leaned forward and pressed down into me. His mouth met mine in another hot, slobbering kiss. His arms wrapped beneath mine again and I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and crossed my legs over his flexing backside. In no time, Andre was again treating my ass to that same deep, fast paced fucking. His hips and ass were working at a fevered pitch, driving his cock, pumping me for all he was worth.

"YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! Fuck me, man. Fuck me good!" I grunted. Ahhhh...Aaahhhh..." I soon added as I felt my cock unleash a heavy load of man juice between us.

"Jeez! I'm gonna cum, too, man. I'm getting ready to cum," Andre responded.

With that he quickly withdrew and climbed up over me straddling my chest. He began to wildly jerk his massive cock over my face with one hand. With the other hand he reached between us and scooped up some of my cum from my stomach. He then reached up and began to suck in that cum from his finger tips. He followed that by shooting several blasts of cum from his rigid cock. The first volley splattered onto my cheek and forehead. But I opened wide and took him into my mouth as the subsequent spurts of cum spewed forth. I swallowed down as much as I could before he finally pulled himself from my mouth. Andre then leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. Our tongues searching and tasting our combined cum.

"Damn, that was one hot fuck," Andre said as he rolled over onto his back beside me, rubbing his chest.

"Yeah, it was," I responded looking up at the ceiling with a broad smile.

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