Stately Servitude

By moc.loa@284kcirreD

Published on Sep 15, 2023


Stately Servitude Part 8

The woods grew damper and thicker as the boy and the two gardeners walked for what seemed to be an age. Aden stumbled as his bare feet trod on sharp sticks and pine cones, only the sound of the occasional bird flitting among the tree canopy could be heard. The wet rags that barely covered him were starting to rub against the tender areas of his body he could feel the eyes of the two men holding the length of rope attached to his slim waist watching him, eyeing his body with only lust on their minds.

Ahead of them was a clearing. The gardeners gave a reluctant glance to each other. The rope pulled tight at the boys waist causing him to stop. The rough hands again made for his body. One pair tearing the remnants of the tee shirt from him, the other pair stripping away the torn blue jeans. Now again totally naked and vulnerable the hands again caressed his naked wet body. He grimaced as both his tender nipples were pinched and pulled at by the rough fingers while two more hands caressed his cock and balls. The fingers again searching between his small firm wet buttocks probing the pink circle within. Simultaneously they released him. Time had run out for the gardeners.

Kicking at the leaves on the woodland floor one of the gardeners uncovered a circular piece of wood. Lifting it to one side he reached into the hole beneath and removed the black plastic sack within. The sack landed at the feet of the naked boy his young cock now semi erect from its last attack. Unable to draw his foreskin back over the naked helmet which now oozed boy cum as it bobbed in the cool air.

Aden was told to open the sack and remove the contents. Reaching into the sack with anticipation he removed a roll of white material. Unrolling it he found the contents to be a pair of white shorts and white tee shirt. He put them on, the material clinging to his wet skin made the task difficult. The bag had also contained food for him which he consumed as the gardeners lead him from the woods.

The sun had dried him and the clothes he wore. His arms were aching now. It had been almost an hour since the rope was taken from around his waist, cut and used to tie his wrists to the tree bough above his head while his feet rested on an upturned log. Passing estate workers and vehicles took little or no notice of him as they made their way home after the days work.

Aden's attention was drawn to the loud rustle of the undergrowth in front of him. He was startled as the four horses crashed out of the shrubbery. Their riders were all middle aged. Two men and two women. Guests of the doctor out for a ride around the estate. Ah! exclaimed one of the men. This must be the doctors charge. All four climbed down from their mounts. The other man took Aden by surprise as he stepped up on the log from behind him, placing a hand over his mouth and pulling the thin leather straps behind his head tight as the rubber ball gag was pulled into his mouth.

If what the doctor has told us about this boy then any punishment would not be too severe. Aden's eyes widened at the word punishment. All four riders wore white shirts, riding breeches and black riding boots and carried crops, only the women wore gloves. Delightful! exclaimed one of the women stepping forward to look Aden in the eyes. The other woman produced a hip flask which each took a long drink from. Now what shall we do first? one man asked stepping up onto the log. He took the hem of the boys tee shirt and pulled it up to reveal his naked torso to the other three. Having wrapped the shirt around the bough he stepped down to take in the sight of the boy hanging there, helpless. All four people walked around him confusing him as he was unable to keep track of them.

The women wondered off to the edge of the undergrowth returning almost immediately with their hands behind them. The men stood either side of the hanging boy each had now taken hold of his nipples which they teased between their fingers. Aden tried to pull away as one of them pushed his riding crop up the leg of his shorts and begin to poke at his cock and balls while the other one flicked the tip of his crop at the front of the shorts causing the boy to become aroused. Aden had nowhere to look as one of the women told the men to remove the shorts so they could work on him naked. A hand now entered the leg of the shorts taking hold of the boys aroused cock to draw the skin back to ensure the cock head would be exposed.

The shorts were pulled down and off and the hands of the men explored his body much to the delight of the two women. The men stood either side and to the rear of the hanging boy. Aden only heard a slight whoosh before the first stroke sliced across his stretched boy mounds. Stroke after stroke stung into his flesh as he bit into the gag. The women joined in now but more gentle than the men. The leather tips of their riding whips teasing with every stroke, picking off their targets. Flicking alternately at his reddening nipples and his belly button while the men still laid into his soft bum cheeks and the tender soft flesh just below them.

Aden was beyond pain now as his erect cock jutted out from his stretched body. The women also continued their teasing as they now aimed at his hips and thighs. As if he had been electrocuted he jolted and jerked, the scream muffled by the ball gag. Aden only fleetingly saw the two little leather loops on the tips of the riding whips before they were brought down to strike with force at the tender flesh at the base of the swollen glans of his erect cock. His arms stretched and hurt as he jigged around bending his knees up to protect and try to caress the stinging flesh between his inner thighs.

The doctors guests sat on tree stumps and watched as their charge ceased twitching as his body now hung, red welts covering it. The ball gag had been removed to allow the groans and whimpers to be heard as the tears flowed down the boys cheeks. The main focus of attention being his sore cock that still almost erect flicked and bobbed invitingly before them. The women had placed the little bouquets of green foliage they had collected earlier on the ground in one pile where they sat.

Standing up now the women exclaimed that they were bored and that young boys were not their idea of amusement. They mounted their horses and galloped off into the forest but not before reminding the men to make use of the bouquet they had assembled.

They each smoked a cigarette as they stood now using the tips of their riding whips to prod at what they considered to be the biggest and best welts on the boys skin. One of the men stubbed his cigarette into the dirt with his boot. Putting on his gloves he picked a stem of green leaves from the bouquet. He plucked all but one leaf from the stem. As he turned to face the hanging boy he saw the look form on his face. The look was pleading as the eyes filled with tears and the small mouth formed silent words of no, please no. The large serrated leaf was raised up to his left nipple. The tip of each serration contained its own tiny venom sack. The boy knew a stinging nettle when he saw one. Another gloved hand covered his mouth as the leaf made contact with the nipple bud. He convulsed as the pain shot through him and again as the right nipple received the same treatment. The hand was removed from his mouth to allow the sobs to emit from his throat. Both tiny nipple buds were now red and swollen from the plants venom. An hour would pass before the burning sensation would go.

It was late evening when Aden was brought down from the tree. Sore, hungry, thirsty and exhausted with no idea of his destiny. The men were now in a hurry. they had smoked several cigarettes and drank the contents of the hip flask while they had sat some distance from the boy and talked. He was manhandled toward the base of the tree from which he had been suspended. His sore back was scratched by the rough bark as he was pushed down to his knees. He was positioned so that his ball sack was in contact with the ground, legs spread wide open. His sore nipples were cut by the course rope that had been passed across them pulling his upper body tight to the tree trunk then fastened to his wrists that had been pulled behind it and finally tied down to his ankles, over his slender thighs leaving him totally immobile from the chest down.

The men gave the tethered boy one final glance as they rode off into the dusky lighted woods. Aden could not understand why after such painful treatment one of the men had knelt before him and gently caressed his body with the gloved hand. Reaching down to his balls and young cock which he gently fondled and squeezed bringing him to full erection at which point he drew the flaccid skin up and down until he was about to cum. It was not until he released him and placed the fresh twigs of stinging nettles supported by a pronged stick directly above his exposed cock and balls that he knew the purpose. As the moisture left the twigs they would slowly droop onto the exposed tip of his cock and surrounding area.

The men had just reached the main house when they heard the boys screams......................

When he came round on the bed. He began to recall the events of the past. It seamed like an age that he had lay there reliving the nightmare and the pain. Recalling the reason for this punishment. How he had taken the young boy to the cave and buggered him. How he had panicked and for some reason taken the stick and pushed it up into the boys arse and left him tied to the cave wall to probably die.

His body was healed. No marks or blemishes remained. He could only feel the cold, crisp white sheet against his naked body. He had not noticed the three figures standing around the bed. The doctor pulled the sheet from him and left the room. The chains that held his wrists and ankles to each corner of the bed frame clattered as he pulled at them. Tom watched as his brother stripped naked, approached the bed and took Aden's cock in his hand. Once he had Aden in a state of erectness he straddled his chest, leaned forward and began sucking and licking at his shaved cock and balls.

As Aden focused on the tight boy buttocks that hovered over his face waiting in anticipation for the attention of his tongue he could not help but notice the large scar running from the base of the boys spine to the disfigured sphincter muscle nestled between them?

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