Starting Where We Left Off

By A B

Published on Jun 9, 2022


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Jim & Trevor

Jim inherited his landscaping business from his Dad, Caleb. Caleb suffered a mini-stroke that forced the forty-eight-year-old into semiretirement. Now, the almost fifty-year-old trained the part-time help Jim hired, and he used his contacts to keep their business going and operating in the black. Jim's office was on the second floor of a building downtown. He shared the space with Donald Rieson. He and Trevor went to school with him, and he went into reality after graduating. Donald and Jim worked together to boost one another's business. After ending the call to his parents, he confirmed his upcoming jobs and that he had the manpower to fulfill the workload. Jim locked the door, headed to his truck, and drove to his small, one-bedroom apartment to get showered and dressed for dinner. The brunet parked in his designated spot, grabbed his things, locked the vehicle, and headed up the stairs to his apartment.

Winston Millstone, Jim's neighbor, was just leaving his apartment when the landscaper made it to his door. The twenty-one-year-old was definitely, a flaming twink. Winston's five-foot-seven height was dwarfed by Jim. The young man didn't just enter a room. He made a glittery spectacle of an entrance worthy of Cher. Today, Winston's blonde shoulder-length curly hair was styled like Farrah Fawcett's and adorned with glittery hair gel. The shiny gold shirt stuck to his bird-like chest, and his black pleather pants did nothing but accentuate his nonexistent ass. A pair of black sneakers made the younger man's feet look even smaller than they were. He also had a major crush on the muscular older neighbor. "Hey, sexy."

"How's it going, Winston?" Jim smiled and hugged his neighbor. He shook his head and sighed. The big-hearted landscaper always worried about the younger guy when he went downtown at night for his shift at The Gifft Box. Jim did find comfort in the fact the kid carried a .22 caliber pistol, took self-defense, and had a knife strapped to his leg.

Winston smiled. His attempt at striking a sexy pose made him look as adorable as a newborn golden retriever puppy. "I'm great, just wondering when I can feel the muscles under that tight ass shirt."

Jim couldn't stop himself as he rolled his eyes and giggled. The bearded man shook his head as he hugged Winston and kissed his cheek. "Sorry to disappoint you, baby boy, but I'm off the market for life."

Winston gasped and dramatically placed his hand over his heart, feigning a dizzy spell. "For the love of our divas, Jim. Why are you taking away the chance to please your body from everyone who craves your touch and smile?"

There was no stopping his hysterical laughter this time. Jim erupted in boisterous cackles as he doubled over. "I'm sorry, babe, but you're just too damn adorable." Jim finally composed himself and straightened up. "Winston, I'm off the market because the man I've been in love with since we were in high school just came back today and asked me to be his. There was no way I was turning him down."

Winston's knees buckled as he faked a stumble back into the wall with his hand over his eyes. "'Tis a dark day in the sparkly gay kingdom, to be sure."

Jim chuckled and gave the dramatic young man another hug. "Please, be careful and watch your surroundings tonight, baby boy. I'd hate having to hunt someone down for hurting my little fairy boy."

Winston smiled and returned the affection. "You've got an amazing heart, Jim. I can't wait to meet this special guy you've held a torch for all these years."

"I'll introduce him to you when I can."

Jim opened the door, walked inside, and slipped his sneakers off at the door. In cotton candy decorated no-show socks, the man padded into the kitchen, got a beer, and headed for his bedroom. He sat on the bed and sipped his beer as he picked up the framed picture of him and Trevor at the beach just before graduation. Tears fell on the glass as he gazed at the man in the picture, who gave him pleasant dreams every night. Jim set his beer on the table and kissed Trevor's lips. "Thank you for coming back to me, my love."

Trevor was walking on air after his reunion with Jim. The thirty-year-old interior decorator's mind was still reeling as he thought about the life of happiness the two of them would have together. The brunet walked inside the massive house, then closed and locked the door. The first place he stopped on his way to the shower was his bedside table. He smiled as he gently picked up a picture of him and Jim at the beach, housed in a silver frame decorated with hearts that had Jim engraved in the center. Tears formed in his eyes as visions of his beautiful man floated across his mind. He smiled, kissed the frame, and put it back on the dresser. "I hope I never wake up if this is a dream, my sweet, beautiful boy."

Once he dried off, Trevor walked into the bedroom. He giggled when he forgot to pick up his feet, and the plush carpet tickled his soft soles. As he was getting dressed, his phone rang. After ending the call, Trevor made a call to Jim. He told him their parents wouldn't make it to dinner because they were going to the Elk's Lodge, so they'd have privacy for their first dinner together. He smiled when Jim told him he'd pick him up, and they could ride together.

Jim's smile was brighter than a theatre's brightest white spotlight as he parked his truck in the same spot. The brunet's heart was soaring and beating a mile a minute, thinking about having dinner with the sexiest man alive. He checked his hair one last time before getting out of the vehicle.

Trevor heard the bell, letting him know someone was coming up the driveway. His excitement and nervousness reached a fevered peak as he watched his boy's truck parked in front of the house. The brunet's eyes widened, and his bulge pressed against his shorts when he saw Jim exit the vehicle. The man was a fucking God in Trevor's eyes. He loved how the palm tree-decorated tan shirt looked on Jim's broad muscular shoulders and chest. The khaki shorts accentuated his boyfriend's tight, plump ass. The light brown leather flip-flops made his silky smooth feet and toes look incredible. Trevor couldn't wait to get his hands, tongue, and lips on his sexy lover. "Fuck, decorum." He thought as he waited at the open door before Jim was halfway to the house.

Jim's mouth watered, and he almost tripped over his feet when he saw Trevor's smiling, chiseled face and sculpted body in the doorway. The taller man looked breathtaking in his light pink polo shirt, which brought out the sparkle in his soft blue eyes. Blue and white checkered shorts and light off white boat shoes completed the outfit. "Holy shit, babe. You..."

"Look gorgeous." Trevor finished his mate's sentence. Just like they did in high school. It was like they'd never been separated.

The men smiled and shared a loving bear hug. They held each other at arm's length, drinking in one another's beauty and getting lost in their eyes. Tears streamed down the men's cheeks as the years apart melted away.

"You want to come inside for a cocktail before dinner?" Trevor placed a passionate kiss on Jim's warm, quivering lips.

Jim closed his eyes and got lost in the love and desire swirling around inside of him. The two men's generous bulges grew and made their shorts tight and tented as fingers massaged skin and bodies pressed against each other. Their twenty toes curled as their passion almost reached a fiery peak. The shorter brunet gasped, yelped, and giggled when he was swiftly swept off his feet, then carried bridal style by his muscular dream man. Trevor set Jim down, then closed and locked the door. Jim slipped his footwear off at the door, and Trevor slipped off his shoes.

"This place is amazing, babe." Jim whistled as he looked around the great room. His eyes didn't know where to go first. The entire room was a giant realistic forest mural. The ceiling and skylights were painted to look like a bright blue sky with fluffy clouds. The inviting plush furniture was in colors that matched each other and the walls. The carpet resembled blades of grass and moss. Everything looked so natural that the paths between the trees made Jim curious about where they went. The man was so enthralled that he acted as giddy as a little boy.

Trevor couldn't stop giggling as he watched Jim, excitedly turning this way and that, taking in every bit of the room's decor. He went to the bar and started mixing a Malibu and Pepsi. "Hey, Boy Wonder, what ya wanna drink?"

Jim abruptly stopped when he heard the nickname bestowed upon him when the men were teens. He slowly turned to face his man and graced Trevor's vision with his biggest smile and brightest sparkling eyes. "I've always loved it when you called me Boy Wonder." Jim smiled and softly blushed as tears welled in his eyes.

Trevor licked his lips. "Fuck, can my sexy ass boy get any cuter?" He asked himself. The bartender looked directly into his mate's eyes. "You were the sexiest boy to ever wear that costume. When we dressed up as Batman and Robin for the costume party in 9th grade. I was dying to lick you up and down. I kept praying that my dick didn't bust the costume."

Jim approached the bar and sat on the stool. He placed his hand on Trevors, lifted it to his lips, and started sucking and gently nibbling each long finger.

Trevor did his best to keep his hand in Jim's grasp. The man's worshipping of his fingers made him squirm cause it was so sensual and tickled like crazy. Jim's eyes lit up when he heard the soft giggles that escaped his guy's lips. The starry-eyed brunet stood with his toes on the gold bar footrest and his palms flat on the counter. He leaned over, slowly licked Trevor's lips, and giggled as he returned to his stool. Trevor stood, momentarily confused, then slowly, the laughter began seeping out between his lips.

"Don't ever change, my adorable baby boy." Trevor shook his head, giggling. "What can I get for my playful puppy?"

Jim's eyes widened and sparkled. "I'll have a Malibu and Pepsi, and I LOVE the new pet name. Holy fuckin' adorably cute nicknames, Bat-Daddy."

Trevor almost dropped the glass when he heard his new name. "How'd..."

"I know?" Jim completed the thought for his lover. "I remember the things we were exploring when we were about to graduate." Jim paused. "Trev, I've always wanted and still want to be your boy." He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Babe, I'm still into everything we were into as teens. I'm also more into the chase and challenges before giving in to my stronger mate. I have a lifetime membership to The Gifft Box. That's a club that caters to gay men into bondage, fetishes, feet, and tickling." Jim sipped the offered drink. "Fuck! You're an awesome bartender." Jim giggled, then continued. "I'm gonna lay it all on the table, Trevers. I haven't had intercourse in ten years. I love going to the club, participating in the special events, tying guys up, getting tied up, tickling, and being tickled. I've made some good friends at the club. One of them is my neighbor, Winston. He's a twenty-one-year-old twink and the cutest little fairy boy you'll ever meet. He expressed his desire to meet you when I told him I was permanently off the market. I know you'll love him. He's like a little brother to me. I've never once wanted to have sex with him, just cuddle, take care of, and tickle him." Jim giggled. He's very ticklish. I'm also one of the investors, and last year, I won the Hottest bachelor to unwrap. I'm giving up the title to this year's winner and presenting the crown to him at the club's county fair." Jim paused and took another sip. "I'd love it if you'd join me at the club, the events, and especially, the county fair."

Trevor thought about all that he'd just heard. "You've gone without intercourse for ten fuckin' years?"

Jim broke out in boisterous laughter. "That's the first thing you think to address? What about the..."

Trevor waved his hand dismissively. "Of course, I'll go with you to the club, meet Winston and come to love him as you do, and I'd be honored to be at the county fair with you as long as my schedule allows it," Trevor smirked. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't think seeing you put up a fight and being overpowered into submission and tickled isn't turning me on." The expression on Trevor's face turned serious. "As long as everyone knows that you're mine. The only things that can be done to you are being captured or overpowered, so you submit, tied down, and tickled. Anyone goes any further, and they're answering to your Daddy-Trevers."

Jim felt shivers up and down his spine, and he gasped when Trevor's voice took on a steely gritty tone. The bearded man's dick instantly got rock hard. "Holy fuck, you just rocked my body just now, Daddy-Trevers. Without touching me, you made my dick rock hard in seconds. You're the only man to ever do that to me." Jim paused. "Just so we're clear. I don't want a one-sided dominant relationship with you. There are times I like being in control and will make you submit. I don't want there to be any pain, humiliation, or disrespected boundaries for either of us."

"Damn, baby boy. I'd never try to make you submit that way. I want us to be equal partners in every aspect of this relationship and the journey of love and rediscovery we're on." Trevor wrapped his arms around his boy and softly kissed his lips and forehead. "We haven't discussed this yet, but how and when are we gonna work out living together?"

Jim snuggled against Trevor's muscled, hard chest and kissed the firm pec. "I was wondering that myself. I don't want to intrude on your privacy or be rushed. I've got one more month left on my lease, then if I choose to resign, I can either do a month-to-month or another year."

Trevor closed his eyes and pondered on the issue for a moment. "I think a month is perfect to decide either way. Although, I'd be happy to have you here tomorrow." He giggled.

"It's a deal. I'll move in next month unless we decide differently."

Trevor smirked. "Who's to say I wouldn't want to move to your apartment?"

Jim wrapped Trevor in a headlock, gave him a noogie, and tickled his man's ribs. Trevor squealed and cackled as he jumped and wriggled, trying to get loose. "Yeah, right, as if you'd ever choose to live in a one-bedroom apartment over this place." Jim released his ticklish victim and smiled innocently. "Umm, what do you think..."

"About having dinner here?" Trevor smirked and broke out in hearty laughter. Jim nodded and started laughing like a hyena.

"I can go home, get some clothes, and pick up some steaks, a salad, veggies, and baked potatoes."

"Just pick up the potatoes and veggies. I've got steaks in the fridge...clothes?" Trevor smiled.

"I don't work this weekend, so I'm all yours." Jim giggled. "Or maybe you'll be all mine."

Trevor playfully growled and pinned his boy against the bar. "You'd have to work your ass off to achieve that, Boy Wonder. Bat-Daddy doesn't give up without a fight."

Jim licked his lips and pressed his body against Trevor. The two stared into each other's eyes before smashing their lips together for a long kiss that had them both writhing, and by the time they separated sweaty and gasping for air. "If we keep this up, we'll never get to dinner."

"It's all your fault. You're just too damn sexy and cute for your own good."

The couple chuckled and released each other. Jim walked to the door, grabbed his keys, and slipped on his flip-flops. "I'll be back soon, with the sides for dinner." He wrapped his arms around Trevor's neck, then jumped up and wrapped his legs around the man's waist. "I love you, always have, and always will. You're the man of my dreams and reality." He laid his head on Trevor's shoulder.

"I feel the same about you. You're my heart and soul, baby boy. Please, be careful out there, and come back to me." Trevor put Jim back on the floor, and the pair shared another soft kiss.

"I'll always come back to you, my love." Jim embraced his lover and closed the door.

Jim stopped by his apartment first. He'd just climbed the stairs and noticed a big nasty-looking guy was banging on Winston's door and feverishly trying the doorknob. Jim's eyes narrowed as the hair on the back of his neck stood up, and he didn't like the vibe he was getting from the man. "Are you looking for someone?" He asked, not wanting to voice Winston's name in case this somehow was a mistake.

The man stopped trying to get inside the apartment and turned to face the man who spoke. "No, it's alright. I was looking for someone, and I've just realized I'm at the wrong place." The burly man had at least two inches on Jim and was built like a professional wrestler. He excused himself, and he headed down the stairs. The guy got in his truck and left the parking lot.

Jim leaned against his door and breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that he was scared perse, but he wasn't in the mood for a fight. Especially one that might result in him not looking the same. He entered his apartment and made a mental note to remind Winston to watch his back. The guy gave Jim the willies. He packed some clothes, locked the door, got in his truck, and drove to the costume shop. After buying a few things, Jim sent a text to Trevor, letting him know he was fine and would be back shortly. The next stop was The Gifft Box Jim wanted to warn Winston about the freaky muscle guy as soon as possible. Luckily, it wasn't too busy at the bar his neighbor tended, and it didn't take long to warn him. After hugging the younger man and getting a promise to be careful and alert, the thirty-year-old got in his truck, went to the grocery store, and then back to Trevor's.

Trevor was in the kitchen when his lover returned. "What happened, baby? Before you ask, I could feel your distress not long after you'd left and knew something happened."

Jim placed the salad and veggies in the fridge, the potatoes on the counter, and then wasted no more time getting into Trevor's arms. The brunet sighed and let the comfort and safety of his mate's love and protection calm his body and nerves. After a loving kiss, Jim grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and told Trevor everything.

"Jimmy, I'm proud of you for engaging the guy. However, next time, please be a little more careful. I just got ya back, baby boy. I don't want to lose you again."

The pair worked together to fix their dinner and ate in the backyard facing the enclosed pool area. Jim noticed a building on the other side of some trees. "Hey, baby, what's the building behind the trees?"

Trevor snickered. "That, my love, is a surprise that will be revealed when all the work inside is finished." He knew not knowing was gonna drive Jim totally crazy.

Jim's mind began spinning with all the possibilities. He glared at his chuckling lover. "You're sooo fuckin' evil."

After dinner was over, Trevor wrapped his arms around Jim's neck. He gently nibbled on the man's ear and softly whispered. "Ya up to some playtime, Boy Wonder?"

Jim squirmed and boyishly giggled when his ears were nibbled. He nodded and followed his mate inside the house. Trevor looked at him and smiled. He lightly stroked his fingertips along Jim's defined chest and ab muscles. The shorter brunet wriggled and sucked in his stomach as light, airy giggles escaped his lips. He lowered his head, pressed it against his man's warm chest, and nodded.

Trevor smiled as he lifted Jim into his arms and carried him to one of the rooms on the second floor. He stopped at the door and set his boy back on his feet. Then he turned to face Jim and placed both hands on his broad shoulders. "You trust me, right, Jimmy?"

Jim's eyes stared directly into Trevor's and never quivered or wavered. "With my life, and more importantly, my heart and soul. Trevor."

Trevor took the shorter man into his arms for a loving embrace. "Thank you, now I want you to really enjoy this. I'm going to blindfold you unless you can promise not to open your eyes until I say to."

Jim thought a second. He sheepishly grinned and softly giggled like a little boy. "I'll need the blindfold, Daddy."

Trevor chuckled and pulled the sleep mask from his pocket. "As I expected my curious little boy to respond. He smiled and turned Jim around, then blindfolded him. After making sure his lover couldn't see anything, he opened the door and led his boy inside the room. Trevor told Jim to stay where he was. He turned on the light and started setting a few things up.

Jim's head turned left and right as he heard things being moved and Trevor's footsteps coming closer and moving away from him. After a couple of minutes, he didn't hear anything. Jim's excitement and curiosity were running rampant. The landscaper suddenly jumped and girlishly squealed when he felt fingertips glide lightly up and down his spine. Jim's body danced back and forth as the strokes got lighter. He started giggling and his back arched.

Trevor loved the reaction he'd elicited from his mate. Over the four years they spent together, Jim and Trevor mentally mapped out the spots that tickled the most and drove them to a feverish ecstasy. "I see my memory hasn't faltered on that spot." The brunet softly whispered. He lightly blew a thin line of breath across the middle of Jim's neck. Trevor giggled when his sensitive boy shimmied and squealed while scrunching his neck.

Jim's dick was almost painfully hard just from the little bits of teasing he received. The muscular brunet gasped when he felt his shirt being unbuttoned and removed. Slowly his moist tongue wet his quivering plump lips as his shorts and underwear were the next to go. Boyish giggles and squeals filled the room as Trevor lightly tickled his bare feet and toes when he got the clothing to the floor. A long lustful moan came from deep inside when his man's hard naked body pressed into his back. Jim's head leisurely bent back, exposing his neck as the talented fingers of his mate firmly caressed his body and slid up and down between his hot, sweaty ass crack. "Oh fucking hell, babe. I'm sooo damn close to busting my load."

Trevor chuckled and licked Jim's ear, which caused him to gasp and softly whimper like a puppy. "Not yet, my baby pup. I've got one more surprise for the night before you cum. Can you be my tough big boy and hold out?"

Jim closed his eyes and willed himself to come down from the ecstasy he felt. "I...I'll try, Daddy-Trevers." He rasped out.

"Good boy, just know that no matter what happens, Daddy's proud of his boy." Trevor giggled and lightly slapped Jim's ass. His giggles increased when the plump cheeks jiggled, and a yelp escaped the other man's lips. He walked over to the mini-fridge and returned with a pie tin. "This is gonna be cold, but it'll warm up shortly." He warned his nodding boy. Trevor smiled and smashed the Boston creme pie topped with a mountain of whipped cream into Jim's chest.

As soon as he felt the cold substance against his warm skin, Jim jumped and let out a high-pitched squeal. "Holy shit."

Trevor burst with laughter as he guided Jim to the air mattress on the floor. He had his man lie down, then he got on top of his mate and squished the dessert all over their bodies. Jim moaned in sheer pleasure as his generous manhood throbbed and ached for release. Trevor removed the blindfold, then gazed into Jim's eyes. His dick was just as hard and already threatening to erupt.

"I love you, Jim."

"I love you too, Trevor."

Their bodies writhed against each other, bringing them to their desired climax.

"You remembered my fetish to have sex covered in creme pie." Jim's breath hitched as his back arched.

"Of course, I did. I have the same fetishes as you." Trevor's body moved in synch with his mate. "Are you ready?"

"For ten years, I've been ready."

Jim and Trevor's lips smashed together as they humped each other to an explosive volcanic ecstasy-filled climax. Their cum mixed with the creme pie. Finally, the men came down from their release and lay side by side, panting and basking in the euphoria of their rekindled love.

Next: Chapter 3

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