Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Dec 26, 2001


The start of something great! Chapter 3 Family Ties

Disclaimer: I do not know Nsync therefore every thing that I write in here is fiction. Arighty.

Okay well this story is starting to get alot of feedback as well as my other one "To be or not to be" which is on chapter 14 now by the way. Well I got a fwe funny ideas for this one , so here we go..

Chapter 3

Justin and Jc arived in Orlando and waited for Brittney to pick them up from the Airport. They are talking about how they think Lynn will take it and Jc notices a little girl staring at them and smiling. Jc' gestures for her to come over.

"I know who you two are, You are Jc and you are Justin from nsync." the little girl said, pointing out the boys with there name.

" Your right, we are. Why don't you take these pictures of us, and this cd. We signed them and so did the others." Jc said.

The little girl took the stuff, and then hugged the guys. She walked away as Britt got there. She walked up to the guys and they headed off to Lynn's. Justin was nervous but not as much as Jc was. He knew his mother wouldn't mind. Not if she and Britt had already discussed it.

They arrived at the house and Lynn greated the three of them at the door.

"Hey baby, hi JC, and you two Britt." Lynn said as they all entered the house.

"How are you mom?" asked Justin.

"I am doing really well, the company is doing great. You are doing great. Okay so I am a tad bit nervous." Lynn said.

"Why is that mom?" Justin asked.

"Well Britt said that you and Jc had something to tell me. So I am waiting to hear it." Lynn said.

"Britt, hun, remind me to beat you up later." JC said.

"Bring it" Laughed Brittney.

"Well if these two would quit it. Mom I don't know how to say it so I am just going to say it staight out. Me and Jc are gay, and we are together." Justin said then closed his eyes, waiting for his mother to scream or something.

"What! That is it, that is what I was all worried about. Shit, I knew that was going to happen. Now one thing, You two couldn't of waited to tell me next year, now I have to give Brittney 50 bucs." LYnn said.

Justin just looked at his mother and then back at Jc. " I can't believe they bet on us. on us. This is just wrong." Jc looked back at him and smiled. " I am going to go take a nap, you coming."

Lynn looked at the two boys talking to each other. "Why don't you two go an nap, me and Britt will sit here and catch up."

"Aright mom, we will see you in a few hours then."

Justin and Jc walked up the stairs and into Justin's room. Jc stuck his stuff in the closet next to Justin's and then went and layed down on the bed. Justin took off his shirt and his pants then layed down next to him.

"You are not going to lay here like that with your mother down stairs." Jc said.

"Why I locked the door, and this is my room, in my house." Justin said back.

"I didn't mean it like that I meant if you lay there like that I might take advantage of you. You already woke up junior." Jc laughed out.

" Well you tell Junior that he needs to go to sleep, I am not having sex in this house. That is just wrong, that is like having sex in a church with the priest or something, it is just wrong. I would rather wait anyway." Justin said.

"I love you so much, you are to much to handle at times, but still I love you." jc said.

"Well I am pretty tired and I could only imagine what mom has planned for us for the week. So let's go to sleep the guys will be here in 2 days. I want you to myself for at least a few minutes." Justin said.

" Okay baby. Let's sleep. Just don't burp in my face. HA HA HA. I am joking baby. No i'm not, your breath is funky, don't burp on me." JC said jokingly.

He looked over to see why Justin wasn't saying something smart back at him and saw that he had fallen asleep in his arms. It's not like it is the first time Justin has slept in Jc's arms, but it feel's just as good as it did the first time.


Well how did you like it, was it good, did it suck, should i quit, should i keep going. what what. feed back yall feed back. mike aka AngelChasez

Next: Chapter 3

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