Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Jan 15, 2002


The start of something great! chapter 8 After shock!

Disclaimer: Don't know them don't own them.......

NOW Sorry yall i have been going through some hard times with the "bf"he is a ass. Anywayhere we go with the next chapter I am not sure how long this one is gonna be yet. but after words feedback always cheers me up......hint...hint....


The elevator stops three floors down and the doors swing open to a unconcious Kevin laying there with blood all over his face....Up stairs Lance and Aj are trying to get out of there room but they realize they can't....there isn't a hallway anymore.....there isn't a room across the hall.....Jc and Justin are just laying on there bed three floors down from where they had fallen asleep....Chris steps out of his room followed by Nick and Howie to see all the damage. They only a got a little scrapes and bruises. Lance looks down into the dusty hole that used to be there hallways and hollars for Jc and Justin only not to be answered at all.

After a few hours of the fire men and the police officers doing there jobs Lance and Aj, Chris, Howie, and Nic are all safe and outside. They are still searching for the other three. Onne of the fire fighters was walking in the hallway and saw that the elevator door was open and someone was laying in it. "Hey is there someone there, is there someone in the elevator." No one answered. Kevin could here him though. The guy walked towards the elevator and finally noticed a clear Kevin. He picked him up and took him outside.

"OMG is that Kevin, is he okay" Chris yelled and cried out at the same time.

He ran up to the fire fighter and looked down to a now consious Kevin and kissed him, he didn't care what people said anymore. He loved Kevin and there wasn't one person out there that would ever change that. He rode in the ambulance with him to the hosiptal.......meanwhile back in the hotel.....Jc and Justin are now coming too. Jc looks over to Justin who clearly has a broken leg. He knew that he shouldn't be able to see that bone.....Jc starts screaming for help....When help finally gets there Justin looks up at Jc and then falls back....Jc checks for a pulse and fines one.....The peramedics and fire fighters take the two out a long with all the civilions that were hurt.....

At the hosiptal......Lynn, Brittney, Karen, and all the other's parents where there to see how there son's where. Lynn Brittney and Karen where all in Jc and Justins room. Jc was fine, on the outside....on the inside his heart was breaking.....Justin had lost alot of blood and was fading in and out of conciousness. It took all that he had to not break down in front of his mother and soon to be mother-n-law. Not to mention Britt who was losing it enough for the both of them anyway....

Later on that evening after visiting hours where over Jc looked down at his fiancee.

"Baby wake up for me please.....I can't do all this without you.....the reporters won't leave me least they are worried about you though.....just not as worried as I am...You are all I know, all that I want to know and your laying there lifeless. Justin I don't know what to do....what can i do that is going to make you better. Tell me that please, I will do anything for you , you know that baby.....I love you with all my heart....please Justin just wake up...."

Jc layes his head down on Justin while holding his hand and Justin's eye opens up....."Shut up and I will be ok, I have a headache" Justin said breathlessly.

Jc's eyes grow wide and yells for the nurse. The nurse comes in and takes his vitals giving Jc the okay that he would be fine..Then Jc called Lynn, Brittney, and Karen......Then he ran and told all the other guys that he was fine...Then when he made it back in the room and kissed his justin, Justin looked up at him and said, "I can't believe you left me"

"I am sorry baby, I had to tell everyone you were okay."

" I know that, I mean I had this dream and you left me. They told me a wouldn't be able to walk, so you left me....You asshole." Justin said.

"Baby, it was just a dream I would never leave you. I love you too much....I have been sitting here worried sick Imight loose you and I am not about to leave you for anything...." Jc said.

"I know that, it was just a wierd dream thats all....." Justin said then closed his eyes.

"I love you baby..." Jc said

"I love you too."

Jc falls alseep on the cot they had brought him, but was awaken two hours later my a long steady beep. He wakes up and sees that Justin hand is still in his, but Justin is not breathing......


Well there it is yall, that is all he wrote for today.......I will be back....I decided that this will be 15 chapters long and that's feed back people

Next: Chapter 8

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