Starlight Slasher

By Ken V

Published on Jun 15, 2023


Starlight Slasher - Part 5

"You're right Tony, you may not get used to being a blow-up doll for my boys, but I can assure you, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to see whether you will enjoy it or not." I dragged him off of the bad and shackled him to the floor. "Good night boy."

The next morning, I awoke to find Tony glowering at me from his spot on the floor. I got up and pet his head as one would a dog. "Good morning boy," I said happily as I passed him on my way to the bathroom.

When I returned to the bedroom, I asked, "Are you ready for the day boy?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Good." I unlocked his chains and he rose to his feet. I knocked him off balance and flipped him on his back. "And so am I boy." I found my hole and forced in. He cried out but never stopped glaring at me. I leaned down and kissed him. As before, he returned the kiss in a mechanical fashion. This disappointed me and I pounded harder into his ass. I could tell he was sore. When I finally came, he looked almost relieved. I blindfolded him again and repeating the actions from the night before, brought Justin and Sean in for a turn. When they were finished, I sent them off to make breakfast. I removed his blindfold and he glared at me. I smacked him across his face. He returned the glare. I smacked him again. He finally softened his gaze a bit. I smacked him one more time. The glare left his face. "That's better." Dragging him from the bed, I chained him up and left for breakfast.

Life with Tony in the house proceeded much the same way over the next few months. I hadn't reached a point of trust with him, as I had with Justin and Sean, so I had never removed his manacles. At night, I kept his handcuffed and blindfolded at the foot of my bed. He had spent several more days strapped to the table in the garage.

I purposely kept him and the boys separated, but had reached a point when I felt that he needed to meet his other two 'masters'. So one afternoon I brought him into the family room and had him kneel before me. "Tony," I smiled, "would you like to meet the other boys. I mean, after all, you have been their woman for so many months now, it only seems right that you should finally meet your other men, don't you think?"

"Oh yes sir," he sneered. A quick shot of the hand caught the side of his mouth. You would have thought that by now, he would have learned.

"Boys," I called.

The door to the mudroom opened and Justin came into the room, followed by Sean. I thought Tony's eyes were going to pop out of his head when he saw them.

"You son of a b..." My hand caught the side of his head, with far more force than I usually wield. The blow threw him forward and sprawled on the carpet.

"I've had enough of you boy. Justin, bring me the phone. I know who has the patience to shape you up Tony." I dialed the numbers from memory and listened to the phone ring.

"This is Andy."

"Hey bud."

"Is that you Neal?"

"It's me."

"How have you been. It's been too damn long. Ever since you started filling more stalls in your stable, you have been way too busy for your friends."

"I know and I am sorry. I would like to make it up to you. Are you free for dinner?"

"I am."

"Great. How does 5:00 PM sound?"

"Perfect. What can I bring?"

"Your appetite. Both of them. Oh, and I have a belated birthday present for you."


"You'll see."

I ran to the store and bought supplies. While I was gone, I gave Justin and Sean explicit instructions to clean house and get themselves and Tony ready for company.

When I got back, I was pleased to find the family and dining rooms were ready for company, and all three boys were well groomed. "Sean, get dinner started. Tony, you can help. Justin, come help me get ready."

He obediently followed me to my bedroom and instinctively knelt at the foot of my bed. With precision, he quickly undressed me, allowing his fingers to accidentally brush against certain parts of my body. He proceeded to the bathroom and started the shower. My home was custom built and I had designed a large shower with a bench. Feasibly, I could comfortably entertain eight people in there. By the time I reached the bathroom, the water was a perfect temperature and the door was being opened for me. I grabbed Justin's hand and dragged him after me. He knew his job and immediately went to work cleaning me for my guests. Once I was cleaned, he returned to his knees and engulfed my cock in his mouth. The water sprayed against my chest and washed down my stomach to his mouth. He had one hand on each of my ass cheeks, knowing better than to venture further. As I reached climax, I grabbed his head and forced myself down his throat. He handled the maneuver like the pro he had become, never missing a beat. When I orgasmed, he sucked every drop from my shaft. I helped him rise to his feet and kissed his mouth. He was still hungry. We sidled over to the bench and I sat down. He turned his back to me and lowered himself onto my rod. He rocked back and forth and found the rhythm that he knew I enjoyed. He worked his inner muscles and milked my cock for all it was worth. I smacked his ass a few times during his motions. This seemed spurred him on even more. When he felt me finally cumming, he pushed back, forcing my cock as far up his ass as it would go, the milking sensation never stopping. When we were done, I leaned him back and held him against my body. The water had long since turned cold.

"I love you sir."

"I know you do boy."

The doorbell rang and opened to the door to find my friend Andy standing on the porch.


"Come on in."

I shut the door and he threw his arms around me, in a huge bear hug. I felt engulfed in his arms. He was solid as a rock, a good six inches taller than me and had far broader shoulders. If a white man saw this big, black stud coming at him down the street, he would certainly shit his pants in fear. As soon as he smiled though, the illusion would be lost. He was nothing but a big teddy bear. "It is good to see you."

"And you. Come on in the family room."

"I finally get to see your new boys."

"You do and I think you will find them most interesting." As we turned the corner, Andy locked his eyes on the sight of the naked and shackled Tony. "Covarrubias?" Just then, Sean came into sight with a bowl in his hands. "Gaines? This is what you have been hiding from me Neal?"

"What do you think Andy?" I walked over to Sean and fondled him like a piece of meat. I spun him around and spread his ass cheeks, showing Andy his hole.

"It looks like you have broken him in."

"I have. Tony." Tony reluctantly shuffled over to where I stood and I repeated the motions with him.

"Ooh wee. I never thought I would see the day that Covarrubias would be taking it up the ass. Hey Neal, where is that sexy boy?"

"Here sir." Justin said from behind.

"Now there's one sweet piece of ass you got Neal." As Justin went by, Andy took a quick grab of his ass. He knew he could go no further.

"Let's have a drink while the boys finish dinner."

Sean had done an excellent job with dinner. I asked him to fix a three bowls and the boys were kneeling on the floor eating their dinner.

"Man, you have got it made. How the hell did you get to these boys?"

"Let's just say I helped them finally use some good judgement."

We had talked a while longer, when I noticed the boys were finished eating. "Are you ready for desert Andy."

"No man, that was a great spread. I am stuffed."

"Wrong desert Andy."

It finally dawned on him what I meant. "You mean your boys?"

"Well, one of them at least."

"Do I get to pick?"

"No Andy, you can't have Justin."

He laughed. "Hey, you can't blame a man for trying. Can you?"

"Now, I would certainly make a try for that too. I was thinking more on the lines of letting you test drive, and if you like him, take Tony home with you. I know how special he was to you on the street."

"Covarrubias? Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am. He needs special attention and more patience than I am willing to give right now. Besides, I have to beautiful and well-trained boys that do just fine in meeting my needs. Now, would you like some desert?"

He thought about for a moment. I watched his eyes follow Tony around the kitchen. He watched the sway of his cock and shape of his ass. "Yeah, I think I would like some desert."

"I thought you might. Tony. Come here!" I had seen Andy in action before. I had never seen a beer can cock before and never seen one since. Tony was definitely going to be in for a huge surprise, both literally and figuratively.

"Yes sir."

"My friend would like some attention. Please see to his needs."

He shot me look and appeared as if he was going say something. "Yes boy? Do you have something to say?"

"No sir." He moved over to stand before Andy I saw Justin and Sean watching with great interest out of the corner of my eye.

"Well boy, you forget where a master's cock is kept? Get to work!" I snapped at him. With fell to his knees and began fumbling with Andy's shirt. "Sean, I also need your attentions."

Sean quickly came over and in a matter of moments, caught up with and passed Tony's clearly slow movements. "Andy, if that slave moves too slowly, you can smack it to get it to move faster."

Without a second thought, his hand shot up and caught Tony against the side of his head. "Thank you Neal, I will." Tony sped up and soon he and Sean had us down to our shorts. I was watching intently for when Tony removed Andy's boxers. As expected, his eyes bulged in his head. He suddenly realized he had screwed up one too many times and he was receiving a very big punishment. "Come one Covarrubias. Show the nice policeman how much you want to clean his night stick." He put his hand on the back of Tony's head and helped guide him to his cock. He struggled against the grip and Andy smacked him again, harder. Tony finally forced his mouth around the huge pole in front of him. Andy pumped into his face as best as he could. Tony would require more training before he would be able to handle Andy's mass the way it needed to be handled. I watched as Andy stood and rolled Tony onto the floor. Once down, he pumped into Tony's mouth hard. When he shot his load, it appeared that Tony might have gagged on it's mass. He sat up but left his cock in Tony's mouth. "Oh Neal, this is one hot boy you got here."

I was getting ready to orgasm, so I ignored him for a minute and allowed Sean to finish his work. When Sean was done milking it, I smiled at Andy and said, "I'm glad you enjoy him. He has a great ass too. Would you like to try it out."

"Absolutely." Before the word completely left his mouth, Tony started squirming below him. He rolled Tony over on his stomach and pinned him to the floor. "Where do you think you are going my pretty? Our date isn't over yet."

"Justin, get the lube from the bedroom."

"Yes sir." A few moments later, he was back with the tube. I pointed to Andy and he handed the tube to him. I patted the couch and Justin sat next to me. Both he and Sean watched with amazement as their Andy greased up his cock and shoved a finger in Tony's ass.

"You ready boy?"

"No sir."

"Oh well," Tony smiled as he lined up his cock to Tony's hole and pushed in. Tony screamed in pain. I felt both Sean at my feet and Justin at side jump noticeably in their seats. He pushed in until his mass had filled Tony's hole. Tony was visibly crying now and moaning loudly.

I pointed to the lube and Justin reached over and grabbed the tube. I handed it to Sean, who greased me up and then sat down on my cock. I had Justin stand in front of him and he blew Justin as he rocked on my cock. I saw Tony look up from his point on the floor and watch the happenings in front of him. I smiled at him and he looked away. Gone was the hatred and anger. In its place was fear and terror. It appears that Tony may finally have been broken.

I orgasmed a bit before Andy and had the boys finish the kitchen while he and Tony finished. I went to the den and pulled out the disc I had created with the evidence against Tony on it. I slid it into a mailer and sealed it. When I returned, Andy was still going furiously. I returned to my seat and watched. Andy looked up at me just as he climaxed and mouthed a 'thank you'. I smiled and gave him a nod. He dropped against Tony's back and lay there panting. Tony was still crying. When he pulled himself off of Tony, he climbed up and sat on the couch. I handed him the mailer.

"What's this."

"This is my decision maker for Tony. Hang on to it. If he ever gets out of hand, look at it. You will know what to do. Until then, it's best you don't know." Tony turned his tear-streaked face up from the floor. "Tony, my friend enjoyed your company this evening, so I have given you to him as a belated birthday present. You are his slave now. You will do as he tells you and you will make him happy now."

"No, please sir, no!" He jumped to his knees and crawled over to me. "Please, I'm sorry, I'll do anything. Please, anything!"

"Anything Tony?"

"Yes, anything, sir, anything!"

"Sorry, Tony, it's too late. I am tired of dealing with you." Andy had finished dressing and was obviously amused by the scene. "Andy, if you back your car into the garage, you can load him in as is. I wouldn't remove the shackles though. I don't think he can be trusted."

"I will. I won't. And thank you Neal. This is the best present you ever gave me.

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