Starting Over

Published on Sep 4, 2020


Starting Over 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I think I should have been shocked or surprised by the three, sexually engaged men. Lonnie was undulating his hips to caress Uncle Jerry's cock. Bill was obviously happy as Lonnie sucked him. It was a beautiful image of three happy men. I felt an urge to join in but wasn't sure I was welcome.

I didn't exactly play hard to get. "I'd love to have something hard up my ass," I said.

"I would love to help you out, but I'm close and I don't know if you want the family home brew in your behind," Uncle Jerry said.

"Shit Jerry, we've traded cum so many times, I have had diluted your cum," Bill said.

Lonnie got up and I replaced him on Jerry's cock. I though it might be strange having my Uncle's cock up my ass, but it seemed like it belonged in me. I wondered if it was as good as it seemed, or if it was my fantasy to have a family. He was my uncle, but we never met. I got a Christmas present from him for years. As a kid I like the presents, but I didn't know who he was or what exactly an uncle was.

He was helping me after my father's disastrous financial collapse. He was both extremely helpful and a bit aloof. I wasn't looking for a replacement father, but a dependable friend was good. I was squirming on his cock and he shot off. His sperm tickled my ass. I loved that and wanted every drop of his man seed in me. I had taken Bill and Lonnie's cum too. Their cum didn't have the emotional impact of Jerry's load. our little party broke apart and we went to bed.

The next day we were alone, and he asked if it had been okay. I told him it was better than okay. He told me it seemed different to him. He was a bit uneasy, but it was good. I told him maybe we should do it until the uneasy feeling vanished. He laughed.

A week later I received a letter from Thomas O'Brien, the man who caused me to be interviewed. He apologized for his mistake. When he discovered my cash was not an inheritance from my mother to my father, but money held in trust for his toddler son, this pushed the date of his illegal activity back fifteen years.

Out of curiosity, he looked up my mother's death and her will. These records survived, and after examining them, he suspected there were some irregularities. He asked if I had any documents.

I showed the letter to Uncle Jerry and it was as if he had an electric shock. He took the letter and called his Lawyer, Kimbell Montague III. An hour later we were at the lawyer's office. Kimbell was in his early forties, but the firm was founded in 1914 by his great-grandfather. The firm had handled all of the family business including my mother's will and the will of the great aunt's bequest to my mother.

It was clear to me that Jerry and Kim knew each other very well. It took about three minutes to know that Kim was a smart lawyer. When he said the word "irregularities" it was just short of accusing a guy of murder in legal speak. It was up there with, "I'm a bit worried about some of the details," as a warning of trouble ahead. There was something wrong and it was big. Kim said he would make some calls and explore the situation. Uncle Jerry asked if I was in trouble.

"Almost certainly not," Kim replied. "If Johnson thought had a problem you wouldn't know about it for months."

"You mean until someone serves you an indictment?" Jerry asked.

"That is what I meant. I will know more after I speak with Mr. O'Brien," Kim explained. "I can come by to discuss this at your house if that is more convenient. By the way, can Johnson give me $20.00. It would activate lawyer-client privilege." I gave him a twenty, his secretary, Mrs. Rather, gave me a receipt. Kim and Jerry talked in the office when I was with the secretary. Mrs. Rather explained the meaning of a retainer in great detail.

On the way home I asked Jerry if Kim was as smart as he seemed to be. He told me that Kim was first in his class in every school he attended. "He is an absolute straight arrow in every way. He is also an honorary member of our little fraternity. I think you would like him," he said. "He would like to welcome you. He likes to top, by the way. You would make him a happy man."

"Is there an official welcoming ceremony?" I asked.

Jerry laughed. "No, but there are several ways to make you feel welcome," he said.

Two days later he called me and asked if I would give him permission to send some documents to O'Brien. They were mostly related to my mother's and her Aunt's wills and financial statements. "O'Brien needs these to compare to the documents in his possession," he explained. He dropped his voice and added, "Jerry told me he mentioned that we might share some common interest. That has nothing to do with our professional relationship. I hope you understand that."

"That not a problem," I said. "We can see what works out."

I later found out that Thomas O'Brien and Kimbell Montague III got along well. They had inquiring and suspicious minds. There were both conventional men who noticed any irregularity or deviation from normal procedure. They exchanged copies of the will and noticed when the word "must" was altered to "may." Kim noticed the change of a comma to a period, and how that changed the document. Actually, Mrs. Rather made the discoveries. She was the perfect proofreader and regarded improper punctuation as something akin to Nazi War Crime. She was obsessive. Many cases were won due to her obsessions.

Kim came to us to explain the situation. We had a few beers. Kim told us the will produced when my mother died had been altered from leaving the estate to her issue, me, her only son, to her spouse. It was my money, but he had the lifetime use of the inheritance, both the income and the principal. The will my father used was a forgery.

Thomas had found a $20,000.00 check from my father to the doctor who filled in the death certificate saying that my mother committed suicide. There was $5,000.00 check to the police officer who handled the case. That had been thirty years earlier and was big bucks then. My mother was buried in New York and Thomas wanted to exhume the body

Uncle Jerry was shocked but felt vindicated. He hadn't believed my mother killed herself. He had never liked my father and he had no problem believing the worst of him. It was hard to explain the payments as anything but a bribe. I didn't know my father well enough to understand him. I spent my time with maids and nannies.

There was another odd aspect of the will. It seemed the estate had never been closed. There was never a final, full accounting. Thomas thought there had been irregularities before my mother's death. My father was shifting and trading assets all the time. A final accounting of the estate might have exposed irregularities.

I am no fool, and I suspected that 30-year-old crimes were probably well beyond the statute of limitations. I had lived modestly, and a windfall would not make my life that different.. My life with Uncle Jerry, Bill and Lonnie was vastly more pleasurable than anything I had experienced before.

Uncle Jerry went of to take a phone call, so Kim and I were alone. "I mentioned that Jerry and I have similar recreational interests," he said. "Does that offend you?"

"Well, Uncle Jerry and I seem to share the same interests. I'm new to the scene, but I've enjoyed it so far," I said.

"I tend to fall into the friends with benefits category of gay men," he said. "It sounds superficial, but I can be happy with the benefits without the relationships. I was a teenager when I discovered cocks. I didn't really care who provided the cock. It's superficial, but I have friends who come back to see me."

"I've never been in love, but I sure have discovered lust," I said.

Uncle Jerry returned with Manuel. "If the business part of the evening is over, is anyone interested is some play time?" Jerry asked. "Manuel is off to the shower. He wants to know if anyone would like to join him?" We all joined him and went to Jerry's oversized shower in the master bedroom. I am always nervous about meeting new men until we are naked. Luckily, seeing an excited cock seems to banish the unease.

I realized this as my mouth enveloped Kim's cock. I licked the tender edge of his cock head. He moaned a little. When I explored the tip of his cock, I worked my tongue into his slit and tasted precum. It was just inside and had not begun to drip yet.

As I kid, I thought the cock was for pissing. I now thought of it as a sexual lollypop. In some ways I understood that Kim was unemotional and reserved. The was a shy man at heart. His cock was emotional and an extrovert. He was calm while his cock drooled sex juices like a leaky faucet. I understood his sex first, friendship later approach. His reserve might put you off, but his cock was welcoming.

Ten minutes later I was on my back with my legs on Kim's shoulders as his cock entered my ass. Kim didn't exactly fuck me, he explored me. He had an average length cock, with large head. When his cockhead rubbed my prostate the first time I my cock twitched, and he noticed that. He went deep but returned to my prostate many times. Eventually he pulled out and Jerry filed the void in my ass.

Kim had been good, but my ass liked Uncle Jerry's cock more.

Kim went over Manuel and slipped into his ass. Manuel had a rough life before Jerry rescued him. Rough sex had been a mixture of pain and pleasure. It was the only pleasure he enjoyed. Uncle Jerry and Bill introduced him to pleasure, without the pain. Oddly, Manuel liked gang-bangs. These had been rough, crude events with multiple men fucking them. Some of the men fucking him wanted him. He was young and good looking. Manuel told me the Grandpa types were nice. Some would even let him fuck them after the other men left. Playing with Jerry and Kim was good for Manuel.

Jerry shot off in me and Kim filled Manuel's hole. We were all happy. Kim left and we went to bed. It had been a good day.

That night Bill came in my room and said he couldn't sleep. "I was going to jerk off, but I wondered if your ass might like some company?" he asked. He got in bed and slid his cock deep into me. It felt wonderful. Somehow, I fell asleep. When I woke the next morning, he was still hard.

"Have you been in me all night?" I asked.

"I took a few rest periods," Bill said. "I was really nice. I came twice. Is that too much?"

"Apparently, it was fine," I said. "I slept like a log; a well fucked log."

The next week was filled with problems at work. The company I worked for had bought out another company several months earlier. The accounting systems were similar, but the number of the categories were mostly same, but a few were different. Our number for accounts receivable was their number for expenses. This screwed up our profit and thus our taxable income. Apparently, the company we bought had fired their accounting staff and replaced them with temp workers.

I am a good computer guy, but I always look at the numbers produced by the computer to make sure they are reasonable. I caught the error. I figured out what had happened and had to rework six months of accounts. Two of the temps were good and we got it all correct before we had to make a major filing. It was an error not a scam, but it would have been a major embarrassment.

I had worked 18 hours a day for two weeks, so I didn't follow the investigation into my mother's death and my father's financial dealings.

Uncle Jerry had a number of close friends. These included a captain in the State Police, a Judge, and the County Coroner. When Kim got a letter from O'Brien, Jerry would call in his friends to help him understand information. While I worked on the accounting problem, my mother's body had been exhumed. She died of arsenic poisoning and something else. O'Brien's people thought asphyxiation was possible, but since the death occurs 30 years earlier, that was hard to prove.

She had been poisoned slowly over six months or so, and thus arsenic traces remained in her body. My father wanted to cremate her, but Uncle Jerry had objected strenuously and threatened a lawsuit. O'Brien also had found a safety deposit box number. It was in a bank that no longer existed, but when it merged the boxes were shipped to a warehouse in Bayonne. That warehouse remained and they found the box.

O'Brien was stunned when he recovered and opened the box. Remarkably, it had the original documents which had been replaced by the forged items. It also included some of my mother's jewelry. These were the originals which had been replaced by fakes, to reduce the inheritance tax.

The situation was complicated. My father's fortune was gained by fraud. The money that supported the fraud was mine, essentially stolen for me. This happened years earlier, but my father never closed my mother's estate, so it was unclear if the statute of limitations applied.

Judge Wilson thought it did. Dwight, the State Trooper, said that murder was not covered by the statue of limitations, and asked if the entire scheme was based on my murdered mother's fortune, That was unclear. The conversations went well into the night. The judge went home, but trooper Dwight stayed. Uncle Jerry went off with Kim.

"I think we have explored all the possibilities regarding the estate," I said.

"Jerry and I go back a long way. He's always been smart, and he is a good judge of character. Bill told me you get along with Jerry and all of his friends," Dwight said. "Bill told me you are the friendly type."

"To be truthful, it's more than just friendly," I said. "I've been to some places that I didn't know existed a year ago."

"Were you surprised or shocked? Do you feel used?" Dwight asked.

"I think I felt one percent used, and ninety-nine percent liberated," I said. "I didn't know anything could be that good. Do you have the same feelings?"

"For years I used to pretend it was just guys letting off steam. I can admit it to myself that it's more that than now," Dwight said. "Now that I'm older I worry about being a dirty old man lusting after younger guys. 40-year-olds look young to me now."

"I'm not sure I can tell how old a man is when he's in my ass," I said. "I used to think a cock was a cock. Right now, I'm amazed at the variety of sensations cock can inspire." We went to the garage and up to my bedroom. We stripped and got on the bed.

"It would be nice if I could take some of your ball juices tonight. You don't need to take mine. I'm okay with that if you don't like it," he said. We stripped. Dwight was already hard, so I leaned over and sucked him. He had a thick uncut cock that seemed to be sensitive. He loved everything my tongue did to his cock. I sucked him for maybe five minutes, and he shot off. I kept on sucking and he kept on shooting. His cum was creamy and a bit sweet.

I kept on sucking after the orgasm ended and coaxed more juices from his cock. he told me he as wiped out. He wanted to do me, but he was too tired. He got up and left.

I was pleased to take this macho cop's cum. He was a big, impressive man and I loved milking him. He was more than just naked. I had shared creamy expression of his innermost emotions and drives. I thought he liked it too. I had once thought that getting naked in a shower was too much. This was a big step forward.

Uncle Jerry and Kim went to New York to talk with O'Brien. I wanted to go along with them, but they needed me out of the way. They wanted to talk but since I wasn't with them, they would have to return home to fill me in. That gave them time to do some investigations on their own. There was no chance for an unwise, snap decision. They left on Monday afternoon.

Uncle Jeff arranged for me to have dinner with Dwight. When Dwight picked me up, he said he was having a couple of friends over for dinner. He said I would like his pals allot. I said yes. I had some suspicions about what his friends liked. That seemed to turn me on.

Dinner was a cookout at Dwight's hunting cabin. As we drove up the dirt road to the cabin he said, "I should have mentioned that my friends are conservative and ordinary guys, but they are open minded," he explained. "They don't get out much."

"That's not a problem. Until I came to live with Uncle Jerry, I never got out at all," I said. "Meeting new people is kind of exciting. I used to be shy. I don't want to sound trashy, but I have discovered that I like men, especially naked men."

"I discovered the same thing, but I had a hard time admitting it," Dwight said. "It doesn't help that I'm a State Trooper. Guys don't think you are a human being."

"I got up-close-and-personal to you when you were ejaculating," I said.

"I should have warned you," he said.

"It was beautiful. I could sense you loosing the battle and letting go. I felt like you let me into your most personal, hidden recesses of your mind," I replied. "Swallowing a man's load as he shoots off makes a friend quickly."

There were three man waiting for us. I knew Ari, the chef at a Greek restaurant. Dwight introduced one man as Deputy Dog and the other as the Padre. Ari was a hairy, bear like man, Deputy Dog looked like something the cat dragged in, and Padre was a distinguished man of about sixty. They all seemed cordial.

I have to apologize to you guys," Ari said. "I forgot to take the main course out early enough to defrost. It will be an hour before dinner will be ready. I don't have any real appetizers except for chips."

"I don't want to shock our guest, but I have something that is appetizing," Deputy Dog said as he grabbed his crotch.

"Is it tasty?" I asked.

Deputy Dog laughed. "I'm not sure if it is that tasty but guys seem to like the way I serve it!" five minutes later we were all naked and getting intimately acquainted. Dog was scrawny and unimpressive; his cock was a wonder. That wasn't much of an asset in day to day life, but with a group of gay men, it as an asset.

Uncle Jerry had mentioned if I was going to Dwight's lubricant might be good. I was on my hands and knees sucking Dog when Padre noticed a glint of lubricant in my ass. the Padre slipped his cock into my hole. It slipped past my sphincter effortlessly and went deeper and deeper into my ass. He must have been at least eight inches.

"It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission," the Padre said before he asked, "Are you okay?"

"I think it's more than just okay," Dog replied. I guess having two guys I had never met before having sex with me should have been a problem. I tried to deep throat Dog as the Padre pushed every inch of his cock in me. It was good.

Next: Chapter 3

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