Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Dec 29, 2001


the start of something great! (Chapter 4) Getting serious!

Disclaimer: This is all fiction, there is nothing true here. I do not know Nsync, Although I would like to know them, whoohoooo to that.

It's been 2 months and Jc and Justin are still going strong. The other guys and Brittney have all been supportive of there love. Jc is sitting on the bus looking over at Justin who is getting his self a cup of coffee. Chris is playing playstation on the floor. Lance is on his computer and Joey is eating, what else. Jc gets up and walks over towards Justin and puts his arms around him.

"What is taking you so long, I am lonely over there without you. I want you to be over there with me." Jc said sadly.

"I am only getting a cup of coffee baby. I would of been over there in a second." Justin said back trying to confort him.

"Are you ready to come back over there." jc asked his boyfriend.

"I am coming baby. Let's go." Justin said.

They both walked back over and sat down. Chris looked up and laughed it off. Lance never even moved, Joey just smiled and went back to eating.

Later on that night.....

Justin is sitting in the room talking to Lance . Jc is in his bunk sleeping. What else would he be doing right. Joey was in the back too. Lance and Justin just sat there for a moment and then justin started.

"I think I want to marry him Lance. Wait. I don't think I do, I know I do." Justin said to Lance.

"I knew that one would come sooner or later. When are you going to ask him." lance asked.

"When I am sure that he wants to marry me."

"Justin, the boy will say yes. Just ask him already. You two are so much in love at times I am totally jealous of you two. Just ask tommorow night at the hotel. I will distract him for a few and you can set up the room. You know flowers and candles and food. Then you can ask him there."

"That is a great idea Lance. (He hugs him) You are a great friend. Okay I am going to go to bed now. I can't wait until tommorow."

Justin goes into the back and crawls into bed with Jc.

Lance is still in the kitchen just thinking to himself about what he had said to Justin. The fact was he was totally jealous of what Justin and Jc had. He wanted that, He wanted to be in love, he wanted so much to. The fact was that he had the perfect person in mind. He just wasn't sure of how the other guys would react to that one.

The next day......

"Jc can I see you for a moment I need to talk to you." Lance asked of him.

"Sure, (to justin) I will be back in a little bit baby." Jc said.

Jc and Lance walked into Lance room, and Justin went into there room and started to get everything ready. In Lance's room, he decided to confide in Jc about his little problem. He thought that this would be a perfect time since Justin needed some time to get ready.

"Jc if I tell you something will you promise to be supportive of me."

"Hey Lance, You were great with me and Justinso anything you say I will be as supportive as I can be." Jc said back

"Well, there is this person that I like. Well there is this guy. I know that he is gay and all and that he is intreted to. I found that much out through friends of his. The only problem is that I am not sure how you guys will feel about me seeing this guy." Lance asked.

"Why, who is he?" Jc asked Lance.

"Aj, from the Backstreet boys. Please don't yell, I jsut I don't know I like him." Lance begged.

"Hey hey hey, If you like him, fuck him, marry him, whatever. I don't care if he was from hanson. The only point is is that you want to be with him. If you want to give it a go, then give it a go." Jc said.

"Thanks jc. That is all I needed to know. I will call Kevin right now and tell him to tell Aj yeah. I have been wanting to get into that boys pants for years. I am way to horny right now." Lance said.

"Holy shit Lance. What happened to that little shy thing that was here a few minutes ago." Jc said.

"He is fucking gone, all I want to do now is let Aj fuck the hell out of me." Lance said.

"You go boy!"Jc yelled.

Jc started to walk back to Justin's room. He opened the door to find the room lighted with candles. Justin was sitting at the table with two glasses and two dinner plates. Jc walked over to the table and just looked into Justin's eyes.

"What is all this baby." Came out of Jc's mouth.

"I wanted tonight to be special. I wanted tonight to be wonderful." Justin said.

"Why, today is not our anniversary or anything is it." jc said.

" NO! I wouldn't tell you if it was." Jusitn pouted.

"Baby, I was joking I know that it is not for another 3 months." JC said.

"Anyway you will find out with this is at the end of the night. Now sit down and eat." Justin said.

He sat down at the table and the began to eat. After the meal was finished Justin took Jc by the hands and lead him to the bed. He layed him down on the bed and started to kiss his lips. Jc looked into Justin's eyes. Justin just comtinued to kiss Jc and started to undress him. Justin started to kiss him on his chest and then on his torso. Finally he got to his jeans. He unbuttoned tehm with his teeth and took out Jc's manhood. He licked at the head and then began to take it into his mouth. Slowly at first and then he began to go faster. Jc squirmed a little at first, then he he just looked deep into Justin's eyes and saw the love in them that he has never seen before. Jc grabbed the covers and riped at them before releasing all of his juice into Justin's mouth. Justin swallowed quickly making sure to take it all down his throat. He crawled up on top of Jc again and began to kiss him.

"O shit baby. That was great." Jc said.

Justin got down on the floor and looked into Jc's eyes and smiled.

"Jc, you know how much I love you and want to be with you. You know how important you are to me. I never want to live without you, and I never want to spend a day without you. What I am trying to say is that. Josh, baby, will you marry me. Yow will make me the happiest man alive if yousay yes." Justin asked.

Jc's eyes teared up and he looked away. Justin' smile left his face as Jc never did turn around. Jc started to cry then turn back to face him.


Well what do you all think of that one. I am trying to make them a little bit longer than I had them. Any feedback is good feedback

Next: Chapter 4

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