Stately Servitude

By moc.loa@284kcirreD

Published on Apr 10, 2023


Aden stood now before the three men the shirt in remnants held by the servant. the doctor held up a hand gesturing the servants to stop. (Why was he giving the servants the pleasure of stripping the boy?) For the first time the doctor was able to see the stature of his new acquisition. Feelings of excited anticipation coursed through him as he looked at the boys now naked torso. His eyes drank in every square inch of the slightly tanned body, not thin but slim, well nourished. Wisps of dark hair peered out from the creases of the armpits. The doctor swallowed as his eyes focused on the two firm nipples encircled by dark halo's that in turn sat atop of the newly forming pectorals on the boys hairless chest. The doctors eyes traced on down drinking in the delight before him. Thoughts of the days and nights ahead raced through his mind. They stopped again, resting now on the pert belly button that nestled in its cave, a strip of dark hair ran from it vanishing into the waistband of the jeans. The boys waist was around thirty inches not a trace of fat to be seen. The jeans hugged at the slim waist down over the narrow hips and covering his legs.

He motioned to Aden to turn around, Aden complied. The three men all looked at each other, knowing what each was thinking. The boys naked back was strong, the shoulders square the V of his naked torso running down to what can only be described as the tightest boy arse any of them had seen in a long while. The seam of the blue jeans nestled neatly between the two firm, tight, round domes.

The doctors two guests nodded their approval to Dr Vernon who was now reaching behind the large Chesterfield couch. He exhaled as he heaved the large leather case up and onto the table. It was around 5ft long and 18 inches wide. He produced from around his neck a gold chain from which hung a silver key. He placed the key in each lock in turn. The slap of the locks opening were all that could be heard. The doctor was the only person who ever handled the case, not even the servants were allowed to touch it. Where the doctor went, it went!

Opening the case he reached in and produced two sets of brown leather cuffs each set with a steel ring and buckle straps. They were passed to the two servants who did not need to be instructed. Aden's mind was now swimming, sweat formed on his face and body not only from the heat of the fire that still crackled in the grate but from the fear building up inside of him. The two servants applied the wrist cuffs to the boy and then kneeling in unison drew up the bottoms of the jeans and buckled each ankle cuff into place. Still kneeling the two servants moved to the area directly under the now lowered chandelier. Pushing their fingers into the deep pile of the carpet each pulled sharply with a grunt. A panel of carpet 5ft square with stiff backing was lifted away and placed against the wall. The bare floor was sunk. At its centre was a small drain hole and at four points steel rings were set.

The floor was cold on Aden's feet as he was placed in the square. Hands swiftly pulled on two steel rings which were about two foot apart. Chains on ratchet systems came out of the floor the steel rings were unfastened like caribinas. The ankle rings passed through and fastened shut again. The whine of the motor could be heard again as the doctor lowered the beam down just above the boys head. As it stopped his arms were raised two short chains were withdrawn from cavities in the beam and fixed to the wrist restraints in the same fashion as the ankle chains.

The two servants were dismissed. Fear and trepidation passed through Aden's mind as he heard the huge doors close. Reality was all too obvious as he heard the whine of the motor. He struggled but to no avail as his arms were drawn up above him. He was raised to a point where his feet were just supporting his ten and a half stones of body weight his hips and waist now even more slender as his supple body was drawn up. The dark hair in his armpits now fully visible his waist no longer in contact with the waistband of the blue jeans.

The three men now walked slowly around the piece of boy flesh hung up in front of them drinking in the delicious sight of the half naked youth. Imaginations running riot. May I? Asked one of the guests pointing to the blue jeans. Certainly replied Dr Vernon. With that the guest reached for the fastener at the front of Aden's jeans deftly snapping it open Aden now for the first time felt strange fingers touching his body. Not since his uncle had abused him had this happened to him. Fear started to subside as the fingers started undoing the buttons on the fly of the jeans. The pressure of the mans fingers on the front of his groin undoing the stiff new buttons started to cause a sensation in him that he new was starting to make him feel aroused. The guest pulled the front of the jeans apart. The three men could see that he was aroused. The jeans were slowly pulled down his legs with each leg now off of his feet and crumpled around the chains.

Dr Vernon gasped at the sight of the pale yellow underpants they were just regular not tight but thin and a size too large. He new the motive behind his son's thinking. The sight of the two firm mounds of the boys tight arse nestled in the thin yellow material and the now obvious bulge at the front would be in the minds of the three men for some time. Aden felt breath on the back of his neck as the other guest brushed against his back. A smooth hand was now playing over his naked back up his right arm and down to his hip round his waist briefly touching the thin yellow material. A finger found the little cave and ventured inside pushing and twisting as if trying to push the little button into his stomach causing an intense feeling of pleasure in his groin. Now withdrawn the fingers ventured around his abdomen tugging and teasing at the black hair which vanished into the yellow underpants. Up now the fingers now walking over his naked stomach and chest they played with each nipple in turn pinching, flicking in rotation. The other guest could resist no longer the bulge in the front of his trousers said it all. Standing in front of Aden, who was now writhing under the touch of the busy fingers the guest placed his hands between the young thighs, moving them up slowly to where the boys balls were nestled the fingers of each hand pushed up under the elastic of the underpants resting for a moment when they made contact with the firm round package inside, now they began to massage and feel for each plum for the time being gently caressing them pulling them out of one leg of the underpants they could be seen by all. Full to capacity, covered in dark hair. The hands gently tugged them down to release them fully from their prison drawing the sack tight playing along the seem of the sack. Aden was now in a state of full arousal his rigid penis standing out in the loose material. Dr Vernon retrieved something from the case. All three men were now fired up. Allow me he said. Drawing back the two guests watched as at eye level with Aden his hands produced what seemed like a comb case his fingers entered and withdrew from it a shiny long bladed scalpel. They could see the sudden fear in the boys eyes as Dr Vernon looked down at the boys balls hanging out from the leg of the underpants which had been pulled to one side. The hands went between his parted legs and took hold of the gusset of the pants. With one quick motion the material was sliced through. The boys balls were now covered with what looked like a little yellow skirt his penis now liberated stood straight out causing the little skirt to tent. Wasting no time the scalpel cut through the waistband. The piece of flimsy yellow material fell to the floor.

Now totally naked in front of three strangers and hung out for all the world to see Aden could feel the humiliation, his now semi rigid six inch uncut cock was on full display hanging from its dark pubic bush with a glob of pre-cum oozing from the pink slit. His ball sack full to bursting accentuated his cock even more. Now all eyes had moved behind him to his wonderful boy arse even firmer now as it had been pulled tighter. The three now returned to the table and poured more brandy which they each drank down. Nothing was said as they undressed down to just their underpants. All wore pale blue for some reason. They were all athletic but not over muscular. It was not difficult for Aden to see that they had been and still were aroused.

Until now nobody had spoken. Dr Vernon spoke. This boy has been given over to me to undergo correction and this evening he is going to have a last moment of pleasure. With this he walked across the room and pressed the motor switch, the beam lowered slowly and just sufficient to ensure the boys feet were on the floor. One at a time the boys wrist cuffs were detached from the beam. The Dr reached down and cupped Aden's full ball sack. Strangely Aden made no move to prevent him. Gentlemen, he went on. As you can see we have here a sack full of boy cum which he has brought with him from the outside. I think it should be removed under our direction. He returned to a chair opposite the other two men who were now lounging back on the leather couch. They nodded their approval.

Aden still half erect looked in the direction of Dr Vernon. An instruction he could not at first comprehend came from his mouth. Empty your sack boy! Do it now! enjoy it as it will be the last time for a long time that you will touch your own body for any reason!

Aden hesitantly reached down and took hold of his cock. Slowly he began to pull on it. He was instructed to caress himself as he did so, his left hand cupped his full ball sack then pressing at his pelvic area caressing the black pubic hair. Instructions were coming from all three onlookers now who without doubt were fully aroused. he was told to caress his boy arse. open his legs, squeeze his balls tug on them, pinch his nipples it was insisted upon that with every stroke he was to draw the skin right back and completely forward each time to reveal the tender pink soft skin of the shaft. Pre-cum was oozing from the tiny slit at its tip his fingers pressed into his belly button pummelled and kneaded every area that caused arousal. That's it now boy one of the guests shouted, that's it squeeze, pump that boy cock and cum....cum..... cum now boy Aden's eyes closed his head swirled he felt a serge as the stream of boy cum flew from him. Don't stop! keep pumping boy Dr Vernon ordered. I want all of that juice out of you tonight. The boy continued to wank off. The white cum that had dripped onto his hand now coated the sore shaft. Not one more drop could he get from his now tired and wilting cock. He was ordered to stop but leave the skin pulled right back. Now stood with his cock fully on display covered in his boy cum that had also dripped onto his hairless legs he reached up to use the beam for support as his quivering body recovered.

For fifteen minutes he stood like this as the men smoked and drank more brandy. Now boy! again commanded the Doctor walking over to him and taking his ball sack gave it a squeeze. Aden grimaced expecting pressure on this tender area. There was no pain as the doctor gently massaged them. Aden once again felt himself getting aroused and again began stroking his cock into action as the doctor still played with his balls drawing the skin fully back and forth as instructed. The doctor now placed a hand on the boys abdomen, one finger tip pressed gently but firmly into his button hole then the hand moved down to pelvic area kneading it causing (as he well knew) spasms of ecstasy to course through the boys body. The other hand was now massaging the boys firm but soft arse running down up and between the parted legs to squeeze the boys ball sack from below. Aden was told to keep wanking as the doctor lowered him onto his back. The cold floor did not stop him his pole now pointing straight up as he writhed with his own pleasure. When you come this time pull the skin back and hold it he was told, the thought of this made him pummel himself even harder.

Aden had closed his eyes and for a fleeting second had opened them. Standing above him were the three men, now naked looking down at him each one now with assorted erections between seven and nine inches. They had been there a while squeezing away at their man size ball sacks and pumping their cocks pre-cum dripping from each. One of the guests knelt between Adens legs with his cock directly above his the other two knelt either side. With this sight Aden could no longer contain himself. He pulled the skin back with such force the foreskin bent his cock as the cum flew up from the slit the doctor gently squeezed the boys sack coaxing out every last drop of fluid. The three men seemed to cum in unison all directing the jets of white fluid onto Adens tender cock, streaming down it onto his hand, squelching up and down the shaft, mingling in the black pubic hair gasping with ecstasy as they forced every drop they could out of their lances. The doctor and his guests put their underwear back on. Aden still lay on the floor his hand still firmly holding back the foreskin of his still rigid cum covered cock. The white fluid now felt cold as it trickled over his hips and onto the floor even more now ran down between his legs coating his balls and groin. The three men dressed fully. Doctor Vernon again produced the scalpel and made short work of cutting the jeans free of the chains. All that now occupied the five square feet of floor was a naked youth clutching his cum covered cock.

Aden's hand was pulled away from his now semi rigid cock. The two guests hauled him back to his feet by his sweat covered arms. The doctor swiftly re-shackled the cuffs to the beam. Again he whispered to Aden. From this moment on you do not touch that body again without my permission for any reason. His head dropped to his chest shooting back up as he felt what he thought was pinprick in his left buttock a feeling of calm came over Aden. As the three men left the room the fire crackled with the draft from the closing doors. That was the boys last memory of that night.

Aden woke with a start. he was cold, he was hungry. The place he was in now had no comforts. A large room. A steel toilet pedestal a matching bidet a shower cubicle of steel with a series of steel rings at varying levels. Why were his hands secured behind him? He looked up at the ceiling. An array of hooks and metal loops festooned the beams, ropes and pulley systems. The whole floor was covered in sawdust. He turned to his rear. Sawhorses with adjustable legs tables with holes cut in the tops round holes square holes all designed to take an array of additions. Food. In a bucket right behind him he swivelled round, his naked buttocks felt the sawdust as he turned. Using his head he tipped the bucket over spilling its contents to mingle with the sawdust. Unable to use his hands he leaned forward picking at the morsels of food with his teeth gulping it down before it could be taken away. Nothing remained of the food. He struggled to cross the floor restricted by the chain running from his wrists to his ankles not allowing him to stand fully. he knelt at the bidet he just managed to get his mouth over the cold water tap and turn it he gulped at the water as it sprayed out quenching his thirst.

His pleasure was interrupted with the sound of a metal bolt being shifted. The door to the room flew open. The doctor and his two son's entered. All wore black riding breeches and black riding boots, no shirts. The boys had good physiques. Marcus leapt at Aden. Father he is stealing water and look the bucket is also empty. Dr Vernon looked down at the perpetrator, in that case he will need to be taught better manners. A chill ran up Aden's spine.

The doctor, assisted by Marcus, dragged Aden into the shower cubicle. The leg chains were unlocked and quickly attached to rings at either side of the shower tray. Each wrist was then secured to rings above and to either side. Now totally helpless he hung naked in front of two boys younger than him. The water control dial was set away from the cubicle. Marcus turned it slowly. The water gushed down onto Aden, it was cold as it enveloped his whole body the water became warmer as soap from an automatic feeder ran into his eyes.

How was he to wash? His hands chained above his head and suddenly remembering the last words the doctor had whispered to him. That he was never to touch his body again. Marcus turned the jet down to a trickle. Walked over to a shelf where he collected a large sponge (the coarse type used for cleaning cars). He approached Aden and dipped the sponge in the soapy water that had gathered in the shower tray. The sponge was rough on Adens chest lingering on each nipple grazing them as it worked on his soft skin over his face round to his back down each leg. Marcus could not take his eyes off of Aden's small tight boy arse covered now streaks of soap lather. The penultimate job for the sponge was the two mounds Marcus scrubbed at them with the coarse sponge until they became tender. Tom and his father looked on. There was no way for Aden to hide his aroused cock as Marcus deftly pushed the sponge between the two bum cheeks forcing it into make sure every inch of the boys body was cleaned. The final task began when the sponge worked its way up between the boys spread legs from the rear, capturing the empty ball sack in its grip slowly cleaning. Aden was now semi erect the head of his cock covered by the spare skin. Marcus now sponged the boys chest again returning to each nipple in succession slowly now moving down his chest to his abdomen the suds running down into the dark pubic bush below. Slowly the sponge took a grip on the half erect cock. Aden gasped as the rough sponge pulled back the skin. Marcus held the skin back with his other hand. The tender pink skin now revealed, he brushed the very tip of the bulb with the sponge causing Aden to let out a whimper. Please no......! he whispered to Marcus. With that Marcus engulfed the pink skin in the sponge and drew it the full length of the shaft. Aden let out a scream as again and again the sponge travelled back and forth along its length. He was saved from his pain when the water gushed down causing Marcus to jump clear and dropping the sponge. He looked daggers at his father who had spoiled his pleasure by turning the water on full. The water was turned off. It glistened on Aden's now soap free naked body. Another sound now as from grids in the wall to the sides and above him came warm air which blasted him dry he could hardly catch his breath with the force. The fans droned to a stop.

Aden felt weak as he was de-shackled from the shower. Led now to stand between to upright wooden pillars. Chains leading from the base of the pillars were fastened to his ankles which held him with his legs wide apart. His arms were not to be chained yet??

Lifting one of the smaller table tops. The doctor reached in and retracted a black cylinder. He flipped the end off of it. Walking over to the naked youth, he tipped the tube into Aden' s right palm. Remember you must not touch yourself! pulling the tube away (Aden expected to be presented with a large dildo). A battery operated hair trimmer fell into the open palm. Looking down at the boys pubic bush. Shave! the doctor ordered. What you can't do I am sure Tom will be more than happy to assist with. As the switch was pressed the trimmers vibrated into life. He moved the shears over the line of black hair that ran down from his navel the shaved hair dropping onto the tender pink skin of his semi erect shaft and the sawdust covered floor below. Over the area again until it was bare. He moved into the thicker hair around his cock, clumps of hair now fell to the floor. As did the tears falling from his eyes. He had shaved what he could, unable to touch himself or see through the tears. The buzz ceased as he pressed the off switch. Tom eagerly took the shears from the boy and started them into life again. Handling the boys balls and cock as much as he could, getting right up into the creases of his groin. The doctor took the shears from the excited Tom, and placed them on a table. Again lifting the table top the doctor produced a wet razor and aerosol of shaving gel. He squirted the gel into his hand and massaged Aden's pubic area and balls. In no time the area was devoid of all hair. Without ceremony or shaving gel the doctor raised each of the boys arms in turn and briskly removed any trace of hair. Aden was wondering why Marcus was dragging the adjustable sawhorse toward him. He placed it directly in front of him it seemed to be already adjusted as the doctor bent Aden forward hooking his wrist cuffs into the retainers. The doctor now massaged gel into the boys arse held apart by the ever helpful Tom. There was not a lot of hair but it had to be shaved. The doctor took time massaging in the gel allowing a finger to caress the tight little entrance. The tears had stopped now. His cock began to throb as he felt the razor doing its work and the two pairs of hands which were invading him.

He was released from the sawhorse. His hands now bound together were drawn by the rope up above his head. Now on almost the tips of his toes his now hairless body was stretched for his three tormentors to admire their work.

Marcus now opened the lid of one of the longer desks. Leaving it open he produced a leather gag that had a rubber block fixed to it. The doctor took it and from behind his naked captive passed it over his head ensuring the block was firmly in place between the boys teeth and tying it in place. Aden began to struggle and swing around but his efforts were futile. He looked into the eyes of the two half naked young boys. All he could see was anticipation and no sympathy as their father produced the long inch wide strip of leather from inside the open table open table. Standing to one side of his naked target he wrapped one end of the leather strap around his hand leaving a good length to swing free. The first strike landed square across both of the boys firm stretched buttocks. The young body writhed, dancing and twisting at the end of the rope tears welled up in his eyes but the scream working up from his body had no way to escape.......................

To be continued Soon. Part 5 is cumming? along well!

Next: Chapter 5

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