Starting Over

Published on Sep 29, 2020


Starting Over 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

My reaction to Bill's party surprised me. I had thought an orgy would be frantic and a bit scary. Bill's party was mellow, and casual. We were there for sex; we knew everyone at the party was there for sex too. Sex was a part of each man's life and they weren't ashamed or up-tight about it. While this sort of party didn't happen every day, but it happened enough to be special.

It was good to be with men who weren't afraid to be naked. Naked men can't hide their sexual interests. Cocks are lust barometers. They respond to the slightest shifts in the sexual atmosphere. You can have a simple straightforward conversation about the weather, and if your cock senses any sexual potential, it responds.

For a little while this was embarrassing. After fifteen or twenty minutes we were okay with it. I took twenty minutes. Doug took an entire half hour. The prospect of sex seems to speed up the process.

I knew that Doug and I were "new meat," but that didn't bother me. Years earlier I had walked into a gay bar without knowing it. I was new meat there too. I had a feeling I was on a meat rack, and the men were trying to pick a trick for the night. Some seemed the think I was middle-grade hamburger and they were after prime steak. Others seemed to give me that, "you are better than nothing," look.

Most of the guys at the party had been around. They knew how to find pleasure and give pleasure. I knew that traditionally sex was one sided. Men "took" a woman and it was scandalous if a woman enjoyed sex. That was common only for fallen women. At this party men gave and took. Some people admitted the prostate existed and could generate great pleasure when rubbed by a blunt instrument. I had barely known it existed.

Bill fucked Dwight at the beginning of the party. A little later, I looked in the sling's direction, I saw Bill strapped into it with Jerry working at giving Bill a present in his ass while he chatted with Dwight. I was standing with Doug and we went over to the sling.

Dwight was watching and leaned over and lick Bill's cock drool. I knew Bill was Jerry's old friend and friendship and regular sex can become more than plain old friendship. Bill turned his head towards me. He opened his mouth and I stepped closer so he could suck me. Jerry smiled in approval. Bill's ass, cock and mouth were occupied.

After a minute or two, Jerry pulled out, and Doug replaced him at Bill's ass. Doug was careful. He slipped his cock in and then rested at Bill's sphincter. I knew that Bill's sphincter was well used. Doug thought he was testing the muscle. I think Bill was playing with Doug's tender knob.

Doug made a hard thrust and popped deep into Bill. Bill moaned in satisfaction. I later asked Bill if he was being nice or if it was that good. He told me it was always nice to feel a new cock up his ass. "I know I'm an old coot, but it's still a thrill," he added.

I was surprised when Doug took Bill's place in the sling. I guessed he liked the bottom, but I didn't realize it was more than a casual interest.

Doug was young, good looking, and had his legs spread wide exposing his hole. It looked small with a pretty little rosebud peaking out. I wondered what it would look like after several men had fucked him. An hour later, Doug was still there. He seemed to like to entertain on the back porch. He looked fresh as a daisy. While his asshole was a little puffy and there were a few dribbles of sperm, Doug was fine and willing to entertain more men.

There were several older men I didn't know and a few unattractive men who hung back. They got in line with the other men. They loved him. He was obviously willing to take them all and was consistently enthusiastic. Doug had found a way to make friends.

When Doug got out of the sling, a guy named Scotty got in. Scotty was a short muscular man with a poorly repaired cleft pallet. He was hairy from top to bottom. He was Bill Carson's helper. Bill was a job superintendent for a big contracting firm.

Scotty had been badly treated as a child and school had been a nightmare. He helped Bill, and Bill was his protector. Bill was a leader of men and no one crossed him a second time. He was a "vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord", but if the Lord was slow, Bill might spare the lord the aggravation of dealing with an asshole.

"Do you want to fuck me?" Scotty asked.

"I might later. Scotty, your cock is really pretty. I'd like to feel it in my ass. Would you do that?" I asked. It was fine with him, so we switched places.

"I won't shoot off in your ass unless you want it. Some guys are afraid of my cum," he said.

"Let's keep thing neat," I said. "Shoot off as deep in me as you can." I said. Scotty smiled.

I badly misjudged Scotty and his cock. I had guessed he would pound me has hard as possible to shoot of as fast as possible. He took his time, and since he was short, his cock gave my prostate ten-minute massage. His cock had been hidden in his thick bush. It was longer and thicker than I expected. It was designed for marathons, not sprints.

After he shot off, Bill came over to me. "Did Scotty give you one of his specials?"

"Is that what they are called?" I asked.

He nodded and said, "Some of his cum is dripping from your hole." He dropped to his knees, took a long look at my hole, and started licking it. He suddenly stood up and shoved his cock in my ass. Seconds later he was shooting off in my ass and he had bent over and kissed me as he climaxed. I tasted Scotty's cum.

The party began to wind down. I think everyone had shot off at least once or twice, and we were getting tired. I went home with Bill and we slept very well.

I had a meeting with Uncle Jerry, Kim with the New York investigators the next Monday. I was in a peculiar situation according to Kim. I had inherited my father's estate, most of which was embezzled or fraudulently acquired. I was also the first victim of my father since he had murdered my mother to get control of the money, she left to me in the will he altered.

Mr. Bishop arrived at a possible settlement which involved selling all the assets left by my father, distribution 10% to me, and 90% to the people he bilked and the back taxes he avoided. I figured 10% was better than nothing. That was okay with me. This settled all the lawsuits and cleared the complaints. If the suits went to court it might be years before anything was resolved.

I felt better about it when I was told my 10% was worth between twelve and fifteen million dollars. I could move out of the garage.

My life with Dad had been lonely and unrewarding. My life with Uncle Jerry and his friends was vastly better than my life with my father. While my father lived an extravagant lifestyle, I had never participated. I had no idea what he owned and hadn't even visited many of his properties.

A week later I signed the agreement Kim worked out with the New York investigators. Kim pointed out that I had been three years old when he killed my mother. There was no possibility that I had participated in the original scams or murder. In a trial, there would be considerable sympathy for me. Kim said that while there was a possibility, they might get more in a jury trial that might be years in the future. All the parties saw the logic in his approach.

When I signed the agreement, I received a check for a half million dollars to tide me over. Until then, I was all but destitute and living above a garage.

While settling the suit was news in the Wall Street Journal, it wasn't reported in the local papers were I now lived. That was nice. The rapid change in my situation was dizzying and I wasn't sure how to take it. My life as the son of a wealthy man had been barren and unrewarding. My life as a penniless guy living in his uncle's garage had been exciting and enjoyable. I didn't want to lose my new life.

Uncle Jerry, Kim and Bill were helpful. Bill suggested that I just let things remain unchanged for a while and then make decisions in my own time. Kim said that even though the agreements and been signed, it would take years to settle my father's massive estate. Part of his financial problems were due to his luxurious lifestyle. Selling the houses, furniture, art works and boats would take time. Cash would dribble in, not arrive as a tidal wave. Uncle Jerry said that given the choice between good sexual life with friends and wallowing in cash, he would opt for friends and sex.

Kim looked shocked and said, "As a lawyer I couldn't recommend that, but as a friend, I could. You've already lost everything once. You gained new friends and playmates."

When I left my father's house and drove to Uncle's house, I thought things couldn't get worse. When I encountered Bill naked in the bathroom and ended up sucking his cock, I hadn't known anything could be that good. Since then I had continuously met more men and had more intense sex. So far no one had disappointed me.

Somehow Jerry, Kim, Bill, and I spent much of the night naked and trying to find new ways to shoot off. It was a perfect night. I felt good about life the next day.

Several months later, I did find a house that suited my needs. It was known as the Woodrow Place and was an unusual Spanish Hacienda built in the 1920s. It sat back from the road on a wooded site. It was one story and built around a landscaped courtyard. The most recent owner planned to use is as an event venue but was better about spending money on renovations than completing them. He lost interest and the bank took possession. The place had been emptied for two years.

I got the property for a bargain. Since I worked for a contracting firm, I completed the unfinished work for fifty thousand. Jerry had recognized the work had been almost complete, but the trash and construction debris made it look worse than it was.

The place had servants' quarters in a detached building. Doug rented it, and when Scotty lost his apartment, he moved into the maid's quarters in the main house. Scotty got the room for free in exchange for mowing the lawn. The house was secluded, and it was nice to have people around.

I soon discovered this secluded location was an attractive feature. Dwight and the Padre were the first to notice. The Padre seemed to be at ease and comfortable in the new house, away from parishioners' prying eyes.

I discovered that Padre was a different man when he relaxed. When he fucked me before it was a rock-hard tube of flesh filling my ass. I wonder if he was afraid of the pleasure he felt. and worried he might be struck by lightning. This time it was his favorite organ exploring a friend's body seeking a place to leave a special gift that only he could give.

Later he asked if I wanted to fuck him. I told him that was the wrong question. The real question was, did he want me to enter his body for mutual pleasure. Fifteen minutes later my cock introduced the Padre to his prostate. I think he knew he had a prostate. I rubbed it with my knob and then pushed deeper. My shaft was thick enough to keep some pressure on the little gland and my cock head explored untouched area in his ass.

"Are you okay," I asked. "Is my cock touching new places and generating new feelings." He didn't answer.

"Do you want me to pull out?" I asked. "I can stop if you want me too."

"Don't stop," he whispered.

"You know I'm going to shoot off eventually. Would it bother you if I had an orgasm in your ass?" I asked.

"Could anyone tell you did that?" he asked.

"No, it would be our little secret." I said. "I'm getting close!" I shot off in him. Ten minutes he was in my ass again. He was a happy man.

He became a regular visitor to my new house. He told me he felt better about sex after I fucked him. He met Doug and they got along well, musically, and sexually. Doug would do anything you wanted sexually. He had Doug on his back while he fucked him, and I slipped into the Padre's ass. I don't think he had considered the possibility or experienced the intense pleasure he felt.

For the next hour, the three of us explored the possibilities. Doug and I were open minded with respect to sex, and the Padre discovered some things he hadn't even dreamed were possible. I guess we had been at it for about a half hour, when I noticed the Padre's sphincter was no longer fighting my cock. It was caressing my knob on its way to massage his prostate.

Doug was sucking his cock and giving me updates on what caused a reaction. Doug and I switched positions and I told the Padre that I wanted to milk him and completely drain his balls. It was slow and easy, but of course you can't trick mother nature and spurting sperm replaced the drooling precum. We were all tired and the Padre went home, relaxed, and happy.

Doug told me he thought the Padre experienced a nearer my God to me moment, but he didn't tell the Padre who would not have appreciated the thought. He went to his apartment just before Scotty returned from work. It had been a hot, steamy day and he took a shower and came to see me. It was Friday and he had the weekend off.

I asked Scotty if he had any plans for the weekend.

He answered, "Not really, I have two friends who would like to get together, but it's hard to find a place."

"Are these sex buddies?" I asked. He nodded. "Scotty, you live here, this is your home. I can stay out of the way if you want privacy."

"My friends aren't very imaginative. It might help if you could give us pointers," Scotty said. I didn't exactly say yes, or no. Scotty correctly interpreted this as a yes.

Ralph and Goober came over the next afternoon. Scotty brought them over to meet me. Ralph was a carpenter and Goober was his helper. Ralph was tall, solid, and bearded. Goober was short and stocky. Ralph was out-going and talkative. Goober was quiet, bearded, and shy. They both dressed like construction workers, but I noticed their clothes had been washed. They liked my house a lot. They worked mostly developer houses, and my house was a world away from the developer houses they worked on.

The walled garden to the rear had an ornamental pool, that I had reworked as hot tub. That impressed them. I asked if they felt like a dip. Ralph mentioned swimming trunks, and I mentioned that we were all men, and it was completely private.

Scotty and I began to strip. and they did too. Ralph had blond hair well mixed with grey and a hairy chest. Goober had black hair and it covered him from his head to his toes.

"This reminds me of being young and skinny dipping in a pond," Ralph said.

"I never did that. I took my clothes off for a shower, and that was it," I said. "I didn't play much. My life was formal and businesslike. I sure like being naked now."

"Are you still businesslike?" Ralph asked.

"At work, I work. At home, I like to play," I said. "I have lately realized that all men have their favorite toy hanging between their legs. Did Scotty mention that we sometimes play together?"

"Scotty mentioned you like to play," Ralph said. "He said you like to keep things neat. No one has ever tasted my cum."

"Some hate the mess. I'm believe that if you get stuck with a lemon, make lemonade. Scotty spurts the food of the gods. I like the taste."

"Do you think you would like mine?" Goober asked.

"I have a little confession to make. So far, I seem to like everyone's cum," I replied.

"Do you want to play around a little?" Ralph asked. He was sitting next to me, so I sucked his cock as a way to say yes. Scotty sucked Goober. Sucking a guy's cock is a good way to get shy men into the mood. It worked perfectly with Ralph and Goober. After a few minutes, I traded playmates and sucked Goober as Scotty sucked Ralph. We played around for about fifteen minutes and took a break.

"I told the boys that I did some different thing with you," Scotty said. "They have never fucked or taken cum."

"Are you guys interested?" I asked. Goober nodded and Ralph said yes.

"I kind of would like it. Scotty says it's really good," Ralph said, "but I'm not sure I could take a cock in my ass. Does that bother you?"

"Are you excited think about fucking a guy?" I asked. "Scotty likes you, and that is good enough for me."

Ralph was on a bench and I told him to lie back and I would sit on his cock. Scotty lubricated it. I straddled him and sat on it. Lubricants make cocks look bigger, and Ralph's cock was impressive. It was an easy penetration.

"Wow!" he moaned.

"It's nice and filing," I said. It was big but not too big. A month or two earlier a cock in my ass was exciting and a bit scary. It wasn't scary anymore.

"Is your ass too full?" he asked.

"There is still room enough for any cum stored in your balls," I said.

"Can Goober, do you?" Ralph asked. Of course, I said yes. I got off Ralph and sat on Goober's tool. His thick cock stretched me wider and a sensed he was cocked and loaded. At any second, he could shoot off. I undulated my hips.

"I'm going to shoot off," he cried.

"A man has to do what a man has to do!" I said. I could feel him ejaculating. As soon as I got off of him, Ralph was back in my ass. His buddy's fresh sperm was enough to pull his trigger. It was lovely.

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