Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Feb 17, 2002


The start of something Great! Chapter 12/15 Eminem

Disclaimer-don't know them don't own them

Thanks for all the feedback you all sent in for this story it is coming to a end shortly though.... but I will still be working on to be or not be part 2 The child. So yay for that one.

Chapter 12

"They are pretty cool guys, I mean yeah so what there gay get over it. Yeah I sing about the shit and fucking make fun of it, but that is just music man. That shit doesn't mean I believe in it. I think it's cool that there out at least now everyone knows that they are in love with each other and shit. I have seen them together and I think it's great." Emienm said on the television.

"Holy shit, did Em just defend us on TV." Justin said

"Yeah I think he did baby." Jc said.

"O my god. I don't know what that means, but it's got to be good for us. I mean if the badass rapper approves of us then we have nothing else to worry about. We are on our way to getting married." Justin said.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. When are we going to do it?" Jc stated

"Soon. Let me call Brit and we will finish something's, and then all you have to do is find a place and a honeymoon spot. I will let you pick out the tuxes too." Justin said and then kissed him.

"Sounds like a plan their baby. One problem. Who are the best men?" Jc said.

"Well you know that I will pick Lance, and I know that you would pick Chris. So what about Joey? I know we can make him in charge of rings or something else that is important." Justin said.

" Yeah that could work out pretty well I think. Now you know that the whole world is going to try to get an up close view of this thing. So they will all have to hide the fact that they are with back street boys. And each other." Jc said.

"Yeah I know!" Justin said.

With that said Justin went upstairs to use the phone to call Brittany. Jc used his cell to call the guys. They all arrived at the house an hour or so later to talk about everything and how they wanted to handle it all.

"Well I know that me and Chris can hide it well if there happened to be a camera or something there. We could just tell them all that we were invited. They all know that we are friends now so that could work." Kevin said.

"Well I don't know how long I could keep my hands off your hot body, Whoa how long is this gonna last I am so horny." Chris said.

"Would you two shut up! I have asked Lance to be my nest man and Jc has asked Chris. Joey is in charge of photos and ring's and you Backstreet boys are all our guests. There will be no secret touching of any kind cause there will be a camera. The whole thing is going to be on TV." Justin said.

"Yeah guys, we want the world to see us in love, and we want them to share this with us. Our fans are as much a part of this as anyone." Jc said.

"I think it is a great idea. Too bad the last idea fell through though, it would have been great for them to get married on Valentines Day." Brittany said.

"Lance and I are going to take all the guys to get fitted for tuxes, Jc told me what you were going for and I think I got it. He said that you two would go later on this week. So we are all going to head out now. " Aj said.

"Aright" Added Justin.

"Okay well I have to go find a great dress for this. You two should call your mothers and tell them, o and Tyler is going to call you from the airport when he gets here." Brittany said as she walked out the door.

A few minutes after she left, they were still both stunned at how that all went, the phone rang and it was Tyler. He wanted picked up. They both got into the car and ran and got him. They caught him up on everything on the way home. When they got into the house Justin showed him to his room and then they all sat down in the living room to catch a movie.

"I like what you done to the place bro." Tyler said to Jc.

"Thanks Ty, but most of this is Justin's ideas. I am not that good at it. I am more of a clothes man and you know that."

"Yeah I know that." Tyler said

"So Ty, got a girlfriend yet." Justin asked with a smile. "Justin I should smack you, now you know I wanted to wait to say anything about that. Now I was gonna say that I was excited about getting you for a brother in law but I changed my mind." Tyler said with a laugh.

"Who is this girlfriend?" Jc asked.

"Well bro, She is someone that you know. You know them very well. Actually you have worked with them before also." Tyler said.

"Who is it Ty!" Jc said.

"It is..."

There is chapter 12.........13 will be out next week so until then feedback yall

Next: Chapter 12

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