Start of Something Great

By Mike James

Published on Dec 18, 2001


READ AND REPLY PEOPLE The start of something great!

This is my first short story, but I just had this great idea. So I am going to go with it. so here it goes i guess.

I don't know Nsync or there sexuall prefrence, nor do I claim to. This is a slash fiction story that is m/m relationships. If you don't like it don't read it. If you do like it and you do read it. Reply please.. TY

Justin was sitting back watching Jc on stage like it was his first time ever eatching him. He never noticed how great Jc looked. It was actually pretty scarey. He couldn't believe that after all these years he was starting to find Jc attractive. He wanted so bad to just fall asleep in those arms, to kiss those lips. Anything would be great right about now. Justin looked up again and he saw Jc walking over to him. He sat down next to him and patted him on the leg. Justin caught his breath as Jc started to speak.

"Hey man, what's up? You are like totally out there today. Where is your mind at curly." JC said with a smile.

"I..I..I.. was just thinking about some stuff." Justin stumbled out.

"Hey, curly. You can't full me. This is Jc, I know you better than most people and I know when your hiding something, so pill it." Jc said.

Justin was thinking to himself about that last statement, Jc didn't know him to well. He doesn't know that for the past few months he had been drolling over him. Come to think about it, it all started when Jc told Justin that he was gay.

"I can't tell you here, and not know. I will tell you tonight. We are rooming together again right." Justin asked

"Yeah, we are. Well then tonight we talk, and I won't forget man." Jc said then he got up and walked back to the stage.

Justin just sat there wondering what he was going to tell Jc later on that night. Jc on the other hand was on stage looking down on Justin thinking differently. Jc came out to the guys in hopes that Justin would be gay also and tell HIm he was in love with him. Jc gave up on that thought after the first week after he told the guys, but he never regreted telling them. His and Justin realationship has gotten stronger untill today Justin acted the same way. He just loved the way Justin smiled, and his eyes, o god he loved thoose eyes. He just hoped to god that tonight would be good, that Justin wasn't going to tell him that he hated him, and that Justin wasn't going to like spaz out or anything.

Later on that night Justin was sitting on his bed when Jc came back to teh room. Jc had to run some papers down to Lance really fast before he forgot about them. When he came back into the room Justin realized that he was only in his boxers. Justin jaw droped way open and hurryed up and turned his head so that he wasn't to obvious. Jc however had already caught it and smiled. He new tonight was going to be the start of something great.

"I saw that" Jc laughed out.

"You saw what, I didn't do anything" Justin spit out.

"You think I'm sexy, You like me in my underwear. You want me" Jc teased Justin.

" I..I..Do Do not." Justin stuttered.

"O my god Justin you are to obvious. Okay you know what?" Jc said

"what" Answered Justin.

"You aren't going to say nothing so I am. Justin I have been in love with you forever, the only reason I even came out to you guys was so that you would know, and maybe that you were to and that you wanted to be with me." Jc said almost in one breath.

Justin gestered towards the bed and Jc walked over to it. "Sit down Jc" came from Justin. Jc sat down next to him and Justin leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Jc's warm lips. Jc was overwelmed by this. Justin let his hands rub up and down Jc's back as Jc started to get into the kiss even more. " I love you Josh!" was all Jc heard as Justin leaned him backlooked into his eyes and burped.

"What a way to ruin a beautiful moment Just." Jc laughed out.

"This is the beggining of something great I think! Justin said as Jc leaned into him. They fell asleep in each others arms for the first time, but not the last time.

The end

So what did you all think...reply please. please. pretty please.

Well I got a lot of feedback on this stor, and you all wanted it to continue. Well I give in I will try and do this one and To be or not to be at the same time. I guess this was a great story to try to write. I thought that I would try a non-sexual comedy with these to. I think it will be fun. So here it goes we will go on to chapter one.

Disclaimer: I do not know Nsync or there sexual prefrence nor do I claim to know them, but I wish I did. Whoohooo LOL So in the first installment of the story Jc and Justin have just gotten together and Justin ruined there first beautiful moment together by burping in Jc's face.

The start of something Great! (chapter 1)

"Coming out"

Well, Jc and Justin are sleeping in Jc's room. Justin's head is leaned against Jc's shoulder. Lance didn't bother knocking on the door, he just walked in.

He wasn't excpecting Jc to have any company. When he got into the room his jaw about dropped open. He had suspected that something like this would happen, he just never thought that it would be there two leads. This is just way to wierd.

"What the hell are you two doing, well I know what you are doing, but why?" Lance hollared.

Jc jumped up knocking Justin onto the floor. Justin stood up as fast as he fell.

"Ouch, god damn it that hurt my ass. What the hell is up with that, knocking me onto the ground like that. You are the one......" He stoped talking when he saw Lance standing there. " O hi Lance, I didn't see you standing there."

"We were going to tell you all later on, we just got together last night. Are you okay with this Lance." Jc asked of his blonde friend.

"I am totally cool with it, I knew that this was going to happen, I just figure it would of been you and Chris. He is like really flirty with you all the time.

Now Justin just doesn't come off as the type to like this sort of thing." lance said.

"O I like getting my ass plowed ever now and again by a nice strong man, O wait then why am I with Jc. " Justin Laughed.

"What the hell Justin, hurt my feelings why don't you.

I cain't believe you would let me suck your dick then say I am a puss. What the hell is up with that." Jc mocked back acting as sad as he could.

Lance looked at the two messing around and then just smiled. "You two are stupid. Wait until the others find out. This is going to be one hell of a day. By the way the reason I am here, I was looking for Justin. Your mother called this smorning. You need to call her."

"Aright, thanks Lance. I will call her in a few." Justin said as he walked towards the bathroom.

Lance walked to the door and waved bye. Jc looked over at Justin and then ran after him and held him down tickiling him. Justin was screaming for him to stop, but Jc kept it up for a little while longer. When he was done, he let Justin up and they went in the bathroom to take a shower.

Justin was lathering Jc hair when Jc looked down at his new lover with awe.

"O my god baby, what is that". Jc said pointing at Justin's penis.

"That is my joy stick, hun. You can play with it later if your a good boy and all." Justin said smiling and laughing at the same time.

"I promise I will be good all day, baby. I promise." Jc said jumping up and down in the shower.

Once they finished there shower Justin sat down on the bed and called his mother Lynn.

"Hey mom, what did you need?" "I was in Jc's room, I fell alseep there last night." "Well that is what I wanted to talk to you about, actually." "No, No, mom. I am not with Brittney. I don't have a girlfriend." "Well If you would hold on I will tell you why I can't go out with her." "No mom, I am with Jc." "What do you mean it's about time.?" "I got to go mom, yeah he is right here, why?" "Hold on"

"Baby she want's to talk to you". Justin told Jc.

"Hello Lynn. How are you?" "Yeah, he burped in my face though" "I know, what a way to ruin a nice moment." "Yeah I love him" "I love you too Lynn." "Okay, yeah we will call you later then. Aright." "Bye Lynn"

Jc hung up the phone and looked at Justin.

"Your mother is something else baby." Jc said.

"You ain't got to tell me anything that I don't already know. " Justin added.

"We should go ahead and tell the other guys, don't you think" Jc smiled.

" I hope it goes as well as the others did."

They finsihed getting dressed and walked down to Lance's room. Once they got there they walked in and asked Lance to call Joey adn Chris's room and get them in there. They shoud up a few minutes later and sat down looking at the other three like what the hell is going on.

"Well I am totally sure you are wanting to know why we wanted you here.? Jc asked.

"Yeah it would so be nice." Chris joked with them.

"Me and Justin are together, we are going to have wild monkey sex and keep every one up on the bus for now on with are wild monkey sex. Now what do yousay about that." Jc joked around.

"NO sex on the bus you two." Joey said.

"You two can fuck were ever else you want but please do not make us listen to you all night long, that would so not be healthy. You will totally ruin my sex drive if I have to listen to that all the time" Chris added to the joke.

"Okay let's get serious for one second, if that is humanly posible with you all. You are are really kewl with this." Justin said trying to be serious.

"Yeah we are really cool with this man, it's not like we didn't know that you two were longing for each other." Joey said.

Justin laughed a little and then said, "Lance thought that Chris and Jc would be together."

Chris through a pillow at Lance and then yelled at him, " Man if I was gay, I would have better taste then that.

"HEY, don't talk about my man like that, only I am aloud to do that." Justin said.

Jc got up and wlaked out of the room and then came back in with a squart gun and loaded water on ever one except Justin. He walked into the bathroom game back out and dumped a bucket of ice water over his head. Justin jumped up looked at Jc and hugged him so that Jc would get wet to.

"I guess I deserved that one." Justin said then leaned in and kissed him.

"So who is going to tell Brit." Joey said.



Next: Chapter 2

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