Starlight in the Heavens

By Lori Borgaard

Published on Jul 13, 2010



If given only one word to describe her, I guess it would be, enigma.

I didn't understand the draw I had for her. It wasn't her looks, although she was beautiful in her own right. Five foot six, lean hour glass shape with full breasts, not too big and not too small, just enough for a hand full. Rounded hips that blended into a nice firm ass and long slender legs. I bet she'd be a great dancer. I could see her swaying seductively, changing in speed to keep with the beat and flow of the music. In fact, I had seen her dance, though it was always in my dreams. Damn it, why? Why the fuck was she in my dreams?

Her fair skin made me think of peaches and cream. It amazed me, how much time she spent outside, never burning, even more, never getting any darker. I also never saw her in any less than jeans and t-shirt. Hell, we lived by the ocean. There were people all over that ran around practically nude and I never even saw her in a pair of shorts. Except in those damn dreams. In those, she wore creamy silk. It flowed around her body as she moved, her eyes closed, face lifted to the night sky and her hair flung away from her back.

Her hair was dark mahogany that hung now in waves to her small waist. It looked thick, luxuriously soft and silky. It shimmered in the sunlight. I wanted to touch it, run my hands through the silken strands and feel it on my face. What the hell?

Sean, my partner of seven years, came up beside me loosely dressed in a dark blue robe, and followed my gaze down to the woman that had drawn my attention.

I turned my head to look at his hair and realized for the first time, it was almost the same as hers. A little lighter maybe, with nice golden highlights.

I pulled him to me and put my face into his hair. It smelled clean, fresh. The soft feel of it against my cheek, in my hand, was heaven. He was heaven.

When I looked into the dark blue of his eyes, I could feel myself falling. Even after all this time, each day with Sean was new.

So why was she on my mind? Invading my dreams?

"What's she been doing?"

I drew back and looked at Sean. He was staring across the street with the intensity of a cat watching it's prey.

I groaned. Not him too. What was it with this woman?

He looked up at me. Searching my eyes for the reasoning behind my groan and smiled.

"Did you think it was only you?"

He reached up and stroked his finger down my cheek.

"We are one, you and I. Soul mates to the end."

His finger ran along my chin and up to my lips.

"What you desire, I desire."

What I desired was him.

Plunging my fingers into his hair, I bent to his face and met him in a kiss. I parted his lips, my tongue doing its dance with his, drawing it into my mouth. Mint and coffee in his breath.

I moaned as his hands slid up and down my back, coming to rest on my ass. He pulled me into his groin and I came alive. Oh, I was alive before, twitching with the excitement only Sean can give me. But to be pressed into his rock hard dick, oh yeah, that's living. The adrenaline began to flow as the blood left my head and ran screaming to my cock.

"Think you can spare time for a quickie before work?"

His mouth was at my ear, licking and tugging at the lobe.

How long had I been out here? Oh shit, his tongue is lighting a fire along my throat. Gotta get away from the railing, back through the balcony door, into the bedroom.

His mouth never leaves my skin as I pull him with me. He licks along my shoulder, sliding my shirt to the side as his fingers work at undoing the buttons, tongue following down my stomach, pausing to dip into my navel. When it's completely unbuttoned, he slips his hands in and runs them down my arms, letting the shirt fall to the floor. And his fingers are at my belt. His hands are magic in their deftness of movement. Before I'm aware of it, my slacks are down at my ankles and his mouth has me engulfed. I'm in his throat and gasping for breath, my hands returning to the silk of his hair.

I can hear the moans that break free from my lips.

"Oh, Sean. My, Sean. Aaaah...SEAN!"

He holds my hips firm, keeping me from falling as he pulls shot after shot, swallowing it all.

Starlight. Flashes of starlight fill my vision. And he's back at my mouth, smothering me with his kisses. Mint, coffee, and me.

I'm still out of breath as I back the car out of the garage. Before heading down the street, I glance across at Jenna's house. She gives a small wave and I wave back. Her hair spills over her shoulders when she bends and brushes at something on her jeans. As I drive away, I think, it's something in her eyes.


I think it's time we had Jenna over for a visit. This growing obsession we have for her needs to be explained.

Don't get me wrong. The obsession isn't of a sexual nature. Sensual, yes, but not sexual. It's really rather strange that neither I nor Josh can seem to get her out of our minds, or our dreams. It's been that way since she moved in across the street three months ago. Now there was an odd day.

"Have you seen the new neighbor yet?"

Josh was just getting home. He stripped out of his shirt and slacks and slipped into a pair of loose shorts before settling in on the sofa. Hmm, those weren't going to last long.

"No. I haven't been home much longer than you. I hate meetings. They're such a waste of time."

He chuckled at my comment and patted his lap. "That depends on the meeting."

No hesitation here. I bounded right over and straddled him, grinding my stiff cock into his and sucked his tongue into my mouth.

"Mmm, butterscotch. Did you eat that just for me?"

I knew it wasn't Josh's favorite. He usually saved them for me.

"Yeah, I know how much you love that hard sweet stuff."

The only hard thing I wanted right then was his dick and I let him know that as I slid down his lap and started to open his shorts with my teeth.

A loud crash came to us from outside, followed by a yelp. A decidedly feminine yelp.

We stared at each other for half a second before jumping up and heading to the door. What we saw upon opening the door, was a fairly new pickup with its tailgate down, and what looked to be an old sofa dropped on its end. Standing in the bed of the truck was a guy with an exasperated look staring down and shaking his head.

We made our way across the street as the guy started in on whoever was on the other side of the sofa.

"I told you to watch your step."

He picked up the end of the sofa still on the pickup and pitched it off. The sofa landed and bounced, causing another yelp from someone on the other side.

"Hey," Josh shouted. "What the hell are you doing?"

He sprinted around the sofa and by the time I got to him, he was pulling a woman out of the street.

The guy ignored us and started to toss the contents in the bed of the truck out onto the ground, muttering something completely unintelligible as he did. Leaving me with the woman, Josh jumped up into the truck, picked the guy up by the back of his shirt and pants, and tossed him out onto the lawn.

My Joshua isn't one for preliminary warnings.

When he started to get up, all Josh had to do was point and say, "Sit," and he didn't move.

Josh jumped out of the truck and glared at the guy as he walked back over to us. He knelt down at looked at the woman.

"Are you okay?"

She was staring up at him with an odd look of recognition in her face. "Half," she whispered, then turned to me. The look was still there when she continued whispering, "And complete."

Her eyes were the strangest color I'd ever seen. I'm not even sure they were a color. They were almost clear and sparkled with prisms of color.

"Excuse me?"

She looked back at Josh and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I must have hit harder than I thought. I'm fine, just twisted an ankle and maybe bruised my tail bone."

She looked over at the guy sitting on the lawn and back to each of us. I almost gasped. Her eyes had changed. Now they were pale blue, almost gray.

"Thank you."

"So what's his story?" Josh asked, helping her to her feet.

She sighed and winced a little when she put her weight on her injured left ankle. "I guess he didn't like my answer."

"Your answer?"

Uh oh, this wasn't going to be good.

She didn't speak but turned her head away.

In a low growl, Josh asked, "Is he someone you are likely to run into again?"

She shook her head and allowed herself to be lifted and carried to the porch.

"Come on, Sean. Let's do a good deed and help our new neighbor with her stuff, shall we?"

Between the two of us, we had the truck unloaded in no time at all. The guy tossed out, simply sat, pale and wide-eyed, while we worked. Once finished, Josh knelt down at his side and whispered into his ear while grasping his shoulder. I didn't hear what he said, but by the speed in which the guy moved afterwards, maybe I didn't want to.

My Joshua is a big guy, six foot five and two hundred twenty pounds of solid muscle. He doesn't have the build of a competition weight lifter, all bumps and mountains, thank God, but you know he could do damage to you if he wanted. Personally, I think he's perfect. Dirty, blond hair, just long enough to fasten my fingers into and clear blue eyes, the color of a summer sky. He's my golden Adonis. I could oil him up and slide on him all day, every day. But I digress. The point being, that when he told you to back off, you didn't argue.

We spent the rest of the afternoon helping Jenna, our new neighbor, bring in what hadn't been broken and setting up her house. I watched her carefully, looking for the change in her eyes, but they remained that same blue-gray color.

That night the dreams started.

Josh is only working a half day today, so maybe this would be a good time to have Jenna over. It would give us a good six hours of daylight before I knew she would start getting antsy about getting home. She doesn't like being outside in the dark. Such a strange woman. She doesn't seem to be the type to be afraid of the dark, but you never see her outside in it.

Except in my dreams.

It's dark outside and she's dancing, her head thrown back and eyes closed. Her fair skin seems to be glowing and at one point her feet actually lift from the ground.

I wake up wanting Josh so bad, it hurts, like a part of my soul has been cut away and the only way to get it back is to have him in me, and immediately. I'm guessing he feels the same way because there's absolutely no prelude to connecting ourselves upon waking.

I'll give Josh a call in a few minutes and see if he's up for a visit. I think; the answer is in her eyes.


The sound of my cell stops me dead in my tracks. `Love is Forever' plays out, bringing a smile to my lips and a stutter to my heart. Breathless, I flip it open and sigh.

"Miss me already?"

"Every second of every day that you're not in my arms."

His voice is so smooth. I can feel it flow into me, starting at the tips of my toes and fingers; it moves directly to my heart and curls itself around, wrapping me up safe and warm. Heaven. I just want to close my eyes and breathe him in.

"Joshua? Are you there?"

"Yeah. Just forgot where I was for a second. What's up? Besides my dick."

Laughter on the other side of the phone. I swear that boy of mine has a funny bone a mile long. He starts giggling at the oddest of times. But I love the sound of his laugh. It makes the day bright even in the middle of a storm.

Walking into the building, I nod at the receptionist as I make my way to the elevator. She grins up at me and waves. Once in the elevator, with the button for the fourth floor pushed, I lean back against the wall and close my eyes. Sean's laughter has subsided to giggles.


"Sorry Josh. I was just thinking about the look on Mona's face seeing you with that big bulge in your pants. Then I couldn't help but think about her name, Mooaana."

The giggles start up again.

"Uuuggh, I'm gonna have to more careful what I say to you."

I can hear him take a deep breath to force himself to regain his composure. As he blows it out, I feel myself twitch and look down. Shit, that's not going to be easy to hide.

"Josh, I was thinking we should have Jenna over today."

The doors to the elevator open and I glance about the hallway quick before stepping out. My office isn't far, so I make a dash to the door and slip in before my state of mind is clear to all present.

"Maybe it's time we talked to her about what's been going on with us."


"You know. The dreams, the way she's always on our minds, this obsession with her eyes. She's...she's...I don't know what she is, but this isn't normal."

I could hear an uncharacteristic strain in his voice and immediately my heart began to hurt. I wanted to run from the building, get back in my car and race home to him.

"Sean, calm down. Please. If you want to have her over then we'll have her over. Whatever you want."

A long sigh on the other end.

"I'm okay Josh. I just...We've got to stop this, or at least find out why it's happening."

"I'm with you, love. Do you need me to stop for anything on the way home?"

"No. I'm gonna go across and ask Jenna to come by about 1:00. You should be home by then, right?"

"I'll make sure I am. I love you, Sean."

"Yeah, I know. I love you too, Josh. Can't wait 'til you're home."

"Me too."

He was right. We did need to find out what was up with Jenna.

My attention falls on the employee files sitting in the middle of my desk and I groan. Letting two more go, tossing them to the wind. Ain't life grand.

Somehow I get through the next three hours without losing control and sprinting back to Sean. Once in the car, I pop in a cd and drive with half my mind wandering, remembering the day I met Sean.

A bright afternoon day on the beach. Being a weekday it wasn't crowded, so I didn't have to weave around people as I ran. I was in a set pace, mind wandering in my own little world when I saw him walking through the surf, fresh from a hard swim. Sun bronzed and glistening with salt water. I stumbled as my eyes ran over his lean swimmer's form resting on the thick outline of his cock through his swimwear. He shook the water from his hair and I felt my heart skip a beat. I stopped running, or more accurately stumbling, and watched him walk to his towel and sink down to lie on his back.

I don't know how long I stood there staring before I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to face a girl of about nineteen. She had on the red swimwear that the life guards in the area wore and sported a friendly smile.

"Quite fetching, isn't he?"

I just stared at her until she started to laugh.

"Come on, big guy. I'll introduce you."

My face must have taken on a look of horror because she gently rested her hand on my arm and spoke so only I could hear her.

"Look, if I'm wrong I apologize but from the way you were staring, my guess is that you are interested. Am I wrong?"

"Umm. No?"

"Is that a question? Don't you know what you want?"

"No, I mean, yes. I know what I want."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

My eyes went back to the spot where he still lay.

"I thought so." She started to pull me then stopped short. "Uh oh, trouble."

Not too far up on the beach, three guys in suits were walking toward the object of my affections.

"They never quit."

Letting go of my arm, she raised her hands and began to yell and point.

"Sean, take a swim."

He sat up, glanced where she pointed and proceeded to get his legs tangled in his towel as he tried to get to his feet.

I was moving before I realized it and got to his side just as one of them reached out to grab his arm. Inserting myself between him and them, I merely shoved and they fell over each other. Domino effect.

"Not today," I growled and picked up Sean's towel.

They just sat there in shock. I looked up toward the railing, separating the beach from the parking area, when I heard a man's laughter. This one wasn't in a suit, but still seemed a little out of place for the beach. He nodded to me then looked down at the men still at my feet.

"May I have a word?"

I glanced back at the water. Sean stood at the edge, feet in the surf, with the girl.

"Please, I won't take much of your time. Only a minute or two."

The guys I'd knocked down were standing up and brushing the sand from their pants. They looked down at Sean then glared at me before turning and heading back to the railing.

I waited until they were on the walkway and decided to find out what was going on. When I got to him, the fourth guy leaned on the railing and looked down at me.

"You're quite a bull aren't you?"

I said nothing. In my experience, silence gained you much more respect than answers.

He sighed and looked out at Sean.

"We only want to talk to him. Tell him the time is drawing short for an answer. I'm staying at the Laguna Cliffs. Have him call me."

He handed me a slip of paper with a phone number on it.

"It's important that he get this taken care of."

With that last statement, he left.

When I turned back to the ocean, Sean stood alone, facing the water. His arms were crossed at his chest and shoulders slumped in defeat. I wanted to pull him into my arms, cradle him against my chest, and protect him from whatever the world was throwing at him.

His hair had dried into loose curls and I reached my fingers into them when I walked up behind him. He flinched, but didn't pull away.

"He said to tell you the time is drawing short for an answer and gave me a phone number for you to call."

He nodded and gave a broken sigh.

"Your name is Sean?"

"Yeah." He turned and looked up into my eyes. "Sean Matthews."

I was lost. In his dark blue eyes, I saw my future, the other half of my soul.

"Joshua Emery."

Ignoring his outstretched hand, I pulled him close and met his lips in the first of many kisses to come. He was resistant for a couple seconds then melted into my embrace, parting his lips and entering my mouth with his tongue. We stood there tasting, searching, exploring each other's mouths, bodies pressed hard against the other. Everything around us disappeared in my mind. All there was, was him and me.


A small voice at my ear.


My head snapped up and I took a deep breath. It was the girl.

"Not here."

She grabbed Sean's towel from my hand and started to wrap it around his waist.

"Man, you guys are lucky it's me here and not Allison or Rob." She looked around as she spoke. "Family beach, Sean, family beach. Take your friend home."

Slowly, I came back to my senses. The first thing that came to my mind was a severe ache in my groin. I was packed hard as a rock in my jock. Oh shit, that was going to make it difficult to walk. The second thing I noticed was Sean's cock sticking up past the waist band of his speedo's. I wanted to drop to my knees in that instant, but was waylaid by a tiny hand.

"Back off mister. I'm not losing my job or letting you two get hauled off today."

"Mandy? What? Joshua?"

Okay, so the girl's name is Mandy. Got it.

"Oh, you've got it bad, Sean." She tucked the towel in at his waist. "Maybe it should be him taking you home. I don't think you can drive."

She sure seemed to know Sean well. I stared at her as she ran her hands along Sean's face.

"Sean, baby, you okay?"

Just who the hell was this girl to him? I watched him blink a couple of times, then focus in on her face and smile. That smile just about turned me into a puddle on the sand.

"It's him, Mandy. It's really him."

My heart skipped again. Shit, I've gotta get him out of here before I keel over from coronary failure.

"Yeah, baby, I know. Now go on. Get outta here."

She started to walk away but stopped and rested her hand on my arm. "Hey."


"Josh. Now that you've found each other. Take care of him for me, okay? He's...a special catch. There's no one in the world like him."

I watched her as she walked away and thought, I bet there's no one in the world like you either.

I felt Sean's hand slip into mine and looked into his eyes. Family beach. I took him home.

I pull into the garage at 11:45 and rush into the house, barely pausing to close the garage door. All I want is Sean. An all-consuming need for him burns through my flesh, my mind, my soul. I want to sink myself into him, blend with him. He is the other half to my soul and I need to be one.

I'm frantic when I don't find him in the house and find myself almost wailing, calling out for him. "Sean. Sean, where are you? Sean!"

He runs in the front door and sprints up the stairs, into my arms and presses his mouth to mine. I don't how the clothes came off but come off they did and in him I become one.

Next: Chapter 2

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