Starting Again

By Lennoxbear

Published on Jan 19, 2006


Starting Again Chapter 4 by

Sam watched Joe's perfect butt as he headed to the communal shower. He bit his lower lip, took a deep breath and closed the locker. His cock twitched from the weight of the PA and the heat of the comment. It was going to take all his will power to not throw wood in the shower.

Joe had taken a shower across from another man in the room and was already sending up a cloud of steam. Sam took the space next to him, turned on the nozzle and adjusted the temperature. Joe was working up an amazing amount of lather in his buzzed hair and Sam smiled. Youth, so silly and yet so hot. The other, somewhat not so muscular man seemed to be intimidated by the two beefy men. Oh well.

"So, you think you're going to join here? It's not a real, real diehard, hardcore musclehead gym, but it's not bad."

"Yeah, I'm thinking about it. Gives me an option besides the gym at the university. I wouldn't have to drive all the way back to Oakland on a weekend or at night if I wanted to workout."

"Well. I hope we can catch a workout together once in a while; I could use the motivation and inspiration. I'd really like to be as big as you are."

"You're well on your way. Thinking of competing?"

"Damn, that would be so cool, but I have too many things on my plate right now. School, work, you know. If I make a commitment to something, or someone, I want it to be for real and focused. Does that make sense?"

"Sure. I understand completely." Joe smiled back at Sam just before jumping under the hot water to rinse off. Water bounced from the tight thick pecs and obviously aroused nipples. The dick was pointing up and out a bit more too. Sam was rinsing when Joe turned off the water and headed to the shower entry to dry himself.

"Man, I feel so stoked after a good workout, thanks Sam." He slid around the man and let his dick slid over Sam's ass. Sam closed his eyes and felt a sexual charge move through his body. No hiding it now. He joined Joe outside the showers and toweled down. His cock was flopping around half erect. If Joe were trying to tell Sam something, this should be a sign.

"So you're heading out on a date tonight?"

"Well sort of. A friend set me up with someone, so it's a group night out. Safety in numbers."

"You don't sound excited."

"Well, my friends mean well but I don't think they understand my type. No big deal." Joe wrapped the towel around his waist and headed back to his locker. A few minutes later the two were saying goodbye in the parking lot. Sam gave him his card and told him to give him a call if he wanted to work out together again. He explained about his house closing and thought he might be a bit busy the next weekend. Joe asked where the house was and wished him luck.

By the time he got back to his apartment, he had several phone messages to return. He was exhilarated from the workout, depressed about being alone and feeling overwhelmed by all he had to do in the next week. The moving and storage company wanted to know if he wanted his stuff delivered next Saturday, his realtor reminded him of two more things he needed to do, Matt apologized for not being available, and his brother wanted him to drag his old ass out to dinner.

"What do you mean, my old ass?"

Dave laughed at the other end of the phone. "Well, you're the one who said your tired old ass was dragging. I'm just agreeing. You want to do dinner down on Ellsworth, or are you and Matt maybe, you know."

"No. All by myself, feeling depressed so I could use some cheering up even if it is your ugly face. See ya 7."

He walked the few blocks to a neighbourhood restaurant and at 7 PM, found his brother already chatting up a couple of people at the bar. They took over a corner table and two hours and several beers later Sam was feeling much better. Dinner had helped balance the alcohol a bit but he was glad he was walking. "You should maybe come over to my apartment and hang out before trying to drive home."

"Dude, you out drank me like four to one. I only had two beers. Hey, Sammy, I know you have a lot going on and you can't get time off from work but the folks and I will help. And I know you miss your friends but that will happen too for you in time." Sam nodded in agreement. He stood up and stretched.

"Man, this week better go fast. I have way too much to do and gee, I'm feeling tired."

"Um, it might be the herd of Rolling Rock you sucked down. Let's go."

The two brothers headed in the general direction of Dave's car. As they turned a corner, Sam came face to face with Joe and a group of men and women.

"Hey Sam, fancy meeting you here."

"Joe, this is Dave my brother. You heading someplace special?"

"Yeah, the dance club down the street. Good seeing you, thanks again for the workout. I'll call you about another workout in a day or so, later."

Sam walked Dave to his car. "Guess that answers that question."

"Which was?"

"Whether or not Joe was straight or gay? Very attractive young woman. Oh well, now I'm horny again."

"Ok, well bro, you're on your own with that. Call if you need me to do anything. But not that." Sam watched the taillights turn the corner as he walked back to his apartment.

He spent Sunday in the nude just lounging in the apartment reading papers and making shopping lists of things he would need for the new house. Matt called twice during the week just to touch base and keep in touch. His calls and the workouts at the school and the Muscle Bank only made Sam feel lonelier. Thad's calls made it worse. Shopping for appliances didn't do much to fill the void.

The closing on Friday afternoon went quickly and smoothly. A bazillion signatures, later he was a home owner in a Pittsburgh suburb. His friends in SF would laugh for sure. He took his parents and brother to see the house Friday evening. His mother offered to help clean but Sam had already made arrangements for a cleaning service to be there the next day. He told her he would let her unpack the kitchen stuff and organize which seemed to make her feel better. The movers were also delivering all his crap from storage the next day. His father and brother laughed. Movers and house cleaners didn't seem like a good combination. No matter. The movers were coming at 9 AM, the cleaners at noon. He was bringing the few things from the apartment himself. He was bound and determined to spend Saturday night in his new house.

He wanted to be as settled as possible by Thanksgiving. He just needed that.

Early Saturday morning, he loaded his truck. The cover over the bed was more than paying for itself now. He was making his third trip unloading the truck when the movers arrived with his stuff. Thanks to Thad being the anal-retentive poster child every box was labeled for the appropriate room. What little furniture he moved was left in the middle of the rooms. And stacks of miscellaneous crap were moved into the storage, hopefully soon to be dungeon again, rooms downstairs. His brother and mother arrived at 11 AM with groceries and a case of beer. She insisted on having done some shopping for him. The house cleaners came at noon and mom swung all of them into action.

The doorbell rang in the midst of the mayhem. Steve stuck his head in the door. "Is it safe to come in?"

"If you stay out of the way of my mother it is." Steve was in regular clothes for once and tossed his jacket over the railing to upstairs. "I give that three minutes and then you will find it in the front closet. Thanks for stopping."

"No problem. Wow, you don't waste time? Movers, house cleaners, mother. I'm impressed."

"My brother's here too in this craziness. I think arranging things in the kitchen with my mother. I'll owe him big time for that. Hey, I'd love you to give me some prices on closet organizers, and a whole bunch of stuff in the laundry area and well, the one storage room, and a whole wall of stuff in the garage."

"Ok, where do you want to start?"

"Um, laundry and then we can check the garage. I don't think my mom is in there so it will be safe." Steve turned and automatically headed to what had been a poorly organized laundry room. "Hmm, I keep forgetting you know this house. How well?"

"Well, enough that you probably shouldn't tell my wife? You restoring the dungeon too?" Sam nodded. "All righty then. I can tell you how they had the dungeon organized. I did the work. And before you ask, I play both sides of the fence." Sam kept quiet. "You don't seem surprised."

Sam sighed. "You know, so many whacko things have happened since I moved back here, you'd think I was still in California. So this is what I want in the laundry to change the subject." Steve took numerous measurements and notes then followed Sam to the garage. He stopped in the doorway and blinked. Sitting on one side of the garage was a decked out Fat Boy.

"Sam, Sam, Sam. That's beautiful."

"Yeah, I never owned a car, just the bike and I wasn't about to leave it. It got shipped here and made the trip with no damage."

"Sam I gotta tell you, I don't bottom but you could bend me over this beast and fuck my ass till Tuesday. Will you take me for a ride sometime? I promise not to grope you."

"Well then no ride." Steve's face went blank. "I'm kidding. But before I get a hardon, let me tell you what I want to do." Steve shook his head and made signals that he would focus. They managed to spec out the rest of the work Sam wanted Steve to do without crossing paths with his mother who could be heard channeling a drill sergeant. They stood in the master bedroom that was now home to a large king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

"Sam, I will get costs to you by Tuesday, but I am not sure if I can start this until next weekend. I can get things done if you wouldn't mind my working some evenings. Is that OK?"

"Oh man, that sounds great. I'll walk you to the door to get you past my mother. Actually, I have painters starting Monday, some connection through my realtor, so the house will be a bit of a mess for another week. Or longer. You don't have to rush."

Dave caught up with them in the front hall. "Hey Sam, we have to go. Our mother has your kitchen organized. You can move whatever you need. We left my boys with grandpa, so we need to get back before they cause him to have another heart attack. The cleaning people left. The bill is on the kitchen counter. Come on Mom. Hi, I'm Dave, Sam's brother, you're Steve?" Steve nodded as Dave hustled their mother out the door.

The house was quiet. Steve leaned against the newel post and laughed. "Are you like trying to go for the world record in moving in, painting, cleaning and having a house in place? Is this one of those camera shows on that home network?"

"I come from a family of overachievers."

"No shit. Hey, I gotta run. I'll have costs to you and some material samples. Welcome to the neighbourhood."

"Great. Thanks, thanks a lot Steve." Steve opened the entry closet and found his coat neatly hanging on matching hangers. "That's my mother. I think I'm going to like it here."

Steve leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "I hope so. Later." Sam closed the front door and stood in his quiet empty house. He walked from room to room surveying what had been accomplished. The painters could easily work around everything. The kitchen looked as if he had spent days organizing. His brother had set up the den so he could watch his big screen TV and relax. A note was taped to the top of the frame.

"Beer's in the fridge." He twisted off a cap and settled in to program his TV to Pittsburgh. He woke up in his overstuffed leather chair at 5:30. A shower would hit the spot and maybe ordering a pizza to be delivered. There was a welcome to the neighbourhood folder in the kitchen with lists of local businesses including pizza. How convenient. His mother had managed to get the towels into the bathroom. His brother left the boxes with his other supplies including those his mother didn't need to see in a corner. The master bathroom had been remodeled and was one of the biggest selling points of the house. The shower had multiple jets and relaxed him almost to the point of not needing sex. Almost.

The pizza deliveryman stared at Sam's broad shoulders and chest in a tight t-shirt when Sam paid him. He made a mental note to ask Steve about the delivery service. The pizza did the trick as he stretched in his chair and aimlessly watched TV. He was putting leftover pizza in the fridge when the doorbell rang.

"Be right there." He thought to himself it was probably his brother come back to visit. He swung the door open. "Hey Dave forget something? Joe?"

Joe stood smiling with a big bottle of wine. "Brought you a housewarming gift, that OK? "Or do you have company?"

"No, no. Come on in. Just me. Let me take your coat."

"Wow, this is beautiful. You got all this done today?" Sam nodded and smiled. "I thought I'd find you in the middle of boxes and chaos. This is like the total opposite."

"Thanks for the housewarming gift, you didn't have to."

"The wine isn't actually the gift." Joe looked from room to room off the entry hall. " I am." Sam tilted his head and looked skeptically at Joe. "I told you. My friends never guess right on my type."

"Aha. I think we need to open this wine. Or I have beer?"

"Wine would be awesome." Sam walked Joe to the kitchen. "Good grief, it's like you've been here for months."

Sam handed Joe a glass and nodded toward the den. The younger man followed him into the comfortable room and sat opposite him on the sofa. "So, you're telling me that lovely young woman wasn't your type? And that you friends keep trying to fix you up with, um, who, more women?"

"Yeah, you'd think they would listen to me when I say I like men. Look, Sam, you can throw me out of here on my ass if I offend you. But I can't stop thinking about you ever since that first day you wandered into the store. Then the other day at the gym was like, well, it caused a complete internal mess for me. There you were in all your musclebound glory. And the piercings. And the polite answers to my obvious questions."


"Oh man, I was so knotted up inside. I wanted to cancel that whole stupid date and, and, and confront you. And you never hit on me. I was so confused with my signals. And I overheard Matt say something about going to a football game with you and your brother? So, am I way off base here? You can tell me."

"Musclebound?" Joe gestured at the big man. "I like to think of myself as a work in progress."

"See, I have pissed you off. You aren't even gay are you, shit? Damn." Sam laughed.

"No, I am. I've been out since college and left for San Francisco when I graduated. I've been a bit busy and actually don't make it a habit to hit on people in work settings. Like the grocery store. I wouldn't want to get anyone fired. You're a very attractive man. I was having a very difficult time controlling myself at the gym."

"I'm not too young? I know some guys like young and my gay friends don't understand when I say I like older men."

"I don't judge a person by age. I judge them for who they are and my interaction with them. I've met a lot of older guys who are pushing 60 and very immature. And I've met some young guys who really had their acts together. But, well, I'm not into the whole party scene and recreational drugs and constant cruising and if I meet someone, I want to concentrate my efforts on them. I could very easily be a monogamous partner. I just wasn't finding that so it was a bit easier to move home."

"OK, well, I'm feeling a little more relaxed now."

"I think it might be the big glass of wine you just finished. Would you like a tour?" Joe took a deep breath, audibly gulped and shook his head yes. "And don't worry, I don't have anyplace to be so you aren't interrupting anything. Come on let's get you another glass of wine. Obviously this is the den. I have painters starting next week so all this wall paper and lovely 80's colours will be gone." Sam handed Joe another glass of wine and the young man curbed his desire to chug it for more nerve. The laundry room is in there off the garage where a big beefy daddy type carpenter will be doing some remodeling." Joe's eyes got big. "Just pulling your leg. Hey, hold my wine. I need to pull my truck into the garage."

Sam hopped out of the truck and smiled as Joe checked out the Harley. "Damn, this is like a fantasy. You drive a truck and a Harley?"

"That's my father's?" Joe spun around. "I'm KIDDING. Just trying to get you to relax." The younger hunk took a deep breath. "OK, I won't tease you anymore." He put his arm around the thick shoulders and walked Joe back into the house and through the living room and dining room. "What I really like about this house is that I have a master suite on the first floor so the four bedrooms upstairs are all guest rooms. Which need to be painted and well, have almost no furniture right now. So this is the master bedroom."

"Wow, this is really nice. Tons of room. Are these all closets? Wow, walk in leather yet."


"I mean walk-in closets. You have leather, and you're hung, I mean you wear leather." Joe was a deep red. "

"Guess I should have worn underwear under these sweats. Yes, I wear leather. Does that scare you?"

"Wearing, no. Sex, yes. I have no clue what leather men do."

"Not yet. The master bath is in here."

"Holy fuck, this is like the size of my whole apartment. This is unfuckingbelievable."

"Yeah, this was one of the big selling points for me. And downstairs, there's another game room, storage and a dungeon." Joe looked skeptical. "OK, it's empty right now but it will be a playroom some day. Want to see? It's empty with moving boxes piled everywhere."

"Um, I think I'll wait. Four bedrooms upstairs huh. Wow, this is a big house for one guy."

"Yeah, well, I'm hoping I won't be one guy forever. I'll have to get a bunch of dogs then. Let's go back to the den." Sam picked up the big bottle of wine and motioned for Joe to get comfortable. "So, let's chat." The two men chatted about what brought Joe to Sam's new house and where they were on the friendship scale. They even managed to sort through Sam's DVD collection and watch a gay movie Joe had never seen. At midnight, he took a deep breath and stood up.

"I better go Sam." Sam slowly stood up and picked up the empty wine bottle. "I'm good, we've both been drinking that and like over four hours, no big deal. I'm not too far away."

"You sure?" Joe slowly shook his head yes and walked back toward the front door. As he reached for the entry closet for his coat, Sam held the door closed.

"I can't let you drive."

"I'm all right really. I can drive."

"That's not the reason. I'd like you to stay."

"Look Sam, you don't have to ask me to stay. My coming over here was sort of silly and I appreciate you listening and watching a movie with me, and our getting to know each other better, but."

"No buts. I'd like you to stay. I'll set the alarm so you can get up if you have to work. No, you work nights. Joe, I'd like to get to know you better. And not to have sex just to have sex. After listening to you, I think we may be more `compatible' than you think."


Sam stepped closer, placed his hand behind Joe's and pressed their lips together. "Yeah. Please stay." Joe nodded yes. Sam checked the front door, turned off lights and led Joe back to the bedroom. By the time Joe came out of the bathroom, Sam was moving some boxes. "It's a little like making out in the stockroom."

"Ooo, fantasy."

"I'll be right back." Joe nervously checked things out around the room then stripped off is T-shirt. He caught a glimpse of his thick muscular frame in a mirror leaning in the corner and posed. "You really should think about competing?" Joe blushed. "I think you have the foundation of a winning physique." Sam walked across the room and lightly ran a fingertip down the man's back.

"You do?" Joe sucked in breath.

Sam wrapped his arms around the shorter man and held him close. "Yeah, I do." He led Joe back over to the bed, slowly undid his jeans and pushed them down as Joe trembled. The shoes came next while Joe balanced himself. Sam ran his hands over the heavily muscled legs as he licked at the big low hangers. "I like a man who does legs. You're definitely not a martini." The long cock disappeared down Sam's throat as the big man tightly wrapped his arms around his legs and lifted. Joe braced his hands on the older man's delts, thick with corded muscle. Sam could easily deep throat the big prick.

Joe groaned. "If you hold that much longer, I will shoot." Sam backed off and slowly let him down until they were deep in a liplock. He dropped the boy on the bed and slid over top.

"If you want me undressed, then you'll have to help."

"Roll off me then." Sam sprawled across the bed and smiled. Joe looked at the big wide smile, salt and pepper flat top, goatee surrounded by a heavy five o'clock shadow and enormous biceps folded behind Sam's head. He couldn't believe he had had the nerve to confront this walking fantasy man. Carefully he untied the black sneakers and pulled them and his socks off. He took a quick sniff of the still clean athletic socks. The sweat pants came next as he slowly untied the drawstring and pulled them down the massive quads. The heavy horse cock sprung to life. Joe crawled between the wide spread legs and ran his hands up under the black T-Shirt and pushed it up over the beefy pecs and arms as Sam sat forward. He dropped the shirt to the floor as Sam pulled them back face to face. He felt hypnotized by the deep green eyes as his lust took control. He needed to prove to Sam that he was worthy of sharing his bed. Joe bathed every inch of Sam's furry muscular body with his tongue, probing every sweetly man scented mound and cut working his way down to the big man's feet and back.

Sam rolled Joe back over on to his back and repaid the muscle worship. Only when Sam rolled him onto his stomach to probe his butthole did Joe react with a sharp intake of air. "You OK?"

"Oh I am in total heaven right now. But I don't know if I can handle your cock. We may really need to work to get that thing up my ass."

"We don't have to do that. You realize we've been at this for two hours? It's going on 3 AM."

Joe nuzzled his face against Sam's neck. "You don't know how much I wanted this. I'm afraid if I get off that it will just end. I want you to be able to fuck me without having to worry about hurting me. I want you to teach me everything." Sam grinned evilly. "Yes, everything."

"Then I suggest we take it nice and slowly. Let's sleep on it."

"You can sleep with a hardon like this?"

"Yep. If you can't, then I suggest you straddle my hips and show me how you can work that big dick. Give me a nice big wad on my chest." Joe moved over top of Sam. The big man folded his arms behind his head and enjoyed the young hunk jacking off for him. After a few minutes, Sam reached over and pinched a blood swollen nip. Joe shot volley after volley of thick spunk over Sam's fur. "There's a towel in the nightstand." Joe cleaned up the thick mess, tasting several fingersful as Sam watched. "I enjoyed that. Now let's sleep. No no, my cock will wait till morning. Go to sleep horndog."

Sam turned off the side lamp as Joe spooned against him. He pulled the covers up over them and held the young man close. "Good night Joe."

"Good night sir." Sam smiled quietly to himself in the dark and kissed the back of Joe's neck. The two men slept intertwined almost without moving until 9 AM when Sam's cell phone rang.

"Damn phone. Good morning Dave. Yeah, great first night in the new house. Thanks for all your help and work. No, gotta pass on breakfast, have a couple of things I need to finish here. Yeah, OK. I'll talk to you later." Joe had gotten up to go to the bathroom. Sam slapped him on the ass as he got up to make the trip himself. He came back and flopped next to Joe, playfully biting a nipple. "That was my goofy brother about breakfast."

"You could do that if you want."

"Well I don't want. You have unfinished business young man." He rolled over and pulled Joe's hand to his throbbing cock. "You up to the challenge?" Joe nodded. Sam wrapped his arm around his neck and deeply kissed him. Joe tightened his grip and slowly, sensuously, beat Sam's cock into submission. Sam lay there with his eyes closed breathing heavily. "Thanks. You want some breakfast?"

"Huh, yeah I am fucking starved. You ever been over to the Square?"

"No, but I don't mind making something. But then, no, let's go out." Sam jumped up and picked up the cum towel. "Yeah baby, my first laundry in my new house. You think a cum soaked towel is good luck?"

Joe stretched. "It was for me." He leaned against Sam and breathed the man's scent in deeply.

"Hmm, we should shower but not together. We'll never get to breakfast. Next time." Joe looked somewhat concerned. "Did you not think there was going to be a next time? I really enjoyed last night. All of last night. Go take a shower. Everything should be in there." Sam walked out to the kitchen to make coffee. He jumped into the shower when Joe finished. Joe sat at the kitchen counter, sipped a cup of coffee and browsed a list of notes Sam had sitting on a pile of papers from work. Sam walked out of the bedroom dressed in a sweatshirt that no matter what would be snug and a pair of jeans that showed off every muscle cut in his thick legs. "How's the coffee? I tend to make it very strong."

"This is really good. I like my coffee strong. Like my men." Sam winced. "Hey, I wasn't snooping but I saw this. I technically finish up my master's this term but was going to take one more course next term because it sounded cool. You're teaching this?" Sam nodded. "Wow, I get to be in your class. Do I get to do the teacher?"

"Hopefully, a lot. Let's roll. My stomach is about to attack my liver. You want me to drive?"

"No, we better take two cars. I need to go study for an exam this afternoon. If I come back here, well, all my concentration will be lost." Sam agreed. A few minutes later they were seated in a sunny corner in a small café enjoying breakfast and the Sunday papers.

He watched Joe drive off then headed to his old apartment to check things out one last time before turning in his key. He spent the afternoon unpacking more boxes and getting things organized so nothing would be in the way of the painters. The phone ran about 4 providing a break from new house overload.

"Thad! Damn, buddy it's good to hear your voice. Yeah things are great, the house will be super. Yep, Dad's doing much better as long as we keep an eye on him. Work is really coming along. I'm excited. Yep, yep, found a new gym. And I found a doc who might be able to help me get big. No not there. Lord help me if that gets any bigger. At my age, I can't afford too much blood rushing away from my brain. I may have one problem though. I think I may have finally met the right man. Or two men."

Next: Chapter 5

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