Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Jan 2, 2002


Helloooo I'm back. Okay first off I have gotten so much feedback on To be or not to Be. There will be a sequal to it sometime this month. Look for it. Second off There will be more Aj Lance in this story then Jc/Justin this time. It just worked out that way. I'm sorry about that But I still like this story. Umm...Well thank you for the feedback everyone. Now on witht the legal stuff.

Disclaimer: You know like this is totally fiction. I don't know these people, If I did, I so wouldn't be living where I am. LOL So The bottom line is...Don't know Nsync,BSB,OR Rosie. Arighty. ARighty.

The start of something Great!

(chapter 6)

Aj and Lance

Okay So last time Aj and Lance just went and talked. Our two favorite lovers Are on there way to the Rosie show. They have just finished Trl. All the Nsyncers are on the bus just goofying around. Well all but Lance. He is just sitting next to the window looking out side. He is looking into the window next to him which is Aj.

Aj is in the backstreet boy's bus staring back at Lance. Brian is just smiling at the two. Kevin is laughing his ass off. The other two are just playing playstation.

"Hey Alex, why don't you just call his cell phone. Then one of you go on the other bus. We are both going to The Rosie show. Then we are going on tour together after that. I am sure we can hook you two up with the same bedroom." Kevin said.

"He hasn't told anyone about us yet. He is going to wait a little while he said. I would however take like to take you up on the whole sharing of the room thing. I am sure they wouldn't mind that one." Aj said.

"Tough Shit if they did, you two are going to get to spend sometime together. Look we all know that everyone loves the fact that Jc and Justin are a item.

Altough I think They are to good for each other."said Kevin.

"That's because you want JC." Laughed AJ.

"I do not, He is so boney" Kevin said with a slight grin.

"Like it matters. He and Justin are a life thing. What about Chris though. Chris is kinda cute." Came from Aj.

"Now that is one boy that is so not gay." Kevin said.

This conversation went on for what seemed to be like hours. Aj trying to get Kevin a man so Kevin didn't do something stupid to ruin What Jc and Justin have. Meanwhile back on the Nsync bus. Jc saw that Lance was just staring off to space. Everyonce and a while he would glance out the window and his eyes would light up. Jc knew that htye went and talked but Lance hasn't said anything sence then. He was wondering what the hell went on there. Why was Lance acting so distant. Well I guess it was time to find out.

"Hey Lance, can I talk to you for a second buddy." Jc asked.

"Yeah man, what's up? " Lance asked back."

"Well, I was wondering. You haven't been yourself all day. Well you haven't been yourself for a few days, not since the photo shoot. I know that you have a thing for Aj. I know that you and Aj talked that night. Now all I am wondering is What are you and Aj now. I know it is probably none of my business, but I was just wondering." JC rambled.

"Well Jc, since you are the person that I ahve been confiding in. I will tell you that we are together. " Lance said.

"That's great, so what's the problem here. Why are you here, we would of let you go on there bus." Jc said.

"Well thanks, But don't you think I should get the courage to tell Chris and Joey first. I am sure that Justin will know this as soon as you two get alone. So I won't even bother worrying about telling him." Lance said.

"Here, why don't you just spit it out, Like this. Guys, i am gay, andIamwithAjfromBSB!" Jc said.

"That would be a Idea."Lance said.

Chris overheard a little bit of the conversation. He was kinda listening atthe curtain that seperated the two rooms. He decided to just come in the room and ask. "Who is with Aj"

"Umm....mmm...O Fuck it. It's me. I am with Aj." Lance yelled.

Justin comes running from the back of the bus as does Joey. Justin get's tehre first runs up to lance and just hugs him then sits on Jc's lap. Joey just looks at him and say" O god another one" Then Chris hugs him. grabs his cell and calls the BSB bus. "Hey, can you get your driver to stop, then send Aj over here.....Yeah thanks Kevin.....What.....Okay....Yeah, buy." Chris hung up the phone and then looked at the guys.

"Kevin said yeah, so tell the driver to stop someone. Second thing is Kevin thinks I am cute." Chris said with a smile.

JOey looks at Chris. "O FUCK. I am not the only straight one alive am I."

HE thinks I am cute and he want's me to talk to him. I am leaving the bus" Chris said all excited.

Well Aj comes on the Nsync bus and Chris goes over to the Backstreet bus. Aj is sitting on the bench and Lance is on top of him. Jc and justin are on the other side in about the same way. Aj and Jc are talking.

"O yeah, I mean Kevin wanted you bad." Aj laughed out.

"So you got him to fall for Chris. You go boy." Jc laughed out.

"This isn't right, He thought my man was cute and you are a laughing about it. Well the fact is I think Brian is hot." Justin lied through his teeth.

"O is that right, I can call him for you. Maybe you two could go out." Jc said as he had caught on to Justin's little game.

"Your no fun old man." Justin said and got up.

Lance looked over at Aj. "Please, let's never get like that. They are way to corny and sappy for me"

"If you promise to always stay with me."

"O you know that is a promise" Lance said with a huge smile.

Jc and Justin went to the back of the bus to grab a few things. They had just pulled into the Rosie studio and they were just a little bit nervous. They are starting to wonder how everyone was taking the knews. Jc and justin walked into the studio and then into there own dressing room. The other guys and Bsb had a seperate room. They have no clue why, but they didn't mind it. Then Rosie came knocking at the door and they had told her to come on in.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Rosie asked.

"We are really good Rosie, how are you?" Jc said.

"Well, we are getting alot of feedback from this show already. We sold out tickets in like no time. You two are like the hottest music couple ever. They all love you... There are some that don't and won't let there kids listen to your music anymore. But this time they are in the minority. Everyone want's you two together." Rosie went on.

Later on........

Rosie was sitting at her desk. Getting ready to introduce the couple. The camera man gave her the signal and she went. Well Are first guest does not need to be kept waiting any longer. "Welcome the hottest music couple ever to come to my show. Jc Chasez and Justin Timberlake."

The crowd went totally wild and it took almost 5 minutes to calm everyone down. Then when Rosie started the interview it all went perfect. There was no hate ate all. Not there. At least they didn't call it hate, just constructive critismim on some parts. But they really didn't care this was there life and they are loving it. Then later on back at the hotel.

JC and Justin are in there room talking.

"Josh, after we get married."

"What is it baby, what's wrong."

"I want a baby, I want us to have kids."

" I want that to, we will adobt after we are married.

There is nothing else I want more than to rasie a couple kids with the man that i love. "

"Aww Joshy. Come here" Justin said as he pulled Jc into a long kiss.

Lance and Aj are alone for there first time. They are on the bed talking, when Lance leans over Aj's body and Kisses Aj's lips gentley and then a little rougher. Aj fell into the kiss quickly. They had both agreed that it was way to early for sex yet, but they could still amke out and stuff. So that is what they did.

TBC so what did you all think. Was it good. or was okay. let me know.

O and one more thing CHris and Kevin have decide that they are going to ..............

Next: Chapter 6

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