Starting College

By TheGuy12423

Published on Jul 28, 2011



This is a story of erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years. It is a fictional work, and all characters are of legal age.

Starting College

After driving across four states, I finally pulled up to campus and the dorms. Pulling in to the parking lot, I saw my new home; a four-story brick building. After parking, I got out of the car and walked in. The furniture in the lobby looked like it was from the 70's. An office with a desk was to the right. A guy was sitting there. Even though he was sitting, I could tell he was tall. His name was Ryal, and he was my new RA. Since I had to drive more than 1000 miles, I made sure to show up early, just in case there were travel problems or anything. Ryal showed me to my room. On the way up to the stairs, I watched his body: 6' 3", lean and muscular, brown short hair and blue eyes. He looked good in his shorts and thin, worn out white t-shirt. He told me to find him if I needed anything

After moving in, I was pretty sweaty and decided to take a shower. Growing up, I always had my own bathroom, so I was a bit freaked out about having to share a bathroom with other people. I hadn't checked out the bathroom facilities yet, so I went with my clothes on to see the layout. Walking through the swinging door, I ended up in a room with two sinks, a urinal trough and two stalls. There was another room connected, which turned out to be the showers. I had never seen showers like this before.

A room with a few hooks on the wall above a bench. In the center of the room was a pole with six nozzles. My cock stirred at the sight of this. I knew I was gay, but having just turned 18, I had never done anything with anyone. I decided that I could take a fast shower so that nobody sees me.

Five minutes later, I was in the shower. I'm 5'10", dirty blonde hair, green eyes, about 150lbs, and very toned. My dick is about 5" when soft, and 7.5" when i'm hard. Being from California, I have the whole beach tan thing going on. After the shower, I headed back to my room with just my towel on, since I forgot to bring clothes to change in to. I opened the door and met Tyler, my new roommate.

After an awkward introduction, Tyler went to his car to unload it, and I hastily got dressed. We then went for a late dinner, where we talked about our home lives and stuff like that. I'm a city kid, and he's from farmland, so we were very different. After dinner, we were both tired and decided to go to bed. I took the bottom bunk, so he was sleeping right above me. I thought he was pretty cute, at 5'9", dark brown hair and brown eyes and skinny as fuck. His body was the last thing I was thinking about before drifting off.

I awoke suddenly, and quickly realized I wasn't in my bedroom at home. I was spending my first night in the dorms, and I had to pee. I very quietly got up and went to the bathroom just in my boxers, figuring that nobody would be there. There was a guy in the bathroom at the trough. He was a little drunk, but seemed to be managing ok. I found it awkward pulling my dick out at the trough, since I had never really used one before, and since my dick would be visible to another person. Quickly glancing over, the drunk guy was just finishing up, but I was still getting a good look at his thick meat. Once he left, I relieved myself and went back to bed silently.

I couldn't get to sleep, so i was just lying in bed, and all of a sudden, I heard Tyler move. I knew I hadn't awoken him when I went to the bathroom, since he hadn't moved or made a sound in the twenty minutes that had passed since I came back. I heard his bedspread move, and then I heard him moan. That moan was the one that every man knows, it says "I've got a boner, and I like it". And then I heard the sounds of skin on skin. There was a hot guy four feet above me beating his meat for over a half hour.

And I felt the entire bunk bed move a little, and he stopped jerking off. I smelled cum. I instantly shot my load in my boxers. I realized that he might have heard me, but he was breathing so hard that he couldn't have noticed. Our entire room smelled of hot teen cum, and I loved it.

That was last night.

Sunlight hit my face, waking me up. I could hear Tyler stirring too. He jumped out of bed, and his cell phone went flying. "Fuck", he whispered. He picked up the phone, and stood at his bed trying to put it back together. While he was standing there, his crotch was right near my face. I could see the dried cum on his boxers, and then all of a sudden, his hand with his long fingers shot down to scratch his balls. My morning boner jumped

"Morning, David", said Tyler. "It sounded like you really enjoyed listening to me get off last night. Are you a faggot?"

I stuttered, completely shocked.

"You are, aren't you?"

I just stayed silent, and about ten seconds later, he pulled out his hardening cock and put it to my lips. with his left hand, he rubbed his balls and then rubbed his hand under my nose.

"Smells good, doesn't it?

I just sat there, shocked. He then pulled my covers off, exposing the tent in my boxers.


By this time, his pre-cum was flowing and moistening my lips making his cock head slide around on my lips

"Well, what are you waiting for, cocksucker?" "Get to work"

I didn't know what to say or do, and I was totally freaking out. All of a sudden he slapped me across the face.

"When men give you the privilege of sucking cock, never decline it. Your cunt face was made to take man-cock."

Tyler then proceeded to fuck my face.I had never sucked a dick before, but I really liked it.

"David, you're going to be my official cocksucker now. Anytime I want to drop a load, you're my cum dumpster."

He shoved his cock past my lips and started moaning. "Your mouth feels great on my cock, dude. " I started to feel my cock through my boxers, and Tyler stopped me. "You don't get to pleasure yourself while I'm using you." "Just suck this cock, faggot." Tyler started to shove all eight inches of his thick veiny cock in my mouth, and I loved it. His moaning suddenly got louder, and was accompanied with grunting. "I'm going to blast down your throat, and you'd better swallow", he yelled.

And then he came. He came hard. First he gripped the back of my head, and shoved his thick pole all the way in. My mouth filled up with his swimmers, and I had to swallow. As soon as he was done, he pulled out and rubbed his cock all over my face. "Thanks, bitch." he muttered just before grabbing his shower kit and heading to the bathroom. As he was leaving, he told me that i wasn't allowed to cum without his permission.

I got up, and did everything I could to get rid of my boner, since I couldn't get off. After getting dressed, I went out and explored the town. It was a nice college town with a lot of people, but it wasn't overcrowded. In the afternoon, I got back and Tyler was waiting for me

"Strip. Now", he yelled. As soon as I was naked, he pulled out this plastic thing that looked like a jockstrap. He smiled at me, "Do you know what this is?". "No" I replied quietly. He told me that it was a chastity device, and that I'd be wearing it at all times. "This will make sure that you don't whore around when you're not here in the dorm, and also now I control when and how you cum." He put it on me, and made sure that I could take a piss, but couldn't get hard and get off.

The next week went by quickly, with me sucking off Tyler a couple times a day. By the end of the week, I was begging to cum. My roommate wouldn't let me cum at all, and it had been a week. I had been living here in this dorm for eight days, and now other students started moving in.

There was a knock at the door. Ryal, the RA was at the door with our new neighbor, Colter. As soon as I saw him, my cock jumped in my shorts and chastity device. At 6'3", this guy had the most amazing eyes ever, steel blue eyes with beach blonde hair. Judging by the tight t-shirt he was wearing, he had a nice 8-pack too. We helped Colter move in, and the three of us, Tyler, Colter and myself all went to dinner at the food service. Colter seemed to be a nice guy, and wanted to hang out with us after dinner. We headed back to the dorm, and I had to piss. I went to the bathroom, and Colter followed. Since I was wearing the chastity device, and I didn't want anybody to see it, I headed to a stall. "Are you scared of the trough, David?" "No," I replied hastily. Colter shot me this look, and started making fun of me, saying that I had to sit down to piss. I ended up having to use the trough. "What the fuck is that?", he yelled. "Shhh," I whispered. I ended up explaining the whole thing to Colter, who just nodded. Afterwards, he dragged me out to the courtyard behind the dorm, claiming he wanted to talk. I thought he was going to hurt me for being gay, but I was wrong.

"David, you really don't have to put up with Tyler's bullshit. If my roommate did that to me, I'd kill him." Colter was gay too!. I was so excited. Right after he came out, we kissed. Colter promised not to tell anyone anything until I was ready to come out here at school. We went back inside, and Tyler was in the hallway, giving me a dirty look and asking me where I went. "I just wanted to have a quick word with David." exclaimed Colter. Tyler didn't bring his keys, so he was waiting outside the door for me to come and let him in.

As soon as we got inside, Tyler shut Colter out, and told me to get naked. He didn't like how i was warming up to the neighbor. He thought that I was disobeying him just because I thought our neighbor was hot. I sucked Tyler's cock again while he fingered my ass. Since the walls in the dorms are so thin, Colter could hear what was going on, and come knocking at the door. Tyler opened the door a crack, and Colter pushed his way in. I loved how his muscles flexed while he was getting through the door. It was very sexy.

"What the hell are you doing?!", Colter yelled at Tyler, who was standing there naked with a boner. "Just look what you're doing to your roommate" Colter pointed to me. By now, my chastity device was straining against my boner, and it had been so long since I'd cum that I was just begging for cock. Tyler tried to explain to Colter that I'm a dirty faggot and needed to be punished for being so disgusting.

Colter got pissed off, and charged at Tyler. They both started yelling and screaming, and Colter punched Tyler square in the face, knocking him out for a second or two. Colter then picked me up and kissed me deeply. Tyler then freaked out about us kissing and told us that we were both faggots.

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