Starlight Slasher

By Ken V

Published on May 9, 2023


So many of you asked me to tell what happened to Coach Hargesson, but I really feel I need to tell the story in the order it happened. Because of this, the below chapter in our life has been brought to you first, I believe there will be three more prior to the two that will deal with Justin's Dad. . My thanks to everyone who sent feedback. I was glad to know so many of you enjoyed hearing about Justin and I.

Starlight Slasher - Part II

Justin and I had settled in nicely together. He became use to being naked around the house and in the backyard. It did take him a while to get used to being naked in front of my friends when I entertained, but he finally learned to deal with it.

While Justin was happy as my slave boy, he occasionally told me how much he missed some of his friends, even in spite of the way they treated him. Having been through the ridicule of coming out in high school, I could easily sympathize with his feelings. One night, we were finishing a rather intense session in the hot tub. He climbed off of my lap and settled in at my side. We had been drinking wine and he must have felt very relaxed, as he started talking. Out of the conversation, I learned that when he was much younger, he had had a few sexual fantasies regarding two of his friends: Sean and Tony. I didn't comment, as he appeared to need to talk more than he needed to listen.

A few weeks later, I had received some bonds in the mail and went to put them in my safe. In the back, I spied a box that I had forgotten about. I pulled the box out, left the bonds and closed the safe. I called Justin into the den and he arrived as I was settling into my chair.

His cock bounced from left to right as he bounded in. I could never get enough of his energy and naive beauty. "Yes sir?"

"Come sit beside me son."

He knelt on the floor beside me and laid is head on my thigh. I rubbed his head and rested my hand on his neck. He turned his head and using his mouth, began to tease my cock through my sweatpants. "That's not while I called you Justin."

"Sir?" He replied, obviously confused. He was used to sitting under my desk tending to my cock while I worked on something at the computer.

"I found this in the safe," I said as I pulled the box off of my desk and set it in my lap. "Go ahead, open it."

He carefully lifted the lid and set it on the floor. Peering in the box, he was surprised to see the contents. In the box, sat a flask, pack of cigarettes, lighter, wallet and a small metal tin that he knew contained his old weed stash.

"Do you remember this stuff?"

"Yes sir. It is from the night we first met."

"That's right. Do you need any of this?"

"I quit smoking. I don't do drugs anymore. I drink only what you let me drink. You give me everything I need. I don't need anything else sir," he replied as he ran his hand over my still hardened cock.

"Let's throw it away then."

"Yes sir. That's a great idea." He rose from the floor and followed me into the bathroom. I handed him the cigarettes and he broke them up, tossing them in the toilet. The flask was next. He dumped its contents into the toilet on top of the floating tobacco. He screwed the cap back on and held it in his hand. He ran his finger over the engraved "H" on it's front.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I was just thinking. This was my grandfather's sir."

"Would you like to keep it?"

I could see the glow from his smile even before he brought his face up to meet mine. "Oh yes sir, thank you sir." He threw his arms around me and planted a large kiss on my cheek. Realizing the breech in protocol, he quickly broke the embrace and stepped back. Casting his eyes down, he quietly said, "I'm sorry sir, please forgive me."

It was obvious that he was squirming, waiting to see how I would respond. During the silence, I noticed his cock stiffen and rise. Now, I had a choice, I could give him what he was obviously wanting the most or forgive him, throwing him off balance. I chose the latter, as I knew his breech was due to his youthful exuberance and not meant to be disrespectful. "I will forgive you this time Justin. I understand your excitement."

His head came up again with a mix of happiness and disappointment. "Thank you sir."

I handed him the tin next. He went to take it from my hand, but I didn't let go of my grip. "Sir?"

"Justin, where did you buy your marijuana?"

"There were a lot of guys who sold it at school sir, but I usually bought it from Sean and Tony. Being they were my best friends, I saw them all of the time and didn't have to hunt them down. Why do you ask sir?"

"Just thinking son. Go ahead and get rid of it." He dumped the marijuana paraphernalia into the toilet. Ripping the feathers off of the roach clip, he dropped the pieces of it on top of the pile.

"I'll keep the lighter. What do you want to do with your wallet?"

Justin picked up the wallet and flipped through the pictures. There were pictures of friends, his parents, and he and his girlfriend at the junior prom. He pulled them out one by one and tore them up, dropping them into the toilet. He paused only momentarily when he came to his parents' picture, but it too ended up on the heap. He did the same to business cards and scraps of papers with 'important' notes on them. He pulled the money out and automatically gave it to me. He dug a condom out of the back, opened it and dumped it in. When the wallet was empty, he tossed it and his stash tin into the garbage can. Flushing the toilet, he watched silently as his previous life literally went down the toilet. It seemed like very apropos, considering how things really went down for him. As if to drag it out, it took three additional flushes to clear the bowl out. When the last piece had disappeared, he looked up at me with a confident smile.

"Come on son." He came to me and I wrapped my arm around him. We left the bathroom and I led him to the bedroom. He knew what was coming and immediately knelt before the foot of the bed. He removed my shoes and socks, sliding the shoes under the nearby chair. Carefully folding the socks, he set them on the seat. He removed my shirt and repeated the process. When he turned back to me, he moved his mouth to my nipples and teased them to attention. The boy had a gifted mouth and my lessons had taken the gift and made it a supreme talent. I stood and he untied my sweats and slid them down my hips. My cock, already hardened, smacked down on the top his head as it was freed from its confines. He added my sweats and underwear to the pile. He kissed the head of my cock and ran his tongue along the slit, getting every available drop of my precum. His tongue continued down my shaft and with it he pulled each ball into his mouth, gently rolling it with his tongue. He went to swallow my cock and I stopped him, and extended my hand. He took it and rose. I led him to the bed and had him lay with his head hanging over the edge. I slid my cock into his mouth and began an assault, albeit a gentle one, on his throat. He took me like the pro he had become. Knowing what would come next, he lifted his legs and placed his feet flat against the mattress. This granted me easier access to his hole. I fingered his ass as I pistoned in and out of his mouth. Justin moaned as I slid a second finger into his ass. He squirmed and tried to force his ass further onto my fingers, but I pulled them before he could enjoy himself too much. A quick slap to his ass and he let loose of a disappointed sigh. I started to pull out of his mouth, but he threw his hands around my waist, planting one firmly on each of my ass cheeks. He was trying to pull me in to his mouth and not let me go. A very hard twist to both nipples got him to release his grip.

"You know better than that boy!" I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry sir. I don't know what came over me. I am just so horny."

"Did I give you permission?"

"No sir."

"You disappoint me boy. Assume the position."

"Please sir, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. Really," he begged and pleaded.

I grabbed my belt off the dresser and spun to face him. "Are you arguing with me boy."

Fear filled his face. "No sir," he replied. He knew he had gone too far. He rolled onto his stomach and then climbed up onto all fours. He pushed his ass back, ensuring he couldn't tighten his ass muscles to ease the pain. "Please forgive me sir."

"You need t be reminded who is the master and who is the slave Justin."

I took the belt and looped it in half. I never wore the belt, but had used it many times in the past. It was a thick one, made in the seventies. I found at a thrift store and instantly knew it would be handy. It was an eighth of an inch thick and an inch and a half wide, and being 48 inches in length, even doubled it covered a large area. I swung the belt hard against his ass. The smack echoed in the room. "One. Thank you sir." He never ceased to amaze me. He was scared and knew he would soon be in pain, but was taking it as he had been trained. I gave him the total of a dozen strikes against his ass. When I finished, there were welts crisscrossed over a bright red background. Tears poured down his face and by the twelfth one, he was having great difficulty speaking clearly. "No get your ass out of here. Tonight, you are sleeping in your room."

"Yes sir," he cried as he silently trod down the hall. His 'room' was a blanket in the mudroom, between the dryer and the ironing board. I went out to lock up the house for the night and could hear his cries and sobs. I felt bad, but he had to learn. He was my slave and I was his master. He had a place and a purpose and both of them were at my bidding.

The next morning, I woke to the smell of bacon wafting down the hall. I rose and pulled my bathrobe on. I went into the nook and sat in my normal place. >From this seat, I could watch Justin's every move in the kitchen, never loosing sight of that beautiful body. At some moments, I think he knew I was watching him. It appeared that he was putting on a show. He found the need to bend over several times and made needless extra trips across the kitchen. He brought my plate over and set it on the table before me. He took his normal spot kneeling at my feet. Not a word was exchanged between us. I wanted him to learn his lesson.

About half way through my meal, he said, "Sir, may I speak."

I slammed my newspaper to the table, waited a moment and then turned to face him, "What do you want boy?"

"Please forgive me sir. I can't tell you how sorry I am. Please sir. Don't be mad at me. It hurts me so bad when you're angry."

I returned my attention to my food, saying nothing to him. I took a few more bites and then spoke, "It appears that I have failed as your master Justin. If I had trained you correctly, that little incident last night never would have happened. Perhaps it is best that we end our relationship. You can find a new master and I a new slave." I hoped this comment would have the desired effect.

"No sir! Please, no!" he cried out.

I ignored his outburst and took another bite. "Please forgive me sir. I swear it won't happen again. Please!" He lunged forward and wrapped his arms around my leg, burying his face into my thigh. His body was wracked with the sobs that he made no effort to hide. I continued to eat the remainder of my meal. For a moment, I wondered if I was being too hard on the boy. He was only responding positively to sex. The sex I had introduced to him and taught to him. I thought a moment more and then pat his head and rest my hand on his neck. His sobbing subsided and I called his attention. "Justin."

He raised his head and I looked into his red-rimmed eyes. "I trust we won't have to have this conversation again, correct?"

"Oh no sir, never again!" He happily sniffled.

"Then get to work." As soon as the words left my mouth, Justin was under the table and had his head buried under my robe. I soon felt his hot breath on my pubic hairs. I rolled the chair back and he crawled with me, never missing a lick. His tongue was wrapped around my cock and his mouth bobbed hungrily. Now that I could reach his head, I grabbed it and held it while I pistoned in and out. His mouth went from head to pubes without missing a beat. I felt my balls tighten and knew I was close. Two more pumps and felt my load surge through my cock and into his waiting mouth. The load was so large, that I felt its warmth against the sides of my cock before he swallowed it. He kept milking and sucking until every drop had been taken. When he was done, he released my deflating cock from his mouth and threw his hands around my waist. He had begun to sob again and soon I could feel his body quivering against me. I got him to lift his head. I took one look at that beautiful face and began to harden again. I pulled him up and pushed him over to the butcher-block island. Bending him over the surface and using the moisture he had left behind on me, I entered him. He groaned as he arched his back and lifted his torso off of the block. I pounded into his ass without mercy.

I could tell he was getting sore, but having just orgasmed, it took quite a while for me to climax again. Over an hour passed before I was through with him, but finally I was.

I was exhausted and had only the strength to lay against his back. He lowered his body back to the block and lay panting. Soon, our breathing was synchronized and my deflating cock pulled out of ass. I lifted myself from my beautiful boy and he did the same from the butcher block. I looked at the block and found that Justin had orgasmed not once, but it appeared he did so twice during our session. His sperm dripped down the side of the block and pooled on the floor. "Clean that up." I pointed.

"Yes sir." He quickly dropped to his knees and licked the rivulets from the side of the block and then the pool on the floor. When he was done, he looked to me for approval.

"Now clean up breakfast." He looked a little disappointed as he began to wash the dishes. He knew he was still in trouble and remained silent. I could tell that he was sore by the way he walked. I should have been gentler with the boy, but he was deserving of a rough ride. Now his ass hurt on the outside and inside. Maybe he would think twice before acting like that again. "I'm going to take my shower and get dressed," I called over my shoulder as I left the room.

"Yes sir." He replied the disappointment very clear in his voice now.

I went into the bedroom and saw my clothes from the previous night still stacked neatly on the chair. I grabbed them up and went to throw them in the hamper. As I balled them up, I felt something in the pocket of my sweats. I reached in and found the lighter I had taken from Justin the night before. Something about the lighter stuck with me, but it hadn't come to me yet. I set in on my dresser and climbed in the shower. I was shampooing my hair when it came back to me. Justin had said his two old best friends were also his dealers. With the right evidence, could they be enslaved as well? I began formulating the plan in my head. Soon enough, I was rock hard again. I knew what I needed. I opened the shower door and called out to Justin. Within seconds, he was in the bathroom, his hardened cock standing out in front of him. "Yes sir." He asked a little too hopeful, as he gave my cock a second glance and then third glance.

"I need some attention." I snapped, hoping the intended anger came through.

"Yes sir!" he quietly said, as he climbed in the shower and knelt before me.

I sent Justin out to tend to the yards. While he was outside, I took the plan from my head and put it down on paper. I knew it would work, but the key was Justin. Would he be willing to share? It wasn't that he had a choice, but I needed his heart to be in this plan for it to work.

When he came in from the yard, I told him to wash up and sent him into the shower. He came out a short time later looking clean and somewhat I refreshed. I ordered him to make dinner, and while I watched his cock bounce around the kitchen, I determined how I needed to approach him with my plan.

Justin set dinner before me and knelt at my feet. It looked excellent. "Fix a plate Justin, I want you to eat with me tonight." Confusion flashed across his face. "Hurry up, before I change my mind."

He rushed into the kitchen and fixed a plate. On his return to the table, he asked, "where should I sit sir?"

"If I have asked you to eat with me, where do you think I want you to sit Justin?"

"Sorry sir," he replied as he took the seat next to me.

We both ate in silence for a few minutes. As was expected, I was the one to break the silence. "Justin, something happened yesterday that started me thinking."

"Sir," he exclaimed, "I said I was sorry, please, please, please forgi..."

"Justin!" I snapped. "Did I give you permission to speak?"

"No sir."

"Then shut your mouth and listen to me. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, as I was saying," I took another bite before continuing. "Yesterday, we threw away your old life. One of the items we threw away was your marijuana. You told me yesterday, that your friends, Sean and Tony were your dealers. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir."

"And I remembered a while back, you had mentioned that you had missed their friendship. Is that correct too?"

"Yes sir, but that doesn't mean that I don't like you sir."

"Quit sucking up and just answer the questions I ask Justin."

"Yes sir."

"I also seem to remember you mentioning that you had had a couple of sexual fantasies involving them. Isn't that correct as well?"

"Yes sir," his confusion at my line of questioning was evident by the look on his face and the tone of his voice.

"What if I told you that I had an idea that could make you friends with them again and maybe allow you to explore some of those fantasies with them?" He stopped chewing and simply stared at me. "Justin?"

"They aren't into guys sir."

"And neither were you when we first met Justin, but in time, you learned to enjoy it, haven't you?"

"Of course I have sir."

"Then why would they be invincible if put up against a similar set of circumstances?"

"I don't know sir." Something in his voice told me that he did not want to share.

"What's wrong Justin?" He immediately began crying. "What's wrong Justin?" I repeated.

"I disappointed you and now you are angry with me and want one of them to replace me as your slave."

In spite of the seriousness of the situation, I laughed. "Justin, as long as you obey me and continue to please me, I will never get rid of you. I am looking to enhance our lives with some new slaves. They would help you take care of the house. Plus, if you are a good boy, I might be willing to see some of your fantasies come to life."

"You still love me sir?"

"Of course I do boy. How could I not love the slave that I molded and trained? How could I not love this beautiful boy before me?"

That ice-melting smile spread across his face. "Thank you sir."

"Now that we have that silliness out of the way, answer the question I asked you."

"I think it is a great idea sir?"

"Well, I believe I have a plan. Now listen carefully," I said as I laid it out before him.

Justin called his old friend, Tony, and convinced him that in spite of his new desires, he still had a desire for weed and wanted to buy some. Tony was a little reluctant to deal with the "faggot" at first, but was soon convinced that this would be a large score. Justin arranged to meet him and Sean and the Sports Park across town. The time and date was set and had finally arrived.

At the back of the Sports Park was a men's room. They had agreed to meet outside the bathroom at 10:00 PM on Friday. For the plan to work, Justin had to be completely unrecognizable from a distance. He would also need some clothes. I actually had to buy some for him to wear for this adventure. It had been so long since he owned anything except shoes and a Speedo, that it took two trips for me to find the right sizes. I looked at my beauty standing outside the bathroom. He had on baggy, low-riding pants and had a sweat jacket on. The hood had been pulled up to hide his head and face. One would never guess what lay beneath the nondescript outfit.

I was hidden behind the backstop a short distance away, with my camera. The telephoto lens was on and already focused on Justin. He also wore a mike to tape the conversation. And, as a final step, I had a video camera on a tripod taping the entire transaction. Justin was instructed to keep his backs to the camera, so he would not be recognized on film.

A few minutes after 10:00, two shadows made their way across the grass from an alley that led to the homes behind the park. From my vantage-point, I could see the figures reach the circle of light and cross over to where Justin stood. I trained my camera on the first one. He was a Hispanic, nice looking, not centerfold material, but he had that certain something. He had a stockier build and was a bit shorter than Justin, but he had a swagger and walked like he was king of the hill. He's not bad I thought.

Taking a couple shots of him, I focused the camera on the other figure. I let out a breath in surprise. He had a build that appeared to be similar to Justin's, but was a few inches taller. He had on a shirt that clung to his chest and I could easily see how well defined he was. What really caught my eye was his head. He appeared to have jet-black hair and even from my distance, his silvery-blue eyes pierced my heart. Where Justin was beautiful, this boy was exotically sexy. I snapped off pictures of him and checked the focus and picture on the video camera.

Justin had been given $500 to use for the buy. He pulled the wad out of his wallet and handed to the Hispanic boy. The youth did a quick count of the money and then motioned for silver-eyes to complete the transaction. Out of the band of his right sock, he pulled a bag of marijuana. He hefted the bag in his hand then handed it over to Justin. The Hispanic youth took on a different look now. His face showed anger and hate. Without warning, his fist shot up and caught Justin under the chin. Justin's head snapped back and he flew off of his feet and landed on the cement. The two boys laughed and after taking the opportunity to kick my beauty a few times, turned and wandered back the way they had come.

When they were out of sight, I rushed from my hiding place to check on Justin. He lay on the ground with a huge smile on his face. "Are they gone sir?"

"Yes they are. Why are you smiling boy?"

"Because we got them, didn't we sir?"

"I believe we did Justin, I believe we did."

"Good!" he exclaimed, "I think I want a some revenge sir."

"And soon you shall have it."

I helped him up and he dusted himself off. We gathered the equipment and went home. As soon as the garage door closed, Justin was out of the car and removing his disguise. He gathered up the clothes, folded them and put them in a cupboard near where I kept the extra swimwear.

He grabbed the equipment and followed me into the den. I gathered the three mediums together and got to work. Justin climbed under the desk and did the same.

Being it was Friday night, I didn't need to worry about work the next day, so I worked straight through into the morning. About 2:00 AM I leaned back and told Justin I would be done in about ten minutes. He released my cock from his mouth and replied, "Yes sir." His mouth returned and he put a new technique to work. If I planned to be done in ten minutes, that meant he had about nine and a half to finish his work. Just as I was saving my project, I felt the familiar tightening of my balls. As I hit enter, I released a mouthful, that Justin hungrily swallowed up. I had to admit the boy had talent.

"Well done Justin. You just made it."

"Thank you sir. I'm glad I was able to please you."

"Now get up here and take a look at what we have done."

He grabbed my cock and licked a final drop from my slit as he crawled out from under the desk. He knelt next to my chair and I hit the start button. On my computer monitor flashed Justin's back. Moments later, two figures emerged from the darkness and approached the lone figure.

The Hispanic boy spoke first, "Hey faggot."

"Hi Tony. Hi Sean," he said turning his head to the silver-eyed boy.

"Hey," Sean replied.

"So faggot, you're looking for a little smoke huh?"

"Uh, yeah," Justin replied sounding very unsure.

"Let's the cash!"

Justin reached in his pocket and pulled out the roll of bills. He handed it to Tony. As I had seen earlier, Tony did a quick count of the cash in his hand and said to Sean, "It's all here. Give him the weed."

Sean lifted his pant leg and pulled the bag out. He hefted it. "Here," he said and handed it to Justin. He was clearly a man of few words and Tony was clearly the leader of the pair.

Tony said, "If you need anymore, let me know. And now that our transaction is done..." his face contorted and his fist slammed into Justin's face. "That's because I hate fucking faggots." With that said, he began kicking Justin and then Sean joined in. "Cocksucker," he spit as the pair turned and returned to the alley they came from.

The screen then went blank and I turned my attention to Justin. "What do you think?"

"It's great sir."

"Tomorrow I will make a phone call and then we will be ready to put the last part of the plan into effect. Come on, let's go to bed."

"Hey Andy."

"Is that you Neal?"

"Yeah, it's me. How you been bud."

"Okay, you?"

"Good, real good."

"How's that sexy slave you got Neal."

"Excellent my friend." Andy and I had been friends for many years. We had met through a mutual friend and found that we had similar tastes. Andy was a detective with the local police department. His involvement was the final piece and was crucial to making this go off without a hitch.

"What can I do for you buddy?"

"I need some information on a couple guys."

"What are the names?"

""Tony Covarrubias and Sean Gaines."

"I don't need to look shit up about those two."

"You're familiar with them?"

"Oh yeah. Covarrubias has been to juvie a few times for drugs and theft. I haven't been able to get him on anything since he hit eighteen. I think it is just a matter of time though. As for Gaines, he is a follower. Used to be a good kid, but then he spent too much time with Covarrubias. Hasn't gotten caught doing anything, yet. Oh, how I would love to nail that little shit."

"How do you mean that Andy? Nail as in throw him in jail or nail as in plug his hole?"

"The first would be preferred, but I would settle on the second. Once my piece of dark meat slides through his guts, he will be scared straight."

"One last question Andy, what would happen if Tony was found guilty of dealing large quantity of drugs or of a hate crime?"

"What have you got brewing Neal?"

"Let's just say that I might be able to you nail or nail your friend."

"Well, shit, why didn't you say so. For drugs, it would be a third offense and even though the others were while he was a juvenile he has enough history to warrant about ten years. On the hate crime, at least fifteen."

"Thanks Andy. I'll let you know how things turn out."

"Wait a minute Neal. You aren't going to tell me what the hell is going on?"

"It's best if you wait to see how things go."

"Okay bud, I'll trust you, but you be careful. I get the feeling you are getting in a little deep."

"No deeper than I have been before Andy. Take care and thanks."

With the final information, I was able to finish the tape. Now, when the initial interaction finished, a picture of Tony materialized on the screen. A synthesized voice came on and said, "You have been a bad boy Tony." His picture moved up and below it appeared his hands counting out the cash. "You're dealing drugs again. Didn't you learn the first two times? This time, you'll go down for at least ten years." The two pictures moved to the right and a video clip started up on the left. It showed Tony hitting a hooded figure in the face and then saying, "That's because I hate faggots."

The synthesized voice came on again saying, "And no you have gotten into hate crimes. That's another fifteen years boy." The video clip started playing over again in the background. "Are you ready to give up twenty five years of your life Tony?" You will respond back to this email with one of two words: yes or no. If the answer is yes, I will send my picture show to the cops and you can face the music. If the answer is no, I will provide you with details as to what you need to do to save your ass. You are to say nothing to anyone. You are to discuss this with me and me alone. If you talk to anyone, including Sean, you can kiss your ass goodbye Tony. I will expect your response no later than 5:00 PM tomorrow. Do not be late."

The file for Sean went pretty much the same way. Instead of listing Tony's past offenses, it discussed how many years he could get in jail and how badly his life would be messed up. If he was the follower that Andy claimed he was, this should be enough to get him to jump.

"What do you think boy."

"I think they are great sir."

With a few simple key strokes, I sent each boy his file from a new Hotmail account I created: YourNewMaster.

Next time: Tony and Sean decide.

Next: Chapter 3

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