Starlight Slasher

By Ken V

Published on Jun 3, 2023


Starlight Slasher - Part IV

Tony's Story

I drove by the parking lot and found Sean's car had been towed. I quickly headed up the back road and parked where I had the week before. Reaching the cabin, I set everything up and had just sat down when I heard footsteps outside. I risked a glance at my watch. 5:55. He was early, just as I had expected. I heard the door open and close, and then silence. He was toying with me, as I had with him. I waited a moment and then said, "Come in Tony."

The door flew open and the beam of my light caught him as he jumped through. "Move to the center of the tarp and stop."

He moved as he was instructed and glared in my direction. "Okay asshole I'm here. How much do you want?"

"I want it all Tony."

"Fuck you man, you ain't getting it all."

"Oh, but I am, or the police will be getting it all."

"Do you know how much I make off of this shit, there's more than enough for both of us."

"You seem to be misunderstanding me boy."

"Don't 'boy' me bitch."

"We will need to work on your manners boy."

"Fuck you!"

"No Tony, fuck you. Here's rule one. I talk. You listen. Rule two. You will refer to me as sir. Rule three. You watch your language or I will have to punish you. And I can assure you that you do not want that." He glared but chose to remain silent.

"I'm sure you understand the seriousness of situation Tony. You were selling drugs and were stupid enough to be caught on film doing it. And as an extra-added bonus, I caught you in the act of a hate crime as well. That is going to equal a long, long time in jail boy."

"Yeah, so what. Sir." He added the 'sir' as if it were a negative comment.

"Well, you need to be punished. I will let you choose which method you will atone your sins by. You either do as I tell you, without argument, or I go to the police with my film footage. Do you understand the options?"

"Depends sir."

"On what boy."

"On what I gotta do."

"That's irrelevant."

"No it's not sir."

His use of the word 'sir' was pleasing me. It showed I was making some progress. "Tony, did you happen to notice my email address?"

"Yeah, so what sir."

"Why would you think I chose that particular account name?"

"Does it matter?"

"I think it matters very much. And you will too very soon. You realize that this tough guy attitude is not helping out your cause, don't you?"

He shrugged in a noncommittal way. "You will answer me when I ask you a question boy!" I yelled at him. He jumped almost imperceptibly, but I saw it.

"I guess sir."

"So let's try this again. Why do you think I chose that account name?"

"I don't know sir."

"Then I'll tell you. I will own you, lock, stock and barrel. And you will work for me in that same manner. No matter what I ask you to do, you will perform it without argument. I will tolerate no disobedience or it will lead to a severance of our agreement and your going to jail. Do you understand?" The tough guy facade cracked just a bit. His mouth opened and then quickly shut.

"You were about to say something boy?"

"How long is this arrangement for sir?"

"Until I feel your debt to society has been paid."

"Isn't there something else we can work out sir?" He almost begged.

"Yes, an email to the police department."

"Fine, whatever, I'll do it. Sir"

"Not the enthusiasm I had hoped for, but we will go with it anyway. Are you ready to enter into your new life boy?" He just stared at me. "Did you hear me!"

"Yeah I hear you sir. I'm ready."

"Good, remove your shoes and socks."

"What?" He asked incredulously.

"Did I stutter boy?"

"No sir." He slid out of his shoes and returned his glare towards me.

"Now the shirt."

"Hey man, I ain't into that stuff."

"You forgot something boy!"

"Oh yeah, I ain't into that stuff sir."

'That's better. What stuff would that be Tony?"

"Faggot stuff."

"I don't believe I asked you to do any faggot stuff. I asked you to remove your shirt."

He huffed and pulled the tee shirt over his head, dropping it to the ground. "There you go sir."

"Now the pants and your underwear."

"I just told you..."

"No boy, I am telling you boy and I am tired of having to repeat everything to you. It's really quite simple Tony. You do as you are told or our agreement is off. Now get the clothes off your body now!"

There was only a slight hesitation as the pushed the pants down his legs. He let them lay in a heap around his ankles. I noticed his cock was longer than Justin's and hung down from the bottom of his groin like a pendulum. This boy had some girth to him. "Now, put your shoes back on."

"What? Sir."

"Put your shoes on your feet. Are you deaf?"

"No sir." He slid his feet back into the sneaker openings.

"Do you see that bag in the corner behind you?"

He looked around until he found the bag. "Yes sir."

"Go get and come back. I have some presents for you."

He returned with the bag and dropped it on the tarp. "Now empty the bag and put your clothes into it." He dumped the bag and shoved his clothes in. "Now put the bag under the boards on the side. He moved to the pile and kicked a board up. He spied Sean's clothes from the week before.

"Hey, whose stuff is this sir."

"Never mind. You will find out when the time is right. Now get back over here. I do not have all night." He sauntered over the to the center of the room. He was a cool one, this Tony. Not once had he covered cock or attempted to hide from my sight.

"Now pick up the handcuffs and fasten one around your right wrist. You should remember how to do that Tony. I understand you have had plenty of experience." He snapped the manacle around his right wrist. "Oh please. How stupid do you think your new owner is? Tighten that handcuff boy." He begrudgingly tightened the cuff a few more notches. "That's better. Now turn around and put the hood on your head." He slowly complied with my order. "Put your hands behind your back boy." He put his hands behind his back and stood silent and still. As I stepped up to him, I saw his shoulder muscles tense. As I grabbed his manacled wrist, he tried to spin and attack. But I was faster. Using his arm as a lever, I forced him down to the tarp. I bent his arm further behind him.

"Stop!" he yelled.

I grabbed his other wrist and snapped the free handcuff around it. "You think you are pretty clever, don't you boy." He didn't answered. "I can assure you that you will be punished for that Tony." Having anticipated his antics, I had come prepared. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a dog collar. I wrapped it around his neck so the hood was secured underneath. Latching it closed, I hooked a leather leash on it and rose of my latest treasure. "Get up!" I snapped and used the leash to help urge him along. I pulled him along behind me and gathering up my chair and flashlight, I dragged him out of the building.

"Let me go you asshole."

"Tony, I can assure you that you are in bigger trouble than you realize. I suggest you keep your mouth shut!" I punctuated my suggestion with a short jab to the stomach. He groaned in pain and tried to lower himself to his knees, but I used the leash to keep him going. Instead of taking the more humane route, I chose the embankment path. He had great difficulty finding purchase and keeping his balance without the use of his hands. Again, the leash helped to 'guide' him along. We reached the car and I opened the trunk. I pushed my treasure in and slammed the lid shut. I put the chair and flashlight in the back seat and got in. He had already started pounding on the hood. I enjoyed breaking Justin and Sean, but this one, this one was going to be even more of a challenge. I smiled as I started the car and headed home.

He banged and yelled the entire way home. To keep my cargo a secret, I took back roads and less traveled routes. It took a while, but we made it without being discovered. I pulled into the garage and lowered the door. Leaving Tony in the trunk, I went in to check on my boys. As instructed, they were in their room, lying on their separate beds. "I'm home boys."

"Hello sir," Justin beamed.

"Did you get him?" Sean asked.

"Yes I did boys. He's in the car."

"Do you need help bringing him in sir?"

"No, I think he needs some time to be alone and adjust to his new arrangements."

"Come along boys." They followed me down the hall to my room. Together, they helped me undress. Sean was learning to follow Justin's lead. If Justin nibbled on a nipple, Sean would nibble on the other. It was wonderful having the attentions of two slaves.

I lay back on the bed and Sean climbed up and began sucking on my cock. Once he got it good and wet, he climbed onto my lap and guided me in. He began to rock his hips, slowly riding me. Justin climbed up on the bed and stood in front of Sean, who took his friend's cock into his mouth. I watched Justin's beautiful ass as he pumped into Sean's mouth. As Justin increased his pace on Sean, so did Sean increase his speed on me. I felt the stream coursing through my cock and pushed up into Sean as it released. I saw Justin grab his head and force his cock down Sean's throat, having reached his own orgasm. We released our triangle and the boys laid down, Justin in front of me, and Sean in front of him. Slowly we drifted off to sleep.

After breakfast, I dressed and sent the boys to their room. As soon as I entered the garage and shut the door, Tony started banging on the hood. "Let me the fuck out of here you fucking asshole! Do you hear me dick wad? Let me the fuck out of hear!"

I opened the trunk and was immediately hit with the smells of urine. He had wet himself. Thankfully, I had laid out another plastic tarp in the trunk before I had left. Dragging him from the car, I grabbed hold of the leash and forced him down to his knees. "You pissed in my car boy!"

"Fuck you!"

I brought my hand down hard against cheek. The impact forced him off of his knees and onto his side. With his hands shackled behind his back, he was unable to break his fall.

"You mother fucker!"

"Oh Tony, didn't we go through this last night? I am in charge little boy. I own you. You will do as you are told and like it."

"Fuck you asshole!"

"You have left me with no other choice Tony." I grabbed the chain and yanked him to his feet. I dragged him over to a table off to the side. I had designed it years ago and it had come in handy a few times. I had only used it a few times, but hadn't cared much for it until now. I pushed him on top of the table and shackled his legs, spread eagle to the wooden legs of the table. Taking the leash, I pulled it around to the front of the table and lashed it down to a bolt on the crossbeam at the bottom of the table. Now that he was secure, I felt safe with releasing his hands. I unlatched his left arm first and began to pull his arm around to the front of the table. As I expected, he began to fight, but with his head and legs secured, I had the upper arm and soon had his hand chained to the left leg of the table. I grabbed his right hand and forced it into the chain attached to the right leg. During this entire process, he fought and spat out his comments. Now that he was completely locked down, I loosened the neck collar and slid the hood from his head. This caused him to start in on a new barrage of foul language. From a near by counter, I retrieved a ball gag that I had bought some time before. I forced it into his mouth. He continued to try to and cuss me out, but the gag made it difficult. I left him and went in the house to retrieve my belt.

When I returned, he saw the belt and quickly figured out what was to come. He began thrashing against his restraints without effect. I doubled the belt over and snapped it in his line of sight. His thrashings died. He glared at me while I simply smiled back at him. His eyes softened. Perhaps he knew he had met his match, but that didn't matter. He had made his bed and it was time for him to lie in it.

I walked behind him and ran my fingers along the soft mounds of his ass. His thrashing began again. Without warning, my finger was replaced with my belt, cracking across his ass. He screamed against his gag as his thrashes became more pronounced. I brought the belt down again and again. When the count hit fifteen I stopped and moved around to my victim's front. He immediately snapped his head up and glared at me. He tried to speak, but the gag produced only mumbles.

"Are you ready to behave Tony?" Without breaking eye contact, he shook his as far to each side as his restraints would allow. "Okay boy, have it your way." I returned to his reddened ass. I ran my hand gently over his right cheek, feeling the heat that emanated from it. "You are already so hot. It's a shame you hadn't learned. Oh well, here we go again slave." I raised the belt and brought it down against his ass. He thrashed, but less wildly than before. By the time I hit twenty-three, he had ceased moving at all and by the time the belt counted thirty, it was clear I had hit the mark. He was crying. I dropped the belt on his back and left him there.

That evening, I returned to check on my latest acquisition. As I entered the garage. His head popped up off of the table. Gone was the anger, but his eyes still held some of their fire. "Are you ready to behave now boy? I would suggest you consider carefully before you answer, as it only gets harder from here." Once again, with the all of the movement he was able to make, he nodded his head no. "Have it your way." I picked up the belt and let loose on his ass. This time, it took only seventeen swats to bring him to tears. I continued to an even two dozen and dropped the belt on his back. Without a backward glance, I turned off the light and left him for the night.

"Come along boys."

"Yes sir," they replied in unison. My boys followed me down the hall and prepared me for bed. I climbed in and extended my arms. Justin climbed in on my right and Sean on my left. Their tongues intertwined around my cock, taking turns, so one was always present. Justin broke first and swallowed my head. Sean moved down and tongued my balls. It was the first time Sean had taken the initiative and I was pleased.

"Justin, come ride."

"Yes sir." He broke his suction on my cock and rose to impale himself on it instead.

"Sean, ride Justin." Justin snapped his head up. His face bore an expression of fear and excitement.

"Yes sir," Sean replied. He positioned himself over my chest and backed his ass onto Justin's dry cock. It was clearly not a painless process, but he was doing was he was told.

Over Sean's shoulder, I could see Justin's face. He was clearly pleased with this latest turn of events, but was uncomfortable with this new role. As he pistoned into Sean's ass and off of my cock and vice versa, his face showed the emotions fighting each other. I pulled Sean's face down and kissed him.

Sean was the first to finish, shooting his load all over my chest. Justin, being better trained, timed his with mine. We broke our position and the boys went to work cleaning my chest. With Justin in the middle, we settled in for the night.

The next morning, I knew Tony would be hungry, cramped and possibly close to conforming to his new world. I needed to play my cards right. The boys were in the kitchen fixing me breakfast.

"Justin, come sit with me."

"Yes sir," he responded somewhat confused. He removed his apron and strode over to the table. I indicated the seat to my left and he gingerly sat down.

"How do you like having Sean here with us son?"

"I like it very much. Thank you sir."

"I'm not sure how things are going to go with Tony, will you be happy if only Sean joins us?"

"Of course sir, I am happy with anything you feel I am worthy of having sir."

"You are a good boy Justin."

"Thank sir!" he beamed. Having removed his apron, Sean brought two plates over and placed them in front of Justin and myself.

"Take your place boy." Sean crawled under the table and slid under my robe. With an envious look on his face, Justin began to pick at his breakfast. Only after a reassuring smile, did he actually eat the food before him.

Once the boys had cleaned the kitchen and returned to their room, headed out to the garage. It took him a while, but he finally raised his head to my presence. Tony looked a little worse for the wear. It was clear he had been crying for a while. His eyes were red rimmed and puffy. Snot ran down his face in both wet and dried rivulets. "Good morning boy," I grinned down at him in an almost mocking tone. "I can continue this for as long as you want, but you had better hope I don't tire of it too soon. You know what the consequences would be then. With that said, are you ready to behave now?"

He nodded his head in a shallow yes. "And you are ready to accept the terms of our agreement?"

Again he nodded his head yes. "Good. Let me get your outfit ready." From my cupboard of 'toys past', I pulled out a pair of leg irons.

His eyes widened when he saw the irons coming towards. "They won't hurt. But are just in case you decide you want to try and go anywhere."

Moving to the rear of the table, I could see a few marks resulting from the punishments of the previous day. Unlocking one leg at a time, I fastened his legs into the manacles and secured them into place. The handcuff still hung on his left arm, so it was a simple matter of locking his right arm into place. Surprisingly, this went without incident. I removed his gag and unhooked his leash. Groaning, he rose to his feet. "Come along," I said as I yanked his leash behind me. Between the stiffness in his joints and the leg manacles, he was having great problems walking. It had been at least 36 hours since he ate, so I knew he was hungry, I led him into the kitchen and said, "Sit."

He started to sit at the table. With a quick yank on the leash, I pulled him away. The motion caused him to fall to the floor. "Slaves do not sit at the table."

I scrambled a couple of eggs, fried a few sausages and made two slices of toast. Making everything into bite sized pieces, I dumped it all into a bowl. I put the bowl onto the floor in front of Tony. "Here slave."

"What's this?"

My hand flew out and smacked the side of his face. "Excuse me boy!"

"Sorry sir. What's this?"

I was impressed, he almost sounded as if he meant it. "This is your breakfast. Since you are still in training and are somewhat rebellious, I cannot trust you to have the use of your hands or a sharp utensil. Besides, as I said, slaves do not sit at the table. Now eat your breakfast."

"Yes sir." He maneuvered onto his knees and leaned over the bowl. I sat at the table and watched my new toy. From this position, I could see his ass clearly. His hole looked so tight. Breaking this cherry was going to be fun. He must have been ravenous because in a few minutes, he had literally licked the bowl clean.

"Would you care for some more boy."

"Please sir."

I prepared the same portions as before and set the bowl in front of him. Once again, he eagerly lunged into the pile of food. I got a glass and found a straw. Filling it with juice, I placed it on the floor next to his bowl. He attacked the glass with the same tenacity at which he ate the food.

When he was finished, I set the dishes in the sink and led him down the hall to the guest bathroom. I got him in the shower and sat him down. "You stink." I scrubbed everywhere once and then did it again. I wasn't gentle, but I wasn't particularly harsh either. I washed his hair and as I did, he closed his eyes and relaxed to the feel of my hands against his scalp. He's relaxing. Good.

When he was clean, I dried him off and got him out of the shower. "You are wearing your uniform. All of my slaves are naked all of the time. There is never an exception. I own it. I want to see it, whenever I want to see it. As you earn my trust, the hand cuffs, leg irons and leash will go away and you will have free run of the house like my other slaves do."

This last statement seemed to pique his interest. "There are other slaves sir?"

"Of course there are."

"Where are they?"

"In their rooms, staying put, as they were told." I led him down the hall and out to the backyard. "Part of your duties will be to tend to the gardens and the pool. They are to be maintained at all times. I took him through the particulars of my garden. I led him back to the garage and I felt him start to slow down against his tether. "Relax, you have been good. You are not going to be punished."

A look of relief swept across his face. I turned my back and a broad smile swept across mine. I had him. I knew I had broken the tough boy. In the garage, I showed him where the tools and garbage bags were kept. I led him back in the house. "Housekeeping is also part of your duties." I showed him where the cleaning supplies were kept and walked him through my pet peeves. The tour ended in the master bedroom.

"The remainder of your duties take place in here." A look of fear crossed his face. "My slaves help me dress, undress and shower." He relaxed when I seemed to finish. "They also take care of any sexual needs I have. Like right now. Get over here and kneel down boy." I sat down on the foot of the bed and waited for him come. I still had a hand on his leash, but made not motion to pull him along.

"Please sir, I..."

"Please sir, I what Tony? I don't like guys? I don't suck dick? I don't go for that faggot stuff?" Or were you going to say Please sir, I would prefer to go to jail and be the main whore for an entire cellblock?"

The muscles in his jaw stiffened and he straightened his back. He slowly walked over and knelt before me. I opened my pants, the first time I had done so myself in quite a long time, and slid them down to my ankles. "Show me why I am keeping your ass out of jail Tony."

With a lunge, he drove down onto my cock. With a ferocity I had not seen in any partner or slave, he attacked my cock. He bobbed up and down, like a young boy who had just found masturbation. "Slow down Tony." He slowed his motion down and continued to with a steady rhythm. I felt my balls tightening and pushed his head further onto my cock, he tried to fight, but realized he had no choice and took my cum as it pumped out. I made sure he got every drop and then released my grip on his head. He lifted off of my cock and looked up at me with a look of disgust on his face. "Very good boy. With a little training, you are going to be one good little cock sucker."

"Thank you sir." He said, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. I rose to my feet and smacked his face.

"I am tired of telling you Tony. Perhaps you need another lesson." I pulled his leash and pulled him up onto the bed. Grabbing my tube of lubricant from the night stand, I greased up my already growing rod. He realized what was coming and started squirming beneath my grip. I took a greased finger and slid it into his ass. Without waiting, a second finger followed. Tony howled in pain. I worked the two around for a moment and then shoved a third finger in. He cried out again in pain.

"Now boy, get ready for the real thing." I rammed my rod into his ass and began to piston in and out of him. "I told you boy, I this could be a nice or not so nice relationship. This could have been real good, but you decided you wanted it this way."

He was crying long before his ass had loosened enough for me to be enjoying the act. At this point, I pulled out and rolled him over onto his back. I pushed back in and began anew. He had his eyes squeezed shut. Tears streaming down the sides of his face. "Look at me," I ordered. "Look at me!" I yelled. His eyes snapped open and focused on my eyes. "Look into the eyes of your owner. Look into the eyes of your future." I leaned down to kiss him and to my surprise, he kissed back, not passionately though. I continued to work his ass over until I finally orgasmed. His crying had died down at this point, but not completely subsided.

I moved to my nightstand and pulled out a blindfold. Covering his eyes, I left him crying on the bed and went to the boys' bedroom. Opening the door, I found them sitting on their blankets as ordered. "Boys, I just finished breaking in Tony. He has been particularly troublesome though and needs some additional attention. I would like you two to come down and fuck him if you would like to."

Justin eagerly responded with a "oh yes sir!" But Sean remained silent.

"What's wrong Sean?"

"He'll kill me."

"I have taken care of that. If you say nothing, he won't know it's you."

"Okay sir."

"Then come along." They followed me down the hall to my bedroom. Both looked surprised to find their old leader laying on the bed in the condition he was in. "Now, I have a special treat for my newest slave." I pointed to Justin and he moved over to Tony and lifted his legs. He slid into Tony's already sore asshole. "This is my first slave Tony. I felt he deserved a bonus today. You had better be good to him."

Justin's pistoning started picking up speed and I knew he was close. I pointed to Sean and motioned that he should get ready. He moved closer and as soon as Justin pulled out, Sean climbed up and slid in. "And this is my second slave. He is also getting a bonus today. How does it feel Tony."

"Fine sir."

"Good. Get used to it. I think you will be getting it from all three of us as a part of your daily chores."

"Yes sir," he panted, timed in rhythm with Sean's thrusts. Sean lifted Tony's legs until he was thrusting straight down into Tony's ass. I motioned to Justin and he moved over and took a hold of Tony's cock. While he wasn't hard, he was sporting a semi and with a little expert coaxing, he had soon grown to tremendous proportions. Justin continued to jack him off and when it was clear he was nearing climax, he forced open Tony's mouth and expertly shot most of the load into the boy's mouth. Wiping up the spillage, Justin fed it Tony and slid off the bed to wait for his next order. Sean finally climaxed and when he finished, pulled out of his friend and quickly climbed off of the bed. "You boys may return to your room. Thank you." They both nodded and left the room.

I removed Tony's blindfold and uncovered his eyes. "How was it Tony?"

"Okay sir."

"Did it get better the more it went on?"

"Yes sir."

"And was it better when it was gentler?"

"Yes sir."

"Then I hope you will keep that in mind as we move forward. I can be a very tender master or cruel slave owner. The choice is yours. My boys have the option to leave whenever they want you will to."

"They obviously like dick sir."

"Actually, the were both straight when I met them Tony. Both had circumstances that were not too unlike yours and both chose kind servitude over prison. In both cases, they have opted to stay. They have grown accustomed to the arrangements and their duties. I hope you will do the same.

"May I speak freely sir?"

"You may."

"What I just did was the most disgusting thing I have ever done in my life. I will never get used to having some guy shoot his load down my throat or up my ass. And there is no way I am going to get used to being some blow-up doll for your boys."

Next: Chapter 5

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