Starlight Slasher

By Ken V

Published on May 12, 2023


Starlight Slasher - Part III

I checked email periodically throughout the day. As expected, Sean was the first to respond. He followed my instructions to the letter. His note was brief, as I had instructed: NO! Smiling, I responded with a simple set of directions. He was told to drive to the parking lot at Shady Hollow Park. He was to arrive no earlier than 6:00 PM. I wrote that I expected him to wear a pair of blue jeans, a tee shirt, and tennis shoes, and other than his car keys, he was to bring nothing else with him. He would leave his car there and walk out the gate and across the street to a dirt road that was chained off. He was to follow that road until he came to a fork in the road. There, he would take the left branch and follow it until he came to an abandoned house. There was a door on the north and south sides of the building. He was expected to enter the northern door and wait in that first room until he heard me call him. He was not to bring a friend, he was not to look around, and he was to bring no more than I listed. I sent the file and waited for his response. Sure enough, fifteen minutes later I got his response. Again, it was a single word: Okay.

I responded a second time with a similar set of rules that I had initially lay down for Justin. I told him that there were ground rules to our meeting. First, I was the boss, he do not tell me 'no'. If I ask for it to be done, he would do it. If he argued with me or refused an order, I would send my files to the police. Second, He would refer to me as 'Sir' at all times. Third, that he understood the seriousness of the situation and understood that I would not tolerate any games. He was to walk into this agreement with that seriousness in mind.

I sent this second message and waited. Back came his response, but this time, there were two words: Yes sir. I chuckled to myself. "One down and one to go." Tony had until 5:00 PM tomorrow. I knew he would wait until the very last minute to respond. He would try to retain as much control over the situation as he could. He didn't know who he was up against.

I shut the system down and went to get things in order for that night.

"Please sir," he begged, "can't I go too?"

"I will not say it again boy. You will stay here and you will stay in the guestroom and I had better not see you until I call you. Do you understand?"

He hung his head in disappointment. "Yes sir."

"Justin, you do understand what I am trying to accomplish tonight, don't you?"

"Yes sir, I do."

"Then please don't argue. We need to follow the plan to make this work and your presence would probably impact the outcome. I promise, you will get you crack at him once I am done. Understand?"

"Yes sir." His disappointment was still obvious.

"And you can stop pouting, unless you really want something to pout about!"

His head snapped up and he had painted a smile, albeit, a very fake one, on his face. "No thank you sir."

"Okay, I'm out of here. Get your chores done and get your butt in your room. Shut the door and stay there."

"Yes sir."

I parked my car and gathered my things from the trunk. I walked to the edge of the embankment, and followed a well-worn path down and then across the meadow to the abandoned house. I made sure my car was out of sight and went in the southern door of the building. The structure had three rooms. One at each end, which connected to the outside and one in the center that could be reached from either exterior room. I made sure the northern doors were unlocked and in good enough shape to be moved. They were. I moved some old planks over to the side of the center room, hid a plastic bag underneath and lay a paper tarp out in the center of the room. I moved back to the southern room, made sure the door was closed, then set-up my chair and sat down. I checked my flashlight and then directed its beam at my wristwatch. 6:25PM. Good, I was ready and he should be here any time.

Ten minutes later, I heard the other door open and shut. I quickly snapped my flashlight off and waited. I knew that the more he had to wait, the more nervous he would become. About twenty minutes after he arrived, I switched on the flashlight and said, "Come in Sean."

I heard the door creak and shone the light in his face. "Move into the center of the room, on to the tarp." He was taking tiny, cautious steps. "Hurry up boy!." I bellowed. He visibly jumped up in the air and rushed to the assigned mark. I had the light directed into his eyes. I remained silent a while longer, just to add to his pressure. "I am very disappointed in you Sean."


"Did I stutter or are you stupid?"

"Ah, um, uh.."

"Stupid it must be then." He cast his eyes down. "Look at me boy!" I snapped.

He snapped his head up. "I can't see you sir, the light is in my eyes."

"Then look in my general direction. Now, I want to make sure that you understand the gravity of your situation Sean. You were selling drugs and were stupid enough to be caught on film doing it. I am not interested in seeing you go to jail Sean." I could see him visibly exhale. "But you must pay for your crime. Don't you agree?"

"Yes sir," he mumbled.

"When I talk to you, I expect you to speak to me and to speak clearly. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, I have decided what your punishment is. You have two choices. You either do as I tell you, without argument or I go to the police with my documentary. Do you understand the options?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, let's get down to business. Did you happen to notice my email address?"

"Yes sir. It was your new master at"

"Why would you think I chose that particular account name?"

"I don't know sir."

"Well, let me help you out. The terms of your punishment are quite simple. I own you, lock, stock and barrel. And you will work for me in that same manner. No matter what I ask you to do, you will perform it without argument. I will tolerate no disobedience or it will lead to a severance of our agreement and your going to jail. Do you understand?" I watched his eyes widen as I spoke. He was stuck and he knew it.

"I guess I really don't have much of a choice sir."

"You're absolutely right there Sean. Now, are you ready to begin on your new life?"

"I, uh, I guess sir."

"Good. Good. Now, remove your clothes."

"What!" He asked unbelievably.

"I think I made myself clear."


"Sean, I thought you understood your situation and had agreed to my conditions. You have still have a choice boy. Either strip or get out of here and quit wasting my time. You have thirty seconds to decide and do not make me ask again."

His face hardened a bit, but he didn't cry. He finally understood his predicament. Slowly, the shirt came off and he dropped it to the tarp. He had a slight treasure trail. It was lighter than Justin's, but was darker, so it stood out more. Using his toes, he slid off his shoes. Pausing briefly for a moment, he reached for his the snaps on his jeans. A thick bush peaked above the top of the opening. He slid the jeans down his legs and stepped out of them. His hands immediately went to cover his cock.

"First lesson Sean, I own that and I like to see my property." It took a moment, but his hands went to his sides. He was also a front runner, but his cock was a little smaller than Justin's. "Very good boy. You are learning. Now, put your shoes back on. He sat on the tarp and pulled his shoes on. "Fold your clothes and put them in a nice, neat pile." He folded his shirt and jeans as he was instructed. "Very good. Now under those boards is a plastic bag, pull it out and put your clothes in its place. He got a confused look on his face, but he remained silent and followed his instructions.

"Reach in the bag Sean. I have two presents in there that I want you to wear. He reached in the bag and pulled out a hood, that I fashioned out of an old pillowcase, and a pair of handcuffs. "Attach the handcuffs to your right wrist." I noticed that his eyes were now pooling. It was beginning to hit home. Good. "And finally, put the hood over your head, turn away from the light and put your hands behind your back." He did as he was told and I moved over to where he stood. I snapped the open bracelet around his left wrist and rubbed my hand on his nice tight ass. He flinched at my touch. "You'll get used to that."

I grabbed the plastic bag up and turned my new boy towards the southern exit. I dropped the flashlight in the bag, grabbed my lawn chair and led Sean out of the building. We followed the same trail to the back road, but instead of taking the steep embankment, I took a more gradual path. "Where are taking me?"

I lashed out and smacked him up side his head. "You will call me sir boy." His body jerked under the force of his tears. He smacked his head again. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes sir."

"Then try it again boy!" I bellowed.

He flinched again. "Where are you taking me sir?"

"We are going to your new home and that's all you need to know." We had reached the car and I said, "Wait here," as I went to put the chair and bag in the trunk. I returned to my captive and opened the back door. "Get in," and with a push, I forced him in the car. "Now lay down." He did and I covered him with a blanket. I slammed the door and opened my door. "I trust you will stay down Sean?"

"Yes sir," he sobbed.

"Quit being so pathetic Sean. If I knew you were going to be such a whiner, I would have turned you in any way." The sobbing quieted a little bit. Smiling to myself, I drove home.

I opened the garage door and drove the car in. Closing the door, I got out and opened the door for Sean. "Get out." He struggled to sit up and then to move with the blanket wrapped around his body. Finally, he managed to get his legs out the door and stood. I moved him away from the car and shut the door, leaving the blanket on the garage floor. Justin could take care of it in the morning.

I led Sean into the house, noticing that the door to the mudroom was closed and the light was off. I debated between the guestroom and my room, and finally decided that my room would be a better choice. We entered the room and I removed the hood from his head. I sat on the bed and took a very obvious look at his body. He made it clear that he was uncomfortable with being on display like this. "Welcome to your new home Sean."

"Thank you," he replied, his red-rimmed eyes betraying his 'happiness'.

"I am sure you have figured out what some of your duties will be, haven't you boy?"

"Yes sir, but, but..." Catching himself, he stopped what he was saying.

"But what Sean?"

"I'm not gay sir."

I chuckled in spite of myself. "Sean, your sexuality has nothing to do with it. Mine does however and I am gay. In addition, I own your ass and find you very attractive." His eyes pooled again, but he remained silent. "I will be very gentle with you, and after a time, you may find you enjoy me fucking your face or your ass." His widened and the tears poured from his eyes. "See, you act like a pussy, so I am just treating you like one." Sobs wracked his body, but not a word was said. I knew he was mine. Unlike with Justin, I did not have the luxury of taking several weeks with this boy. I had one week to get his training underway, before Tony came to join us. "Come here." He took two steps and stood directly in front of me. "Turn around." I dug the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the handcuffs. I took the bracelets and put them in a dresser drawer. When I returned, he was in the same position, rubbing his wrists.

"I am going to teach you what you need to know to make me happy. Do as I ask, and we will be good friends. Go against me, and I go to the police." I waited a moment, but he gave no sign of arguing. "You may remove my shoes and socks." He did as he was instructed. "Put the shoes under that chair, fold the socks and place them on the chair." He followed my directions and turned, to look me in the face. "Now the shirt." He unbuttoned my shirt and slid it from my shoulders. He folded it and placed it on the chair. "Very good Sean. If you continue in this manner, we will get along very well. Now my pants and underwear. You may do both at the same time." The tears began flowing again, as he undid my jeans and slid them down my hips. Folding them, he added them he added them to the pile.

I sat back down on the bed and motioned for Sean to move closer towards me. He was staring at my erection and the precum that was already dipping out. "Have you ever given a blow job before Sean?" He shook his head left to right, but said nothing. "Have you ever received a blow job?"

Finally breaking his stare, he looked up at me and said, "Yes sir, my girlfriend did it a few times."

"Then you know the basics. Why don't you start and I will give you specifics as we go along."

He returned his gaze to my cock and after a time, he grimaced, opened his mouth and moved forward. I smacked him across his face. Startled, he jumped back. "I am giving you the honor of making me happy. When you go to please me, I expect to see joy on your face for the opportunity, a lust for more cock and the hunger for a belly full of cum."

"Yes sir."

He moved forward and while he still didn't look happy, he wasn't grimacing any more. His mouth gingerly wrapped around my cock. I held his head in place and slowly forced him down. He started to gag. "Relax Sean. Don't fight it." While he didn't make it all the way down, he did make excellent progress for a newbie. His method was clumsy, but after a while he got the hang of it and with the appropriate coaching, he was soon bobbing as if he had been doing it for years. I felt my balls tighten and pushed his head down onto my cock. He gagged and started to choke. My load blew forth and he tried to back away from it. Releasing one hand, I smacked his head and snapped, "Don't you dare boy." He closed the sides of his mouth, but some had already managed to leak out. "You better get every drop off of and out of there boy." I felt his tongue exploring every cavity, cleaning away my seed. I released his head and ordered him to clean up the drips on my legs, my foot and the hardwood floor. He hesitated at the floor, but did clean it up. "How was it boy."

"It was okay sir." I hardened my look and he quickly changed his tune, "It was good sir."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I rose and helped him from the floor. I led him around to the side of the bed and told him to lie down. His eyes immediately pooled and the tears flowed heavily. "Oh Sean, are you going to do this every time I have sex with you?"

"No sir, I, I'm just scared."

"You have no reason to be Sean. I can be very gentle or very hard. Your behavior will decide what happens." I climbed on top of him, spreading his legs with my knees. I leaned down and kissed him. My tongue began to explore and after a moment of hesitation, his opened his mouth and accepted my attentions. "You know what we are going to do next, don't you Sean?"

"Yes sir," he sobbed.

"I reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out the tube of lubricant. I made a huge display of greasing my shaft up. For some reason, that didn't help to relax him. Go figure. I put another glob onto my finger and said, "Lift your legs." He lifted his legs and I put the cold glob against his hole. He flinched. I forced the first finger in and he groaned. The second finger followed as did another groan. This time, he sounded like he was in some pain. I worked his hole for a minute and then, rubbing the extra on my cock, positioned myself at his hole. Slowly, I pushed in. He squeezed his eyes shut and pinched his face up again. Stopping where I was, I smacked him again. "What did I just tell you? You should be honored to have me taking your cherry boy. You should be thrilled to have me pushing into your ass. And you had better get used to it. Now!" With that said, I forced myself into his hole in one swift movement. He screamed out in pain and grabbed the bed with his hands. "Shut up slave," I yelled as I smacked him again. "I told you, I can be gentle or very hard. Continue to act this way, and I will make sure that I do everything the hard way. Understand me boy!"

"Yes...yes... sir."

I bent down and kissed him again. Letting his hole adjust to the invasion. Slowly, I began to piston in and out of him. His kisses became more furious, as the intensity of my thrusting increased. Soon, he was moaning, but he was still crying. I tired of the position we were in and rolled him onto his hands and knees. We never broke our contact and I started my rhythm again. After a while, I tired of this position too. Suddenly, I had a great idea and pulled out of him. "Come on." I led him into the bathroom and bent him over the counter. Flipping on the light I pressed up behind him. "Look in the mirror boy." He lifted his eyes to the glass and entered him again. "You see, you have already begun to enjoy your new role." I grabbed his rock hard cock and gave it a squeeze.

"Yes sir, he grunted.

I continued my assault on his ass. Finally, I felt my load course through my cock. His eyes widened as he felt my seed fill his bowels. I rested against his back "You are officially my new pussy." He was still gasping, but he managed to nod. I felt my cock continue to soften and pull out of his ass with a pop. "It's time for bed." I led him over to the bed and pulled a leg chain out from underneath. I clamped it around his leg. Then I pulled out a blanket and handed it to him. "You will sleep there Sean," I said, indicating a point on the floor."

"Yes sir," he said as he lay the blanket out and curled onto the floor.

"I'll be back." I turned and headed down the hall. I reached the mudroom and opened the door, my little beauty was sitting against the wall, with tears in his eyes. "What's the matter Justin?"

"You hadn't come to see me. I thought you were mad or, or that you liked Sean better."

"Justin, you know how much work it is for me to break a new boy in and I have even less time for Sean than I did for you. Now, do you want to please me tonight or should Sean be the one on my mind as I close my eyes?"

Like a flash, he was across the room and standing in front of me. I turned him around and using Sean's ass juices, pushed into him. He pushed back, showing his enjoyment. In spite of my two earlier loads, I still came quicker than I had hoped. It appeared the possessing of two slaves was keeping more excited than I thought. I kissed Justin on his neck and said, "Now go to sleep boy."

"Where is Sean sleeping sir?"

I smacked him hard on the ass. "Not that it is any of your business Justin, but Sean is sleeping exactly where you slept when you first got here."

"Yes sir. Good night."

"Good night Justin," I said as I turned off the light and shut the door. When I returned to the bedroom, I found Sean was already asleep.

The next morning, I woke to find Sean sitting up on the floor. "You're a wake boy."

"Yes sir."

"Good, come show me why I should release you from the leg iron." He crawled over to the bed and turned back the linens. My cock was already hard at the prospect of his attentions. Pausing only a moment, he opened his mouth and began working my cock over. I had to remind of a few things, but for the most part, he had remembered his teachings. I got him to push a little further and soon, he was able to take it all in. He was not quite as talented as my beautiful Justin, but he had promise. I felt my load course through me cock and watched my new boy swallow it all down. "Very good Sean. With a bit more training, you will be fantastic."

"Thank you sir."

I pulled on my bathrobe, unlocked his leg iron and started down the hall.

"Excuse me, sir?"

"What is it Sean?"

"I don't have any clothes."

"That's right, you don't. You are wearing all that you will ever wear in my presence Sean. I told you, I like to look at my property."

"Yes sir," he said, with obvious disappointment in his voice.

"Now come along, my other slave should be preparing breakfast for us." I saw a curious look cross his face. I had peaked his attention.

We reached the kitchen and as expected, there was Justin standing at the stove.


"Hi Sean."

"Oh, I see you two know each other," I said in mock surprise.

"You're the reason I'm here?" His tone was incredulous.

"Yeah, I am."

"You asshole!"

I had been standing a few steps away from Sean. Before he knew what had happened, I was on him. I forced him down to all fours and said, "Justin, bring me the spoon." Justin hurriedly grabbed the large wooden spoon from the utensil holder and brought it over to. "I told you I could be gentle or very hard. You are about to get another taste of very hard. I do not tolerate that kind of language or attitude from my slaves. As the spoon connects with your ass boy, I expect you to count them for me."

"Yes sir.'

I took my arm back and brought the spoon down on his ass. He yelled out "ONE, SIR."

"Let's see, there are ten letters in your outburst, so ten it is." I brought the spoon down nine more times. Each time he dutifully counted. His ass was bright red when I finished and I may have left a bruise on the right cheek. I reminded myself to check that later. Handing Justin the spoon, I released my grip on Sean and rose to my feet. "Get up Sean." The exotic youth rose to his feet. Tears streamed down his face. "You should actually thank Justin. If it weren't for him, I might have turned my recording over to the police. You should say thank you."

"Thank you Justin," he stammered through his tears.

"Now perhaps you should show Justin just how thankful you are Sean."

He stepped over to where Justin still stood and dropped to his knees. He began working on Justin's hardened cock. Justin looked at me in surprise. He had never expected this. "Don't get to used to eat it boy."

"Yes sir."

It had been a while since I allowed Justin to orgasm, so Sean's efforts were short lived. I watched Justin writhe and push into Sean's mouth as he came. Sean started to choke, not on Justin's cock, but on the size of the load that Justin was shooting. It took him a few moments to finish unloading. "That wasn't too bad, was it Sean?"

"No sir."

"Good, now Justin, I would like my breakfast. Justin fixed my plate and brought it over to the table. I sat down and he knelt at my side. "Sean, I suggest you watch Justin, he is well trained and if you follow suit, you will stay out of trouble. Sean came over and knelt next to Justin, instinctively, he covered his hard cock. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Justin nudged him and he quickly dropped his hands to his side. "Justin, take your place."

He eagerly slid under the table and took my cock in his mouth. "You see Sean. Justin has become an integral part of my day to day routine. You will as well."

"Yes sir."

"You will have chores and duties as he does and you will please me whenever I desire it."

"Yes sir."

I finished eating and told Justin he could stop. He looked disappointed at not being rewarded with a load. I patted his head and told them to clear the table. I watched the boys clear the table and attend do the dishes. Justin instructed Sean on my preferences as they went along. Things were progressing nicely.

The boys went out back to attend to the garden. I sat in my recliner and watched them. Justin worked hard as always, Sean would require a bit more training before he was as dedicated as my Justin was.

"How long have you been here Justin?"

"Since my Dad threw me out?"

"And you are this guys whore?"

"No, I am the Master's slave. I take care of him and he takes care of me. It is my duty to serve him"

"So you are his faggot."

"You will understand someday Sean."

"The fuck I will. I am out of here the first chance I get."

"He'll turn you into the cops. He's not kidding."

"If I erase it from his computer, he'll have no proof."

"He has a copy in his safe as well as one saved in his Hotmail account."

"Ah shit."

"Sean, it's best that you just do as you're told. He is a good Master."

"I'm nobody's slave. And I ain't no faggot."

"Sean, you gave him head and I heard him fuck you up the ass last night. You gave me head in the kitchen and gave him head this morning before you came into the kitchen."

Sean showed his surprise. "How could you tell?"

"I have been in his service for some time. I know what he wants, when he wants it and can tell when he has already had a blow job. Bottom line is you are already somebody's slave and are well on your way to being somebody's faggot. I wasn't gay either, but given the circumstances, I didn't have choice. I did what I had to."

"What the hell did he have over you?"

"Remember the Starlight Slasher?"


"He caught me in the act."

"You were the Slasher?"


"Oh fuck."

"Yeah. And you better watch your language. Nobody cusses around here except the Master." The worked quietly for a few minutes, pulling weeds. "Sean?"


"It's good talking to you again."

Sean smiled although he didn't want to. "Yeah, I guess it's good to see you too."

"And Sean, learn to enjoy it. It's really not so bad once you get used to it."

"I don't know if I can ever get used to sucking on some guys cock."

I finally decided to check email. Sure enough, there was a reply from Tony. He had waited until the last possible moment to respond. I sent him the same email I sent Sean. We had a similar exchange of emails, but he had finally agreed to meet me at the same place and time.

I allowed my boys to eat at the table with me tonight. I indicated for them to lift their wineglasses and we toasted to the new addition to our family. During the meal, we laughed and talked, almost like a real family. When dinner was over, I watched the boys attend to their chores. Their cocks swayed with their movements. It was a very enjoyable sight. When they were done, I said, "I'm think I am going to take a shower."

"Yes sir," Justin replied as he bounded down the hall, with Sean on his heels.

By the time I reached the bedroom, both boys were we waiting. Justin undressed me and Sean had the water warmed up. He held open the door as I climbed in. "Who is washing me tonight?"

"We both are sir," Justin replied and with a surprised look, Sean climbed in behind me. Justin followed and pulled the door shut. Justin instructed Sean on how I wanted to be cleaned. It was very exciting for me to have two sets of hands working over my flesh. I was hard as a rock. Sean was in front and I got him to stand and bend over. I lathered up my cock and slid into his ass. I indicated for Justin to move to the front, which he did. "Take care of him Sean." Sean took Justin's cock into his mouth and began working him over. Soon, we were in rhythm, both of us pumping at the same time. Justin shot first and the look on his face was wonderful. I shot my load shortly after.

They dried me off and after drying them selves off, joined me in the bedroom. I secured the leg iron around Sean's leg and told him to lie down on the floor. I had Justin lay down and I slid in behind him, with my cock wedged against his ass.

The week went by quickly. Sean was learning well and he and Justin were settling in well. During one session, I had them sixty-nine each other. While they were engrossed in each other's cocks, I got my digital camera and took several pictures from several different angles. I loaded the images onto my computer and created a CD, which I stored in the safe. Just in case I would ever need it.

Friday came and I planned to be at the rendezvous site earlier than last time. Tony was a sharp character and assuming his Sean's car was still there, it wouldn't take him long to figure some things out.

"Boys I am off to get my next acquisition. Justin, you know the rules."

"Yes sir."

"You listen to him Sean and stay out of trouble."

"Yes sir."

"If you finish your chores early, you can blow each other, but no ass play. Understand?"

"Yes sir," they said in unison.

I climbed in the car and left.

"Come on Justin, let's get the hell out of here."

"No Sean. I am where I want to be."

"You like this shit."

"I do now Sean."

"Well then fuck you, I am out of here."

"He'll go the cops Sean. You know he will."

"I don't give a fuck anymore. Let him."

"He also has pictures. Pictures of us blowing each other."

"How do you know?"

"He showed me. He took them on Tuesday when we were sixty-nining."

"Ah shit."

"Sean, don't go. I don't want to see you get in trouble. If you anger him, you know what'll happen."

"Yeah, I know."

I drove by the parking lot and found Sean's car had been towed. I quickly headed up the back road and parked where I had the week before. Reaching the cabin, I set everything up and had just sat down when I heard footsteps outside. I risked a glance at my watch. 6:05. He was early, just as I had expected. I heard the door open and close, and then silence. He was toying with me, as I had with him. I waited a moment and then said, "Come in Tony."

The door flew open and the beam of my light caught him as he jumped through. "Move to the center of the tarp and stop."

He moved as he was instructed and glared in my direction. "Okay asshole I'm here. How much do you want?"

Next: Chapter 4

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