Stately Servitude

By moc.loa@284kcirreD

Published on Apr 9, 2023


Shear exhaustion and cold caused Aden to fall into a deep sleep. The sudden jolt of the cold steel snake that held him in the sitting position to relieve the pressure around his neck was now on the move. His sweat had caused the tape covering his mouth and eyes to release its tight grip on his skin affording him the opportunity to breath better and see a glimmer of light. Daytime had arrived!

The tape was ripped from his eyes and mouth. He smelled he hurt he was hungry and thirsty. The voice he heard was that of the eldest boy standing now with the length of chain wrapped around his left wrist. Aden could see what was in the other hand. The riding crop! that he now knew was the instrument that had rained blows on his now pain racked body. Crawl! commanded the boy. He obeyed not wanting to feel the crop again.

The marble floor felt hard and cold as he was led at heel like a dog. The constant yank of the chain drew him closer and tighter to the boy his knees supporting his weight, it was painful, he needed to relieve himself he lost control, the trail of urine spread behind him as he was dragged at heel across the hallway soaking the crotch and legs of the black boiler suit. Another voice came from behind them. Marcus! Marcus! the other boy called out with some urgency. The chain bit into Aden's neck as they drew to a halt. What is it Tom? The voice was excited as if delighted. Look! look! he has pissed himself all over the floor. As sudden as he saw the tip of the crop vanish from view he felt its sting across his back. He jerked with every blow his knees slipping from beneath him in the wet. His wet.

As Marcus raised the crop a strong hand gripped his wrist. Not now boy! Not now. It was his father accompanied by the two men from the night before. The time will come be assured. Reaching down he took the chain from Marcus's wrist. Passing the chain to one of the men he instructed that Aden should be taken to the Preparation Area.

(The preparation area is where all servants on arrival at the stately home are taken to be groomed, rested and fed) But we don't want to go there!

Two Days Later

The drawing room was dimly lit. The glow and flicker of the flames from the log fire in the huge grate reflected on the plush wine red leather Chesterfield chairs and couches. Doctor James Vernon, eminent surgeon and traveller sat in the company of two fellow doctors. The large balloon brandy glasses swishing their contents as the aroma of the rich cigars permeated the air. The walls of the room were covered in drapes of claret, embossed with gold hunting scenes. Around the room were areas that jutted out but curtained in the same manner. Not one inch of wall could be seen through the rich material. Doctor James Vernon was a very wealthy man indeed. The price he paid for his divorce settlement and custody of his sons some six years ago was a mere fraction of his wealth. An ardent huntsman. The trophies from around the world adorned the ceiling beams. In the centre at either end of the ceiling hung two large oak chandelier of one single beam with huge candles burning at either end. Huge ropes ran from the centre rose through brass pulleys vanishing behind the rich drapes where the ceiling met the walls.

The three men sat talking about things in general as they continued to sip from the brandy balloons and draw on the rich cigars. There was an atmosphere. One of expectancy, anticipation, excitement.

Doctor James was in his late forties, slim, clean shaven, short greying hair green eyes. His two guests were younger around thirty both slim with upright statures and clean shaven not dissimilar to Dr Vernon.

The conversation was interrupted by a loud knock on the huge double oak doors at the far end of the room. All three men made instant eye contact. Raising an eyebrow Doctor James took another draw on his cigar. Come in! the smoke being expelled through every facial orifice as the words left him.

The huge doors swung outward casting light into the room. After a short while the doors closed the cigar smoke swirled in the draft they created. The candles flickered. No sound of footsteps could be heard on the rich red carpet. Then in front of them appeared the two men servants. Between them Aden! or was it? This youth looking so young. The black hair now cut neatly, short around the back and sides longer at the top and parted down the centre just like the doctors son's. The gel holding each strand in place. The boyish face now clean, the dark hazel eyes piercing, the black eyebrows forming drapes that accentuated them now looking straight ahead. The flames from the fire reflected in them. Whoever had prepared Aden had added one last touch. His young tender lips had been highlighted so as to accentuate the rich set of white teeth concealed behind them. At either side the two servants had hold of an arm each, one hand placed behind the elbow joint the other firmly around the wrist ready to restrain the slightest movement.

The Three men shifted in unison on the leather seats. Before them stood more than the doctor's guests and even the doctor himself could have envisaged. The Boy now wore regular cut blue jeans. A pale blue check Ben Sherman short sleeve shirt worn outside the jeans. These had been the obvious choice of his sons. His feet were bare! and pressed into the rich carpet pile. The doctor knew that under the jeans the boy would be wearing underwear of some description. Again, this was left to his son's choice. (they enjoyed pleasing their father). It was Aden. The slight red mark on his left cheek endorsed this.

Doctor James had previously explained to his friends how Aden had been placed in his charge. That on top of his rebellious nature he had befriended a fourteen year old boy whom he had taken into some local woods on the pretence of showing him a badger set. When he got him into the cave he made advances to the boy who had no sexual experience. Tied his wrists to a ring he had previously planted in the cave wall. Stripped him naked, whipped the entire length of his body including his testicles, forced the youngster to give him oral sex and swallow his cum and not satisfied with that he buggered him over and over. His final sadistic act was to push a stick up the boys behind knowing that the stubs of the branches, once in could not be withdrawn. He tortured the boy for two days.

Aden was now clean. Had been well fed, clothed and rested.

Doctor Vernon placed his brandy glass on the couch table. Stood up and walked the few paces to stand in front of his captor. He leant towards the boy transferring the cigar to his left hand he pressed his mouth to Adens ear while simultaneously reaching his right hand under Adens shirt to make contact with his flesh. He felt it retract at his touch as he said Payback time boy!

Adens Heart missed a beat. Several beats. His mind went into overdrive. Back to the events in the cave. Back to the place he had been kept in before he was brought into this place. He had been fed, clothed and given time to rest. He knew nothing of the people he had encountered here. He knew it was payback time! So far he had only felt the riding crop delivered by a boys hand. He could not begin to imagine what the future held for him?

Doctor Vernon looked toward the servant to his left and indicated with a slight nod. The servant released his grip on Adens arm turned and walked toward the wall behind him but in front of the seated guests. He reached into the curtain. A slight humming sound could be heard as the chandelier dropped from the ceiling the large candles flickering in the draft. All three men were now standing as if one. They took off their jackets and ties, discarding them to the back of one of the chairs.

Aden knew that he was going to be in for a rough ride. He knew from the age of ten that he was different to other boys. he was abused by an uncle which led to his interest in other boys.

Aden stood now in front of the three men. The chandelier hovering above his head. Doctor Vernon slumped back in his seat, retrieved his brandy, drew on his cigar and nodded to the two servants

Strip Him! (commanded the doctor) Stripping a boy was a job most guys would do without payment. Doctor Vernon had commanded it. He had guests. The two servants did not delay in complying with his commands. The Ben Sherman shirt was ripped from Adens body.

Next: Chapter 4

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